The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Out of The Blue & Into The Black

Posted on | October 16, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Out of The Blue & Into The Black

— compiled by Wombat-socho

A decent week for the Senators. True, we lost two out of three to the Twins, who have a disgusting number of left-handed hitters and pitchers, but we began the week with two wins against the Yankees. So we’re .500 for the week.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Fly the Curly W flag!

‘Climate Change’ Is a Dangerous Cult
The DaleyGator
The Political Hat
Rockport Conservatives
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Ohio Voters Are Not Stupid, the Polls Are Mostly Bulls**t and Tim Ryan Is Losing
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: I Was Dreaming I Was Awake
A View From The Beach

Late Night With Rule 5 Sunday: My Favorite Celtic Death Goddess
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

Columbus and the Meaning of America
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

The Annual Admiral Of The Ocean Sea Appreciation Post
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.10.22
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.12.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Who Put the Bomp?
Nebraska Energy Observer
357 Magnum

‘Demented Liar Joe Biden’
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.13.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.14.22
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending October 14:

  1.  EBL (12)
  2.  357 Magnum (10)
  3.  A View From The Beach (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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The J6 Committee Tantrum

Posted on | October 15, 2022 | 1 Comment

This week marked the beginning of the end of “The United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol, more commonly known as the January 6th Committee.”

Congress has now adjourned until after the election, which Democrats will lose, and so, while we might see some further theatrics during the lame-duck sessions before the 118th Congress convenes in January, this was their big finale: “Let’s subpoena Trump!”

It so happened that I decided to switch my home-office TV to MSNBC on Friday (I watch MSNBC so you don’t have to), and on Morning Joe, they featured this interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland):


“… the terrible violence … scrambling to get more police and military reinforcements on the scene … the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and insurrectionists … the attempted political coup and violent insurrection … the mobilizing of a domestic violent extremist movement …”

Listening to that, I was struck by how easily these hyperbolic phrases tumbled out of Raskin’s mouth, as evidence of how insulated inside the echo chamber Democrats have become and, of course, the “journalist” Willie Geist is part of that echo chamber. He is as objective about the J6 Committee as my teenage daughter is objective about Harry Styles.

The predicate of the J6 “investigation,” the fundamental tenet of the belief system in which the Capitol riot was an “attempted political coup,” is that there is no reason to believe that the 2020 election was fraudulent. If no reasonable person could suspect that the election was stolen, then what happened on J6 was an illegal “insurrection,” an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are unwilling to hear the arguments made or to examine the evidence cited by those who claim that Biden was not legitimately elected. The bedrock assumption of Democrats is that Biden was elected in a landslide — 81 million votes! the most popular presidential candidate in history! — and thus they view any expression of doubt about Biden’s legitimacy as “insurrectionist” crazy-talk.

This is not how discourse in a democratic society is supposed to operate. Controversies over public policy would never occur, if we all shared the same set of beliefs, and so the fact that there is controversy about any subject (in this case, the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election) requires a public hearing of arguments on both sides of the dispute, so that the electorate may be fully informed. The J6 Committee deliberately avoided such a discussion. Indeed, the whole purpose of this committee (which, by the way, lacks legitimacy under the normal rules of House procedure) was to criminalize doubt about the 2020 election.

It is one thing, when partisans on either side of dispute are seeking to rally their supporters, to make a one-sided argument in favor of a particular policy. This is entirely normal in politics. Yet the proceedings of a congressional committee are not supposed to be partisan rallies. Pelosi’s charade of phony “bipartisanship” — handpicking Trump-haters Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as “Republican” members of the select committee, over the objections of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy — cannot disguise the one-sided nature of the J6 Committee’s business. At no time in the operations of this committee has there been any fair consideration of the views of 74 million Americans who voted to reelect President Trump, 77% of whom think cheating affected the 2020 election.

Now, it may be that, after hearing everything that election skeptics had to say on this subject, most Americans would still conclude that Biden was legitimately elected, and therefore would believe that the protest of the January 6 certification of Biden’s election — which is what the rally at the Capitol was supposed to be, a peaceful protest — was inspired by erroneous (but sincere) beliefs. There is a world of difference between a protest motivated by a sincere sense of grievance and an “attempted political coup,” and yet at no time did the J6 Committee ever allow any consideration of the election doubts that inspired the events of J6.

