The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 01.20.21

Posted on | January 21, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.20.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Komi’s mom has got it going on.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1238
357 Magnum: Kidnapping Foiled By Armed Citizen
EBL: The Bridge – A Review
Twitchy: “We Don’t Want Biden – We Want Revenge!”
Louder With Crowder: Steve Deace Offers Three Words Of Advice To Conservatives
Vox Popoli: They Speak In Symbols, also, The Actual Results
Stoic Observations: Let The Purge Begin

Adam Piggott: Little Men
American Conservative: The Dystopian Hellscape Of Online Learning
American Greatness: Stabbing Hector’s Corpse, also, Two Wyoming Republicans Announce Primary Challenges To Liz Cheney
American Thinker: America, A Country Of Victorious Socialism
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Wife Of NFL’s Most famous Quarterback Models Notorious Racist Che Guevara
BattleSwarm: Trump Administration Designates Red China’s Treatment Of Uighurs As Genocide
Behind The Black: An Empty Inauguration For A False Victory, also, Curiosity Checks Out Its Wheels
Cafe Hayek: A Truly Terrible Analogy
CDR Salamander: Red China Updates Their Military Law
Da Tech Guy: A Sad Day, also, Ranking President Trump
Don Surber: Trumpenfreude – Fox Axes Its Election Staff, also, Politico Puff Piece Backfires Bigly
First Street Journal: Joe Biden Wants To Normalize Transgenderism
The Geller Report: A Nation In Mourning, also, Left-Wing Provocateurs Caught Changing Into Trump Gear To Blend In, Incite Riots At Capitol
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Why I Was Quiet Today
Hollywood In Toto: The Good, Bad, And The Bizarre – Four Years Of Trump Cinema, also, The Big Tech War For Hearts & Minds
The Lid: First Declassified Russiagate Docs – Steele Admits Dossier Was All Political
Legal Insurrection: Trump Bids Farewell – “We Will be Back In Some Form”, also, Sen. Hawley Nixes Quick Confirmation Of BIden’s Pick For Homeland Security
Michelle Malkin: Why A Biden Crony Wanted To Punch Me In The Face
Nebraska Energy Observer: What Is It About Women?
Power Line: Trump Fought The Swamp, And The Swamp Won, also, Resist Joe Biden?
Shark Tank: DeSantis Partners With Publix For Vaccine Distribution
Shot In The Dark: Planet Of The Humans, part 5 – Fizzle On The Launchpad
STUMP: Meep’s Leftovers
The Political Hat: A Conservative Model State Constitution?
This Ain’t Hell: Gee, What A Surprise, also, Oath Keepers Are Back
Transterrestrial Musings: The Tragedy Of Trump’s Presidency
Victory Girls: Inauguration Of FICUS Biden – Citizenry Not Invited
Volokh Conspiracy: Is The President An “Officer Of The United States” For Purposes Of Section 3 Of The 14th Amendment?
Weasel Zippers: Biden Team Accidentally Made Display Of Russian Flag At Reflecting Pool Last Night, also, Portland Antifa Attacking Democratic Party HQ
The Federalist: Rand Paul – I’m Not Listening To Comey; He Should Be In Prison. also, Pope Muzzles American Bishops Preaching Against Biden’s Anti-Catholic Agenda
Mark Steyn: For The Record, also, Unpardoned

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In The Mailbox: 01.19.21 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | January 19, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.19.21 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

FRAGO incoming

357 Magnum: So What Did Draconian Lockdowns Do For California?
EBL: King Fishers – A Review
Twitchy: DC Mayor Bowser Wants A Political Purge Of The National Guard
Louder With Crowder: Occasional Cortex DEMANDS Resignations Of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley
Vox Popoli: The Sicilian Defense, also, “A Peaceful Transition”

