The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tedious Royal Celebrities

Posted on | March 9, 2021 | Comments Off on Tedious Royal Celebrities

There is stupid, then there’s royal stupid, which is much more stupid than common stupidity. This afternoon, I spent several hours writing a couple of thousand words about that intensely stupid Oprah interview with Prince Harry and that dollar-discount Duchess of his.

It’s about racism. Why? Because it’s 2021 and everything is racism.

Excuse me if I’m fresh out of fucks to give about these people. Unless and until we get leaked nudes of Meghan, I’m done caring. Not that I actually ever cared, but now I can’t even pretend to care.

Meanwhile, however, BuzzFeed — which bought out HuffPo in some kind of deal a while back — has announced layoffs for 47 HuffPo staffers, and this gets an extra happy dance from Darren Beattie:

You’ll appreciate the rich learn-to-code irony here a bit better when I remind you that Darren Beattie was the White House speechwriter who lost his job because he was outed as having “alt-right” connections. So in describing the laid-off HuffPo staffers as “white supremacists,” he’s paying back a bill that’s long overdue. See, these progressive young journalists — they’re white. Like, so-white-they’re-translucent Miracle-Whip-on-Wonder-Bread white. Despite being honkies from Crackerville, however, they think being “woke” will make up for their lack of “diversity.” Guess what? You’re now just another unemployed college-educated white liberal, and nobody gives a damn about you.

Get a job at a solar-panel plant. Or learn to code.


In The Mailbox: 03.08.21

Posted on | March 8, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.08.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Director Blue: MSM Infographic – What To Call Things Depending On Which Party Benefits
357 Magnum: Never Underestimate The Power Of Human Stupidity
EBL: Pepe Le Pew Has A Target On His Back, also, Can Speedy Gonzalez Outrun The Woke Mob?
Twitchy: Matthew Yglesias Claims The Media’s Uncritical Lauding Of Andrew Cuomo & The Lincoln Project Never Happened
Louder With Crowder: Starbucks Demands Woman Mask Up At Drive-Thru While Sitting In Her Car. It Gets Dumber.
Vox Popoli: An Army Of Retards, also, Retreat Means More Retreat
Stoic Observations: The Corpse Flotilla

American Conservative: Correcting The Biden Administration’s Lies About The Border Crisis
American Greatness: Biden Signs EO Expanding Vote By Mail, Other Shady Voting Practices, also, Trump Will Work To Unseat Alaska’s Murkowski
American Power: So Former RI Gov Raimondo Botched State’s COVID Response – The NYT Is Shilling For Her Now That She’s Joined The Biden Administration
American Thinker: Children Need Protection Against Transgender Activists, also, The 21st Century Ugly Americans
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: A Verdict Makes History In Cuba By Rejecting “Contempt” As A Crime, also, The Risks Of Vacationing In The North Korea Of The Americas
BattleSwarm: PSA – Mirrors Aren’t Bulletproof, also, Followup On A Gas/Water Valve Shutoff Tool
Behind The Black: Starship Update, also, Today’s Blacklisted American
Cafe Hayek: Ad Hominem Is Not A Valid Argument, also, Coleman Hughes Is (Justly) Very Critical Of Ibram X. Kendi
CDR Salamander: The Navalist View From Singapore – On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: Screams of Whiskey, also, They’re Not Even Trying Any More
Don Surber: Sidney Poitier, Enemy Of The People, also, Media Lies Are Losing Power
First Street Journal: Senate Democrats Join Republicans To Scuttle $15 Minimum Wage, also, Capitol Police Request Two-Month Extension Of National Guard Deployment
The Geller Report: MI Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case After Forensic Audit Of Dominion Voting Machines, also, Switzerland Bans The Burka
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, A Dark Place In The Sky
Hollywood In Toto: Yahoo! Shames Mumford & Sons Musician For Supporting Andy Ngo, also, Modern “Stars” Couldn’t Save Chaos Walking From Flopping
The Lid: The Honey Badger Slams Bad Orange Woman – I Didn’t Do “A Ton Of Circling Back”
Legal Insurrection: TX Gov Abbott Launches “Operation Lone Star” To Strengthen Border Security, also, Media Using Same “Anonymous Sources” Tactic For Capitol Hill Riot That Propelled Russia Hoax
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Naught For Our Comfort
Outkick: Small-Market MLB Teams To Receive Only 50% Of Revenue Sharing This Year, also, Kaepernick To Be Russell Wilson’s Backup In Seattle?
Power Line: Juxtaposition, also, Chauvin Pretrial Notes
Shark Tank: Sabatini Launches “Make America First Again” Congressional Campaign
Shot In The Dark: Voting With Our Dollars
The Political Hat: Buffalo Public Schools To Kindergartners – Go Woke Or black Children Die
This Ain’t Hell: Enough Already! also, Red China’s Army Navy Vs. U.S. Navy
Transterrestrial Musings: The Age Of Space Reconnaissance, also, BlueAnon
Victory Girls: Blue Anon Mocks Liberal Media, Google Censors It, also, Meghan, Harry, Oprah, & The Misogynoir
Volokh Conspiracy: “Health Experts Are Telling Healthy People Not To Wear Face Masks For Coronavirus, So Why Are So Many Doing It?”
Weasel Zippers: MSNBC Clown Warns Of Violent “Paramilitary” Trump Insurgency, also, Shocker! NBA Stars Plan Political Message For All-Star Game
The Federalist: Evangelicals For Biden Feel “Used & Betrayed”, also, Fifteen Insane Things In Democrats’ HR 1 To Corrupt Elections Forever
Mark Steyn: Rickman’s Worth, also, Things To Obsess About Until They Nuke Us

