The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Wrapping Things Up

Posted on | December 17, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, here we are in the last week before Christmas, and hopefully you’ve gotten all your shopping done; if not, Amazon has some last-minute deals for your consideration. This week’s appetizer is Dita Von Teese, who has apparently just finished wrapping a very large present for her significant other.
Many of the following links are to pictures generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any detrimental effects you suffer because you failed to exercise discretion in the clicking.

Not your typical elf.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny starts us off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #104, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five Manly Arts Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL presents us with Virginia Mayo, Elizabeth Allen, Postmodern Jukebox “My Favorite Things”, The Shape Of Water, Sh0eOnHead, “Chanukah Honey”, More Postmodern Jukebox, Shyma Ahmed, Belle Jewel, Andrea Ramsey – Teach Democrat Women Not to Sexually Harass, Lisa Bloom, and Ashley Shroud.

A View From The Beach offers Another Brazilian – Raica OlivieroSupermodel Misses Good Old Days of Sexual Harassment#HerToo Hits the NFLOur Egyptian “Allies”Roger Ailes, Voice Coach?#MeTooLate: Model Accuses Dead Star of Sexual Assault#HerToo: Singer Accused of Rape“Amazing Grace” and Hollywood Fire Continues.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Victoria Nolan, his Vintage Babe is Tracy Scoggins, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Victoria’s Secret. At Dustbury, it’s a solo but a biggie in honor of  Taylor Swift’s birthday.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious (and occasionally melodic) linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Time Out

Posted on | December 16, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule Five Sunday: Snow Bunnies
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The Hollywood Rape Machine
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: Thousand Mile Stare
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

‘An Open Secret’: Bryan Singer and the Hollywood Gay Pedophile Scandal
The Dusty Thanes

The Racist Liberal Yankees of Boston

Socialist Tumblrina Witches
Welcome To My Playpen
Adam Piggott

A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 12.11.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.12.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 12.13.17
Proof Positive

Fat, Gay and Stupid

New Study: Middle Easterners 34 Times More Likely to Fake Hate Incidents

Tumblrina Hot Take

The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

In The Mailbox: 12.15.17
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (14)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (5 each)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

Heads up to Brazen Kafir – thanks for the links, but what you’re sending me is taking me to a 404 page on your blog.

Last-Minute Deals
Holiday Deals – Save $30 on Fire HD 8 – was $79.99 – now $49.99. Limited-time offer

In The Mailbox: 12.15.17

Posted on | December 15, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box – Episode #105
A View From The Beach: Bring On The Warrior Monks
EBL: Attorney Lisa Bloom Pays Cash For Trump Dirt!
Twitchy: Ted Cruz Triggers EVERY Snowflake On Twitter With #NetNeutrality Tweet
Louder With Crowder: Narrative Buster – Female Democrat Accused Of Sexual Harassment
Oleg Atbashian: American Gyno-Stalinism On The Ruins Of Shagadelic Utopia (h/t Ace of Spades)
Washington Times: Half Of Americans Support Banning Nazi Speech On Campus, With Definition Of “Nazi” Expanding (h/t NeoWayland)
According To Hoyt: Let There Be Light
Monster Hunter Nation: Gray Rinehart, Walking On The Sea Of Clouds
Vox Popoli: The Sickness In The SFWA

