The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Media Shocked: Stacey Abrams Is Unpopular With Black Men

Posted on | September 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Media Shocked: Stacey Abrams Is Unpopular With Black Men

Of course, by “unpopular” they mean she only gets 75% — Democrats normally get more than 90% of the black vote, but the gap-toothed water buffalo is struggling significantly below that level:

In 2018, Abrams came within 55,000 votes of defeating Republican Brian Kemp thanks to a surge of votes from Black Georgians. She energized voters of color who often skipped midterms with a liberal platform and a history-making appeal to become the first Black governor in state history.
In 2022, however, the Democrat is struggling to solidify her support with African American voters she must mobilize to win the rematch.
A recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll underscored her difficulties, showing she has 79% of support from Black voters. While that might appear to be a lofty number, Democrats typically poll at least 10 percentage points higher with Black voters. Among Black men, Abrams’ support dips to 75%, with an additional one-fifth backing Kemp and 6% undecided.
It’s no anomaly. Other recent polls have indicated Abrams has lagging support among voters of color, and Kemp is notching double-digit backing from Black Georgians in a string of surveys released this week.

By the way, in calling Abrams a “gap-toothed water buffalo,” I deliberately repeat one of my favorite tales of liberal campus hysteria: In 1993, at the University of Pennsylvania, a group of pledges from the black Delta Sigma Theta sorority were doing some sort of noisy initiation ritual outside a dormitory when a student named Eden Jacobowitz allegedly shouted at them: “Shut up, you water buffalo! If you’re looking for a party, there’s a zoo a mile from here,” It was immediately declared that “water buffalo” was a racial slur but, in defense of Jacobowitz, it was pointed out that (a) he was from Israel and (b) the Hebrew word for water buffalo is behema, used as slang for “a loud, rowdy person.”

Which is, of course, what I had in mind. Also, she’s fat.

Whether this has anything to do with Abrams’ relatively low level of support among black men, I don’t know. But what mystifies me is that this poll shows that 24% of white voters in Georgia support Abrams. Who are these people? How do they justify supporting this behema?

Eden Jacobowitz could not be reached for comment.


In The Mailbox: 09.22.22

Posted on | September 23, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.22.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1847
357 Magnum: All Your Password Are Belong To Us
EBL: Ukrainians Make Progress
Twitchy: Wheels Widens Lead Over Beta*,  also, What Is Pelosi Smoking?
Louder With Crowder: Maren Morris still won’t calm down about Brittany Aldean, also, Guy who went bananas and smashed up a McDonald’s with an axe wants you to know he’s not a bad guy
Vox Popoli: Phase 2 Begins, The Pathway to Proof, and The Cancellation of Dilbert

