The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Bond. James Bond.’

Posted on | November 1, 2020 | 2 Comments

The news Saturday of actor Sean Connery’s death marked the end of an era. For a generation of men, Connery’s portrayal of James Bond — Agent 007 in Her Majesty’s Secret Service — was the ultimate expression of cool. The espionage was just a plot device, really. What counted was the extraordinary character at the center of the adventure.

Nothing could be cooler than the man whom movie audiences first met in a 1962 scene from Dr. No. An MI6 man is sent to find 007 who, of course, is playing baccarat at an exclusive London club, Le Cercle. We see him win two hands before a beautiful brunette asks his name. Pausing before lighting his cigarette, he answers: “Bond. James Bond.”


Connery was a Scotsman of working-class background, and his famous role as a symbol of British sophistication is thus rather ironic, sort of like the way Marion Robert Morrison, a USC frat boy born in Iowa, became famous as a Wild West frontier symbol known as John Wayne.

Connery had a long and distinguished career, playing many roles. He was the paratroop commander Maj. Gen. Roy Urquhart in A Bridge Too Far (1977), and a younger generation of moviegoers met Connery in the role of Indiana Jones’s father in The Last Crusade (1989).

When I was a young bachelor working as a sports editor in Calhoun, Georgia, I had a couple of James Bond movie posters on the wall of my apartment. One day I had a young lady over to dinner and the topic of conversation turned to soap operas. How could women watch those silly shows, I asked, with their unbelievable plot twists? The lady pointed to my James Bond posters and asked if that was more believable.

“James Bond?” I answered. “Oh that stuff is real! The cars? The gadgets? All those sexy ladies? Of course it’s real. He’s a super spy!”

Well, a few months later, for Valentine’s Day, our newspaper ran little personal ads — for some small fee you could send greetings to your sweetheart. My message was addressed to “Sexy Lady,” asking simply “Will You Marry Me?” And it was signed, “Super Spy.”

That was 31 years ago, and I’ve been cool ever since.

Thanks for showing how it’s done, 007. R.I.P.


In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 31, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual deadlines for the usual weekend linkfests are in effect.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Bacon Time: Voices Of Verity
Red Pilled Jew: Rabbi In Israel Prays For Trump
357 Magnum: The Breakdown Of Order In NYC Cultural Superiority Isn’t Racism
EBL: Biden Family Now Under FBI Investigation
Twitchy: USA Fact-Checked The Babylon Bee’s Article About Trump Wanting A Space Navy For The Moon, But Then The Real U.S. Navy Got Involved And ROFL
Louder With Crowder: Forensic Expert Concludes “Smoking Gun” Hunter Biden E-mail Is 100% Real
Vox Popoli: To Ask The Question is To Answer It, also, The Trumpslide Cometh
According To Hoyt: Go Be Americans

Adam Piggott: Shakespeare Would Be Jailed Under Yousaf
American Conservative: Sowing, Reaping, & Locking
American Greatness: Occasional Cortex Wears $14,000 Outfit In Vanity Fair To Curse Trump, also, Black Americans For Trump
American Power: Mark Levin Absolutely Explodes
American Thinker: Win Or Lose, Democrats Have Big Plans For America
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Understanding The Left Friday
Babalu Blog: Jar Jar Biden Pushes For Loving Embrace Of Communist Cuba, Blames Cuban Repression On Darth Trump
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For October 30
Cafe Hayek: Dan Klein Makes A Prediction
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: A Political Horror Story, also, Bobby Orr Scores, Boston Sports Media Hardest Hit
Don Surber: Rural Americans Will Save The USA On Tuesday, also, The State Of The Election Tonight
First Street Journal: Newspapers Need More Than More Digital Subscribers, They Need An Audience Their Editorial Antics Have Alienated
The Geller Report: NYC Voters Receiving Ballots Pre-filled With Straight Democrat Votes, also, Trump Rallies In Rochester, MN – Thousands Defy AG Ellison And Show Up Anyway
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The House That @jack Built
Hollywood In Toto: How Dead & Buried Got Overshadowed By Its Own Marketing Campaign, also, Come Play Recycles Too Many Horror Tropes To Scare Us
JustOneMinute: Last Gasp
The Lid: Disgusting Biden/Harris Campaign Uses Hitler Footage In Campaign Ad
Legal Insurrection: DOJ Confirms FBI Opened Criminal Investigation Into Hunter Biden In 2019 – And It’s Still Active, also, Furman U Prof Who Identified As Chicana Resigns After Being Outed As Anglo
Power Line: Democrats Prefer Cuba To Israel, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Mucarsel Powell Highlights “Environmental Racism” In Florida
Shot In The Dark: Hear That Garment-Rending-y Sound?
The Political Hat: Big Brother Comes To Real Estate
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, Curiouser & Curiouser
Victory Girls: Hypocrites Among Us Here In The Evergreen State
Volokh Conspiracy: Why Biden Is A Lesser Evil Than Trump
Weasel Zippers: Biden On His New Obamacare – “You Can Keep Your Private Insurance If You Like It”, also, Florida Dem Organizer Issues Warning To Biden Camp, CNN Freaks Out
The Federalist: Yes, Media Are Rigging The Election Against Half The Country, also, Theologian John Piper’s Case Against Trump Is Intellectually & Morally Bankrupt
Mark Steyn: Election Day Minus Four – Live Around The Planet, also, Shock & Orr