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Inspiration Edition
American Power: Headless Chicken Leftists? also, Wilbur Smith, A Falcon Flies
American Thinker: There Is Nothing More Despicable Than A Democrat, also, Megyn Kelly Leads Renewed Targeting Of Trump
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Manly Arts Friday, also, Animal’s Daily New Finch News
BattleSwarm: Blake Farenthold Withdraws From Primary, also, LinkSwarm For 12/15
Bring The HEAT: Army Training, Sir!
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Will Israeli/Palestinian Peace Be Brokered By Saudi Arabia? also, Blood & Roses, also also, Cuba, Before You Airbnb
Don Surber: Gloria Allred’s Racket Revealed, also, Voters Care Not About Net Neutrality
Dustbury: Marginal Raunch
Fred On Everything: Firing The Pre-Pubertal Arquebus – A Sociological Treatise
The Geller Report: Minneapolis Prosecutor Says Justine Damond’s Murder Investigators Didn’t Do Their Jobs, also, Cologne To Distribute “Tolerance” Wristbands To Prevent New Year’s Eve Rapes
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also also, RICO 2 Retread LOLSuit Appeal News
Jammie Wearing Fools: Seattle Seahawks Thug Arrested, Calls Officers “N****r”, “B***h”, also, Another Shining Media Moment – NYDN Reporter Arrested After Drunken Episode At Hospital
Joe For America: Another Massive Democrat Scandal – Mass. State Senator Arrested On 113 Federal Charges, also, San Francisco SPCA Using Robots Against Homeless
JustOneMinute: Now For Something Completely Different
Legal Insurrection: Bernie Sanders Upset That Military No Longer Focused On Climate Change, also, High On Alabama Win, Democrats Target Ted Cruz
Power Line: Worst Column Of The Year? also, Is The Higher Ed Bubble Starting To Pop?
Shark Tank: DACA Immigration Reform Just Over The Political Horizon
Shot In The Dark: Like The World Needed Any More Stupid Social Media, also, A Terrible Year In Music Gets Worse
STUMP: Kentucky Pension Update – GIVE US A BUNCH OF MONEY
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Alfredo Sauce Is Bad, MKay? also, A Jawa Intermission
The Political Hat: The Ultimate In H8 – Milk, also, Happy Bill Of Rights Day! also also, Twelve Posts Of Christmas (Day 2 & Day 3)
This Ain’t Hell: Chicago Wants UN Peacekeepers, also, WaPo Awards Pelosi Three Pinocchios For CCW Tweet
Weasel Zippers: Daily Caller Reporter Says Congress “To Be Rocked” This Weekend, Predicts At Least Twelve Resignations, also, Philly Votes To Order Removal Of Stores’ Bulletproof Glass
Megan McArdle: The 14th Annual Kitchen Gift Guide
Mark Steyn: The Co-Dependents Of The “Independent” Counsel, also, Alone Again, Naturally

Last-Minute Deals
Amazon Music Unlimited – Three Months For $0.99
Shop Amazon Devices – Save on Certified Refurb

The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

Posted on | December 15, 2017 | 2 Comments


Remember “Mattress Girl”? In 2014, Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz became a feminist heroine for her performance-art project dramatizing what she claimed was rape, but what her ex-boyfriend Paul Nungesser said was a consensual hook-up. Neither the police nor university officials believed there was a case against Nungesser, but feminists insisted that anyone who doubted Sulkowicz’s claim was a “rape apologist.” At the time, the media applauded Sulkowicz and amplified the feminist chorus proclaiming their belief that “women never lie about rape,” so that the rights of due-process for male students could be disregarded as a matter of policy implemented by the Obama administration pursuant to the 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter.

Those of us who were skeptics in 2014 saw the danger of abandoning constitutional standards and centuries of Anglo-American common law in the name of “social justice.” What was obvious — to me, at least — was that the media publicity about an alleged “epidemic” of campus rape was part of a cynical propaganda operation to energize feminists in the lead-up to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.


Like having Beyoncé appear at the VMAs in front of a giant lighted “FEMINIST” sign, and creating a United Nations feminist platform for Harry Potter star Emma Watson, the campus rape “epidemic” hysteria of 2014 was about advancing a partisan political agenda. This quickly led to a debacle, when Rolling Stone‘s lurid article about a gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity was exposed as a hoax. Too many conservatives reacted to that episode with a collective shrugging of shoulders: “Oh, well. That story’s over. Let’s move on to talking about Benghazi and e-mail servers and other serious news.”

