The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SPLC Targets College Conservatives

Posted on | January 29, 2018 | 1 Comment

Toni Airaksinen reports at Campus Reform:

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) now boasts of student-led chapters at more than 100 colleges and universities across the United States.
The SPLC on Campus program, founded in 2011, encourages students to start clubs to advance the SPLC’s agenda by fighting “hate and extremists groups” and promoting an “atmosphere of acceptance and respect” within their campus community.
The organization now claims to have a presence at more than 100 colleges and universities, including the University of Northern Colorado, Florida Atlantic University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and many more, according to a map on its website.
Chapters are encouraged to promote the SPLC’s guidebooks, such as the “Alt-right on Campus: What Students Need to Know,” and host events to fight “bias and bigotry” on campus.
All chapters are also required to agree to a set of terms and conditions to “further the SPLC’s goals by raising awareness of the growth and activities of hate and extremists groups.”

If you’re Christian or a Republican, you’re an “extremist,” according to the SPLC, which now wants to get your kids kicked out of college.


FMJRA 2.0: Nowhere – Now Here

Posted on | January 28, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Patriots Cheerleaders
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Hogwash, ESR

Replying To ESR’s Response

FMJRA 2.0: Walk Away
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

A Jihad in Minnesota

‘A Reprobate Mind’

In The Mailbox: 01.22.18
Proof Positive

Transgender Dominatrix Speaks at Vancouver Women’s March
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Guys: Don’t Date Abby Nierman
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 01.23.18
Proof Positive

Deborah Frisch Yelled Anti-Asian Insults During Arrest, According to Police Report

Democrats in Disarray and Denial as Schumer Shutdown Exposes Weakness

Ursula LeGuin, RIP

In The Mailbox, 01.24.18
Proof Positive

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 01.25.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Trump Offers Amnesty Deal; Democrats Immediately Reject ‘Hardline’ Proposal
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.26.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (16)
  2. Proof Positive (6)
  3. A View From The Beach (4)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Detroit Police Officer Dies

Posted on | January 28, 2018 | Comments Off on Detroit Police Officer Dies

Officer Glenn Doss (left); murder suspect Decharlos Brooks (right).

The Detroit News reports:

Officer Glenn Anthony Doss, the 25-year-old Detroit police officer shot while responding to a domestic violence call last week on the city’s east side, died Sunday, the police chief announced.
Chief James Craig said Doss, a who joined the force two years ago, died at 1 p.m. at Detroit Receiving Hospital.
“He fought a good fight. He is truly what we call one of Detroit’s finest. He is what we call an American hero. He did what we expect each and every officer to do: To go out and serve this community with distinction and honor. And he did that,” Craig said outside Detroit Receiving Hospital flanked by Doss’ family, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and City Council President Brenda Jones.
Duggan said Doss “was everything that is good about Detroit,” a young man with options, who “could’ve gone anywhere,” but instead stayed in Detroit and tried to make the city safer.
Duggan noted the dangers facing police in Detroit, saying “there’s never been a time it’s been more dangerous to be a Detroit police officer” than in the last year and a half. “There’s been more shootings of officers than I can ever remember,” Duggan said. “And yet the 2,500 men and women of this department go back out there every day.” . . .
On Saturday, Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy charged Decharlos O. Brooks, 43, with eight counts of assault with intent to murder, seven counts of resisting and obstructing, one count of carrying a dangerous weapon and 17 counts of felony firearms. . . .
Police said Doss was among the officers responding to a 10:30 p.m. call Wednesday from someone believed to be Brooks in a domestic violence case at a home in the 5500 block of McDougall, near Interstate 94 and Chene Street.
As officers arrived, Brooks was outside of the home and allegedly fired at them with a weapon.

R.I.P., Officer Doss.

(Hat-tip: Michelle Malkin on Twitter.)


