The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Liberal Idiot: ‘There Are Proven Strategies to Interrupt These Cycles of Violence’

Posted on | November 30, 2020 | 2 Comments

Perhaps you have forgotten the name Lisa Bender. Over the summer, the president of the Minneapolis City Council became a symbol of liberal idiocy, when she was interviewed on CNN saying that she could “imagine a police-free future.” Since then, not surprisingly, violent crime in Minneapolis has skyrocketed. The number of shootings in the city has doubled, and more than 100 officers have left the city’s police force.

No one who values their life would go near Minneapolis, and as the city circles the toilet bowl, Lisa Bender announced earlier this month that she will not seek re-election. James Lileks, who lives in Minneapolis but hasn’t been murdered yet, calls attention to an interview Bender gave to a Minneapolis journalist, in which she maintained her expertise:

For a number of years, the city has pursued developing a broader system of safety in Minneapolis. We’ve invested in community-based safety strategies, youth violence prevention, hospital-based violence prevention, group violence prevention. A couple of years ago, we directed staff to look at ways we could better serve the community by matching the right response to a call for help, looking through all the reasons why people call 911. Most of them are for non-violence-related incidents.
Violent crime makes up a very small percent of the total number of 911 calls. So that work has been ongoing. . . .
Unfortunately, 80% of gun-violence victims in Minneapolis are Black. Seventy percent of gun-violence victims are very young — ages 12 through 31. And there are proven strategies to interrupt these cycles of violence that are often group involved, that are relationship based.
A lot of the other incidents like car thefts and armed robberies are also related to groups that are known to the city, that are known to law enforcement. So for me the package looks like increasing accountability for law enforcement, investing in community-based safety strategies that we know work to prevent violence, investing in alternatives to policing so that we’re not relying on police to answer every single kind of call that’s coming into 911, so that we have a more holistic system of safety that’s working to keep people safe.

Do you get the idea that Lisa Bender thinks of certain phrases as if they were magical incantations? She speaks of “community-based safety strategies” as if merely saying these words will end the spree of carjackings and shootings that plague Minneapolis. Of course, she is corrected that their are “proven strategies to interrupt these cycles of violence” — you send the cops to arrest the perpetrators, prosecute them and ship them off to state prison for 10 or 20 years. That will “interrupt” their criminal career, but that’s probably not what she had in mind.

And whatever the “community-based safety strategies” might do, it will be too late to save the people already murdered in Minneapolis:

A 20-year-old man was fatally shot early Thursday in north Minneapolis, marking the city’s 78th homicide of the year.
Police found the man, later identified as Edward Mathew Thomas Hodges Jr., lying in the 2700 block of N. Dupont Avenue just before 3 a.m. after a ShotSpotter activation. A police spokesman said officers saw numerous people fleeing on foot. Hodges, who had been shot in the chest, died at the scene.
The Hennepin County Medical Examiner on Thursday also identified the man gunned down in his car earlier this week in the 3800 block of N. Girard Avenue early Tuesday as Frank L. Barber, 49, of Crystal.
The 78 homicides in 2020 make it the third-worst year for such deaths in Minneapolis. In all of 2019, there were 48 homicides. The highest number, 97, was recorded in 1995; the second-highest, 83, in 1996.

In case you didn’t do the math, that’s a 63% increase in the number of homicides, compared to 2019, and the year is not over yet.

Just a few more holistic victims of community-based murders.

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)


Rule 5 Sunday: Natalie Dormer

Posted on | November 30, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

One can criticize HBO’s Game Of Thrones series for a lot of things, but one thing you can’t carp at is the casting. There were a plethora of attractive ladies playing major roles, and one of them was natalie Dormer, whose character Margaery Tyrell got a big upgrade from her fairly minor role in G.R.R. Martin’s original novels. Here she is in the stage play “Venus In Furs”.

