The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 10.10.22

Posted on | October 12, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.10.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

A Bad American: Useful Idiot?
Director Blue: An Open Letter To Roger Waters & Joe Rogan 
357 Magnum: Electric Cars “Unexpectedly” Catch Fire
EBL: Angela Lansbury, RIP, GOP SENATE CANDIDATES SURGING TOWARDS MIDTERMS, and Maybe it is best to stay off Tinder
Twitchy: Glenn Greenwald Wrecks Ex-LTC Vindman For Calling Michael Tracey A Russian Agent, and Not Even MSNBC Can Ignore That Something Is Very Wrong With John Fetterman
Louder With Crowder: So I guess Madonna announced that she’s gay now, Neil deGrasse Tyson wants you to know that ‘Top Gun: Maverick’ isn’t sciencey enough for him, and Tulsi Gabbard DESTROYS Democrats, announces she’s leaving party she calls an ‘elitist cabal of warmongers’
Vox Popoli: Russia Blows Up Bridge to Crimea, They Really Think You’re Stupid, A Forward and Fragile Defense, and Tolstoy on Maupassant
Stoic Observations: The Martin Show

American Conservative: A Venezuelan Gang Crosses Biden’s Open Border, also, Reality Bites Back
American Greatness: All Rise for Aaron Judge’s Parents , Ukraine and the Malevolent Legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration, and Max Boot is a Woke Loser and Wrong About Everything
American Power: Crimea Bridge Explosion Disrupts Crucial Supply Route for Russian Forces, Paywalls Are Closing Off the Internet, and Democrats Mad They Might Lose Power to Censor
American Thinker: It’s the Far Left Who Are the Fascists, How Liberals Respond When You Try to Debate Them, and The Polls are Lying: Dems in Deep Trouble
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Liberty Doll News
Babalu Blog: BREAKING NEWS: Che Guevara is still dead, Russia will continue supplying Cuba with oil, food, other goods…and tourists too, Cuban government thug arrives in U.S. and requests asylum, and Cuban mother of boy with dengue fever blames government for epidemic
BattleSwarm: Ukraine Hits Train On Crimean Bridge, also, Kerch Strait Bridge Update: Russia’s Still Using It
Behind The Black: Engineers regain full control of CAPSTONE, SpaceX launches two Intelsat communications satellites, The dam is about to break on the COVID shots, and Alternatives to PayPal for supporting Behind the Black
Cafe Hayek: Even Ronald Reagan Couldn’t Use Protectionist Alchemy to Turn Engineered Scarcity Into Economic Abundance, Some Difficult Questions About Trade Policy, and Antitrust Is Bad Quality Intervention
CDR Salamander: The Anglo-Saxon War in the Hetmanate
Da Tech Guy: Could LGBT fit in the GOP?, Why are Democrats in Danger in Blue Areas?, Paypal Discovers Trust is a Social Currency Hard to Regain When Lost, and Report from Louisiana: Baseball is Life
Don Surber: Democrats get woke, go broke, Why the left went after sports, Celebrate Columbus Day, and Build bigger boondoggles
First Street Journal: Yes, actually, homicide rates can be brought down!, also, The silliness of political correctness
Gates Of Vienna: The Big Chill, The Assisted Suicide of the West, We’ll See You in Court, and No Germans Allowed!
The Geller Report: Is This America? Jan. 6 Prisoners Suffering the Horrors of the Gulag, Ask for Transfer to Gitmo, Trump Must Run, and Tulsi Gabbard Announces She’s Leaving Democratic Party, ‘An Elitist Cabal of Warmongers’
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Which Side Does He Think This Helps?, A Seyfert Galaxy, and One of the Last Sane Democrats Leaves
Hollywood In Toto: Bros Director Blasts Audiences for Film’s Box Office Failure, Joe Rogan Schools Rolling Stone Founder on Government Censorship, Hocus Pocus Earned Its Cult Status. Hocus Pocus 2? Not a Chance, and Stephen Lang Makes Old Man A Dialogue-Drenched Thriller
The Lid: Biden’s Using Tax Money To Pay Staffers To Help With Hunter Issues, An Italian-American’s Heartwarming Defense Of Columbus Day, and Federal Employees Are Trading Stock in Companies They Oversee
