The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Devil Went Down to Georgia

Posted on | November 15, 2020 | 1 Comment

What has happened to my native state? Last night on The Other Podcast with John Hoge, I discussed some of the numbers from the presidential vote in Georgia where, we are told, Joe Biden won by about 14,000 votes. How could this happen? Well, you can start by comparing this year’s election to 2016, when Trump beat Clinton in Georgia 50.4% to 45.4% with a margin of 211,141 votes. Trump increased his vote total from about 2.1 million votes in 2016 to nearly 2.5 million in 2020, an almost 18% increase. However, Biden’s total in 2020 was nearly 32% more than Hillary got four years ago. The Democratic gain was concentrated in a handful of counties; in Fulton County (Atlanta) for example, Biden got about 84,000 votes more than Clinton. Biden’s margin of nearly a quarter-million votes in Fulton County — 381,144 to Trump’s 137,240 — was sufficient to account entirely for his victory; that is to say, Trump won the state except for Atlanta. We shall see if that result withstands a recount, but meanwhile there’s this . . .

Georgia Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler unleashed an onslaught this week against Rev. Raphael Warnock, trying to portray her Democratic opponent and the 15-year leader of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic church in Atlanta as an anti-police Marxist who will destroy America.
Warnock has described the arc of his life from the Savannah projects to Dr. King’s pulpit in Atlanta, and recently preempted personal attacks in an ad poking fun at negative campaigning. But the Loeffler campaign hopes to undercut the Democratic candidate’s image before the runoff election on January 5, one of two that are expected to determine which party controls the Senate.
Loeffler said on Wednesday that if she and Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue win, they will “save the country.”
Loeffler and Perdue have labeled their campaigns against Warnock and Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff as a grand fight between the United States and socialism . . .

The fact that both of Georgia’s U.S. Senate seats are up for election, and that both are headed to a runoff, needs to be explained. Last December, former Sen. Johnny Isaacson resigned because of his health, and Gov. Brian Kemp appointed Loeffler to finish Isaacson’s term, with a special election this year to fill the seat. For some reason that I don’t understand, this special election took the form of a “jungle primary,” with multiple candidates from every party running on the same ballot. Of course, the issue quickly boiled down to (a) whether Loeffler could fend off Republican rival Rep. Doug Collins, and (b) which of several candidates would become the Democratic opponent. Loeffler beat Collins 26%-20% — that is to say, the two leading Republicans got a combined 46% of the “jungle primary” vote — and Warnock became the Democratic nominee with 32.9%, which is nearly two-thirds of the total Democratic vote.

Meanwhile, in the regular Senate election, incumbent Republican Sen. David Perdue seemed to be cruising to victory on Election Night against Democratic challenger Jon Ossoff until — with the addition of the same suspicious late votes that allegedly tipped the state to Biden — Perdue’s total was reduced to a few thousand less than the majority needed to avoid a runoff. As with the Biden vote, this was entirely explained by the results in Fulton County, where Ossoff ran up a 220,000-vote margin. That is why both Senate races are now headed to a runoff, with Republicans needing to win both seats if Mitch McConnell is to retain GOP control in the Senate. Almost certainly, the two Georgia seats will go the same way; it is unlikely that voters would split tickets, especially with millions of out-of-state dollars flooding in to “nationalize” this election. And so if one of the Democrats loses, probably both of them will lose.

This is why Raphael Warnock has a target on his back:

Rev. Raphael Warnock, the Democrat candidate for Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff race, said in a speech in 2016 that “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness.”
“If it is true that a man who has dominated the news and poisoned the discussion for months needs to repent, then it is doubly true that a nation that can produce such a man and make his vitriol go viral needs to repent,” Warnock said in an address at Atlanta’s Candler School of Theology right before the 2016 presidential election.
“No matter what happens next month, more than a third of the nation that would go along with this is reason to be afraid,” Warnock emphasized. “America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness on full display.” . . .
Warnock’s mentor, Dr. James Cone, fought against “satanic whiteness” and called for the “destruction of everything white” in society.