A Seattle Lesbian Awakens From ‘Woke’

Posted on | January 28, 2018 | 1 Comment


Katie Herzog explains the catastrophic failure of the Left:

“Woke” — for those of you who don’t spend a lot of time on Twitter — indicates, roughly, that one is enlightened to the social causes of the day. You believe black lives matter (or you believe it enough to put a sign in the window of the palatial $1.5 million townhouse you just built in the Central District); you unequivocally support the #MeToo movement; and you would never, ever, ever, ever vote for Donald Trump (although you might vote for Jill Stein, which is basically the same thing). “Woke” may have entered internet consciousness in the last few years, but according to the invaluable internet resource Know Your Meme, “The earliest known instance of the ‘woke’ as slang for political or social awareness comes from an article in the New York Times Magazine. On May 20, 1962, the Times published a piece on white beatniks appropriating black culture by African-American novelist William Melvin Kelley entitled ‘If You’re Woke, You Dig It.’” Woke, today, is still being appropriated by white people, plenty of whom will happily tell you, if you’re not woke, you’re trash . . . .
Progressives used to be able to handle dissent. The Democrats were the party of free speech and free thought. No more. Among far too many leftists, if you disagree, you are wrong. And if you are wrong, you are bad, and if you are bad, you are trash. . . .
You don’t learn much if everyone around you believes — or professes to believe — the exact same thing as you do, and if we don’t expose ourselves to a diversity of opinions, we are never going to get out our self-imposed echo chambers. These echo chambers didn’t just bring us President Donald Trump, they brought us a liberal establishment so unable to see and believe that other people actually liked the f–ker, that we all laughed at his candidacy instead of taking it as the very real threat that it was all along.
The world is falling apart around us, and we—liberals, progressive, leftists, whatever you want to call us—are too busy fighting with each other to actually do anything concrete about it, even though we agree on most of the big, important issues.

Herzog has awakened from “woke,” as it were, because she found herself attacked by her progressive comrades for Thoughtcrime. She has disagreed with transgender activists and defended Aziz Ansari, among other examples of her political incorrectness. Independent thinking by members of official victim groups — women, racial minorities, homosexuals — is dangerous to the Left because dissent undermines the identity-politics illusion of solidarity against the white heterosexual males who allegedly oppress everyone else. In the 21st century, belief in the pervasive evil of heterosexual white men has become the organizing principle of the Democrat Party, its raison d’être. To suggest to a Democrat in 2018 that perhaps this fathomless contempt for white males is misguided, or that not every member of an official victim group is suffering from oppression, is to commit a sort of political heresy, like denying the existence of witchcraft in 17th-century Salem.

Democrats have become vendors of ethnic outrage, gender resentment and economic envy, with no other commodity to provide voters in the political marketplace. Because everyone inside the cult of social justice is fanatically devoted to this zero-sum-game mentality, there is a constant competition among Democrats to strike a “more progressive than thou” posture and, as Professor Reynolds says, “when sanctimony is your only coin, people will try to accumulate it.” Sooner or later, however, intelligent people wise up to the hustle. After the defeat of Hillary Clinton, many who had cast their lot with the party of victimhood may realize how badly they have been hoodwinked and bamboozled.