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XXPEN$IVE: Beverly Hills Lawyer Paid High Price for His ‘Trophy Wife’

Posted on | March 8, 2021 | Comments Off on XXPEN$IVE: Beverly Hills Lawyer Paid High Price for His ‘Trophy Wife’

Erika Jayne Tom Girardi
Credit: Bravo

Professor Reynolds linked to the latest story about the downfall of California tort lawyer Tom Girardi, who was the guy behind the lawsuit made famous in the 2000 movie Erin Brockovich:

When Joe Biden came to Los Angeles to raise money for his presidential campaign, Tom Girardi filled a dining room at the Jonathan Club with wealthy attorneys. . . . The 2019 breakfast fundraiser at the private downtown club was in many ways the end of an era. By the time Biden was elected last fall, Girardi’s life and legal empire were unraveling. His wealth, once estimated north of $250 million, has vanished and with it his reputation as one of the nation’s most connected and respected lawyers. With Girardi facing bankruptcy, divorce and a criminal investigation, his days as a political insider and power broker appear over. For decades, though, politicians were happy to take his money and put up with his requests for something in return. Along with his family and employees, Girardi contributed more than $7.3 million to candidates.

If you study the pathetic tale of Girardi’s downfall — the Los Angeles Times ran a 4,000-word story about this shabby tragedy in December — you realize that the primary source of his problems was his third wife, a blonde bimbo gold-digger more than 30 years his junior. A native of Atlanta, Erika Chahoy moved to New York as soon as she turned 18. Gosh, I wonder what kind of work she was doing in New York?

While living in New York, she met Thomas Zizzo, when he was working as a DJ at a club in Manhattan. The couple got married in December 1991 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Soon after she gave birth to a son, Thomas Zizzo, Jr. After the couple divorced a few years later, she relocated to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming a singer.

If you suspect she was working as a teenage stripper, congratulations — great minds think alike. But in L.A., the gold-digger hit paydirt:

Girardi met Jayne in the late 1990s at Chasen’s, the famed Beverly Hills haunt where he was a co-owner and she waited tables in the bar. Jayne, then known as Erika Chahoy, was a striking, blond 28-year-old with a young son and dreams of stardom. Girardi was 60. . . .
She soon moved into what Girardi has described as a five-acre compound overlooking the Rose Bowl and quit Chasen’s. . . .
The couple married in the clubhouse of the Los Angeles Country Club in 2000. Girardi asked a judge he knew to officiate at the end of a round of golf. The wedding was so spontaneous that the groom enlisted an attorney in the bar as a witness. Although Girardi was in the midst of an acrimonious dispute over dividing assets with his second wife, he opted not to sign a prenuptial agreement.

When a 60-year-old man in the midst of his second divorce hooks up with that kind of girl, “happily ever after” is not a likely ending. Girardi is not a stupid man — his educational credentials are impressive and his successful career as a lawyer speaks for itself — but it would see that, with Erika Jayne, he was thinking with the wrong organ.

It appears that Erika Jayne got Girardi to sponsor her musical “career” to the tune of several million dollars. Top songwriters and producers were enlisted to put together the kind of electronic dance music where the singer’s ability (or lack thereof) was not really relevant. Her first single, “Roller Coaster,” was promoted with a video “shot in The Bahamas and at Stardust Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.” That the song had no discernible melody did not prevent it from reaching #1 in the Billboard Club Dance charts. And this went on for years. Nobody knows how much money Tom Girardi pumped into his wife’s career, but the amount was not small. In her 2017 song, “Xxpen$ive,” she boasted:

Bentleys and Benz’s
Through cash-colored lenses.
Them dollars and cents — cha-ching!
It’s expensive to be me.
Looking this good don’t come for free.

