The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Here’s a Completely Crazy Idea

Posted on | April 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Here’s a Completely Crazy Idea

Look, I know this might seem far-fetched, but hear me out. Maybe if you’re going to have a meeting of your army commanders, you should try to choose a location that is not within range of the enemy’s artillery:

Two Russian generals have been killed by a Ukrainian artillery strike on a forward command-and-control center of Russia’s 49th General Army near the frontlines in Kherson region, with a third severely wounded, Ukraine’s military intelligence said on April 23.
“As a result of the strike, command-and-control center 49A was destroyed, two enemy generals were liquidated, another one was evacuated in critical condition,” reads a Ukrainian military intelligence statement.
The identities of the Russian officers in question are still being confirmed.
Ukraine’s military intelligence is continuing to isolate high-value targets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to eliminate.
This puts the tally of Russian generals killed in Ukraine at 10. Meanwhile, Moscow has officially acknowledged the death of only two of them: Andrey Sukhovetskiy and major-general Vladimir Frolov.

Now, apparently I’ve lost count, because the last time I checked — it was last Sunday — the death toll of Russian generals was seven. Adding these two latest would put the total at nine, but maybe they killed another one somewhere that I didn’t count. Anyway, the bodies of dead Russian generals are stacking up like cordwood, and we’re only two months into this war. At this rate, pretty soon there won’t be enough Russian generals left alive to stage a coup to overthrow Putin.


‘The Enormity of the Crime’

Posted on | April 23, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘The Enormity of the Crime’

One of the things I’ve always understood about what is now generally called “the LGBTQ movement” (once known more simply as “gay rights”) was that it really wasn’t about fighting oppression, and that the claims of victimhood involved were largely fictitious. And I knew this because I actually knew gay people, none of whom were in the least bit oppressed or victimized, despite the fact that they lived in the heart of the Bible Belt. It is not necessary for me to cite examples, although i could name names of these friends and acquaintances who didn’t parade around proclaiming themselves to be oppressed victims because (a) there was no political advantage to be had by making such claims in the Deep South three or four decades ago, and (b) they weren’t victims in any meaningful sense of the word. It was not until the 1990s, really, that the gay rights movement began to get much traction in popular culture, probably as a result, on the one hand, of the AIDS epidemic creating a crisis atmosphere and, on the other hand, the Democratic Party trying to find political leverage against the “Religious Right.” Prior to the Clinton administration, really, most people had a basic libertarian attitude toward homosexuality — even if they did not approve of such behavior, they didn’t go snooping around trying to “out” people or otherwise make a big scene about it.

Beginning in 1993, after Bill Clinton turned gays-in-the-military into an issue, a new stance of radical gay activism became apparent, which was anathema to the old libertarian live-and-let-live attitude. Suddenly demands were being made, and if you didn’t agree with the policies being advocated, you were accused of ignorance and hatred — “homophobia”!

The suffix “-phobia” amounts to a diagnosis of mental illness, an accusation that one is motivated by irrational fear, and to inject this into public policy debates is evidence of the worst sort of bad faith. Never mind, of course, the fictional nature of the claims of “oppression” made by gay rights activists which, as I say, is my basic disagreement with the movement in general. Because the gay people I knew were not remotely in a situation of oppression comparable to, e.g., black people living under Jim Crow, I was not interested in any lectures about how their “rights” were allegedly being violated. The accusations of “ignorance,” “hate” and “homophobia” were just icing on this gigantic cake of obnoxious activism.

If it is your goal to persuade me, do not begin your argument by insulting me. Bogus accusations of “ignorance” — do I seem ignorant to you? — are habitually hurled by liberals who don’t seem to care whom they are insulting by such claims, or what the consequences may be. Certainly I don’t think I am alone in this attitude. There must be lots of people who never had any malice toward gay people and who, indeed, may be deeply sympathetic to the various problems afflicting gay people, but who simply don’t think that politics is the solution to such problems. Is such a believe “ignorant”? Is it not possible that an honest and intelligent person may evaluate the matter of homosexuality in its entirety, weighing and considering the various aspects of the issues involved, and simply decide that the policies advocated by “gay rights” activists are generally wrong?

