The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Do Socialists Hate Women? How @Caycilia Became a ‘Thought Criminal’

Posted on | October 11, 2017 | 2 Comments

“Speaking truth is a threat to power and those in power will seek to suppress it. If you are being silenced, they see you as a threat. If you have become a target, you are doing something right.”
Casey Chapman

Remember last month when transgender activists attacked a woman at a feminist gathering in London? That incident has had enormous impact in calling attention to an internecine conflict on the Left which, like the Harvey Weinstein scandal, the liberal media have been desperately trying to ignore for years. This battle in the transgender war on women was described by Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy:

The men who punched and kicked Maria MacLachlan had come to protest the women on account of their interest in feminism and in discussing the way new conversations and legislation around “gender identity” could impact the women’s movement and women’s rights. The protestors did not frame their anger and inflammatory rhetoric in this way, though. Instead, they labelled the women “TERFs” (trans exclusionary radical feminists) — a word that has come to signify a modern witch: to be silenced, threatened, harassed, punched, and — yes — killed.
The idea that feminists who question the notion of “gender identity” should be beaten and murdered has very rapidly become accepted by self-described leftists. We’re not just talking about Twitter eggs, here. Men with large platforms who are publicly associated with Antifa and groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have amplified the “punch TERFs” and “TERFs get the guillotine” message proudly, with the support of their comrades. In reference to The Handmaid’s Tale, many have taken to saying “TERFs get the wall.”

“TERF,” like “white supremacist” and “fascist,” is one of those terms used by leftists to silence their opponents. If you don’t agree 100% with their latest slogan, or if you call attention to facts that don’t fit their agenda, the Left will make you a target of these epithets, in an attempt to discredit you, and thus to exclude you from public forums. To these totalitarians, facts are “hate” and disagreement is “harassment.”

We on the Right have witnessed this tactic in action for years as, for example, those like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been demonized as “racists” for speaking out against radical Islam. The Left has now become so deranged as to denounce freedom of speech as “genocide,” and it is dangerous to be a Republican on a college campus. However, this totalitarian tendency of the Left has also been manifest in the attempt to enforce ideological conformity within the Left.

Casey Chapman is a socialist who resigned from the Democratic Socialists of America in August after she was accused of being “trans-exclusionary.” In fact, Ms. Chapman has “experienced gender and sex dysphoria for most of my life,” she “previously identified as trans [and] was part of the trans community online.” However, Ms. Chapman stopped short of pursuing “transition” via surgery and hormones, and eventually “re-identified” as a woman. She now identifies as as bisexual, and is in a heterosexual relationship with a socialist comrade, Jonathan Phipps.

Because DSA members were prominent among those promoting online attacks against feminists as “TERFs,” Ms. Chapman recorded a YouTube video addressed to DSA leaders:


Ms. Chapman calls this left-wing anti-“TERF” crusade a “dehumanization” tactic, one that functions for left-wing men as “a convenient way to say you’re an ally to women and still hate women.” Gosh, doesn’t that remind you a lot of Harvey Weinstein supporting Planned Parenthood and giving money to Democrats in order to conceal and/or rationalize his predatory behavior toward women? And if you are familiar with the way David Horowitz became an ex-leftist, doesn’t this remind you of his wake-up moment, when Horowitz realized that his Black Panther “comrades” had murdered Betty Van Patter?

What feminists like Ms. Chapman might discover, if they are paying attention, is how the Left’s rhetoric of “equality” and “social justice” tends to provoke conflict, justifying hatred against scapegoated enemies by blaming them for the victimhood of those who claim to be oppressed. Believing yourself to be a victim of oppression, fighting against systemic injustice, becomes an excuse for antisocial behavior. After all, if “society” is to blame for your suffering — as transgender activists claim — then all the laws, customs and moral codes of society may be rejected as oppressive. Obligations of courtesy toward women, for example, are rejected by the Left and therefore feminists who offend transgender activists are targeted with abusive language and acts of violence.

