The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 02.27.18

Posted on | February 27, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.27.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Trump 2020 – Brad Parscale Will be His Campaign Manager
Twitchy: Dem Rep Carolyn Maloney’s Bold Proposal Shows You CAN’T Parody Democrats On Guns
Louder With Crowder: Video Montage Exposes Democrat & Media Ignorance On Guns
Axios: The United States Of Corporate America (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Deadbeat Single Mothers
American Power: James Damore At Portland State U., also, Martin Meredith, Diamonds, Gold, And War
American Thinker: The Left Is Going For Broke This Year. Good.
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Extended Queue News
BattleSwarm: Twitter Decides You Shouldn’t Be Able To Type
BLACKFIVE: Mark Greaney, Agent In Place
Da Tech Guy: U.S. vs. Microsoft, also, Attention Corporate America – Georgia Is The Rule Not The Exception On The NRA
Don Surber: Raise The Voting Age To 21
Dustbury: Whoever He Was
Fausta: Immigration – The Extracontinentales
The Geller Report: Turkish President Makes Child Abuse Video – Tells Little Girl To “Die A Martyr”
Hogewash: A Stupid Way To Virtue Signal
Joe For America: President Trump To Have His Pick Of Eight Different Walls
JustOneMinute: House Democrat Offers “Assault Weapon” Ban
Legal Insurrection: University Study – Schools Safer Than In 1990s, School Shootings Not More Common, also, Antifa At UT Austin Hosts Program For Mentally Ill Students
Power Line: Churchill In Five Minutes, also, Chai Feldblum’s EEOC
Shark Tank: “Safety Net” Hospitals Want More Government Handouts
Shot In The Dark: The DFL Is Actually Coming For Your Guns
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday – We’re Number 50!
The Jawa Report: Find Your Center, also, Free Free Heather Locklear!
This Ain’t Hell: Battle Of Norfolk – 27 Years Ago Today
Victory Girls: And Right On Schedule, Assault Weapons Ban Introduced
Weasel Zippers: Rosie O’Donnell Tells NRA Chief “We’ve Begged For An Assault Weapon Ban Since Columbine!” Just One Problem…, also, Lawsuit Claims 100K Non-Citizens Registered To Vote In Pennsylvania
Mark Steyn: The Abolition Of The Sexes

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Man With AR-15 Stops Man With Knife

Posted on | February 27, 2018 | 1 Comment


News from Illinois:

A man armed with an AR-15 rifle stopped an attack by one of his neighbors and held him until police arrived.
It happened Monday at an apartment building on Harbor Drive in Oswego Township.
Police say it all began when someone with a knife attacked another person during an argument.
Neighbor Dave Thomas, who witnessed the attack, went into his home, got his rifle and ordered the suspect to stop.
“I poked my head out the door. There was a pool of blood, blood was everywhere in the hall. There was still a confrontation going on, there were about three or four people involved at this point,” Thomas said. “So I ran back into my house and grabbed my AR-15. I grabbed the AR-15 over my handgun — bigger gun, I think a little more of an intimidation factor. Definitely played a part in him actually stopping.”
The suspect was able to get away briefly, before he was captured by police.
The stabbing victim was taken to the hospital. No word yet on that person’s condition.
Police say Thomas has a valid firearm owner’s identification card and a concealed carry permit.
“The AR-15 is my weapon of choice for home protection,” Thomas said. “It’s light, it’s maneuverable. If you train and know how to use it properly, it’s not dangerous. And this is just a perfect example of good guy with an AR-15 stopped a bad guy with a knife. And there were no lives taken, so all in all it was a good day.”

The “intimidation factor” — the fact that the weapon is scary-looking — is also, unfortunately, part of the psychology involved in media distortions about so-called “assault rifles.” The phrase itself is misleading. An actual assault rifle is fully automatic, and such weapons have been strictly licensed by federal law for more than 80 years. What we are talking about are semi-automatic weapons, and I got my first semi-automatic rifle (a .22-caliber Winchester) for Christmas when I was 12 years old.

