The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Cottagecore Is The New Black

Posted on | June 27, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Cottagecore Is The New Black

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Elie Reynolds at The Federalist Blog wrote an article on the counterrevolutionary fashion trend that is apparently all the rage among the Generation Z girls, cottagecore. It looks on the one hand like a throwback to the fashions of the 1950s, but on the other hand, it also looks like a revival of something that’s been missing for a long time in womens’ fashions, which is modesty. Now, this may seem a weird thing for me to be making a fuss over after weeks (months? years?) of posting pics of scantily clad young ladies, but in point of fact Rule 5 has never been about how close we can get to posting nekkid* women without being NSFW. It is about the appreciation of pretty girls, and there’s absolutely nothing that says we can’t appreciate them in sundresses and other modest dresses just as well as we do when they’re in swimsuits or lingerie. So this week, we have a model outstanding in her field in a really nice dress.

Also, while we’re on the topic of girls with most of their clothes off, Pete Da Tech Guy posted a thought on the recent Rule 5 posts which I linked at the time but forgot to say anything about until now. See, last month when I was out in the Washington area and sitting down with Stacy & John Hoge before The Other Podcast, we’d been talking about this very thing, because I was uneasy in my mind at the thought that I was encouraging (even indirectly), people to do the Wrong Thing by subscribing to online services, shall we say, of questionable virtue. I have tried to avoid this. I have deliberately excluded the kind of gals who use posts on r/cosplaygirls to advertise themselves doing pr0n on their OnlyFans, and want to stress that I am not recommending that you do that sort of thing. Paying for pics of scantily clad young ladies is one thing; paying for them to do on-demand pr0n is quite another, and that’s not what we’re about here. I apologize if I have given that impression.

Thanks for your patience with all the words.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

A return to modesty?

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1393, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five A Matter Of Perspective Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: Billy Budd, Is Climate Change To Blame?, Coney Island, Turandot, Lana del Rey, Tosca, The Flight Attendant, Maria Stuarda, Rusalka, The Exterminating Angel, Taken, Tropic Thunder, MAGA Catiline – Where Will It End?, La Traviata, and Hemingway

A View From The Beach: Gabrielle AdrianFish Pic Friday – Joy KairallaTanlines ThursdayThe Wednesday WetnessThis is Why We Can’t Have Nice ThingsI Ain’t Scared, But . . .Tattoo TuesdayLocal Deer Subject to Brain Rot?Motoring in MondayPalm SundayGet Woke, Go Broke and Our Owners Plot to Keep Us Muzzled.

Brian Noggle: Colleen Camp

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

*As the late Lewis Grizzard used to say, “Naked is when you got no clothes on; nekkid is when you got no clothes on and you’re up to something.”

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FMJRA 2.0: You Dropped A Bomb On Me

Posted on | June 27, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: You Dropped A Bomb On Me

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“The question isn’t whether one has good taste, the question is whether one has any taste at all.” – G. Foyle

Say Good-Bye to Victoria’s Secret
The Pirate’s Cove
Daily Pundit
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Juneteenth: No Holiday for Murder
First Street Journal
Sailor Curt
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: 2D > 3D?
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Rebekah Jones Update
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

Chicago: 5 Killed by ‘System Racism’ and Semi-Automatic Gunfire, But Mainly…
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Rock & Roll, Hootchie-Koo
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.21.21
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

DeSantis Derangement Syndrome?
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

Sam Seder Is Garbage, and Nobody Blames His Ex-Wife for Leaving Him

Impeach Judge Carol Kuhnke
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Joe Biden Blames Crime Surge on Mythical ‘Rogue’ Gun Dealers
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.23.21
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

$100,000 Reward for Suspect Who Shot Daytona Beach Cop in the Head

In The Mailbox: 06.24.21 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.24.21 (Evening Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Othal Wallace Manhunt Focuses on Atlanta; Reward Now $200,000
357 Magnum

Penthouse Suite, $2.8 Million

In The Mailbox: 06.25.21
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending June 25:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  357 Magnum (13)
  3.  Proof Positive (8)
  4.  A View From The Beach (7)

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CAPTURED: Othal Wallace Arrested at Black Militia Compound in Georgia

Posted on | June 26, 2021 | Comments Off on CAPTURED: Othal Wallace Arrested at Black Militia Compound in Georgia

Thursday we reported on the shooting of a Daytona Beach police officer by Othal Wallace. Last night, we updated with the $200,000 reward for the capture of Wallace, who was believed to be in the Atlanta area and reportedly associated with the NFAC, a radical anti-white hate group.

