The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Convicted Sex Offender Kidnaps, Robs and Rapes Woman at Cleveland Art School

Posted on | March 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports:

A sex offender released from prison 10 months ago is accused of kidnapping a woman at gunpoint from the parking lot at the Cleveland Institute of Art and raping her later in the night.
Dia Cook, 34, is charged with rape, kidnapping and aggravated robbery. He is being held in the city jail on $500,000 bond after his first court appearance on Friday.
Cook about 9:20 p.m. Tuesday followed a 32-year-old woman to the art school’s parking lot on Euclid Avenue at East 117th Street in the city’s University Circle neighborhood.
He pointed to a gun in his waistband and threatened to shoot her unless she got into her car, according to court records.
He forced the woman to drive to another parking lot in an unknown location, where he forced her pants off and raped her several times, court records say.
Cook then made the woman to drive to an ATM and withdraw $200 cash for him, court records say.
He continuously threatened her at gunpoint and groped her as she drove, court records say.
The woman reported the incident and police arrested him about 2:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Cook has three prior felony convictions and served a 10-year prison sentence, all for crimes committed against employees of a single McDonald’s on West 150th Street.

Cook robbed the McDonald’s in 2001, a crime for which served five years on probation. Four years later, he robbed the same restaurant, stole a car, kidnapped a female employee and attempted to rape her. He pleaded guilty to attempted rape, kidnapping and aggravated robbery in that case, and was released from prison in April. His latest crime involved a woman kidnapped from an art school, and this might be the “campus rape epidemic” that feminists have been talking about. So far, however, no feminist has mentioned Dia Cook, nor have feminists taken notice of the violence against women allegedly committed by Joseph Lee Sims, Bryce ScottHenry Jose GarciaNeel Salil MehtaDouglas Hus-Flores or Kishawn Holmes. It’s as if there’s a pattern or something . . .


Homeless Man With HIV Rapes Woman

Posted on | March 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


The Columbus (Ga.) Ledger-Enquirer reports:

A homeless man with HIV raped a woman on Feb. 3 near the Chattahoochee River at the intersection of First Avenue and 17th Street, according to testimony [Feb. 13] in Columbus Recorder’s Court.
Joseph Lee Sims, 55, pleaded not guilty to rape, sodomy, reckless conduct HIV and giving false information to police.
Columbus Police Officer Christina Lombardo said she was called to the Homeless Resource Network at 2221 Second Ave. around 9:20 a.m. Feb. 3 to investigate a sexual assault.
The victim identified Sims as the individual whom she said restrained and raped her earlier that day around 8 a.m. She couldn’t recall exactly where the incident occurred, but she stated it was near the river, Lombardo told the court.
Sims was taken into custody at Homeless Resource Network at 12:15 p.m. Saturday.
Lombardo said as Sims was being transported to the jail, he denied raping the woman. When he arrived, he allegedly made another statement to detectives about the incident.
“He stated that he ‘had the white b—- without a condom,’” Lombardo testified.
Judge Julius Hunter ordered Sims to return to the Muscogee County Jail, where he is being held without bond on the rape, sodomy and reckless conduct HIV charges. He was given a $250 bond on the false information charge.
The case was bound over to Superior Court.
“I’m going to be free one way or the other,” Sims said as he was being escorted out of the courtroom.
Detective Amanda Hogan said jail records indicate that Sims was arrested in 1996 for HIV reckless conduct.

Feminists haven’t commented on this case, for some reason . . .


Minnesota Has Abolished Gender

Posted on | March 14, 2017 | 1 Comment

Acknowledging the authority of Third Wave academic feminism, male and female are no longer recognized categories in higher education:

