The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fear and Loathing at Logan International: Massachusetts Is Depraved and Decadent

Posted on | September 12, 2017 | 1 Comment

Bulletin-board flyer welcomes LGBTQIA+ students at UMass Amherst.

My flight back home was delayed by an hour and Pete Da Tech Guy got me here pretty quickly driving against the flow of rush-hour traffic out of Boston, so there’s time to relate a little of what we saw Monday during our visit to the Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts.

We arrived as the sun was slanting low, and I had put in a call to Jason Ross, chairman of the statewide College Republicans alliance, whom Pete had interviewed Friday in Lexington. Could Jason get me in touch with the UMass CRs? He provided me with contact information for the chapter president, Alex Gerty, but when I called her, she was busy and instead connected me to the chapter vice-president, Carly Bishop. Meanwhile, Pete called my attention to the flyers pinned up on the bulletin board outside the dining hall.





So if you’re a socialist, a Muslim, a QTPOC (queer or trans person of color) or a Democrat, there are lots of activities for you at UMass.

On the other hand . . . well, not so much.

To be white, Christian or heterosexual on any college campus nowadays is to be a demonized minority, under suspicion as a source of hate, and if you happen also to be Republican, you probably don’t want to mention this to anyone, especially in Massachusetts, where only 11% of voters are registered as Republicans. Massachusetts is so liberal wicked that taxpayer funding for abortion is protected by the state constitution.

Or at least, that was what the Massachusetts supreme court ruled in 1981, so that pro-life activists hoping to defund Planned Parenthood must first get an amendment to the state constitution passed, and are circulating a petition to get the issue on the ballot. Killing babies is government work in this state, where every member of Congress is a Democrat, and transgender Brianna Wu is running a primary challenge to Democrat incumbent Rep. Stephen Lynch who, somehow, isn’t liberal enough to suit the deranged SJW formerly known as John Flynt.

Everywhere on the Amherst campus of the University of Massachusetts, we saw gigantic banners proclaiming: “Hate Has No Home at UMass.”


In case you don’t understand, “hate” is a synonym for Republican in the minds of the UMass administration and faculty. Any child in Massachusetts who somehow avoids being aborted at taxpayer expense will nevertheless be politically indoctrinated at taxpayer expense, so that the very existence of College Republicans at UMass is rather miraculous.

Well, I’ll have to tell the rest of this story later, because they’re about to call boarding for Flight 1713 at Gate A19, and I’ve got to finish my beverage, pack up the laptop and get in line. As always, I ask readers to remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:





The Creepy Munchausen Moms Who Promote Childhood Transgenderism

Posted on | September 12, 2017 | 4 Comments

“In September 2015, Vanessa and JR Ford sent a group email to announce that their 4-year-old, whom their family and friends knew as their son, would be starting prekindergarten that year as ‘her true self’ — a girl named Ellie.”
New York Times, Jan. 31, 2017

We can’t click fast-forward on the story and see what kind of life “Ellie” Ford will be living in 15 or 20 years, nor can we click the rewind button and go back to examine the circumstances that led to such a weird decision. Vanessa Ford’s narrative of how she knew that her son’s “true self” was a girl named “Ellie” is a tendentious rationalization, reflecting her own prejudices in favor of the transgender agenda. She is exploiting her own child in order to elicit sympathy for herself:

Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy is a pattern in which a parent “fabricates, exaggerates, or induces mental or physical health problems” in their child “usually to gain attention or sympathy from others.”

The liberal media are eager to assist these Munchausen moms. Vanessa Ford has been featured in The Washington Post as well as in Katie Couric’s National Geographic series “Gender Revolution.”

Celebrated as courageous heroes exemplifying the virtues of tolerance and diversity, the Munchausen moms of transgender children are never subjected to skeptical inquiry. Liberal journalists never seem to ask the obvious questions about the bizarre publicity-seeking behavior involved in this creepy crusade, nor is anyone in the mainstream media likely to give a fair hearing to critics of the transgender agenda. As a result, there is a symbiotic relationship between the Munchausen moms (who crave sympathy and attention) and the media, whose biases obligate them to provide that attention with utterly one-sided coverage.


