The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ukraine: Yet Another Russian General Killed as Invasion Week Three Concludes

Posted on | March 16, 2022 | Comments Off on Ukraine: Yet Another Russian General Killed as Invasion Week Three Concludes

When last we checked in on Russia’s invasion, one of their tank columns was getting smashed east of Kyiv, killing a colonel, adding him to the stack of high-ranking Russians killed in Ukraine. That was Thursday and on Saturday, the Ukrainians announced they had killed Russian Maj. Gen. Andrei Kolesnikov in Mariupol, adding him to the previous Russian casualty total that included Maj. Gen. Vitaly Gerasimov and Maj. Gen. Andrei Sukhovetsky. So that made three major generals killed in less than three weeks, and now the total has reached four:

Ukraine has killed another Russian general in a further “serious blow to the morale” of the invading forces, a government adviser said Wednesday.
Maj. Gen. Oleg Mityaev died Tuesday during the storming of Ukraine’s most devastated city, Mariupol, according to Interior Ministry adviser Anton Gerashchenko — who later posted a photo of the body.
Mityaev would be at least the fourth general killed during the invasion, which Kremlin officials are reportedly calling a complete “clusterf–k.”
Mityaev, 46, commanded the 150th Motorized Rifle Division and had fought in Syria, Gerashchenko said, saying his body was found with “the shoulder straps of a major general.”
He was “one of the most promising and iconic Russian military leaders,” claimed Gerashchenko as he celebrated “the liquidation of the general.”

This is a stunning death toll among Russian generals — four killed since the invasion began — and almost unheard of in modern warfare. While the Russians aren’t reporting their casualty totals, the Ukraine Defense Ministry claims they’ve killed nearly 14,000 Russian troops so far, although various Western analysts estimate that the true number is perhaps around half that high. Still, getting 7,000 troops killed — to say nothing of those wounded or taken prisoner, who must be added to Russia’s total losses in the Ukraine invasion — in just three weeks is a helluva high price to pay. How bad is it? Take a look at this drone video:

According to the Ukraine Defense Ministry, this shows the headquarters of Russia’s 35th Army near Kyiv being hit by Ukrainian artillery. The first question that comes to mind is, how the heck did the Russians allow enemy artillery within range of their headquarters? The second questions is, what kind of piss-poor opsec is it when you’re allowing enemy surveillance drones over your HQ? The shelling doesn’t appear to have been particularly devastating — no secondary explosions to show the Ukrainians had hit an ammo dump or anything — but the mere fact that they were able to get artillery within range of a Russian army headquarters speaks volumes for how badly it’s going for Russia.

More video evidence of Russian losses:

Of course, Russia has a lot of tanks and a lot of troops still capable of fighting in Ukraine, but the reported (or claimed, or estimated) level of losses is clearly high enough that Russia’s military commanders — those who aren’t dead yet, anyway — must be getting quite angry that Putin ordered this invasion, which has rapidly turned into a complete disaster.

(Hat-tip: Ed Morrissey at Hot Air.)



Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | March 16, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Say hello to 30-year-old Gerald Brevard III, a suspected serial killer who was arrested Tuesday, accused of murdering two homeless men and wounding three others in a series of shootings in D.C. and New York.

Longtime readers will not be surprised by this part of the story:

The suspect’s father, Gerald Brevard Jr., told The Daily Beast on Tuesday he was “crushed” to hear the news about his son’s arrest. He said they spoke on Monday, and Brevard “did not say anything out of the ordinary.”
“It was a normal conversation,” the father, who lives in Las Vegas, said. “But he was dealing with mental illness for the longest time. He has been in and out of mental hospitals.”
The father added that his son had never made disparaging comments about the homeless community, and now the family was “shocked, feeling so many different emotions” as they tried to understand what was going through the 30-year-old’s mind the last few weeks.
“This has all come as a surprise. I never thought he would be violent,” Brevard Jr. added. “He was always mild-mannered.” In a separate statement issued to reporters, Brevard Jr. also stressed that despite many encounters with the justice system, his son’s mental illness was never really addressed — which he said showed “how the system has failed regarding the treatment of so many.” . . .
While family expressed shock at his allegedly carrying out targeted—and lethal—attacks, Brevard has a long criminal history.
That history includes allegations of violent crimes, such as in July 2018, when Brevard was charged with assault after allegedly brandishing a knife and attempting to stab another individual during a dispute. In 2019, records show that Brevard was found mentally incompetent after a court-ordered exam and was temporarily committed to a city-operated psychiatric hospital.
In December 2020, Brevard was charged with assaulting a woman in Virginia. A month prior, police said, Brevard pushed a woman against a hotel hallway and assaulted her. When the woman, who suffered minor injuries, yelled for help, Brevard allegedly ran away.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 03.15.22

Posted on | March 16, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.15.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

It’s all in the coding.