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After 16 Days of Censorship, Twitter Unlocks the New York Post’s Account

Posted on | October 30, 2020 | 4 Comments

Twitter’s excuse was always dishonest:

Twitter backed down Friday in its battle with The Post and unlocked its main account after a two-week stalemate over the Hunter Biden exposé.
The move came after The Post refused Twitter’s demand that it delete six tweets that linked to stories that the company claimed — without any evidence — were based on hacked information.
The Post never budged, and kept the tweets on the account during the standoff.
In a series of tweets, the social-media giant said it was revising its “Hacked Materials Policy” and “updating our practice of not retroactively overturning prior enforcement.”
“Our policies are living documents,” said one of the tweets from @TwitterSafety.
“We’re willing to update and adjust them when we encounter new scenarios or receive important feedback from the public.”
Twitter arbitrarily cracked down on The Post and locked its account on Oct. 14.
The company claimed The Post violated its policy on sharing “hacked materials” by tweeting links to bombshell exclusives on Biden’s emails — without ever saying how it came to that conclusion.

Not that this means Twitter is now an honest company — they’re not — but this is a tacit admission of their dishonesty, and I suppose that after the election we’ll learn that Twitter’s censorship was ordered by the executives at behest of the Biden campaign. Meanwhile . . .

Look, I don’t want to give anyone hope that Trump will actually win. My belief is that bleak pessimism is the only rational stance toward this election. However, Democrats are worried sick:

Senior officials on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign are increasingly worried about insufficient Black and Latino voter turnout in key states like Florida and Pennsylvania with only four days until the election, according to people familiar with the matter.
Despite record early-vote turnout around the country, there are warning signs for Biden. In Arizona, two-thirds of Latino registered voters have not yet cast a ballot. In Florida, half of Latino and Black registered voters have not yet voted but more than half of White voters have cast ballots, according to data from Catalist, a Democratic data firm. In Pennsylvania, nearly 75% of registered Black voters have not yet voted, the data shows.
The firm’s analysis of early vote numbers also show a surge of non-college educated White voters, who largely back President Donald Trump, compared to voters of color, who overwhelmingly support Biden.

My goal is not to make you think Trump can win — I have reached a Zen of despair — but rather to share the joy of watching Democrats suffer psychiatric trauma because of their fears Biden will lose.

Pure cruelty, you see. Nothing brings out my inner sadist quite as much as the thought of SJWs in the throes of a panic attack, haunted by visions of redneck Trump voters rampaging nationwide in big trucks.

Margaret Carlson says she’s suffering PTSD from Hillary’s loss in 2016.

We can enjoy the spectacle of liberal agony for four more days and then — dare we even hope? — four more years.