American Conservative: Our Mail-In Elective Dictator
American Greatness: Biden Taps “Rachel” Levine, Who Sent COVID-Infected Patients To Nursing Homes (While Yanking Her Own Mother Out) As Assistant HHS Secretary
American Power: Gavin Newsom’s Botched Coronavirus Updates Going From Bad To Worse
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Insane & Wrongheaded News
Babalu Blog: After A Dark Winter In Communist Cuba,  A New Black Spring May Be On Its Way
BattleSwarm: “How I Switched From NeverTrump To NeverBiden”, also, NRA’s Texas Bankruptcy Ploy Is No Slam-Dunk
Behind The Black: Red China Completes First Launch For 2021, also, Today’s Blacklisted Conservative
Cafe Hayek: “Above Subsistence”
CDR Salamander: Keeping An Eye On The Long Game, Part LXXXVII
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – COVID Fatigue, also, Our Last Day of Assured Freedom
Don Surber: Stopping Trump From Defending Himself, also, National Review Is Blue
First Street Journal: Selling Our Birthrights For A Mess Of Pottage, also, Something I Never Thought I Would See
The Geller Report: Mitch McConnell Claims Capitol Rioters Were “Provoked By The President”, also, $50 Billion In Federal Money Going To Rescue NYC From Failed Democrat Policies
Hogewash: Where Are Their Blues? also, Hunter, Burisma, & Corruption
Hollywood In Toto: Denver Critics Hail Sorkin’s Trial Of The Chicago 7 As Year’s Best, also, Why Hasn’t Cancel Culture Come For Alec Baldwin?
The Lid: Dem Rep Cohen Suggests White Male Servicemen Are Seditious Conspirators Against Biden
Legal Insurrection: NBC Poll – Trump Retains Overwhelming GOP Support, also, Biden To Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline On First Day, Immediately Damaging Canadian Relations
Nebraska Energy Observer: Inauguration Week, Or Something
Power Line: Who’s The Hatemonger? also, The Casino Exception – And How To Get It
Shark Tank: Rep Gaetz – “Leftists Want To Control ALL Media”
Shot In The Dark: Planet of The Humans, Part 4 – Red On Red
STUMP: Other Pension News
The Political Hat: Pronoun Madness In British Columbia Courts
This Ain’t Hell: DAV To Purge Insurrectionists, also, It’s Tanker Tuesday Time
Transterrestrial Musings: Refuse To Be Silenced, also, The SLS Green Run
Victory Girls: PsyOps In The War Against The Right
Volokh Conspiracy: Dominion Seeks To Beach The Kraken, Prompts Pillow Fight
Weasel Zippers: Incoming WH Climate Team Blames “Systemic Racism” For Climate Change, also, Twelve National Guardsmen Removed From Biden Detail For Connections To “Right Wing Groups”
The Federalist: After A Week Of Leftist Hysteria, Rioters Were No-Shows At State Capitols, also, NYT Says Deadly BLM Rots Were “Isolated Instances Of Property Destruction” Exaggerated By GOP
Mark Steyn: Bette Davis Eyes, also, The Absence Of Opposition

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Sports News From Wokeville, USA

Posted on | January 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Sports News From Wokeville, USA

What do NFL players think their anti-white message will produce? Because to accuse someone of thinking in stereotypes is a deliberate insult. What such an accusation really means is, “You are ignorant. You are morally and intellectually inferior, and therefore in need of tutelage.”

NFL players are saying this to their own audience. They are accusing NFL fans of racial prejudice. So the people whose patronage pays the bills are treated like grade-school children, lectured by a bunch of multi-millionaire athletes, accusing NFL fans of being racial bigots.

It’s a short trip from Wokeville to Brokeville, I’m told.


FNC Fires Scapegoat Chris Stirewalt — and Their VP for News ‘Retires’

Posted on | January 19, 2021 | Comments Off on FNC Fires Scapegoat Chris Stirewalt — and Their VP for News ‘Retires’

You’ve got to hand it to Trump — he’s like Obi-Wan Kenobi. Strike him down, and he becomes more powerful than ever. We all remember the catastrophic moment on Election Night, when Chris Stirewalt called Arizona for Biden, and Bret Baier was like, “WTF, Fat Boy?”

Bret Baier: “But Chris, we haven’t called Texas yet. Why haven’t we called Texas?”
Chris Stirewalt: “Because it’s too close to call.”

That was what poker players would call a “tell.” When all the votes were counted (and I don’t mean to say that these numbers are entirely legit), the official tallies for Arizona and Texas looked like this:

Arizona …. 3.4 million total votes …… margin 10,457 (0.3%)
Texas …… 11.3 million total votes …. margin 631,221 (5.6%)

You see what I’m saying? Trump won Texas by nearly 6% — a margin of more than 600,000 votes — but Texas was “too close to call,” according to Chris Stirewalt who, at the same time, claimed to know that Biden would win Arizona, where the margin proved to be microscopic.

So now Chris Stirewalt has been “laid off” by Fox in a “restructuring” of their staff — did you see me roll my eyes at that? Meanwhile, the vice-president in charge of the news division at Fox has decided now is a good time to “retire” (my eyes just rolled completely out of my head).

Don’t look now, but Ace of Spades is dancing like the Ewoks in the final scene of Return of the Jedi. Shizzle done got fo’ real, bro.

UPDATE: Not to take pleasure in the misfortune of others, but Emerald Robinson just called Stirewalt “the Liz Cheney of Chuck Todds” and that there’s funny, I don’t care who you are.


