The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Keep Calm and Vote Trump

Posted on | October 28, 2020 | 4 Comments

Yesterday was a tough day for me. Everything — and I mean, absolutely everything — I saw in the news pointed toward a Biden win.

But I am a professional journalist, and I’m not supposed to care who wins elections. It shouldn’t make a dime’s worth of difference to me whether President Trump is re-elected, and I find myself nostalgic for 2016, when I actually didn’t care who won. Four years ago, I had resigned myself to the certainty of a Hillary Clinton presidency, and thus had obtained a sort of Zen of hopeless despair. Nevertheless, despite that feeling of complete doom, my wife and I went on Election Day and voted, then returned home to await the result, with no hope whatsoever.

Bleak hopelessness is true objectivity. When you get to the point of not giving a fuck what happens? Congratulations, you’re objective.

Trust me, I could stack up headlines a mile high to persuade you that there is zero hope of Trump being re-elected and then, having convinced you of the utter hopelessness of the situation, I could welcome you into the International Brotherhood of True Objectivity. Our motto is derived from a passage by Dante: “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate.”

Nevertheless, there are others who seek to spoil my Zen-like calm by taunting me with gleams of hope. Damn you, Al Perotta:

With one week to go until Election Day, I now believe Donald Trump will be re-elected with such a resounding victory, there will be no serious disputing. Only the radicals and nutjobs will take to the street, and even those who have disdain for Trump will accept defeat.

And damn you, Stephen Green for linking that.

STOP GIVING ME HOPE! Hope is the enemy of calm. Only utter pessimism can spare me the agony of click, click, clicking to see if the RCP average has shifted slightly in the past 45 minutes.

The only pleasure we should seek in these final pre-election days is the joy of watching Democrats squirm in agony. Like, for example, Nate Silver trying to convince liberals that Joe Biden can lose Pennsylvania and still win the election. Technically this is true, of course, but Biden losing in Pennsylvania would be indicative of his failure to generate a “wave” trend of sufficient size to flip, e.g., North Carolina, Georgia or Arizona away from Trump. Realistically, what are the chances that Biden could lose Pennsylvania and win Florida? Not good.

Conservatives should not let ourselves get tangled up in “what if” scenarios that might give us hope. We should treat this election as a suicide mission, like those Navy torpedo plane pilots in the Battle of Midway who got shot down in a hopeless attack that, nonetheless, made possible a U.S. victory by forcing the Japanese to scramble their fighters.

If we go into this election with zero hope that Trump can pull it, we spare ourselves the kind of torture MSNBC viewers must endure:

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes directly addressed viewers’ anxiety one week before Election Day, given how despite Joe Biden’s lead in the polls, “everyone remembers four years ago.”
The current RealClearPolitics average of polls has Biden leading President Donald Trump by 7.1 percent. But, as Hayes put it, there’s still “an intense, almost unbearable level of anxiety right now among the millions and millions of people that make up the pro-democracy anti-Trump majority of this country.”
Hayes — after knocking the electoral college system — slammed the president for trying “to undermine our system of free and fair elections, to undermine and subvert the legitimacy of legal ballots.”
More directly, he told viewers, “If you’re feeling anxious, you don’t need me to tell you this, but I’ll tell you this, it’s not crazy, okay? I know you’re nervous. I’m nervous. We are too. This is stressful. What can you say?”
But he went on to add that sans “the trauma of 2016” and other factors, “you’d have very little question as to who was winning, okay, by a lot.”

These despicable atheist maggots are suffering profound agony because, even if there is only a 5% chance of Trump winning, that long-shot chance would be an unbearable catastrophe for them. Politics is all the only hope they have, whereas we Christians do not put our trust in princes. Even if we are utterly doomed — the Biden-voting savage horde sweeps down in triumphant conquest — we know that this is within the sovereign will of God, a chastisement ordained for our salvation. Selah.

All we had in 2016 was prayer. Nothing in the news suggested that Trump ever could have been elected in the first place, so we should not look to the news for any sign that he will be re-elected. Nor should we fear anything even if Biden does win. Be fearless. Trust God.

Keep calm and vote Trump.


In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 27, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Suck it up, buttercups.

357 Magnum: Chicago’s Recipe For More Crime
Bleach Cocktail: Lincoln Project Writes Trump Ad
EBL: Georgia, This Is What Democrat Jon Ossoff Thinks Of You
Twitchy: “I Have All The E-Mails & Texts & Documents Proving Everything”
Louder With Crowder: Project Veritas Releases Chilling Undercover Expose Of Voter Fraud In Texas
Vox Popoli: The Media Blackout Cracks, also, The God-Emperor Delivers Again

