The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.24.17

Posted on | August 24, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.24.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: The Eclipse Perfectly Captured
Twitchy: Stardate ROFL – William Shatner Battles Hordes Of SJWs (Even A PUPPETEER), Jokes Write Themselves
Louder With Crowder: TROLLMASTERS – College Republicans Demand Muslim Student Group Dennounce Terrorism

Adam Piggott: I Don’t Give To Charities
American Power: Leftist Tech Companies Rely On Discredited SPLC To Demonetize Conservative Critics Of Islam, also, ICYMI – Omar El Akkad, American War
American Thinker: The Left Arms Up – John Brown Clubs
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Rubber Bullet News
BattleSwarm: CNN Slapped By Their Own Panel – “I Don’t Trust Anything The News Media Say Any More”
Bring The HEAT: An Interesting Look At The WW2 Canadian Munitions Industry
Da Tech Guy: The #MAGA #CampingWorld Protest Explained In Three Easy Steps, also, Is Communism The New Blue Bonnet?
Don Surber: Editor Stands Up To Anti-Trump “Reporters”
Dustbury: Sorry I Missed You
Fred On Everything: To The Barricades! At Least We’ll Be Less Bored
The Geller Report: Linda Sarsour, Anti-White Racism, And Jew-Hatred At The Kaepernick Protest In NYC
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Fake News Overdose – Reuters Calls Left-Wing Rioters “Peace Activists”
Joe For America: House Democrat Yvette Clarke Approved $120K Writeoff Linked To Awan Brothers
JustOneMinute: Walling Up, also, Powering Up With Thorium
Power Line: A Kick In The Groin, also, Free Speech? What’s That?
Shark Tank: Pence Threatens Maduro’s Regime, Reiterates Trump’s “Many Options”
Shot In The Dark: Oh, Snowflakes. Just You Wait.
STUMP: Public Pensions – Why Do 100% Required Contribution Payers Have Decreasing Fundedness?
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Always Protect No No
The Political Hat: Purity In Education – Purge The Unbelievers, Kill The Impure And Kill Their Allies
This Ain’t Hell: Why Not A .22LR?
Weasel Zippers: Texas Voter ID Law Struck Down By Obama-Appointed Judge, also, CNN – Everyone Who Voted For Trump Is A White Supremacist By Default
Mark Steyn: Looming And Creeping

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In The Mailbox: 08.23.17

Posted on | August 23, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Pagan Vigil: Circus Of Hate
EBL: ESPN Has Managed To Drive Itself Completely Insane
Michelle Malkin: The Red York Times – First In Fake News
Twitchy: Ben Shapiro Spots “Underrated” Detail In Phoenix Protest Video, And It’s Mock-tastic
Louder With Crowder: Watch This Anti-Trump Protester Get Shot In The Nads With A Pepper Ball

Adam Piggott: I Was Once An Approval Addict
American Power: CNN’s Ana Navarro Angrily Defends Tweet Claiming President Trump Has Dementia, also, Clint Romesha, Red Platoon
American Thinker: Has The Deep State Won?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Scott Adams Tells Democrats To Stop Hallucinating
Bring The HEAT: CINCPAC Sacks 7th Fleet Commander After Rash Of Incidents
Da Tech Guy: Lacking In Love, also, Math Geek Memories
Don Surber: WaPo Settles Race & Age Discrimination Suit
Dustbury: Back Into The Light
The Geller Report: UK Muslima Labour MP Warns Kufr Sex Crime Victims To Shut Up “For The Sake Of Diversity”
Hogewash: A Personal Note About The Trial, also, Lucky White Socks
Jammie Wearing Fools: CNN Clown Don Lemon Suffers Mental Breakdown After Trump Speech
Joe For America: Obama Left Fleets In Shambles, Military In Chaos
JustOneMinute: “We’re The Redcoats” In Afghanistan, also, Prayer v. Anthem
Power Line: The Name/Statue Game Has Barely Begun!
Shark Tank: Trump’s GOP Approval Rating At 75% Nationwide
Shot In The Dark: Punch Back
STUMP: Public Pensions Interest Groups Says “Your Money Creates More Value With Us!”, also, Cook County Soda Tax – My Relief (And An Announcement)
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Islamic State Is Basically Slime
The Political Hat: Progressives’ Child – White Supremacy
This Ain’t Hell: The Dumbest Thing You’ll Read Today
Weasel Zippers: Anti-Trump Commies Seek Regime Change, Plan Nationwide Protests, also, California’s Top Judge Orders ICE Out Of Courthouses As California Readies Sanctuary Law
Megan McArdle: What Texans Are Telling Their Congressman
Mark Steyn: Looking At The World Through Total Eclipse Glasses

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Further Difficulties Emerge for the Transgender Victimhood Narrative

Posted on | August 23, 2017 | 3 Comments

Rayquann Deonte Jernigan (left); Jalen Breon Brown (right).