Read all of that, and when you’re done, next read about Warnock’s radical mentor, a proponent of Marxist “black liberation theology.”


Biden’s #DAMP Victory

Posted on | November 15, 2020 | 2 Comments

by Smitty

Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia. DAMP. Damp AlFredo, IYKWIMAITYD. These four cities have some major ‘splaining to do. It’s Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City…Except These Four lays out some of the gravity-defying numbers involved. Read the whole thing, in addition to the Patrick Basham piece it links.

The providential thing, beside having a POTUS who triumphantly treads titanium testicle territory on hand to deal with this mess, is that the legislatures of those four states are under GOP control. Tellingly, the selection of electors is a matter for the state legislatures only, as noted in this outstanding American Greatness post. The Electoral College was incorporated into the Constitution literally for this situation. Literally As [FLOWERBED]. LAF. It’s funny.

Doing anything about the DAMP situation involves releasing some forensic accounting or other evidence that shows substantial hanky-panky. Sidney Powell was on Lou Dobbs and allowed that she was about to “Release the kraken”, which obviously must mean something other than an outburst of Toobinism.

Scott Adams, whom I take in almost daily (great at 1.5X on Spotify) has been making allusions to forensic accounting work being done by 800lb brains with whom he’s in contact. But then he spins a high-minded movie script scenario where Trump proves conclusively that he (and Americans) have been robbed, but it’s too late, and Trump has to eat some political crap sandwich, allow Biden to be inaugurated, and fight an outsider-outsider fight, instead of the insider-outsider fight Trump has already waged for four years.

That’s an interesting scenario, but it is rejected on two grounds:

  1. If Trump fails to protect the elections stipulated in the Constitution, and allows a Biden steal, then THERE MAY NEVER BE ANOTHER STRAIGHT ELECTION. Bad behavior unchecked will escalate.
  2. I want (after fair trials in court, of course) REVENGE.

One wishes to fall short of connecting dots in a conspiratorial way. But the flaky election law changes, Coronavirus weirdness, and seeing a guy who blew campaigning right off set a record for most votes ever just fails to pass the smell test.
I guess if you believe anything the media says, you can buy that. I’ve got ~73M Trump voters who have not visited that particular dispensary or lit up thereafter.
No, this is a referendum on the country. Trump needs to fight as long as legal recourse lasts. It’s far from over, and his relative silence on the matter has to have the Lefties DAMP with their flop sweat.

‘Properly Evolved’: How Pseudo-Eugenic Tropes Foretold Bob Chipman’s Doom

Posted on | November 14, 2020 | 4 Comments

Ace of Spades has a brief rundown of how “MovieBob” Chipman became a casualty of cancel culture, i.e., another “male feminist” exposed as a problematic creep. This non-surprising exposure triggered a memory of a time a few years ago — September 2017 –when I’d researched Chipman because of something Ian Miles Cheong said on Twitter:

If you don’t know who Bob Chipman is, it’s not your fault. He’s an untalented nobody with a YouTube channel who was a movie critic or something for a site called The Escapist until (a) in 2014 he became obsessed with ranting against #GamerGate and (b) in 2015 was laid off from The Escapist, and although (c) it would be a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy to suppose (a) and (b) were related, (d) most people do.
Anyway, I never heard of the guy until Tuesday, when Ian Miles Cheong tweeted about “Bob Chipman and the Unhealthy Preoccupation with The Superior Future,” which turns out to be one of Chipman’s stock phrases.

Another of his stock phrases was “properly evolved” as a synonym for progressive. If you vote Democrat, you’re “properly evolved,” otherwise you are a Neanderthal, according to Bob Chipman.

Making politics the measure of one’s genetic worthiness is profoundly problematic. One cannot breed ideas; intellectual abstractions are not hereditary; beliefs are not part of your DNA. But you see that Bob Chipman latched onto this notion of progressivism as proof of superiority for a very simple reason: In no other way is he superior.