Adam Piggott: Barrett Is The Golden Calf
American Conservative: Fear The Coup That Isn’t Coming
American Greatness: Hunter Biden – White Crackhead Privilege, also, Ballot Harvester In Texas Caught Pressuring Senior To Change Ballot To Straight Democrat
American Power: What If Biden Loses Florida?
American Thinker: Media Firemen Scramble To Save Sleepy Joe, also, When Democrats Hate What They Vote For
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Enthusiasm Gap News
Babalu Blog: New Yorker Comes Up With Prize-Worthy Headline About Darth Trump’s Effect On Florida’s Cuban-American Vote
BattleSwarm: Joe Biden Video Roundup, also, That’s “Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett” To You
Cafe Hayek: Get Real About COVID-19 – And About Government
Camp of the Saints: Welcome To The Jungle – Part 666
CDR Salamander: Australia Pivots From 30-Year Set
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Sticking Our Heads In The Sand, also, The Election Novena For America
Don Surber: Enthusiasm Gap Crushes Biden, also, Democrats Lose Again, A Week Before The Election
First Street Journal: This Is What “Social Justice” Law Enforcement Gets Us
The Geller Report: Hunter Biden Emails Show Deal They Were Working On Included Mark Zuckerberg, also, Epic Fail – CNN Misses Revenue Targets By Over $100 Million
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, The Margin Of Theft
Hollywood In Toto: Plot Against The President Shames Media, Deep State Agents, also, Will A Biden Victory Crush Late Night TV?
JustOneMinute: Here We Go Again
The Lid: Democrats Vow Revenge For Barrett Confirmation
Legal Insurrection: Hillary Whines She Was “Born To Be President”, also, Kamala Harris’ Nervous Laugh Is What Gamblers Call A Tell
Power Line: The Shocking Bias & Incompetence of our Public Schools, also, Coronavirus In One State
Shark Tank: Trump Ad Links Biden To Worldwide Communist Wave
Shot In The Dark: In Case You Were Wondering
The Political Hat: When “Anti-Fascism” Means Attacking Jews
This Ain’t Hell: VMI Superintendent Resigns After Losing Confidence Of Governor Coonface Klanrobe Over Allegations Of Racism, also, India And US Make A Deal
Victory Girls: Justice Thomas Swears In Judge Barrett
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS Affirms Stay Of District Court Injunction Against Wisconsin Election Law
Weasel Zippers: Some Early Voters Want To Change Their Vote After Hunter Biden Exposes, also, Dem Senator Coons Says “Hundreds” Of Trump-Appointed Lower Court Judges Shouldn’t “Be Allowed To Sit Peaceably”
The Federalist: Biden Family Whistleblower – Joe Biden Is Compromised By Red China, also, NYT Poll – Trump Expands His Lead In Texas
Mark Steyn: I Found A Million Dollar Baby (In A Ten Cent Store), also, Election Day Minus Seven

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Media Promotes BLM Lies in Philadelphia, as Rioting Continues for the Second Night

Posted on | October 27, 2020 | 5 Comments

Looting is already being reported in Philadelphia tonight, the second night of #BlackLivesMatter riots following the Monday afternoon police shooting of 27-year-old Walter Wallace Jr. In last night’s Mostly Peaceful™ Protest, “76 people were arrested for burglary including three with guns, 11 were arrested for assaulting police officers, and three were arrested for failure to disperse,” according to WPVI-TV.

Why riot over this case? Wallace was shot after he charged two police officers while brandishing an 8-inch knife. This was not the first time cops had to deal with Wallace, nor even the first time that day:

Police were called dozens of times in recent months about problems at Walter Wallace Jr.’s home, and had responded twice on Monday to reports of disturbances at the West Philadelphia house before two officers answered a third call and shot him as he approached them with a knife, according to law enforcement sources.
What happened during those earlier visits — including which officers responded and how much they knew about Wallace’s mental health problems — remained unclear Tuesday.

Yes, a lot “remained unclear” about what happened Monday, except that a knife-wielding maniac got shot by cops. While the media keeps repeating the theme that Wallace suffered from “mental health problems,” lots of people have problems, but they usually don’t get shot by cops. Why? Because they don’t charge at cops with 8-inch knives.

Who was Walter Wallace Jr.? You have to read down to the 13th paragraph of the Philadelphia Inquirer story to find out:

In and out of court since he was 19, Wallace had convictions for crimes including resisting arrest and robbery. Court records show that city judges routinely sought to get him mental health treatment.

Oh, he had “convictions for crimes”? Maybe that’s a fact important enough to include in a headline, as Information Liberation does:

Meet Walter Wallace Jr, The Career Criminal
Whose Shooting by Police Triggered Riots in Philly

There’s some brutal for you, and maybe people would take a different view of the subject if they understood that Walter Wallace Jr. has been a violent menace to society his entire life. But the mainstream media won’t give you that kind of context, forcing you to read through a dozen or more paragraphs before they inform you that the lunatic who charged cops with a knife had an extensive criminal record. Would you like to see the suspect’s mug shot? How about 12 mug shots?

As Chris Menahan of Information Liberation says, Wallace “has so many mugshots I couldn’t fit them all into one properly-sized header image . . . Wallace had a criminal record going so far back I can’t even find the whole thing.” Charged in 2015 with aggravated assault and four misdemeanors, Wallace took a plea bargain, pleading guilty to two misdemeanors — terrorist threats and simple assault — and was sentenced to three years’ probation. You might think this was important, but here’s the lead of the story at WCAU-TV, the NBC affiliate in Philadelphia:

A day after he was shot and killed by two police officers, sparking protests and a night of civil unrest in Philadelphia, family members of Walter Wallace Jr. are speaking out, describing him as a husband, father and aspiring musician who struggled with mental health issues.