Radical hostility toward “society” (as racist, sexist, homophobic, and otherwise unjust) becomes a license for destructive impulses. This is why radical movements always attract immoral people with antisocial personalities. It’s why, as Hayek observed, “The Worst Get on Top” in totalitarian regimes that offer “special opportunities for the ruthless and unscrupulous.” Wicked people crave power for selfish purposes, including revenge against those who disapprove of their wickedness. In the Soviet Union, for example, the head of Stalin’s secret police was Lavrenti Beria, “notorious for his sadistic enjoyment of torture and his taste for beating and raping women and violating young girls.”

Lavrenti Beria (left) with Soviet dictator Josef Stalin (right).

Meghan Murphy says transgender activists are guilty of “hate speech” against feminists, which suggests that such speech should be criminalized, but do feminists wish to use the force of government to silence their opponents? Isn’t the problem that transgender activists, by accusing their critics of “hate,” are trying to silence opposition? If both sides of this conflict seek to silence each other, why? And what does this mean for those of us who have disagreements with both feminists and transgender activists? We have seen leftists use violence to prevent conservatives from being able to speak on college campuses. Defenders of religious liberty have been smeared as “hate groups” by the SPLC.

On her Twitter profile, Ms. Chapman calls herself a “thought criminal,” which ought to be a badge of honor in an era where there are so many people trying to prevent us from thinking and speaking freely.


In The Mailbox: 10.10.17

Posted on | October 10, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.10.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: Harvey Weinstein, Male Feminist
EBL: Jemele Hill And ESPN, Co-Dependent Fails
Twitchy: Donna Karan REKT By Jenna Jameson For Defending Weinstein, Saying Woman “Ask For It”
Louder With Crowder: The Final Trailer For Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Adam Piggott: The Men Only Political Party
American Power: The Democrats’ George McGovern For 2020
American Thinker: Why We Cannot Trust The FBI
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Mr. Sandman News
BattleSwarm: Islamic State Update – Hawija Falls, Last Push For Raqqa, and Deir-Ez-Zor Fully Invested
BLACKFIVE: Charles Todd, A Casualty Of War, With Q&A
Bring The HEAT: Secretary Mattis’ Remarks To The AUSA Annual Conference
CDR Salamander: Relax, No Coup
Da Tech Guy: A Chinese Leap Forward?, also, Harvey Weinstein Wouldn’t Have Been Exposed In 2017 If Hillary Was Elected In 2016
Don Surber: Welcome To Hell, NFL
Dustbury: Quote Of The Week
The Geller Report: Contra The FBI, Paddock Fits The Convert Profile
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign
Jammie Wearing Fools: Trump Is Overwriting Obama’s Illegal Green Schemes
Joe For America: Obama And His Cushy Pension Just Got Bad News From The GOP
JustOneMinute: From Hero To Zero – Confusion In Vegas
Legal Insurrection: Undercover Video – NYT Video Editor Brags About Antifa Membership, also, Friends & Media Turning On Hillary Over Weinstein Silence
Power Line: How Leftist Indoctrination Ruins A School System, also, Minnesota Mischief
Shot In The Dark: Marketplace of Dumb Ideas
STUMP: Puerto Rico – The Political Risk Of Muni Bonds & Unfunded Pensions
The Jawa Report: Iran & Turkey Pretty Sure Jews Put Silly Ideas About Freedom Into Kurds’ Heads, also, Sandcrawler PSA – Public Not In Danger After Hand Chopping Incident
The Political Hat: To Serve & Protect, But Not Be The Best & The Brightest
This Ain’t Hell: Navajo Code Talker David Peterson Sr., RIP, also, Pinks & Greens Prototypes
Weasel Zippers: Illegals Sue Trump Administration For Detaining Them, also, Roger Goodell Sends Letter To NFL Players Instructing Them To Stand For Anthem
Megan McArdle: California Is Right To Curb Their Sex Offender Registry
Mark Steyn: Contradictions And Condescension, also, Beautiful Dreamer

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The Harvey Weinstein Democrat Bonfire

Posted on | October 10, 2017 | 3 Comments


Just five months ago, Harvey Weinstein was hanging out with Hillary Clinton at Planned Parenthood’s 100th anniversary gala:

At the celebration, Planned Parenthood awarded former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the Champion of the Century Award. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Weinstein gave Clinton a standing ovation at the event where she insisted on the “morality” of “reproductive health care” (aka abortion) and stressed “trusting and valuing women.” . . .
According to Artnet editor Sarah Cascone, Weinstein also purchased artwork by British painter Cecily Brown at a charity auction at the gala for $100,000. . . .
According to Planned Parenthood’s most recently published annual report, the organization performed 328,348 abortions and received $554.6 million in “government health services grants and reimbursements” for the year 2015-2016.

