The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Vote Democrat and You Can Get Killed by a Foreigner Who Will Walk Free!

Posted on | March 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, poster boy for the Democrat Party.

Democrats sure love them some foreigner criminals:

An illegal immigrant charged with vehicular homicide in a fiery crash on a Colorado interstate bonded out of jail Saturday, a week after the deadly hit-and-run incident, despite being wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Ivan Zamarripa-Castaneda, 26, allegedly fled the scene of the accident on Interstate 70 involving a tractor-trailer that caught on fire last week, leaving the driver to die, according to the Denver Police Department.
Zamarripa-Castaneda bonded out on Saturday, according to jail records . . .
The 26-year-old had bond posted at $25,000, meaning he could get out of jail for $2,500 and avoid federal immigration officials until his next court date. That’s because the Denver Police Department and other state agencies stopped honoring detainer orders from ICE since 2013 after courts ruled it was illegal.
The Denver Sheriff Department, which operates the jail, told Fox News last week that unless ICE gets a federal criminal warrant that Zamarripa-Castaneda could leave detention after posting bond.
“The Denver Sheriff Department will not honor civil detainers as it is considered unconstitutional,” the agency said in a statement.

Is that what Americans want? A coast-to-coast sanctuary for foreign criminals? Vote for Democrats, and that’s what you’ll get!


Disgusting ‘Trans Lesbian’ Exposed

Posted on | March 10, 2018 | 2 Comments


Last month, I highlighted Cynthia Yockey’s discussion of autogynephilia:

Autogynephilia is a self-induced, chronic, progressive disorder . . .
Sexual fetishes occur almost exclusively in men, and men who have one sexual fetish usually have several . . .

This kind of “transgenderism” is actually a fetish, a perverse obsession which is an acquired psychological disorder. No one is “born that way,” and extending to such people recognition as members of an identity group in a “civil rights” context is very dangerous. A libertarian might stipulate that most fetishists are harmless, and the Supreme Court’s “emerging awareness” doctrine (Lawrence v. Texas, 2013) almost certainly extends to freaky perverts, who cannot be subjected to criminal prosecution on the basis of whatever weird things they do in the privacy of their basement BDSM dungeons. However, even the most fanatical libertarian might pause when considering the possibility of a middle-aged weirdo with all kinds of bizarre fetishes identifying as female as a way to gain access to unsuspecting women and girls.

“Doxxing” is bad. “Doxxing” is wrong. Let me just enter that caveat here, because I have been targeted by harassment in the past, in a “SWATting” case that sent a criminal hacker to federal prison. Because I do not approve of “doxxing,” I had to think twice before reporting on the case of “trans lesbian” Tumblr blogger “sammyrey42.” Read more

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | March 9, 2018 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

They walked past the arcade on a Friday for, yeah, about the 500th time, with a smile.
Decades ago when the club had had an outing here, her coin jammed in a machine. Full of bravado, he’d hit it with the heel of his hand.
Freed the coin, sure. His eyes had welled with tears as he’d managed to fracture his wrist.
They peered at the boys and girls therein, all waving smart phones at the game sensors to run them. Wasn’t the same.
“Maybe a boy can polish his sweetheart’s screen or something,” he mused aloud, and she laughed.

via Darleen

In The Mailbox: 03.09.18

Posted on | March 9, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: What’s Really Behind The Trump/Kim Jong Un Meeting?
Twitchy: Ted Cruz Renders Chris Cuomo Speechless Over Dems Blocking Bill To Jail Felons Trying To Buy Guns
Louder With Crowder: Tommy Robinson Attacked In Italy for Filming In No-Go Zone
Fort Worth Star-Telegram: These Communities Sued Big Oil Over Climate Change, And Now The Backlash Is Coming (h/t NeoWayland)
According To Hoyt: Black Rednecks & White Liberals, Part II
Monster Hunter Nation: Book Bomb! Sins Of Her Father, By Mike Kupari
Vox Popoli: “California Represents The Future”