By then, she was 45 and had been starring in the Bravo network’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills for two years. What viewers of the series didn’t know was that Tom Girardi was already scrambling to stave off the financial problems that would eventually destroy him.

What do you notice about that artwork? It’s absurdly crude, as if drawn by a high-school art student. Does it occur to you (as it occurred to me) that going cheap on the artwork could be seen as evidence of the shady nature of the finances behind this production?

To pay his wife’s bills, according to a lawyer representing the Indonesian crash victims, Girardi had been running his law firm like a Ponzi scheme, borrowing money at high interest against prospective future settlements and also, allegedly, swindling victims out of their rightful share of these settlements. Did I mention that Tom Girardi was a major Democratic Party donor? Do you think this might be more than a coincidence?

“At one point, I had about 80 million or 50 million in cash. That’s all gone,” Girardi acknowledged in testimony [in fall 2020] about another client’s funds. “I don’t have any money.”

Just about the time his money ran out — surprise! — Erika decided she needed to divorce Tom, because what else did their marriage ever mean?

Twenty years ago, Tom Girardi was worth more than $50 million, and now at age 81, he’s on his way to bankruptcy and disbarment.

He will probably die in prison. Way to go, top Democrat donor!


Rule 5 Sunday: Irina Meier

Posted on | March 8, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Irina Meier

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Professional cosplayer and Instagram model, Irina Meier does excellent work portraying sexy heroines and can be hired to do custom pics as well, such as this one from Reddit (NSFW). I’m not sure which of the Hogwarts Academy coeds she’s playing in this picture (it’s been literally a decade since I read the Harry Potter series) but I have the feeling it’s one of the Slytherin girls.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ten points to Slytherin?

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1281, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five University Reform Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Don Pasquale, Julie London, Lela Loren & Nordic Runes, Falstaff, “The Yellow Rose Of Texas”, Jewel & Alison Krauss, Die Walkure, Orion Carloto, Die Zauberflote, Peter Grimes, Susannah McCorkle, Rusalka, Abigail Hawk, La Forza Del Destino, and MAGA Addresses Chronic GOP Corruption

A View From The Beach: Hailing from Shanghai – Leah LewisFish Pic Friday – Cherlyn Arnold, Thursday TanlinesSome More Wednesday WetnessStarlightWuFlu Alters Chesapeake Oyster IndustryCarla’s Hubby Headed to the Hoosegow?Your Monday Morning Stimulus and Palm Sunday

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow

Posted on | March 7, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

FMJRA 2.0: High Energy Protons
Harsh Brutus
A View From The Beach

Police Kill Juan Hernandez
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: Cathryn Li
Animal Magnetism
Harsh Brutus
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

Trump Approved 10,000 National Guard for Jan. 6, But Pelosi Rejected Troops
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 03.02.21 (Morning Edition)
357 Magnum

Governor Gropo
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 03.02.21 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

An Embarrassing Defeat for Biden
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 03.05.21 (Morning Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 03.05.21 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Top linkers for the week ending March 5:

  1.  EBL (9)
  2.  357 Magnum (7)
  3.  A View From The Beach (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Blood in the Water: Why Have Democrats Turned Against Andrew Cuomo?

Posted on | March 7, 2021 | Comments Off on Blood in the Water: Why Have Democrats Turned Against Andrew Cuomo?

Headline from the Washington Post:

Cuomo’s behavior created ‘hostile, toxic’ workplace culture for decades, former aides say

Mere weeks ago, Cuomo was embraced as a hero by Democrats and celebrated by their media allies, who bestowed an Emmy Award on him.

So why does it seem that the same forces that made Cuomo a hero are now determined to destroy him? Ace offered this analysis:

A friend speculates that this Late Hit on Cuomo — the hit should have come in freakin’ May, of course — is being coordinated by Kamala Harris, who knows Biden will die in office and that she herself has very little affection among Democrats. She is therefore, per this theory, taking out the man most likely to challenge her in 2024.
That’s why the media is now reporting on this. Not because they’re honest, not because they’re brave.
But because a Democrat gave them their marching orders.

It makes sense. Everybody — and I mean, everybody — can see that Biden is approaching the last stages of helpless, drooling senility. If it’s this bad now, just weeks after inauguration, how much worse will it be this time next year? Can anyone imagine Biden standing in Congress next February to deliver his State of the Union address? He can’t even do a press conference now, and babbles incoherently anytime he’s in front of a microphone without a script. This means that Harris will almost certainly become president sooner rather than later, and Team Kamala realized Cuomo was a potential primary rival for 2024, so suddenly a bunch of women decided it was time to “come forward” even though Cuomo’s habitual lechery and bullying was never really a secret.