As a matter of fact, Bob looks defective, like someone suffering from a bizarre malfunction of the endocrine glands. He is visibly unhealthy. It is highly unlikely he would ever find a woman willing to bear his children and, therefore, he’s a failure from a Darwinian perspective.

MovieBob is also, not surprisingly, a videogame nerd who went all-in trashing the #GamerGate movement in 2014. He later went all-in for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, which was when some of his “progressive” comrades (especially Bernie Sanders supporters) began calling attention to his tendency to use eugenics-influenced rhetoric. In the wake of his recent exposure, Chipman has locked his Twitter account, but you can find a sample of such rhetoric compiled here. In September 2016, for example, Chapman said “people of vision and intelligence need to re-assert their power”; in May 2017 he denounced the “worthless trash-people” who had elected Trump; he had previously lamented that eugenics had been “tainted” by the Nazis.

Does everyone see the irony in this? Many of his “progressive” allies were willing to overlook MovieBob’s problematic tendencies for years, but then one day a cute girl says, “Yuck, stop being a creeper,” and that’s all it took to incinerate his career. Such standards, these people.


In The Mailbox: 11.13.20

Posted on | November 14, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Deadlines for the usual weekend linkagery at the usual times.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Of course. You must protect Veidt’s new utopia. What’s one more body amongst the foundations? Well, what are you waiting for?

OVER THE TRANSOM United States National Election Fraud
357 Magnum: Another Failure Of The Victim-Selection Process
Red Pilled Jew: Quick Take – I Will Not Be “The Better Man”
EBL: Friday The 13th – What Could Go Wrong?
Twitchy: How Bad Is It right Now For Nancy Pelosi?
Louder With Crowder: Fauci Lets The Mask Slip, Tells Americans “Do What You’re Told”
Vox Popoli: Too Implausible For Fiction, also, Arizona Voting Machines Not Legit
According To Hoyt: Let’s Stop Pretending ANY Of This Is Normal

American Greatness: Forgotten Again, also, Trump Campaign, Georgia GOP Cry Foul As State Begins “False Recount” Without Enough Monitors
American Thinker: The Founders Outsmarted The Presidential Election Fraudsters, also, Big Data To The Rescue
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Lupine Friday
Babalu Blog: Meme Of The Day – Democrats Still Can’t Believe They Lost Florida Because Of Hispanics
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For November 13
Cafe Hayek: Associate Justice Samuel Alito
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Coming Outbreak Of Jefffrey Epstein Disease In Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, & Las Vegas, also, A Third Visit To The Twitter GULAG, or, Guess Who Got Locked & Slandered Over A Benford’s Law Tweet Again?
Don Surber: Hispanics Kept Texas Red, also, Don’t Blow Off AOC
First Street Journal: George Soros Still Spending Money To Destroy Responsible Civilization, also, Did The Green Party Cost President Trump The Vote In Pennsylvania?
The Geller Report: “Never Bet Against Me” – Trumps Lays Out The Path To Victory, also, MORE FRAUD – Dominion Voting Systems Have Functionality To Override & Process Blank Ballot
Hogewash: Look Closely, You’re In This Picture, also, Hitting The DELETE Button
Hollywood In Toto: Vince Vaughn Is So Money In Body Swap Shocker Freaky, also, Come Away Shows Hollywood At Its Most Manipulative
The Lid: Democrats Still Haven’t Conceded The 2016 Election, Why Should Trump Concede Before Court Challenges Are Settled?
Legal Insurrection: Joy Reid & Adam Schiff think Any Congressional Investigation Into A Biden Administration Would Be “Obstruction”, also, CA Judge Orders San Diego To Strip Clubs Based On 1st Amendment, But Churches Still Closed
Power Line: Fox News – What Happened? also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Rep. Mast Fundraises For Trump’s Legal Defense Fund
Shot In The Dark: Unity
The Political Hat: Taking The Piss Out Of Men In Sweden While Sitting Down
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Lowlife Update – Grazioplene
Victory Girls: Obama Doesn’t Believe In America
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS Decides To Hear Important Takings Case
Weasel Zippers: Elon Musk Says He Was Tested Four Times For Corona-chan – Two Positive & Two Negative Results, also, Senior Administration Officials Lied To Trump About Troop Levels In Syria
The Federalist: CNN Compares Trump Administration To Nazi Regime, also, Left-Wing Activist Group Launches Strategic Harassment Campaign Against Trump Election Lawyers
Mark Steyn: When An Old Friend Calls, also, Live Around The Planet