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Post-Modernist Science Edition
American Power: American Men Are Failing, also, The Womens’ March And Louis Farrakhan
American Thinker: Exposing Eric Holder’s Obstruction Of Justice
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five “Gunsplaining” Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For March 9
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: A Tale Well Told, also, Leave The Kids Alone (Unless They’re Pam Geller’s, Then Destroy Them)
Don Surber: Trump Wins Korean War
Dustbury: Skeezy Reader
The Geller Report: The Long Walk, By An Armenian, also, New App Allows Travelers To Avoid Paris No-Go Zones
Hogewash: A Stupid Gun Stunt, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Democrats Change Rules On Limits Of Politicians’ Sexual Behavior
JustOneMinute: Our Peace And Prosperity President
Legal Insurrection: Dispatch Records Show Florida Officer Heard Shots Inside School, also, ATF Investigating Democrat Candidate Who Sawed Barrel Off AR-15 In Campaign Ad
Power Line: Thoughts From The Ammo Line, also, Run, Richard, Run!
Shark Tank: Florida Senate Poised To Approve Tax Package
Shot In The Dark: You Have The Right To Remain Off The Record. Should You Choose To Waive That Right…
STUMP: Divestment & Activist Investing Follies – Don’t Let The Evil Ones Bank!
The Jawa Report: Trump To Meet Kim Jong Un
The Political Hat: Cultural Appropriation – De-Appropriating Teaching, De-Appropriating College, De-Appropriating Yourself
This Ain’t Hell: Karen Mallard, Idiot With A Gun, also, Army Tells Savannah To Quit Kissing Soldiers
Victory Girls: Trump Will Meet With Kim Jong Un, And He Should Go Full Reagan
Weasel Zippers: Valerie Jarrett Compares Meeting Farrakhan To Meeting Koch Bros., also, Economy Adds 313,000 Jobs In February – Unemployment Rate Holds Steady
Megan McArdle: Would A Higher Minimum Wage For DC’s Restaurant Workers Backfire?
Mark Steyn: Louis Farrakhan’s Favorite Numbers

Jew-Hating as ‘Intersectionality’? The Women’s March Farrakhan Problem

Posted on | March 9, 2018 | 1 Comment


The Atlantic‘s John-Paul Pagano tries to provide “context” for this feminist controversy, but the essential facts cannot be avoided:

Mass movements are sewn together from a wide variety of sources, so they often sweep in unwanted companions as they move toward their goals. No one, however, expected to discover that three Women’s March co-chairs — Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez, and Tamika Mallory — had ties to Farrakhan. More mysterious and disturbing was the extended reluctance of the Women’s March, nearly a year since it became public, to acknowledge Farrakhan’s extremist views and disassociate themselves from them.
It all came to a head last week, after Farrakhan delivered his address to the annual Nation of Islam gathering for Saviours’ Day, the sect’s three-day holiday honoring its founder, Wallace Fard Muhammad. Farrakhan denounced “Satanic Jews,” said that “when you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door,” and at the climax of his speech, proclaimed, “White folks are going down, and Satan is going down, and Farrakhan by God’s grace has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew — and I’m here to say, your time is up.”
Naturally, this renewed interest in just what the Women’s March was thinking. . . .

“Naturally”! It was no secret, however, that Linda Sarsour is a Palestinian radical with ties to terrorists like Rasmea Odeh. And it has been more than six months since Daniel Isaac Abraham of the Times of Israel showed the Instagram image in which Tamika Mallory posed with Farrakhan and Sarsour commented, “God bless him.”

All of this has been known for many months. The evil things Sarsour said about Brigitte Gabriel and Ayaan Hirsi Ali in 2011? Known. Blaming the CIA for an Islamic terrorist bomber in 2012? Known.

It is rather too late for The Atlantic to attempt to “contextualize” this with a history lesson about anti-Semitism in black culture. The “intersectionality” of radical feminists leads them into a de facto alliance with some of the worst people in the world. At a time when feminists have fallen into the habit of smearing their critics as “fascist,” the alliances of feminists like Linda Sarsour deserve scrutiny.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)

UPDATE: “Third-Highest House Democrat Shared Stage With Farrakhan, Now Refuses To Denounce” (also via Instapundit).


‘Beta Male’ as Rorschach Inkblot

Posted on | March 8, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘Beta Male’ as Rorschach Inkblot


Ace headlines this “Notes from the FriendZone,” which is one of the milder reactions to The Hollywood Reporter‘s latest cover.

New Hollywood Reporter Cover Celebrates
“Triumph of the Beta Male”


Magazine Hails the ‘Triumph of the Beta Male,’
and Gets Relentlessly Mocked


Are The Men Gone? This
Hollywood Reporter Cover Is A Bad Sign

The Federalist

The Alt-Right Is Sh–ting Itself
Over A “Beta” ‘Silicon Valley’ Covershoot


Right wingers freak out over
‘Hollywood Reporter’ cover
celebrating the ‘triumph of the beta male’

Raw Story

Pay attention, kids: You are being trolled.

The feature article in The Hollywood Reporter is about an HBO series called Silicon Valley, which I have never seen and know nothing about. However, the cover headline “Triumph of the Beta Male” is a devious bit of provocation — click-bait, really, and not actually relevant to the article about a “satire” of tech-industry start-up culture, produced by Mike Judge of Beavis and Butt-Head fame. The only reference to “Beta males” in the whole thing is a caption on a photo of one of the actors, Zach Woods: “There’s a tender quality to these guys. I’m among my tribe of, like, beta males.” The backstory is that the show’s “breakout star,” T.J. Miller, left the show last season. Miller was evidently an “Alpha male” and a party animal and thus, the show without him is . . .