Furthermore, and this is equally crucial, Democrats and the media absolutely refuse to recognize that the outbreak of violence at the Capitol in January 2021 was clearly inspired by the months of “Black Lives Matter” riots that broke out in May 2020 — riots that the Democrats enthusiastically applauded. Many millions of dollars of damage were inflicted, and many people killed or injured, during the weeks of arson, vandalism and looting which CNN reporter Omar Jimenez infamously described as “fiery but most peaceful” protests.

By applauding this destruction, Democrats thereby legitimized violent “protests,” and if the Capitol rioters believed there would be no repercussions for their actions on January 6 — well, why shouldn’t they believe that? Antifa thugs and mobs of urban looters had gotten away with criminal activity which everybody saw happening live on television throughout the summer of 2020, and Democrats never objected to those “mostly peaceful” protests. Yet here was Jamie Raskin on MSNBC Friday morning, speaking of Republican voters as “a domestic violent extremist movement,” and Willie Geist did not object to this partisan smear.

Well, this will all be fading in our rearview mirror soon enough. Anyone who looks at the poll numbers can see that Democrats are going to get wiped out in the midterms, and the proceedings of the J6 Committee will be remembered as symptomatic of Orange Man Bad Syndrome.

All we have to do is Keep Calm and Vote Republican.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 10.14.22

Posted on | October 14, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.14.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Me, most of this week

357 Magnum:  Texas Man Seems to be Related to Florida Man
A Bad American: Groomers In The Classroom? (NSFW)
EBL: Wait, Why No Impeachment For Biden For Election Interference?, also, Fetterman and Biden in Pennsylvania
Twitchy: Is Jim Acosta Out At CNN? Twitter Reacts! also, Fetterman’s Wife Says NBC Journo Should “Face Consequences” For Revealing Her Husband The Senate Candidate Is Brain-Damaged
Louder With Crowder: JK Rowling savages all her haters with a single tweet, also, Add Mark Wahlberg to the list of people fleeing California ‘to give my kids a better life’
Vox Popoli: Every Conversation Ever, also, Human Handgrenade Confirmed
According To Hoyt: Roll Left And Die, also, Ring The Bell
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S3 E14: Worldbuilding with Chuck Gannon
Stoic Observations: Stewards Of Humanity – This Is Why We Fight