Unfortunately, a society can’t just “move on” when every major media organization in the country has joined a shrewd propaganda campaign calculated to inspire anti-male prejudice among women by convincing them that they are, collectively, victims of “male privilege.”


The mobs of student feminists we saw on so many university campuses in 2014 did not materialize spontaneously. An organized national effort was clearly involved, and the Obama administration was part of that organizing effort, as were Democrats like Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand. What was obvious to me was that the feminist rage generated by that effort could not be limited to college campus, nor would it end after the 2016 election. Once the Democrat Party had committed itself to exploiting the “gender gap” in politics, Pandora’s Box was opened, unleashing a spirit of vengeance that would have damaging consequences to our culture.

That spirit of vengeance has now overtaken PBS host Tavis Smiley:

Has the rush to “believe the women” created a witch hunt atmosphere that creates injustice on its own? Tavis Smiley, who just got fired from PBS over what he calls a “consensual relationship with a colleague years ago,” adamantly insists it has. In a Facebook post and video, the ousted talk-show host accuses PBS of leaking the allegation before ever addressing it with him, and of having made their minds up without hearing his side of the story.

This witch-hunt has “gone too far,” according to the noted liberal commentator, once his own career and reputation have been wrecked. But where was Tavis Smiley’s concern when the targets of feminist vengeance were college boys — many of them mere teenagers — who claimed they were falsely accused and railroaded in campus disciplinary hearings? At a conference in North Carolina last year, I had the opportunity to talk to the mother of a college boy who was expelled after his ex-girlfriend accused him of rape, and it was tragic tale to hear. The bitterness in her voice as she spoke of the ex-girlfriend as “that lying bitch” shocked me, even as I couldn’t resist my own doubts. After all, how could I know the accusation was false? We naturally presume that the smoke of such an accusation must indicate a fire of wrongdoing, and even if we are willing to interpret this kind of “he-said, she-said” incident as a misunderstanding, there is a permanent shadow of suspicion left hanging over any man accused of sexual misconduct. Read more

Tumblrina Hot Take

Posted on | December 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


Political commentary from a 27-year-old feminist:

also progressive white men can go ahead and worry about the 72% of white men who voted for roy moore before they start in on the 63% of white women who did so, thanks

She wants everybody to know she’s a Scorpio.

Party of Science™ . . . And oh, she’s been on Tumblr a lloonnngg time, so here’s one of her rants from 2011:

Within our lovely little feminist community bubble, and with people I don’t know, I tend to just take a “live and let live”, “they may well have their reasons,” “I would never but it’s none of my business if you do” stance.
But my god if I haven’t had this conversation in real life so many times and been treated like an angry pariah for daring to suggest that the tradition of taking your husband’s last name is patriarchal and silly. Been told I’m “Thinking about it too much,” etc etc.
It’s all very well to encourage choosing your choice; and my feelings on the matter are that you should think about what you want to do and wherever your thoughts lead you is fine by me. But a lot of the time it isn’t a choice. Isn’t that the point we’re all trying to make here as feminists? That just because no one is saying to some women, “We will ostracize you or call off the wedding if you don’t take my last name,” just because they go along with it with no second thoughts, that doesn’t mean they are making a real choice. And most of the people I know who have changed their last names, it wasn’t necessarily a choice made with agency.
And considering we’ve all seen the statistics where ridiculous numbers of men say their future wives will have to change their last names… I don’t know. If a man said that to me, I’d bail on the wedding and never look back. For a lot of you it might be the same. But for some people that kind of entitlement to their wive’s identity is just so expected and it wouldn’t even make them flinch, but does that mean they’re really making a choice?
These thoughts are pretty scattered so I don’t know if what I’m saying is really coming across. But it’s kind of like the shaving-body-hair thing. We aren’t here to judge and hate on women, especially when it comes to women doing the sort of behaviors the whole enormity of the patriarchy is set up to make them do. But the best way to force someone to do something is to not force them at all, but to make them not even realize they’re making a choice, or to make them think it was their idea all along. So I think there is a lot to be said for speaking out to encourage women to think about whether or not to replace their name with their husband’s last name and urging them to strongly consider not doing it, since we still live in a society where it is so ingrained that women should be absorbed into their husbands’ identities and standing up against that is important.