Having spent the past couple of decades closely watching how liberals operate, I have long since realized that unless you learn to shrug off accusations of “hate” and “ignorance” from the Left, you’re going to be bullied into submission — or, at the very least, intimidated into silence, which is effectively the same. While I don’t go around starting arguments with people, neither will I be forced to sit in silence while liberals lecture me as if I were a child in need of their tutelage. As folks say down home, I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night, and I am in no need of instruction on this issue. Neither is Jeremy Carl:

It’s the word of the month, which the Right is applying increasingly to our leftist political establishment.
Perhaps the best response to the groomer debate came from Helena Kirschner, a woman who detransitioned (that is, she spent years as “transgender man” before later accepting her birth sex) and has become an influential voice speaking up against transgender ideology:
“There’s a place for precise terminology,” she tweeted. “There’s also a place for memetic terms that convey a difficult to articulate concept in a way many people can intuitively understand. ‘Groomer’ applied to teachers & other adults who manipulate kids into gender confusion accomplishes this.”
And that is exactly right. It’s difficult for us to acknowledge the enormity of the crime that has been committed against our children because it’s hard for us to acknowledge how deeply we have failed. And it’s hard for us to accept that this crime is taking place with the full support of the leadership of one of America’s major political parties and most of the medical establishment. . . .
The mass grooming of our children into pediatric transgenderism and other confused gender identities is a crime of world-historical proportions, a crime which dare not speak its name.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.) You see that Helena Kirschner cannot be accused of “ignorance” about transgenderism, having been through the experience herself. One imagines that this experience has provided her with ironclad immunity against such insults masquerading as “arguments.” Recall that I featured Kirschner here last month:

Helena Kerschner is not an unattractive woman. She has a certain pre-Raphaelite beauty — the kind of face you might find in a Rossetti painting — and yet she spent her adolescence feeling ugly:

By the time I was thirteen, I was isolating myself, self-harming, and had developed an eating disorder. In eighth grade, I lost touch with most of my school friends, and was too self-conscious and preoccupied with my eating disorder to put myself out there again. I started skipping school, spending lunch in the bathroom, and in general just keeping my head down, trying to get through the day unnoticed.

She found a “community” in the Internet’s septic tank — Tumblr:

Between sharing photos, drawings, and fanfiction, these girls were posting about their lives and going into deep detail about their struggles. Many were social outcasts like me, also struggling with things like self-harm and eating disorders. Finding a community of such like minded people felt amazing, and I quickly began spending nearly every waking moment on Tumblr or messaging some friend I had met on there.

The self-selecting nature of online communities is insufficiently understood. To be part of such a “community,” after all, you have to spend a lot of time online, whether it’s ranting about politics on Twitter or sharing “fanfiction” on Tumblr. And the people who become obsessed with this — the core of any such online community — tend to be “social outcasts” who lack healthy real-world connections with actual human beings. . . .

The point is that such people are vulnerable, and transgender activists seek to exploit that vulnerability in a predatory way. It should not be necessary to explain what’s wrong with such exploitation, and the fact that the providers of government-imposed “education” now wish to direct these efforts at kindergartners ought to outrage every sensible American. Unfortunately, a lot of Americans are not very sensible — Joe Biden got 81 million votes — and thus those of us who haven’t completely lost our minds find ourselves as an embattled minority, arguing against lunatics.

But don’t get me started on David French . . .


Disney Got Woke, Now Going Broke

Posted on | April 23, 2022 | Comments Off on Disney Got Woke, Now Going Broke

Disney’s decision to declare war on Florida parents could not have come at a worse moment for the company, which has been struggling:

The Walt Disney Co. is the worst performing stock in the Dow Jones Industrial Average for the past year, plummeting 31 percent in the last 12 months.
Of the 30 companies that comprise the Dow, Disney has seen its stock drop the most on a percentage basis, followed by 3M, which is down 25 percent, and Home Depot, down 23 percent.
Disney shares were down more than 5 percent Wednesday as investors remained skittish on streaming entertainment companies following Netflix’s disastrous first quarter results. Disney+ subscription results recently disappointed Wall Street when the company reported quarterly results in November, causing the stock to tumble.
The Mouse House also faces difficulties in Florida, where the state senate voted on Wednesday to pass a measure that would deprive Disney World in Orlando of its self-governing status. . . .
Disney’s free fall comes as the company has embraced woke, far-left politics, specifically the exposure of young children to radical LGBTQ ideology. In so doing, the entertainment giant has alienated millions of customers and picked a fight with Florida GOP leaders.