According to “social justice” advocates, there is an epidemic of anti-transgender violence for which Donald Trump and Republicans are to blame. The only thing wrong with that claim is the complete lack of evidence to support it. LGBT activists and liberal journalists keep calling attention to the murders of “Transgender Women of Color,” and the facts continue contradicting the social-justice narrative. Athens, Georgia:

The weekend fatal shooting of a teen at an apartment complex near downtown Athens was the culmination of a feud between two transgender groups, Athens-Clarke County police confirmed [June 28].
Rayquann Deonte Jernigan, 17, who was known to friends by the chosen name of Ava Le’Ray Barrin, was killed Sunday morning by a single gunshot fired by 21-year-old Jalen Breon Brown in the parking lot of Riverview Apartments on College Avenue, police said. . . .
“It started out as an argument between friends of the suspect and victim,” Saulters said.
Jernigan and two friends were in the parking lot of Riverview Apartments at about 11:45 a.m. when they crossed paths with Brown, the police captain said.
Brown was on the second floor of one of the apartment buildings and the victim was in the parking lot when they reportedly began to argue. Saulters said Brown fired a “warning” shot in the direction of the victim, before he went down to the parking lot where he and Jernigan began fighting.
During the altercation, Brown shot the victim in the side of the chest, police said. . . .

Just a wild guess here, but I don’t think Jalen Brown voted for Trump. Yet the fact that Jernigan was killed by a member of his/“her” own community didn’t stop liberals from playing the transgender victimhood card on behalf of the deceased because of oppressive pronouns:

“Like too many transgender victims of violence, Barrin’s name and gender were misreported by local law enforcement and media outlets. Announcements that fail to respect transgender victims’ identities not only upset the victims’ loved ones, but may lead to additional violence by creating the perception that law enforcement will not protect transgender people or pursue their attackers.”

Y’know, “perception” doesn’t matter much once you’re dead. If a boy dresses up as a girl, and then gets himself shot to death in a fight with another boy dressed as a girl, worrying about whether media accounts “upset the victims’ loved ones” is a ridiculous waste of time. The assertion that failing to “respect transgender victims’ identities . . . may lead to additional violence” is another one of those liberal claims that have no evidentiary basis. There’s no reason to believe “perception” of law-enforcement attitudes was a factor in the death of Rayquann/“Ava.” It’s just the SJW Thought Police trying to force everybody to play along with the victimhood narrative. Meanwhile, in Atlanta . . .

Troy “Tee Tee” Dangerfield (left); Tyrone Kemp (right).

More than two weeks after a trans woman was found shot to death in College Park, police confirm they’ve arrested a suspect.
Tuesday night, police arrested 26-year-old Tyrone Kemp for the July 31 murder of Tee Tee Dangerfield. Kemp is charged with malice murder.
According to College Park Police Cpl. Lance Patterson, Dangerfield was found shot to death in her car at the South Hampton Estates apartment complex in the 3100 block of Godby Road.
Dangerfield was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital but was later pronounced dead.
At this point, it is not clear if the murder had anything to do with Dangerfield being transgender.

Whatever the motive was, I’m guessing that Tyrone Kemp isn’t a registered Republican and I’ll bet $20 this crime was not inspired by Donald Trump. Liberals are trying to promote a “climate of hate” theory to blame Republicans for the deaths of these people, without bothering to offer any facts or logic to justify this theory. The Left is engaged in a political propaganda campaign to encourage paranoia within the LGBT community in order to foster Fear and Loathing of the GOP.

Let me make a bold prediction: This will backfire badly for the Left.