Such arguments are, and always have been, utter nonsense. A woman’s maiden name is . . . what? Her father’s surname. There was no implied disparagement of my wife’s father when she took my name, nor was it any insult to me when my married daughter took her husband’s name. What this tradition represents is not “that women should be absorbed into their husbands’ identities,” but rather that marriage represents a perpetual unity of man and wife (“one flesh,” Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:8, Ephesians 5:31) and the family therefore shares a single identity.

Considered in historic context, as a custom arising among tribal herdsmen from Mesopotamia, the reasons for uniting husband and wife under the husband’s name, and passing that unitary identity along through their sons, are so obvious that I won’t bother with an explanation, as any educated person with a modicum of common sense already understands it perfectly. Why should anyone resent it? My mother’s family was certainly no less honorable than my father’s family, and my family is not less deserving of honor than my son-in-law’s family. In fact, two of our sons — James and Emerson — are named for ancestors on their mother’s side of the family, and Emerson’s middle name is Kirby in homage to my mother’s family. It is only a narrow-minded selfishness, disdainful of the value of inherited tradition and without regard for larger social interests, that inspires idiotic feminists to claim a married woman is being “oppressed” when she takes her husband’s name.

If a Tumblr feminist is really serious about eschewing “patriarchal” tradition, of course, she would never marry at all, and might emulate certain radical lesbians of the 1970s, e.g., “Elana Dykewomon” (née Nachman). This would not only spare the Tumblrina the dreadful experience of direct male oppression (because “PIV is always rape, OK?”), but it would also decrease the likelihood of her reproducing and thereby afflicting the rest of us with her offspring. Insanity is hereditary, as seen in the Tumblrina’s conversation with her mother:

last night I drank a bunch of whiskey with my mom, we talked about amazing women of color authors and my call to catholicism, and she showed me she has an intuitive understanding of intersectionality, anti-blackness, and the paradoxical position of white women in our society that makes us in so many ways “better off” than black men despite the existence of sexism bc of how we are protected and put on a pedestal
it was pretty interesting (she has no formal relationship to any of these kinds of politics, just personal relationships with loads of different people) and reminds me that people CAN overcome socialization and see on an intuitive and empathetic level that these complex forces of oppression exist, without the help of the “intellectual”/academic elite, so basically racist white feminists do not have ignorance as an excuse and are just parroting white supremacy because deep down they don’t want to lose their special status

Do you see what sort of schizophrenic word-salad young people are being fed by the education system? If your daughter ever started spewing this kind of gibberish, would you just play along with her? Or would you tell her that “these complex forces of oppression” are a politically inspired delusion, and ask her where she got these crazy ideas? It is mentally unhealthy to worry about problems beyond your control. Whatever you might say about “the paradoxical position of white women in our society,” you’re not going to solve that problem with your Tumblr blog. Her save-the-world sense of herself as a secular missionary for “social justice” is therefore symptomatic of psychiatric problems.

No surprise, really, that this Tumblrina has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and is prone to anxiety attacks. Why is she worrying about what percent of white people voted Republican in Alabama? Because other people on Tumblr are talking about it? Because her professors taught her that being concerned about racism is synonymous with moral virtue?

If you want to talk about “complex forces of oppression,” let’s talk about the oppression that compels taxpayers to provide money for an education system that turns kids into emotional cripples. Because that’s the real root of this woman’s problems. As with so many other people who share her “social justice” obsessions, she has been miseducated, taught that progressive activism is the whole purpose of human life, an attitude that is incompatible with success and happiness.


New Study: Middle Easterners 34 Times More Likely to Fake Hate Incidents

Posted on | December 14, 2017 | Comments Off on New Study: Middle Easterners 34 Times More Likely to Fake Hate Incidents

HATE HOAXERS: (left to right) Darren Beach, Aisha Ismail, Cainin Milton.