While correlation does not necessarily prove causation, the two phenomena — getting woke and going broke — are not coincidentally related. They are the product of corporate culture defined by insularity and arrogance, when management lets itself become isolated in an echo chamber of sycophants (“Great idea, boss!”) and begins ignoring the basic principles of customer service. The Disney “brand” was originally synonymous with wholesome family entertainment suitable for kids, but as their empire expanded, management lost sight of this brand value and began craving approval from their Hollywood peers.

Why else would they let themselves be pushed by a bunch of radical LGBTQ activists into a culture war battle against Florida parents? The desire to be seen as “sensitive” to the demands of these fringe activists (who certainly are not part of Disney’s core audience) was allowed to override basic marketing considerations. The war against Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill was essentially a partisan Democrat propaganda operation, a preemptive effort to take out Gov. Ron DeSantis as a 2024 presidential candidate. Given which way the political winds are blowing (e.g., last year’s defeat of Terry McAuliffe in Virginia), did it make sense for Disney to jump into such a fight? Disney pandering to the “Drag Queen Story Hour” crowd makes as much sense, marketing-wise, as Golden Corral trying to pander to radical vegans. If sanity had prevailed at Disney HQ, they would have ignored the demands that they join the Democrats’ thinly veiled partisan war against DeSantis.

Instead, at a time when the competition for the online streaming audience should have been the focus of Disney’s organizational efforts, they let themselves be distracted by a propaganda campaign that, while it might not be the cause of Disney’s problems, is certainly not a solution to those problems. We see a similar narrative unwinding at Netflix and CNN, two other brands that have gone the same way.

“Get woke, go broke” — it’s a guaranteed formula for failure.

Ed Driscoll quotes Ace of Spades: “Has corporate America started to get the message that it is no longer a cost-free move to always side with the exotic flora of the extreme left? And that maybe just staying out of politics and making business the business of business is the better path?” They won’t learn anything until they’re bankrupted and ruined.


In The Mailbox: 04.22.22

Posted on | April 23, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.22.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Back to the usual routine on Monday.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

An Earth Day reminder that the science is settled.

357 Magnum: Media Vs. Humor
EBL: The Birth Of The Baked Potato, also, It’s Earth Day – Holly Maddux, RIP
Twitchy: Glorious Glenn Beck Thread Flashes Back To When Brian Stelter Asked About His “Media Empire Imploding”
Louder With Crowder: Drunk Guy Picks Fight With Mike Tyson On An Airplane, Learns Hard Lesson, also, Full Breakdown Of Johnny Depp’s Defamation Suit Against Amber Heard
Vox Popoli: Clown World As Crucible, European Civilization In Decline, and CNN+ Goes Down In Flames
According To Hoyt: The Power Of Impossible, also, Eating Our Seed Corn
Monster Hunter Nation: WriterDojo S2E14 – Don’t Negotiate With Terrorists, also, WriterDojo S2E15 – The Kickstarter Episode
Stoic Observations: The Way of The Servant, also, The Instinctive Philosophy Of Funk
Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad): The Politics Of Warhammer 40,000

