The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Object of Power Is Power’

Posted on | May 21, 2018 | 1 Comment

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. . . . We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.”
Nineteen Eighty-Four

Hillary Clinton gave the commencement speech Sunday at Yale, where she attended law school and met her husband. Mrs. Clinton spent eight years in the White House as First Lady, eight years as Senator from New York, and four years as Secretary of State, twice ran for president and lost. She cannot seem to adjust to the reality of her defeat:

“Right now we’re living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy. No, there are not tanks in the streets, but what’s happening right now goes to the heart of who we are as a nation, and I say this not as a Democrat who lost an election but as an American afraid of losing a country. There are certain things that are so essential they should transcend politics. Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity. And attacking truth and reason, evidence and facts should alarm us all.”

“SJWs Always Project,” as Vox Day says, and the lack of self-awareness exhibited in Mrs. Clinton’s insulting remarks should disturb everyone.

Simple question: What is the Democrat agenda?

Other than Maxine Waters’ “Impeach 45!” what else do they have? If Democrats take over Congress in the fall midterms, what policies will they advance and how will these policies benefit the people who vote Democrat? Isn’t it true that, like the totalitarians of Orwell’s famous dystopia, Democrats seek “power entirely for its own sake”?

The continual increase of federal power, the spread of government authority into every aspect of our lives — our jobs, our homes, our schools, our doctor’s office, everywhere — this is what Hillary Clinton considers “our democracy,” which is in a “full-fledged crisis” . . . why? Because she and her party are not in control of this vast power.

Where is the “war on the rule of law” she accuses President Trump of waging? Where is his “war on . . . a free press”? These alleged evils exist only in the deranged imagination of Mrs. Clinton and her Democrat comrades who, because they are not in power, consider everything done by the government to be wrong. Who was guilty of “shameless corruption”? Who is “attacking truth and reason, evidence and facts”? It’s not the President and his supporters, it’s Mrs. Clinton and hers.

If she still doesn’t understand why she lost the election, maybe she could consider the fact that “our democracy” doesn’t require a ruling class of Yale Law graduates telling us what we are allowed to do, what we are allowed to say, what we are allowed even to think. No, Americans are a free people, and we will not surrender “our democracy” to a tyrannical oligarchy, a party that is “interested solely in power, pure power.”



In The Mailbox: 05.21.18

Posted on | May 21, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.21.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Airline Passengers Behaving Badly, Frontier Edition
Twitchy: John Brennan’s Terrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day On Twitter Was More Embarrassing Than We Realized
Louder With Crowder: Tim Allen On Last Man Standing Return – “I Identify As An Asian Woman”

Adam Piggott: Sensitive New Age Lie
American Power: Social Media As Social Disease, also, Martha McSally’s DACA Flip
American Thinker: The Latest Whopper – The FBI Was Actually Trying To “Protect Trump”, also, Trump’s Going Full Alinsky, And His Opponents Are Flummoxed
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Liberal Texas Republican Follies, also, Shoe0nHead Debunks The “Pink Tax” (Again)
CDR Salamander: Fighting The Great War At Sea With Norman Friedman On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Inside The Gates – The Enemy, also, This Is Wrong And I Don’t Care If The Target Is Islam
Don Surber: How Obama Became The First Communist President
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Willingly Buffeted
Fred On Everything: Mexican Wall Blues, Etc.
The Geller Report: Saudi Arabia Is About To Behead Six Schoolgirls For Inappropriate Behavior With Their Boyfriends, also, Marseilles Mass Shooting
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Obama’s Ed Sec Says Kids Should Skip School Until More Gun Control Passed, also, President Trump To Cut Planned Parenthood Funding
JustOneMinute: Trump v. Mueller, also, “Yellow Peril” Journalism Returns To The New York Times
Legal Insurrection: Trump Formally Demands DOJ Investigate FBI Spying On His Campaign, also, DOJ To Give IG Expanded Authority To Investigate FBI’s Alleged Spying On Campaign, also also Huge Explosion At Iranian Missile Base In Syria – But Nobody Being Blamed
Power Line: FBI Blows Source, But Why? also, Nunes Approaches The Target
Shark Tank: Governor Scott Comments On Puerto Rico, also, Publix Comments On Putnam Endorsement
Shot In The Dark: Nancy Nord Bence Throws In The Towel, also, This Is The Minnesota Gun Control Movement
STUMP:  Memory Monday – Third Week Of May 1918
The Jawa Report: Mysterious Gunmen Kill Terrorists
The Political Hat: Humpty Dumpty Constitution
This Ain’t Hell: Pr0n Star Stops School Shooting, also, LTC Marcus Mainz Canned
Victory Girls: The Campaign of Hate Against Kyle Kashuv, also, The Values We Lost
Weasel Zippers: At DNC Womens’ Forum, Hillary Declares Dems Stand For Truth, Evidence & Facts, also, Flashback Tweet Of The Day
Mark Steyn: Musick For A Royal Romance, also, “We Don’t Know Who We Are”