Legal Insurrection: PolitiFact Beclowns Itself With Pretzel Logic ‘Fact Check’ of Ohio GOP Senate Nominee J.D. Vance’s Latest Ad, Gay Palestinian Man Given Asylum in Israel Kidnapped and Beheaded in Palestinian Territory, PayPal Reverses Course on $2,500 ‘Misinformation’ Fines After Massive Pushback, and The New York Times Finally Notices California’s Bullet Train is a Bust
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good, Sunday Stuff, and Monday Questions
Outkick: Boston College Will Wear Special Uniforms Honoring 9/11 Hero, ESPN Keeps Forgetting The ‘Indians’ Are Now The ‘Guardians’, Crying Oklahoma Fan Could Become College Football’s Next Great Meme, and Iowa Coach Gets Snippy With Reporter Following Embarrassing Loss
Power Line: Florida: Covid Vaccines Are Dangerous to Young Men, Slow Minds Run Over at High Speed, Border disaster by the numbers, and A Ship of Fools
Shark Tank: Hernandez-Matz Says No Compromise On Abortion
Shot In The Dark: Flipped, Remember Back In The 80s?, That Brave Stance Thing, Slipped, and Sometimes A Bomb Is Just A Bomb
STUMP: Memorial: A Well-Deserved Nobel Peace Prize
The Political Hat: Spanish Lagoons Are People Too
This Ain’t Hell: Russian disinformation spreading on Internet, Gun Control laws getting kicked in the teeth, Veteran congressional candidate has details of her sexual assault leaked and published, and Wokeness is destroying discipline, cohesion, and war fighting capabilities in the military
Transterrestrial Musings: Celebrating The Wrong Italian, Space Investment, Climate Change, and Multiculturalism
Victory Girls: Michelle Obama: So “Vucking” Classy, Kamala Harris: Tongue-Tied Moron, Tone-Deaf Heathen, and The Elites Are Intentionally Destroying Your Children
Volokh Conspiracy: PayPal Still Threatens $2500 Fines for Promoting “Discriminatory” “Intolerance” (Even if Not “Misinformation”), also, Some Berkeley Law “Jew Free Zone” Updates
Watts Up With That: “Move Before I Pull My Gun Out”, “We Might Still have Time to Turn Things Around”, and Fed Up British Drivers Unglue Climate Protestors the Hard Way
Weasel Zippers: Biden Brags He Brought Gas Prices Down – The Reality Is Different, Former AG: Biden DOJ Weaponized Against Pro-Life Activists, VP Who Used To Jail People For Smoking Weed: “Nobody Should Have To Go To Jail For Smoking Weed”, and NC Dem Senate Nominee: Rioters Have “Legitimate Pain,” “It’s Not That Simple” To Tell Them Not To Riot
The Federalist: The Biggest Lie Of A Generation: A Life Online Is A Life Well Lived, How The Bravery Of Forgotten Martyrs Kept The Church Alive In The Soviet Union, Energy Inflation Isn’t An Accident, It’s A Planned Demolition, and How FDR Used Tax Dollars To Buy An Election
Mark Steyn:  Golly Golly Gone, Left Hanging: Randolph Scott and Ride Lonesome, The Great Reset, and Happy Holidays!

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The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

Posted on | October 11, 2022 | Comments Off on The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post

— by Wombat-socho

Well, actually, Stacy did a damn fine job already talking about Almirante Colombo and why he still triggers the uneducated wokies among us, so I’ll confine myself to posting some pertinent memes by folks on the Intertubes, recommending some books, and mourning a couple of folks who are no longer with us.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Not sorry at all, really

Getting the bad news out of the way first, ornery blogger Grouchy Old Cripple died last week. Loyal Reader RH pointed out this post, which is a riposte to Vox Day’s seemingly unending mockery of the boomers, and fairly typical of Denny’s work. Since I don’t read the Red Star (Tribune) or the St. Paul Pioneer Press any more, I also missed the passing of Dr. Ronald Glasser, author of 365 Days, one of the 21 books I blogged about when I started reviewing books here at The Other McCain. It’s more than a little embarrassing that I lived not too far from Dr. Glasser when I was in Minnesota, and it never occurred to me to look him up and have him sign my copy of the book.