357 Magnum: The Real Possibility Of A Russian Nuclear Exchange
EBL: Ides of March, also, From 15 Days To Two Years
Twitchy: President Biden Announces “The First Lady’s Husband” Has The Coof
Louder With Crowder: Finally, Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Make DST Permanent
Vox Popoli: Foreign Fighters In Ukraine, You’re The Insurgent Now, and The Coming False Flag
Granite Grok: From Divine To Disgusting

Adam Piggott: A Few Good Men
American Conservative: Fed Goes Green As Oil &  Inflation Spike
American Greatness: Military Doctor Testifies Under Oath Superior Ordered Her Not To Discuss Data Showing Massive Post-Jab Spikes In Illness
American Power: Putin’s War Is Fortifying The Democratic Alliance
American Thinker: Chernobyl & The Lies Of COVID
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Shellacking News
Babalu Blog: Another Cuban Defector From State-Run Media, also, Cuba Reports Worst Shortfall EVER In Food Production For 2021 
BattleSwarm: The Problem With That “Russia Sought Military Aid From Red China” Story, also, Why Russia Can’t Achieve Air Superiority
Behind The Black: Entire Russian Comsat Industry Threatened By Ukraine Invasion, Today’s Blacklisted American, and Launching A Rocket Using Atomic Explosions
Cafe Hayek: Remember, Much Government Debt Is Monetized, also, Would You Invest In A Company Run In This Manner?
CDR Salamander: Good Staffs Matter
Da Tech Guy: The Sad Decline Of Ballet, It Only Took Two Months Of Tom Being Home…, and Report From Louisiana – Dispatches From The Facebook Hoosegow
Don Surber: Xi Is An Actual Hitler Noone Calls Out, “Ukraine Is A Done Deal – It’s Flattened & They Lost”, and 60% Of Blacks Want To Eliminate Race On Government Forms
First Street Journal: The Patricians Are Just Different From Us!
Gates Of Vienna: “We Need Not Celebrate Our Own Disintegration”, Soros Issues Blueprint Of Globalist WW3 Propaganda, and ISIS Mujahidette Returns To Germany
The Geller Report: Israel Reportedly Decimated Iranian Drone Fleet In February, also, Virginia Pediatric Office Has Message For Student Athletes About The Jab
Hogewash: I Was Told There Would Be No Math, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, and The Usual Suspects
Hollywood In Toto: Bill Maher – How “Woke” Became An “Eyeroll”, also, Blistering Documentary Whose Children Are They? Takes On Teachers Unions
The Lid: Philadelphia Child Shot, Media Silent For Specific Reason
Legal Insurrection: Did The Denver Shooter Of A Right-Wing Protester Just Get Away With Murder?, University Of Oklahoma Devotes A Week To DIE, and Amazon Relocates 1800 Workers Due To Violent Crime Surge In Seattle
Nebraska Energy Observer: What If? also, Conspiracy Theory My ***
Outkick: Skip Bayless Says Wife Fears Charles Barkley Will Kill HimDid Rachel Maddow Veto Keith Olberman As Her Replacement?, and LeBron Melting Down As Lakers Continue Losing
Power Line: Rescue Me, Today’s Satire Is Tomorrow’s Woke Dogma, and Quotations From Chairman Kamala
Shark Tank: DeSantis Eliminates FSA Testing In Florida Public Schools
Shot In The Dark: Color Me Shocked, also, Modern Journalism – Not Just Dead, But Rotting So Hard It’s Bubbling
The Political Hat: The Ides Of March
This Ain’t Hell: Day of The Soldado Sentenced, VA Fraud – It’s A Family Affair, and “First!”
Transterrestrial Musings: Ethanol, also, Kamala Harris Quotes
Victory Girls: Roundup Time – Behold The Beclowning
Volokh Conspiracy: Rhode Island Stun Gun Ban Struck Down
Watts Up With That: Aussie Kids’ Climate Change Suit Rejected, also, Study Claims Climate Change Boosted Plant Growth Is Bad
Weasel Zippers: Bad Orange Woman Now Says Nobody Thought Russia Sanctions Would Be “100% Effective”, also, Lara Logan’s Brains Turn To Scrambled Eggs On Live TV
The Federalist: Justice Thomas Wants A Section 230 Reckoning, Here’s What The GOP Needs To Do To Truly Take On Big Tech, and Missouri Sues School Board Association For Hiding Details About Biden’s War On Parents
Mark Steyn: The Mark Steyn Show – Live Tuesday To Thursday, also, Steyn In Ukraine