Now the story takes a predictable turn, as Wallace was captured early this morning at a three-acre NFAC compound in DeKalb County, Georgia:

Othal “O’Zone” Wallace, the man accused of shooting a Daytona Beach police officer in the head this week, was captured early Saturday morning while hiding in a tree house east of Atlanta, Georgia.
Police Chief Jakari Young said at an early Saturday morning press conference that a law enforcement taskforce, including local, state and federal agencies, captured Wallace at about 2:30 a.m. in a remote area in DeKalb County, Georgia.
The 3-acre property were Wallace was found is affiliated with the NFAC, which stands for the Not F-ing Around Coalition, a Black nationalist paramilitary organization, Young said.
“Othal Wallace was located hiding in a tree house,” Young said. “In the tree house with Wallace was multiple flash bangs, rifle plates, body armor, two rifles, two handguns and several boxes of ammunition.”
Wallace, 29, is accused of shooting Daytona Beach Police Officer Jason Raynor in the head Wednesday night. Wallace faces a charge of attempted first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer and will be extradited to Volusia County.
Daytona Beach Police officers were present when Wallace was arrested. They locked Officer Raynor’s handcuffs on Wallace.
Young said Wallace stated when he was captured: “‘You guys know who I am. You know what I’m capable of and it could have been a lot worse.'” . . .
There were four other people on the property where Wallace was captured, Young said. The property also contained two structures and a trailer besides the tree house. He said he did not know what charges the other four may face or whether they were members of the NFAC militia.
He said a large arsenal of weapons was found in the main residence.

Red State points out that this complicates the narrative. Supposedly, white people have such a monopoly on “hate” (to say nothing of our privilege) as to make us “the top domestic violent extremist threat,” in the words of Attorney General Merrick Garland.

What we are now dealing with, I would suggest, is dueling paranoia: A certain number of white extremists are expecting a racial Armageddon, while at the same time, the media keeps hyping up fear of “white supremacy” to such an extent that a certain number of black extremists are likewise expecting a racial Armageddon. So even though the vast majority of Americans of all races have no problem with “diversity,” there is nevertheless a threat of conflict, mainly due to the distorted perceptions about race relations created by the media.


The Billionaire Landlord Cartel

Posted on | June 26, 2021 | Comments Off on The Billionaire Landlord Cartel

Buck Throckmorton at AOSHQ has a long post about what’s going on in the real estate market that everybody needs to read. For a few weeks now, ever since the Wall Street Journal did a feature article about the phenomenon, people have been pondering what this means:

From individuals with smartphones and a few thousand dollars to pensions and private-equity firms with billions, yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans, who are armed with the cheapest mortgage financing ever, and driving up home prices.
“You now have permanent capital competing with a young couple trying to buy a house,” said John Burns, whose eponymous real estate consulting firm estimates that in many of the nation’s top markets, roughly one in every five houses sold is bought by someone who never moves in. “That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive,” he said.
The consulting firm found Houston to be a favorite haunt of investors who have lately accounted for 24% of home purchases there. Investors’ slice of the housing market grows—as it does in other boomtowns, such as Miami, Phoenix and Las Vegas—among properties priced below $300,000 and in decent school districts.
“Limited housing supply, low rates, a global reach for yield, and what we’re calling the institutionalization of real-estate investors has set the stage for another speculative investor-driven home price bubble,” the firm concluded. . . .
“A lot of things that would have been for-sale housing are going to be for-rent housing,” said Josh Zegen, [Madison Realty Capital’s] managing principal.
Bruce McNeilage began building houses to rent out around Nashville, Tenn., in 2005. After the housing crash, his Kinloch Partners expanded into other Southeastern markets, flipping occupied rentals to bigger investors.
Kinloch was financed mostly by community banks in the cities where it rehabbed foreclosures and built rentals. These days Kinloch can borrow far more from Walker & Dunlop Inc., a commercial real estate lender forging into suburban rentals. Mr. McNeilage’s problem is that others are bidding up houses and lots.
“I am boxed out,” he said. “There’s too many people chasing things and they’re willing to overpay. It’s silly money right now.”

