The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Teetering on the Brink

Posted on | March 4, 2022 | Comments Off on Teetering on the Brink

The good new is, we’ve avoided World War III so far. The bad news is, Ukraine is getting pounded to hell. Being a student of history — and particularly of military history — I’ve struggled to resist the feeling that I’m living through a sequel to The Guns of August. If you’ve never read Barbara Tuchman’s classic account of the miscalculations that led to World War I, now would be a good time to buy it on Amazon (which, of course, would pay me a commission if you buy it through my affiliate link). But I’m not just hustling Amazon sales here; if you’ve never read this book, you simply must. It took a lot of blundering to go from a Serbian nationalist’s assassination of the Hapsburg heir to the bloodiest war in history, mainly because of a series of interlocking alliances. What the hell did England care about some obscure Balkan intrigue? And yet, because of Russia’s sympathy to Serbia, the fragile nature of the Austro-Hungarian empire, and the imperial ambitions of Germany, England found itself sucked into a war in which 876,084 British troops died.

We are not 10 days into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and there are some people in the United States itching to get us into a shooting war with Russia, which is an idea nearly as crazy as Putin’s belief that he could just roll his army into Kyiv in a matter of days. Eight days later, however, the Ukrainians are still fighting. The New York Times reports:

Ukraine’s soldiers have blown up bridges to halt advancing Russian ground troops. Its pilots and air defenses have prevented Russian fighter jets from conquering the skies. And a band of savvy Ukrainian cyberwarriors are so far beating Moscow in an information war, inspiring support at home and abroad.
To the surprise of many military analysts, Ukrainian troops are mounting a stiffer-than-expected resistance to Russian forces up and down battle lines across a country the size of Texas, fighting with a resourcefulness and creativity that U.S. analysts said could trip up Russian troops for weeks or months to come.
The Ukrainians are also exploiting a bungled beginning to Russia’s all-out assault. Armed with shoulder-fired anti-tank weapons, they have attacked a mileslong Russian armored convoy bearing down on Kyiv, the capital, helping stall an advance plagued by fuel and food shortages, and stretching a march that was expected to take a handful of days into possibly weeks.
To be sure, Russia’s invasion is only a week old. The strategic southern city of Kherson fell on Wednesday; the Kremlin’s army has intensified its bombardment of Kyiv and other cities; and, despite a flow of fresh arms pouring in from the West, Ukrainian leaders say they desperately need more weapons to destroy Russian tanks and down Russian warplanes.
And while the Ukrainian government has publicized its victories and Russian attacks that killed civilians, it has said far less about battlefield losses of its mechanized units. For their part, Russian officials are keen not to present the operation as a war, and so they have not put out information about the engagements their forces have won.
The result, in these early days of the invasion, is that the Ukrainians are turning the tables on the Russians in the information campaign.
On the battlefield, the Ukrainian military is conducting a hugely effective and mobile defense, using their knowledge of their home turf to stymie Russian forces on multiple fronts, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Thursday.
General Milley said some of the tactics employed by Ukrainian troops included using mobile weapons systems to bedevil the Russians wherever they could. Ukraine’s forces, he told reporters traveling with him in Europe, are “fighting with extraordinary skill and courage against Russian forces.”
U.S. officials have been impressed with the fighting prowess of the Ukrainians, but their assessment that Russia has the superior military has not changed.
Ukraine has succeeded in slowing the Russian advance, but has not been able to stop it, nor is the resistance strong enough to shift Russian President Vladimir V. Putin’s war aims. Over the long term, U.S. officials said, it will be difficult for Ukraine to continue to frustrate the Russian advance.
In the meantime, though, Ukrainians are turning into a nation at arms. “In combat, it’s always different than what you thought it’d be, and the side that learns faster and adapts faster will win out,” said Frederick B. Hodges, the former top U.S. Army commander in Europe who is now with the Center for European Policy Analysis. “So far, Ukraine is learning and adapting faster.”
Ukraine has one of Europe’s largest militaries, with 170,000 active-duty troops, 100,000 reservists and territorial defense forces that include at least 100,000 veterans. Thousands of civilians are also now enlisting.
The Ukrainian army has been training for further Russian encroachment ever since Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014 and began supporting separatists in the Donbas region, in eastern Ukraine. Many of Ukraine’s veterans fought in those battles, so there is a subset of the population that is trained and knows how to fight Russians.
U.S. Special Operations Forces have also trained Ukrainian military forces. Leaders in Kyiv then assigned those soldiers to conventional units, allowing them in turn to train a larger portion of the army. American analysts say that training has made a difference on the battlefield.