I’ve been rereading a lot of stuff lately, most notably Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon and the BIll James Historical Baseball Abstract, but I did manage to squeeze in the first two volumes in the Mammon trilogy by Robert Kroese. In the hands of another author, in another time, this would have been a stirring tale of man’s heroic capture of an asteroid with enough wealth to make most of Earth fairly well off. Unfortunately, the hero of this story is no Delos D. Harriman or Laurie Jo Hansen, and the United States government is far more corrupt and thuggish than Heinlein or Pournelle thought possible. (Which, considering how dark Pournelle’s vision of the Feds is in High Justice, is saying quite a bit.) Kroese’s dark tale reads like the prequel to Stephenson’s Snow Crash, where things are falling apart because the money is worthless and the center is losing control. It was a depressing yet fascinating read; the first two books are available on Kindle Unlimited and the concluding volume is an inexpensive $4.99. Worth your time.

Now for an abbreviated Over The Transom.

Stoic Observations: Cultural Edification vs. Empowerment
Director Blue: An Illustrated Proletariat Poetry Reading 
A Bad American: Drag Queens Behind Pulpits?
357 Magnum: Electric Vehicles Vs. Salt Water
Gab News: GabPay – The PayPal Alternative

Back to the normal link posts tomorrow.

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Columbus and the Meaning of America

Posted on | October 10, 2022 | Comments Off on Columbus and the Meaning of America

“Twelve protesters were arrested and 18 police officers injured during an altercation Friday in Chicago’s Grant Park over a statue of Christopher Columbus. ‘Hundreds of protesters rallied, crowding around the Columbus statue while trying to tear it down. The statue was still vandalized and tagged with spray paint,’ according to Fox 32.”
June 19, 2020

Sometime during the mob madness of 2020, I lost count of how many statues had been vandalized, but at least three statues of Christopher Columbus were among the targets of the “social justice” hooligans.

One may observe that this destructive impulse was not coincidental. Everything the Left ever does is destructive. The greatest “achievements” of the Left have historically been genocidal in nature, whether we are speaking of Stalin in Russia, Mao in China, Pol Pot in Cambodia or Mengistu in Ethiopia. Every left-wing radical leader as far back as the French Revolution has turned out to be a mass murderer, but we aren’t supposed to notice this trademark telos of radicalism. We are expected to think of these blood-soaked fanatics as idealists who, perhaps, got a little carried away with their idealism and thus killed millions of their countrymen. The fact that such “idealists” seizing power is always swiftly followed by the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse — just a coincidence. “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.”

What did the mobs think they were accomplishing by toppling or defacing those statues of Christopher Columbus? What, if anything, did they actually know about the man and his achievements?

“Very little or nothing,” would answer both questions.

Ignorance and futile rage go hand-in-hand, and I doubt many of them could be inspired to actually research the life of Columbus.

“Read a book? Learn something? Are you kidding me, dude?”

Nevertheless we must recommend Samuel Eliot Morison’s masterful 1942 biography, Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus, despite our knowledge that leftists don’t actually care about history, except insofar as they can hijack it and distort it to serve their own destructive agenda. They want to destroy Columbus because they want to destroy America. What is it about America that they hate so much?

Liberty, per se. By which I mean that the Left despises the sort of independent self-sufficiency — what we used to call “the pioneer spirit” — because independent people are not useful to the Left as prospective clients for their lunatic “share the wealth” schemes of economic redistribution. As I have sometimes felt the need to point out, Americans in 1776 did not issue a “Declaration of Equality,” but rather a “Declaration of Independence.” Our colonial forebears had, by necessity, learned to manage their own affairs without the assistance or supervisory instruction of the Crown. So when, after the end of the French and Indian Wars, the Crown sought to exert its authority over the colonies, this was viewed by Americans as an infringement of their liberty, or as they declared, “invasions on the rights of the people.”