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The FBI Spy in the Trump Campaign and the Mueller Cover-Up Operation

Posted on | May 21, 2018 | Comments Off on The FBI Spy in the Trump Campaign and the Mueller Cover-Up Operation


The Daily Caller adds new details to the story:

Last July, Cambridge professor Stefan Halper contacted Carter Page with something resembling support for the Trump campaign aide, who has faced allegations that he is a Russian agent and a conduit for collusion between the Kremlin and the campaign.
“It seems attention has shifted a bit from the ‘collusion’ investigation to the ‘contretempts’ [sic] within the White House,” Halper wrote in a July 28, 2017 email to Page.
“I must assume this gives you some relief,” he continued, signing off with “be in touch when you have the time. Would be great to catch up.”
The email provides some insight into how Halper might have gained Page’s trust. And it was that trust that the 73-year-old Halper seemingly used while working as an FBI informant to keep tabs on Page.
That email was not the only time Halper, a foreign policy expert with links to the CIA and MI6, offered apparent skepticism at the collusion allegations against Page, a Naval Academy graduate and energy consultant.
Page told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Halper rolled his eyes during an encounter in late Summer 2016 when a letter that then-Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid sent to then-FBI Director James Comey was brought up in conversation. Reid accused Page in the letter of possibly being a Russian agent.
But Halper was all but identified on Friday as an FBI informant who spied on Page and George Papadopoulos, another Trump campaign adviser. Halper also made contact in August 2016 with Sam Clovis, the campaign’s national co-chairman.
In news articles published Friday, The Washington Post and The New York Times described an informant who met several times with Page and Papadopoulos.
The newspapers did not name the informant, but the details matched up exactly with two DCNF reports, one published in March and the other on May 17. The Times and WaPo said they were not printing the informant’s names upon the request of the intelligence community. The FBI, the Department of Justice and the CIA have all declined TheDCNF’s request for guidance or comment about Halper.

Dude, you’re a Cambridge professor and you can’t spell contretemps?

What a shabby mess the Mueller “investigation” has turned out to be, and what a stain this is on the FBI’s reputation! How bad is it? Former Clinton pollster Mark Penn has denounced this disaster:

The “deep state” is in a deep state of desperation. With little time left before the Justice Department inspector general’s report becomes public, and with special counsel Robert Mueller having failed to bring down Donald Trump after a year of trying, they know a reckoning is coming.
At this point, there is little doubt that the highest echelons of the FBI and the Justice Department broke their own rules to end the Hillary Clinton “matter,” but we can expect the inspector general to document what was done or, more pointedly, not done. It is hard to see how a year-long investigation of this won’t come down hard on former FBI Director James Comey and perhaps even former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who definitely wasn’t playing mahjong in a secret “no aides allowed” meeting with former President Clinton on a Phoenix airport tarmac.
With this report on the way and congressional investigators beginning to zero in on the lack of hard, verified evidence for starting the Trump probe, current and former intelligence and Justice Department officials are dumping everything they can think of to save their reputations.
But it is backfiring. They started by telling the story of Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat, as having remembered a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign. But how did the FBI know they should talk to him? That’s left out of their narrative. Downer’s signature appears on a $25 million contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don’t need much imagination to figure that he was close with Clinton Foundation operatives who relayed information to the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete the loop. This wasn’t intelligence. It was likely opposition research from the start.

Here’s the thing: FBI officials didn’t expect Hillary to lose. As we know, text messages between two high-ranking FBI officials discussed an “insurance policy” to prevent Trump from becoming president. Because they expected Hillary to win, they also expected to be able to prevent this taxpayer-funded espionage from becoming public knowledge.

And then Trump won.

Democrat operatives — in the Clinton campaign, in the Obama administration, in the federal bureaucracy, and in the media — panicked at the thought of what the newly-elected president might do (e.g., expose the corruption at the Justice Department) used information from the Steele dossier as a pretext for the Mueller “investigation.” Yet there was never any actual “Russian collusion” to investigate, and the purpose of appointing a special counsel was . . . what? To create a phony “scandal”? To undermine the legitimacy of the new administration? To cover up wrongdoing by the Obama administration and the FBI?