Not looking very royal in this one…

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1183, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five New Amendments Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Khadijah Ibrahim, Alana Boden, Il Trovatore, Marnie, The Ride, Hamlet, Speaker Occasional Cortex, Elektra, Hillbilly Elegy, Scent Of A Woman, Lucia di Lammermoor, Post Turkey Day, Die Walkure, Cutting The Turkey Without Them, and Kiri Te Kanawa.

A View From The Beach: Arctic Fox – Sienna Guillory, Fish Pic Black Friday – Jen KitchenTattoo ThanksgivingSome Wednesday WetnessTwo Different Approaches to OystersTanlines TuesdayYour Monday Morning Stimulant and Not A Palm Sunday

Proof Positive: A double dose of Vintage Thanksgiving Babes!

Red Pilled Jew: Women With Braids

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Relay Breakdown

Posted on | November 30, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Relay Breakdown

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

The True Story of a Teenage Patriot
Pushing Rubber Downhill
Dark Brightness
The Rabbit Hole
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Monday: Julie London
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

DNA of the Doomed
Pushing Rubber Downhill
Bacon Time
Dark Brightness

The ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Movement Is Dangerous, and Yet Often Hilarious
The Pirate’s Cove
The Political Hat
357 Magnum

‘A Year Without Christmas’
The First Street Journal

FMJRA 2.0: Sandman
A View From The Beach

Immigration: Fallacies and Logic

When Police Yell ‘Drop the Gun,’ Guess What Happens If You Don’t?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.23.20
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

$57 Worth of Hamburgers and Corn Dogs
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.24.20
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

When Police Yell ‘Drop the Knife,’ Guess What Happens If You Don’t?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.25.20
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

A Short Probation in Chicago
357 Magnum

The Vision of the Anointed’ Returns

The Anti-‘Anti-Racist’ Professor
357 Magnum

Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Killed

The Biden Agenda: ‘South Minneapolis Is Worse Than I’ve Ever Seen It’
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 11.27.20 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.27.20 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending November 27:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  357 Magnum (13)
  3.  A View From The Beach (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Activists Demand ‘Justice’ After Black Teens Murdered in Sacramento Mall

Posted on | November 29, 2020 | Comments Off on Activists Demand ‘Justice’ After Black Teens Murdered in Sacramento Mall

Remember when Black Lives Matter activists made “defund the police” the core demand of their movement? After two teenagers were shot to death Friday, now they want police to apprehend the killer:

The family of two teenagers killed during a Friday shooting inside the Arden Fair mall spoke out on Saturday during a tearful vigil service.
The two victims were brothers: 19-year-old Dewayne James Jr. and 17-year-old Sa’Quan Reed-James. Family and friends gathered at the mall at 6 p.m. to pay respects and ask the community to step forward with information and demand more resources for the community’s Black youth amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“We just want justice,”
said the teens’ aunt, Sharron Jackson.
The shopping mall erupted in gunfire Friday night just after 6 p.m. and the teens were shot near the mall’s southwest entrance.
James was pronounced dead at the scene, while Reed-James was taken to UC Davis Medical Center, where he died several hours later. . . .
Leia Schenk, founder of Empact; Allegra Tayor, founder of The Village Advocates of Sacramento; and Jamilia Land, a local activist with ties to the James family, all spoke at the vigil.
“Whoever is out there who did this, may God have mercy on your soul,” Land said, holding back tears. . . .
The suspect, believed to be a man in his 20s, remains at large. Police have given few details but said they are working to make an arrest using surveillance footage captured by mall cameras and witness statements.
“It’s time for the community to stand up, take back our community, teach our children different,” Land said. “Give them something other than guns and rap music to pick up and follow behind.”

Notice that there is no description of the “man in his 20s” who perpetrated this murder. Probably not a Trump supporter, IYKWIMAITYD.


Le Mot Juste

Posted on | November 29, 2020 | 1 Comment

There are certain ideas that are best expressed in French, and some that can scarcely be expressed otherwise. Esprit de corps, for example.