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Probably Not a Trump Supporter

Posted on | March 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Probably Not a Trump Supporter

Say hello to 42-year-old Tammel Esco, who is accused of a hate crime in New York, and my hunch is, he’s not the MAGA type:

A New York woman was punched more than 125 times in the head and face and stomped on seven times by a man who had allegedly called her an “Asian b*tch,” the Yonkers Police Department said in a news release Monday.
The victim, a 67-year-old Asian woman, was returning home Friday evening when she saw the suspect, whom police identified as Tammel Esco, 42, in front of her building. Esco allegedly used the racial slur as she passed him, police said in the release. . . .
In the Friday incident, the victim ignored Esco and entered the vestibule of her apartment building, according to the police. But as she attempted to open the second door to enter the lobby, Esco allegedly approached her from behind and punched her in the head, knocking her to the floor, the release said.
The department provided surveillance a video of the assault.
In it, a man is seen punching a woman in both the head and face more than 125 times and then stomping her with his foot seven times. Police said he then spat on her.
The woman suffered multiple contusions and lacerations to her head and face, facial bone fractures, and bleeding on the brain, according to the news release. She was taken to a trauma center and is listed in stable condition, according to police.
Police responded to the scene at around 6:11 p.m. Friday, found Esco outside the apartment building and placed him into custody without incident, according to the release.

You won’t be surprised by this information about the attacker:

Yonkers Police Commissioner says Esco has 14 prior arrests, including pushing a woman through a window in Yonkers last February.

She forgot the sarcasm tag.


Climate Change ‘Science’ = Propaganda

Posted on | March 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Climate Change ‘Science’ = Propaganda

Considering how certain neocons are treating Ukraine skeptics, I’ll imitate them: “If you’re anti-fracking, that’s treason!”

For years, world leaders have accused Russia of funding environmental groups in Europe to steer nations away from energy independence and strengthen Russia’s iron grip over the continent. As nations across the globe begin shunning Russian oil in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine, U.S. leaders are also questioning how deep Russia’s ties go in the environmental community.
“The Russians actually fund some of the most rabid environmental groups in Europe because they sic them on the energy projects that aren’t Russian,” James Carafano, vice president of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital in a recent phone interview.
Back in June 2014, just months after Russia annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine, European leaders sounded off that Russia was using disinformation operations with environmental groups to steer countries away from fracking in favor of Russian oil.
“I have met allies who can report that Russia, as part of their sophisticated information and disinformation operations, engaged actively with so-called non-governmental organisations – environmental organisations working against shale gas – to maintain European dependence on imported Russian gas,” Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former prime minister of Denmark and then-secretary-general of NATO, said, according to the Guardian. . . .
By 2016, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Scotland and Bulgaria had all banned fracking, either temporarily or permanently. Russia’s power over European energy grew large by 2022, providing roughly 40% of the continent’s natural gas supply. Lithuania, for example, gets 83% of its oil imports from Russia, Poland gets 58% and Finland 80%, The Hill reported.
“You’re not really an independent nation if you depend on foreign countries so heavily for your energy supplies,” Michael Shellenberger, the best-selling author of “Apocalypse Never,” told Fox News earlier this month.
Shellenberger said that 15 years ago, “Europe produced more natural gas than Russia,” but that all changed as “Russia increased its natural gas production and Europe reduced it.”
“Europe decided not to frack in large part in response to climate activists,” Shellenberger told Fox News. “We now think there is strong evidence suggesting [the climate activists] were supported directly through financing from Russia.”