The cult mentality of the transgender movement is exacerbated by the media’s celebratory treatment of such people, based on the belief that anyone critical of the transgender agenda must be an ignorant bigot motivated by “hate.” Common-sense objections are silenced and marginalized, because critics of transgenderism are treated as disreputable, whereas the attention-seeking mother who decides to raise her 4-year-old son as a “girl” named Ellie basks in media praise.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.




Texas Attorney ‘Resigns’ from Firm After Rape Comment About Betsy DeVos

Posted on | September 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Texas Attorney ‘Resigns’ from Firm After Rape Comment About Betsy DeVos


The Eternal Genius of the Liberal Mind:

A Round Rock attorney resigned after posting a controversial tweet Friday that caused a firestorm on Twitter.
The tweet, which was posted by Robert Ranco, a partner with the Carlson Law Firm, read, “I’m not wishing for it…but I’d be ok if #BetsyDevos was sexually assaulted. #SexualAssault #TitleIX.”
The tweet caught the eyes of national news outlets like the Washington Times and Breitbart, as well as Twitter users who snapped screenshots before the account was locked and then deleted.
Law firm managing partner Craig Carlson announced in a statement Monday that Ranco resigned.
“I considered the health of everyone in our organization, promised my partners and my employees that we would act according to the values of our firm, and sat down to speak with Mr. Ranco,” Carlson said.
Carlson stated that with over 75 percent of employees of whom are women, anyone in the company “advocating or even expressing apathy towards sexual assault” would not be accepted. Carlson said Ranco took full responsibility of the tweet.
“As a man of faith, believer in forgiveness, and longtime friend, it is my sincere hope that Rob with learn from this experience and go on to have a very successful career,” Carlson ends the statement.

What would inspire Ranco to post such a disgusting thing? It’s the echo-chamber effect produced by liberal media. If all you knew about politics is what you absorbed through CNN, MSNBC, Huffington Post, the New York Times and other left-wing sources, you would hate DeVos, too. The way such sources presented DeVos’s proposal to roll back the Obama-era Title IX policy, it would be easy for someone inside the liberal echo chamber to believe that DeVos is a bad person promoting bad policies that will expose college students to a greater danger of sexual assault.

Robert Ranco probably never read The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America’s Universities by K.C. Johnson and Stuart Taylor Jr. Nor is it likely that Ranco was familiar with the issues raised by Emily Yoffe in her recent three-part series at The Atlantic:

Each of these articles raises serious questions about the Obama administration decision to require universities to implement policies that amounted to a campus kangaroo-court system that abrogated due-process rights. In many cases, these policies appeared to inspire false accusations of rape while depriving the accused of adequate means of defending themselves. The University of Virginia gang-rape hoax promoted by Rolling Stone‘s 2014 article exemplified the witch-hunt hysteria that the infamous 2011 “Dear Colleague” letter incited, and more than 100 students have sued their universities over the mishandling of what the students claim were false sexual assault accusations.

None of this seems to have penetrated the minds of liberals who bought into the campus “rape culture” narrative — the “1-in-5” myth, etc. — and this is why Ranco would imagine that it was acceptable to say vile things about Betsy DeVos. The #StopBetsy hashtag promoted by feminists last week was full of deranged and irresponsible claims.

To put it bluntly, Democrats have turned rape into a partisan issue, and the liberal media are deliberately promoting propaganda that demonizes Betsy DeVos for contradicting their narrative. It is unfortunate that Robert Ranco had to lose his job as a result of his buying into this propaganda narrative, but perhaps now he will have some sense of what evils a climate of witch-hunt hysteria can unleash.



Late Night With Rule 5 Monday:
Kate Upton Goes To Houston

Posted on | September 12, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Apologies for the lateness of the post – it was a rough weekend here at the Desert Outpost even though the weather was unexpectedly pleasant. I was somewhat tempted to follow up on last week’s news of the Great Kate Upton Trade with news of the sudden phenomenon of “Astros Girl”, a/k/a Terann Hilow, but I wouldn’t be practicing the Neutral Objective Journalism this site is famous for if I didn’t say that based on her talents, Ms. Hilow is going to have to demonstrate considerable hustle and work on her fundamentals if she’s going to expect promotion from the single-A minor leagues of Instagram and YouTube into the major leagues where the Kate Uptons of this world are playing. So for this week’s appetizer, we’re going with a casual pic (from that fine British newspaper the Daily Mail) of Ms. Upton enjoying the Astros at play.