The ordinary 9-mm pistol is also semi-automatic, but as Dave Thomas says, the military-style rifle has more of a visible “intimidation factor.” Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) exploit this factor to mislead ignorant people (i.e., likely Democrat voters) into believing that laws prohibiting “assault rifles” will protect the public from these scary-looking weapons. (Democrats in Congress have proposed legislation that would ban “205 specific firearms . . . including the AK-47 and AR-15.”) However, history has shown that such legislation accomplishes nothing in terms of public safety. A study by the National Institute of Justice found “no discernible reduction” as a result of a ban passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress in 1994, which expired in 2004.

Advocates of gun control nowadays use the poll-tested phrase “common-sense gun safety,” but their arguments are still based on flawed logic — an appeal to ignorance and emotion. The more you actually know about firearms, the less likely you are to agree with the gun-grabbers.

What we need is kook control. The perpetrator of the Parkland massacre was psychotic, with a long record of dangerous behavior, and should have been incarcerated either in a jail or a mental ward. Democrats don’t want to do anything about that, because psychos usually vote Democrat.

(Hat-tip: Sean Davis on Twitter.)


In The Mailbox: 02.26.18

Posted on | February 27, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.26.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: BCSO Deputy Scot Peterson Wants You To Know He’s Not A Coward
Twitchy: CNN’s Interview With David Hogg And Emma Gonzalez Just Got A Lot More Interesting
Louder With Crowder: EMT Reveals Massive Failures That Took Place During Parkland Shooting
The Federalist: The Gun Control Debate Isn’t Really About Guns. It’s About Human Rights (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Shooting Abbott Only Makes Him Stronger, also, No Dutch Lunch For Me
American Power: The Gun Control Debate Could Break America, also, Decolonizing Everything
American Thinker: Exposing The Deep Rot In The Deep State
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Pat Condell’s YouTube Video About YouTube Censoring His YouTube Video About YouTube Censoring His Videos
BLACKFIVE: Rhys Bowen, The Tuscan Child
CDR Salamander: Unmanned’s Manning Problem
Da Tech Guy:  Imagine There’s No Money And No Guns, also, The Unused Tools In The Military
Don Surber: The Looting In Baltimore Continues, also, Crony Capitalists Learn Not To Mess With The NRA
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, One Fewer Tool For Fools?
Fausta: AMLO’s Friend Romo Gets Richer
The Geller Report: Swiss Islamic Council Justifies Female Genital Mutilation, also, Oakland’s Democrat Mayor Tips Off Illegals To Possible ICE Raid
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign
Joe For America: Dem Rep Ted Lieu Says It’s Okay To Lie About Gun Facts
JustOneMinute: NYT Continues The Honest National Debate On Gun Control
Legal Insurrection: Georgia Senate Blocks Delta Tax Break After Airline Parts Ways With NRA, also, The Berniefication Of The Democratic Party Is Nearly Complete
Michelle Malkin: Broward County Supervisor’s Cure For Systemic Failure? More Money!
Power Line: The Schiff Memo’s Appalling Dishonesty, also, Monday In Pictures – Canadian Idiot Edition
Shark Tank: Governor Scott Should Put An End To Hallandale Beach’s Corrupt & Childish City Hall
Shot In The Dark: The Real Perps
STUMP: Memory Monday – Turning The Corner On Flu, And the Fourth Week Of February 1918
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler Restart, also, Allowed On Twitter – Jew Hatred, Banned On Twitter – Exposing Jew Hatred On Twitter
The Political Hat: Medical Murder Mania From The Alpha To The Omega
This Ain’t Hell: Jarhead Author Says “I Was A Marine. I Don’t Want Guns In My Classroom”, also, Dreamer Arrested For Threatening School, also also, Little Support For Manning In Maryland Senate Race
Victory Girls: Teen Gun Control Activists Show Why We Shouldn’t Listen To Children
Weasel Zippers: MSNBC Claims Rifles Fire 3x Faster Than Handguns So Teachers With Handguns Would Be Too Slow To Stop Shooters, also, Broward County Sheriff Argues Against Arming Teachers While Deputy Tells Mosques To Arm Themselves
Megan McArdle: You Can’t Have Denmark Without Danes
Mark Steyn: We Are The Champions, also, Everything Must Go! Massive Nationwide Clearance!

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Politics 101: Can Democrats Win?