In short, every would-be home buyer is now effectively bidding against rental/investment companies, and more and m0re residents in suburban neighborhoods are not home owners, but tenants, because this bidding war has put the American Dream of home ownership out of reach.

The potential secondary and tertiary consequences of this are frightening, and if you think it won’t affect you, you’re wrong. People who already own homes may be under the delusion that they’re exempt from the ripple effects of this phenomenon, but what happens when your neighbor sells his house and the purchaser is a rental investment firm? Next thing you know, a dozen Guatemalan refugees are moving in next door.

OK, that’s hyperbole and probably racist, too, but for a few years now I’ve been watching California circle the toilet bowl, even as real-estate prices in the state skyrocket, and remembering what a California resident explained to me: Ever since the real-estate bubble burst in 2008, suburban neighborhoods aren’t what they used to be. Single-family homes are being converted to rentals, often with multiple tenants, so that instead of your typical family — mom, dad and a couple of kids — many homes are now housing at least five or six adults, plus however many children. Because all of the adult residents have cars, there are unprecedented problems of parking and traffic in these neighborhoods. This is something you can actually see, whenever the TV news helicopters show one of those police pursuits that seem to happen every other day in Southern California. Whenever the fleeing suspect goes through a residential neighborhood, notice how many cars you see parked on the side of the streets. These homes have garages, or at least, they used to have garages, before those were converted to extra bedrooms to provide more rental opportunity. And every home already has three or four cars in the driveway, too. Do you see now what I was signifying with that hyperbole about a dozen Guatemalan refugees moving in next door?

The conversion of suburban real estate into rental property is the real explanation for why California simultaneously experiences a declining quality of life and soaring home prices, and the billionaire real-estate barons are now bringing that formula to your community.

Buck Throckmorton’s contribution to this discussion is the suggestion “that obedience to woke culture will be a lease requirement of all renters by the emerging landlord cartel” — for example, lease requirements that tenants can’t keep firearms in their rental residences. In other words, your Second Amendment rights will be effectively negated by the terms of the lease you sign with the Billionaire Landlord Cartel.

Here’s something funny: A couple of weeks ago, the left-wing Vox site did an “explainer” that was dismissive of the threat posed by the Billionaire Landlord Cartel. Someone quickly pointed out that the CEO of the media conglomerate that owns Vox is on the board of directors of Blackrock, one of the biggest players in the rental real-estate game.


In The Mailbox: 06.25.21

Posted on | June 25, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.25.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: “Just Give Them What They Want” Will Not Keep You Safe
EBL: Is Climate Change To Blame For Salma Hayek’s Boobs?
Twitchy: Jonathan Chait Agrees The Senate “Massively Overrepresents White People”; Civics Lessons Ensue
Louder With Crowder: Abused Foster Child Demands School Board Explain To Her “Exactly What Is My Privilege?”
Vox Popoli: Teenage Heart Attack, also, Don’t Get Too Comfortable, White Man
According To Hoyt: Getting Drafted* With Footnotes
Monster Hunter Nation: Enter For A Chance To Win A Bunch Of Books By Six Fantasy Authors
Stoic Observations: Addendum On Charles Murray
Gab News: Did Google Fund The Science That Caused COVID?