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Are You a ‘Far-Right Extremist’?

Posted on | November 13, 2020 | Comments Off on Are You a ‘Far-Right Extremist’?

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, anyone concerned about the integrity of the 2020 election is part of a “cluster of far-right extremists including neo-fascists, white nationalists and militia members.” Thus do they describe the #StopTheSteal rally planned for noon Saturday at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. Among the featured guests at the D.C. rally are Michelle Malkin. Amy Kremer, Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec and many other pro-Trump personalities.

So now the SPLC is defining support for the President of the United States as “hate.” People should be alarmed by this.


In The Mailbox: 11.12.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | November 13, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.12.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Red Pilled Jew: An E-Mail From A Friend, With Added Thoughts
357 Magnum: Things I Find Irritating About Tech, #447
EBL: Soros Wants The Senate
Twitchy: Trump Accountability Project Blacklist Calling It Quits, Or Says It Is
Louder With Crowder: Biden’s COVID Advisor Thinks a 4-6 Week National Lockdown Is An Awesome Idea
Vox Popoli: The Detroit Whistleblower, also, #Maidengate Expands
Stoic Observations: Passive
Aggressive Political Analysis

Monster Hunter Nation: I Asked One Simple Question To People Who Work With Fraud

American Conservative: The Realignment Is Real
American Greatness: The Death Of Fox News, also, The Gaslighting Of The American People
American Power: The Most Extensive PsyWar Op In History
American Thinker: The Real Election Trump Card – Refuse To Certify, also, Concede Nothing!
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Linguistics News
Babalu Blog: Federal Judge Clears Path For Lawsuit Against PAHO For Its Role In Trafficking Cuban Slave Doctors
BattleSwarm: Every MSM Outlet – Postal Voting Fraud Whistleblower Recants! Whistleblower – No I Didn’t!
Cafe Hayek: Questions For All Who Support/Tolerate COVID-19 Lockdowns
CDR Salamander: Time To Update The Natsec Firmware
Da Tech Guy: The Keystone State Is The Key, also, By Trying To Steal The Election The Democrats Have Poked A Very Dangerous Dragon In The Eye
Don Surber: Wall Street May Move To Dallas, also, CNN Breezes Past Fox News
First Street Journal: Do They Not Even See Themselves? also, The KY Supremes Don’t Care About Our Civil Rights
Fred On Everything: Bilge To The Right, Bilge To The Left, And Not A Drop To Drink
The Geller Report: Dominion Voting Systems Deleted 2.7 Million Trump Votes Nationwide, also, MIT PhD Analysis Of Michigan Shows How Algorithms Re-Tabulated Trump Votes To Flip To Biden
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The Next 69 Days
Hollywood In Toto: The Perfect Beginner’s Guide To Film Noir, also, Why The Team Behind The Climb Refused To Follow The PC Rules
JustOneMinute: We Hear From Karl Rove & John Yoo Too
The Lid: Pollster John McLaughlin – Many Polls Boosted Biden Numbers To Suppress Trump Vote
Legal Insurrection: Trump To Form Digital Media Empire To Compete With Fox? also, Georgia Headed To Manual Recount
Michelle Malkin: No Time For Phony Healing
Power Line: Tucker Carlson Persists, also, Warnock An Inartful Dodger
Shark Tank: Is Eskamani Considering A Run For Governor In 2022?
Shot In The Dark: Higher Calling
The Political Hat: Legalizing Thieving Wretches In Seattle
This Ain’t Hell: L. Ron Hubbard Stolen Valor? also, The Wheels Of Justice Grind Slowly
Victory Girls: Stop The Circus, Speaker Pelosi
Volokh Conspiracy: PA Court Orders Certain Ballots May Not Be Legally Counted
Weasel Zippers: Trump Does Deal With All Major U.S. Pharmacies To Provide COVID-19 Vaccine Free, also, Post Office Whistleblower Placed On Leave For “Damaging Reputation Of USPS”
The Federalist: #BLM – “We Invested Heavily In This Election And We Want Something For Our Vote”, also, Lawsuit Claims Over 40,000 Fraudulent Ballots Pumped Through Detroit For Biden
Mark Steyn: Annus Horribilis, also, Looking For An Argument