The more they try to sell this victimhood narrative, the more they will attract skeptical scrutiny from people who wonder, “Hey, what’s up with all this transgender stuff in the news every day?” And trust me when I say that the closer you look, the more craziness you’ll find. By their crusade against “transphobia,” liberals are calling in artillery fire on their own coordinates, so to speak. Most people prefer to pay as little attention as possible to this issue, but if the Left is going to force people to pay attention, they are not likely to be happy with the reaction.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


Late Night With In The Mailbox: 08.22.17

Posted on | August 23, 2017 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 08.22.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Why Fight A War We’re Unwilling To Win?
EBL: Joss Whedon, Asshat Of The Day
Twitchy: Washington Post – 2017 Liberals Taking A Second Look At That Whole Free Speech Thing
Louder With Crowder: #BlackLivesMatter Releases Hilariously Racist Demand Listicle For White People

Adam Piggott: I No Longer Read Books By Women
American Power: Fifteen Antifa Photos You’ll Never See In The Mainstream Media, also, Bernard Cornwell, The Last Kingdom
American Thinker: BLM and Antifa Are Just Democratic Muscle Like The Old KKK
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Big-Bore News
BattleSwarm: Houston Dumbass Arrested For Trying To Bomb Confederate Statue
BLACKFIVE: Andrew Gross, The One Man and The Saboteur
Bring The HEAT: Deviant Company Live Fire
Da Tech Guy: The First Amendment And Charlottesville, also, Red Century Story Makes Me See Red, also also, DaTechGuy On Da Boston Common – Many Groups, One Anti-Trump Message
Don Surber: The Trump Infamy Ecosystem
Dustbury: Never Gonna Give Foo Up (NSFW – language)
The Geller Report: Why Are Those Concerned With Slavery Anti-Trump But Pro-Islam?
Hogewash: What Happened In Court Today, also, Quote Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Two Kennedys Arrested After Wild Cape Cod Party
Joe For America: Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz Suggests Violence Against Whites May Be Justified
JustOneMinute: Utterly Weird, also, The Trump Dossier
Power Line: ESPN The Worldwide Leader In Liberal Idiocy, also, Stand By Your Awan (4)
Shark Tank: Trump Doesn’t Pardon Sheriff Joe, But Says He’ll Be “Just Fine”
Shot In The Dark: Layers And Layers Of Gatekeepers
STUMP: Cook County Soda Tax Persuasion And Comparison – Why Not Tax Juice?
The Jawa Report: Seven People Stabbed In Islamic State Attack In Russia, also, Google Bans Statistics And Math Because RACISM
The Political Hat: Schrodinger’s Senator
This Ain’t Hell: Captain Trost Gets His Gun, also, The Trump Doctrine In Afghanistan
Weasel Zippers: Soros-Backed Activists Planned To Disrupt Trump Rally In Phoenix, also, LA Police Launch Investigation Into Rentboy’s Death At Hollywood Home of Prominent Hillary Donor
Megan McArdle: We Live In Fear Of The Online Mobs
Mark Steyn: From Barbarous To Evil, also, Love Me Tender

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Robert Tracinski Kills It

Posted on | August 22, 2017 | 1 Comment

The headline on Robert Tracinski’s column at The Federalist bothers me:

Nazi-Hunting Fantasies Have Unhinged The Left

This raises the question, when was the Left ever “hinged”? The Left has always been unhinged, going back as far as I can remember. I was eight years old when I watched on TV as the unhinged Left turned the Democrat convention into a riot in 1968, and a headline suggesting that the Left has lost its sanity requires me to ask what could cause anyone to imagine that the Left was sane in the first place. My problems with the headline aside, however, Tracinski’s column is so good it deserves an award of some kind. Here’s a small taste:

I’ve learned from Twitter in the last week that not only is the Trump White House chock full of white nationalists, but that also extends to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, along with the entire Republican Party. When Republicans like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio denounce Nazis, that doesn’t mean they’re not Nazis, it just means they’re posturing. Paul Ryan “owns” Nazism just by being a Republican, I guess. Oh, and unless he’s actually impeaching Trump, he’s a brownshirt.
People who complain about calling everybody Nazis are Nazis. Anyone who points out that there were also violent, anti-democracy anarcho-Communist “Antifa” demonstrators in Charlottesville is simply making excuses for Nazis — even if they work for the New York Times.
This isn’t even guilt by association. It’s guilt by free association, and it seems almost calculated to prevent the overwhelming number of people who oppose fascism and white nationalism from making common cause with one another. There are a lot of people who are taking an issue that somewhere around 99 percent of Americans ought to be able to agree on — ”Nazis are bad” — and trying to make it into a repellently partisan issue. It is as if they need us to be Nazis. If every one of them is Simon Wiesenthal, they’d better find an awful lot of Eichmanns. They need everyone who is not a card-carrying supporter of their political movement to be a total evil that justifies unlimited reprisal: from getting people fired from their jobs to beating them with sticks in the streets. . . .