Mark Penn is right: Every American, regardless of party, ought to be angry at this taxpayer-funded political espionage scheme, and the phony Mueller “investigation” needs to be stopped, immediately.


Rule 5 Sunday: Hockey Girls

Posted on | May 20, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, contrary to everyone’s expectations, the Las Vegas Golden Knights are going to the Stanley Cup finals. Pretty amazing for an expansion team whose roster was filled with castoffs from the other NHL teams. Anyhow, diligent search of the Intertubes failed to turn up any scantily clad Golden Knights fans, so our appetizer this week is Canadian model Dannie Riel, cheering on her Winnipeg Jets.

The Riel deal.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny hits the ice with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box #258, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism offers Rule Five Alien Octopus Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes the late Margot Kidder, Blondie, Wonder Woman, Courtney Henggeler, Lisa Storie Avenatti, Shavuot Rule 5, and the inevitable Royal Wedding Rule 5.

A View From The Beach has I’ve Got a Blindspot for Jaimie Alexander, Black Hole Sun Disappears in a Flash, Friday’s Lesson in Gun SafetyThat Seems About $157.198 Million Too HighThe Snakehead Invasion ContinuesAbout Those Clean Electric Cars, #ThemToo: What’s the Matter With Kansas?, #HerToo: Actress Accuses Stormy Daniels of Complicity in Sex AbuseRIP: Margot Kidder, New MD Striper Regs in the Nick of Time, Ancient Actress Relives Glory Days, The Sunday Morning Wake Up, and The Original Blue Bloods.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Olivia De Jonge, his Vintage Babe is Susan Douglas, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Calvin Klein. At Dustbury, it’s Pamela Tiffin and Renee Asherson.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

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Internal Civil War Raging (Not Raging)?

Posted on | May 20, 2018 | Comments Off on Internal Civil War Raging (Not Raging)?

by Smitty

The visible kulturkampf is undeniable. The Left seeks to continue to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” into a single “managed liberty” State, with Lefty pencil-necks guiding us. I get that.

As Mueller’s Folly winds down, we’re learning that the shenanigans may not have started with the Trump campaign:

The Obama Administration was afraid ex-Defense Intelligence Agency head Gen Flynn would be called to testify before Congress about how CIA Chief Brennen and DNI Clapper were cooking the intelligence books on Iran and ISIS.

It turned out the illegal FISA surveillance by the Obama Administration got enough dirt on Congressional leaders to prevent that from happening.

The Deep State’s Iran Deal factional plans might have worked if Trump had lost…but he didn’t.

Everything regards the spying on the Trump campaign and attempted coup d’etat by special council/lawfare/impeachment against President Trump is about hiding the facts of that Iran Nuclear Deal from the American people and law enforcement.

It is National Conversation time, followed by a huge review of how the cloak-and-dagger wing of our government–always at odds with our notion of a free and open society–operates. After that review, a big fat piece of legislation to cut down on the abuses THAT WE KNOW OF.

Anybody not curious about what ELSE the folks have been up to *cough*2012*cough* is being a Pollyanna.

FMJRA 2.0: It’s Only Rock & Roll

Posted on | May 20, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Camille Paglia Approved!
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘A Particularly Non-Self-Aware Man’

Get Stuffed, Senior Chief @MalcolmNance

FMJRA 2.0: High Energy Protons
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

The Anti-American Party
The Political Hat

‘The Notion of the Mythical Norm’

The School of Hard Knocks
A View From The Beach

SJWs Ruin Everything

Parenting, California Style
American Digest

In The Mailbox: 05.14.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Terrorist Riot in Gaza
Ordinary Citizen

In The Mailbox: 05.15.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 05.16.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Synthetic ‘Community’: Social Media and Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria

Has #MeToo Finally Gone Too Far?

In The Mailbox: 05.17.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

It’s a Gas, Gas, Gas!
A View From The Beach

Dimitrios Pagourtzis Identified as Perpetrator of Texas School Shooting

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 05.18.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (17)
  2. A View From The Beach (8)
  3. Proof Positive (6)

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‘The Climate Industrial Complex’

Posted on | May 19, 2018 | 1 Comment

Left to right: Tom Steyer, John Podesta, George Soros.