If Mitt Romney can accuse Tulsi Gabbard of treason (!!!) because she believes the U.S. was operating bioweapons labs in Ukraine, then why can’t I accuse every climate change activist of treason? Aren’t they promoting Putin’s propaganda? Isn’t it all “disinformation”?

And if anyone is Putin’s puppet here, how about Joe Biden?

President Joe Biden reassured donors Monday that he would use his executive powers to act on climate change, even as energy prices are at record highs.
“The climate crisis is the existential threat. That’s not hyperbole; it’s a fact,” Biden said after taking the podium at a Democratic National Committee Fundraiser in Washington, DC.
Biden promised to take “aggressive” executive actions on climate regulations even if the Supreme Court overruled him. He acknowledged that progress on the issue of climate change was difficult to achieve in Congress, hinting that donors could help him pressure lawmakers.
“There’s a long way to go, but we’re running into some obstacles that I’m going to need your help on in terms of individuals, as well as circumstances,” he said.

Got that? Biden is going to ram the pro-Putin “climate” agenda down your throat, and you’re just an “obstacle” if you don’t like it.


In The Mailbox: 03.14.22

Posted on | March 14, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.14.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy Pi(e) Day! I had a slice of banana cream with lunch today. What did you have?
Silicon Valley delenda est.
357 Magnum: Pay No Attention To The Doctor Behind The Curtain
EBL: Mitt Romney, Asshat Of The Day, also, Tom Brady Is Back
Twitchy: Deranged Ex-Sports Guy Says There’s A Case For Gabbard & Romney To Be Detained By The Military, also, “Congratulations, Feminists!”
Louder With Crowder: Attention Whore Kaepernick Says He’s Ready To Play After Comparing NFL To Slavery, also, Bill Maher Tells Ben Shapiro That Liberals & Media Have “Blood On Their Hands”
Vox Popoli: Zelensky’s Challenge, Reversing Demographic Decline, and The Canadian Tea Party
Stoic Observations: Scale & Memory, also, Alas, Poor Roland
Gab News RT News Joins Gab TV After Being Banned By YouTube