The University of Minnesota has become the latest university to do away with the traditional Homecoming King and Queen titles and replace them with the gender-neutral “Royals” term.
Taking it one step further, University of Minnesota officials also point out that the winners don’t even have to be one biological male and one biological female, stating on its website: “‘Royals’ … can be any combination of any gender identity.”
Campus officials called the change a move “toward gender inclusivity” that promotes “a spirit of inclusion at the University of Minnesota.”
“This change allows the University to select the best student representatives for the U of M based on campus and community involvement — regardless of gender,” the website states.
Indeed, the entire Homecoming Court at U-Minn. will follow the same concept.
“As in past years, the U will name 10 students to Homecoming court, only this year the mix won’t necessarily be five men and five women. Those 10 will be paired at random to compete in pre-Homecoming events, and their performance, along with a university-wide vote, will determine the two royals,” the Pioneer Press reports.
Allyson Taubenheim, the marketing manager for the university’s Student Unions & Activities, told The College Fix via email that moving forward for the October 2017 festivities, “King and Queen will not be titles — U of M students will be crowned as ‘Royals.’”

Last year the University of Minnesota football team posted a 7-6 record, placing fourth in the Big Ten West and “Perpetuating Rape Culture.” The only time gender is acknowledged on the modern university campus is when feminists are denouncing male students as rapists.


In The Mailbox: 03.14.17

Posted on | March 14, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.14.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Republicans Need To Suck It Up – Repeal Obamacare
Twitchy: If Roll Call Wants To Bust Rubio, They’re Going To Have To Do A Lot Better Than This
Louder With Crowder: Marine Le Pen Slays Reporter Over Fake News – “People Have No Confidence In Media”

Adam Piggott: Louise Mensch’s Humiliation Is Not Funny
American Power: Robert Utley’s The Indian Frontier Of The American West, also, CBO Cost Estimate Of The American Health Care Act
American Thinker: Take Down The Democrat 10
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Guitar News
Da Tech Guy: Christopher Harper – From China With Love
Don Surber: Trump Makes The Media Pay
Dustbury: Sugar In The Morning, Sugar In The Evening
The Geller Report: Sweden Can’t Find Contractor Willing To Build Police Station In Muslim Suburb – “It’s Too Dangerous”
Hogewash: I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Joe For America: Sarah Palin Denounces GOP’s New Healthcare Bill
Power Line: CBO Analysis Suggests GOP Replacement Plan Is Politically Unsustainable
Shark Tank: Trump’s Sanctuary City Crackdown Continues
Shot In The Dark: Priorities
STUMP: Nevada Pensions – Liability Trends And Asset Trends
The Jawa Report: Ministry Of Irony – BDS Boycott Reaps Israeli Visa Refusals
The Political Hat: Happy Pi Day!
This Ain’t Hell: Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is “Nancy”, also, The Comfort Station
War Is Boring: Russia Tried To Use Martin Luther King Jr.’s Assassination To Start A Race War
Weasel Zippers: Dakota Pipeline Protesters Left Mess Costing $1.1 Million Taxpayer Dollars To Clean Up, also, Trump Plans To Cut UN Funding By At Least 50%
Megan McArdle: The Anti-Pie Rebellion Of 2017
Mark Steyn: “That’s Not How We Do Things In Australia”

Today’s Digital Deals
Art Of The Pie
Three Brothers Award Winning Pecan Pie

Germany Attacks Free Speech

Posted on | March 14, 2017 | 1 Comment


The Associated Press reports:

Germany’s justice minister is proposing fines of up to 50 million euros ($53 million) for social networking sites that fail to swiftly remove illegal content, such as hate speech or defamatory “fake news.”
The plan proposed Tuesday marks a further step in Germany’s attempt to impose its strict domestic laws against incitement on the free-wheeling world of online chatter.
Justice Minister Heiko Maas, a member of the center-left Social Democratic Party, said social media companies had already taken voluntary steps to crack down on hate crimes that have resulted in improvements.
“This isn’t sufficient yet,” Maas said, citing research that he said showed Twitter deletes just 1 percent of illegal content flagged by users, while Facebook deletes 39 percent.
The proposal would require companies to provide a round-the-clock service for users to flag illegal content, which would have to be removed by the site within seven days. All copies of the content would also have to be deleted and social media companies would need to publish a quarterly report detailing how they have dealt with such material.
Sites would also have to nominate a person responsible for handling complaints, who could face fines of up to 5 million euros personally if the company fails to abide by mandatory standards.