Adam Piggott: Podcast #150 – The Lone Wolf Episode, also, The Morality Of Our Civilization
American Conservative: The Decline & Fall Of NASCAR, J.D. Vance, You’re Hired, and EV Mandates Threaten The U.S. Grid
American Greatness: How America Became La La Land, Cardiologist Says 30% Of Vaxxed Pilots Would Fail Health Screenings Due To Vaccine Injuries, and Defund The Capitol Police
American Power: Americans Are Over The Pandemic, The New Class Chasm In The Culture Wars, and Netflix Vows To Curb Its Profligate Ways
American Thinker: The Real Reset Is Coming, But Not The One The Elites Expect, The Regime Media’s Quandary, and Red China Lurks Behind Most Crises Facing America
Animal Magnetism: Blogroll Update, Animal’s Daily Battle Rifle News, and Rule Five Barking Nuts Friday
Babalu Blog: Killing Mickey By Going Woke, Cuba Runs Out Of Anti-Parasite Medication, and Andy Ngo Reveals Cuba’s Vile Influence On American Youth
BattleSwarm: Is Red China Screwed? (Part I) (Part II), Austin City Council Wants To Pay People $1000/Month For Breathing, and LinkSwarm For April 22
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, SpaceX Successfully Launches Another 53 StarLink Satellites, and ROK Increases Its Space Budget By 19%
Cafe Hayek:  A World Without Petroleum, Robin Givhan Should Read Ronald Coase, and Milton Friedman – A Centennial Appreciation
CDR Salamander: Who Is Doing What To Help Ukraine, America – The Arsenal Of Democracy Again, and Fullbore Friday
Chicago Boyz: The Rage Of The Prince-Electors, The Birth Of Educational Wokeism – A Personal Story, and Titanic Metaphors
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Gulf Wind Farms, Cool Cal, and What Elon Musk’s Attempt To Buy Twitter Demonstrates
Don Surber: Of Course National Review Sides With DisneyBidenflation Gives GOP A Big Lead In House Races, and Learn To Coal Mine
First Street Journal: Killadelphia, Gentrification Is A Good Thing, and A Very Democratic City
Gates Of Vienna: Archbishop Vigano – “The New World Order Requires That Italy Should Perish”, Ecotokens For Compliant Drones, and A Handgun Against The New World Order
The Geller Report: Biden’s ICE Set To Release 600,000 Illegals Into U.S. By End Of September, AstraZeneca CEO Recorded Saying “Millions Of People” Should Avoid The Jab, and Rep. Greene Forced To Testify At “Hearing” Intended To Keep Her Off The Ballot
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Learning To Code, and Everything Is Receding As I Have Foreseen
Hollywood In Toto: The Northman Delivers Gut-Punch Cinema, Here’s What Netflix Should Do Next (But Won’t), and Did Christians Fail Father Stu Or Vice Versa?
The Lid: Disney Says Tinkerbell & Captain Hook Not Woke Enough, also, J.D. Vance Will Be Another Mitt Romney
Legal Insurrection: RI No Vax, Double Tax Legislation – It’s For Real, Go Woke Get Broke – Netflix Shares Plunge As Subscribers Flee, and Twitter Mockery Of CNN+ Downfall Is Comedy Gold
Michelle Malkin: GLSEN’s Groomers In Plain Sight, also, Airbnb’s Open Door For Drugs & Thugs
Nebraska Energy Observer: This I Know Firsthand, Shanghai, and The Great American Road Trip
Outkick: Best Of CNN+ Closure Memes, The Worst MLB Umpire Call Of The Season (So Far), and LSU Coach Brian Kelly’s Lakeside Home/Recruiting Tool
Power Line: It’s Earth Day. Again. Contain Your Excitement, Racism At The New York Times, and BLM Was Always A Fraud
Shark Tank: Lauren Book Whines That GOP Is “Silencing Black Voices”, also, DeSantis Signs “Stop Woke” Bill
Shot In The Dark: From The Land Of Fruits & Nuts, “One Minnesota”, and For The Record 
STUMP: Why Has Teen Mortality Increased 31% In The U.S. In Two Years? also, Pools Are More Dangerous Than COVID To Small Children
The Political Hat: Woke Law School, Look For The Union Rent-Seeking, and Trans Indoctrination Of Little Kids IS Happening 
This Ain’t Hell: Anchorage Valor Thief, DC Airborne Attack – Capitol Evacuated, and Valor Friday
Transterrestrial Musings: Coachella, Putin’s Health, and It’s Earth Day Again
Victory Girls: CNN+ Implodes As Everyone Knew It Would, Fauci Claims Judges Have No Authority Over CDC, and LibsOfTikTok Strikes Back
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Gorsuch Calls For Overruling The Insular Cases, also, “Humans Are Not Smart Enough To Have Ideas That Lie Beyond Challenge & Debate”
Watts Up With That: Friday Funny – Soylent Green’s 1973 Vision Of “Global Warming Dystopia”, also, Why Is The CO2 Concentration Rising?
Weasel Zippers: 300,000 Unverified Votes In State Biden Won By Only 11,000, also, Biden Loses Guadalcanal 79 Years After The Marines Win It
The Federalist: The White House Is Lying To You About The Irreversible Damage Of Chemical Castration, How To Smear Christianity Without Even Trying, and Amid Public Concern About Grooming Kids, American Library Association Picks “Marxist Lesbian” As President
Mark Steyn: The Masquerade Is Over?, Doxxing The Meme Makers, and He’s Toast