Most fake “hate crimes” are committed by members of the group targeted by such hoaxes, according to a new study. The most likely perpetrators are black or of Middle Eastern ancestry, an analysis of more than 100 such incidents from July 2015 to December 2017 found that “by far the largest number (44) fabricated acts of bias against blacks”:

The next most common “victim” categories of fake bias crimes were Middle Easterners/Muslims (17), non-whites in general (13), and LGBT people (10). Sixty-four percent of the hoaxers are male.
In the FBI’s latest hate crimes report, blacks are overrepresented as offenders. They account for 26.1 percent of those cases in which the race of the perpetrator was known, meaning that they were 2.4 times more likely than non-blacks to commit hate crimes. . . .
In the case of hate-crime hoaxes, black overrepresentation is much greater. . . . [O]ver the last two-and­-a-half years, on a per capita basis, blacks were 13.3 times more likely than whites to commit hate-crime hoaxes, and Middle Easterners were 34.7 times more likely.
For the most part, it is correct to assume that bias-crime hoaxes are committed by a member of the group that was falsely targeted: gays commit anti-gay hate hoaxes, and blacks commit anti-black hate hoaxes.
Of cases with whites perpetrators, only 3 of the 18 committed hoaxes in which whites, as a race, were the targets of fake hate; the rest meant to draw sympathy to LGBT people, other non-white groups, or women. A few “progressives,” for example, have drawn swastikas or written racial slurs in the hope of evoking sympathy for non-whites or to justify increased anti-racist activity.

The study from American Renaissance was accompanied by an online database spreadsheet, as well as detailed case-by-case reports, including:

  • Darren William Beach Jr., a 26-year-old gay man who was charged with setting fire to a community center for LGBT youth after he became too old to participate in the program when he turned 25.
  • Aisha Ismail, a 22-year-old Muslim woman who was arrested and charged with starting a fire at the Islamic Center of Des Moines, Iowa.
  • Cainin Hakeem Milton, a 19-year-old black man who was arrested and charged for a spree of anti-black graffiti in South Carolina.

American Renaissance (AR) is a publication founded by Jared Taylor, author of the 1992 book Paved with Good Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America. AR has been listed as a “hate group” by the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).


Fat, Gay and Stupid

Posted on | December 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


Say hello to Albert Maruna, a 22-year-old student at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Albert Maruna is evidently gay, and so stupid he doesn’t know that if you ever encounter a minor on the Internet trying to hook up for sex, it’s actually an undercover cop:

Maruna IV, 22, is charged with attempted unlawful sexual contact with a minor, disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, possessing criminal tools, and importuning.
Austintown police say Maruna started chatting through an online dating app with an undercover officer.
They say Maruna’s conversations were sexually graphic, he sent nude pictures of himself and he set up a meeting with someone whom he believed was an underage boy.
According to police, both agreed to get together on Tuesday, Dec. 12, and Maruna would bring lubricant, chicken alfredo and Sprite.
Police said Maruna traveled to Austintown, where he thought he’d be meeting the teen, when he got there he was arrested.
At the time of his arrest, police say Maruna was carrying an iPhone, a MAC book, three zip drives, a bottle of Astroglide lubrication, Vaseline lotion, two bottles of Sprite, and chicken alfredo in a Tupperware container.
Maruna is currently being held in the Mahoning County jail.

Oh, I’m sure Albert is going to be very popular in jail.

Chicken alfredo, Sprite and, uh, lubricant . . .


