The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Ultimate ‘Florida Woman’? It’s Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day

Posted on | April 15, 2021 | Comments Off on The Ultimate ‘Florida Woman’? It’s Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day

Most people have forgotten who Rebekah Jones is, assuming they had ever heard of her before, but the media celebrated Jones as a “whistleblower” last year when she claimed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was manipulating his state’s COVID-19 case numbers. Jones got fired from her job at the Florida state health department. In December, police raided her home with a search warrant (photo above) and in January, she was charged with gaining “unauthorized access to state Department of Health systems in November to send an unauthorized message to employees and to download a list of contact information for approximately 19,000 people.” None of that really interests me at all, but last week I learned that Jones has moved to Maryland, where she has sought a peace order against Christina Pushaw, who in February published a devastating 2,000-word exposé about Jones.

At 9 a.m. Friday morning, there will be a hearing in a Montgomery County district courtroom about that peace order, so we have declared today to be “Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day.”

My buddy John Hoge has been doing yeoman’s work on this story:

You can and should read all of those posts, which chronicle the many legal predicaments Jones has faced over the past few years. Perhaps the most important issue is whether Rebekah Jones is mentally stable. Some court documents I saw indicated that she has been prescribed medications for psychiatric problems and, while I have no professional credentials in the field of mental health, I have had a lot of experience dealing with crazy people. Certainly I suspect that Jones is deranged, demented, daft, wacky, bonkers, non compos mentis, off her rocker, nuttier than a Snickers bar and a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Evil Blogger Lady has an extensive round-up today highlighting some of the bizarre “Florida woman” escapades of Rebekah Jones.

Wait, did I forget to mention she might be crazy?

Rebekah Jones, 30, was charged in July 2019 with stalking a former boyfriend — long before the pandemic that catapulted her into headlines and television interviews. Police said she published a 68-page document online discussing private details of her relationship with her former boyfriend, including explicit texts and nude photographs, and shared the link with him.
The two had sex in a classroom in 2017 when Jones was his married professor at Florida State University, the man told police. She was fired from the university after threatening to give a failing grade to his roommate as revenge, he said. Jones said the two had a six-month affair until October 2017, and the man is the father of her daughter born in July 2018.

As I say, I have no professional credentials in the field, but I think most people would agree that’s crazy as hell. Would anyone be surprised if Jones leaves the courtroom Friday in a straitjacket?

Remember: “What distinguishes ‘whistleblowers’ from ‘disgruntled ex-employees’ is credibility, and here Jones has a problem.”

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

Posted on | April 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Nothing Can Placate the BLM Riot Mob, and ‘Journalists’ Are Part of the Mob

No matter what the facts are, the Narrative must always triumph — this is what “journalism” means in the 21st century:

Reporters loudly objected to the use of the word “riot” by a Minnesota police chief after his officers were assaulted and injured by bricks, rocks, and frozen soda cans, he explained. The chief defended the term by describing the incidents encountered by officers at the station Sunday night.
“Just so everybody is clear, I was front and center at the protest, at the riot,” Brooklyn, Minnesota, Police Chief Tim Gannon told reporters during a press conference Monday. His response came to a question from reporters about why he authorized the use of gas canisters following the issuance of a dispersal order.
In the video tweeted by the Washington Examiner Monday, one reporter exclaims, “There was no riot.” Another shouts “Don’t do that!” Multiple other reporters joined in with those objecting to the word “riot.”
“There was,” Chief Gannon countered. “the officers that were putting themselves in harm’s way were being pelted with frozen cans of pop, they were being pelted with concrete blocks.”
The chief continued, “Yes, we had our helmets on. We had other protection gear. But an officer was injured, hit in the head with a brick … he was transported to the hospital. So, we had to make decisions, we had to disperse the crowd because we can’t allow our officers to be harmed.”
The riot and looting on Sunday night followed what Gannon described the possibly an “accidental shooting” of Daunte Wright. A video released by the police department shows an officer deploying her service pistol while shouting, “Taser, Taser, Taser.” A second later she fires her pistol and shouts in dismay, “Holy [expletive]. I shot him.”