Read the whole thing. It’s a home run, a grand slam — he ripped the hide off the ball and put it out in the parking lot behind centerfield.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Why the South Is Rising Again

Posted on | August 21, 2017 | Comments Off on Why the South Is Rising Again


“These Democrats will do whatever they have to stop the president.”
“Now they’re making a big deal about statues? Who cares about statues!”

That exchange between two guys in a diner in Long Island, N.Y., was overheard by a former Democratic congressman, Steve Israel, who is no fan of Donald Trump, but who is smart enough to understand why the Charlottesville riot didn’t hurt Trump’s support among his voter base. Rep. Israel said Trump has been “diabolically brilliant” in appealing to the sentiments of working-class whites who elected him.

If two guys eating breakfast in a New York diner get it, and if even a Democrat like Steve Israel gets it, why don’t the media get it?

Ask yourself a few questions: Does the typical “swing” voter who made the difference for Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin consider monuments to Robert E. Lee a major social problem? Whoever you might be, or wherever you live, try imagining yourself as a white working-class resident of suburban Pittsburgh, Detroit or Milwaukee. Is such a person “racist”? Well, if judged by the standards of the elite media, perhaps so, but this doesn’t mean the Trump voter thinks of himself that way; he just doesn’t buy into the liberal elite’s interpretation of the nature and causes of racial problems in America. That white guy in Michigan who lives near the bankrupt crime-plagued disaster of Detroit isn’t likely to believe racism is the universal explanation for every problem facing the black community. No, that white guy in Michigan watches the local TV news out of Detroit, and then he sees the national news about protests over Confederate memorials, and he has the same common-sense reaction as the two old guys in that Long Island diner: “Now they’re making a big deal about statues? Who cares about statues!”

Save your Confederate money, because the South is rising again: “The latest wave of polling shows that the president’s overall job-approval rating has inched upwards since the controversy, that a sizable majority of Americans support maintaining Confederate memorials instead of tearing them down, and that a notable minority agree with the president’s use of ‘both sides’ language during Tuesday’s press conference.”

What we have witnessed since Charlottesville is an “elite Mass Hysteria Bubble,” Professor Glenn Reynolds says. This madness originated in academia, and the news that the University of Texas at Austin has taken down statues of Robert E. Lee and other Confederate figures shows how widespread this elite hysteria has become. My immediate reaction was to wonder if Texas A&M will now remove the statue of Gen. Lawrence Sullivan “Sul” Ross, a much-beloved campus landmark. And what will become of Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas?

The panicky reaction to Charlottesville among certain Republican politicians reflects a deficient understanding of the political landscape. At times of crisis, when the liberal media are trying to gin up a phony controversy to smear Republicans, it would behoove GOP leaders to consult Vox Day’s wise advice in SJWs Always Lie: “Do not try to reason with them” and “Do not apologize.” If you are not a Nazi sympathizer, why panic in response to ludicrous accusations that you are responsible for the actions of a random idiot at a white supremacist rally?

Furthermore, who are you, Mr. Republican Senator, to dismiss the grievances that might cause some misguided people to think that joining a bunch of nutjobs like Vanguard America is a smart thing to do? The liberal media expected Americans to sympathize with Black Lives Matters mobs, while Democrats made excuses for rioters in Ferguson, Baltimore and Charlotte, and yet President Trump was supposed to ignore “antifa” thuggery? Certainly, no Republican politician can endorse Jew-hating or race-baiting, but isn’t it possible that the so-called “alt-right” rally in Charlottesville signified something other than racial hatred?

Pardon me for caring about “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” without regard to whether I believe their grievances are legitimate, or whether I approve of the “redress” they might seek. If the AFL-CIO convention demands an increase in the minimum wage — which they do, year after year — my advice would be to ignore them. While I might sit here at my computer and blog about why raising the minimum wage is a bad idea, I’m certainly not going to assemble a frantic mob of libertarians and try to storm the AFL-CIO convention hall. Likewise, when neo-Nazis gather to blame an international Zionist conspiracy for everything wrong in the world — which they do, year after year — my advice is to ignore them. Maybe I would write a blog post urging the neo-Nazis to go storm the AFL-CIO convention, although I’d only suggest this as a joke. On the other hand, wouldn’t a massive brawl between Nazi thugs and union goons be an amusing spectacle to watch? But I digress . . .

When President Trump said “both sides” engaged in violence at Charlottesville, he was simply stating a fact, and “facts are stubborn things,” as John Adams famously said, as an attorney arguing in defense of British soldiers accused of killing civilians in the Boston Massacre.