American Conservative: The Atrocity At Vanderbilt, Gays Against Groomers Get Financially Deplatformed, and Why Does The NEA Want Kids To Learn Butthole-Licking?
American Greatness: Joe Biden Was Deeply Involved With Selling U.S. Natural Gas to the ChiComs, New Docs and Whistleblowers Reveal
American Power: ‘Crime Is a Construct’: My Morning With the Park Slope Panthers, also, Putin Orders Draft of Reservists for War in Ukraine, Threatens Nuclear Response
American Thinker: The Jab Put Me on a Journey I Didn’t Expect — Or Want, also, A Figurehead Fiddles While America Burns
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: DeSantis campaign launches ‘Cubans against Karla Marx’ t-shirts, Cuban dictatorship desperately trying to attract Canadian and Russian tourists to its apartheid hotels, and Rabid Cuban communist journalist who spewed propaganda and bullied colleagues now living in U.S. under new name
BattleSwarm: Republican Senators Ask For Special Prosecutor For Hunter Biden, also, Ian McCollum and Nicholas Moran Team Up To Talk About The German .50BMG (Or Lack Thereof)
Behind The Black: Russia launches three astronauts to ISS; China launches Earth observation satellite, OneWeb announces delivery of 36 satellites to India for launch, Ingenuity completes 32nd flight, and Pushback: NY cops fight city’s COVID jab mandate
Cafe Hayek: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: “Meet the real engine of equality”
CDR Salamander: What NATO Must Do 01JAN24
Chicago Boyz: 
Da Tech Guy: Prediction: If You Think the Cigarette Lawsuits & Settlements Were Something Wait Till the Transgender Suits Against Children’s Hospitals Start Coming, Philly: A Soros’ surrogate faces blowback, and An Army of Sollozzos and Barzinis at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Don Surber: Making VD great again, Harvard: 55% fear socialism, 45% fear MAGA, and Nine states Republicans can flip
First Street Journal: The Dummkopf from Delaware really doesn’t have a clue, also, What a surprise! Lithium prices are increasing as countries push electric cars
Gates Of Vienna: The Red-Green Fusion, also, Requiem for a Culture, Part 1: The Sentinel
The Geller Report: Google Rigged The 2020 Election, 950 Pages of Leaked Internal Documents Show, also, Democrat Who Murdered Teen Acted On Biden’s ‘Republican Extremism’ Rhetoric, Cited It To Justify His Act
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, The Fornax Dwarf, and When North Korea Is Embarrassed To Be Your Ally 
Hollywood In Toto: Conservatives Still Lagging (Way) Behind in Culture War Fight, also, Amy Schumer’s Cancel Culture Fears Are Fake News
The Lid: Nikki Haley Responds To Sunny Hostin’s Racist Attack On Her Name
Legal Insurrection: Mar-a-Lago Raid: 11th Circuit Grants Partial Stay of District Court Special Master Order As To Documents Marked Classified, PayPal, Venmo, & Google Purging Wrongthink, Biden Admin Plans to Regulate Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets, and Man Admits Running Down and Killing Teenager, Claiming He Was a ‘Republican Extremist’
Michelle Malkin: They’re All Open-Borders Hypocrites
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus: Chapter 24
Outkick: Joe Burrow Says He Quit Social Media To Focus on Winning, Cringe Russell Wilson Is Back, Phoenix Suns Owner Robert Sarver Intends To Sell Team, and Yankees Superstar Aaron Judge Hits Historic 60th Home Run; One Away From All-Time AL Record
Power Line: Take a Lemon, also, A Video Interlude: About Those Electric Vehicles
Shark Tank: Rick Scott & Others Call Out FDA For Ignoring Baby Formula Applications
Shot In The Dark: The DFL’s No Good, Very Bad Day Part I: Polled, The DFL’s No Good, Very Bad Day Part II: Police On My Back, and The DFL’s No Good, Very Bad Day Part III: Follow The Money
The Political Hat: Wokeness Sneaks In Sub Rosa, also, Michigan Schools — Out: Education. In: Dismantling Society
This Ain’t Hell: Army SMA says don’t do mandatory training. Huh?, Potential additional Russian military mobilization, Americans more concerned about socialist left than about MAGA Republicans, and Semper Supra- USSF Announces Anthem
Transterrestrial Musings: Ukraine Thoughts And Trends, also, Another Aspect Of The Genocide
Victory Girls: The Incredibly Brave Hijab Burning Women Of Iran, also, Andrew Cuomo Big Mad That Democrats Dumped Him
Volokh Conspiracy: Did Nina Totenberg Have a Conflict of Interest in Covering Justice Ginsburg?
Watts Up With That: Collapse Of Energy, Food, Transportation Systems Prompt Calls for Government Nationalization of Industries
Weasel Zippers: NTSB Says All Vehicles Need Device To Detect If You Are Drunk, DeSantis Reveals Consent Forms Illegals Signed BEFORE Going To Martha’s Vineyard, Poll: Americans Trust Republicans More Than Dems To Handle The Economy By 52% To 38% Margin, and Putin Admits His Army Too Pathetic And Ragged To Beat A Third World Hellhole Like Ukraine, Needs Nuclear Weapons To Win
The Federalist: Budget Analysts Conclude Biden Policies Will Add $4.8 Trillion To National Debt, McConnell Abandons Arizona Senate Race To Maintain A GOP He Can Control, Inside The Mysterious Disappearance Of The Young Adult Dystopian Genre, and Will Fake News Purveyor Catherine Cortez Masto Vote To Confirm Biden’s Radical FCC Nominee?
Mark Steyn: A Land of Selective Laws

*According to a recently seen banner, “0% Latino, 100% Pendejo”

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Simple Question: Who Complained?

Posted on | September 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Simple Question: Who Complained?

British journalist Toby Young reports that PayPal shut down the accounts of his Daily Sceptic site, as well as the Free Speech Union, a non-profit he created. When he inquired about the cause of this deplatforming, Young received an email that included this bit of boilerplate “explanation”:

PayPal’s policy is not to allow our services to be used for activities that promote hate, violence or racial intolerance. We regularly assess activity against our long-standing Acceptable Use Policy and carefully review actions reported to us, and will discontinue our relationship with account holders who are found to violate our policies.