Understand how high the stakes are here. Almost nobody in the U.S. is on Putin’s side, but do we want American troops dying over there?

The armchair war hawks — the Bill Kristol types — are urging belligerent measures that could lead us down the road to war, with consequences too horrible to contemplate. And dear God, how can we possibly go to war with this Commander-in-Chief? So we must hope that the Ukrainians can keep fighting, and with sufficient success that Russia becomes demoralized, and Putin is overthrown by his generals.

Every Ukrainian success, no matter how modest it may seem in the grand scheme of things, will help hasten Putin’s downfall. There are allegedly serious people who seem to think that Putin has sufficient strength within Russia to withstand a popular uprising. But the Russian army has already lost hundreds of vehicles and thousands of soldiers in this conflict, and with more arms flooding in to the Ukrainian resistance, the price of Putin’s gamble will only increase in the days and weeks ahead.

We may yet avoid Armageddon, and the success of the Ukrainian resistance is now the world’s best hope. Pray for Ukraine!


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | March 4, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Say hello to Frank Abrokwa, 37, who has been arrested in New York City more than 20 times since 1999 and those of my readers who are good at math will immediately realize that this means this perpetrator has been perpetrating at least one crime a year since he was 14. Other of my readers may be wondering, “What kind of name is Abrokwa?”

The answer is Ghanaian. There is apparently a shortage of career criminals in New York, so they’re importing them, and turning them loose to terrorize the citizenry. But I don’t feel sorry for the citizens of New York, because they voted for these policies.

Joe Biden got 78% of the vote in Manhattan, and 61% statewide. The state legislature, controlled by Democrats, enacted a “bail reform” law that mandated the release of nearly all criminal suspects (because “social justice”) without paying a cent of bail. That this has resulted in an unprecedented crime wave should surprise no one; it was predicted at the time the “bail reform” law was being debated, but the Democrats who run New York simply didn’t care. Considering then that this disaster is a self-inflicted wound, a consequence of the embrace of the Democratic Party by the people of New York, it is difficult to find sympathy for the individual victims of the current crime wave. We recall H.L. Mencken’s famous observation, “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

How about being smeared with feces “good and hard”?

A Bronx man who allegedly smeared human feces on a woman’s face on a subway platform last week has been arrested, NYPD said.
Frank Abrokwa, 37, approached a 43-year-old woman who was sitting on a bench on the southbound platform of the Wakefield-241st Street subway station in the Bronx around 5:15 p.m. Monday, Feb. 21, cops said.
Suddenly, without saying a word, he hit the unsuspecting woman in the face and the back of her head with human feces before fleeing, footage released by police showed. . . .
Abrokwa was arrested Monday and charged with forcible touching, menacing, disorderly conduct and harassment.

All of which are misdemeanors, by the way, and Abrokwa was promptly released without bail. This attack occurred in the Bronx, which is represented in Congress by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Did the victim of Abrokwa’s subway fecal attack vote for AOC? If so, I find it difficult to say she does not deserve to be smeared with feces. Were it within my power to make it possible, everyone who voted for AOC — who got 152,661 votes in 2020 — would be treated the same way.

Frank Abrokwa is the symbolic face of the Democratic Party:

The sicko who allegedly smashed his own feces in a Bronx straphanger’s face joked with cops that “s–t happens” before sneering to a Bronx judge, “F–k you, bitch.”
Frank Abrokwa, 37, was busted Monday at his homeless shelter in connection to the revolting Feb. 21 attack, according to cops and police sources.
Upon arrest, he made light of the attack, quipping to cops, “S–t happens. Haha. This is a s–tty situation. Haha,” Bronx Assistant District Attorney Grace Phillips said during Abrokwa’s arraignment late Tuesday.
Abrokwa — apparently impatient because Brooklyn detectives showed up to arrest him for an unrelated hate crime from September — also made a scene in Bronx Criminal Court.
Prior to his appearance before Judge Wanda Licitra, he could be heard in the holding area grumbling, “Why am I still here? I’m f–king tired of it. I’m hungry.” . . .
Phillips requested an order of protection for the 43-year-old feces victim — prompting an outburst from Abrokwa, who told the judge, “I don’t know that b—h,” referring to the victim.
“Can I go with the Brooklyn detectives?” he pleaded.
He then lashed out at the judge, lamenting, “Why am I being mistreated by the system?”
“I’m being respectful. I’m talking to my attorney,” he snapped at the jurist. “You’re talking to her. Not to me. F–k you, bitch.”
At that point, Licitra called the case and had Abrokwa removed from the courtroom — but brought him back in later to continue the arraignment, which lasted about 40 minutes.
Ultimately, Abrokwa was freed without bail — because the charges against him were not bail-eligible under the state’s bail reform laws, despite prosecutors’ request for him to be held on $15,000 bond, or $5,000 cash.
Horrifying video of the attack shows Abrokwa allegedly slapping a bag filled with his own crap in the victim’s face — and then rubbing it on the back of her head — as she sat on a bench at the Wakefield-241st Street subway station.
Just before the attack, Abrokwa approached the victim and said, “Hey mami, how come you don’t want to talk to me?,” Phillips said.
“The complainant did not engage with the defendant,” the ADA said. “Instead of taking the lack of engagement in stride, the defendant responded with violence. He walked into a nearby idling subway car and defecated in a bag.”
“He then walked back to the complainant and repeatedly smashed the bag and left his feces in her face, head, neck, shoulders and back area. She had feces in her eyes, and hair. As he attacked, the defendant stated in sum and substance: ‘Like this, bitch?’”
The victim used her bag to shield herself but suffered a small bleeding cut inside her lip, and a swollen and red forehead, Phillips said.
But just after being freed in the Bronx, Abrokwa was nabbed in connection to the Brooklyn hate crime.
In that case, Abrokwa approached a 46-year-old man on Utica Avenue near Park Place in Crown Heights around 5:30 p.m. Sept. 9 and snarled, “F–king Jew, I’m going to kill you,” cops said.

Turning loose Jew-hating lunatics to terrorize the public — this is the Democratic Party’s 2022 midterm campaign platform. Anyone tempted to vote Democrat should seek psychiatric treatment immediately.

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 03.03.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | March 4, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.03.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

“We just discovered an anti-Russian botnet that was boosting fake news using dozens of accounts across the same IP addresses.
Nice try, CIA.” – Andrew Torba

357 Magnum: Germany Gets A Whack To The Side Of The Head
EBL: More Ukrainian Warrior Women, also, “Peasants Reading The Emancipation Proclamation”
Twitchy: Elon Musk’s Mom Takes Fauxcahontas & Bernie Sanders To The Woodshed
Louder With Crowder: Ukraine Vice PM Tweets Elon Musk For Help With Starlink, Musk Fixes Issue Himself Inside Of 24 Hours
Vox Popoli: The Lies Never Stop, The Truth About 2020, and The Neocon Perspective