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What’s Wrong With Tomi Lahren?

Posted on | November 12, 2020 | Comments Off on What’s Wrong With Tomi Lahren?

As recently as February, Tomi Lahren was engaged to California businessman Brandon Fricke, a 6-foot-1 former college football quarterback who is now a sports agent. But the couple broke up because “the controversial Fox News star wasn’t ready to settle down,” according to the Daily Mail. That seems rather odd, considering that when she and Fricke announced their engagement in June 2019 — he bought her a $50,000 diamond ring — Lahren declared on Instagram: “I love you more and those are my Final Thoughts and you are my forever.”

What changed? We don’t know, and this would be entirely a personal and private matter, of no interest or concern to me, except that a few months ago, Lauren posted a video on Facebook denouncing men quite generally. This drew the attention of columnist Suzanne Venker:

In her Facebook screed, Lahren railed against today’s men, whom she claimed are “trash,” and then proceeded to offer said men advice on how to land “talented, skilled, ambitious women” like Lahren and her friends “who have something going on.”
She then contrasted women like herself with the “other” kind of women: those who are presumably less ambitious and, according to Lahren, have nothing going on. . . .
Lahren is tired of being ghosted and tired of dealing with men who don’t measure up. “All of my friends are attractive and successful. Almost every single one of them has an issue with men. If all of these women, including myself, are having issues, then I have to think it might not be us. It might be you. It might be men.” . . .
“Don’t call us difficult because we’re not,” Lahren said. “We work hard. We’re successful. We take care of ourselves. We try to look cute. That’s why we have the ability to be what you call ‘difficult’ … We are not ‘not good enough.’ We are too enough, and you can’t handle it.”

Well, doesn’t this invite rebuttal? And since Lahren has made this personal, does it not invite examination of her personal behavior?

Scarcely a year before denouncing men as “trash,” Lahren had declared Fricke her “forever,” before later deciding she “wasn’t ready to settle down” with the guy who bought her a $50,000 ring.

Lahren is now 28. From age 25 to 27, she was involved with Fricke, and before that, when she was 22 or so, she dated a Navy SEAL officer.

Do you think Lahren might be an “Alpha widow”? Do you think her Facebook rant might have something to do with approaching “The Wall”?

These are merely thoughts, you understand. Far be it from me to suggest that Tomi Lahren is damaged goods, exhibiting symptoms of borderline personality disorder, a bundle of neuroses who craves drama and thus is too emotionally unstable to be deemed “wife material.”