What I have in mind today, however, is panache and savoir faire. The former suggests conspicuous self-confidence, particularly in matters of style, while the latter refers to knowledge of how to act appropriately in any given situation. These phrases come to mind in response to a Rod Dreher column about the movie version of J.D. Vance’s memoir Hillbilly Elegy. If you don’t know the story: Vance grew up in a small Ohio town near Cincinnati, joined the Marines after high school, returned after his service to get a political science degree at Ohio State University and then went on to get his law degree at Yale. His memoir is a sort of sociological treatise about the problems afflicting Middle America, and particularly the plight of the white working class. Dreher calls attention to a critic who complains that the screenwriters “lay on the ‘country man vs. the elites’ details rather thick — is it really believable that this guy would’ve gone all the way to Yale Law School without learning which utensil to use for which course, or that there’s more than one type of white wine?”

Why does the critic find this incredible? Because there is an association between (a) parental wealth and (b) attending Yale Law School. Nearly all students at elite law schools are the children of college-educated professionals. Most of these students have also attended private prep schools and got their undergraduate education at elite universities. At Yale Law, there are very few students from Midwestern small towns, and fewer still who served in the military. What percentage of Yale Law students have ever fired an M-16? Perhaps a fraction of a single percentage point. So the Marine Corps veteran from Ohio was duck out of water in New Haven, where most of his classmates came from backgrounds where one is expected to know the difference between chardonnay and sauvignon blanc. It isn’t really surprising that J.D. Vance wouldn’t know this. There may be wine connoisseurs in the Marine Corps or at Ohio State University, but such people aren’t nearly as common as they are at Yale, because in America, elite is usually just a fancy word for “rich.” (And, of course, the word “elite” is originally French.)

It seems to be assumed by the children of the rich that their wealth is proof of superior merit. It is further assumed by such people that the Ivy League has a monopoly on academic excellence because everyone who is smart enough to be admitted to an Ivy League school would, of course, choose to attend an Ivy League school. Thus, to have attended a state university is evidence of one’s intellectual inferiority.

There are several problems with such beliefs. There are highly intelligent young people who simply disdain the competitive “grind” mentality necessary to be considered eligible for admission at Yale (Harvard, Cornell, etc.), and figure they’ll do all right in life without a degree from a fancy “elite” university. There is certainly more fun to be had as a frat boy at Ole Miss than as a Phi Beta Kappa at Harvard. Let’s face it — the prettiest girl at Harvard wouldn’t rate better than a “7” at Ole Miss. Academic excellence is not the only standard of merit; Jeffrey Toobin went to Harvard and look what scum he proved to be.

Now, as to one’s knowledge of wine varieties and formal table settings, these are deficits of knowledge that are easily remedied. The problem in J.D. Vance’s case is that he failed to anticipate the situation, which would have allowed him to be prepared. One’s first time at a formal dinner can be daunting, but “fake it ’til you make it” works as a general approach to all such situations. Just act like you know what you’re doing, and most people won’t be able to tell the difference, even at Yale Law. However, there is no shame in honest ignorance, and one would imagine that, in Vance’s particular situation, he could have played it off with a joke: “My squad didn’t get invited to any formal dinners in Baghdad. Now, which one of these forks am I supposed to use?” This is what panache is about.

Did you know that the word panache has a military origin? It can be traced back to the 16th century, referring to the feathered plumes that cavalry officers wore on their helmets. Thus, panache came to describe the quality of gallant boldness characteristic of that class. The most literal translation of savoir faire is simply “know how.” A worldly gentleman, well traveled and acquainted with social customs, conducts himself with savoir faire, knowing how to behave whether he is duck hunting or dining with royalty. Any ambition young man should aspire to possessing both panache and savoir faire, not in a snobby show-off way, but rather because exemplifying these qualities will recommend him as a valuable associate, worthy of comradeship among the best people.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 11.27.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | November 28, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Welcome to the Friday late night linkagery. Got the black lights on and the Tangerine Dream in my headphones; feel free to rave in the comments. Hat tip to Mr. William Hoge of Hogewash for the pic of the groovy Australian cousins.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Lit af, y’all. Turn off the lights, and I’ll glow…