Just another Astros fan enjoying the game

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, while Animal Magnetism chips in with Rule Five Social Media Stupidity Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Coming Out In Hollywood Rule 5, Dragon Con, Diana Rigg and Cake’s “Short Skirt/Long Jacket”, Hurricane Hotties, Cave Girl Mixing, Hurricane Irma Rule 5, Margarita Levieva, and Ziva Rodann.

A View From The Beach graces us with Candice BoucherFish Pic Friday – MarlinHow Middle Class People Pay for Rich People’s Cars“Weird Fishes”Taylor Swift Stiff Arms the SJWsUnintended Consequences or Not?Louisiana Judge Gives California Embryonic CitizenshipHappy Labor Day!Burning Man Ends With Burning ManMassive Salmon Breakout Nets Fishing Binge, and Texas Open to Knives, Swords and Spears.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Anna Kendrick, his Vintage Babe is Diana Barrymore, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Guess. At Dustbury, it’s Rosa Blasi and Dee Dee Sharp.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!
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In The Mailbox: 09.11.17

Posted on | September 11, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.11.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule Five Monday will be posted later tonight, possibly tomorrow morning if you’re on the East Coast.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The Ninety Miles Mystery Box #5
Proof Positive: UnAmerican Gothic
EBL: Remembering Those Who Fell And Fought Back On 9/11
Michelle Malkin: “Lan Astaslem” – I Will Not Surrender
Twitchy: Preet Bharara – Let’s investigate Ancestors Of DACA Opponents, Just Out Of Curiosity
Louder With Crowder: Dear Hillary – You Lost Because America Hates You

Adam Piggott: The Inaugural Comment Of The Week
American Power: Nearly 60% Of Florida Without Power As Irma Moves North, also, Lawrence Wright, The Looming Tower
American Thinker: Fox New Buries Big Friday Night Changes In Wall-To-Wall Hurricane Coverage
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Pat Condell On Europe’s Suicide
BLACKFIVE: Tony Schumacher, <U>An Army Of One
Bring The HEAT: Steeljaw Scribe On 9/11, also, The Manhattan Boatlift
Da Tech Guy: Unwoke Irma Changes Path, Leftist Narratives Hardest Hit, also, Why Kamala Harris (Or George Clooney) Will Be The 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee
Don Surber: Good Analysis From The NYT, also, Harvey Blows Away The Resistance
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Your Eyes Should Not Be Here
The Geller Report: Muslim Student Association Celebrates 9/11 With Bake Sale, also, September 11 – Sixteen Years Later, So Much Worse
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: NFL Opens Season With Terrible Numbers – Kaepernick Boycott Still Causing Chaos
JustOneMinute: Equifarce Reporting, also, Conservatives Pursue A Conservative Agenda
Power Line: Embracing Ancestry, Genetic Code, And Melanin, also, Almost Blacklisted By Google
Shark Tank: Are Americans Happy With Trump’s Presidency?
Shot In The Dark: RIP Jerry Pournelle
STUMP: RIP, Jerry Pournelle
The Jawa Report: 16
The Political Hat: Sixteen Years Ago Today – NEVER FORGET
This Ain’t Hell: 2nd ACR Gets New Strykers, also, Colonel Wilson Found Guilty
Weasel Zippers: Miss Montana USA Has First Transgender Contestant, also, Merkel Proposes Iran-Style Deal To End Nork Crisis
Megan McArdle: Don’t Pretend Your Dog Is A Service Animal
Mark Steyn: Settling Scores With Mother Nature, also, Songs In The Keys Of Florida

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When Your Silly Haiku Tweet Turns Into An Impromptu Songwriting Session

Posted on | September 11, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

To put this mess in context, I was tweeting the G-File with a haiku, and copying @HaikuJonah. Then @Corduroyalist had to make everything weird. @HaikuJonah offers the perfect review. This is an example of how fun Twitter used to be all the time. It’s only an occasional pleasure anymore.