This threat of massive government fines is clearly intended to have a chilling effect, to stifle dissent against Angela Merkel’s immigration policy, and to inhibit further election success by the anti-Merkel opposition. Here in America, no one would dare propose such a thing as government policy. Instead we find social-media companies voluntarily enforcing their own censorship policies, so that last year I was banned from Twitter on the vague and unsubstantiated claim that I was “participating in targeted abuse.” Notice that it is the Left — always and only the Left — which demands this kind of censorship.

My suspension from Twitter followed two weeks after the company announced the appointment of feminist Anita Sarkeesian to a “Trust and Safety Council.” There is not even one conservative or libertarian on that Council; it is composed entirely of left-wingers.

We can predict that expressions of “Islamophobia” will be targeted as “hate speech” in Germany, to discourage reporting about crimes by Muslim “refugees.” Here in America, truth is always a defense against any claim of libel, so the Left finds other ways to inhibit free speech.

Perhaps I could give a seminar on “How to Get Banned From Twitter.”


Iranian Immigrant Raped in Houston

Posted on | March 13, 2017 | Comments Off on Iranian Immigrant Raped in Houston


Bryce Scott, 42, had recently been released from federal prison. Police say he attacked a woman who lived in his apartment complex:

The 911 phone call that led police to a westside apartment complex came from a 12-year-old girl. Investigators say around 4:00 a.m. [March 2], the girl told dispatchers that her mother was being raped by a neighbor who had forced his way into their apartment.
“He forced the victim to undress in front of her children, and then he raped her,” said Sgt. Reginald Porter of the Houston Police Department. “She was able to hand her phone off to one of the kids and told them in Arabic to call the police.”
Sgt. Porter said the woman is an immigrant from Iran who recently moved into the complex.
Police say when they arrived, the suspect ran out of the victim’s apartment naked. He was captured hours later under a nearby truck, still with no clothes on. . . .
The suspect has been identified as 42-year-old Bryce Scott. He lives with his two children and his own mother in an upstairs unit. The victim and her two children live in a downstairs unit.

Scott had four previous felony convictions.

Have any feminists mentioned this violence against women? Have they mentioned the men who gang-raped a 14-year-old mentally impaired girl in Nevada? Have feminists said anything about the criminal accusations against Henry Jose Garcia or Neel Salil Mehta or Douglas Hus-Flores or Kishawn Holmes? Feminists seem to be ignoring an awful lot of violence against women lately. It’s as if there’s a pattern or something . . .


In The Mailbox: 03.13.17

Posted on | March 13, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.13.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Losing The House Over Obamacare – Who’s Right, Ryan, Cotton, Or Maybe Cruz?
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Wallops Troll So Soundly She Protects Her Account
Louder With Crowder: UW Madison Students Want Religious Freedom For Muslims, But Not Christians

Adam Piggott: The West Australian State Election Result
American Power: Far-Right Surge In The Far-Left Netherlands, also, Nicholson Baker’s Substitute
American Thinker: D.C. Secrets And Lies
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BLACKFIVE: Rhys Bowen’s In Farleigh Field
Bring The HEAT: Desmond Doss, In His Own Words
Da Tech Guy: R.H. – Spies Don’t Share Well, also, John Ruberry – Unfunded Pensions Are Why Chicago Will Be The Next Detroit
Don Surber: Trump Was Right To Fire Preet Bharara, also, Top 15 Cases of CNN Faking News
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, So You Think You’re Anonymous
The Geller Report: Antifa Submit False Terror Tip To FBI To Destroy Conservative Couple, also, Sweden Not Deporting Their Muslim Migrant Rapists
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, After A Mild Winter…
Jammie Wearing Fools: Hillary’s Team Met With Russian Ambassador, Says Kremlin Spox Warning Against “Hysteria”, also, Lefty Nutcase Harasses Sean Spicer At Apple Store
Joe For America: Teacher/Mother Writes Eye-Opening Resignation Letter, also, Vermont Mayor Conspired To Import, Give Tax Funds To Refugees
JustOneMinute: Bracing For The Storm
Power Line: AP Still Enabling Lies About Ferguson, also, Global Warming In One Easy Lesson
Shark Tank: Democratic Candidates “Helped” Voters Fill Out Ballots
Shot In The Dark: Minnesota’s Bornholmer Strasse
STUMP: Mortality Monday – Suspicious Russian Deaths, also, Pensions Catch-Up Week – Dallas Police And Fire (Also Houston)
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Safety First!
The Lonely Conservative:
The Political Hat: Kindergartners Love Pazuzu!, also, American Governance And The Future Of Conservatism
This Ain’t Hell: VA To Expand Mental health Care To Vets With OTH Discharges, also, You Say Boy Or Girl, Airman, We’re Gonna Take A Stripe
War Is Boring: The SKS Is The Cockroach Of Weapons, also, The Real Reason Sweden Brought Back The Draft
Weasel Zippers: Democrat Texas Legislator Wants To Fine Men For Masturbation, also, Lenin Statue Loses Head In Tragic Mishap
Megan McArdle: Best Health Care Plan For Republicans? Wait
Mark Steyn: Steyn Live! Where We’re Headed, also, Immigration And Identity