To which Young responds:

That message was a bit weird since it didn’t explicitly accuse the Daily Sceptic of promoting “hate, violence or racial intolerance”, or say that that was how we’d violated its precious policy. But it certainly implied it. To which my response is: How exactly? Or, more profanely: What the f*** are you talking about?

The obvious solution to this problem is to file a lawsuit for breach of contract, and perhaps also for defamation, since it is obviously false that Young is a promoter of “hate, violence or racial intolerance.” Through the process of discovery, Young hopefully would be able to find the answers to a few crucial questions, including what it was exactly that led to this deplatforming. Young’s site has bucked the conventional wisdom on several issues, including COVID-19 policy, transgenderism and the war in Ukraine, any one of which might have caused a complaint.

More importantly, who filed this complaint? Because how likely is it that PayPal would deplatform a popular site on the basis of a complaint from a random anonymous nobody? Doesn’t it seem more likely that, as with the case of Twitter banning COVID-19 policy critics Naomi Wolf and Alex Berenson, government pressure was involved in this decision?

This is what’s wrong with the arguments of those who defend deplatforming when done by Big Tech corporations — at what point do such actions become indistinguishable from government-imposed censorship? If these business exhibit a clear partisan bias in their decisions to ban people then (a) isn’t it likely that one party will benefit politically from this bias? and (b) once that party controls the government, isn’t it likely that they’ll leverage Big Tech to punish or silence critics of government policy? At some point on this trajectory, it becomes corporate-sponsored totalitarianism.

For example, how far are we permitted to go in criticizing U.S. policy in Ukraine before somebody at the State Department decides to have a friendly chat with lobbyists from Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc., to explain why such criticism should be suppressed? And if the government can do this over Ukraine policy (or COVID-19 or transgenderism), then why shouldn’t they do this on every controversial issue?

Different people are going to have different opinions as to where the lines should be drawn in such matters — really, does a private company have an obligation to provide services to neo-Nazis or Islamic radicals? — but it is important to know why such decisions are being made. There ought to be some kind of requirement for corporate transparency in these matters, because otherwise people will get banned without even knowing what caused the ban or who made the decision.

(Hat-tip: John Tierney at Instapundit.)


Why Isn’t Marilyn Mosby In Prison Yet?

Posted on | September 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Why Isn’t Marilyn Mosby In Prison Yet?

“Liberal billionaire George Soros realized early on that prosecutors are the gatekeepers to the criminal justice system, and he decided to hand select attorneys who would do his bidding by refusing to prosecute entire categories of crimes, fundamentally ‘reimagining prosecution’ and reverse-engineering the criminal justice system into something unrecognizable in the process. . . . So, when Soros decided back in 2014 to spend millions to fund the election efforts of rogue prosecutors, one of the first people he backed was Marilyn Mosby in Baltimore city.”
The Daily Signal, Oct. 27, 2020

This morning, I switched my home-office TV to CNN, and caught an interview with Marilyn Mosby. “Holy crap,” I said to myself. “I thought she was already in federal prison.” That’s certainly where she belongs.

Mosby was indicted by a federal grand jury earlier this year on perjury and mortgage fraud charges related to her purchase of two vacation homes in Florida. Her trial has been postponed until next March. She was defeated in her bid to be re-elected to a third term, losing the Democratic primary in July. God only knows whether Baltimore will ever recover from the damage Mosby inflicted on the city since being elected in 2014.

Homicides in the city increased dramatically after Mosby became the state’s attorney for Baltimore, and the crime wave she unleashed has reverberated across Maryland and into neighboring states, for the simple reason that failure to prosecute criminals in the city means they are free to commit crimes in other jurisdictions. Criminals from Baltimore that Mosby turned loose are perpetrating felonies throughout Maryland, as well as in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

In just a few months, Mosby will be out of office (and, one hopes, on her way to federal prison) but she seems determined to inflict maximum damage on her way out the door. After a true-crime podcast raised questions about a 1999 murder case in the city, Mosby decided unilaterally to turn the convicted killer loose:

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby “railroaded” the family of Hae Min Lee by “ramming down their throats” her decision to ask a judge to release Adnan Syed from prison on Monday, this according to their attorney.
Family attorney Steve Kelly blasted Mosby during a CNN interview Tuesday morning, accusing her of blindsiding the family and “completely excluding” them from the process that led to Adnan’s conviction being vacated.
Kelly said Hae’s family felt betrayed and only wanted to know why after 20 years prosecutors changed their minds on who killed Lee. He said the recent motion filed by prosecutors did not spell out their reasoning.
He also said Hae’s family was open to hearing about other suspects, but Mosby never gave them the chance.
As we reported, Adnan walked out of a Baltimore courtroom a free man Monday after serving 23 years of a life sentence for Hae’s 1999 murder. He will be on house arrest as prosecutors determine over the next 30 days whether to try him again or drop the charges.
In 2000, a jury convicted Adnan of strangling Hae in a rage after she broke up with him.
His alleged accomplice testified at trial that he helped Adnan dispose of the body after Adnan confessed to the slaying. Police also used cell phone data to link Adnan to the crime scene. Adnan was 17 at the time he went to prison.
Then, in 2014, Adnan caught a break when the “Serial” Podcast thrust his case back into the spotlight, poking holes in the police probe.
That led Baltimore State’s Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, to reopen the case about a year ago and launch a new investigation, finding that the cell data used to convict Adnan was flawed and the accomplice had offered contradictory statements to police.
What’s more … there were 2 other suspects kept under wraps by the original prosecutors and withheld from the defense lawyers, which is a violation of law.
Mosby has not released the suspects’ names, but one of them allegedly threatened to kill Hae.

See how this works? Every convict in prison has some kind of sad tale to tell, and there’s no reason to think Adnan Syed’s story is more credible than any of these other excuses. Claims of prosecutorial misconduct, and assertions that there are other potential suspects, cannot erase the evidence and testimony pointing toward Syed’s guilt. While it is perhaps possible that his conviction will be overturned, this doesn’t justify turning him loose in the meantime — but Mosby turns loose criminals at least as guilty as Sayed on a regular basis, so what’s one more, eh? Besides, it’s good publicity for Mosby in “progressive” circles, and she probably hopes this will help her somehow in her own federal case.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!

Thomas Hogan at City Journal calls the Syed case “Mosby’s Final Insult to Baltimore,” and has more details about the case.


In The Mailbox: 09.20.22

Posted on | September 20, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.20.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Screw college. Follow the Way of the Forklift.

EBL: Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions
Twitchy: Special K Short-Circuits Trying To Spin Sleepy Joe’s COVID Comments, also, Wretched Loser David Leavitt Gets Dragged For Claiming People Hate Capitalism
Louder With Crowder: Ron DeSantis has a plane of migrants (allegedly) landing near Joe Biden’s house in Delaware today, also, ‘F*** Joe Biden’ chants make a triumphant return
Vox Popoli: I Suspect They’re Dragging Their Feet, He Paid the Price, Europe Strangles, and How to Trigger Trauma
Stoic Observations: The Proto-Stoic Observes