Democrats loved Harvey Weinstein, until they hated him:

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday said she was “shocked and appalled” in the wake of sexual harassment allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, speaking publicly for the first time about the longtime Democratic donor five days after it first emerged that multiple women had accused him of harassment over the course of decades.
“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton said in a statement. “Their courage and support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”
A high-profile donor in the Democratic Party, Weinstein has contributed more $20,000 to Clinton’s campaigns since she ran for U.S. Senate in New York in 1999, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.


Weinstein has given an estimated $2 million to Democrats over the past 25 years, but his money won’t help him anymore:

Last week, the New York Times, in a powerful report by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, revealed multiple allegations of sexual harassment against Weinstein, a story that led to the resignation of four members of his company’s all-male board, and to Weinstein’s firing from the company.
The story, however, is more complex, and there is more to know and to understand. In the course of a ten-month investigation, I was told by thirteen women that, between the nineteen-nineties and 2015, Weinstein sexually harassed or assaulted them, allegations that corroborate and overlap with the Times’ revelations, and also include far more serious claims.
Three women — among them [actress Asia] Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans — told me that Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex. Four women said that they experienced unwanted touching that could be classified as an assault. In an audio recording captured during a New York Police Department sting operation in 2015 and made public here for the first time, Weinstein admits to groping a Filipina-Italian model named Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, describing it as behavior he is “used to.” Four of the women I interviewed cited encounters in which Weinstein exposed himself or masturbated in front of them.

But wait — there’s more!

When Gwyneth Paltrow was 22 years old, she got a role that would take her from actress to star: The film producer Harvey Weinstein hired her for the lead in the Jane Austen adaptation “Emma.” Before shooting began, he summoned her to his suite at the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for a work meeting that began uneventfully.
It ended with Mr. Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting they head to the bedroom for massages, she said. . . .
Rosanna Arquette, a star of “Pulp Fiction,” has a similar account of Mr. Weinstein’s behavior, as does Judith Godrèche, a leading French actress. So does Angelina Jolie, who said that during the release of “Playing by Heart” in the late 1990s, he made unwanted advances on her in a hotel room, which she rejected.

Are there any women in Hollywood that Harvey Weinstein didn’t harass? But never mind, liberals are shocked, shocked:

Academy Award winner George Clooney, who was given his first major big-screen role by Harvey Weinstein, has become the latest — and most high-profile — member of Hollywood to speak out on the alleged sexual-misconduct allegations against his sometime employer.
“It’s indefensible. That’s the only word you can start with,” he says. “Harvey’s admitted to it, and it’s indefensible. I’ve known Harvey for 20 years. He gave me my first big break as an actor in films on From Dusk Till Dawn, he gave me my first big break as a director with Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. We’ve had dinners, we’ve been on location together, we’ve had arguments. But I can tell you that I’ve never seen any of this behavior — ever.” . . .
Weinstein, the former co-chief of Miramax, has since been fired from The Weinstein Company—which he co-founded with his brother Bob—and many of the male actors and filmmakers in particular who have benefited from the studio executive’s Oscar Midas touch, from Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (Good Will Hunting) to Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction), have remained alarmingly silent.

“Alarmingly silent.”





Freedom of Speech Is Genocide and Other Lessons From the 21st-Century University

Posted on | October 10, 2017 | 2 Comments


Edith Macias became infamous a couple of weeks ago when a viral video showed the University of California-Riverside (UCR) student stealing a “Make America Great Again” cap from another student. An ethnic studies major, Macias demanded that the hat’s owner be punished. At one point during the video, when the hat’s owner Matthew Vitale cited his First Amendment free speech rights, Macias said: “Your f–king freedom of speech is genocide, homeboy.” After a UCR employee took the hat from her, Macias said: “We’re in a country where literally people of color are getting genocide, they’re getting killed.”