Don’t Worry, I Haven’t Been Captured by Our Alien Reptilian Overlords … Yet

Posted on | January 19, 2021 | Comments Off on Don’t Worry, I Haven’t Been Captured by Our Alien Reptilian Overlords … Yet

Because I didn’t post anything Monday, I’m sure some of our readers were worried that the shape-shifting alien Lizard People had gotten me. But no, I was just busy doing other stuff Monday, and I apologize if my silence caused any unnecessary concern. Our nation’s capital is full of troops, barricades and barbed wire for the presidential inauguration of (the suspiciously lizard-like) Joe Biden, and we’re not supposed to mention how weird this situation is. Pretend like we don’t notice.

“Nothing says ‘normal, legitimate election’ like
a swearing-in behind 12 feet of razor wire and
25,000 troops that you’re not sure you can trust.”

Welcome to the New Normal. Did I mention that our reptilian President-elect named a Richard “Rachel” Levine to a top federal health position?

You must pretend that this is completely normal. If you say otherwise, you could be banned from social media and maybe fired from your job.

The New Normal means living in make-believe as if it were reality, a sort of fantasy cosplay. Richard Levine is a woman, Joe Biden won a majority of the vote in Georgia and Wisconsin and the greatest danger to American democracy is the 74 million people who voted to re-elect Trump:

Wednesday will mark the four-year anniversary of the violent Antifa riots in Washington, D.C., when hundreds of anarchists wreaked havoc in our nation’s capital on Inauguration Day, declaring themselves the #Resistance to President Trump. Our media overlords now expect Americans to forget the Left’s deranged reaction to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat, because this does not fit the current narrative, in which anyone who didn’t vote for Joe Biden is viewed as a potential terrorist threat.
Biden will be inaugurated amid a climate of paranoia, surrounded by a phalanx of military security so enormous as to dwarf the number of troops that we currently have stationed in Afghanistan. This unprecedented level of security is necessary, our media overlords tell us, because of the rowdy crowd of Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol two weeks ago. Viewers of CNN and MSNBC have been told repeatedly that what happened on January 6 was an “insurrection,” an attempted “coup,” by dangerous extremists who (a) arrived in Washington with carefully organized plans to destroy Democracy as We Know It and (b) were incited to this seditious attack by what Trump said in his speech at a “Stop the Steal” rally.
There are obvious problems with this narrative. If the riot at the Capitol was planned in advance, how then were the rioters “incited” by what Trump said? . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator. But don’t tell anyone you’ve been reading the truth about what’s happening.

The Lizard People might be listening.


In The Mailbox: 01.19.21 (Early Morning Edition)

Posted on | January 19, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.19.21 (Early Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Rick Beato Listened To These Songs So You Don’t Have To
EBL: Wandavision – A Review, also, See – A Review
Twitchy: Gov. Abbott Says He’ll Never Again Authorize Deployment Of Texas NG To DC “If They’re Disrespected Like This”
Louder With Crowder: Aaron Rodgers Calls Out Government Hypocrisy Over COVID – “It’s Becoming A Joke”
Vox Popoli: Key Findings, also, Flying The False Flag
Stoic Observations: Niggers & White Trash

Adam Piggott: We Know No Despair
American Conservative: You Can’t “Just Build Your Own Twitter”
American Greatness: Former Head Of Facebook Security Demands Deplatforming Of OAN & Newsmax, also, Antifa-Supporting Army Vet Arrested After Threatening Election Protesters In Florida
American Power: Capitol Police Command Structure Crumbled During Riot
American Thinker: What Do We Do With A Pretend President? also, What’s Next, Great Awakening Or Great Reset?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: The Price Of Food Skyrockets In Communist Cuba While The Quality Plummets
BattleSwarm: Welcome To Texas, NRA! Leave Wayne Behind, also, Austin Update For January 17
Behind The Black: Virgin Orbit’s Launcher One Successfully Reaches Orbit, also, Today’s New Member Of The Blacklist
Cafe Hayek: Let’s Not Join The Mob, also, On Richard Epstein On Regulating Big Tech
CDR Salamander: LCS Makes Bad Talking Points
Da Tech Guy: The End Of Boss Madigan, The Man Who Destroyed Illinois, also, The Next Censorship Is On DNS
Don Surber: Fight The Impeachment, Donald, also, Xiden’s Show Of Military Force
First Street Journal: Bidenomics Will Depress, Not Increase, American Workers’ Wages
The Geller Report: Occasional Cortex Proposes Funding To Deprogram “White Supremacists”, also, Rand Paul Predicts One-Third Of Republicans Will Leave The Party If GOP Senators Go Along With Convicting Trump
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, The Cost of The Minimum Wage
Hollywood In Toto: Five Ways Hollywood Can Truly Unite A Divided Nation
The Lid: If The Capitol Attack Was Preplanned, It Could NOT Have Been Incited By President Trump
Legal Insurrection: Harvard Students Launch Petition To Revoke Degrees Of Trump Supporters, also, Military Buildup In DC Makes No Sense – Unless They Know Something We Don’t
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations
Power Line: Woods File Gone Missing, also, The Prophetic Voice
Shark Tank: Marco Rubio Won’t Be Attending Biden’s Inauguration
Shot In The Dark: Against The Woke Mob Before It Was Cool
STUMP: Public Finance Roundup
The Political Hat: Education Organizing Community Gathering
This Ain’t Hell: PA Lt. Gov. Doesn’t Know How The First Amendment Works, also, Chatter On, Joe, Chatter On
Transterrestrial Musings: The Muppets’ 1984, also, Joseph Epstein
Victory Girls: Pelosi Proves Again She Wants To Wear The Crown, also, The Greatest Accomplishment Of Donald Trump
Volokh Conspiracy: Nationalists, Not Immigrants, Are The Real Threat To Liberal Democratic Institutions
Weasel Zippers: Media Calls Boogaloo Boi Protest In Lansing Inspired BY White Supremacy – Half Of Them Are Wearing BLM Gear, also, This Is What Liberals Are Calling A Violent Coup
The Federalist: When The Left Refuses Service, They’re Preventing Violence – When The Right Refuses Service…, also, Josh Hawley’s Book On Big Tech Tyranny To Be Published Despite Cancellation Attempt
Mark Steyn: Prescriptions & Proscriptions, also, Shaidle Among The Stars