Adam Piggott: Those Skanks Don’t Want To Get Married
American Conservative: Unlike The Right, Leftists Train & Learn From Mistakes
American Greatness: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls For Release Of Jan. 6 Video, also, Over 1000 Veterans Sign Letter Warning About Wokeness In The Military
American Thinker: Derek Chauvin Did Not Murder George Floyd
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Matter Of Perspective Friday
Babalu Blog: Still No Justice & No Outrage One Year After An Unarmed Afro-Cuban Was Shot By Castro’s Police
BattleSwarm: There Is No LinkSwarm, Only Zuul
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, Many of Mars’ Geological Mysteries, All In One Photo
Cafe Hayek: On The Repeal Of The Corn Laws
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Realities Of Portland & Other Matters Under The Fedora, also, This Weekend I’ll be Taking Part In The Largest Emergency Communications Exercise In The U.S.
Don Surber: Babylon Bee Stings NYT & Big Tech
First Street Journal: Don’t Chill Out So Much! also, Amanda Marcotte Doesn’t Want You To Exercise A Right She Chooses Not To Use
The Geller Report: GA Judge Allows Election Audit To Proceed, Names Fulton County Election Officials As Defendants, also, Senile Racist Joe Biden Says All Latinos Are Illegals
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Whatever It Is, It Ain’t News
Hollywood In Toto: Does TBS Approve Of Samantha Bee’s Vile Attack On Gov. DeSantis? also, How Iron Eagle Outmuscled Top Gun
The Lid: Kamala Visits Wrong Part Of Border, Gets Angry Reception
Legal Insurrection: Asian Enrollment Slashed At Top Virginia HS After Admissions Changes Subject Of Lawsuit, also, MSNBC’s Joy Reid Sees Ratings Tank Post-Trump
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Friday Rant Returns
Outkick: Joe Rogan Slams Biden Hard – “He’s Out Of His Mind”, also, LPGA Moves Long-Running Portland Tournament Because Of Nasty Homeless Encampment
Power Line: The Double-Cross System, also, Anti-Cop Hysteria Ends A Beautiful Relationship
Shark Tank: Nikki Fried Politicizes Deadly Miami Condo Collapse
Shot In The Dark: Ellison – “You Are All Victims!”
The Political Hat: Critical Race Theory Readers, also, Senators Vs. Catgirls
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, CJCS Milley Embraces Critical Race Theory
Transterrestrial Musings: The Best Vaccine, also, Cislunar Space
Victory Girls: CJCS Defends Teaching Critical Race Theory
Volokh Conspiracy: Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid Quietly Rewrote Four Decades Of Takings Clause Doctrine
Weasel Zippers: DOJ Sues Georgia Over Its New Voting Law, also, Kamala Harris Only Visited El Paso Today Because She Had A Layover There
The Federalist: Everything Corporate Media Said About The Bishops’ Conference Was Wrong, also, Biden Conflates Tuskegee Airmen With Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Mark Steyn: The Truth Of Your Life, also, We Have Met The Enemy Part IX

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Penthouse Suite, $2.8 Million

Posted on | June 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Penthouse Suite, $2.8 Million

As many as 100 people may have died in the partial collapse of a condominium tower near Miami Beach, so this is probably not a good time for grim humor however (a) the building had been the subject of a recent study about it sinking, and (b) somebody recently paid $2.8 million for a penthouse suite in the building. Gonna guess the resale value of that unit might not be quite what it was before Thursday.


Othal Wallace Manhunt Focuses on Atlanta; Reward Now $200,000

Posted on | June 25, 2021 | Comments Off on Othal Wallace Manhunt Focuses on Atlanta; Reward Now $200,000

Updating the previous story about Othal Wallace, who was seen on bodycam video shooting a police officer in Daytona Beach, Florida, the reward for his capture has now been increased to $200,000, and U.S. Marshals have joined the manhunt for the armed and dangerous suspect, who may now be in the Atlanta area:

Atlanta police are on the lookout for an “armed and dangerous” suspect accused of shooting a Florida police officer in the head. . . .
Atlanta police have confirmed with FOX 5 that law enforcement in the metro Atlanta area has been advised to be on the lookout for Wallace.
According to investigators, his vehicle was last “pinged” in an area around Stockbridge, Georgia.
The wanted suspect was last seen driving a gray 2016 Honda HRV bearing California license plate 7TNX532.

Stockbridge is on I-75 southeast of Atlanta, and Wallace is believed to have relatives in the area. The 26-year-old police officer he shot in the head Wednesday night has undergone surgery but is still in critical condition. Notice that there is not “allegedly” about this — the crime was captured on video, and there is no doubt about Wallace’s guilt.

In fact, Wallace is a black nationalist and a member of an anti-white hate group, the NFAC, and posted social media messages boasting about his hatred of police as “pigs” whose blood he intended to shed. He was amassing an arsenal: “Investigators found guns and ammo stockpiled in an apartment belonging to a relative of Othal Wallace where the shooting occurred.” So while the Biden administration is busy prosecuting Trump supporters, this black radical was planning to kill cops:

Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood says an investigation into Othal Wallace has revealed a hatred for law enforcement.
The sheriff says he thinks it was only a matter of time before he tried to kill a police officer.
“What we’re discovering is, any law enforcement officer that came in contact with this guy, was going to get killed. Listen to his manifestos and see what he’s posting … you see the hatred that he’s putting out there to police. We have to eradicate that. We cannot allow hate to dominate our lives, and that’s what this motivation is,” Sheriff Chitwood said.