American Conservative: Don Lemon Squeezed Into Lemonade By British Woman, also, Washington Can Help Armenia’s Christians
American Greatness: One-Third of all U.S. Senators Call for Special Counsel to Investigate Hunter Biden, also, Don Lemon Stunned to Hear Royal Watcher’s Thoughts on Reparations
American Power: Bookends to the Life of a Queen
American Thinker: George Soros: The Man Behind The Curtain, also, Are You Really that Smart If You Can’t Recognize B.S.?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Inflation/Recession News
Babalu Blog: Cuban priest slams Pope Francis for embracing leftist dictators, ignoring human rights abuses in Cuba, also, Cuban dictatorship admits that dengue epidemic is out of control throughout entire nation
BattleSwarm: This Is Your City On Chinese Construction Standards, also, China’s Chip Industry Is Doomed
Behind The Black: Webb instrument has technical issue partly preventing its use, First meeting of all 21 nations who have signed Artemis Accords, and Today’s blacklisted American: Republicans and conservatives increasingly unwilling to talk to pollsters out of fear
Cafe Hayek: Pictures – Well, Graphs – Worth Many Words, Production Occurs Only If It Increases Ability to Consume, and Cato Journal: A Review (co-authored with Adam Pritchard) of Leonard W. Levy’s ‘A License to Steal’
CDR Salamander: So, AUKUS is About Submarines Down Under, Right?
Chicago Boyz: Blackout
Da Tech Guy: A Cool Moment for a Dynasty Baseball Fan, Report from Louisiana: NOLA is the Murder Capital of America, and The Ultimate Tribute to Elizabeth II & England via Hong Kong
Don Surber: The lesson is the FBI can get away with murder, A blow against the Gun Control Act of 1968, and Shelley beats Manchin
First Street Journal: Clueless at the top, also, Killadelphia: A reason for hope?
Gates Of Vienna: The Blood Clots From Hell, The Idea of the Monarchy, and Affirmative-Action Mujahidette Gets Nine Years in the Loony Bin
The Geller Report: The British Empire Was A Force For Western Civilization
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Jupiter is Ready for Its Close Up, and Law Enforcement Priorities
Hollywood In Toto: Don’t Worry Darling Slams the Patriarchy. Again and Again, Patton Oswalt: ‘Sweet’ Joe Rogan Has Gone ‘Off the Rails’, and Lucas Black: ‘There’s an Attack on Men in Our Culture’
The Lid: How Socialism Conflicts With The Jewish High Holidays
Legal Insurrection: White House Walks Back Biden’s Stunning Taiwan Comments on 60 Minutes, EU Seeks Emergency Powers Over Europe’s Supply Chains, Soros-Funded Group Sues DeSantis On Behalf of Martha’s Vineyard Migrants, and Perhaps It’s Time That Fossil Fuel Industry Fights the Eco-Zealots
Nebraska Energy Observer: The World Turned Upside Down, also, Holy smokes!!!
Outkick: Ryan Tannehill, Kirk Cousins Stink Up Monday Night Doubleheader, ‘Ridiculous’: Tom Brady Breaks His Silence On Mike Evans’ Suspension, Mormon Recruit Says He Left BYU-Oregon Game Early After ‘F-ck The Mormons’ Chant Broke Out, and Insane People Want To Eliminate Gender-Divided Sports, Allow Men And Women To All Play On One Team
Power Line: The European Disaster Yet to Come, The Daily Chart: Open Borders, and In free lunch fraud: The charges
Shark Tank: DeSantis Takes Victory Lap, Lands Endorsement From Key Democrat
Shot In The Dark: This Is Minneapolis, Chanting Points Memo – Giants In The Associates’ Washroom, and Don’t Forget
This Ain’t Hell: Theodore Kosin – The 49 Day Commando – No NDSM, Decline of all-volunteer force endangers America, and Army Inflation Fighters!
Transterrestrial Musings: What We’ve All Been Waiting For, The Student-Loan Disaster Continues, The Coming Russian “Mobilization”, and About That Creature In Canada
Victory Girls: “Crime is a construct” & Other Leftist Delusions, also, White House Blatantly Lies About Biden’s Pandemic Remarks
Volokh Conspiracy: The Way To Stop Worrying About Judicial Legitimacy Is To Stop Worrying About Judicial Legitimacy
Watts Up With That: Ronald Stein on the Huge Advantages of Fossil Fuels Over Wind/Solar Power, Tom Nelson Podcast, Virginia Child Climate Lawsuit Bites the Dust, and Gulf of Mexico Oil & Gas Lease Sale Update
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls Israel An “Apartheid State”, Day After Biden Says “Pandemic Is Over,” Fauci Says It Isn’t, Joe Biden, Who Spent Weeks Smearing Trump Supporters, Complains Politics Is “All Personal Attacks”, and Democrat Crushes An 18 Year Old Boy To Death With His SUV For “Being Part Of A Republican Terrorist Group”
The Federalist: Lawsuit – Clark County (NV) Election Officials Are Refusing To Disclose Poll Workers’ Political Affiliations, Whistleblower: FBI Is Dropping Child Sexual Abuse Investigations To Pursue J6 Witch Hunt, Biden’s New IRS Agents Should Investigate If This Partisan Teachers Union Is Dodging Its Taxes, and Leftist Groups Are Reportedly Bribing Influencers To Peddle Misinformation For 2022 Midterms
Mark Steyn: Vaya Con Dios, Of Kings and Catastrophes, and At the Back, but not on the Bus

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Ukraine Forces Cross Oskil River, Advancing Toward Svatove, Kreminna

Posted on | September 20, 2022 | Comments Off on Ukraine Forces Cross Oskil River, Advancing Toward Svatove, Kreminna

Getting accurate and timely information about the war in Ukraine remains difficult, and it may be a few days before the tactical picture becomes clear, but (a) Ukraine now claims to control the east bank of the Oskril River across from Kupiansk, and (b) it has been confirmed that Ukrainian forces have taken Yarova, about 10 miles west of Lyman. While the Russians are reportedly trying to organize a defense at Svatove, their southern flank is jeopardized by the Ukrainian forces at Yarova and Lyman. It’s not clear if the Ukrainians are also across the Oskril River north of Kupiansk, although the Russians claim to have destroyed a pontoon crossing at Dvorichne, about 15 miles north of Kupiansk.