The right to be left alone — to be spared the meddlesome interference of government in the day-to-day business of life — is what America is really all about, and the Left simply can’t stand this. It is wrong for you to be free from government interference, the Left believes. They crave the power to boss you around, to deprive you of your basic liberty, and this is why the Left in America, rather than desiring to overthrow the government, instead seeks to expand the authority of government, which they aim to control as an instrument of destroying liberty. And without liberty, it isn’t really America anymore, is it?

Columbus discovered America, and they can’t forgive him for that.


Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: My Favorite Celtic Death Goddess

Posted on | October 10, 2022 | Comments Off on Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: My Favorite Celtic Death Goddess

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It’s my birthday, so I’ll post what I want to, in this case Scathach, Guardian of the Gate of Shadows..
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Women belong in the kitchen. Men belong in the kitchen. Everybody belongs in the kitchen, because that’s where the food is!

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1862, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule 5 Protection, Life, & Property Friday, also the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA Biden – Where’s Hunter?, Pistol, Russian Women, Morbius, Busy Week For Elon Musk And It’s Only Tuesday, Loretta Lynn RIP, Ukrainian Warrior Women, The Most Wunderbar Time Of Year, Alessia Cara, and The Feast

A VIEW FROM THE BEACHSamantha AllysonFish Pic Friday – Poe NlpeThursday TanlinesThe Wednesday WetnessThe DevilThe Monday Morning StimulusCheat? Who, Me? and  Palm Sunday.

A BAD AMERICAN: Best I’ve Seen All Week Plus Rule 5

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‘Climate Change’ Is a Dangerous Cult

Posted on | October 9, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘Climate Change’ Is a Dangerous Cult

Say hello to Madeleine “Maddie” Budd, a 21-year-old English woman who dropped out of medical school to become a radical environmental activist. She has been arrested several times for her “activism.” Last September, she was arrested in London while engaging in a protest with the Extinction Rebellion group. In March, she was arrested for running onto the field during a Premier League soccer game between Arsenal and Liverpool, where she intended to glue her hands to the goalposts. In April, she was arrested on three separate occasions for taking part in “direct action” protests by a group called Just Stop Oil.

Maddie Budd’s turn to criminal activity — which is what “direct action” protests are — has dismayed her family, especially after her latest crime.