This is the American education system in the 21st century.

Edith Macias was merely repeating what she has been taught at UCR, where the notorious Andrea Smith (“Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy”) is on the Ethnic Studies faculty. Students at UCR, as at many other universities in America, are taught an anti-white ideology in the guise of “social justice.” Only 12% of UCR students are white, while 41% are Hispanic and 34% are Asian. White students like Matthew Vitale are demonized and scapegoated at UCR, and are not even allowed to speak out in opposition to the climate of anti-white hatred on campus: “Your f–king freedom of speech is genocide, homeboy.”

Why do you think so many people are leaving California?

According to IRS migration data, which uses individual income tax returns to record year-to-year address changes, over 250,000 California residents moved out of the state between 2013 and 2014, the latest period for which data was available. The tax returns reported more than $21 billion in adjusted gross income to the IRS.
Of the returns, 33,626 reported address changes from California to Texas, which has been the top destination for individuals leaving California since 2007. Californians who moved to Texas between 2013 and 2014 reported $2.19 billion in adjusted gross income. . . .
According to Tom Gray of the Manhattan Institute, people may be leaving California for the employment opportunities, tax breaks, or less crowded living arrangements that other states offer.
“States with low unemployment rates, such as Texas, are drawing people from California, whose rate is above the national average,” Gray wrote. “Taxation also appears to be a factor, especially as it contributes to the business climate and, in turn, jobs.”

The high taxes in California are used to fund an education system which is teaching students that freedom of speech is genocide. Promoting this hateful ideology of “social justice” on university campuses will only exacerbate the economic problems of the poor people who are left behind when taxpayers — people with jobs and money — leave California.

What kind of jobs will Ethnic Studies majors be qualified to do? How much tax revenue will they provide to California? Isn’t it likely that many of those enrolled at University of California-Riverside will never even be able to repay their student loans? It is no surprise to learn that UCR students are rallying in defense of the hat thief:

The “Statement of Solidarity with Edith Macias” circulating within the campus community states in part that UC administration should “pay for alternate housing accommodations for Macias and their family while simultaneously covering their current housing costs in order to keep them safe from threats of harm.”
The demand cites Vitale’s viral video, saying Macias has been doxxed and threatened as a result. It also calls for administrators to “grant Macias amnesty and protection from any student or legal charges.”
It also seeks a statement against “white supremacist violence” and one in support of sanctuary campuses from campus leaders.

What “white supremacist violence” are they talking about? The defense of freedom of speech on a university campus is “violence”? This is what students are being taught as “social justice” not just in California, but at many other schools in America. A rhetoric of hatred inspired by propaganda that demonizes white people — including Christopher Columbus — will not solve anybody’s economic or social problems.

This kind of “education” is paving the road to Zimbabwe, where the Mugabe regime confiscated the property of white people:

High unemployment, widespread poverty and government corruption have all contributed to making life miserable for many citizens. Economically, Zimbabwe is facing huge challenges: It has had no national currency since 2009, when the Zimbabwean dollar collapsed under massive hyperinflation . . .

Zimbabwe, like Venezuela, is a lesson in what happens when “social justice” — an ideology of hatred — becomes the policy of government. If you think it can’t happen in America, just consider what kind of government we’ll have if people like Edith Macias take over.





Karolina Giers Wants You to Give Her $12,000 to Get Her Breasts Amputated

Posted on | October 10, 2017 | 1 Comment

Many times in recent months, I’ve discussed the transgender cult that has seized hold of many young people. “Rapid onset gender dysphoria” — in which adolescents suddenly become obsessed with transgenderism after weeks of browsing the subject online — has become a concern for many parents. In England, the National Health Service has seen shocking increases in the number of minors seeking sex-change “treatment.”


Two days ago, a student at England’s University of Brighton named Karolina Giers posted a fundraising appeal for £9,000 (about $12,000) on GoFundMe in order to pay for “top surgery” (mastectomy):

I can’t stand looking like this and feeling like I‘m trapped in the wrong body. It’s unbearable. I can expect that my very homophobic parents will cut me off completely if they ever find out so I want to start collecting money now and just make sure that when I will live on my own and make my own money for food and a place to live in I will be finally able to transition and start living because what I’m doing now isn’t living it’s more like surviving and I think that life is about more than just surviving. I feel sick when I start thinking about the fact that I’ve already wasted 20 years of my life. Please help by donating even just 1 pound. It will mean the world to me.