This is very encouraging so far. A week ago (“Ukraine Offensive Halts at Oskil River?”), I was worried that the Ukrainian advance had lost momentum, which risked losing the opportunity to wreck the Russians while they were still shaken by the rapid assault on Kupiansk. Now it appears that the halt at the Oskil was just temporary, and that the Ukrainian advance will continue. If they break through anywhere south of Svatove, this would immediately render the position of Russian forces near Lyman untenable, compelling a retreat further eastward, toward Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Such a retreat would cost the Russians still more men and equipment, on top of what they already lost when the Ukrainians captured Kupiansk and Izyum, with attendant impact on Russian morale. However, the tactical situation remains unclear.

Over the next week, we may hear news of another Ukrainian breakthrough, or the pace of action may slow down. What’s important, though, is that Ukraine has established the necessary bridgehead on the east bank of the Oskril River, which will allow them to keep advancing eastward, however fast or slow that progress may be.


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | September 20, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Say hello to 51-year-old Missouri resident Jeremy Garnier, who in March 2020 decided it would be a good idea to dress up as comic-book villain The Joker and record a livestream threatening to kill a thousand people. Last week, he was sentenced to 60 days in jail and two years of probation for making terrorist threats. You will perhaps not be surprised to learn that (a) Garnier has a lengthy history of previous crimes (b) which he claims he committed to “in order to support his crack habit.”

Is the world getting crazier, or is it just that now we have social-media that allows people to broadcast their craziness?


In The Mailbox: 09.19.22

Posted on | September 19, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 09.19.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If you’re not on Gab and want your daily fix of Tatsuya Ishida goodness, Sinfest is right here.
Silicon Valley delenda est.


357 Magnum: Violent Felons Don’t Stop Being Violent Felons
EBL: Why did Martha’s Vineyard kick those illegal Venezuelan migrants out to the mainland?
Twitchy: “If You Are A Republican, You Are A Nazi”, also, CBC – While Ben Shapiro Doesn’t Belong To Any Hate Groups, He’s Radicalizing Young Men
Louder With Crowder: Kanye goes America First, cancels Gap deal over Red China connection, also, School board clears room of minors before reading ‘filthy’ book available in their school
Vox Popoli: Suicide is not Murder, Why Russia Hasn’t Mobilized, They Didn’t Get the Saline, and Third-World USA