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 04.21.22

Posted on | April 21, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.21.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Why don’t you have a seat right there?

Did not spend yesterday getting blazed for 4/20, because I like my apartment and have no interest in being yeeted into the street for violating the lease. Did spend a lot of time playing Civilization and avoiding the news of the day, with the exception of patrolling the comment section. Today, a brief selection of choice links.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1693
357 Magnum: Reporters Are Still Unclear On The Definition Of Victim
EBL: Piers Morgan, Asshat Of The Day
Twitchy: Brian Stelter – Let’s Be Clear About The Root Of The Conflict Between DeSantis & Disney
Louder With Crowder: End Of An Error, also, Florida Legislature Revokes Disney’s Special Tax Breaks
Vox Popoli: Rendering Themselves Irrelevant, A Fascinating Observation, and U.S. Military Expertise
Stoic Observations: Origins Of The Data Science Species, also, Type 2 IDGAF
Gab News: Gab’s Offer To Elon Musk

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Racial Cult Murder in Georgia?

Posted on | April 21, 2022 | Comments Off on Racial Cult Murder in Georgia?

It’s possible you have forgotten about these kooks:

In the early 1990s, cult leader Dwight York convinced his followers to relocate from upstate New York to rural Putnam County, Georgia, where they built “Tama-Re,” an Egyptian-themed compound of nearly 500 acres. York’s cult, the “United Nation of Nuwaubian Moors,” at one point had hundreds of members. It did not end well:

On May 8, 2002, 300 local and federal law enforcement officers in rural Georgia raided the Egyptian-themed compound of the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors. The cult’s founder, Dwight “Malachi” York, had been arrested hours earlier — accused of molesting dozens of his follower’s children.
The police operation marked the beginning of the end for York, a pseudo-religious leader who eluded justice for decades while amassing a nationwide following for his bizarre blend of religion, mysticism and claims about alien life.
He was finally exposed by former followers, including his estranged son, and was later convicted in 2004 of transporting minors across state lines for sexual purposes and sentenced to 135 years in federal prison.

I blogged about the Nuwaubians in September 2020, but that wasn’t the first time I’d covered this bizarre story, as I’d edited a feature about Malachi York’s cult many years earlier when I worked at The Washington Times. Well, “file it and forget it,” as we say, but today my brother Kirby informed me that the United Nation of Nuwaubian Moors had resurfaced in a weird and disturbing way. South Carolina true crime blogger Eric Daume had become interested in an unsolved 2014 murder in Putnam County. There were no leads at all in the mysterious and grisly murders of Russell and Shirley Dermond. The elderly couple lived in a gated community on the shore of Lake Oconee. By sheer happenstance, while Daume was interviewing the local sheriff about the Dermond case, the sheriff mentioned the Nuwaubian case, without any thought that this might be relevant. Daume became curious, however, and he managed to turn up a clue, in the form of online comments from Nuwaubian cultists, who are still aggrieved over Malachi York’s incarceration. Was it possible that some of the Nuwaubians murdered the Dermonds?


Daume doesn’t prove anything, but he has certainly pointed out a few tantalizing clues that suggest this cult could be involved in a murder case that is otherwise inexplicable. Why would anyone want to kill two nice old retirees? Why was one of the victims decapitated?

You need to watch that video, which Daume says is just the first part of the story. Can’t wait to see the next installment.