That was Monday. Today is Wednesday, and the riots continue despite the fact that (a) Chief Gannon resigned Tuesday, (b) Officer Kim Potter, who accidentally shot Daunte Wright, also resigned Tuesday, and (c) Officer Potter was arrested this morning and charged with manslaughter.

Did I mention (d) Daunte Wright was a dangerous criminal?

“Wright was due to face trial on a charge of attempted aggravated robbery – with a possible maximum sentence of 20 years in prison,” the [Daily Mail] reported on April 13.
The charge stems from an incident in December 2019 when Wright, then 19 years old, and a second man named Emajay Driver, then 18 years old, allegedly visited a residence shared by two women in Osseo, Minnesota. Wright allegedly tried to hold up one of the women to steal a sum of $820 in cash she had stashed inside her bra. Wright allegedly pointed a gun at the woman, choked her, and threatened to shoot her if she did not hand over the money.
“The $820 cash was tucked in the victim’s bra and defendant Wright placed his hand around victim’s neck and choked her while trying to pull the cash from under her bra,” according to Officer Mikkelson. “Victim was able to get loose from defendant Wright and started to kneel down and scream.”
“After more yelling, Wright allegedly told the woman that he was going to shoot her unless he got the money,” according to the Daily Mail.
Wright’s bail for the charge was originally set at $100,000, “with orders that he should not contact the victim or any witnesses, refrain from drugs and alcohol and not have any weapons. A bond bailsman paid $40,000 for his release,” the Daily Mail reports.
Wright’s bail was revoked in July 2020, however, “due to his ‘failure to not possess a firearm or ammunition’ and not keeping in touch with his probation officer,” according to court papers seen by the Daily Mail. A judge issued a warrant for Wright’s arrest at that time. The arrest warrant was still outstanding on April 11, the day he died.

Never mind the facts, however. CNN is too busy inciting more riots, because that’s good for their ratings or whatever: “Journalism.”


In The Mailbox: 04.13.21

Posted on | April 13, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.13.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Catgirls playing with their mouse.

357 Magnum: The IMF Will Loan You Money, Even If You Don’t Want It
EBL: Anne Bonny
Twitchy: Hot Take – Start Preparing To Confront The Racist Relatives You Haven’t Seen Since Lockdown
Louder With Crowder: CNN Director Caught On Video Admitting Network’s  Pro-Biden Bias
Vox Popoli: Mailvox – Why You Can’t Buy Houses, also, There Will Be No Due Process
Stoic Observations: The Persistence Of 360

Adam Piggott: Back To The Underground
American Conservative: The Conservative Urbanist
American Greatness: Indefinite Incarceration For Protesters With “Wrong” Politics, also, Biden Withholds $150 Million In Ukraine Military Aid As Russian Forces Mass On The Border
American Thinker: Biden – The Most Anti-American President In History, also, SCOTUS Declares Gun Licensing Fees Unconstitutional
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Dystopia News
Babalu Blog: Canadian Travel Agents Hold Contest For Free Trip To Repressive Communist Hellhole
BattleSwarm: The Racism-Free Utopia Is Rural MAGA Land
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, New Calls For Replacing/Reworking Outer Space Treaty
Cafe Hayek: On Inflation
CDR Salamander: Don’t Cry For The Navy’s Cruiser Problem
Da Tech Guy: So Let Me Get This Straight, also, Report From Louisiana – I Have Questions
Don Surber: Facts Back Tucker Carlson’s Assertion About Replacement Voters
First Street Journal: This Is Not A Great Victory, also, What #SocialJustice Criminal Prosecution Has Done For Philadelphia
The Geller Report: Wifebeater Warnock Admits To Signing E-Mail Lying About Georgia’s Election Reform Law, also, Kerry Family Contemptuously Jets To Iowa Vacation While He Goes On International Climate Tour
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Rebekah Jones, Civil Docket 2019
Hollywood In Toto: Are Entertainment Reporters Covering For Seth Rogen & James Franco? also, Trumpless SNL Sees Ratings Droop
The Lid: Dan Bongino Lambastes Geraldo Rivera For Dropping #BLM Talking Points On TV
Legal Insurrection: Rep. Rashida Tlaib Demands End To “Policing, Incarceration, & Militarization” As Looting Spreads In Minnesota, also, Chauvin Trial Day 12 Wrap-Up – Defense Use Of Force Expert Falls Short
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: The Hand Of The Lord
Outkick: Senators Cruz, Hawley, & Lee Seek To Strip MLB Of Antitrust Exemption, also, Protester Rips CNN & Other Media In Minneapolis For Making Things Worse
Power Line: Energy Charade Update, also, Today’s Least Surprising News Story
Protein Wisdom: How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The F-Bomb
Shark Tank: Rubio & Scott Introduce CRUISE Act To End No-Sail Order
Shot In The Dark: Enough, also, Sides
The Political Hat: Buggy-Whips Of Reason
This Ain’t Hell: Tanker Tuesday – New Tank Under Testing, also, USS McFaul‘s Skipper – No BUD/S? No Problem
Transterrestrial Musings: The Social Justice Mob, also, Diversity Training
Victory Girls: Masks Are Coming Off!
Volokh Conspiracy: Revisiting Gov. Cuomo’s Hostility Toward Orthodox Jews 
Weasel Zippers: States With Highest COVID Hospitalization Rates Are All Blue Lockdown States, also, Irony Of #BLM Rioting Captured In One Photo
The Federalist: Brett Favre Slams Woke Sports Leagues & Kneeling Athletes, also, PragerU Launches Pro-America Education For Kids, And The Left Is Freaking Out
Mark Steyn: Madonna With Plugs, also, Tenderest Fancies Of A Desolate Planet