But you won’t see anything about this on CNN or MSNBC.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! As Ed Driscoll has already informed you, Othal Wallace was captured early this morning.


In The Mailbox: 06.24.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | June 24, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.24.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Another fine product of the Glorious Meme Commissary Of Proletariat.

Red Pilled Jew: Hitler’s Missing Speech
357 Magnum: Because Keeping Violent Offenders In Jail Is UNFAIR
EBL: Surfside Florida’s Champlain Towers Condo Collapse
Twitchy: A Thorough Takedown Of Joy Reid’s Debate With Christopher Rufo On CRT, also (related), “The A** Whooping Of Facts”
Louder With Crowder: Teacher Has Meltdown Over State Law Preventing Her From Indoctrinating Your Kids
Vox Popoli: Give Them Their New Flag, also, You Think YOU Can Conspiracy
Stoic Observations: Charles Murray’s Game
Gab News: They Want To Shut Gab Down To Shut You Up

Adam Piggott: Refugees From The West
American Conservative: The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade
American Greatness: Deprogramming Of January 6 Defendants Is Underway, also, The “Party Of Science” Can’t Do Math
American Thinker: It’s Beginning To Look Like Enemy Action, also, The Marxist Assault On America’s “Woke” Military
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Fourth Amendment News
Babalu Blog: The Cuban Dictatorship’s Great U.S. Dollar Scheme, also, What Cubans Saw In Red China That’s Now Showing Up In The U.S.
BattleSwarm: Tomahawk Block V Arrives
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Red Chinese Official Outlines Their Mars Exploration Plans
Cafe Hayek: Keep The Dogs of Antitrust Muzzled & Caged
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: Going To Pot, Segregation Returns, & Other Matters Under The Fedora, also, Mazie Hirono – Stupidity, Honesty, & a Bit Of Irony
Don Surber: Why NYT Is Obsessed With Britney Spears, also, Understanding White Rage
First Street Journal: Everything Is Sweetness & Light In Portland! also, SCOTUS Bitch-Slaps A Small PA School District
Fred On Everything: Blackness Fatigue – Enough Is Too Much
The Geller Report: Babbling, Bumbling Biden Tells Gun Owners They Need Nukes, also, Rudy Giuliani Suspended From Practicing Law In NY State
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Violent Language Warning!
Hollywood In Toto: Mailchimp Suspends Babylon Bee, also, Woke Karen Trailer Called “Cringey” By Far-Left Vanity Fair & USA Today
The Lid: Why Do Democrats Keep Threatening To Nuke Gun Owners?
Legal Insurrection: Dems Launch Unguided Missile Rebekah Jones To Take Down Matt Gaetz, also, Another Racist Biden Program Halted By Federal Judge
Nebraska Energy Observer: FYI
Outkick: Jalen Rose Outraged That A White Player Made Team USA, Falsely Says NBA Won’t Send An All-Black Team, also, John Cena Announces Return TO WWE
Power Line: Trouble For Dems In Battleground States, also, Don’t Nuke Me, Bro
Shark Tank: Stephanie Murphy Backs Biden’s Defense Budget
Shot In The Dark: It’s Transit Memorial Day, also, Narrative Hardest Hit
The Political Hat: The Woke Mob In Action – A Case Study, also, Institutional Racism – Strategic DIE, Mandatory Identity & Privilege Indoctrination, & Punishment For “White Fragility”
This Ain’t Hell: Biden Says The Tree Of Liberty Isn’t Watered With Patriot Blood, also, War Hawks Hawk War With Red China On A Painter’s Hawk
Transterrestrial Musings: Nelson Reminds Congress They’re The Ones Not Funding A Lunar Lander
Victory Girls: Biden Gives Dazed & Confused Speech On Crime
Volokh Conspiracy: Does A New Florida Law Require State Universities To Monitor Faculty & Student Beliefs?
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep Ayanna Pressley Says She Still Supports Defunding The Police, also, Spotify Bans Song for Lyrics Critical Of #BLM
The Federalist: White House Tries To Rewrite History, Claims GOP Wanted To Defund The Police, also, Ted Cruz Submits Bill To Ban Federal Funding Of Critical Race Theory
Mark Steyn: When Hollywood Went Nuts – The Swimmer, also, Live Around The Planet

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