357 Magnum: Good Guys 2, Bad Guys 0
Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts
Director Blue: Infographic – In Michigan, Bombshell Allegations Of Rampant Vote Fraud Made By Sidney Powell & Her Team
EBL: Horatio Nelson Joins The Royal Navy
Twitchy: Ted Cruz – John Brennan Consistently Sides With Iranian Zealots
Louder With Crowder: JP Sears Prepares You To Be More Obedient To Your Government This Holiday Season
Vox Popoli: The Threat Of Section 230, also, The PA House Steps In, also also, A Second Opinion
According To Hoyt: Keep Your Eyes Open
Monster Hunter Nation: DO Not BE Alarmed
Andrew Torba: Social Media “Influencer” Culture Is Crap

American Conservative: Drive Like It’s 1950 On US-11
American Greatness: Round 2 Of The Great Trump War Sets The Stage For Round 3
American Power: French Government & Academics Not Down With Anti-Racist Bafflegab
American Thinker: What The Election Will Come Down To
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five New Amendment Friday
Babalu Blog: Why Democrats Lost A Huge Chunk Of The Hispanic Vote To Trump – And Why They’re Set To Lose More
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For November 27
Cafe Hayek: The “New Economy” Enriches Us All
CDR Salamander: Have A Happy Navy Thanksgiving
Da Tech Guy: In Damavand’s Shadow
Don Surber: Democrats Are Losing Ground
First Street Journal: The Special Snowflakes Are Just So Upset! also, The Justification For The Change
The Geller Report: PA State Legislature Files Resolution Disputing Statewide Election Results, also, NV Evidence “Compelling For Any Court”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Your Mileage May Vary
Hollywood In Toto: Why Kurt Russell Calls his Fellow Actors “Court Jesters”
JustOneMinute: Pardon Their Coverage
The Lid: Freshman Rep Maria Elvira Salazar Creating A GOP Anti-Socialist Squad
Legal Insurrection: PA State Judge Upholds Halt To Certification, also, Sen. Cotton – Biden’s DHS Pick Disqualified; Sold Green Cards To Red Chinese On Behalf Of Wealthy Democrat Donors
Nebraska Energy Observer: How Is This Possible?
Power Line: Thoughts From The Ammo Line, also, Back To The Future Of Conservatism
Shark Tank: DeSantis Says Florida Ready To Distribute Vaccines
Shot In The Dark: Rebellious
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Again With The “Cashless” Thing
Victory Girls: Trust Fund Kids Disavow Capitalism
Volokh Conspiracy: The “I’m For Legal Immigration” Dodge
Weasel Zippers: Olbermann Calls For Jailing All Trump Supporters For Not Agreeing With Democrat Policies, also, Single Mom Plans To Defy MN Ban And Open Her Bar Today
The Federalist: Carter Page Sues DOJ, FBI, James Comey, & Others Behind Crossfire Hurricane FISA Abuse, also, The Future Of President Trump’s Agenda Hangs On Georgia

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In The Mailbox: 11.27.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | November 27, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.27.20 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

More linkagery later tonight, and of course the usual deadlines for the usual weekend posts. Subject to change depending on tryptophan overdosing.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: More Like 1930s Germany Every Day
Director Blue: Infographic – The Shocking Allegations Of Vote Fraud In Sidney Powell’s Georgia Lawsuit
EBL: Hillbilly Elegy – A Review
Twitchy: John Brennan Infuriated By Report That Iran’s Top Nuke Boffin Killed
Louder With Crowder: Calling All Patriots To Disobey
Vox Popoli: An Analysis Of The Powell Filing In GA. also, Happy Thanksgiving
Stoic Observations: His Name Is Robert Springett