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In The Mailbox: 04.12.21

Posted on | April 13, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.12.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Julie Newmar – Rawr power.

357 Magnum: Apple & Google Are Spying On Everyone
EBL: THEM – A Review
Twitchy: President Biden Holds Up Some Infrastructure In His Hand During Virtual CEO Summit
Louder With Crowder: CA Highway Patrol Called On Blogger Critical Of Occasional Cortex
Vox Popoli: DMX Did Not OD, also, Death By A Thousand Cancels
Gab News: The ADL’s War On Free Speech Is Bad For The Jews

Adam Piggott: Blogroll Trimmings
American Conservative: Facing The Facts Of War With Russia, also, Biden Reignites The Waco Fire
American Greatness: MI Elections Forensics Report Shows Over 66,000 Unregistered Ballots Counted In 2020 Election, also, Reporters Object When Police Chief Calls A Riot A Riot
American Power: Ms. Hostetter
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: First Three Months Of 2021 An Absolute Disaster For Cubans – Just Like The Previous 732 Months
Baldilocks: Baldy & Baldilocks Talking
BattleSwarm: Dan Crenshaw Undergoes Eye Surgery, also, The Building Austin Policing Crisis
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, also, The Start Of Avalanche Season At Mars’ North Pole
Cafe Hayek: An Open Letter To Tyler Cowen On The Great Barrington Declaration 
CDR Salamander: The Supply Chains That Bind Us – On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Actually, We Should Buy Lots Of Coca-Cola, also, School Lockdowns Lead To Urban Carjacking Spike
Don Surber: Jim Crow is Busy, Busy, Busy, also, Why 1960s Music Was The Greatest
First Street Journal: Judge Shepherd Again Decides His Judgment Supersedes That Of Our Elected Representatives
The Geller Report: Investigators Discover Modem Chips Embedded In MI Voting System Computer Motherboards, also, Indiana Democrat Malik Muhammad Charged With Attempted Murder During Summer 2020 Portland Riots
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Rebekah Jones, 2017-2018
Hollywood In Toto: Seven Netflix Titles That Won’t Insult Conservatives, also, Jakob’s Wife Shows Passions, Pitfalls Of Monogamy 
The Lid: Lawyers Suing WHO & Related Organizations For Lying About COVID, also, Is Lloyd Austin A Liar, Or Is Joe Biden Blowing Smoke Up His Ass About Israel?
Legal Insurrection: Buttigieg Confronted Over His Infrastructure Package Lies, also, Chauvin Trial Day 11 Update – State’s Desperate Moves Reveal Prosecution Vulnerabilities
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Godspeed To A Prince & Leader
Outkick: Clay Travis & Candace Owens On How Leftists Are Ruining Sports, also, Kyrie Irving May Be Crazy, But He’s Right About The N-Word
Power Line: Identity Politics Is Destroying America, also, How Joe Biden Created The Border Crisis
Shark Tank: Fried Calls DeSantis “Corrupt”, Doubles Down On Pay-to-Play Accusations
Shot In The Dark: Better, also, Did Anyone Not See This Coming?
STUMP: Mortality With Meep – Top Causes Of Death In The U.S. For 2020
The Political Hat: Arkansas Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: Marines Refuse Vaccine, also, Town Fires Cop Involved In Traffic Stop Of Black Army Lieutenant
Transterrestrial Musings: Human Spaceflight Anniversaries, also, Bill Nelson
Victory Girls: Victor Davis Hanson Has Ten Warnings For America, also, Smolletting In Huntington Beach, CA
Volokh Conspiracy: Exclusionary Zoning Is Even Worse Than Previously Thought
Weasel Zippers: Portland ICE Building Set Afire By Antifa With Federal Agents Inside, also, CDC Director Says The Vaccines, They Do Nothing!
The Federalist: Twitter Suppresses Tweet About #BLM Founder Buying $1.4 Million Home In Mostly White Neighborhood, also, It’s Not OK For Corporations To Take Away Our Freedoms Just Because They Aren’t Government
Mark Steyn: Republican Virtue & Neo-Monarchical Privilege, also, Jumping To Concussions