Today’s Digital Deals
Classic Westerns On Sale!

First-Person Plural Pronouns: Steve King and the Problems of ‘Our Civilization’

Posted on | March 13, 2017 | Comments Off on First-Person Plural Pronouns: Steve King and the Problems of ‘Our Civilization’


Rep. Steve King is the most influential conservative in Iowa and, because of its first-in-the-nation caucuses, Iowa is one of the most influential states in presidential politics. The road to the White House goes through Iowa and, if you’re a Republican, you want Steve King on your side.

It is therefore important to pay attention to the controversy that arose over the weekend when King expressed support for Geert Wilders, who may become the next prime minister of the Netherlands, riding a wave of backlash against immigration from Muslim countries. The Dutch election is Wednesday and, commenting on anti-Wilders protests by Dutch Muslims, King re-tweeted a pro-Wilders message.



Judging from the reaction to this sentence — “Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies” — you might have thought King had quoted the infamous neo-Nazi “Fourteen Words” slogan. Yet the Iowa congressman was simply summarizing, within the condensed 140-character confines of a Twitter message, what Mark Steyn has explained at length in his 2006 book America Alone: The End of the World As We Know It. Europe’s demographic decline have enormous consequences for American policy. The flood of Muslim “refugees” into Europe and the wave of Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe are related phenomena, and these problems are in turn related to the very low birth rates among Europeans. How to address these issues as a matter of public policy is a very serious matter, but we cannot solve a problem if the terms of debate are inhibited by a political correctness that regards some facts as “racist.”

What does Steve King mean by “our civilization”? Among other things, this could include representative democracy, limited government, a free economy, the rule of law and the First Amendment. All of these American traditions are indeed imperiled by cultural and demographic trends and, while Mark Steyn did not go so far as to say, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” this is really the question raised by the open-borders stance of the Left. If you read the Constitution, you find that our Founding Fathers sought to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Americans today — including the descendants of slaves, and the children and grandchildren of immigrants — are the inheritors of that liberty, and we see today many threats to our liberty. On college campuses, the First Amendment is threatened by radical mobs who attack speakers they disagree with, and our economic freedom is imperiled by a national debt now approaching $20 trillion.

People in Iowa appreciate Steve King for his willingness to speak unpopular truths, and if any Republican thinks his pro-Wilders tweet was pushing a bit far against the politically correct limits of acceptable speech, let them make their case. However, the results of the last presidential election indicate that many Americans are waking up to the realities that King was attempting to describe, which are the same realities that Mark Stein was writing about in America Alone. If Wilders’ allegedly “far right” party wins Wednesday’s election, perhaps this will focus further attention on the seriousness of the larger problems that our decadent elite — in politics, in media, in academia — have tried for so long to conceal from the American people. Screeching accusations of “racism” will not solve these problems, and yet the Left really has nothing else to say, and how long can Americans be expected to play along with this charade?

America’s liberty was founded on behalf of “We the People,” and we must keep looking at that pronoun and asking, “Who are ‘we’?”

(Hat-tip: Taylor Millard at Hot Air.)


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