In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | October 30, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.30.20 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Happy Nevada Day!
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: A Sixteen Year Old Hero
Bleach Cocktail: More Beheadings Of Peace In France
Red Pilled Jew: The Case For A Republican Landslide In November
EBL: Vintage Halloween
Twitchy: Rick Wilson’s Shaming Of “Trumpworld” For Mocking Hunter Biden’s Addiction Hits An Awkward Snag
Louder With Crowder: Democrat City Council Member Endorses Trump With Fiery Speech That Could Put Michigan In Play
Vox Popoli: They Rationalize Too Much, also, You Already Policed My Speech, Jack
Stoic Observations: Never Scared

Adam Piggott: The Greasy Pole Podcast #15
American Conservative: A Nuts & Bolts Guide To Density People Actually Want
American Greatness: UPS Conducting “Urgent Investigation” Into Missing Hunter Biden Docs Shipped By Fox News, also, The Unelected Tyrants Who Burned Down The Golden State
American Power: The Decline & Fall Of The British Aristocracy
American Thinker: The Polls Shift Toward Trump, also, The Modern World’s Never-Ending War On Faith
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Pushed Toward Trump News
Babalu Blog: New Polls Show Democrats Like Communist Cuba More Than They Like Democratic Israel
BattleSwarm: Hunter Biden, Tony Bobolinski, & The Spy King Of China
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: Strategic Claustrophobia
Da Tech Guy: The Pennsylvania Chaos, also, Quick One-Liners Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Hispanics Screw Up Democrats’ Plans, also, It’s Officially The Greatest Economic Recovery Ever
First Street Journal: The Proper Way To Deal With The Not-So-Peaceful Parts Of “Mostly Peaceful Protests”, also, Could Chief Justice Roberts Be Shoved Aside?
The Geller Report: Van Packed With Explosives Found In Philadelphia Amidst Riots, also, Pelosi Says Biden Will Be Sworn In As president “Whatever The End Count Is On Election Day”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Minnesota?
Hollywood In Toto: Borat, The Crown Prince Of “Punching Down” Comedy, also, Why The Dark Half Captures Stephen King At His Confessional Best
The Lid: UPS Finds Missing Biden Scandal Docs That Went Missing
Legal Insurrection: Girl Scouts Cave To Rabid Leftist Mob, Delete Tweet Congratulating Amy Coney Barrett, also, Oregon Health Official Dresses As Clown While Reviewing Coronavirus Death Toll
Power Line: Princeton President Tries To Doubletalk His Way Out Of Pickle He Created, also, “Anonymous” No More
Shark Tank: Trump Endorses Maria Elvira Salazar In FL-27 Against “Pragmatic Socialist” Donna Shalala
Shot In The Dark: Pining For The Hipster Fjords
The Political Hat: Seattle’s Systemic Struggle Sessions
This Ain’t Hell: Cop Dies After Being Attacked By Rooster While Trying To Break Up Cockfight, also, The Grinch Who Regulated Christmas
Victory Girls: Evita Had Nothing On Occasional Cortex
Volokh Conspiracy: Motion For Justice Barrett To Recuse Is Withdrawn
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep Debbie Dingell – Autoworkers I Thought Were Supporting Biden Voted For Trump, also, Giuliani Describes Contents Of Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive – “Horrible, Pornographic” Pictures Of Young Girls
The Federalist: Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Wall’s Protection From Illegal Aliens, also, I’m A Children’s Rights Activist – That’s Why I’m Voting For Trump
Mark Steyn: Election Day Minus Five, also, A Rainy Night On Lake Geneva

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Good News: Democrats Are Worried

Posted on | October 30, 2020 | 2 Comments

People keep telling me their predictions about the election, and I don’t want to hear them. I have done the Electoral College arithmetic and know that it is easily possible for President Trump to win, even if it’s going to be close and we might have to wait for late returns.

More than that, however, I’ve reached my Zen of pessimistic calm, as I said Wednesday: “Bleak hopelessness is true objectivity.” Being convinced we are utterly doomed is a source of tranquility.

Democrats are now suffering an agony of fear. Four more years of Trump? No, they can’t handle that. It’s driving them to sheer panic:

Democrats are sounding the alarm about weak voter turnout rates in Florida’s biggest county, Miami-Dade, where a strong Republican showing is endangering Joe Biden’s chances in the nation’s biggest swing state.
No Democrat can win Florida without a huge turnout and big winning margins [in Miami] to offset losses elsewhere in the state. But Democrats are turning out at lower rates than Republicans and at lower rates than at this point in 2016, when Hillary Clinton won by 29 percentage points here and still lost the state to Donald Trump.