Adam Piggott: We Are So Stupid It Hurts
American Conservative: The Peril & Promise Of Austro-America
American Greatness: Iowa Farmer Says Americans May See Grocery Bills Increase By $1000 – A Month, also, Standing Up To Putin Means Ditching Net-Zero
American Power: U.S. & NATO Pressed On Ukraine Aid, also, Interview With Professor John Mearsheimer
American Thinker: The Economic Balloon That May Finally End Progressive Leftism, also, Why America Needs Donald Trump
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily State Of The Union News
Babalu Blog: Happy Birthday To Desi Arnaz, also, Official Cuban Press Laments That Young People Don’t Want To Join The Communist Party
BattleSwarm: Time For Another Exciting Episode Of “Politicians Behaving Badly”
Behind The Black: Former Virgin Galactic CEO Sued Over Pump & Dump Stock Scheme, Today’s Blacklisted Americans, and Russia Blocks Future Rocket Engine Sales To U.S. 
Cafe Hayek: “Ode To The Middleman”, An Innocent & Compelling Explanation, and More On The Pattern Of Price Changes At The Gas Pump
CDR Salamander: NATO’s Potential Russian Flashpoint May Be At Sea, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Toxic Masculinity & Microaggressions Are SO Last Week, Don’t Tell Me There’s No God, and Joe Biden’s SOTU Was A Dumpster Fire Of Half-Truths & Outright Lies
Don Surber: Proof That Polling Killed COVID Restrictions, The Most Liked Justice? Clarence Thomas, and NYT Admits Biden Is In Over His Head
First Street Journal: Three More Dead In Philly And The Inquirer Doesn’t Care, also, What Have The Climate Action Activists Done To Reduce Their Own Carbon Emissions?
Gates Of Vienna: In A Democracy, Opposition To The NWO Is Prohibited, Crashing The Border At Melilla, and No One Can Stand In The Way Of The NWO
The Geller Report: The Jab Is Deadlier Than COVID For Those Under 80, also, Fed Chief Powell Says It’s Possible To Have More Than One Reserve Currency
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Ahem, and My Solar-Powered Volkswagens
Hollywood In Toto: Batman Returns – As Divisive & Deranged As Ever, Kevin Costner Teams With FOX Nation For Yellowstone Tribute, and PragerU’s Amala Ekpunobi Spills The Secrets To Her Social Media Success
The Lid: The Lazy MSM Is Reporting Only Part Of The Russo-Ukrainian War
Legal Insurrection: Nikole Hannah-Jones To Discuss Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity…At A Veterinary Medicine Conference, Over 100 Professors Targeted For Their Speech In 2021, and Rashida Tlaib Doubles Down On Far-Left Priorities In SOTU Response
Nebraska Energy Observer: Hey – Got Change For A $10?
Outkick: Rick Barry Blows Whistle On NBA Players, Fans Rally – Raise $350K+ For Family Of Zakai Ziegler After House Burns Down, and Stephen A. Smith Has No Idea MLB Is More Popular Than NBA
Power Line: Perfidy In Vienna, Or The Madness Of Slow Joe?, The Climatistas Are Lying Again, and The Axis Of Evil Reunites
Shark Tank: Children Protest “Don’t Say Gay” Bill At State Capitol, also, First Lady DeSantis Cancer-Free
Shot In The Dark: Everything Old Is New Again, Ideas, and Free Market
STUMP: Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths Part 2
The Political Hat: Artificial Wombs Mean Only One Thing – Cyborg Catgirl Mommies!
This Ain’t Hell: Day Of The Soldado, Bounty On Putin, and Nothing Left To Lose
Transterrestrial Musings: Ukraine’s Deadly Gamble, Sanctions Start To Bite, and The State Of Putin & The World
Victory Girls: Iran Deal – Reward Terrorists & Bypass Congress
Volokh Conspiracy: Ilya Shapiro Shouted Down At U.C. Hastings
Weasel Zippers: Despite Soaring Gas Prices Pelosi Opposed To Drilling On Public Lands, Mom Confronts Sheila Jackson Lee At Hearing On CRT – “This Is Free Speech”, and Transportation Secretary Buttigieg – Buying Iranian Oil Is On The Table
The Federalist: What I Saw At The Truckers’ Convoy In Missouri, Corrupt Media Hysterical At DeSantis Again, and Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, Anti-Racism Bills Blocked In Virginia Legislature By…Republicans?
Mark Steyn: The State Of The State Of The Union, War In Europe Day Seven, and The Illusion Of Permanence

Amazon Warehouse Deals

In The Mailbox: 03.03.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | March 3, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.03.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links last month.
Silicon Valley delenda est.
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1644
EBL: St. Michael The Archangel
Twitchy: Want To See Actual Collusion? also, Bad Orange Woman Dismisses Notion That US Is Partially Funding War On Ukraine
Louder With Crowder: Ukrainians Shrink-Wrapping Looters To Electric Poles, also, Wyoming Votes To Defund Gender Studies
Vox Popoli: “We Fight For This New World Order”, Justified & Necessary, and Syllogation