Many years ago, I realized that the real action in politics occurs far away from the daily back-and-forth between Republicans and Democrats in Washington, D.C. American politics is ordinarily a football game played between the 40-yard lines, a boring bipartisan stalemate. If you want to find some real action — if you want to get an idea of what forces could be building up toward a movement that might produce change in the status quo — you need to look toward the lunatic fringe of kooks and radicals. Today’s marginalized wacko sometimes become tomorrow’s mainstream leader. Who ever would have imagined in 1969, for example, that radical terrorist Bill Ayers would live to see his young protégé Barack Obama elected president? For decades now, I’ve been paying attention to wackos on both the Left and Right, doing it in the Gonzo way, immersing myself in various fringe ideologies the way I’ve done the past three years with radical feminism. For example, I covered Workers World Party “anti-globalization” protests in D.C. in the late 1990s, before they spun off their anti-war front group A.N.S.W.E.R. during the Bush years. I got video of young Arab-American kids chanting pro-Hezbollah slogans at a D.C. rally in 2007, which was the same year I participated in a panel discussion about the Duke lacrosse rape hoax, where one of my fellow panelists was a Duke student named Richard Spencer. Perhaps you’ve heard of him.


Long before we had radical “antifa” mobs engaged in rioting, arson and physical assault in their efforts to shut down free speech on university campuses, and SJWs trying to silence dissent online, some of us were already calling attention to the rising wave of Cultural Marxism.

Consider the case of Jesse Dirkhising, who was raped, tortured and asphyxiated by two homosexuals, but whose “death received only regional media coverage until a Washington Times article ran a story nearly a month after his death, noting the lack of national coverage in contrast to that given to the 1998 death of Matthew Shepard.” Who do you think wrote that article? The liberal media bias that sought to treat Jesse Dirhising’s death as strictly “local news,” whereas the same media engaged in a national crusade celebrating Matthew Shepard as a martyred saint, is a major factor in the rise of the so-called “alt-right.” The same kind of bias helped drive the Duke lacrosse rape hoax, which in turn radicalized Richard Spencer. Grant that Spencer is an extreme example of this phenomenon, but he is the tip of a large iceberg of discontent in this country, of people who know they are being lied to by both the media and the government, and whose distrust of the existing political status quo led to the election of Donald Trump.

The “Democrat operatives with bylines” are guilty of deliberately distorting the news for partisan purposes, and in the process are inciting a firestorm of hatred that results in violence, which the TV networks then exploit for ratings and revenue. Lather, rinse, repeat.

If you want to know the real history of the Confederacy, you won’t get it from the national media, but perhaps you’d learn something from my 2001 article at the American Spectator, “Not Afraid to Fight,” which was published on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Fort Sumter:

For a boy growing up in Douglas County, Georgia — where the ruins of the New Manchester Mill on Sweetwater Creek still stand as a silent monument to General Sherman’s destructive method of warfare — the historical reality of that war was hard to avoid, and its hyperpolitical 21st-century interpretation not even yet imagined. We were instead taught to think of the War Between the States, as most Southerners then called it, as the result of a tragic misunderstanding. The patriotic legacy of Fort Sumter our teachers imparted to us, as young inheritors of the Confederate past, was that our ancestors had been unafraid to fight, and had fought with remarkable courage long after all hope of victory was gone.
Patriotism and courage have gone long since gone out of fashion. America’s intellectual elite — “The Ruling Class,” as Professor Codevilla calls them — are nowadays the diligent disciples of draft-dodgers who once marched beneath Vietcong flags in anti-war demonstrations. In the “long twilight struggle” against communism, they were on the other side. . . .

You can read the whole thing. Our public schools and universities today are as guilty as the liberal media of promoting political propaganda, and in the process are fomenting needless animosity and division. If things continue in the direction we’ve been going the past few years — “the Crazy Years” indeed, Professor — another civil war could become a real possibility. However, as it is still within our power to avert such a catastrophic conflict, it behooves patriotic Americans to learn a thing or two about military tactics, which are often applicable to politics.

Many times during the Civil War, battles were lost by commanders who failed to adequately assess their enemy’s strength and position, and who let themselves be drawn into an attack that exposed their flank. Such was the lesson Robert E. Lee taught John Pope at Second Manassas, where the Yankee general foolishly imagined he was in pursuit of a beaten and fleeing rebel force led by Stonewall Jackson, only to discover to his eternal regret that (a) Jackson was neither beaten nor fleeing, and (b) an an entire Confederate corps under James Longstreet was in position to destroy Pope’s left flank. If only our Republican politicians today were as shrewd as Lee, but alas, they are as foolish as Pope!