You can read the whole thing. There are other omens of a possible miracle victory for Trump, including a Rasmussen poll that indicates Trump may get 31% — THIRTY-ONE PERCENT! — of the black vote.

But don’t give me hope. I’m more comfortable with despair, especially as I watch Democrats writhe in agony during these final days before the election. Besides, how bad could it possibly be?

Twelve years ago, when the Republican Party nominated John McCain as its presidential candidate, he got less than 46 percent of the popular vote and only 173 Electoral College votes. Whatever happens on Election Day this year, almost no one expects President Trump to do worse than that.
According to Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight poll-based prediction, we enter the final weekend before Election Day with an 89 percent likelihood that Joe Biden will win. Basically, the odds are 8-to-1 against Trump’s reelection. Yet the president’s supporters are undaunted, recalling that Silver’s final 2016 forecast gave Hillary Clinton a 71 percent chance of being elected and yet Trump beat her in a result that broke the Democrats’ so-called “blue wall” in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Miracles can happen in politics, and Republican voters are praying for another divine intervention next week. Bombarded by a barrage of discouraging news coverage — even Fox News seems to be part of the “Landslide Joe” propaganda team now — the conservative faithful quite desperately seek omens that may portend more hopeful tidings.
Well, there’s this: Four days before the election, Joe Biden today is making a campaign trip to Minnesota, which, as Trump campaign communications chief Tim Murtaugh points out, is “a state that hasn’t gone to a Republican candidate for president since 1972.” . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


‘Anonymous’ Miles Taylor Represents Everything American Hate About the GOP

Posted on | October 29, 2020 | 1 Comment

Miles Taylor is selfish, greedy and dishonest. Hired as a political appointee to a staff position at the Department of Homeland Security, he immediately began working to sabotage the administration that had appointed him, writing an anonymous September 2018 op-ed in the New York Times describing himself as part of the anti-Trump “resistance.” He then expanded that into a 2019 book, scored a job at Google and went on CNN earlier this year to deny he was “Anonymous.”

You cannot trust someone who acts this way, and the fact that Taylor was a Republican, who interned in the Bush administration and later worked on the staff of Texas Rep. Mike McCaul, tells you almost everything you need to know about what is wrong with the Republican Party. If there was one issue that elected Trump, it was his pledge to stop illegal immigration, and yet Taylor is clearly part of the pro-amnesty, open-borders crowd. How did someone like Taylor get hired at Trump’s DHS?

This is what makes people hate Republicans. Democrats are the anti-American party, in favor of surrendering sovereignty to the United Nations and other globalist institutions, while replacing the American population with foreigners. Barack Obama’s father was a Kenyan socialist who hated America; both of Kamala Harris’s parents are immigrants, and she spent most of her youth in Canada. One might expect that the Republicans would represent a pro-America policy, opposed to the Democrats’ anti-American policy, and yet we find that the GOP is staffed by people like Miles Taylor who either don’t understand this issue at all, or else fully embrace the anti-American agenda.

Here’s your big “tell” about who Miles Taylor really is:

The Obama donation is one of my favorite attacks against me over the past few weeks because I would compare the $85 donation I made to Barack Obama to the many tens of thousands of dollars that Donald Trump has made to Democrats. I am so proud that I donated $85 to Barack Obama when I was a completely broke college student. I probably should have spent that money on food, or maybe a few drinks with my friends. So I’m proud that I spent that $85 because even though I was gunning for John McCain, and John McCain’s been a lifelong personal hero of mine, I wanted to be able to tell my kids that if Barack Obama got elected president, that in some way I supported the first Black president of the United States. Of course, I knew I was going to oppose him on policy issues, and I did that. I was a big McCain supporter.

Got that? Miles Taylor donated to the Obama campaign because John McCain was his “lifelong personal hero.” In other words, the people who supported John McCain did so with the full knowledge that his assigned task was to lose the election. John McCain was a leading proponent of the globalist open-borders agenda, and the American people knew this, which was why John McCain lost the entire Midwest, not to mention Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Nevada and Colorado.