It would be wrong to suggest such things, since I don’t know her at all, but on the other hand, I know the type. Every guy knows the type, and that’s probably what inspired her Facebook rant. You see, even the most beautiful woman’s romantic options are never infinite, although it may seem that way to her when she’s young. If she breaks up with her college boyfriend, no big deal, she’s got lots of other options. But what is true at age 21 is not so true at age 28. With a few more miles on the odometer, so to speak, her market value has begun to decline, and she notices that she’s not attracting the same quality of men that she previously attracted. There is a simple explanation for this: By age 30, all the really good guys are already taken — if not married with children, they’re in a relationship heading in that direction. So as she herself approaches 30, the young woman starts finding that the guys she’s meeting all seem to be flawed. It’s like the Island of Misfit Toys.

What she doesn’t want to admit is that she herself is a Misfit Toy.

If she was really so perfect, wouldn’t some guy have married her already? Think about Tomi Lahren. Why didn’t she marry the Navy SEAL boyfriend she had when she was 22? What went wrong with that relationship? We don’t know, but there must be some explanation. People don’t break up for no reason. You can shrug and say, “It just didn’t work out,” but what are we to deduce when the same story happens over and over again? And that’s what we are talking about when the subject is an attractive 28-year-old who, rather mysteriously, has never been able to sustain a relationship for more than a couple of years.

Draw your own conclusions. As I say, I wouldn’t have ever paid attention to it if she hadn’t recorded a 15-minute Facebook rant denouncing all men as “trash.” You have the right to remain silent.


Tucker Carlson’s Tightrope Walk

Posted on | November 12, 2020 | Comments Off on Tucker Carlson’s Tightrope Walk

Scott Johnson at Powerline ponders the plight of Tucker Carlson, who finds himself stuck at a network that has declared war on its audience.

What has surprised me most about Carlson’s tenure at Fox is what we might call his Buchananite streak. He’s far more paleoconservative than I had any reason to imagine prior to 2017, and this populist, “America First,” Old Right tendency puts him at odds with Fox News management.

Have you ever noticed that Fox News has a lot of Catholics from Long Island? The network started with Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity as its biggest stars, and this New York Irish-Catholic vibe — a throwback to the Al D’Amato era — has persisted for 25 years, almost unnoticed. To a large extent, I believe, this explains a lot about the particular brand of “conservatism” that Fox News sells its audience. In New York politics, “conservative” almost always means Catholic, because Northern Protestantism (the National Council of Churches type) drifted leftward on a tide of Rockefeller foundation grants, embracing liberalism and especially becoming “pro-choice” back in the 1960s and ’70s. Meanwhile, led by the Southern Baptist Convention’s Paige Patterson, conservative Protestants put their foot down in defense of the Bible, at almost the exact same time that saw the conservative political triumph that put Ronald Reagan into the White House. But there is nearly zero representation of Southerners at Fox News, because the network was based in New York and so many of the guys Roger Ailes hired in the network’s early years (e.g., Brian Kilmeade, from Nassau County) were Long Island Irish-Catholics. And one thing you must know about such people is that they have a misty-eyed sentimental view of America as a “nation of immigrants,” getting choked up at the mere thought of those “huddled masses” coming through Ellis Island in the early 20th century, and they quote Emma Lazarus as if her poetry were more force of law than the Constitution. And then there’s Tucker Carlson.

He’s not from Long Island and he’s not Catholic, and while there seem to be no hillbilly Bible-thumpers in his family tree, Carlson doesn’t have the reflexive sentimentality about immigration that is typical of so many personalities on Fox News. That distinction has gotten him tagged as a “white nationalist” — welcome to the SPLC hate list, pal — and the departure of writer Blake Neff from Carlson’s staff brought to light the possibility that Tucker has been reading samizdat.

The way Fox News went in the tank for Democrats on Election Night has almost certainly widened the breach between Carlson and the network’s management. While I’m basically done with Fox News — any network that employs Chris Stirewalt is not to be trusted — I still try to catch Carlson’s opening monologue, which remains the best 15 or 20 minutes of TV anywhere. My suspicion is that Carlson will keep pushing the envelope in an attempt to force the network to fire him; that way, he won’t be saddled with a “non-compete” clause when he leaves, and can immediately hire on at NewsMax or some other outfit.


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