When the left-wing mobs start attacking the legacy of Lee, they have in effect exposed their own flank, because Lee is still widely admired by Americans. If conservatives would simply remain calm and then counter-attack, the Left would be easily routed and driven in panic. But, no, Republican “leaders” are a bunch of selfish cowards, too concerned for their own personal prestige to risk being deemed “offensive” by the media, and retreat at the first volley of hostile fire.

Remain calm when under attack, and look for the attacker’s weakness. The problem for the Left is that bad causes always attract bad people, like the 25-year-old arrested for attempting to bomb a Confederate monument in a Houston park. The bomber’s alleged target was a statue of Richard Dowling, an Irish immigrant and Houston saloon owner who commanded the victorious Confederate forces at the Battle of Sabine Pass. Only by the weird ideology of the Left is such a figure as Dick Dowling a symbol of “hate,” but there is no shortage of weirdos on the Left, and these kooks predictably discredit whatever “social justice” cause they pursue. If Republican “leaders” would stop kowtowing to the media and start trying to help President Trump, rather than sabotaging him for the sake of their own vanity, the conflict over Confederate monuments could be turned against Democrats (and their lackeys in the media) who have incited the Left’s irrational fury.

No one should imagine that whatever “victories” the Left may score in its attacks on Confederate heritage will hurt Trump or benefit the Democrats. You go around insulting people — which is what this cultural jihad against the South is about — and you can expect them to resent it. They will not forget who is responsible for these insults, nor are they likely to forgive them. To quote Professor Reynolds, “If you don’t like the consequences, don’t do the thing that produces the consequences. Anything else is just crazy.” We can expect the craziness to get worse during the next three years, and if conservatives want to win, they will have to learn to stop panicking every time the media stir up some new “controversy.” Remain calm, look for the opponent’s weakness, and then counter-attack — hit ’em with everything you’ve got.

“Always mystify, mislead, and surprise the enemy, if possible; and when you strike and overcome him, never let up in the pursuit so long as your men have strength to follow; for an army routed, if hotly pursued, becomes panic-stricken, and can then be destroyed by half their number. The other rule is, never fight against heavy odds, if by any possible maneuvering you can hurl your own force on only a part, and that the weakest part, of your enemy and crush it. Such tactics will win every time, and a small army may thus destroy a large one in detail, and repeated victory will make it invincible.”

People need to study history, instead of trying to erase it.



In The Mailbox: 08.21.17

Posted on | August 21, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.21.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Pagan Vigil: Speech Wars
EBL: Jerry Lewis, RIP
Twitchy: Joan Walsh Doesn’t Need “Alt-Left” Mansplained To Her, Thanks Very Much
Louder With Crowder: Antifa Goon Assaults Old Woman Carrying American Flag At Boston Rally, also, WTF? Leftists Want To Blow Up Mount Rushmore

Adam Piggott: Happy Wife, Happy Life?
American Power: University of Texas Removes Confederate Statues, also, Anton Myrer, Once An Eagle
American Thinker: Trump’s Unintended Consequences – The Republican Party Reveals Itself
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Google Removes Gab From Android Store
BLACKFIVE: Lisa Scottoline, Damaged and Exposed
Bring The HEAT: American Talibantifa
Da Tech Guy: Slave Cars, also, Report From Louisiana – The World Has Gone Mad
Don Surber: Bannon Is Where We Need Him
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, N-Word Indeed
The Geller Report: PayPal Suspends Operation AFDIThen Restores It Under Pressure
Hogewash: Vonlu’, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: California Facing Imminent Financial Collapse?
JustOneMinute: Sly Stupidity, or, Beinart Versus Beinart
Power Line: NYT Applauds Far-Left Violence, also, Google Teaming With The Left To Drive Conservatives Off The Internet?
Shark Tank: ANTIFA’s Best Friend In Congress, Ted Deutch
Shot In The Dark: The President Was Too Even-Handed About Charlottesville
STUMP: Sunday Dumpery – Yes, It’s The Soda Tax, What’s It To You?
The Jawa Report: Eclipse 2017, Live Coverage Of The End Of Civilization
The Political Hat: News Of The Week
This Ain’t Hell: Media Criticizes Mattis For Sailor Talk, also, Lebanese Soldiers Raise Spanish Flag After Defeating ISIS
Weasel Zippers: White House Petition Underway To Declare Antifa Terrorist Organization, also, Antifa Attacks Police With Rocks, Urine Bottles At Boston Protest Against Free Speech
Mark Steyn: Byrds Of A Feather, also, Eclipsapalooza!