In The Mailbox: 01.26.18

Posted on | January 27, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.26.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Happy Australia Day!
Twitchy: Instapundit Drop Kicks USA Today Over Its “Empty Room” Trump Davos Prediction
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz Calls Out Pelosi, Wasserman-Schultz for Elitism
According To Hoyt: The Ground Moving Under Our Feet
Monster Hunter Nation: Gritty Cop Show Test Game, Episode 2
Vox Popoli: Sperg Designs Brave New World
Daily Signal: EPA Chief Set To Bar Government-Funded Experts From Agency’s Science Panels (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – Australia Day Edition, also, The Art Of Drinking At Quota
American Power: Dem Rep Schiff Spearheads Efforts To Sabotage Release Of Damaging Memo, also, Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules For Life
American Thinker: Why The Academic Left Fears And Loathes Dr. Jordan Peterson
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Videogame Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 26
Bring The HEAT: Barrett Firearms Knows Customer Service
CDR Salamander: WABG, LCC, AS, And AD, Oh My!
Da Tech Guy: A Liberation Front That Has Nothing To Do With Politics, also, FB Dismisses Daniel Greenfield As Spam
Don Surber: Trump Forces Democrats’ Hand On Immigration
Dustbury: The Jersey Diet
Fred On Everything: A Sort Of Remorse – Memoirs Of A Poor Sinner
The Geller Report: Terror Attack In Amsterdam, also, Two Seattle Men Arrested For Aiding Fight Against ISIS
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Blockhead Jimmy Kimmel Turns On His Puppet Master #ShineboxSchumer After Democrat Shutdown Cave
Joe For America: Pelosi Voted Against Tax Cuts For You & Me, Pushed $137,000 Tax Cut For Herself
Legal Insurrection: Oprah On 2020 White House Run – “That’s Not For Me”, also, Do You Support Trump’s DREAMer Deal Framework?
Power Line: It’s Official – Liberals Hate Constitutional Government, also, Who Cares What Chuck Schumer Thinks About Immigration?
Shark Tank: House Files “To Russia With Love” DETER Act
Shot In The Dark: Ordnance
STUMP: Friday Foolery – How Long Will Centsless In Seattle Last?
The Jawa Report: The Farce Awakens!
The Political Hat: What Makes A Conservative?
This Ain’t Hell: VA Employee Charged With Selling Vets’ Personal Info, also, VA Contract Officer Pleads Guilty
Victory Girls: Shutdown Chowdown, Crumbs & Swiss Cheese
Weasel Zippers: White Democrat Running For GA Governor Accused Of Hijacking MLK’s Image, also, University Calls “Fathering”, “Mothering” Forms Of Gender Bias
Mark Steyn: The Jet Set, also, Music From Melbourne

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Trump Offers Amnesty Deal; Democrats Immediately Reject ‘Hardline’ Proposal

Posted on | January 26, 2018 | 1 Comment


When the news first leaked out that President Trump was offering Democrats an immigration deal with amnesty for 1.8 million “Dreamers,” conservatives reacted with dismay, because we had once again underestimated Trump’s political genius. As Ed Driscoll has remarked, “Trump’s ability to drive his opponents round the bend is one of his best assets,” and the Democrats responded predictably:

Democrats and outside progressive groups are quickly panning an immigration framework from President Trump as a nonstarter on Capitol Hill.
The White House’s proposal would provide a pathway to citizenship for up to 1.8 million “Dreamers” in exchange for $25 billion for the U.S.-Mexico border wall and other security measures, as well as sweeping changes to the legal immigration system.
But progressive Democrats and their allies are ripping the suggested framework, arguing the administration is trying to hold Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients “hostage” for changes to legal immigration.
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) called the proposal a “ransom” that “doesn’t pass the laugh test.” . . .
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-N.M.), the chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, added that the White House proposal is “shameful” and using the DACA program as a “bargaining chip.”
“President Trump is not just trying to shakedown Congressional Democrats; he is trying to shakedown the American people,” she said. . . .
Sen. Dick Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2 Senate Democrat, said the proposal puts a “hardline immigration agenda … on the backs of these young people.”
“Dreamers should not be held hostage to President Trump’s crusade to tear families apart and waste billions of American tax dollars on an ineffective wall,” he said. . . .
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) called it a “compromise between the far right and the alt-right” that is “dead on arrival.”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), considered a potential 2020 White House contender, said Trump is trying to hold immigrants “hostage to Steven [sic] Miller’s anti-immigrant wish list.”
Stephen Miller, a conservative White House aide known for his hardline immigration views, has been at the center of the debate.