Adam Piggott: How You Can Get Da Girlz
American Conservative: Elon Musk, Hero?
American Greatness: U.S. Army Forces Officers To Undergo “Gender Identity” Training, also, The Biden Inflation Octopus
American Power: Israel’s Balancing Act On Ukraine, also, Alexander Vindman’s Wife Delivers A Psychotic Statement For The Ages
American Thinker: “Madman Putin” – The Globalists’ Disinformation Play, also, How COVID Spending & Green Policies Enabled Putin’s March Into Ukraine
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: More Than 200 Anti-government Protests In Cuba During February, also, Nearly 10,000 Cubans Entered U.S. Through Mexican Border In February
BattleSwarm: 2022 Texas Primary Results
Behind The Black: Martian Crater Overwhelmed By Glacier?, NASA IG – SLS/Orion Cost Per Launch Is “Unsustainable” $4.1 Billion, and The Sun Rages On
Cafe Hayek: An Economist’s Lament
Da Tech Guy: Six Things To Keep In Mind Regarding Ukraine & Russia, A Dozen Hard Facts Concerning Russia’s Invasion, and Two Miscalculations
Don Surber: “Parents Matter”, Biden Is The Last CinC Ukraine Needs, and The Wreck Of the Felicity Ace
First Street Journal: NIMBY!, Bidenflation, and The Future Of Journalism?
Gates Of Vienna: The Echoes Of Krever, The Thugs Of Ottawa, and The EU Conspiracy
The Geller Report: All 33 Trump-Endorsed Candidates In Texas Skate To Victory, also, 17 Disgusting Lies Biden Told During SOTU
Hogewash: Where Is The Moon’s South Pole?, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, and What’s Up For March 2022
Hollywood In Toto: Brian DePalma’s Femme Fatale Let It All Hang Out, Sorry, The Batman Can’t Improve On Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, and Take Back The Night Teeters Between Outrage & Overt Messaging
The Lid: Woke Professor Claims U.S. Went To War With Japan Because Of White Supremacy, also, Ukrainians Eliminate Elite Chechen Hit Squad
Legal Insurrection: Finland & Sweden Continue Intriguing Response To Russian Threats About Joining NATO, Seattle-Area School Board Defends Segregating Meetings By Skin Color, and An Explanation Of “The Roots Of Wokeness”
Nebraska Energy Observer: A Whiff Of Freedom, Woke? No, Awake, and Cultural Decay
Outkick: Carli Lloyd On Playing For USWNT In Recent Years, EA Sports Dumps Russian Squads From FIFA 2022, and Russian Figure Skaters Bounced
Power Line: After Last Night, Trump’s Second Term, and This Week In Racism
Shark Tank: Controversial Education Bills Head To Full Senate
Shot In The Dark: Safety
STUMP: Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths, Part 1
The Political Hat: Mark Levin On Nationalism & Populism, also, Rhode Island And Teacher Prerogatives
This Ain’t Hell: Interesting If True, “Everything We Are Told Is BS”, and This Just In
Transterrestrial Musings: The Ukraine Debacle, The Roots Of Wokeness, and Biden’s War On Energy
Victory Girls: GOP Rebuttals Push Back On Manic Biden Speech, Lauren Boebert Heckles Biden At SOTU, Elites Faint, and Trump’s Grand Criminal Conspiracy
Volokh Conspiracy: Ketanji Brown Jackson On Race & Judging
Weasel Zippers: Cruz – “The Most Out Of Touch SOTU I’ve Ever Heard”, Flashback – Biden Vowed To Filibuster First Potential Black Female Nominee To SCOTUS, and Biden Has “No Strategic Interest” In Sanctioning Russian Gas
The Federalist: Biden Pledges To Double Down On Failing Energy Policies, Democrats Have A Teachers Union Problem, and Debunking Biden’s SOTU Border Baloney Line By Line
Mark Steyn: My One And Only Love, Rollback Of The Nineties, and Biden & The Big One

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | March 3, 2022 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Y’know, I did a lot of drugs back in the day, but I never did the “Decapitate Your Lover During Sex” drug:

A 24-year-old Wisconsin woman allegedly killed and dismembered her lover during a drug-fueled sex session — dumping his head and penis in a bucket and his legs in a crockpot.
The brunette seductress, Taylor Schabusiness, then allegedly told police they were “going to have fun trying to find all of the organs,” WBAY reported.
The mutilated victim in the ghastly crime Thursday was a 25-year-old Green Bay man whom investigators have not identified.

(Why won’t they identify him? To spare his family the embarrassment of having people know they raised a son so stupid that he “swiped right” on the Tinder profile of a psychopath?)

On Tuesday, Schabusiness made her first appearance in Brown County Court via video conference on charges of first-degree intentional homicide, mutilating a corpse and third-degree sexual assault.
Prosecutors said the sexual assault charge is for acts that took place after the man was dead, WBAY reported.
Police were called to a home on Stony Brook Lane about 3:30 a.m. Feb. 23 by a resident who reported finding her son’s head in a bucket, according to the news outlet. . . .

(Somewhere in Hollywood, producers just ordered the script for a Netflix series tentatively titled “The House on Stony Brook Lane,” and the scene where mom finds her son’s head in a bucket just writes itself.)