American Conservative: Woke Vandals Trash A Van Gogh, Today In Soft Totalitarianism, also, Sifting Through the Wreckage of Modernism
American Greatness: The Broken Promises of the January 6 Committee, also, Why Ron DeSantis Should Run in 2024
American Power: Gideon Rachman, The Age of the Strongman
American Thinker: GOP: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way!
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five World Ending Friday
Babalu Blog: Castro dictatorship has no answers as another night of protests shakes Cuba, The Mariel refugees who settled in Wisconsin, and German jewelry store apologizes for its use of Fidel Castro image, removes and destroys it
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for October 14
Behind The Black: Skyrora’s first suborbital rocket launch fails shortly after liftoff, Freedom successfully splashes down in the Atlantic, and Pushback: Central Florida U forced to end censorship and blacklisting
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?*, also, KC Meetup After-Action Review
Da Tech Guy: Well my Tom Hagen Prediction is Coming True Faster than I thought
Don Surber: Judge rules guns do not need a serial number, also, NYT worries NY will flip red
First Street Journal: Is this why Central Bucks schools have been pushing back against LGBTQ+ agenda?, He had a second chance, and he blew it, and Seth Williams missed the point
Gates Of Vienna: Freeloading in the Canaries, Jihad Terror is a Now a Mental Disorder in Hungarabia, The Progressive Islamization of Germany, Sweden Throws the Book at Koran Rioters, and Towards a Sustainable Armageddon
The Geller Report: J6 – IT WAS ALL STAGED! , also, NYC Protest Against Children’s Drag Story Hour
Hogewash:  Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Watching a Pair of Neutron Stars Merge, and Now Those Are Spicy Pumpkins
Hollywood In Toto: Hollywood Propaganda Demands a Warning Label, also, Halloween: Resurrection Marked Tragic Low for Beloved Franchise
The Lid: Joe Biden On Beau Biden: Is He Senile Or A Liar?
Legal Insurrection: Parents Blast Cal. School Board for Halloween Party Featuring Drag Queen Show, Va. State Delegate Wants Parents to Face Abuse Charges if They Don’t Affirm Their LGBTQ Child, Wawa Closing Two Philadelphia Stores Due to ‘Continued Safety and Security Challenges, Business Factors’, and Protesters Outside Jewish Student Center at George Washington U. Chant ‘There is Only One Solution’
Nebraska Energy Observer: Scattershot Friday – Election Season
Outkick: ESPN’s Kimberley Martin Called Out For Tweet That Highlights Ryan Fitzpatrick’s Justin Fields-Cam Newton Comparison, Man Davante Adams Pushed Was A College Student At His First Day On The Job, Brian Robinson Solidifies Miraculous Comeback With Game-Winning TD, Chad Johnson Has Troubling Experience In Qatar Ahead Of The World Cup, and Spanish Model Reveals That She Has Sex Every Day With Her Soccer Player Husband
Power Line: Head-On Crash at the Intersection, Rampant Inflation Dims Dems’ Hopes, and Thoughts from the ammo line
Shark Tank: Demings Looking For Credit After Hurricane Ian
Shot In The Dark: Can You Feel The Pain? also, Singular
The Political Hat: Concerning Titles & Pronouns, also, Firing Line Friday: Revenue Sharing
This Ain’t Hell: Tulsi Gabbard provides her observations of key Democrat leaders, Valor Friday, Joe Biden describes report on 8.2% inflation rise as improvement, and Supersonic Flight 75 Years Ago
Transterrestrial Musings: The FBI, also, New Worlds
Victory Girls: Biden Extends Covid Public Health Emergency For No Reason Whatsoever, Nancy Pelosi Conveniently Has Daughter Filming On J6, and How DARE SHE?! Gisele Fetterman Wants NBC’s Dasha Burns Fired
Volokh Conspiracy: Chemerinsky and Marcus Go Another Round Re Antisemitism at Berkeley Law
Watts Up With That: Green Insanity: Governor Gretchen Whitmer Shutting Down Home Propane Supplies?, also, White House “Desperate… Panicking” Over Saudis and Oil
Weasel Zippers:  Kamala Harris Dodges Whether There’ll Be A Biden-Harris Ticket In 2024 Election, As Violent Crime Soars, Minnesota Democrat AG Keith Ellison Says Crime “Getting Better Every Day”, and Fifth Circuit Blocks Texas “Free Speech” Law
The Federalist: Corporate Media Laugh At FBI Meddling With GOP Control Of Senate In Attempted Entrapment Of Ron Johnson, From Jeffrey Dahmer To Mass Shooters, Media Are Glamorizing Killers And It Needs To Stop, Yahoo! Finance: We Could Ease Diaper Shortage If Pregnancy Centers Would Quit Convincing Women To Keep Their Babies, A Plan To Make ‘Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion’ Die, and The Same Day SCOTUS Squashes PA’s Illegal Ballots, Secretary Of State Tells Counties To Break The Law
Mark Steyn: Live Around the Planet: Friday October 14th

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 10.13.22

Posted on | October 13, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.13.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Seven Days Of Mayhem, also, California’s High Speed Cash Sink
A Bad American: Don’t Mess With Mama Bear
EBL: Rapid Electricity Recovery in Florida: DeSantis Delivers 
Twitchy: Anybody shocked by the final dramatic move of the J6 Commission? also, Steve Schmidt having a nervous breakdown on Twitter?
Louder With Crowder: Watch this mother GO OFF challenging her school board to explain what’s ‘family friendly’ about drag shows, also, JP Morgan Chase cancels Ye from using their bank with no reason given (but you can guess)
Vox Popoli: This is Fine, Meme of the Week, and Thou Shalt Trust the Narrative