Tumblrina ‘Intersectionality’

Posted on | December 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


Excuse me for returning to this bottomless well of feminist insanity, but here’s a Tumblr post that went viral last week:

I think one of my least favorite types of responses to people speaking up on sexual harassment and sexual assault is are articles like “in wake of weinstein, men wonder if hugging women still ok”, and comments like “this is why men don’t pursue women anymore”, “i don’t wanna work with women cause i don’t want a lawsuit”, or “i don’t even look at women anymore cause everything is sexual harassment”. this is a particular brand of rape culture, men acting as if women are overreacting, as if men don’t have the basic social skills to know the difference between wanted and unwanted advances, as if women simply setting boundaries is “cramping their style” and “emasculating” them, as if the rules of respecting women are super confusing, so confusing that they’re supposedly forcing men not to interact with us altogether.

this is an act they’ve been putting on for decades: playing stupid, pretending not to know better and then getting upset when we tell them what “better” is. if that doesn’t show you how emotional and emotionally manipulative they are, i don’t know what does.


Notice where “they” is used as an all-inclusive reference to males — men have been putting on an act, men are “emotionally manipulative.”

If any man categorically smeared women in this fashion, he’d be called out as a sexist, but on feminist Tumblr, this hateful anti-male rhetoric gets 40,000 notes in a matter of days. However, it’s important to ask, “Is this true?” That is to say, is her complaint factually accurate?

No, I’d say. Many men genuinely are confused and perplexed by the vehemence of what I’ve called the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse, where trivial offenses by men — making a risque joke at work, or just behaving in ways described vaguely as “creepy” — are conflated with very serious misconduct, up to and including rape. We can all agree, for example, that Louis C.K.’s habit of inviting women to his dressing room to watch him masturbate was wrong, but then we repeatedly see feminist writers who employ various pejorative terms (“misogyny,” “harassment,” “rape culture”) to lump this kind of arguably criminal behavior into the same category as the well-meaning schlub who says the wrong thing after having one too many cocktails at the office Christmas party.

However, when men call attention to this problem, voicing concerns about the dangers men face in a climate of sexual paranoia, the Tumblrina condemns those concerns as “a particular brand of rape culture.” How dare any man protest his innocence by saying he doesn’t have “the basic social skills to know the difference between wanted and unwanted advances”? And she almost instantly got 40,000 notes on this!

A persistent problem of feminist discourse is that the movement attracts women who are basically anti-male, so that the feminist audience will always give the loudest applause to the writer who denounces men in the most categorical terms. This is why writers like Andrea Dworkin are endlessly quoted by young feminists, and it’s also why so many leaders of campus sexual assault “awareness” organizations are lesbians. The feminist movement incentivizes hatred of males. No careful student of the movement is surprised to learn that, for example, Women’s Studies Professor Breanne Fahs (who claims the “stigma” of obesity is “connected to patriarchy, sexism, and the oppression of women”) is a lesbian who wrote a hagiographic book about Valerie Solanas, the man-hating psychotic who attempted to murder Andy Warhol. Nor are we surprised that Professor Fahs writes journal articles that attack “heteronormativity and heterosexual privilege” in the field of “sexuality studies.” Anyone who says a word in favor of heterosexuality has transgressed against “feminist thought,” according to Professor Fahs, because having sex with women makes men happy, and anything that makes men happy is wrong.

OK, she doesn’t say that in so many words, but read her work — or the work of any Women’s Studies professor, really — and it’s difficult to overlook this recurrent theme in feminist rhetoric. Whenever we enter one of these cyclical periods of feminist rage, such as that unleashed by the #MeToo hashtag in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, men who notice these expressions of seething resentment quite naturally express concern about the potential effect on their own lives. Feminists then mock these concerns as evidence of men being “clueless,” because this is another recurrent theme of feminist discourse, i.e., that men are so intellectual inferior they are incapable of understanding anything.

What we learn, if we study what feminists say, is that their rhetoric about “equality” is a deliberate falsehood. Feminism is based on a belief in male inferiority. The feminist believes herself to be so vastly superior to men that they are expected to sit silently while she lectures them on what’s wrong with them, namely everything. She needs no evidence whatsoever to accuse a man of “sexism,” because all men are sexist (a word that is simply a feminist synonym for “male”). Nothing a man might say in his own defense is considered valid by feminists, who reject the possibility that any man could ever be right about anything.