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Rule 5 Sunday: Julie Strain, RIP

Posted on | January 18, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Julie Strain, RIP

— compiled by Wombat-socho

This week we pay tribute to the late Julie Strain, who died last week from complications of early-onset dementia, believed to be caused by a head injury sustained in a fall from a horse in her 20s. After being named Penthouse Pet of the Month in June 1991 and Pet of the Year for 1993, Julie appeared in over 100 movies, earning her the title of “Queen of the B Movies”; her best-known role was as the voice of the eponymous heroine in Heavy Metal 2000. She is also recognizable as the model for a ton of paintings by Julie Bell, Olivia de Berardinis, and Boris Vallejo, and did modeling for photographers as well. Here she is doing a pretty decent Bettie Page impression.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

6′ 1″ and worth the climb, indeed.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box #1232, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule 5 Second Amendment Friday, also, the Saturday Asian Invasion

EBL: Servant, Le Nozze Di Figaro, Thais, Joan Jett – Fake Friends, #RollTide Cheerleaders, Der Rosenkavalier, Armida, Who Is Driving The Republican Party?Capriccio, Michelle Lewis, The Name Of The Rose, Rodelinda, PVRIS, Wandavision, Rusalka, Tanya Roberts RIP, and Post-Election MAGA Persecution

A View From The Beach: A Scream Queen – Ali LarterMaryland Trout Season OpensFish Pic Friday – Britt OaksleyChickenshit: There’s an App for ThatThursday TanlinesLocal Boys Find Old Dead FishYour Wednesday WetnessTuesday Tunes by TaimaneYour Monday Morning StimulusGrandmother Risks Twitter’s WrathElection 2020: Hope Leaving the White House, and  Palm Sunday

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe of the Week is Anna May Wong, and Bacon Time serves up Happy Days.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Modern Motherhood, Florida-Style

Posted on | January 17, 2021 | Comments Off on Modern Motherhood, Florida-Style

Headline from the Tampa Tribune:

Florida woman has abandoned three babies
at apartment complexes since 2016, police say

I include that headline so that Stephen Green doesn’t miss this story in his next “Florida Man Friday” roundup. The details:

Investigators have identified the biological mother of three newborns who’ve been found at apartment complexes in the Orlando area since 2016, police said.
Previous DNA testing had confirmed that the babies were siblings, and investigators connected with their mother through additional testing late last year, Orlando police Lt. Frank Chisari told reporters Wednesday morning.
The mother currently has several other children in her care, police said.
Investigators are working with the state attorney’s office to determine what charges may be brought against the woman, who police did not publicly identify.
Chisari added that the woman appeared to have abandoned the babies out of “pure desperation.”
The most recent baby was found in July 2019 with a note that said she left the baby because she feared the child’s father, news outlets reported.
The first baby was found in 2016, and the second was found in 2017.
Chisari declined to say whether the father has been identified.
“It seems like somebody who was just at the end of their rope,” Chisari told reporters.
He said the woman learned she was pregnant at a late stage during all three pregnancies, and kept it a secret before delivering the children in private.
“I guess she watched a lot of YouTube videos,” Chisari said, describing how the children were delivered discreetly, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

If she “currently has several other children in her care,” but “feared the child’s father” to such an extent that she has abandoned three babies, doesn’t this suggest a serious domestic violence situation?

There must be a fascinating story behind this, and you might expect that journalists would do the footwork necessary to get that backstory, rather than simply quoting what police said at a press conference. What factor could possibly explain this lack of journalistic curiosity?


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