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Feminism as Cliché: When You’re Just Another Privileged White Girl

Posted on | August 20, 2017 | 3 Comments




Where to start? Hood College is a notorious lesbian school and it’s a mystery why its enrollment keeps declining. Originally founded as a strict Calvinist college for women, Hood admitted male students in the 1970s, becoming coed just about the time it ceased to be Christian.

Hood is a bastion of far-left politics in conservative western Maryland. Republicans are persona non grata on the faculty and, while there are occasional rumors of heterosexuality on campus, the school’s reputation is such that when guys in Frederick see girls wearing Hood College T-shirts, their reaction is, “Oh, don’t bother. They’re lesbians.”

The Feminist Student Union at Hood might be more influential if it wasn’t so redundant, being more or less coterminous with the Queer Student Union, which is basically the entire student body.

Ellie Blaser is a recent Hood College graduate who works for a non-profit “social justice” organization. She is an “intersectional” feminist,” i.e., she hates everything white, male, capitalist, heterosexual and/or Republican. Or maybe she’s just name-checking black lesbian Audre Lorde in a sort of virtue-signaling gesture. It’s hard to tell with these young Third Wave types sometimes, but when a rich girl (a) feels obliged to denounce herself as “privileged, white, cisgendered” and (b) attended a left-wing indoctrination center like Hood, you know she’s got to be dealing with multiple layers of neurotic self-hatred.


Being an “intersectional” feminist means believing all males are sexist oppressors — “OH MY GOD MEN ARE THE WORSTTTTT,” to quote Ellie Blaser — even if you claim to be heterosexual, as Ellie Blaser did twice, in a badly-written January 2016 screed on her Tumblr blog:

I don’t think it would be an exaggeration to say that in the last couple years, “feminism” has become a buzzword.
I’m not saying that’s a bad thing — anyone who knows me could probably guess that I’m all for it. Feminism is, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.” Today in 2016 we still live in a world where women everywhere are constantly put at a disadvantage because of their gender (not to mention various other struggles many women face in regards to their race and presence within the LGBTQ+ community). As such, I’m all for feminism becoming a wider used word, something that any and everybody can feel comfortable and proud using. When I was in high school just a few years ago, I would only reluctantly call myself a feminist, out of fear of being ridiculed or called a “feminazi” (both of those things did happen over the course of my high school career). So yes I’m happy that positive connotations of the word have become more popular. Why wouldn’t I? . . .

Did I mention that Ellie Blaser majored in communications at Hood College? Did I mention that the annual cost to attend Hood is $48,740 including tuition, room and board? Never mind. Continue, Ms. Blaser:

Since feminism’s foray into pop culture, there have been countless articles and think-pieces written about what exactly it takes to be a “good feminist,” and more importantly, what would put you in the bad category. (If you want to read more about this specifically, I would check out Roxane Gay’s “Bad Feminist,” which I haven’t actually gotten around to reading myself but which I hear is great.) This can be a confusing and uncomfortable topic of conversation for anyone who is at all interested in social justice and also happens to enjoy most popular mainstream pieces of media, because fun fact for those of you who might not have caught on, but the majority of television shows, movies, books, and music (etc.) that we usually consume are pretty sexist. (It also goes without saying that they are also often racist, homophobic, etc.) This isn’t something I’m saying as an exaggeration — it’s quite simply and truly a fact. . . .

Well, you can read the rest of that. Or try to read it, I should say. The quoted excerpts are sufficient to demonstrate that, whatever else she may have learned at Hood College, she didn’t learn to write a persuasive essay, nor even a coherent paragraph. You might be surprised to learn that her collegiate dream was to “live in a fancy apartment in the city, writing for some cool magazine and spending my nights being [pursued] by attractive men who appreciate my looks and even more so my feminism.”

Dreams die hard, when your college doesn’t bother teaching basic prose composition. As for attractive men who might appreciate Ms. Blaser’s looks, obviously none of them attended Hood College, where the enrollment is 63% female and, as the Frederick boys say, “Why bother?”

Readers are at liberty to appreciate Ms. Blaser’s looks, if they wish, but the question is, why should “attractive men” appreciate her feminism? Perhaps times have changed since I was a young bachelor, but I’d imagine that the minute a college girl says the word “intersectionality” aloud, every heterosexual male in the room takes this as his cue to exit: “Oh, dear God, here comes another screechy ‘rape culture’ lecture.”