You cannot win in politics by a “me too” approach of endorsing your opponents’ agenda. Insofar as any issue is a matter of controversy, those discontent with Democrat policy will turn to Republicans expecting them to oppose whatever it is Democrats are doing. This is why Trump was able to defeat the GOP primary field so easily in 2016, because Trump offered a clear message — “Build The Wall” — in opposition to illegal immigration, an issue on which Republicans had demonstrably failed to oppose the Democrats’ anti-American policy.

Whatever happens in this election, Republican voters must determine henceforward to purge the party of people like Miles Taylor.


In The Mailbox: 10.28.20

Posted on | October 29, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.28.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1153
357 Magnum: 33 Years for A Forced Confession
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
EBL: Tucker Carlson Interviews Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Tony Bobulinski
Twitchy: Nearly 7.6 Million Tune In To Tucker Carlson For Bobulinski Interview
Louder With Crowder: Senator Lee Challenges Big Tech CEOs To Name A Single Liberal Who’s Been Censored – They Can’t, also, Senator Cruz Torches Twitter’s Jack Dorsey – “Who The Hell Elected You?”
Vox Popoli: No “Tossup In Texas”, also, The End Of The Annual Flu
Monster Hunter Nation: The MHI Swag Shop Is Open Until November 9 To Do Your Christmas Shopping

American Conservative: Turkey’s Hateful Neo-Ottoman Campaign Against Armenia
American Greatness: Why Nothing Biden Says Or Does Matters To Democrats, also, Texas AG Paxton Announces “Aggressive” Investigation Into Ballot Harvesting Scheme Exposed By Project Veritas
American Power: Trump Gets Late Bounce With Florida’s Democrat-Leaning Colombian Community
American Thinker: Biden Is Running A Protection Racket, also, The Five Dimensions Of Rush Limbaugh
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Babalu PSA – If You Vote Socialism In, You’re Going To Have To Shoot Your Way Out
BattleSwarm: Roundtable – Ten Questions About Austin Safety & Spending, also, Project Veritas Uncovers Texas Ballot Fraud
Cafe Hayek: Open Letter To Matt Yglesias
CDR Salamander: Staring In Admiral Adama
Da Tech Guy: Jake Tapper Four Years Later, Avoiding The Blame, also, Is Allahpundit Seriously Arguing That Trump is Running A Worse Campaign Than Biden?
Don Surber: Democrats Fear They’ve Lost Pennsylvania, also, Biden’s “Lead” Magically Shrinks Three Points In One Night
First Street Journal: Walter Wallace’s Black Life Didn’t Matter
The Geller Report: 79% Of French Believe Islam Has Declared War On France, also, Jackboot Jack Dorsey Defends Allowing Iranian Threats To Eliminate “Cancerous Jews”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Chris White Supremacy
Hollywood In Toto: Four Times Amazon Tortured Right-Wing Documentaries, also, Joe Rogan Stares Down Cancel Culture Mob By Interviewing Alex Jones
JustOneMinute: Texas A Toss-Up?
The Lid: Jewish Star Newspaper – If You Support Israel & Oppose Antisemitism, You Must Vote For Trump
Legal Insurrection: Leftists Are Physically Attacking Trump Supporters Just As They Did In 2016, also, Hilarity Ensues After Jill Biden Proclaims “Decency Is On The Ballot”
Michelle Malkin: The Mobilization of The Mob – Inside The Deep State
Power Line: The First Honest Democratic Party Campaign Ad, also, Climate Virtue Signaling Falls Short
Shark Tank: DeSantis’ Address Illegally Changed, Man Arrested For Voter Fraud
Shot In The Dark: Fearless Prediction
The Political Hat: The Political & Cultural Bias Of Freedom House
This Ain’t Hell: All Hands Listen Up! also, Technical School Owner Sentenced For Scamming $30 Million From VA
Victory Girls: The Philadelphia Riots Are Not About Justice
Volokh Conspiracy: Fifth Circuit Speaks Out Against Campus Speech Codes
Weasel Zippers: Early Voting Statistics Show Democrats Falling Short In Key States, also, Twitter Defends Not Flagging Holocaust-Denying Tweets As Misinformation While Flagging POTUS Tweets
The Federalist: Twitter & Facebook Admit There Was No Evidence Of Russian Disinformation Behind Hunter Biden Story, also, Trump Doing Better In Michigan & Washington Than Polls Suggest
Mark Steyn: Election Day Minus Six, also, Because It’s 2020

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Keep Calm and Vote Trump

Posted on | October 28, 2020 | 4 Comments

Yesterday was a tough day for me. Everything — and I mean, absolutely everything — I saw in the news pointed toward a Biden win.