“Triumph of the Beta Male.”

Or so HBO wants us to believe. It may be that, without Miller’s oversized persona, the series will go belly-up, but we don’t know that yet. The relevant point is that this headline is just hype to sell a magazine which, in turn, is just hype to promote an HBO series. There is no reason for a “freak out” over this ridiculous magazine cover, Bre:

The cast of HBO’s “Silicon Valley” stand in a line, hands in one another’s pockets, with a meek expression that says: “You don’t have to worry about me getting you pregnant, because my sperm count is so low! Not that you would sleep with me anyway, because my handshake is so weak it would send you running in the other direction.”

Really? We’re talking “sperm count” because of a magazine cover about a cable TV show? And you’re not helping either, Paul:

As we highlight in the video below, from the #MeToo movement, to commercials, to culture in general, young men appear to be being indoctrinated with the idea that being weak and effeminate will help them get ahead in life and relationships.
Combined with constant lecturing that they need to keep their “toxic masculinity” in check, this has led to a dramatic loss of confidence amongst young men and the rise of sub-cultures where some are giving up on women entirely.

Young men are “being indoctrinated” and “giving up on women entirely” because of an HBO series and a magazine cover? Not to go all “Alpha male” here, but what would Sun Tzu say? If your enemy is trying to provoke you into an attack, do not let yourself be provoked. But to go from The Art of War to the Art of Punditry, if you can’t say something clever, say nothing at all. Don’t over-react to this kind of click-bait trolling. About 95% of what comes out of Hollywood these days is either:

  1. Degenerate filth;
  2. Democrat Party propaganda;
  3. Degenerate filth that is also Democrat Party propaganda.

If you’re going to pay attention to this stuff, try to avoid the Oswald Spengler reaction, except as deadpan irony:

Humanity is doomed.
But you knew that already.

That’s Ace’s “smart take,” and at least I think it’s ironic. Conservatives must try to laugh amid the wreckage of our once-great civilization. Cheerful good humor helps maintain high morale, and also is indicative of high sperm counts. Or so I’m told.


Mexican Criminal Pro-Abortion Activist Detained by ICE, May Be Deported

Posted on | March 8, 2018 | Comments Off on Mexican Criminal Pro-Abortion Activist Detained by ICE, May Be Deported

Hey, are you guys getting tired of all this #Winning yet?

An abortion activist with a history of breaking the law could be deported after she was detained Wednesday by immigration officials.
Alejandra Pablos, 32, is an abortion and immigration activist who works for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Rewire reports. She also works with We Testify, a pro-abortion group that encourages women to publicly share how they benefited from aborting their unborn babies.
On Wednesday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detained Pablos in Arizona, potentially due to her criminal record, Phoenix New Times reports.
Pablos is a green card holder and was a legal permanent resident from Mexico; however, because she repeatedly has been convicted of criminal charges, her immigration status now is in jeopardy, according to the report.
Her convictions include two DUIs and other minor convictions, and she was arrested for allegations of trespassing and obstruction of justice in January, the report states. She spent some time in prison for the offenses, and her criminal record goes back to 2006, according to the report.
Rewire reports she lost her permanent resident status two years ago after a drug-related arrest.

Hasta la vista!


Milwaukee: More Than 100 Infected in ‘Cluster’ Outbreak of HIV and Syphilis

Posted on | March 8, 2018 | Comments Off on Milwaukee: More Than 100 Infected in ‘Cluster’ Outbreak of HIV and Syphilis

Something weird in Wisconsin:

An outbreak of sexually transmitted disease is hitting the Milwaukee area, and an alarming percentage of the patients are teenagers.
According to The Journal Sentinel, at least 125 people — including some high school students — have contracted HIV, syphilis or both in one of the largest sexually transmitted infection “clusters” discovered in the city. . . .
“This is an epidemic people are not talking about enough, and it leads to people taking unnecessary risks,” said Melissa Ugland, a public health consultant told the newspaper.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines a “cluster” as “an unusual aggregation, of disease that are grouped together in time and place.” Ugland told the newspaper this cluster was identified because patients could all be connected, and were in contact with each other during a 12-month period.
Most of those who were tested in the group were men and 45 percent were HIV positive, according to Ugland and other health care advocates. . . .
The Milwaukee Health Department released a statement that the entire city is experiencing an increase in sexually transmitted infections in young people ages 15 to 24.

Gosh, an outbreak of sexually transmitted disease that seems to be clustered among teen boys and young men in Milwaukee. Hmmm. . . .

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


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