Everyone is supposed to pretend that the timing of this scandal was just a coincidence. Women did not “come forward” earlier because reasons.



Posted on | March 6, 2021 | Comments Off on R-A-A-A-A-A-CISM!

“We are not a nation of victims, and neither are we a nation of oppressors. Most of us are just trying to get through the week, pay our bills, and live the best life we can.”
“Why Is Identity Politics Destroying America?”

John Sexton reports on the latest development in the Culture War:

USA Today published the results of a new poll on the public’s support for Black Lives Matter and for police. The poll found that support for BLM is still down from the highs it briefly saw last summer. Meanwhile trust in local police is up substantially. But there’s a hitch, and you can probably guess what it is. Black and white Americans view these issues very differently. In fact, the two are almost a mirror image at this point.

The point is that this is all about pure partisan politics.

Five years ago, nobody was talking about “systemic racism.” Why not? Because Obama was president and Hillary was locked in as the 2016 Democratic Party nominee. Instead, what everybody was talking about in 2016 was misogyny and patriarchal oppression of women. Why did the subject of the media narrative change? Because the political needs of the Democratic Party changed. In 2016, everybody in the media was trying to make feminism seem like a “mainstream” belief system, so that Hillary could be seen as legitimately deserving of the presidency.

By the spring of 2020, however, internal polling and focus groups told Democrats that electing Joe Biden required making “systemic racism” the focus of the media narrative. CNN then turned the death of George Floyd into a national crusade, initiating a summer of race riots intended to “energize” the black vote for Biden. We will discuss this problem and much more tonight at 7 p.m. ET on The Other Podcast.

If you miss the program live, the archive is here.


Joy Reid Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

Posted on | March 6, 2021 | Comments Off on Joy Reid Says the Quiet Part Out Loud

Liberals have spent five years ranting about “white supremacy” (when they weren’t busy ranting about “Russian collusion” or accusing Brett Kavanaugh of being a serial rapist) and the rest of us have been left to our own resources to figure out exactly what liberals mean when they accuse Republicans of being “white supremacists.” So now an eminent spokeswoman for liberalism has finally offered some clarification:

MSNBC host Joy Reid said Wednesday that for “people on the right,” not being able to “be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is suppression.”
Reid, responding to a tweet from MSNBC political contributor Dr. Jason Johnson, said “people on the right would trade all the tax cuts for the ability to openly say the n-word like in ‘the good old days.’”
“To them, not being able to be openly racist and discriminatory without consequence is oppression,” Reid wrote. “Trump is the avatar for this ‘freedom.’”
Both Reid and Johnson were addressing a Deseret News article by journalist Bari Weiss, who claims “self-censorship is threatening democracy.”
In the article, Weiss noted how people on the left and right feel pressure to “self-censor” when talking about certain political topics. She mentioned a study from the Cato Institute that found 62% of Americans self-censor, and another 32% worry their political views could harm their employment prospects.

Notice the vast leap involved in this non sequitur:

  1. Bari Weiss writes an article about the effects of “cancel culture”;
  2. Professor Johnson, based on nothing that I could locate in Weiss’s article, declares that by “self-censorship,” what Weiss means is “censoring yourself from saying the N word amongst friends”;
    and then
  3. Joy Reid, apparently without having bothered to read what Bari Weiss actually wrote, declares that “people on the right” (by which she apparently means all 74 million Americans who voted to reelect Donald Trump), are pining with nostalgia for “the good old days” (by which she apparently means, 1954 in Yazoo County, Mississippi).

Do you see the absolute disconnect between cause and effect here? Bari Weiss is a Jew who graduated from Columbia University and, I am reasonably confident, has no desire to use racial slurs “amongst friends” or anywhere else, for that matter. I mention Weiss’s Jewishness not because it matters to me but because (a) Jews historically were among the most prominent supporters of the 20th-century Civil Rights movement in America, and (b) I suspect Joy Reid hates Jews.

There is a disturbingly large amount of anti-Semitism in the black community these days, and the Democratic Party may yet go down the disastrous road to “Corbynism” because of this factor. While it has never been my policy to fling around careless accusations of anti-Semitism, nor to throw anyone under the bus because of such accusations, at the same time I do not think it entirely coincidental that this specific situation involves two black people ganging up to attack a Jewish woman.

Do not be surprised if, whenever Joy Reid’s gross stupidity finally gets her fired from MSNBC, we discover she’s a raving anti-Semite.

Remember: If you can hear the “dog whistle,” you’re the dog.


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