Notice that Ms. Giers claims that she has “wasted” her life up to this point because she is “trapped in the wrong body,” and she won’t be able to “start living” until she is “able to transition,” i.e., injecting testosterone and getting her breasts amputated to become a “transman.”

And that’s why she wants you to give her money.

However, Ms. Giers did not become convinced that her body was the problem until rather recently. She had previously identified as a lesbian (notice the tags on this selfie she posted to her Tumblr blog). In fact, she has been publishing her Tumblr blog, “Can’t Control the Gay,” since 2012, and was so popular that one of her followers called her the “gay Moses” who would “part the see of straight people and guide us to the Promised Land.” Ms. Giers is a native of Poland, and we might surmise that she chose to study in England to get away from those “very homophobic parents” she complains about. Brighton is a city with a large gay community, and perhaps she hoped that she’d find happiness there. Evidently unable to find happiness as a lesbian, however, a few months ago (April 3) Ms. Giers used the #transgedender hashtag on a post complaining, “god i have so many questions about sexuality, being agender and transgender that google just can’t answer.”

Excuse me if I can’t resist the temptation to spend just a little while playing armchair psychologist here. Notice, for example, that Ms. Giers has a habit of derogating her looks — using a “sorry for my face” hashtag on this selfie and this selfie, and captioning another selfie with how “terrible” she looks. OK, she’s no supermodel, but she’s not the ugliest lesbian on the planet, either. She also captions selfies with remarks about being “weird” and “awkward.” You get the idea that she really needs someone to talk to about these feelings of self-hatred, instead of communicating via hashtags with strangers on Tumblr.

Generally speaking, if you’re a teenager who feels “weird” and “awkward,” you should try to avoid hanging around other awkward weirdos. Try to make friends with some happy, successful people and see if you can’t learn how to be successful and happy by studying their example.

What Karolina Giers has been doing — cocooning within an online clique of weirdos — has in all likelihood exacerbated whatever problems she had when she first started her Tumblr blog five years ago. She is #lonely, #lonely, #lonely, #lonely and why? Because what we call “social media” is actually quite antisocial, an excuse for avoiding contact with real-life human beings. Forgive me for being so blunt about this problem, but there’s obviously a reason for the “epidemic” of anxiety and depression among young women: THE INTERNET IS MAKING THEM CRAZY!

And guess what? A mastectomy won’t cure craziness.

Someone needs to tell Karolina Giers that the problem is not her breasts, the problem is her brain. It’s not that she’s “trapped in the wrong body,” but that she has allowed an online cult to convince her that “transition” — surgery and testosterone — is the answer to her problems.

The transgender “community” is toxic, full of dangerous deviants who constantly promote a bizarre ideology and seek to silence critics by accusing them of “hate.” And emotionally vulnerable young people like Karolina Giers are being drawn into this cult because sanity and common sense are excluded from the online echo-chambers of “social justice.”

UPDATE Dec. 19: Karolina Giers Has Ended
Her Online Fundraiser for Breast Amputation


In The Mailbox: 10.09.17

Posted on | October 9, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.09.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

All hail Christopher Columbus, the Admiral of the Ocean Sea!

Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?
EBL: Diane Feinstein Admits No Law Would Have Stopped Las Vegas Shooter
Twitchy: Ben Shapiro Shares Perfect Columbus Day Tweet, Triggers Half Of Twitter
Louder With Crowder: Deliberately Exposing People To AIDS No Longer A Felony In California
John Lott: The Ugly Truth Behind Obama’s War On The Second Amendment (h/t Loyal Reader NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: The Golden Years
American Power: Battered Illegals Avoid Police, Fearing Deportation, also, Dana Loesch, Hands Off My Gun
American Thinker: Reassessing Orwell To Understand Our Times
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Brianna Wu’s “Husband” Makes An Ad
BLACKFIVE: Catherine Anderson, The Christmas Room
Bring The HEAT: I’ll Just Leave This Here. You’re Welcome.
CDR Salamander: Engineering Is Hard – Even Harder In A Global Marketplace
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Reject The Scripted Curriculum, also, Old Ally
Don Surber: Weinstein Was A Warning To Hillary, also, Unhappy Indigenous Peoples Day
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, My AIM Is Through
The Geller Report: Christian Prayers Called “Anti-Muslim” By Lamestream Media
Hogewash: A Kiss Of Patriotism, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Cowardly SNL Honcho On Avoiding Weinstein Jokes – “It’s A New York Thing”
Joe For America: Mob Of Ronald McDonalds, Hamburglar Invade Burger King
JustOneMinute: Good Vlad Hunting
Legal Insurrection: Who’s Funding The Anti-Trump Resistance? The Money Trail Leads To Soros, also, Why Is The MSM Suddenly Interested In Executive Branch Travel Costs
Power Line: How Leftism Can Ruin a Once-Proud School District, also, VP Pence Walks Out On NFL Game
Shark Tank: Crist Fundraises In Support Of Late-Term Abortion
Shot In The Dark: Facts In The Dark
The Jawa Report: POS Of The Day – Zameer Ghumra, also, Columbus Rocks!
The Political Hat: Dear Straight Black Men – Welcome To The Kyriarchy!, also, California Considering Banning Internal Combustion Engines
This Ain’t Hell: 25th Marine Regiment Leadership Sacked, also, Bradley Manning Finds Sympathy In NYC
Weasel Zippers: Veteran-Owned Black Rifle Coffee Co. Shares Their Thoughts On Gun Control (NSFW), also, Chicago Man Arrested For Vandalizing Columbus Statue
Mark Steyn: UnMoored and UnMammied, also, Snotty Foreigner With Weirdo Accent

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Rule 5 Sunday: Autumn Girls

Posted on | October 8, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It can be a little hard to tell when the seasons are changing here in Las Vegas, but a good rule of thumb is that when the daily highs aren’t in the 90s any more, we’re done with summer and autumn is definitely here. Unfortunately, since this is a desert, we’re forced to look elsewhere for scenes of hot women amid the changing leaves, like this one.
Many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for your failure to exercise discretion in the clicking.

Scared? Looks more like she’s a little chilled but expectant.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box RuleEpisode 34, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Animal Magnetism with Rule Five Close Air Support Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Dana Loesch, The Right To Fry Barely, National Taco Day, the loathsome Harvey Weinstein, Her Boyfriend (of) Clay, Brie Larson, The Best Banned Commercials, and Blade Runner 2049 Rule 5. Also, kudos to her Bovine Greatness for providing a daily list of links to other website that do the Rule 5 thing!

A View From The Beach has Shanina Shaik Loves Burning ManBut Was it “Rape” Rape?Democrat Mega-Supporter Accused of Sexual HarassmentFish Pic Friday – PeacockOne of These Days These Boots Will Stamp on the Human Face ForeverTanlines Thursday“Asturias”RIP: Tom PettyStill Better Than a Sharp Stick in the EyeReason #5726 – #5728 That Trump Was ElectedShe May Not Be Able to Define It, But She Knows It When She Plays ItReason #5725 That Trump Was ElectedJust Grab Her by the . . . and Crystal Left Out in the Cold?

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Serinda Swan, his Vintage Babe is Peggy Dow, and Sex in Advertising is brought to you by Bulgari. Also, The Women of NCIS! At Dustbury, it’s Starley and Tzuyu.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Harvey Weinstein, Ashley Judd and the Democrat Party’s Doubtful Future

Posted on | October 8, 2017 | 3 Comments

Harvey Weinstein in 1997 (left); Ashley Judd in Kiss the Girls (right.

In 1997, 29-year-old Ashley Judd was one of Hollywood’s hottest young actresses, and 45-year-old Harvey Weinstein was one of the most powerful movie producers in the world. His company, Miramax Films, had been bought by Disney for $60 million in 1993, and the company’s film The English Patient had won the 1997 Oscar for Best Picture. Photos from the 1997 Oscar party show Weinstein standing next to Judd holding her hand, while her date, Vince Vaughn, hovers in the background.