During a search of her van, police found a crockpot with human remains, including legs, according to a criminal complaint cited by the outlet.
At the mother’s house of horrors, they later found the head and “male organ” in the bucket, an upper torso in a storage tote, “body fluid” and knives.
When asked about what happened, the suspect reportedly said, “That’s a good question.”
She told police she and the man had been smoking meth before going to his mother’s house, where they had sex using chains, according to WBAY.

(If your idea of a fun date is smoking meth and having sex using chains, you should be required to disclose this on your Tinder profile.)

Schabusiness said she had blacked out at one point, then went “crazy” and began choking her partner — insisting she did not mean to kill him but enjoyed choking him.

(Another mandatory Tinder profile disclosure.)

She said “police were going to have fun trying to find all of the organs as she dismembered the body. Schabusiness stated all of the body parts should be in the basement,” according to the complaint.
“Schabusiness stated she used knives that she obtained from the kitchen of the residence and that a bread knife worked the best because of the serrated blade,” the complaint continues.

(Hide the serrated knives before your Tinder date shows up.)

The woman said she “did get paranoid and lazy and that she thought it was the ‘dope’ that was making her paranoid,” the document adds.
She also said she planned on taking all the body parts with her but “got lazy and only ended up putting the leg/foot in the van and she forgot the head,” according to the complaint.

(Kids, stay away from meth, because meth makes it difficult to think clearly when you’re trying to get away with murder.)

Schabusiness appeared calm and said very little during her court appearance Tuesday, only acknowledging she has the right to legal counsel, the outlet reported.
The woman had recently been put on probation and was supposed to be wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet but apparently managed to remove it, WBAY reported. The reason for her probation was unclear.

The reason was “unclear,” although my guess is that maybe it had something to do with her being a meth-addicted psychopath.

Still, admit it — you’d probably swipe right on her Tinder profile. This is the worst crime in Green Bay since the Packers lost to the 49ers.


In The Mailbox: 03.02.22

Posted on | March 3, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.02.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

If I had any brains, I’d be in bed and asleep now after getting home from Las Vegas, where I laid over for an extra day after spending the previous night in Henderson on the back end of the See Confinement And Die Tour. But we all know the answer to that one.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

McG’s Tally Book: When You’re Chasin’ The Crown, And You Just Get Bogged Down – Ukraine
357 Magnum: Winston Churchill’s Ministry Of Destruction
EBL: Inventing Anna, also, Oksana Gulenko Sings The Ukrainian National Anthem
Twitchy: “This Is Hardly Berating”, also, “Which Is Such A Ron Klain Answer”
Louder With Crowder: Ben Shapiro Gives The SOTU Response The GOP Should Have
Vox Popoli: Chicoms Call Out U.S. Hypocrisy, Bold Move, Cotton, and The Empire Of Lies
Gab News: The Speech That Broke The Internet