The eco-zealot seen in video pouring human excrement over a memorial to pandemic hero Captain Sir Tom Moore has been jailed ahead of her sentencing after pleading guilty to causing criminal damage in the ‘abhorrent act’.
Maddie Budd, 21, was arrested in London on Sunday over the attack at the memorial in Hatton, Derbyshire.
District Judge Louisa Cieciora said the starting point for sentencing following her guilty plea could be 18 months’ imprisonment.
She also today declined an application for bail ahead of the sentencing hearing, telling the court she has ‘substantial grounds’ to believe Budd would commit another offence.
Budd was remanded in custody while a pre-sentence report is carried out ahead of her sentencing on October 25.
Footage of the stunt, carried out for the pressure group End UK Private Jets, showed her drenching the monument — which honours the 100-year-old World War Two vet who raised £33million for the NHS during lockdown — in urine and faeces.
Prosecutor Jordan Pratt told Westminster Magistrates Court: ‘On September 30 the defendant attended a location in Hatton where there is a statue of Sir Captain Tom Moore.
‘The statue is situated in a public area next to a road. She approached the statue and poured a bucket of human faeces all over this statue.
‘She was wearing a white t-shirt which said “End UK Private Jets”. This act was filmed. It has already been seen by a number of people. This is an abhorrent act.
‘I need not remind the court of the impact that Tom Moore had. He was a figurehead who people rallied round to raise tens of millions of pounds walking round his garden at the height of the pandemic.’
Budd, of no fixed address, will attend her next hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court on October 25, she was remanded in custody in the meantime.
Ms Budd’s father told MailOnline on Sunday he was ‘ashamed of her’ and ‘sick with shock’ when he saw what she had done. . . .
The activist’s father, Jim Budd, 62, told MailOnline his daughter had ‘gone rogue’ after dropping out of medical school to become a full-time eco-warrior, giving up her career.
Father-of-six Mr Budd, an award-winning glazier, said he had felt sick when he saw the video of her defiling Captain Tom’s image. Mr Budd said he and his charity worker wife Harriet, 63, had messaged Budd after they realised what she had done but received no reply.
Speaking from their home near Kington on the England-Wales border, he told MailOnline close to tears: ‘The shock of this is hurting people and upsetting them.
‘I’m ashamed of her and what she has done.
There has been a big public reaction for obvious reasons. I don’t think she understands what the hell she was unleashing.
‘She’s done something horrible without thinking of the consequences.’
He added: ‘I felt sick with shock when I saw it — I have sent her a text message but she has not replied.
‘It goes against all the things you install in your children — it is not normal behaviour. I’m extremely sad. The fact is she has sort of gone rogue.’
Until recently Maddie had been at medical school in Manchester ahead of an expected career with the NHS.
But she dropped out to devote all her time to protesting over climate change after developing an initial interest at a young age.
Her father added it was ‘understandable’ for the police to investigate what he called ‘an act of desecration’.
He said: ‘I can’t really apologise on her behalf. Sir Tom was clearly a national hero and the country resonated with his fantastic and amazing actions.
‘However shocking the future of climate change predictions are, I don’t think it was her duty to desecrate his memory in the way she has.
‘Her motivations are very real but misplaced. The fact is she has gone rogue, so to speak.
‘When people are young and vulnerable they can go down roads they would not do later in life. It is a horrible thing to have happened and people are obviously upset.
‘It is very hard to understand how young people can feel so threatened by climate change that they can carry out such extreme actions.
‘But I’m not making excuses for her. She has made a terrible mistake. We were horrified, it’s an ongoing worry.’

The man whose statue Maddie desecrated was an elderly veteran who became a national hero in England by raising money for the health service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Captain Tom Moore was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in July 2020. He died last year.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)

“Climate change” is a political propaganda operation, not a genuine crisis. As an activist movement, it dates to the 1990s, when the Left found itself in need of some new “cause” to replace the “No Nukes” movement.

How many of y’all are old enough to remember “No Nukes”? In 1979, a bunch of rock music celebrities staged a concert that became an album and a documentary film intended to promote unilateral disarmament by the West in its Cold War standoff with the Soviet Union. The nuclear disarmament movement was always pro-Soviet and anti-American, and if it was not indeed a Communist Party front, certainly its goals were in line with Soviet policy. A friend of mine, Chris Cassone, knew several of the musicians involved in the “No Nukes” protests and speaks with emphatic disdain of the various rock celebrities who got themselves arrested in 1981 protesting the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California.

Once the Soviet Union fell apart in the early 1990s, it took with it one of the Left’s big rallying points — opposition to the U.S. military, and especially the fear of nuclear war — and thus created a need for some new “cause” to unite the forces of anti-Americanism. Eventually, this gave rise to the movement to destroy American industry, especially oil and gas production, in the name of stopping “global warming.”

One of the telltale indicators that this was about politics, and not science, was when they made the switch from talking about “global warming” to talking about “climate change.” Do you know why that happened? First, because over the past 20 years or so, worldwide temperatures have stopped increasing; the infamous “hockey stick” projection — first published by Michael Mann in 1998 — simply hasn’t happened. Insofar as “experts” made date-certain predictions of near-term future catastrophes (this or that disastrous consequence would happen by 2010 or 2015 or 2020) all their prophecies turned out to be false. But the second reason that the phrase “global warming” was replaced with “climate change” was because there was an uncanny tendency for blizzards to strike whenever major conferences and speeches about the alleged crisis were scheduled in the winter. After several such incidents, the organizers of the “global warming” industry (which is what it had become by the early 21st century, an industry employing thousands of people) realized their public-relations problem. They couldn’t schedule any events about “global warming” between October and April without risking another laughable example of what became known as “The Gore Effect”:

The so-called Gore Effect happens when a global warming-related event, or appearance by the former vice president and climate change crusader, Al Gore, is marked by exceedingly cold weather or unseasonably winter weather.
For instance, in March, 2007, a Capitol Hill media briefing on the Senate’s new climate bill was cancelled due to a snowstorm.
On Oct. 22 [2008], Gore’s global warming speech at Harvard University coincided with near 125-year record-breaking low temperatures. And less than a week later, on Oct. 28, the British House of Commons held a marathon debate on global warming during London’s first October snowfall since 1922.

Because of this public-relations problem, the term “climate change” was substituted for “global warming” and, believe it or not, activists began arguing that excessively cold weather, including record-breaking snowfall, was also proof of “climate change.” Basically, any kind of weather could be claimed as evidence in support of their theory, which is so elastic that it is impossible to disprove it. And a theory which cannot be disproved is not science. It’s a quasi-religious cult.

One of the tactics of cults is to isolate their members, especially turning them against their own families. The estrangement between Maddie Budd and her family — she doesn’t even reply to her father’s text messages — is just further confirmation of what we already knew about the climate-change movement. The indoctrination and “echo chamber” tendency (where all dissent is silenced, and critics are demonized as enemies) are self-evident to any intelligent observer.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


FMJRA 2.0: I Was Dreaming I Was Awake

Posted on | October 9, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: I Was Dreaming I Was Awake

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Things started badly this week for my Senators as they wiped out against the Pirates in three games at Three Rivers, but ended well when we came home to RFK and beat the A’s in two games straight. Jim Kaat outdueled Sonny Siebert in game one for a 1-0 win, the lone run coming on a homer by Jim Northrup, just returned from the DL. The second game was a lot more tense – Juan Marichal pitched great on his return from the DL, but the bullpen shit the bed, coughing up five runs to put the A’s on top 6-9. Fortunately the hitters came through: Byron Browne tied it up with a 3-run dinger in the bottom of the 12th, and Willie Mays put up the Curly W with a sayonara homer right after that. All we have to do is win 27 of our remaining 54 games to avoid 100 losses…
Title for this week’s post is the opening track from Klaus Schulze’s La Vie Electronique Vol. I, the first of sixteen albums with music that had originally appeared on the limited edition boxed set The Ultimate Edition in 2000.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Fly the Curly W flag!

The $250,000,000 Scandal That’s Wrecking Minnesota Democrats
The DaleyGator
The Political Hat
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.04.22
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.06.22 (Evening Edition)
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.07.22
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Russians Cut Off at Lyman UPDATE: Russia Announces ‘Withdrawal’
The Political Hat
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Shadows Of The Night
A View From The Beach

Rule 5 Sunday: Oktoberfest
Animal Magnetism
A View From The Beach

BREAKTHROUGH: Ukrainian Forces Smash Russian Lines East of Kherson
The DaleyGator

In The Mailbox: 10.05.22 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.06.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

A Bad American

Top linkers for the week ending October 7:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2.  A View From The Beach (8)
  3.  357 Magnum (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (5)

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In The Mailbox: 10.07.22

Posted on | October 7, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.07.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Our Lady of Victory intercedes at the Battle of Lepanto, 10/7/1571. (Thanks to EBL for the reminder.)

357 Magnum:  Relatives of Dead People Don’t Like Self-defense
EBL: Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary to give thanks for the Victory at Lepanto, also, Joe Biden Engages In A Completely Meaningless Weed Pardon
Twitchy: Bill Melugin Puts NYC Mayor Adams’ Whining About Illegals In Perspective, also, Rob (Meathead) Reiner Now #1 Threat To Our Republic, World Peace, And Fluffy Puppies
Louder With Crowder: Mila Kunis blasts Hollywood elite giving Will Smith a standing ovation, also, Inspired by Ye, Sharon Osbourne wants her $900k donation to BLM refunded
Vox Popoli: Accepting Aggression, Elizabeth the Catastrophic, and A Tale of Two Comics
According To Hoyt: Prayer Request, also, No Man’s Land
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S3 E13: Picking the Brain of Dr Rob Hampson, also, Holsters