Notice something? Illinois, New Mexico, New Jersey, Massachusetts — the Democrats complaining about this “hardline immigration agenda” are from blue states that Hillary Clinton won in 2016. However, this fall’s midterm elections won’t be decided in Massachusetts or Illinois, but in Missouri, West Virginia and other states where Democrats will be defending vulnerable Senate seats while the GOP defends its House seats.


‘DOA’: Immigration Activists Say the Only
Ones Who Benefit From Trump’s Latest
DACA Offer Are White Supremacists

This extremist rhetoric, comparing Trump’s offer to a KKK cross-burning, shows how out-of-touch the Democrats are with the middle- and working-class white voters who rejected Hillary in the 2016 election. However much Dick Durbin’s constituents in Chicago or Elizabeth Warren’s constituents in Boston may embrace this rhetoric, it just sounds crazy to retirees in Florida or coal miners in West Virginia.

Trump makes a proposal most Americans will view as extraordinarily generous — amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants is no small thing — and Democrats respond by parroting the left-wing activists who denounce this as a “white supremacist” plan? That’s perfect.

Especially after the Schumer shutdown, it’s now obvious that Democrats are the ones whose extremist agenda is preventing any resolution to the DACA controversy. Trump has shrewdly positioned himself as the reasonable proponent of compromise, and Democrats look like a bunch of radical kooks, shrieking about KKK cross-burnings.

Never underestimate the “very stable genius.”



Late Night With In The Mailbox: 01.25.18

Posted on | January 26, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 01.25.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: President Trump, A Bit Of Advice…
Twitchy: More Texts Released – Were FBI Agents Pulling Their Punches On The Hillary Investigation?
Louder With Crowder: Ben Shapiro Nails Abortion “Identity Politics” Question At UConn
Americans For Tax Reform: Enviros Push Meat Tax (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #72 – The Driving Edition, also, You Hit Back Hard The Very First Time Or Not At All
American Power: America’s Extreme Poverty
American Thinker: The Schiff Hits The Fan
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Imperial Enclosures News
BattleSwarm: Feminist Of Hearing
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: John Kerry* Tells The Palestinians “Don’t Negotiate”
Don Surber: The Norks Get Trumped
Dustbury: You Deserve To Hurt
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Muslim Photographer, Nation of Islam Hid Photos Of Obama With Louis Farrakhan From 2008, also, Trump Slaps Globalists With “America First” Speech At Davos
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Talking Points Alert – Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Is The New Joe McCarthy
Joe For America: WWE Owner Vince McMahon Bringing Back The XFL In 2020
JustOneMinute: Trump Happy To Speak “Under Oath”?
Legal Insurrection: DOJ Reports Missing Texts From FBI Agents Found, also, California Toys With $1000 Fine, Jail Time For Waiters Who Offer Plastic Straws
Power Line: Hawaiian Who Sent False Missile Alert Not Cooperating With Investigation, also, Facebook Censorship Of Conservatives (Updated)
Shark Tank: Florida Could Still Be Open For Offshore Drilling – Rubio, Nelson Not Happy
Shot In The Dark: State Of The World
STUMP: Around The World In pensions – Brazil, The EU, And More
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Coming Soon
The Political Hat: Queering Of White Supremacy
This Ain’t Hell: John Kerry* Should Shut Up, also, Lt. Cmdr. Erika Schilling Saving The World
Victory Girls: Point – Judge Aquilinia Was Not Grandstanding During Dr. Nassar Sentencing, also, Counterpoint – Judge Aquilina’s Showboat Performance Detracts From The Job Of Justice
Weasel Zippers: Steyer Says He Won’t Donate To Democrats After Shutdown Cave, also, Soros Attacks Google & Facebook In Davos Speech
Megan McArdle: Why Democrats Won’t Get Their Way On Immigration
Mark Steyn: Happy Australia Day!