But I am a professional journalist, and I’m not supposed to care who wins elections. It shouldn’t make a dime’s worth of difference to me whether President Trump is re-elected, and I find myself nostalgic for 2016, when I actually didn’t care who won. Four years ago, I had resigned myself to the certainty of a Hillary Clinton presidency, and thus had obtained a sort of Zen of hopeless despair. Nevertheless, despite that feeling of complete doom, my wife and I went on Election Day and voted, then returned home to await the result, with no hope whatsoever.

Bleak hopelessness is true objectivity. When you get to the point of not giving a fuck what happens? Congratulations, you’re objective.

Trust me, I could stack up headlines a mile high to persuade you that there is zero hope of Trump being re-elected and then, having convinced you of the utter hopelessness of the situation, I could welcome you into the International Brotherhood of True Objectivity. Our motto is derived from a passage by Dante: “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate.”

Nevertheless, there are others who seek to spoil my Zen-like calm by taunting me with gleams of hope. Damn you, Al Perotta:

With one week to go until Election Day, I now believe Donald Trump will be re-elected with such a resounding victory, there will be no serious disputing. Only the radicals and nutjobs will take to the street, and even those who have disdain for Trump will accept defeat.

And damn you, Stephen Green for linking that.

STOP GIVING ME HOPE! Hope is the enemy of calm. Only utter pessimism can spare me the agony of click, click, clicking to see if the RCP average has shifted slightly in the past 45 minutes.

The only pleasure we should seek in these final pre-election days is the joy of watching Democrats squirm in agony. Like, for example, Nate Silver trying to convince liberals that Joe Biden can lose Pennsylvania and still win the election. Technically this is true, of course, but Biden losing in Pennsylvania would be indicative of his failure to generate a “wave” trend of sufficient size to flip, e.g., North Carolina, Georgia or Arizona away from Trump. Realistically, what are the chances that Biden could lose Pennsylvania and win Florida? Not good.

Conservatives should not let ourselves get tangled up in “what if” scenarios that might give us hope. We should treat this election as a suicide mission, like those Navy torpedo plane pilots in the Battle of Midway who got shot down in a hopeless attack that, nonetheless, made possible a U.S. victory by forcing the Japanese to scramble their fighters.

If we go into this election with zero hope that Trump can pull it, we spare ourselves the kind of torture MSNBC viewers must endure:

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes directly addressed viewers’ anxiety one week before Election Day, given how despite Joe Biden’s lead in the polls, “everyone remembers four years ago.”
The current RealClearPolitics average of polls has Biden leading President Donald Trump by 7.1 percent. But, as Hayes put it, there’s still “an intense, almost unbearable level of anxiety right now among the millions and millions of people that make up the pro-democracy anti-Trump majority of this country.”
Hayes — after knocking the electoral college system — slammed the president for trying “to undermine our system of free and fair elections, to undermine and subvert the legitimacy of legal ballots.”
More directly, he told viewers, “If you’re feeling anxious, you don’t need me to tell you this, but I’ll tell you this, it’s not crazy, okay? I know you’re nervous. I’m nervous. We are too. This is stressful. What can you say?”
But he went on to add that sans “the trauma of 2016” and other factors, “you’d have very little question as to who was winning, okay, by a lot.”

These despicable atheist maggots are suffering profound agony because, even if there is only a 5% chance of Trump winning, that long-shot chance would be an unbearable catastrophe for them. Politics is all the only hope they have, whereas we Christians do not put our trust in princes. Even if we are utterly doomed — the Biden-voting savage horde sweeps down in triumphant conquest — we know that this is within the sovereign will of God, a chastisement ordained for our salvation. Selah.

All we had in 2016 was prayer. Nothing in the news suggested that Trump ever could have been elected in the first place, so we should not look to the news for any sign that he will be re-elected. Nor should we fear anything even if Biden does win. Be fearless. Trust God.

Keep calm and vote Trump.


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