American Conservative: Allies that Hurt America, Beavis And The Catholic Priest, and Board Of Education, Board Of Groomers
American Greatness: Things Are Much Worse Than They Seem for Democrats, also, Saudi Arabia Releases Statement Confirming That Biden Pressured Kingdom to Delay Cuts in Oil Production Until After Election
American Thinker: Non-Partisan Elections Are Non-Existent, also, Is This the Beginning of the End for George Soros?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Testosterone News
Babalu Blog: With chants of ‘Freedom, Freedom,’ another night of protests in communist Cuba, Growing discontent with the government in Cuba sets the stage for a collapse of the Castro regime, and Plagued by four epidemics at once, Cuba reels from health crisis
BattleSwarm: Are You Prepping For Food Insecurity?
Behind The Black: Japan’s Epsilon rocket fails during launch, The known near Earth asteroid catalog now tops 30,000, Final decision: Arecibo will not be rebuilt, and Pushback: Chants of “Vote them out!” overwhelm school board meeting
Cafe Hayek: Jay Bhattacharya and Jenin Younes on the Case Against Fauci, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Big government’s impossible task”, and Resisting the Woke Doesn’t Require Rejecting Free Markets
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Education as a commodity, PA’s Dems Need to know How many Votes to Steal, and The Biden Regime is neutering the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank
Don Surber: Even Bernie knows abortion won’t save Democrats, The Party of Fetterman, and Races that could surprise
First Street Journal: Killadelphia: another 13-year-old (probable) gang-banger wannabe bites the dust * Updated! *, The Philadelphia Inquirer really, really hates cops!, and Danielle Outlaw is disgusted, and Larry Krasner is disgusting
Gates Of Vienna: Bullets for Ukraine But None for Germany, Run Me Out in the Cold Rain and Snow, Culture-Enriching Decapitation in Luxembourg, and “They Are a Criminal Government That Has Betrayed Their Own People”
The Geller Report: IMPEACHABLE: Biden Regime Urged Saudi Arabia to Wait Until After Midterms to Cut Oil Production
Hogewash:  Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Rings of Powder
Hollywood In Toto: Trump Was Right – He Destroyed Late Night TV, Halloween Ends Gives Short Shrift to Iconic Monster, Franchise Essentials, and Greatest Lie Ever Sold Skewers Media Narratives on BLM, George Floyd
The Lid: Is Fauci Trying For A New Pandemic?
Legal Insurrection: Pfizer Executive Admits mRNA Vaccine Was Not Tested for Virus Transmissibility, U. Illinois Paid Ibram Kendi $35,000, Including $10,000 for Travel Expenses, for a One-Hour Q&A Session, Leftists at U. Alabama Sign Petition Demanding School Cancel Screening of Matt Walsh Film, and ‘Kill All Christian Nationalists’: Vandals Trash Michigan Catholic Church With Pro-Abortion Graffiti
Nebraska Energy Observer: Danger deepens
Outkick: Dan Snyder Reportedly Has Dirt On Other NFL Owners, Roger Goodell, College Football Game At Baseball Stadium To Be Played In Only One Direction On Saturday, ESPN’s Kimberley Martin Gives Ridiculous Advice To 4-1 New York Giants, and Troy Aikman Bends Knee To Woke Mob, Walks Back ‘Dresses’ Comment
Power Line: Whip this, Dementia Joe recalls Beau, and Media Discovers Vote Fraud After All
Shark Tank: DeSantis Destroys Democrat Voting Narrative, Expands Voting Opportunities After Hurricane
Shot In The Dark: Darn Those Redneck MAGA Fascists, also, Didn’t See This Coming
The Political Hat: Concerning Titles & Pronouns
This Ain’t Hell: Biden’s admin and the law, Happy Birthday Navy- 247 Years Young, and Biden Claims His Son “Lost His Life in Iraq”
Transterrestrial Musings: Stoke Space, The Feminization Of Academia, and The Media’s Addiction Problem
Victory Girls: New Venezuelan Migrant Policy is a Gimmick, also, Did Biden Try A Quid Pro Quo On The Saudis?
Volokh Conspiracy: Requirement of Serial Numbers on Guns Violates Second Amendment, also, Renaissance Faire King & Queen are Limited-Purpose Publick Figures
Watts Up With That: Dear Neighbour, Please “Roster Ration” Your Electricity Use so our EVs can Charge, also, UK Über Conservative Jacob Rees-Mogg Outed as a Guardian Loving Big Government Green?
Weasel Zippers: WH Says Economy “Doesn’t Define What A Recession Would Look Like”, A Paltry 36% Approve of How Biden Is Handling The Economy, Inflation Stays Sky-High As Core Prices Soar Above Expectations To 40-Year-High, and Biden Bizarrely Claims Inflation Will Get “Worse” If Republicans Win Midterm Elections
The Federalist: Unending ‘Emergency Powers’ Enable Authoritarian Behavior Such As Suspending Elections, As Energy Interests Clash, Corporate America’s Green Dream Is Stuck Between BlackRock And A Hard Place, Nevada Asks Snitches To Rat Out Crisis Pregnancy Centers So The State Can Shut Them Down, and Doctor Who Mutilates Kids Goes On Campaign Trail For North Carolina Democrat
Mark Steyn: A Low-Grade Ministry of Truth, Blunt Force Hate, and Coming Unglued