American Conservative: Tell Me How Ukraine Ends
American Greatness: Analyses Of CDC Data Show Massive Spike In Excess Mortality Among Millennials After Jab Mandates, also, Reliving A Moment Of American Madness
American Power: Russia Asked Red China For Military Assistance In Ukraine, also, Joe Biden’s Dangerous Energy Policy
American Thinker: The Unsung WH Official Who Tried To Warn Trump The Deep State Was Trying To Prematurely End His Presidency, also, Awash In A Sea Of Stupid
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Sockpuppet President Dances The Rumba While Innocent Cubans Are Thrown In Prison, Water Is A Luxury In Communist Cuba, and Dictatorship Opens Another Luxury Apartheid Hotel In Havana
BattleSwarm: Ian McCollum On The Russo-Ukrainian War & Civilian Firearms Ownership, also Shocking Discovery – Paying People Not To Work Makes People Not Work
Behind The Black: Pushback – Teacher Sues After Being Suspended For Defying Pronoun Demands, Mesa In The Martian Northern Highlands, and Russia Confirmed It Will Return ISS Astronaut As Planned
Cafe Hayek: A Matter Of Principles, also, Then Why Not Also Compensate The Losers From Tariff HIKES?
CDR Salamander: It’s A Mid-March Midrats Melee, also, Yes, Ukraine & Russia – But The Varsity Game Is Red China
Chicago Boyz: How To Relax
Da Tech Guy: My Aaron Rodgers Question, Foolishness From “Fact-Checkers”, and Inflation Doesn’t Bother This Key Biden Voting Demographic
Don Surber: Earmarks Aren’t The Problem, Lawyer Up, Republicans, and Joe Biden – Agent Of Red China
First Street Journal: Killadelphia! also, I Had No Idea Larry Krasner Was Lou Anna Red Corn’s Mentor
Gates Of Vienna: We’ll Take Ukrainians Any Day!, Energy & Inflation, and Requiem For A Sarvisberry Tree
The Geller Report: A Bill Banning Zuckbucks In Virginia Elections Is Headed For Gov. Youngkin’s Desk, also, Judge Orders Corrupt Wisc. Speaker To Turn Over Deleted E-Mails & Texts About 2020 Election Review
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Could A Black Hole Ruin Your Planet? and Saturn On The Radio
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Media Rages Against Rogan For Stating The Obvious, also, Renaissance Woman Rocks Faith-Based Film World
The Lid: Title 42 Was Upheld March 4 And Biden Scrapped It On March 12, also, If Biden Really Wanted To Improve The Economy & The Environment
Legal Insurrection: Ohio Policeman Cleared In Shooting Of Ma’Khia Bryant, Woke Agenda At The American School In London Leads To Downgrade From British Officials, and Hating Breitbart Re-Released With Free Streaming
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Mix
Outkick: Lou Holtz Campaigning For Trump, Tennessee Finally Wins SEC Tournament, and Nets’ Kevin Durant Calls Out “Stupid” Jab Policy & Mayor Adams
Power Line: Global Warming Quantified, Kevin Roche – When Do We Get Our Apologies? and End Civil Service Protection?
Shark Tank: Florida Democrats Slip In Polls, Party Leaders Scramble
Shot In The Dark: Honor Among Bureaucrats, also, Couldn’t Happen To A Nicer Movement 
STUMP: Drug Overdose Deaths Part 2
The Political Hat: Happy Pi Day! also, The Great Lakes Are People Too 
This Ain’t Hell: Long Gray Line Snorts Long White Lines, Criticizing The Veep For Inappropriate Laughter Is Misogyny & Racism, and Another Two Are Known
Transterrestrial Musings: The Need For Less Speed, also, The End Of The Age Of Fragility
Victory Girls: Elon Musk Vs, Vladimir Putin – 21st Century Gladiators, also, Texas Order On Transgender Children Halted By District Judge
Volokh Conspiracy: University Adjunct Prof Fired For Labeling Microaggression Flyers As Garbage, also, “We Will Never Be Brothers”
Watts Up With That: The Ill-Fated Franklin Expedition Contradicts Mann’s Hockey Stick, also, House Democrats Cancel Looming Embarrassment With Oil Execs
Weasel Zippers: Kamala Harris Says Democrats Have To Remind Voters They’re Getting What They Voted For, also, Joe Manchin Joins Senate GOP In Sinking Jamie Raskin’s Wife’s Nomination To The Fed
The Federalist: Liz Cheney Has Completely Destroyed Her Father’s Reputation In Wyoming, The Baseball Settlement Isn’t The One Fans Deserve, and Kanye West Isn’t Just Clashing With Pete Davidson
Mark Steyn: Stranger In A Strange Land – Alfred Hitchcock Goes Screwball, also, You Are My Sunshine

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The Arithmetic of ‘Equality’

Posted on | March 14, 2022 | Comments Off on The Arithmetic of ‘Equality’

John Sexton reports on a failed educational experiment:

Last summer the Washington Post published a report about California’s consideration of a plan to do away with tracking in the state’s math classes. As the report was quick to point out, the argument for de-tracking was one connected to race and to a desire to reduce the achievement gap. . . .

Advocates for the new California math guidelines say “de-tracking,” or mixing together students of varying academic performance, can help all students, particularly those who would have languished in lower-level classes. It can also unravel racial segregation inside schools. Almost everywhere, White and Asian American students are more likely to be placed in higher tracks, with Black and Latino students more likely to be placed in lower tracks.

Anyone who knows anything about education could have predicted that this would fail. The purpose of “tracking” — grouping students in classrooms based on ability — is so that each student can be taught material suited to their level of skill. The simplest way to do this, of course, is a “test-in”/”test-out” approach to advancement by grades, so that no student is admitted to, say, an algebra class unless he can demonstrate a certain level of mathematical proficiency (i.e., to “test in” to the class), nor is any student moved on to the next grade without demonstrating proficiency in the course work (“testing out”). For example, at age 7, I was required to memorize the multiplication table up to 12×12 before I could be promoted to third grade.

The possibility of failure — being “left back,” as they used to say — was very real back in the day, before education professionals yielded to the political pressure for “equality.” Insofar as outcomes are not statistically equal between racial groups, this is an injustice, according to radical egalitarians, and so the possibility of failure was eliminated, and under the new regime of “progressive” educational, nobody flunks second grade — or third grade, or fourth grade, or any other grade.

That’s how you get results like Patterson High School in Baltimore, where 97% of students are below grade-level proficiency in math, and 79% are doing math at an elementary-school level.