Any student of feminist rhetoric perceives that what actually motivates them is a sadistic desire to humiliate men, to punish men for being men — an ideology of hatred, manifesting an appetite for revenge: Jessica Valenti has a big nose, and she’s never going to forgive men for that.

“Not guilty” — I plead innocent, your honor. I’m not responsible for Jessica Valenti’s childhood insecurities, because I was nowhere near New York City when she was growing up there, envious of snub-nosed blue-eyed blonde girls (and hating the boys who liked those girls better). I’ve never met Jessica Valenti, and so I can’t be blamed for her miserable self-pity, her substance abuse, the men who catcalled her, etc.

“Not guilty” — men are allowed to say that, right? We have the right to ask that we be judged as individuals, rather than lumped into a category and condemned collectively as part of the “patriarchy.”

A man need not have lived a life of sainthood to reject this collective guilt trip, which is based on a feminist ideology that blames “male power” for everything wrong in the world. Is some nerdy college boy to blame for the sins of Harvey Weinstein? Is the $12-an-hour day laborer at fault for the predations of Bill Cosby or Bill Clinton? You might think so, if you pay attention to feminist rhetoric condemning men quite generally as perpetrators of “rape culture.” But I digress . . .

“Intersectionality” is sometimes used as by feminists as an excuse for hypocrisy in the name of progressive solidarity. For example, when O.J. Simpson murdered his wife, the National Organization of Women (NOW) punished its L.A. chapter president, Tammy Bruce, for organizing a protest focusing on Simpson’s history of domestic violence. It was wrong to condemn O.J., according to NOW leaders, because violence against women is acceptable when a black guy does it.

OK, they didn’t say that in so many words, but that’s how “intersectionality” actually operates. Feminists jumped on the #BlackLivesMatter bandwagon, smearing police as racist monsters, unconcerned that demonizing cops might jeopardize women’s safety. Feminists expect us to believe that the epidemic of criminal violence in Chicago, for example, is good for women. Because “intersectionality.”

Guess what the same Tumblrina has to say about black men?

Black boys need to be taught to value and respect themselves more often

I also wish you guys would stop saying things like “black men are trash”, “black men ain’t shit”, or worse, “black men are worthless” etc. cause it’s ugly and counter-productive


Yep, the Tumblrina is black, so while she’s willing to engage in feminist man-hating generally, she wants to exempt black men. But wait! She’s got more “intersectionality”:

We rarely use this word when it comes to men, but it’s true, a lot of straight men are easy. like they have very low standards for who they sleep with, how they do it, they don’t care whether she’s clean, whether she’s std-free, whether she’s on the pill, whether she’s nice and treats them with a basic level of respect, nothing, they only really care about how she looks, if that. literally anyone who gives them attention, they’ll take it, and it’s really sad, and that’s what we mean when we say they don’t really value their lives. and i honestly think their reckless behavior stems from something deep within themselves. idk what it could be, but i have theories, maybe not being raised the right way, maybe peer pressure, maybe deep rooted self-esteem issues, idk

To which a gay Hispanic man replied:

Gender roles + that’s how male depression manifests
Male depression is markedly different than most people’s conception of depression, with self-medication through drugs, and sex, and reckless behavior and it frankly needs more attention.


So, “straight men . . . have very low standards” and engage in “reckless behavior” because of “deep rooted self-esteem issues,” according to our intersectional Tumblrina, a claim that inspired the gay man to blame “depression” and “gender roles.” These theoretical speculations, however, lack any basis in fact. Go check CDC data on the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases, and you’ll discover that it’s not “straight men” who have the highest rates. For example, 48% of black females are infected with herpes, compared to less than 9% of white males. And as for gay men, they “are disproportionately impacted by syphilis, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),” according to the CDC. In other words, the facts are 180 degrees opposite of what is claimed on Tumblr.

Need I remind you that Tumblr is “effectively worthless”?


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