The Death of a Dishonest Feminist

Posted on | September 10, 2017 | 2 Comments


A once-famous man-hating lunatic has gone on to her eternal reward:

Kate Millett, a feminist writer and artist who gave the women’s liberation movement its intellectual cornerstone with the 1970 tract “Sexual Politics,” and whose later works laid bare the subjugation of gay men and lesbians, the mentally ill, the elderly, and victims of political oppression, died Sept. 6 in Paris. She was 82.
Her death was confirmed by Phyllis Chesler, a feminist writer and psychotherapist who said she had corresponded with Dr. Millett’s spouse, Sophie Keir, and that the cause of death was cardiac arrest.

The mention of Millett’s lesbian partner highlights the essential dishonesty of Sexual Politics. At the time the book made Millett nationally famous, she was married to a man, but was carrying on clandestine affairs with women. This was not really much of a secret among her feminist comrades, who confronted her at an event a few months after her book was published, a scene described in Susan Brownmiller’s feminist history In Our Time:

Minutes into the panel a voice from the back of the hall rang out, “Bisexuality is a cop-out!”
Sidney Abbott, another panel member, peered into the audience and recognized Ann Sanchez, one of the Radicalesbians.
The persistent voice catcalled, “Are you a lesbian, Kate? What are you afraid of? You say it downtown, but you don’t say it uptown. Why won’t you say it?”
“Yes,” Millett wearily replied. “You think bisexuality is a cop-out, so yes, I’ll say it. I am a lesbian.
A reporter from Time was at her door the next morning. The story ran in December. Millett’s disclosure of her bisexuality, the magazine intoned, avoiding the word “lesbian,” was “bound to discredit her as a spokeswoman for the cause.”
Dolores Alexander and Ivy Bottini of [the National Organization for Women] urgently called a “Kate Is Great” press conference. Artemis March and Ellen Shumsky of the Radicalesbians composed a statement of solidarity that was read to the reporters. . . . Gloria Steinem firmly held Kate’s hand for a significant photo for the Times. . . But the show of support did little to calm the fraying nerves of the woman who stood at center of the media storm. . . .
Sexual Politics would never be dislodged from its place as feminism’s first book-length bombshell, but the making and breaking of Kate Millett as the movement’s high priestess had run its course in four months.

Why did this “discredit her as a spokeswoman for the cause”? Because in her book, Millett had hypocritically concealed her personal bias. “Her only mention of lesbianism was a single dismissive footnote near the end of the book,” as I wrote in my book Sex Trouble. While other feminists (notably Adrienne Rich) made interesting arguments about the social pressures that led lesbians into such shams as Millett’s marriage (her husband, Fumio Yoshimura, was a Japanese avant-garde sculptor), this wasn’t mentioned in the book that made Millett famous, nor did she disclose her lesbianism to Time magazine or in any of the other press coverage that accompanied publication of Sexual Politics. Millett’s anti-male arguments, which had been presented to the mainstream press as being made by a heterosexual woman with a husband, took on a whole new meaning in light of the revelation of her lesbianism. It was somewhat like the discovery that Rev. Ted Haggard was hooking up with rentboys.

If the personal is political, as feminist Carol Hanisch famously said, then Millett’s lesbianism was certainly relevant to her arguments. Her resentment of “male supremacy” was quite personal, and yet she deliberately concealed the circumstantial nature of her resentment.

When she condemned “our system of sexual relationship” as “a relationship of dominance and subordinance” (Sexual Politics, pp. 24-25), Millett presented this as a universal indictment of “patriarchy,” as though all women shared (or should share) her resentment. Yet the fact was (and is) that the vast majority of women have no political grievance against “our system of sexual relationship.” Whereas Kate Millett evidently never felt any authentic sexual desire toward males, most women do feel such desires, and feel no such sense of personal humiliation as Millett seemed to express in denouncing heterosexuality as “a relationship of dominance and subordinance.”