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‘Demented Liar Joe Biden’

Posted on | October 13, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘Demented Liar Joe Biden’

Ace of Spades knows how to coin a phrase, writing about the umpteen-millionth reiteration of Our Alleged President’s habit of . . . Well, lying:

Joe Biden has often invoked his late son Beau Biden.
For example, after his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan he evoked his late son in a shameless effort to avoid criticism of his actions. . . .
It was grossly inappropriate for him to constantly invoke his son who died of brain cancer as though it was the same thing as if he had lost his life while serving our country. But on Wednesday while giving a speech in Colorado, Biden claimed that Beau actually lost his life in Iraq. . . .
Biden’s brain might be Swiss-cheesed, but it’s hard to wrap my head around the idea that he would have forgotten how his own son died. So this naturally begs the question as to whether Biden was confused because of how often he brings up Beau as though he was a war casualty or whether he just thinks it makes him look better to say he was.
And frankly I don’t know which answer is worse.

Ace compiles other examples of Biden’s less-than-truthful habits, including the false claim — which he made repeatedly, even after he was criticized for it — that the truck driver involved in his wife’s fatal auto accident was driving drunk. Biden deliberately slandered Curtis Dunn: “Not only was he not drunk, he wasn’t even at fault in the collision — Biden’s wife blew through a stop sign at an intersection, precipitating the collision, which the truck driver tried to avoid.”

Do you need me to repeat that? Can I make it any clearer? The truck driver was sober, Biden’s wife was at fault and yet Biden — WHO CERTAINLY KNOWS THESE FACTS, WHICH HAVE BEEN WIDELY REPORTED — continued to defame Curtis Dunn.

This was not an innocent mistake. It wasn’t stuttering, or a momentary lapse of memory. It was straight-out deliberate slander.

A powerful politician deliberately endeavored to smear the reputation of an honest, hard-working citizen, and why? Because Biden was seeking pity. He wanted people to feel sorry for him, to view him as a disadvantaged victim, so that he could posture (as he always does) as courageous — BRAVE JOE BIDEN, HERO OF THE COMMON MAN!

The man craves admiration so desperately that this craving has warped his entire personality, leading him to tell falsehoods — blatant lies that he knows to be false — in his pathetic efforts to make himself seem virtuous and deserving of admiration. And the weirdest part of it all is that Biden apparently expects to be admired for his honesty:

So deeply convinced is Joe Biden of his own honesty that he thinks his very name is synonymous with truth-telling:

“I give you my word as a Biden: I will never stoop to President Trump’s level.”
— Nov. 20, 2019

“I give you my word as a Biden: If I am elected president I will do everything in my power to protect our children from gun violence.”
— March 10, 2020

“I give you my word as a Biden: When I’m president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth.”
— March 18, 2020

When I first noticed him using this “my word as a Biden” phrase during the 2020 campaign, I was puzzled. Has the Biden family been so prominently associated with honesty that when Joe says this, most Americans say, “Well, that settles it”? Of course not. In fact, Biden’s first presidential campaign, in 1988, collapsed in disgrace specifically because of Joe’s dishonesty, when he was caught plagiarizing others — most notably British Labour leader Neil Kinnock — in his speeches . . .

The lack of self-awareness expressed by that phrase “my word as a Biden” is remarkable, and yet the “Democratic operatives with bylines” simply don’t wish to acknowledge what an infamous liar Biden is.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


Who Put the Bomp?

Posted on | October 13, 2022 | Comments Off on Who Put the Bomp?

What does a car made in Wolfsburg, Germany, have to do with a novelty hit from 1961? It’s a strange tale, with musical connections to Dolly Parton, the Mamas and Papas, a children’s cartoon and an iconic scene from a famous 1980s movie. It’s about a boy from Brooklyn.

Last weekend, I had my home office TV tuned to a football game, and a commercial came on that featured a song I remembered fondly from back in the day. “Make Your Own Kind of Music” was a Top 40 hit for “Mama Cass” Elliot in 1969, after she went solo following the breakup of the Mamas and Papas. The lyrics are an optimistic ode to individualism:

Nobody can tell ya
There’s only one song worth singing.
They may try and sell ya,
’Cause it hangs them up
To see someone like you.

But you gotta make your own kind of music,
Sing your own special song.
Make your own kind of music,
Even if nobody else sings along.