Adam Piggott: The Screaming Girl Handwaving Club, also, The Leg Openers That Defined The Nineties
American Conservative: Democrats Face The Fate Of The Whigs, also, How Not To Think About Ukraine
American Greatness: The Suicide Of A January 6 Defendant, also, The Crowded Road To Kyiv
American Power: In Dramatic Shift, Germany Begins Military Rearmament, also, Petraeus – “I Can’t Overestimate How Difficult A Position He & His Forces Are In”
American Thinker: Ukraine To Putin – Never Again, also, Dinner With Libs
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday, also, Animal’s Daily Mandate News
Babalu Blog: Mexico Paid $1.5 Million For Its Medical Students To Study In Cuba, also, Communist Showgirls
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For February 25, also, Battle For Kiev Begins
Behind The Black: First Delivery Of New Starlink Terminals Arrives In Ukraine, The Democrats Now Prove There Never Was Any Science Behind Their Mandates, and ULA Successfully Launches NOAA Weathersat
Cafe Hayek: Wow! SNL Dares To Question Covidians!
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, You Want A Cyber World War? This Is How You Get One, and The Map Tells The Story
Da Tech Guy: A Sign Of Hope From Rome, Five Biden, Putin, & Trudeau Thoughts Under The Fedora, and The Germans Get On Board
Don Surber: How To Save CNN, Importing Illegals Backfires On Democrats, and Putin’s Winter War
First Street Journal: Los Gringos Estan Locos!, also, Philly Continues The Tyranny
Gates Of Vienna: The Clock Is Ticking For Eric Zemmour, Rationing Begins In Germany, and Welcome To EUkraine
The Geller Report: Special Counsel Finds Zuck’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws, Arizona Senate Study Shows 200k 2020 Ballots With Mismatched Signatures Counted, and 62% Of Voters Say Putin Wouldn’t Have Invaded Ukraine If Trump Was President
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Programming Note, and Biden’s Speech
Hollywood In Toto: Desperate Hour Abandons Naomi Watts & Good Taste, Yes, Some Kind Of Wonderful Is Better Than Pretty In Pink, and Is This The Most Revealing SNL Sketch Of The COVID Era?
The Lid: John F. Kerry* Is A Narcissist Who Doesn’t Care About Dead Ukrainians, also, 1619 Project Author Doesn’t Know Geology Either
Legal Insurrection: Glenn Youngkin Releases Report On Efforts To Fight CRT, Harvard Closes Campus Police Station, and UMass-Boston Math & Science Profs Come Out Against DIE Policies
Michelle Malkin: AFPAC Vs. America Last GOP
Nebraska Energy Observer: One Wonders…, Random Observations, and Sunday Matinee
Outkick: MLBPA Rejects MLB’s Final Offer Before Deadline – Opening Day Canceled, Idiot Student Expelled After Taunting Hoops Player, and Bryce Harper Trolls Hard With Epic Instagram Post
Power Line: U.S. v. Tou Thao – The Verdicts, We Are Not A Serious Country (4), and On Energy – The Sino-Russian One-Two Punch
Shark Tank: Moskowitz Frontrunner To Replace Deutch, also, Ingoglia Pressed On Florida’s Trash Incinerators
Shot In The Dark: How Badly Is The DFL Polling For Mid-Terms? also, Vlad All Over, or, The Fog Of War
STUMP: Mortality Angle Of The Russo-Ukrainian Conflict – Bad Even Before The War
The Political Hat: What Are Preteen Students In Minneapolis Learning? also, Trudeau – As Foretold In The Prophecy 
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, DOJ To Halt Initiative Cracking Down On Chicom Spying, and Two More Accounted For
Transterrestrial Musings: Ukraine & Space, Mriya, and No Matter How Bad You Think It Is
Victory Girls: Psaki – Sun & Wind Will Rescue America From Russian Oil, Some Subversive Thoughts On Ukraine, and Blue On Blue
Volokh Conspiracy: Offer Asylum To Russian Troops Who Surrender, also, 5th Circuit Blocks Navy From Enforcing Jab Mandate On Religious Objectors
Weasel Zippers: Pelosi Thinks Americans Have A Low Opinion Of Biden Because They’re Ignorant, American Imports Of Russian Oil Literally Funding Putin’s Warmongering, and Adam Kinzinger Falls For “Samuel Hyde” Internet Prank
The Federalist: Stop Letting Russian-Funded “Green” Groups Dictate Our Energy Policy, The Biden Voters Owe The Rest of Us An Apology, and The Russian Collusion Hoax Lives On At MSNBC
Mark Steyn: Freedom Worth Honking For, Strange Love – Gene Tierney & The Riddle Of Laura, and Of Coronations & Confiscations
* Who, by the way, served in Vietnam. (h/t Rush Limbaugh)

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Infamous Race Hustler Uses Ukraine War to — You Guessed It — Hustle Race

Posted on | March 2, 2022 | Comments Off on Infamous Race Hustler Uses Ukraine War to — You Guessed It — Hustle Race

The brilliance of Critical Race Theory is that it enables practitioners to see racism literally everywhere:

Left-wing New York Times reporter and controversial 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones was slammed online after accusing journalists covering the Russian invasion into Ukraine of “racialized analysis and language” in their reporting, indicating their “sympathy” for white victims of conflict and refugees in particular while claiming Europe is a fictional continent intended to separate it from non-“civilized” nations.
On Sunday, Hannah-Jones, author of the debunked New York Times 1619 Project, called on fellow journalists to “look internally” regarding acknowledging their racial biases in their coverage of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.
“Every journalist covering Ukraine should really, really look internally. This is why I say we should stop pretending we have objectivity and in instead acknowledge our biases so that we can report against them,” she wrote. “Many of us see the racialized analysis and language.”
She added, “And honestly, these admissions of shock that this is happening in a European country are ahistorical and also serve to justify the lack of sympathy for other invasions, other occupations and other refugee crisis involving peoples not considered white.”
Later in the day, Hannah-Jones called the European continent a “geopolitical fiction” intended to separate it from Asia and which led to the “alarm” over an invasion of people who “are like us.” 
“What if I told you Europe is not a continent by defintion, but a geopolitical fiction to separate it from Asia and so the alarm about a European, or civilized, or First World nation being invaded is a dog whistle to tell us we should care because they are like us,” she asked.
In a follow-up tweet, she claimed that Ukrainians being invaded was worthy of concern but not because they “appear white” — a claim not seen made.
“To be clear: We should care about Ukraine. But not because it is European, or the people appear white, or they are ‘civilized’ and not ‘impoverished,’” she wrote. “All people deserve to be free and to be welcomed when their countries are at war.”