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BLM = Buy Large Mansion

Posted on | April 12, 2021 | Comments Off on BLM = Buy Large Mansion

The Black Lives Matter movement is, and always has been, a dishonest scam. Did anyone really believe all that “social justice” nonsense?

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement and a “trained Marxist,” is reported to have bought four homes over the past several years, as her activist profile grew and protests raged around the country.
Last week, real estate website reported that the “37-year-old social justice visionary” Khan-Cullors had bought a $1.4 million compound in Topanga, a remote Los Angeles neighborhood nestled deep in the Santa Monica mountains.
In L.A. terms, $1.4 million is not necessarily extravagant, though the activist took criticism for spending what would be a fortune in most other real estate markets, and for buying in a largely white neighborhood after urging people to “buy black.”
However, it turns out that Khan-Cullors also owns a house in the predominantly black neighborhood of Inglewood — among several other homes. The New York Post reported Saturday that she bought a $510,000 home there in 2016, which is worth about $800,000 today. She also bought a $590,000 home in South Los Angeles that is worth $720,000 today, and bought a ranch in rural Georgia for $415,000 last year, “featuring a private airplane hangar with a studio apartment above it.”
The Post added that Khan-Cullors and spouse Janaya Khan “also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes” called the Albany last year, with the price not disclosed.

Think about all those “progressive” idiots on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., who urged their followers to give — give! give! give! — to support Black Lives Matter. Now we have conclusive proof that this alleged “social justice” movement was really a scam by which the organizers enriched themselves at the expense of their donors.

(Hat-tip to Katrina Pierson for the headline.)


Rule 5 Sunday: Selina Kyle & Catwoman

Posted on | April 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Selina Kyle & Catwoman

— compiled by Wombat-socho

She goes by a couple of different handles (u/Mercurygin_ on Reddit, mercury_lamp on Instagram) and also does stuff on TikTok & OnlyFans, but what made her stand out from an extremely good selection of cosplay girls this week was this amazing picture of Selina Kyle/Catwoman. The work that went into the Selina Kyle costume alone…wow. There are nine pictures in the series, and they are all worth seeing. 
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Catwoman and her alter ego.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1315, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Loony California Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Vintage Easter Music, Faust, Julie London, Rigoletto, Rum – It Is Good For You!, Eugene Onegin, Morgan James, Master Biden, Francesca da Rimini, The Nose, Sophie Tucker, Gun Babes, Luisa Miller, MAGA Masters, Romeo et Juliette, and Gundhild Carling.

A View From The Beach: Out of the Expanse – Cara GeeElection 2020: Still Mired in GeorgiaFish Pic Friday – Kimmi StarkElection 2020: Still on the Midnight Train Through GeorgiaTattoo ThursdayElection 2020: MLB Striking OutYour Wednesday WetnessMagothy River Yellow Perch Spawn a WashoutElection 2020: MLB Moves All-Star Game to Denver,Tuesday Tune – Sweet Child ‘O MineMaskless by Memorial Day?Election 2020: Boycotts and Counter BoycottsThe Monday Morning StimulusSupes Pick Georgia Over Florida in Water/Oyster WarElection 2020 on Easter 2021Happy Easter!Why Gingers are Different and Election 2020: Capitol Incursion 2.0 and the Baseball Boycott.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the Week is Dawn Addams!