American Conservative: Zelensky Taking US To The Nuclear Brink
American Greatness: America First Legal Sues 14 Federal Agencies for Refusing to Disclose the Biden Regime’s Takeover of Election Administration, and NYC Mayor Eric Adams Declares ‘State of Emergency’ in Sanctuary City As Illegal Aliens Continue to Be Bused In
American Power: The GOP Is Herschel Walker, Israel’s Devastating Capitulation to Hezbollah, and Cato Institute Economist: We Only Fetishize Manufacturing Jobs to ‘Keep White Males With Low Education In Powerful Positions’
American Thinker:  The Democrats Wrecked My Retirement, also, The Army of the Woke
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Protection, Life and Property Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban and Russian soldiers were sent to Venezuela disguised as tourists, Another child dies in Cuba due to medical negligence, lack of medications and unavailability of ambulances, and Happy #79 to Jose Cardenal
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for October 7, 2022
Behind The Black: Endurance docks at ISS, Rocket Lab successfully launches NOAA satellite, Red China’s Long March 11 launched from floating sea platform, and Today’s blacklisted American: Black playwright blackballed because he honestly told the story of racism in the Jim Crow south
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: Newspeak
Da Tech Guy: A Distinct Christian Disadvantage, at least in Temporal Matters vs the “I was only following Orders” FBI
Don Surber: Shipping down 75% ahead of Christmas shopping, also, NYC whines about illegals coming to its sanctuary
First Street Journal: More Biden Administration muddled and contradictory policies
Gates Of Vienna: The Belated Implementation of the Morgenthau Plan, “Enough With the Fascism Story”, We’re Good Little Sheep, and The Dream of Greater Turkey
The Geller Report: Democrat Congressman Sentenced to Prison for Stuffing Pennsylvania Ballot Boxes
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Radio Astronomy and M82
Hollywood In Toto: Kanye West: Friends ‘Threatened My Life’ Over Trump Support, Eternal Spring Highlights China’s Human Rights Suppression, and Three Days of the Condor Captured Our Deep State Past (and Present)
The Lid: Americans Had Worst Pay Cut in 25 Years Thanks to Bidenflation, also, What Every Gentile And Secular Jew NEEDS To Know About Sukkot 2022
Legal Insurrection: Federal Judge Finds Key Parts of New York’s Gun Law Unconstitutional, William & Mary Pro-Choice Student Charged With ‘Assault for Allegedly Throwing Urine at Pro-Life Activists’, Pennsylvania Teacher Reinstated After District Suspended Him for Not Using Trans Students Preferred Pronouns, and ‘Fact Checkers,’ Media Surge to Kamala’s Defense Over Hurricane Relief ‘Equity’ Comments
Nebraska Energy Observer: As we head
Outkick: 49-Year Old Bald Man Playing College Football This Season, Jake Paul Offers Draymond Green $10 Million For Boxing Match, High School Football Team Gets Baptized Together, and NFL Network’s Kyle Brandt Calls Russell Wilson A ‘Poser’ After Horrid Game Against Colts
Power Line: The Biden coverup, Hunter To Be Prosecuted? Ho Hum, and Thoughts from the ammo line
Shark Tank: AP Claims Pine Island Bridge Not Rebuilt – One Day After Its Rebuilding
Shot In The Dark: It’s Quiet, Potemkin Reform, and Why I’m Voting GOP
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday: A Conservative Look at Marijuana
This Ain’t Hell: Plan approved to remove Confederate references from DOD property, Valor Friday, Democrats POed at Saudi Arabia want troops out, and Chinese ‘law enforcement’ sets up shop on US soil
Victory Girls: Biden: Putin’s “Off-Ramp” May Be Nuclear Armageddon, also, Nonbinary Chicago Marathoners Miffed At Slight
Volokh Conspiracy: Berkeley Law’s “Jew-Free Zone” Controversy
Watts Up With That: A Comprehensive Roundup of Official Energy Madness, also, Army Releases New Plan to ‘Mitigate’ Climate Change
Weasel Zippers: “Let Me Start Off With TWO Words: Made In America!”, Carjackings In Dem-Run Philadelphia Up Over 100%, 1,044 So Far This Year, More Fetterman Gibberish: “We Need To … Make Sure … What Is On … The Line In This Race.”, and Stacey Abrams Doubles Down On Abortion Extremism, Says Her Fetal Heartbeat Comments Were “Accurate”
The Federalist: Delaware Supremes: No-Excuse Mail-In Voting, Same-Day Registration Are Unconstitutional, This Senate Bill Would Finally Make The Porn Industry Fight Human Trafficking, Tom Brady Needs To Pull Off His Greatest Comeback Yet, and Mark Kelly Can’t Hide From His Embrace Of Joe Biden’s Awful Agenda
Mark Steyn: Migrants, Muggers and Mutilation, also, Live Around the Planet: Friday October 7th