American Conservative: Trans Mega-Ta-Tas In Clown World Canada
American Greatness: Wish You Weren’t Here, Equal Justice, They Said, and It’s Time to Stop the Left’s ‘Fact Check’ Scheme
American Power: [Six] Republicans Won’t Promise to Accept 2022 Results
American Thinker: Biden’s Reichstag Fire, also, The FBI: Disturbing the Peace and Creating Inter-Party War
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Extreme poverty in communist Cuba increased 111% in 2021, While Cubans suffer food shortages, Castro dictatorship holds international gourmet festival, Demonstration at Marlins Baseball Park in Miami today to protest MLB’s discrimination against Cuban players, and The left gives Red China a pass on climate change and global warming
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for September 16, also, Petition To Remove El Paso Democrat DA Moves Forward
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches 54 Starlink satellites on Falcon 9, Cosmonaut Valeri Polykov, holder of the record’s longest stay in space, passes away, SpaceX fires seven engines on Superheavy prototype #7, and Today’s blacklisted American: Leftist thugs at University of New Mexico threaten conservative speaker and audience with violence
Cafe Hayek: Cato Journal: “Cable Reregulation” (with Bob Ekelund), Challenging John Burtka to a Debate on Trade Policy, and Some Empirical Evidence on Deflation
CDR Salamander: A Mid-September Midrats Melee!, also, If They Name Them “Yamato” and “Musashi” I will Probably Stroke Out
Chicago Boyz: Book Review: Lydia Bailey, by Kenneth Roberts
Da Tech Guy: What Do the People of Martha’s Vineyard and Pontius Pilate Have in Common?, I called it! Navy to rename the USNS Maury, and The Scream TV ad is a chilling warning about crime in Chicago and Illinois–and the danger of the Democrats’ SAFE-T Act
Don Surber: Is CNN making Fox nervous?, Martha’s Vineyard sent illegals to a Superfund site, and  The recession the media ignores
First Street Journal: Child rearing is the parents’ responsibility, not the teachers’, also, Once again, The Philadelphia Inquirer does not cover a story that doesn’t fit Teh Narrative
Gates Of Vienna: Send ’Em Back? The ECHR Says No!, The Mocro Mafia Targets the Crown Princess, and Berlin’s Resident Palestinian Terrorist
The Geller Report: Chicago Bears DENY Mayor Groot’s Proposal To Stay In The City Of Chicago, DeSantis: ‘There Will Be More’ Illegal Migrant Buses, Flights, and McDonald’s CEO Warns Chicago Mayor Lightfoot that Soaring Crime is Leaving its Corporate Staff Too Terrified to Return to HQ
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, Terzan 4, and I’m Not Making This Up, You Know
Hollywood In Toto: I Came By Isn’t What You Expect, Dear Hollywood: Be More Like Trace Adkins, and New Karate Kid Sequel Shows Folly of Modern Hollywood Groupthink
The Lid: Newsom Signed 40 New Green Bills in Most Aggressive Climate Hypothesis Push
Legal Insurrection: Albany DA Investigating Alleged Duplicate Signatures on NY GOP Gubernatorial Nominee Lee Zeldin’s Petitions, Gibson’s Bakery Thanks Legal Insurrection And Its Readers, Debunked: Histrionic ‘Kidnapping’ Claim Against DeSantis, Abbott, and Congressional Commission to West Point: Cancel Robert E. Lee
Nebraska Energy Observer: Change is good – Girl talk, also, “It was very easy to die that day,”
Outkick: Clay Travis: ‘Duke Volleyball Player Is A Fraud’, Paige Spiranac Threw Out The First Pitch In Milwaukee, Absolutely Nobody Showed Up To Watch UCLA Football After All-Time Low Attendance Record, and Eli Manning Goes Undercover As Penn State Football Walk-On Quarterback, Hilarity Ensues
Power Line: A Huge Win for Free Speech, When the axis tilts, and Jan Karski’s message
Shark Tank: Charlie Crist’s Campaign Is Loaded With Special Interest Money
Shot In The Dark: Government Of, For, & By Merriam Park NIMBYs, also, The Shorter MNDFL
This Ain’t Hell: Army reports drops in test scores, qualifications, Vindman speaks: And it’s all Trump’s fault, and Influencer received payment offer to spread J6 and Anti MAGA propaganda
Transterrestrial Musings: On Starship Prices, History Taught Backwards, and Continuing Progress
Victory Girls: Ukraine Weapons Black Hole Just Grew, also, The Left’s Human Trafficking Histrionics
Volokh Conspiracy: Why the Florida and Texas Social Media Laws Violate the Takings Clause
Watts Up With That: Wildfires are the “Old Normal” for the Pacific Northwest, Denying Access to Energy: The New Normal?, and Checkbook Journalism: Bought & Paid for Climate ‘News’: NPR Announces Facebook’s Zuckerberg & Rockefeller Foundation Will Be funding NPR’s ‘Climate Desk’
Weasel Zippers: Biden Reportedly Pressuring FBI To Fabricate “Extremist” And “White Supremacist” Cases, Here’s The 82 Democrats Who Denied The 2016 Election, Kamala Harris Fumes Over Illegal Immigrants Sent To Her DC Residence, and 60 Minutes Interview: Biden Admits His Student Loan Bailout Is Illegal
The Federalist: Florida Education Consultants Teach Teens The United States Is Systemically Racist, Top Foreign Funder Of Transnational Terrorism Funds Think Tank That Staffs Democrat Presidential Administrations, If Martha’s Vineyard Tried To Prove It Cares About Immigrants, It Failed Miserably, and Democrats Are Astroturfing Climate Alarmism Among Latinos As Families Suffer From Record Inflation
Mark Steyn: Baby Talk, Do You Take This Woman? Myrna Loy and Third Finger, Left Hand, and We Gather Now to Keep Her Memory Green

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