Posted on | February 27, 2018 | Comments Off on Politics 101: Can Democrats Win?


During CPAC last weekend, several people asked my opinion of the chances of Democrats capturing a congressional majority in the fall. Obviously, I don’t have any clairvoyant powers. In October 2016, I was convinced that Donald Trump couldn’t possibly be elected. A month later, he proved me wrong. So I claim no special insight into future political events, mainly because I don’t know what’s going to happen between now and November. There might be a major terrorist attack or some other unpredictable event that could shift things one way or the other. Everybody says that the electoral map favors Republicans to maintain (and probably expand) their majority in the Senate, although it’s possible Mitch McConnell’s clown show could bungle away even a sure thing.

Never underestimate the power of Republican senators to screw things up, but still, given how many seats the Democrats are defending in November, not even Mitch is likely to blow this one. So let’s just count on the Senate to remain in GOP control. What about the House?

Historically, the party that holds the White House loses significantly in the first midterm election after the President’s election:

In the first midterm election for all but two presidents going back to 1946, the president’s party has lost U.S. House seats. Up until President Barack Obama, presidents with an approval rating above 50% at the time of the election lost an average of 14 House seats. Presidents with an approval rating below 50% lost an average of 36 House seats.

President Trump’s job approval is now 41.2% in the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average, but that’s not the only poll number that matters.

Consider the “right-track”/“wrong direction” question. As of today, the RCP average is 56.0% “Wrong Track,” 36.9% “Right Direction,” a 19.1% differential — a major improvement from the eve of the election in November 2016, when the number was 62.2% “Wrong Track,” 31.0% “Right Direction,” a 31.2% differential. Americans now feel much better about how the country is doing than they did before the election, and why shouldn’t they? The stock market is booming — pumping up everybody’s 401(k) value — the GOP pushed through tax cuts that are turbo-charging the economy, and the employment numbers are so good that some economists are beginning to worry about inflation.

Compare this situation to eight years ago. The economy sucked. Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi were promoting “Cash for Clunkers” and “green jobs” and ramming ObamaCare through Congress without a single Republican vote. The RCP “right-track”/“wrong direction” numbers on Feb. 26, 2010, were 34.8%/59.2% — a 24.4-point differential. Whatever people’s personal feelings about President Obama may have been, America objectively was in bad shape in 2010. Trump has never been as popular as Obama, but the country is doing much better, and this objective reality — making America great again, so to speak — is the best reason to suspect that Democrats may be disappointed in November.

Beyond this basic reality, there is also the fact that Democrat voters tend to be isolated in a few major urban areas and their leaders — well, they aren’t exactly mainstream heartland types:

California’s Democrats had their annual convention this week, working to figure out precisely what their agenda will be going forward. There are currently some serious schisms between the hard left and the more traditional elements of the party so they clearly have a lot of work to do. But all the policy talk went out the window when their featured speaker, Congresswoman Maxine Waters took that stage. The event quickly turned into an anti-Trump rally complete with chants and calls to figuratively drag President Trump out of the White House by force. . . .
Waters went on and on about Donald Trump for almost twenty minutes. Her theme was clear… everyone get ready for impeachment hearings. When it finished she was treated to several standing ovations and a chant of “Impeach 45” filling the entire hall.

If America elects a Democrat congressional majority in November, they’ll impeach the President, raise your taxes and confiscate your guns.

Is that what the American people want? Do they really want to put Maxine Waters and her Democrat friends in charge of Congress? My hunch is that selling this Kool-Aid in November won’t be easy. And have I mentioned that the Democrat Party is practically broke?

The Republican National Committee announced . . . it raised $12.4 million in January and has a total of $40.7 million cash on hand. . . .
The RNC also announced it had zero debt and said the total amount it had raised in the 2018 cycle was $144.9 million. . . .
The DNC . . . ended 2017 with $6.5 million in the bank and $6.1 million in debt.

Look, I’m not guaranteeing anything in November, but you can’t beat something with nothing. However unpopular Trump and the Republicans might be, they’re far more popular than Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and the other kooks currently running the Democrat Party.