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Posted on | October 7, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘RUN THE DANG BALL!’

Richard Sherman became a hero Thursday night to legions of football fans who’ve been shouting at their TV for years. It was clearly an emotional moment, as Sherman — a former All-Pro cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks — said he was having “flashbacks” of Seattle’s notorious loss in Super Bowl XLIV. We’ll get to that in a minute, but first let me explain for the sake of non-fans that Sherman is now a commentator on Amazon Prime’s broadcasts of Thursday Night Football. The game Thursday night between the Denver Broncos and the Indianapolis Colts could be described as a “defensive struggle,” except that it was more a showcase of offensive ineptitude. Neither team scored a touchdown in the game, which went to overtime, as ESPN comments:

The game featured seven field goals, a dozen punts, 25 third-down stops, four interceptions and six fumbles — none of which were recovered by the otherwise disruptive defenses.

In overtime, the Colts kicked a field goal to take a 12-9 lead, then Denver drove 70 yards down the field before coming up on 3rd-and-2 at the Indianapolis 6. A handoff to running back Melvin Gordon III gained one yard, leaving the Broncos with fourth-and-1. With about three minutes left in overtime, should they kick a field goal and (most likely) settle for a 12-12 tie? Or should they go for it? Denver went for it, and Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson threw a pass to the end zone intended for Courtland Sutton that was broken up by Indianapolis cornerback Stephon Gilmore. There were a lot of things wrong with that play — in particular, Wilson failed to see Denver wide receiver K.J. Hamler, who was wide open — but the main thing was, “Why pass the ball?”

Richard Sherman brought the hammer down after the game:

“On the final play, you got to run the ball. Again — like, I mean I wish I had Marshawn up here — like, one yard. You need one yard running the ball. . . . All he has to do is run the football. . . . I’ve said enough criticism for him, but God dang it run the dang ball. It’s like, learn from the mistakes. RUN THE BALL!”

In case you don’t understand the context, Sherman was a cornerback on the Seahawks team that lost that Super Bowl on a play where Russell Wilson threw a pass that was intercepted in the end zone by none other than Stephon Gilmore, who was then with the Patriots. He referenced running back Marshawn “Beast Mode” Lynch, who had rushed for over 1,000 yards for Seattle in each of the previous four seasons:

In Super Bowl XLIX, where the Seahawks lost 28–24 to the New England Patriots, Lynch had 24 carries for 102 yards and a touchdown, plus a catch for 31 yards. Late in the fourth quarter on a potential game-winning drive, Lynch ran the ball from the five yard line but was tackled by Dont’a Hightower at the one-yard line. On the next offensive play of the game, the Seahawks chose to pass the ball at the one-yard line instead of running it with Lynch, and Russell Wilson’s pass was intercepted. Lynch was visibly upset by the decision and left the Seahawks locker room without addressing the media. He stated in a later interview with Conan O’Brien that he was “expecting the ball” prior to the play.



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