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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Lawfare: Do We Need to Have ‘Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day’?

Posted on | April 11, 2021 | Comments Off on Lawfare: Do We Need to Have ‘Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day’?

Most people have forgotten about Rebekah Jones, but then again, most people never knew about Rebekah Jones in the first place. Nevertheless, Jones is something of a celebrity to soi-disant “progressives” because in May 2020, she falsely accused Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of manipulating his state’s COVID-19 data to hide the real numbers. This earned Jones plaudits from the liberal media as a “whistleblower” despite the fact that her claims proved to be false. Jones, who majored in communications and geography, has no expertise in epidemiology. She had been hired by the Florida state health department to do mapping with geographic information system (GIS) software and apparently engaged in unauthorized activity that got her fired from her job. This made Jones a heroic martyr in the eyes of liberals who were eager to depict DeSantis as an “anti-science” bigot.

Nearly a year later, of course, even liberals have been compelled to admit that DeSantis did a much better job with the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida than did such Democrats as New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Events having validated the wisdom of DeSantis’s policy, Rebekah Jones would now seem to be irrelevant, destined to become a minor footnote in the history of this pandemic. But . . .

Florida is a swing state, DeSantis is being eyed as a potential 2024 Republican presidential candidate and, as seen in the recent dishonest smear from 60 Minutes, many in the media are still eager to tarnish DeSantis’s reputation by any means necessary. Also (a) Rebekah Jones collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to support her “whistleblower” act, (b) she’s got a large and influential Twitter following, and (c) she still faces criminal prosecution in Florida. All of which means that Jones isn’t just going to fade quietly into obscurity, and she’s desperate to salvage her reputation. Unfortunately for Jones, she attracted the scrutiny of Human Events writer Christina Pushaw:


That 2,000-word article, published in February, is a must-read debunking of the Left’s hero/martyr myth about Rebekah Jones, and the result has been . . . Well, strangely familiar, for those who recall how Brett Kimberlin reacted to those who told the truth about him.

My podcasting partner (and former co-defendant) John Hoge has written a series of posts about the Jones v. Pushaw case:

What has happened, to summarize briefly, is that Rebekah Jones moved from Florida to Montgomery County, Maryland, and then swore out a peace order against Christina Pushaw, alleging “harassment.” Didn’t I tell you that this has been strangely familiar? And in yet another familiar move, Jones followed up by seeking criminal charges against Pushaw, alleging that she had violated a preliminary peace order. All of this is exceedingly weird, and also quite familiar to those of us who remember how Brett Kimberlin went after Aaron Walker (and subsequently sued half the Internet in federal court, but that’s another story).

I am informed that there will be a hearing in Montgomery County district court on Friday, and I wonder how y’all would feel about making Thursday “Everybody Blog About Rebekah Jones Day”?

The Streisand Effect here could be quite remarkable.


FMJRA 2.0: Love Removal Machine

Posted on | April 11, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Love Removal Machine

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Holy crap, an FMJRA post that’s actually on time, and during the Death March to April 15, at that?
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule Five Sunday: Happy Easter!
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Report: Nation of Islam Supporter Killed After Attacking Cops at U.S. Capitol
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach

‘I Saw Her Standing There’

FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short
A View From The Beach

George Floyd and ‘The Riot Ideology’
Proof Positive

A Legendary Privateer

In The Mailbox: 04.05.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Journalism and Mental Health
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 04.07.21 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 04.07.21
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Free Speech on Campus: ‘It Is Vital That UVA Lose This Case, and Lose Badly’
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 04.09.21 (Morning Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

CNN: ‘Crisis? What Crisis?’

Two Criminals Die in High-Speed Crash
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 04.09.21 (Evening Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending April 9:

  1.  EBL (15)
  2.  A View From The Beach (9)
  3.  357 Magnum (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery! 

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