Adam Piggott: The Art Of The Political Deal
American Conservative: Our Rebel Thanksgiving
American Greatness: A Thanksgiving Worthy Of The Meaning
American Power: How To Be An Anit-Anti-Racist
American Thinker: Democrats Must Regret Messing With Texas
Animal Magnetism: Happy Thanksgiving!
Babalu Blog: Some Things Cuban Americans Should Be Grateful For This Thanksgiving
BattleSwarm: SR-71 Pilot Brian Shul On Being Thankful
Cafe Hayek: Thankful For Ivor Cummins
CDR Salamander: Nice Oil Trade You Have There – Shame If Something Happened To It
Da Tech Guy: Thanksgiving Thoughts Under The Fedora – They’re Still Scared, also, A Modest Suggestion For Those Who Can’t Tweet The Complaints From Sidney Powell’s Site
Don Surber: Election Theft & The Audacity Of Evil, also, How Donald Trump Saved Thanksgiving
First Street Journal: Things For Which I Am Thankful
The Geller Report: Twitter Blocks Links To Sidney Powell Election Lawsuits, also, SCOTUS Thrashes Gov. Cuomo, Blocks His Restrictions On NY Worshipers
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Thanksgiving At Stately Hoge Manor
JustOneMinute: Say Hello To Amy Coney Barrett
The Lid: Religious Freedom Wins Out Over NY’s Anti-Faith Shutdown
Legal Insurrection: Mexico’s President Still Refuses To Recognize (Alleged) Biden Win, also, Sidney Powell Releases The Kraken
Nebraska Energy Observer: Gobble
Power Line: COVID Shutdowns & Masks, also, Behind The Left’s Primal Scream Over SCOTUS’ Religious Liberty Ruling
Shark Tank: Wasserman-Schultz Whines About Senate GOP Pushing “Lame Duck Judges”
Shot In The Dark: The End Of The Beginning
The Political Hat: Happy Thanksgiving For 2020!
This Ain’t Hell: Lawyer Accused Of Stealing Nearly $1 MIllion From Vets Charity, also, Thanksgiving FGS
Victory Girls: Hillbilly Gratitude On Thanksgiving
Volokh Conspiracy: On Thanksgiving 2020, The New Roberts Court Has Arrived
Weasel Zippers: Joe Biden Tries To Deliver A Thanksgiving Message Quoting From The Bible, also, President Trump’s Thanksgiving Message
The Federalist: Why Is Big Media Hiding That Illinois Has More COVID Cases Than Florida? also, No, The Pilgrims Didn’t Desecrate Indian Graves, And Other Myths
Mark Steyn: Over The River, Through The Years

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The Biden Agenda: ‘South Minneapolis Is Worse Than I’ve Ever Seen It’

Posted on | November 27, 2020 | Comments Off on The Biden Agenda: ‘South Minneapolis Is Worse Than I’ve Ever Seen It’

Kowalski’s Market is a grocery store chain in the Minneapolis area. Their store at 2440 Hennepin Avenue serves the so-called “Uptown” neighborhood southeast of downtown Minneapolis. Unfortunately for local shoppers, (a) liberals in Minneapolis decided to “defund” their police department and (b) Uptown is in Rep. Ilhan Omar’s congressional district. A column in the local newspaper tells about a woman named Elaine who was brutally robbed in the parking lot of Kowalski’s, and quotes the store’s security chief, Scott Nelson:

Committed to pursuing justice for Elaine, Nelson laments that we “need police service and we need more of it. South Minneapolis is worse than I’ve ever seen it.” He describes the surge of 20-plus attacks a day that are now striking people just going about their daily business, people like Elaine.
Usually in a stolen car, perpetrators Nelson describes as “young teens, 12-to-14 years old” cruise from lot to lot in neighborhood business districts, waiting for a victim, “like a deer hunter sits in a tree.”
When they are apprehended, Nelson says consequences are negligible. “I arrest the same people over and over. Nothing happens to them.”