Democrats Announce 2018 Platform: ‘Elect Us, So We Can Ban All Your Guns’

Posted on | February 26, 2018 | 3 Comments


House Democrats have introduced a bill banning semi-automatic firearms in the wake of the Feb. 14 shooting at a high school in Parkland, Fla.
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., announced Monday he is introducing the Assault Weapons Ban of 2018. More than 150 Democrats have signed on in support of the legislation, Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., said. . . .
Cicilline’s legislation names 205 specific firearms that are prohibited, including the AK-47 and AR-15.

(Hat-tip: Ace of Spades HQ.) If you were wondering how Republicans were going to fire up their base for November, wonder no more.


Russia! Russia! Russia!

Posted on | February 26, 2018 | Comments Off on Russia! Russia! Russia!


Andrew McCarthy on the Democrat Party’s obfuscation:

The FBI and the Justice Department heavily relied on the Steele dossier’s uncorroborated allegations. You know this is true because, notwithstanding the claim that “only narrow use” was made “of information from Steele’s sources,” the Democrats end up acknowledging that “only narrow use” actually means significant use — as in, the dossier was the sine qua non of the warrant application. The memo concedes that the FISA-warrant application relied on allegations by Steele’s anonymous Russian hearsay sources . . .
[B]ecause Page was an American citizen, FISA law required that the FBI and the DOJ show not only that he was acting as an agent of a foreign power (Russia), but also that his “clandestine” activities on behalf of Russia were a likely violation of federal criminal law. (See FISA, Section 1801(b)(2)(A) through (E), Title 50, U.S. Code.) It is the Steele dossier that alleges Page was engaged in arguably criminal activity. The Democrats point to nothing else that does.

Scott Johnson at Powerline comments:

The Democrats’ mainstream media adjunct has of course seized on the release of the memo to regurgitate the obligatory talking points. Read properly, however, the Schiff memo undermines the Democrats’ case.

(Via Memeorandum.)


Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday
Sailor Moon Goes To The Olympics

Posted on | February 26, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

As previously mentioned in other Rule 5 posts, I’ve been avoiding the Olympics. However, with my extensive contacts in anime fandom, it was impossible to miss the wonderful performance by Russian skater Evgenia Medvedeva. Medvedeva, you see, is a huge fan of the classic anime Sailor Moon, and in fact defended her world title in Tokyo last year skating to the Sailor Moon theme “Moonlight Densetsu”, cosplaying as the series heroine Usagi Tsukino.

Evgenia Medvedeva defends her skating title – and the Earth. (Tokyo, 2017)

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #174, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism has Rule 5 “Reasonable Restrictions” Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Ania Bukstein, Hostiles Rule 5, The Women Of Altered Carbon, Black Panther, National Margarita Day, Women With Guns, Alina Zagitova, Ester Ledecka, Annihilation Women, Nanette Fabray, and Sridevi.

At A View From The Beach, it’s Haley KalilYour Friday Swimware Ad, Olympic Sore Loser of the WeekLindsey Vonn Missed the Brass Ring,I Love America and All, But . . .Free the Nipple: The PyeongChang DemonstrationWhy Don’t More Women Choose STEM?Ester Ledecka’s Gold Medal Mistake, and Anne Althouse Ain’t Buying It.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Stacey Farber, his Vintage Babe is Gloria Grahame, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Scarlett Johannson. At Dustbury, it’s Clara Helms and Beth Broderick.

Thanks to everyone for their luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Somewhere Within

Posted on | February 24, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Monday: Mash Note
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘Advancing Gender Stereotypes’: You Can Be Fired for Telling the Truth, Feds Rule
A View From The Beach

The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Transgenderism: ‘Equality’ for the Insane
Welcome to My Playpen

A Nation of 327,000,000 People

‘Europe’s Last Hope’

In The Mailbox: 02.19.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

No, Russia’s ‘Rinky-Dink Troll Operation’ Did Not Change the 2016 Election Result
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 02.21.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

No, Our Boys Are Not ‘Broken’
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Suspended by @Medium: Another Platform Is Banishing Conservatives
Nebraska Energy Observer
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 02.22.18
Proof Positive

#CPAC2018: Legion of the Banned

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 02.23.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (16)
  2. A View From The Beach (6)
  3. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their links!

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