At the time, Judd was working on Kiss the Girls, a detective thriller for Paramount, and Weinstein was very eager to work with her, IYKWIMAITYD. “I was sexually harassed by one of our industry’s most famous, admired-slash-reviled bosses,” Judd told Variety in a 2015 interview which did not name Weinstein as the boss in question:

I was making “Kiss the Girls” at the time, and here I was, a declared feminist. I had completed a minor in what was then called women’s studies, which we now call gender studies. And yet I did not recognize at the time what was happening to me. It took years before I could evaluate that incident and realize that there was something incredibly wrong and illegal about it. . . .
When I kept saying no to everything, there was a huge asymmetry of power and control in that room.
This will be familiar to all the women to whom this has happened. . . .
The ultimate thing when I was weaseling out of everything else was, “Will you watch me take a shower?” And all the other women, sitting around this table with me, said, “Oh my god — that’s what he said to me too.” In that moment, I told him something like, “When I win an Academy Award in one of your movies.” He said, “No, when you get nominated.” I said, “No, no, when I win an Academy Award.” That was a small moment of power when I was able to contradict him and hold to my reality. And then I got out of there. And by the way, I’ve never been offered a movie by that studio. Ever.

You can read the whole thing. What did it mean, in 1997, for Ashley Judd to be “a declared feminist”? If you’re old enough to remember the 1990s, you know that this meant primarily (a) commitment to defending the abortion industry and (b) fanatical devotion to the Democrat Party. After the Lewinsky scandal made headlines in 1998, feminist Nina Burleigh declared: “I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.” The “theocracy,” you see, is liberal codespeak for the Republican Party’s Christian conservative constituency, which opposes abortion. And this was the kind of feminism that Ashley Judd embraced as a young actress in the 1990s.

Well, guess what? Harvey Weinstein is down for that agenda, too.

“We need to defend Planned Parenthood and women’s rights.”
Harvey Weinstein, Feb. 26, 2017

If you’ve ever read Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, you understand how easily some people can be deceived and manipulated by advocates for trendy political causes. There is a line in Animal House, where the Deltas are on their way to pick up girls at a liberal women’s college:

FLOUNDER: I hear Dickinson girls are fast. What should l say?
OTTER: Just mention modern art, civil rights or folk music, and you’re in like Flynn.

It’s the same thing with feminists and abortion. Ann Coulter once observed that abortion is the holy sacrament of the Church of Liberalism, and this total commitment to promoting abortion has been profoundly harmful to the Democrat Party. Anyone with a shred of human decency knows that abortion is wrong, and the Democrats’ pro-abortion stance has the effect of driving decent people away from their party, while simultaneously attracting dangerous perverts to the party.


Say what you will, it was obviously no accident that Democrat Anthony Weiner was married to Hillary Clinton’s assistant Huma Abedin. The Clintons have always surrounded themselves with corrupt and immoral people, because no honest or moral person would support them — at least, not once they realized who the Clintons really are. It is always better to be an enemy of such people than to be their allies. Christopher Hitchens famously chronicled Bill Clinton’s betrayals of his liberal supporters in a book aptly titled, No One Left to Lie To.

Does anyone really believe, as Harvey Weinstein said, that support for the abortion industry is synonymous with “women’s rights”?

Cui bono? Who actually benefits from the abortion industry’s grisly trade? Isn’t it true that the main effect of legalized abortion, and the Contraceptive Culture in general, is to enable irresponsible men to pursue hedonistic sexual activity without being bothered by the potential burden of caring for children? And how is it in the best interest of women to be treated as “pump-and-dump” sexual commodities?

Years ago, I remarked that many Democrats go into politics for the same reason teenage boys learn to play guitar. And in 2013, after Anthony Weiner was caught in his second “sexting” scandal, I described Democrats as “The Pervert Party”:

What we know of Weiner’s latest shame is that, in the wake of his 2011 scandal, the married Democrat began an online correspondence with an Indiana girl, identified by BuzzFeed as Sydney Leathers, who says she worked on President Obama’s re-election campaign. To give you an idea of Ms. Leather’s partisan and ideological commitments, after a maniac’s shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, she created an online petition that blamed this deadly crime on Sarah Palin, whom Ms. Leathers condemned for “inciting violence.” (In fact, the Tucson gunman was a schizophrenic inspired by a leftwing conspiracy “documentary.”) Only a liberal girl could admire a creep like Weiner.