Would you like me to tell you the most perfect thing here? The author of this Breitbart article is (((Joshua Klein))). You know that this race-hustling stuff has become a losing game for the Left when you see Jews calling it out. And while we’re on the subject of ethnic politics, why do you think there was such a shift of Latino voters to the GOP in 2020? It’s because they are likewise getting fed up with this BLM/CRT nonsense.

Keep in mind that it’s not as if prejudice against Jews and Latinos doesn’t exist in America, or in the Republican Party for that matter. It’s just that sensible people, whatever their ethnicity or position within the Universal Oppression Matrix, can recognize a scam as obvious as the one being foisted upon us by such “intellectuals” as Nikole Hannah-Jones.

At a time when we’re teetering on the brink of World War III, nobody wants to listen to this kind of blatant race-hustling.


War and the Meaning of Nationhood

Posted on | March 1, 2022 | Comments Off on War and the Meaning of Nationhood

Once upon a time (he says, as if speaking of a mythical ancient past, but in fact speaking of his own youth) students were taught to think deeply about the nature of government, what constitutes a nation-state, and what purpose such a geopolitical entity is intended to serve. This is (or at least once was) the first lesson of political philosophy, and this teaching was developed in historic context, through the study of early empires, Greek city-states, etc. One cannot understand government, in its present forms, without contemplating the origin of the nation-state, which derived from earlier kingdoms, and every kingdom can be traced back through the mists of distant time to some tribal warlord or barbarian raider whose name, if we know it at all, we know only because his feats were celebrated in songs that survived long enough to be committed to writing. Hence, the legend of King Arthur, who might have been a local chieftain who defended some part of the island against Saxon raiders in the so-called Dark Ages after the Romans evacuated Britain.

Whether or not King Arthur actually existed, he almost certainly bore little resemblance to any of the Hollywood versions of his legend, but this is irrelevant to political science. The point, as we were instructed in our youth, is that the nation-state is forged by military power, of whom the earliest kings of any particular nation were the leaders. Originating in the violent exercise of military power, then, the state claims a monopoly on the use of force, which it wields both to defend itself against foreign threats, and to maintain peaceful order among its subjects.

We are prone, in peaceful times, to forget this basic lesson of political science, and surely the Ukrainians weren’t thinking about it when they elected the popular comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy as their president.

When I saw the protest poster above — “If Russia stops fighting, there will be no war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no more Ukraine!!!” — it immediately carried me back to those classrooms where my teachers remarked on the origins of nationhood in war. Various intellectuals have sneered at this over the years, dismissing the eminence of European royalty by depicting them (however truthfully) as the descendants of savage warlords. We are supposed to be so much more sophisticated than our ancestors that we are not awed by legends and myths, you see. Yet is it not the case that our own national capital is named for a Virginia farmer who, being appointed general of the Continental Army, organized victory over the British and then became our first president? So the unity of military power and political authority was maintained even in our representative government.

“We the People,” etc., but there would be no United States and no Constitution were it not for the military victory that established our national independence. And as we behold Ukraine, fighting for its existence against Russian aggression, we are reminded of this truth.

Everyone is now praising Zelenskyy as a latter-day Churchill, after he drew a standing ovation from the European Parliament, but he must either find some way to organize victory, or else perish under the Russian boot, and accomplishing this would seem to require a miracle.

Once upon a time (he says, again speaking of his own youth as if it were an antique legend) American boys were taught about historic heroes, and urged to emulate their example — Davy Crockett at the Alamo, Alvin York in the Argonne Forest, and so on — because our elders, having recently won a World War, and being then engaged in what one of our presidents called the “long twilight struggle” against Communism, were conscious that their sons might be called upon to fight for our country.

We too easily forget all this, but then we look to Ukraine, and we know that if by some miracle they survive, they will never forget.


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