*Who, I am reliably informed, served in Vietnam

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Defamation by Impersonation

Posted on | January 25, 2018 | Comments Off on Defamation by Impersonation

Jack Posobiec is a conservative activist with more than 250,000 followers on Twitter. A woman claimed to have discovered that Posobiec had a profile on the feminist dating app Bumble, and BuzzFeed claimed that Bumble verified this was actually Posobiec’s account. Posobiec is married and his wife is pregnant, and he has threatened legal action against those he says have defamed and harassed him by “criminal fraud.”

Of course, the difficulty of proving a negative means we cannot know that the accusation that Posobiec had a Bumble account is false, except that the charge is absurd on its face. Posobiec abhors feminists, so why would he be attempting to date them? While we might imagine, just hypothetically, that an anti-feminist could create such an account as a joke, to troll Bumble users, Posobiec denies that he had anything to do with this account and a far more likely scenario is that it was an attack by a hacker who targeted Posobiec in order to manufacture a phony “scandal” against someone they deem an associate of the “alt-right.”

In the past, I’ve been the target of such harassment tactics by the Left (remember, someone went to prison for a SWATting against my family) and some of the methods used by my enemies included using impersonation accounts to send offensive messages to my friends. (You can ask Wombat and the Lonely Conservative about one such incident.) Because I am personally familiar with the Left’s amoral scorched-earth, by-any-means-necessary tactics, I am inclined to believe that Jack Posobiec has been similarly attacked, and that BuzzFeed, by publishing an article about this, is dishonestly attempting to “verify” this smear.

This is also a familiar tactic. In 2010, Democrat operative Neal Rauhauser was caught red-handed organizing a Twitter harassment campaign against Tea Party activists. Rauhauser then persuaded Adrian Chen of Gawker to publish an article explaining this away as an innocent “prank.” Left-wing journalists are willing enablers of this kind of harassment, even while they claim that conservatives are perpetrators of harassment. This was the liberal media’s narrative of #GamerGate, after all — supposedly, Anita Sarkeesian and others were victims of right-wing “harassment,” which became a pretext for Twitter’s shutting down the accounts of various conservatives (myself included), but no one at Twitter ever took action against Neal Rauhauser or any of the left-wing trolls who participated in his anti-Tea Party harassment campaign.

So now are expected to swallow a “just-so” story: A feminist claims that an “alt-right” guy had an account on a feminist dating app, BuzzFeed then gets an official at Bumble to “confirm” the authenticity of the account, and this is supposed to be accepted as factual proof.

Bullshit. This has all the hallmarks of a frame-up, a hoax, with no more credibility than Rolling Stone‘s UVA gang-rape hoax.

“Haven Monahan” could not be reached for comment.


P.S.: Jack Posobiec denies being “alt-right,” at least in the sense intended by liberals who use this term as a synonym for “neo-Nazi.” What has happened, during the past year or so, is that Democrats and their media allies have played their customary connect-the-dots guilt-by-association game. It works like this: Person A (e.g., Richard Spencer) becomes notorious, and then everyone on the Right is expected to denounce Person A. Prior to becoming a notorious symbol of “hate,” however, Person A had some association with Person B, Person C and Person D. These three persons who were in some way associated with Person A are now deemed “radioactive,” and everyone associated with them falls under the penumbra of suspicion, even if there is no actual evidence that they share the “hate” that made Person A notorious. This is how the left-wing media turned the so-called “alt-right” into a weapon to smear Trump supporters as crypto-Nazis, especially after the gaudy debacle at Charlottesville. Some 20-year-old dimwit rams his car into a crowd, and we are supposed to believe this proves that everyone who voted for Trump is a goose-stepping Jew-hater. Conservatives have to learn to fight effectively against these guilt-by-association tactics. Don’t be defensive. Don’t join in on the dogpile of denunciation against whoever the Left is targeting as a “hate” symbol. Remember that you have the right to remain silent, and you don’t have to comment every time someone on the Right says something deemed “controversial.” Most importantly, use these situations to educate your fellow conservatives about the Left’s propaganda tactics. Being able to recognize such tactics is the only way to avoid being influenced by the Left’s disinformation operations.


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