The biological reality of male-female differences, and the necessity of psychological adjustment to adult roles — as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers — can be analyzed rationally and objectively, without disparaging either men or women, and certainly without resorting to inflammatory rhetoric about male sexual “dominance.” However, the vast majority of people don’t analyze their own preferences and behaviors; they simply act on their feelings, without wondering too much why they feel the way they do. When a man experiences “a complex interaction of psychological, neural, vascular and endocrine factors . . . initiated by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system,” to quote Wikipedia’s description of the “physiological phenomenon,” he isn’t likely to subject his condition to critical analysis. “Me Tarzan, you Jane.”


If you don’t want to swing with the ape-man, stay out of the jungle.

This primitive understanding of human sexuality is perfectly acceptable to most people, but intellectuals always have to overthink everything. To examine sex from a perspective of politics — especially from a left-wing “social justice” perspective of radical egalitarianism — will inevitably give voice to the grievances of those who, for whatever reason, are discontented with their circumstances. People who are successful and happy with their lives, or who at least are able to cope with their disappointments, do not write radical manifestos denouncing “society,” nor do they join movements dedicated to revolutionary agendas.

This was the real issue with Kate Millett’s Sexual Politics — it was a lesbian’s indictment of heterosexuality, written from within the closet.

We might compare Kate Millett to another sexual revolutionary. Alfred Kinsey struck a public pose of a sensible Midwestern scientist, but in reality he was a voyeuristic pervert with all kinds of kinky fetishes.

Alfred Kinsey on the cover of Time, 1953.

It was not until decades after Kinsey’s influential “research” had normalized sexual deviancy that biographers revealed the startling truth of Kinsey’s perversity, along with the fact that much of Kinsey’s survey data was badly skewed, with reports obtained from serial child molesters cited as scientific “evidence” of childhood sexual responses.

Kinsey’s perversion obviously provided an ulterior motive for his advocacy of greater tolerance of deviant behavior, in the same way that Kate Millett’s attack on “our system of sexual relationship” was motivated by her discontent as a closeted lesbian unhappily married to a man.

Millett’s status as the “high priestess” of feminism (as some in the press had called her) was sabotaged by radical lesbians resentful of the high profile Millett had gained through her hypocrisy. In this, they were aided by a media establishment which wanted feminism to be “mainstream,” and believed that lesbianism would harm the movement. And the personal damage inflicted on Millett by “outing” her? This was considered irrelevant, both by her enemies within the feminist movement and by the media, for whom public figures are always more or less disposable. By the time it became apparent that Kate Millett was mentally ill — a story that her younger sister Mallory Millett told in 2014 — the media generally ignored this evidence that the leaders of the feminist movement were lunatics. Millett’s bipolar disorder, like Shulamith Firestone’s schizophrenia, was scarcely a coincidence. Malcontents and deviants are always attracted to radical movements, and sociopathic personalities are by no means rare among the leaders of such movements, as any student of Joseph Stalin’s career must recognize.

Like most other famous feminists, Kate Millett never had children, so that her death is mourned only by her lesbian partner and by elderly comrades in the movement of which she was once “high priestess.” Most young feminists have little knowledge of the true history of their movement and, not knowing history, they are doomed to repeat it.


FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

Posted on | September 10, 2017 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Butts! Boobs! The Final OUTRAGE!!!
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Transgender Victimhood Narrative Sustains Further Embarrassment

Email to @betsyscribeindc

FMJRA 2.0: The One You Love To Hate
The Pirate’s Cove
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

Taking Out The Laundry

Unintended Consequences or Not?
A View From The Beach

‘Too Cute to Be Straight’: Canadian Taxpayers Fund LGBT Message for Kids

A Tattoo-Covered, Mentally Ill Ex-Stripper Whose Real Name Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg Publishes Dishonest Book
Welcome To My Playpen

‘The Least Worthwhile People’ and @The_Moviebob’s Darwinian Inversion
Adam Piggott

In The Mailbox: 09.05.17
Proof Positive

Fear and Loathing at BWI

In The Mailbox: 09.06.17
Proof Positive

Social Justice and Fake Hate Crimes
BattleSwarm Blog

Heading to Harvard Yard

Report From Family Fleeing Florida

In The Mailbox: 09.07.17
Proof Positive

VIDEO: Kent Haeffner, President of Harvard University College Republicans
Granite Grok

Remembering 9/11: Friday Fiction Special

In The Mailbox: 09.08.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (17)
  2. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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