Billionaires like Tom Steyer are funding organizations like John Podesta’s Center for American Progress which use their influence to silence opposition to the radical environmental agenda:

Blue-collar workers and other traditional Democratic constituencies are the biggest losers from the green policies peddled by Podesta and funded by Steyer and the the billionaires and progressive foundations who finance the Climate Industrial Complex. To make up for this democratic deficit, big ticket donors ensure their dollars are bundled out through often secretive intermediaries such as the Environmental Grantmakers Association to finance phony grassroots campaigns. Purportedly spontaneous climate activism turns out to be centrally financed. Research by Canadian journalist Vivian Krause revealed that what Bill McKibben describes as his “scruffy little” outfit had been bankrolled by the Rockefeller Family Fund and a handful of other large foundations.
Krause also found that a separate Rockefeller fund has been financing anti-pipeline activism in Canada, kick starting the effort with a donation to the San Francisco-based Tides Foundation to launch the Tar Sands Campaign. Between 2009 and 2015, Tides made more than 400 payments to nearly 100 anti-pipeline groups. . . .
The Climate Industrial Complex’s biggest political challenge is squaring its de-industrialization agenda with what used to constitute the backbone of the Democratic coalition. The Blue-Green Alliance was set up to anesthetize pain from the green squeeze on well paid blue-collar jobs and desensitise the labor movement to the enormous subsidies going to China’s solar industry. But its phoniness was blown open when it opposed the Keystone XL project.
“We’re repulsed by some of our supposed brothers and sisters lining up with job killers like the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council to destroy the lives of working men and women,” stormed Richard Trumka, president of the Laborers’ International Union of North America.

The environmental agenda is about destroying the American economy. Believe it or not, there are people who profit from such destruction, and who delight in putting Americans out of work. Remember when Hillary Clinton bragged that she would abolish the jobs of coal miners? In that notorious gaffe, Clinton said “clean renewable energy” was the “key” to her economic agenda. Want to guess who’s invested in such projects? Could these investors include Tom Steyer and George Soros? Yeah, I think so. The billionaires who insist we must shut down existing energy industries — opposing not only coal mining but also oil drilling and petroleum pipelines — made money when the Obama administration wasted taxpayer dollars on “green energy” boondoggles and used federal regulatory power to punish competing industries.

Well, Obama’s gone, Hillary lost and now Trump’s in charge and, do you want to guess who’s leading the “impeach Trump” bandwagon? Yeah, that would be the Democrat billionaire Tom Steyer.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


‘A Herd of Savages’

Posted on | May 19, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘A Herd of Savages’

MS-13 ‘animals’ in custody after being captured in El Salvador.

This past week, President Trump inflamed liberal fury when, in a White House discussion of California’s “sanctuary state” laws, he made a remark about the MS-13 gang: “These aren’t people. They’re animals.” Because the media deceptively portrayed this as an insult aimed at all immigrants, there were hours of tut-tutting by cable TV talking heads that continued even after it was made clear that Trump’s remark was in response to a comment by Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims, complaining about how California’s law makes it more difficult to fight the vicious Salvadoran gang: “There could be an MS-13 member I know about — if they don’t reach a certain threshold, I cannot tell ICE about it.” When we consider the unspeakable atrocities committed by MS-13, to call them “animals” is certainly appropriate. However, this incident provided Democrats an opportunity to say ignorant and foolish things.


This remark by Sen. Schumer expresses the “nation of immigrants” mythology, beloved by advocates of open borders. In this telling, all Americans are descended from Ellis Island immigrants, as if there were no Americans here before the great wave of immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe that began in the 1880s and continued into the mid-1920s. This mythology, which involves frequent appeals to the 1883 poem of Emma Lazarus (“your tired, your poor, your huddled masses . . . the wretched refuse of your teeming shore”), relies upon a bogus guilt-trip morality. Because we are “a nation of immigrants,” it is suggested, Americans have no right to enforce our own laws regulating immigration.

Sen. Schumer invokes “our great-great-grandparents [who] came to America” as if everyone’s fourth-generation ancestors were among the “wretched refuse” who went through Ellis Island back in the day. This might be true of many, if not most, of the senator’s New York constituents, but it is not true of Americans like me.

All of my ancestors as far back as 150 years are buried in a couple of cemeteries in Randolph County, Alabama, and having done quite a bit of genealogical research, I can trace my ancestors back as far as the first census (1790) in Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia. My ancestors came to this country when the future American nation consisted of a few scattered frontier settlements on the edge of a vast wilderness, threatened by rival powers — principally the Spanish and the French — as well as by hostile natives. My pioneer ancestors didn’t come here in steamships; there were no factory jobs awaiting them; nor was there a Statue of Liberty lifting her lamp “beside the golden door.” More than 200 years before Emma Lazarus wrote her poem — and before Sen. Schumer’s great-great-grandparents arrived — my ancestors were Americans.