CNN+ Suddenly Becomes CNN-

Posted on | April 21, 2022 | Comments Off on CNN+ Suddenly Becomes CNN-

It took barely three weeks for the CNN+ streaming service to get shut down by the last-place cable news network’s new ownership. Warner Bros Discovery CEO David Zaslav is known for running a tight ship — he’s all about the profits — and from the moment that CNN+ launched, it was obviously doomed. The report was that the streaming channel had barely 10,000 daily viewers, an audience that might be enough to sustain a YouTube channel. But was anyone surprised by this failure? Was there any reason to believe that clowns who have ruined CNN could make a go of it in the online streaming market? As if there were an unsatisfied demand for more Brian Stelter out there somewhere?

This is a delusional level of denial. What was “incredibly successful” about it, Mr. Licht? Could you be specific? Because absolutely nobody who knows anything about the business thought it was successful, let alone “incredibly successful.” And the fact that Brian Stelter repeats this dishonest and/or delusional claim as if it were true tells us everything we need to know about Stelter’s journalistic abilities. CNN+ was one of the most spectacular failures in the history of the industry.

CNN+ was to media what the Fyre Festival was to luxury concert events. If there were any accountability, everybody involved in CNN+ would be permanently unemployed, persona non grata in journalism.


Netflix Stock Has Lost 62% This Year

Posted on | April 20, 2022 | Comments Off on Netflix Stock Has Lost 62% This Year

The stock lost 35% on Wednesday alone, after Netflix reported it lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter of the year.

The amount of the stock’s value lost in a single day was $54.3 billion — that’s billion, with a “b.” Why are people dropping their Netflix subscriptions? The company should join the Biden administration and blame Vladimir Putin for the problems, but maybe it’s something else:

In 2020, its show “Cuties” was accused of sexualizing preteen girls, leading many to sever ties with the service.
Last year, Netflix revealed “Q-Force,” a cartoon about LGBT spies. “We’re the first queer agents in the field ever,” a character said in the trailer.
“Dear White People” also turned away viewers who perceived it as racist against white people.
And this week, Netflix subscribers will be treated to “He’s Expecting,” whose synopsis reads, “When a successful ad executive who’s got it all figured out becomes pregnant, he’s forced to confront social inequities he’d never considered before.”
The streaming giant isn’t just driving away subscribers with divisive and offensive “woke” programming. Some say much of the content is just plain bad.
“Netflix spent more than $13 billion on original content last year, and people apparently aren’t watching it all that much,” Kevin Dugan wrote in New York Magazine on Tuesday.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

One of the big themes at Netflix is “diversity,” like Bridgerton, based on a series of romance novels set in England during the Regency period (1811-1820) but produced by Shonda Rimes with half the cast being black. What was the black population of England circa 1820? Practically zero, but such are the demands of “diversity” that it must be created even in historical programs set in times and places where diversity was non-existent. So far as I know, there is not yet an LGBTQ subplot in Bridgerton, but it’s surely just a matter of time, because diversity!

This show is actually the most popular thing on Netflix, by the way, and so you have to wonder what other crap they’ve produced with their multi-billion-dollar annual budget. I mean, seriously, $13 billion a year? If each project has an average production cost of $5 million, that’s 2,600 projects. In other words, it’s crazy money, and they’re apparently squandering it on a lot of crap that nobody wants to watch.

Imagine being a film director. You could pitch anything at Netflix — Gay Korean Zombie Pirates! — and they’d give you a few million to produce it. Never mind whether anybody wants to watch your show, because that’s how it is with crazy money. Just write the checks, and who cares what you’re buying? Netflix is acting like the guy who wins the lottery and ends up spending it all on strippers and slot machines.

Hey — that’s a plot for a series! “Lottery Jackpot Winner”! Don’t even think about stealing my Netflix series idea. The script practically writes itself and also involves plenty of diversity, because the protagonists ends up in a relationship with a Brazilian transgender stripper. Or maybe a plus-size Congolese bisexual. Whatever. Copyright (c) 2022.

And I got a million ideas for shows nobody will watch. Considering the absolute disregard for financial stewardship at Netflix — they lost $54 billion in one day! — there’s practically no limit to how much toxic garbage they could pay me to produce. All I need is a connection, see . . .


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