You’re gonna be nowhere,
The loneliest kind of lonely.
It may be rough going,
Just to do your thing’s the hardest thing to do.

Pardon the Sixties hipster talk about “hang ups” and “doing your thing,” but I always liked the message of that song and, from a musical perspective, I appreciated the emphatic triplets in the last line of the chorus. Do you want to see Mama Cass introduced by none other than Sammy Davis Jr. as “the most fantastic lady of the now sound”?


Mama Cass (née Ellen Naomi Cohen) was a wonderful entertainer, and that was a wonderful song, so when I heard “Make Your Own Kind of Music” on TV, I was prompted to Google it and learn more. When I began enthusiastically telling my brother Kirby what I’d discovered, he said, “I’m going start calling you Rabbit, ’cause you’re always going down these rabbit holes.” A compulsive researcher — I can’t help myself, folks, I was born that way — I was surprised to learn that this hit for Mama Cass was co-written by the same guy whose only hit record as a performer was “Who Put the Bomp (in the Bomp Bomp Bomp)”:


Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?
Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?
Who put the bop in the bop shoo bop shoo bop?
Who put the dip in the dip da dip da dip?”
Who was that man?
I’d like to shake his hand.
He made my baby fall in love with me.

It was a humorous ode to doo-wop, as Wikipedia explains:

In this song, Mann sings about the frequent use of nonsense lyrics in doo-wop music, and how his girl fell in love with him after listening to several such songs.
Examples of the type of song referred to include the Marcels’ version of “Blue Moon” (in which they sing “Bomp bomp ba bomp, ba bomp ba bomp bomp” and “dip-de-dip-de-dip”) and The Edsels’ “Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong”, both of which charted earlier the same year.

Brooklyn native Barry Imberman, known professionally as Barry Mann, was just 22 when “Who Put the Bomp” reached No. 7 on the Billboard charts, but he was already a successful composer, having co-written hits with lyricists Mike Anthony, Hank Hunter and Howard Greenfield. The lyrics of “Who Put the Bomp” were written by a guy named Gerry Goffin, who with his wife Carole King became famous as half of the powerhouse Sixties songwriting duo Goffin-King (“Will You Love Me Tomorrow,” “Song Kind of Wonderful,” etc.). Paul McCartney and John Lennon once said their dream as songwriters was to be as big as Goffin-King.

The same year “Who Put the Bomp” was a hit, Barry Mann married lyricist Cynthia Weil (both of them were working in the Brill Building), and from their songwriting partnership came some of the most memorable hits of the next three decades. Remember I told you that this story involved an iconic scene from a famous ’80s movie?


Yes, “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’,” performed by the Righteous Brothers (Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield) was co-written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, along with famed “Wall of Sound” producer Phil Spector. It’s been praised by critics as “one of the best records ever made” and “the ultimate pop record,” and in 1965 became the first No. 1 for the Mann-Weil team. A year later, they repeated the feat with “(You’re My) Soul and Inspiration,” also by the Righteous Brothers. Mann and Weil also wrote hits for the Drifters (“On Broadway”), the Animals (“We Gotta Get Out of This Place”) and Paul Revere and the Raiders (“Kicks”). And, hey, didn’t I tell you Dolly Parton was involved in this story?


Yep — Dolly Parton won a Grammy in 1979 for “Here You Come Again,” written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, who continued making hits into the 1980s. Who could ever forget this classic slow-dance love song featuring James Ingram that made the Top 10 in 1981?


Man, it just doesn’t get any better than that, does it? But wait a minute — remember I told you there was a children’s cartoon involved in this story? You see, a guy named Steven Spielberg found himself as executive producer for an animated feature based on the historic experience of Jewish immigrants to America. This movie about the “Mousekewitz” family was conceived as a musical, because Spielberg “said he wanted a ‘Heigh-Ho’ of his own (referring to the popular song from Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs).” By now I think the reader can guess which songwriting team they brought in to deliver this tune.


Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight,
Someone’s thinking of me and loving me tonight.
Somewhere out there, someone’s saying a prayer,
That we’ll find one another
In that big somewhere out there.

Did I mention that “Somewhere Out There,” from the 1986 animated film An American Tail, won not one but two Grammy Awards? It wasn’t the squeaky-voice mouse version that did it, though. Instead, the producers brought in James Ingram and Linda Ronstadt to sing it as a duet over the final credits. “Somewhere Out There” made it to No. 2 on the charts.