Those of us descended from old colonial stock are never supposed to mention this, of course, because to do so is interpreted by some people as casting aspersions on their more recently arrived ancestors. We are compelled to listen to this “nation of immigrants” nonsense babbled endlessly by politicians and media commentators, and never permitted to mention those who built the nation to which later immigrants came. Somebody had to build that “golden door” and light the beckoning torch of Liberty, and yet these earlier Americans are rhetorically erased, so to speak, when an eminent fool like Sen. Schumer implies that there was nobody here before his great-great-grandparents arrived.

One of my great-great-grandfathers, Benjamin Berryman Bolt (b. 1806, in Laurens County, S.C.) was the father of five sons who served in the Confederate army. The younger two, including my great-grandfather Winston Wood Bolt (b. 1839) and his brother Robert, served in the 13th Alabama Infantry, while three of their older brothers (John, James and William), who had moved to Texas a decade before the war, served in the 9th Texas Cavalry in the brigade of the famed Lawrence Sullivan Ross.

My ancestors were mostly farmers, and my great-grandfather, who was captured at Gettysburg, was so illiterate he signed his name with an “X.” By contrast, my blogger friend and podcast colleague John Hoge can trace his lineage to much more prestigious forebears in the Old Dominion, including William Hoge, who was born in Scotland in 1660 and was a pioneer settler of what is now Frederick County, Virginia. The Hoge family tree includes eminent Presbyterian clergymen, planters, publishers, and lawyers, so that I suppose I must doff my cap and tug the forelock in respect to my friend, a scion of the Virginia gentry.

A true aristocrat, of course, does not habitually boast of his illustrious heritage, as this would be a breach of courtesy, and I would not have raised the subject, had it not been for Sen. Schumer’s absurd and insulting insinuation of the “nation of immigrants” mythology in the context of President Trump’s MS-13 comments. Trump’s ancestors were German, a reminder that New York once had a very large and proud community of German immigrants. Because we fought two world wars against Germany in the 20th century, this German-American community suffered a terrible opprobrium, despite the fact that the Allied commander in World War II (and subsequently, a popular Republican president) was Dwight Eisenhower, himself of German ancestry.

The Germans historically have been a warlike people, going back to ancient times when tribes of fierce barbarians menaced the Roman legions that guarded the frontiers of the empire. It so happens that I have been lately re-reading Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and in Chapter IX, he describes the ancient Germans:

The most civilized nations of modern Europe issued from the woods of Germany; and in the rude institutions of those barbarians we may still distinguish the original principles of our present laws and manners. . . .
The Germans, in the age of Tacitus, were unacquainted with the use of letters; and the use of letters is the principal circumstance that distinguishes a civilized people from a herd of savages incapable of knowledge or reflection. . . .
The religious system of the Germans (if the wild opinions of savages can deserve that name) was dictated by their wants, their fears, and their ignorance. They adored the great visible objects and agents of nature, the Sun and the Moon, the Fire and the Earth; together with those imaginary deities, who were supposed to preside over the most important occupations of human life. They were persuaded, that, by some ridiculous arts of divination, they could discover the will of the superior beings, and that human sacrifices were the most precious and acceptable offering to their altars. . . .
The same ignorance, which renders barbarians incapable of conceiving or embracing the useful restraints of laws, exposes them naked and unarmed to the blind terrors of superstition. . . .
Such was the situation, and such were the manners of the ancient Germans.

These barbarians — an ignorant “herd of savages” who practiced human sacrifice — ultimately overran the Roman empire and it required the passage of more than a thousand years to rebuild the civilization of Europe, from whence the colonial settlers of America arrived here.

My own ancestors, of course, were from the British isles, which have their own barbaric past. Not long after Christ was crucified by the Romans under the prefect Pontius Pilate, a Roman army commanded by Aulus Plautius invaded Britain (44 A.D.), and by 122 A.D., the Emperor Hadrian built a wall from the River Tyne to the Solway Firth, marking the northern limit of the Roman Empire. Twenty years after that, the Romans pushed their frontier about 100 miles further north, where they built the Antonine Wall from Old Kilpatrick to Carriden. Yet the Romans never did succeed in taming the wild barbarians of present-day Scotland, and not only were the Roman legions unable to maintain the line of the Antonine Wall, but by 180, the savage hordes sweeping down from the north broke through Hadrian’s wall and killed the Roman governor of Britain. And I proudly claim those ferocious savages as my ancestors.

Is it possible that, a thousand years from now, the descendants of today’s Mara Salvatrucha “animals” could become civilized humans? History suggests it is possible, but if we don’t want to see our nation descend into utmost barbarism — overrun and sacked like ancient Rome — in the meantime, we must enforce our laws and protect our borders.



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