Having decreed that everyone must go to high school — even if they have the math skills of a fourth-grader — the problem becomes what to do with all these kids who have been promoted without regard to scholastic performance, which is where “tracking” comes in. If you have 300 ninth-graders in a large high school, only a third of whom are actually capable of doing ninth-grade math, then you put those kids in “advanced” classes, put the middle third in “intermediate” classes, and put the lower third into “Let’s Try to Learn Counting to Ten” classes.

To eliminate tracking is to remove from the system every remaining vestige of academic standards, in the name of “social justice.” The idea that this will somehow magically produce “equality” can only be premised on the likelihood that if nobody is learning anything, everybody’s equal. If half the kids in a ninth-grade classroom are incapable of doing the work, the effort to remediate these dummies will distract the teacher so that there will be less time to instruct the more advanced students, who will in effect be punished for the sake of “equality.” Nor is it likely that the lower-achieving students will benefit much from such experiment, for the simple reason that you can’t make chicken salad out of chicken manure.

If you promote a child to the ninth grade who is barely capable of doing fifth-grade math, there is only so much that can be gained by extraordinary efforts to bring him up to speed. He would probably not be so far behind if he did not suffer a general deficiency of intelligence. Smart kids will manage to learn something even in the worst schools, but dumb kids aren’t going to learn much even if you gave them one-on-one tutoring from MIT professors. The “social justice” advocates don’t want to admit this, however, so the fact that Asian-American brainiacs are crowded into the advanced math classes must be construed as some sort of newfangled “segregation,” an injustice that requires elimination.

Because my readers are generally common-sense people, rather than intellectuals or bureaucrats, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that the claims of success for “de-tracking” turn out to be bogus:

[Education policy analyst Tom Loveless] compared test scores on a test taken by students in grades 3-8 and once again in grade 11. Since the [San Francisco] de-tracking reform happened in 2014, it’s now possible to compare students who were in grade 11 before the change to those who reached grade 11 after the change. What Loveless found was that de-tracking has changed the achievement gap but not in the direction reformers were hoping.

As displayed in Table 1, [San Francisco United School District]’s scores for 11th grade mathematics remained flat from 2015 (scale score of 2611) to 2019 (scale score of 2610), moving only a single point. Table 1 shows the breakdown by racial and ethnic groups. Black students made a small gain (+2), Hispanic scores declined (-14), white students gained (+17), and Asian students registered the largest gains (+22).

The raw numbers don’t really convey what the gap means but 2474 is the mean score for 4th grade math. So, on average, black students in 11th grade were performing just above that at 2479. Hispanic students, on average, were scoring 2498 in 11th grade which was the mean score for 5th graders. Meanwhile, white students and Asian students were both testing at a high school level.

“Social justice” is simply a formula for destruction. It is helpful to note that, in the San Francisco school district, 35% of students are Asian, 31% are Hispanic, 14% are white, and 9% are black, so that using the term “racial segregation” to describe the situation there is absurd, invoking as it does comparison to Jim Crow, when less than a quarter of the students are either black or white. The “achievement gap” that affects San Francisco is largely between two racial minorities — Asians and Hispanics — who are mostly the children and grandchildren of immigrants who didn’t arrive in American until after the civil-rights era.

Of course, the Washington Post doesn’t explain the details of the demographics in California public schools while carelessly slinging around the word “segregation,” as if grouping students by their scholastic ability was self-evidently an unfair policy of racial discrimination.


Rule 5 Sunday: “Violent” 2D Girls

Posted on | March 14, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: “Violent” 2D Girls

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If you don’t get the joke, feel free to ask in the comments.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1652, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Rerun Friday, also, the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: Rita Hayworth & Fred Astaire, MAGA Vs. Bidenflation Blues, Ariana DeBose, Ukrainian Tank Girls, Dolly Parton, Cyd Charisse, Joan O’Brien, Linda Cristal, and Anna Netrebko.

A View From The Beach: Zoë Kravitz Turns Cat Woman BiScientists Listening in on the FishFish Pic Friday – Alexa TetraultThursday TanlinesWednesday WetnessGood News! Muskrat Season Still OpenTattoo TuesdayThe Monday Morning StimulusBeach Report 3/6/22Palm Sunday, and Saturday Politics “It’s the “Big One” Elizabeth!”

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