Gonna take a wild guess that these marauding groups of teenage criminals probably aren’t Trump supporters, IYKWIMAITYD.

As I explained yesterday (“The Vision of the Anointed Returns”) a nationwide crime wave is likely to be one consequence of a Biden presidency. Democrats are anti-police and pro-criminal, and what is happening in Minneapolis is an example of where such a policy leads.

Earlier this month, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that the city had experienced 76 carjackings or attempted carjackings in a span of seven weeks. That report followed an alert from the police department:

The Minneapolis 5th Police Precinct has issued a crime alert, with a map detailing 19 carjackings since Oct. 14; most of them have occurred in the Uptown area.
The crime alert stated, “The increase in street robberies, including carjacking incidents, has been persistent and very troubling this year.” The alert also said the perpetrators are generally teens or young adults and in some cases are wearing masks, making it difficult to identify them. . . .
According to police records, 12 of the carjacking and robbery victims have been women.

Who are these perpetrators? Last month, we learned the name of two of them after they were killed, along with a third perpetrator, when they wrecked a stolen car during a high-speed pursuit:

Three people died when the vehicle they were in rolled as they attempted to flee from police in Minneapolis early Monday morning.
According to the Minneapolis Police Department, officers saw the vehicle in the area of Dowling and Logan avenues at about 1:44 a.m. Officers recognized the vehicle as being a vehicle taken by force during a carjacking Sunday morning.
Officers attempted a traffic stop, but the driver drove away at a high rate of speed, according to police.
A pursuit took place and officers then saw the driver lose control of the vehicle in the area of Emerson and 18th avenues.
Police said the vehicle’s three occupants died as a result of the crash.
“I got a phone call at work at 4:00 a.m. this morning saying my son was gone,” Thomas Wright said.
Wright says his son Jamonte Welch, age 15, was inside the car, along with his nephew Demetrius Dobbins.
“My son, my nephew, the other little buddy, they were not bad kids. They just needed a little guidance,” he said.

Jamonte and Demetrius “just needed a little guidance,” you see. That’s probably a fair summary of the Biden agenda on crime. You get carjacked, and the perpetrators get “a little guidance,” assuming they’re not killed in a fiery crash. In this particular case, the young perpetrators stole a car after punching a 72-year-old woman in the face:

“They punched her and knocked her to the ground to get her purse. They took off in their car, got halfway down the alley, realized they had the keys to her car backed up and she was standing up by now they got back out, hopped in her car,” said [Theresa] Schlee.
Schlee says her aunt’s car is the one Minneapolis police were chasing through north Minneapolis early Monday morning, with three teenagers inside.
All three teenagers in the car died when they lost control and crashed. Schlee says her aunt had been in the area near Dowling Ave. N, taking care of a relative’s cat.
“That kind of blatant attack in the middle of the day to an elderly person who was there just feeding a cat, it’s like, that’s not right,” said Schlee. . . .
With the recent spike in carjackings in the Twin Cities, Schlee says she hopes this tragic situation makes people think twice before following suit.
“They look at this and not see, oh they’re just victims because the police chased after them. No, they suffered some awful consequences for some bad choices,” said Schlee.

You punch a 72-year-old woman in the face, don’t expect much sympathy when you die in a fiery crash in a stolen car. Except from Joe Biden, maybe, because Democrats support your criminal agenda.

There have been 358 carjackings in Minneapolis this year and, so far as we know, none of the perpetrators were Trump supporters.

Minneapolis is in Hennepin County, where Biden got 71% of the vote, with 532,623 votes to Trump’s 205,973 — a margin of 326,650 votes. Statewide, Biden carried Minnesota by a 233,012-vote margin, so that if you subtract Hennepin County from the statewide totals, Trump carried the rest of Minnesota by a margin of more than 90,000 votes.

Minneapolis voted for this crime wave. They deserve it. My advice to anyone who wants to survive is to get the hell out of Minneapolis.


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