Being the pro-abortion party makes Democrats so profoundly immoral that we are scarcely surprised by their dishonesty, corruption and scandalous personal misconduct. And, with a nod toward some of my #NeverTrump Republican friends, this is also a danger to the GOP. The degradation of public morality, in which Democrats have been enthusiastically complicit, has not been without it harmful effects on Republicans. Confronted by a corrupt Democrat machine (including their dishonest party “operatives with bylines” in the media), some in the GOP figure they can play by the same rules. If Democrats were willing to defend Bill Clinton, who was plausibly accused of rape, after all, how can they condemn Donald Trump’s boorish behavior? And so the blatant immorality of Democrats tends to erode moral standards among Republicans as well. This danger cannot be ignored.


The fate of Democrats in recent years should be a warning to any Republican who is tempted to emulate them. Whatever selfish gains the Clintons derived from their corruption has come at a painful cost to the Democrat Party’s political influence, as I recently explained:

Democrats have lost power at every level, as Republicans not only control the White House and both houses of Congress, but also hold the governorships of 33 states, and 68 of 99 state legislative chambers. In 32 states, which are home to 61% of the U.S. population, the GOP controls both houses of the state legislature. Hillary Clinton’s supporters like to point out she won the popular vote, with 66 million votes to Trump’s 63 million, yet nearly a quarter of her total — more than 16 million votes — were concentrated in just three states: California, New York and Illinois. Lacking effective leadership, Democrats have become deranged and desperate, and are being attracted to lunatic fringe movements.

Of course, it is possible — likely, even — that an anti-Trump backlash will reduce some of that GOP advantage in next month’s off-year elections, but the long-term trend over the past 25 years will probably continue: No matter how much Democrats increase their margins in big cities and the coastal states, these gains are more than offset by Republican gains among suburban and rural Middle American voters. Consider these three data points from Wisconsin exit polls:


“Family values” still matter. When push comes to shove, marriage and religion are decisive influences in electoral politics. When we look at these factors in Wisconsin — a state that Trump won by a narrow margin — the only demographic groups that went for Clinton were (a) unmarried women and (b) those who never attend religious services.

Once you begin extrapolating from those data points — and if you understand the selection effects involved — you see why the pro-abortion feminism of Ashley Judd must ultimately be fatal to the Democrats.


Ashley Judd doesn’t have any children. Indeed, if you look at the four women featured on the cover of Ms. magazine in 2003 — “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like” — you find that two of them (Camryn Manheim and Whoopi Goldberg) have one child each, while Judd and Margaret Cho have zero, so that their average is 0.5 children per woman. Because feminist ideology is anti-marriage, anti-motherhood and anti-religion, the Democrat Party’s embrace of feminism creates a long-term problem for the party. And the rising feminist resentment toward hypocritical male “allies” like Harvey Weinstein will only exacerbate this problem.

There was a time when liberal feminism attracted males whose idea of “women’s rights” were similar to Weinstein’s, but in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s feminist-themed campaign, an angry anti-male radicalism has taken hold among women on the Left. The “male feminist” type of left-wing man is now openly mocked and scorned for his attempts to get laid by spewing talking-points about women’s “empowerment,” etc.




If a young man is interested in politics, is there any reason he should support a Democrat Party controlled by enraged man-hating feminists? After the defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016, which ought to have been seen as a lesson in why feminism fails, Democrats are instead doubling down. They are talking about nominating Sen. Kamala Harris in 2020, reinforcing the message that men are no longer welcome in the Democrat Party. Taking a look at exit polls in Ohio — where Trump won male voters by a 23-point margin — it’s clear that this message is already well understood, the same way the “Black Lives Matter” movement made clear that Democrats are against white people. All signs indicate that the Democrat Party’s agenda will become even more extreme, as they embrace the radical “Resistance” movement. And who can forget Ashley Judd’s “Nasty Woman” rant at the Women’s March on Washington?


Yes — that is what a feminist looks like, and that’s also what the future of the Democrat Party looks like, if they have a future at all.



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