Mann and Weil wrote so many wonderful songs, there’s not enough room to mention all of them, but I can’t omit the tune that producer Rick Beato called “the most complex pop song of all time”:


“Never Going to Let You Go,” which was a hit for Sergio Mendendez in 1983, changes key (from F-sharp to G minor) before the lyrics even begin. “I’d never seen a song that went through so many chord changes,” Beato says of his first effort to learn it. Keep in mind that Beato majored in music in college, got a master’s degree in jazz from the New England Conservatory of Music, and taught music theory for a living. In praising the complexity of “Never Gonna Let You Go,” Beato pays quite a tribute to The Man Who Put the Bomp in the Bomp Bomp Bomp.

Ah, but have you forgotten where this long trip down the musical rabbit hole began? I was watching TV and there was a commercial for a car made in Wolfsburg, Germany — the Volkswagen Tiguan:


That commercial, by the way, was directed by Bryce Dallas Howard, the daughter of Ron “Opie” Howard. Volkswagen is sending royalty checks to Barry Mann for the song he and his wife wrote in 1969. Not a bad deal for the boy from Brooklyn, who has truly made his own kind of music.

Now 83 years old, Barry Mann is still married to his 81-year-old wife and lyricist, Cynthia Weil, and the couple live in Beverly Hills.

Who was that man?
I’d like to shake his hand.
He made my baby fall in love with me.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 10.12.22

Posted on | October 12, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.12.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The Democrats’ policies are the same: only the names have changed.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1868
EBL: When will Russian Troops revolt against Uncle Vlad and his Officers?, also, Alex Jones Is Having A Bad Day
Twitchy: AP Reports That NBC Interview With Fetterman “Draws Criticism”, also, Doctor Shamefully “Justifies” Castration Of Boys
Louder With Crowder: Hilarious girl fight breaks out at Morgan Wallen concert with all the slapping and hair pulling you’d imagine
Vox Popoli: What Winning Looks Like, A Malevolent Presence, What Comes Next, and French Government Isn’t Vaccinated

American Conservative: Douthat On The Curse Of Vatican II, also, The Regime Debanks Kanye West
American Greatness: Joe Claims Hunter Is ‘on the Straight and Narrow,’, Tulsi Gabbard Formally Leaves Democratic Party, and Biden Treasury Department Investigating Ron DeSantis Over Migrant Flights
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Ohio Voters Are Not Stupid, the Polls Are Mostly Bulls**t and Tim Ryan Is Losing

Posted on | October 12, 2022 | Comments Off on Ohio Voters Are Not Stupid, the Polls Are Mostly Bulls**t and Tim Ryan Is Losing

There was a debate Monday in the Ohio Senate race, which isn’t really a race, because Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan is going to lose, badly. The only suspense is the exact size of J.D. Vance’s winning margin.

Let’s be clear about one basic fact: Ohio is a Republican state.

There was a time, as recently as 2012, when the general popularity of Barack Obama (and the general unpopularity of Mitt Romney) made it seem that Ohio was a “swing” state. That time is now over, and it’s been over for long enough that the national media can no longer deny it.

In 2016, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in Ohio by an eight-point margin (51% to 43%, about 450,000 votes) and pundits were shocked. Obama had carried Ohio twice, by a three-point margin in 2012 against Romney, and by more than four points against John McCain in 2008. Even during the otherwise successful GOP election years of 2000 and 2004, Ohio had been “too close to call” late into Election Night both years, with Bush squeaking past Al Gore by a margin of about 160,000 voters in 2000 and edging John Kerry by less than 120,000 votes in 2004. Yet here was the endlessly “controversial” Trump not only beating Hillary in Ohio, but beating her by the biggest margin in recent history.

Part of the shock for the liberal media in 2016 was that polls in Ohio (like everywhere else) had so completely failed in their predictive capacity. As late as the Sunday before Election Day 2016, the Columbus Dispatch poll had Hillary leading 48% to 47%, and this was not even the worst Ohio poll in 2016. A month before the election, Monmouth had Hillary leading Trump by 2 points, and the CBS/YouGov poll had Hillary up by 4 points.

I repeat: Trump beat Hillary in Ohio by 8 points in 2016, and you might think such gross polling blunders might have caused pollsters to correct their methodology over the next four years. If you thought so, however, you would be wrong, because the pollster blew Ohio even worse in 2020!