Why do girls at private liberal arts colleges keep telling these Tales of the Oppressive Patriarchy? Do they expect anyone to believe they are “constantly put at a disadvantage because of their gender”? Do these juvenile feminists even believe their own propaganda?

Never mind the rhetorical questions, however, because last November, a week before Election Day, Ellie Blaser published a column in the Hood College student newspaper with the headline, “Being a Feminist in the Age of Trump,” which began:

Calling yourself a feminist isn’t always the easiest thing to do.
Despite its pretty straight-forward meaning, which according to is, “advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men”, the term feminism has been misused and misinterpreted for years, developing a reputation that tends to illicit more disdain than anything else.
As someone who has been self-identifying as a feminist since high school, I’ve gotten used to receiving all sorts of negative reactions. I’ve had guys immediately try and argue why I shouldn’t call myself a feminist, and other guys drag famous women’s equality advocates through the mud, as if somehow by discrediting them I’ll change my mind.
There are people who tell me the term feminist is offensive, because it “excludes men,” and other people tell me it’s dumb to believe in feminism, because in 2016 things are equal. And then there’s my favorite: a raised eye, judgmental tone. “Oh. You’re a feminist?”
As if it’s so ridiculous.
And I want to be clear, these reactions don’t just come from men. I’ve had women and girls telling me that I shouldn’t identify as a feminist for as long as I’ve had men doing so. . . .

Notice, first, that Ms. Blaser wrote “illicit” (adjective) when she meant “elicit” (verb), suggesting that “How to Use a Dictionary” is not to be found anywhere in the Hood College curriculum. More importantly, however, Ms. Blaser’s account of reactions to her self-declared feminism suggests that young guys haven’t been paying attention to my oft-repeated advice: Never talk to a feminist.

Guys who “immediately try and argue why I shouldn’t call myself a feminist” are fools. As soon as she declares herself a feminist, as I say, the smart young man’s reaction should be to walk away in silence:

Guys: Learn to take a hint. Learn to walk away.
If a woman tells you she is a feminist, say nothing and walk away.
No feminist wants to hear what a man has to say, and life is too short to waste your time talking to feminists. Just walk away.
Leave feminists alone, and then they can complain about that.
There is no point arguing with a feminist. There is nothing to discuss. The feminist has complete contempt for males. She considers men useless and irrelevant. She has no respect for you. The fact that you are a man means you are automatically wrong about everything. She is the judge, jury and prosecutor, and all men are guilty. Case closed.

The reason why feminists think all men are stupid is because no intelligent man would ever waste time talking to a feminist.

Let the young man ask himself this: Would a woman even mention feminism to a guy if she was attracted to him? Of course not. Every woman with a lick of common sense understands that men find feminist rhetoric insulting. Therefore, if a guy meets a woman and she starts talking feminism, he may assume that she does so to insult him.

Or maybe she just doesn’t have a lick of common sense.

Either way, no intelligent man would waste his time talking to her. The feminist is emotionally committed to the belief that males are an oppressive enemy, and that she is a victim of the patriarchy, and no amount of logical argument will ever persuade her otherwise. Like a schizophrenic in the grip of a paranoid delusion, or a devoted member of a religious cult, the feminist is beyond the reach of facts and logic.

Even if a guy otherwise found Ellie Blaser attractive — hey, take a look and decide for yourself — does he really want to get involved with the kind of girl who thinks it’s clever to name-check Audre Lorde? Factor in her deficiencies in prose composition, her inability to tell the difference between “illicit” and “elicit,” and also consider that she went to Hood College, and Ms. Blaser’s not exactly a premium-quality selection.

Dear Everyone: Please Stop Telling Me I’m
Vapid and Self-Absorbed for Posting Selfies

That was the headline on a Tumblr rant Ms. Blaser published a couple of years ago, and I don’t know how to begin describing her “argument,” except to say it is a Gordian knot of tangled solipsistic gibberish.

Ellie Blaser is a 21st-century cliché, the “privileged, white, cisgendered” girl with a “passion for feminism and social justice” who goes to a private liberal arts college, spews incoherent nonsense on social media, and can’t understand why guys don’t like her. Hypothetically heterosexual, but with not much prospect of turning theory into practice, she devotes herself to lashing out at the demonized scapegoat, Donald Trump.



You see, as Ms. Blaser says, “social justice is a journey” — down a certain road that is proverbially paved with good intentions. No hope of persuading her to turn back now. Might as well wish her Bon voyage!

Once a young feminist has spent four years at a $48,740-a-year “social justice” factory like Hood College, she’s irretrievably doomed.


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