Well do I remember being at my mother-in-law’s house in rural Ohio in late October 2020, in a county where Trump signs proliferated and there was scarcely a Biden sign to be seen, and trying to reconcile what I was seeing with my own eyes with the poll numbers I kept seeing:

Anyone can look at the results from 2016 and see that Trump racked up majorities of 2 to 1 or more in this part of Ohio — 72 percent in Morrow County, 71 percent in Crawford County, 67 percent in Knox County, 66 percent in Richland County, 64 percent in Marion County. In fact, Trump won 80 of Ohio’s 88 counties four years ago, defeating Hillary Clinton by an eight-point margin statewide.
If you believe the polls, Joe Biden is neck-and-neck with Trump in Ohio. Three recent polls (New York Times, Quinnipiac, Rasmussen) showed Biden with a one-point lead, and the current RealClearPolitics average of Ohio polls has Trump ahead with a margin of less than 1 percentage point. But nobody believes the polls, especially when the numbers are starkly contradicted by on-the-ground evidence like the proliferation of roadside Trump signs. . . .

Read the rest of that American Spectator column from October 2020, in case you’ve forgotten how dreadfully wrong about Ohio most pollsters were. Once again, Trump racked up an eight-point margin in the Buckeye State, stomping Biden in Ohio like Godzilla stomped Tokyo.

Will they never learn their lesson? Apparently not. On Tuesday, Instapundit linked to a Townhall article about Monday’s Ohio debate, where Ryan got completely owned by Vance:

In seeking to emphasize his claim that Vance does not support exceptions on abortion, Ryan engaged in a particular display of fear-mongering when it comes to the tragedy of rape victims and complications in pregnancy as part of “the chaos that we’re having now.”
Ryan went on to claim that “we read at least a couple of articles every week, of young people, underage girls who have been raped, or women who have had, uh, significant problems with their pregnancy, not be able to get help in the state. They gotta go to Indiana, they gotta go to Illinois, and that’s not good enough for JD Vance, he supports a national abortion ban, in which he wants women to have to get a passport and have to go to Canada.” The congressman then called for “some moderation on this issue” before painting his opponent as an “extremist,” something he would do throughout the night. . . .
Where [Vance] really hit back against Ryan, though, was by reminding that the alleged criminal in the case of a 10-year-old girl who was raped and became pregnant as a result, was here illegally.
“But let’s talk about that case,” Vance mentioned. “Because why was a 10-year-old girl raped in our community, raped in our state in the first place? The thing the media and Congressman Ryan, they talk about this all the time, the thing they never mention is that poor girl was raped by an illegal alien, somebody that should’ve never been in this state in the first place.” Vance then turned towards Ryan to decry how “you voted so many times against border wall funding, so many times for amnesty, Tim. If you had done your job, she’d never have been raped in the first place.” As the buzzer rang to call time, Vance called on Ryan to “do your job on border security, don’t lecture me on positions I don’t actually have.”

Vance’s demeanor throughout that debate exuded calm strength, whereas Ryan looked weak and desperate, but then at the end of the Townhall article I caught this:

The race is considered to favor Vance, with forecasters rating it as “Lean Republican” or “Likely Republican.” Vance has a +1.4 lead in the polls, according to RealClearPolitics

What part of “the polls are all bullshit” do I have to explain here?

Ohioans, who voted against Joe Biden by an eight-point margin, have had to suffer through ruinous inflation and other disastrous consequences of Biden’s policies, and don’t you think they’re pissed off about it? Don’t you think Ohio voters are smart enough to see through Ryan’s phony “moderate” stance? And yet what are these poll numbers?

In September, Siena College had Ryan leading 46% to 43% — in a state that went for Trump by eight points? Are you freaking kidding me?

Well, guess what, boys and girls? That’s right — in October 2020, Sienna College did an Ohio poll for the New York Times and had Biden winning 45% to 44%. So if we consider that they missed by nine points in 2020, and they’ve got Ryan leading by three now, then Vance should win by six points. Except I think he’ll win by a much wider margin than that. The big question about Ohio is whether Vance will win by 10 points or more.

Certainly, Ryan deserves to lose by that much. Democrats seem to think the abortion issue is going to deliver them a midterm miracle, but unless they can somehow prove that J.D. Vance paid for Herschel Walker’s girlfriend’s abortion — c’mon, Democrats are really desperate — I don’t think Republicans need to sweat Ohio this year. Or 2024, either.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


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