An “aspiring musician who struggled with mental health issues”! The guy was practically Mozart, you might believe from that description, but if you keep reading until you get to the 21st paragraph:

Court records also reveal Wallace’s extensive criminal history.
He was arrested in March after he allegedly threatened his child’s mother over the phone, saying “I’ll shoot you and that house up.”
In 2019, he was charged with resisting arrest by “kicking the windows and door panels of a police patrol car.”
In 2016, during a robbery, he allegedly grabbed a woman by the neck and held what she believed to be a gun to her head, according to court records.
In 2013, Wallace’s mother had a protective order against him which he allegedly violated when he “threw water in her face and punched her in the face” and “threatened to return and shoot” her, according to court records.

He punched his own mother in the face, but you wouldn’t know that unless you read more than 20 paragraphs into the story. Never mind — go steal a big-screen TV at Wal-Mart, because social justice.



Store Security Guard Stabbed by Sisters After Asking Them to Wear Masks

Posted on | October 27, 2020 | 1 Comment

Jessica Hill, 21, and her sister Jayla Hill, 18, were arrested Sunday after they attacked a security guard in a shoe store on the West Side of Chicago. The sisters were not wearing masks, as required under the city’s COVID-19 policy. The guard was stabbed repeatedly:

After refusing requests to wear face masks or use hand sanitizer inside a North Lawndale neighborhood store, two sisters allegedly attacked a male employee, stabbing him more than two dozen times Sunday evening.
A Cook County judge on Tuesday denied bond for Jessica Hill, 21, and Jayla Hill, 18, who are each charged with attempted murder after one sister allegedly held the victim down by his hair as the other stabbed him in the chest and body 27 times.
The incident began around 6 p.m. Sunday at a store in the 3200 block of West Roosevelt Road.
According to Cook County prosecutors, upon their arrival, the victim asked the Hill sisters to put on masks and use hand sanitizer to help protect against the spread of COVID-19. But the pair refused and an argument turned violent when Jessica Hill allegedly pulled out a concealed knife.
The sisters were seen striking him with a trash can before Jayla Hill held the man by his hair and Jessica Hill stabbed him repeatedly, according to prosecutors. They then continued the assault by allegedly kicking him as he fell to the ground. . . .
Upon reading the arrest report, Cook County Judge Mary Catherine Marubio said she initially assumed this was a domestic-related attack based on the “emotion” that number of stab wounds involved.
But as this went “from zero to 100 in such a short period of time” and involved a total stranger, Marubio saw no set of conditions that could protect the victim or the public other than denying bond.
“It’s the complete randomness of this,” she said, calling that the “defining” evidence leading her to deny bond. “That’s terrifying for a community.”

Let’s face it — they’re Biden voters. No one is safe from such people. 

But asking them to wear masks . . . Well, Perseus and the Gorgon, eh?


In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | October 27, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.27.20 (Morning Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Red Pilled Jew: Civilizational Collapse
357 Magnum: Autocrats The World Over
EBL: #QuidProJoe – Sleepy Joe Biden vs. Trump
Twitchy: Butthead Professor Ibram X. Kendi Hopes Dems Get Back At GOP For Changing The Rules On SCOTUS Confirmations – Who Wants To Tell Him?
Louder With Crowder: Kamala Harris Struggles When Questioned On Being A Socialist
Vox Popoli: The Blackmail Videos Surface, also, Pelosi Is Next
Stoic Observations: The Seven Reasons I Am Not Voting, also, Degrees Of Dissent
Sargon Of Akkad: Joe Biden’s Zombie Campaign

Adam Piggott: Red China Has Bought All Our Politicians
American Conservative: Trump Unbound – Visions For A Second Term
American Greatness: Trumpism – Then, Now, & In The Future? also, Announcing Winston84 – A Directory Of Suppressed Content
American Power: V-shaped Recovery In American Manufacturing
American Thinker: Are Recent Reports Of COVID Surges An Attempt To Suppress In-Person Voting? also, Marxism – A Breeding Ground For Useful Idiots
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: A Biden Administration Will Make Cuba’s Dictatorship Very Happy & Very Rich
BattleSwarm: Twitter, Facebook, & The MSM Cross The Rubicon, also, BidenWatch For October 26
Cafe Hayek: GMU Econ Proud
CDR Salamander: Pre-election Melee
Da Tech Guy: COVID-19 Lockdowns Must End For The Sake Of Our Overall Health, also, Are You Surprised That Borat Lies Too?
Don Surber: Trump Already Won The Hunter Scandal, also, Today In Trumpenfreude
First Street Journal: COVID-19 In Kentucky, also, I Guess It Really Is All About The Color Of Their Skins
Fred On Everything: A Vaporware Executive – An Attitude, Not A President
The Geller Report: Text Messages Show Joe & Jill Biden Colluded To Suppress Hunter’s Perving On Minor Child, also, Multiple Medical Journals Refuse To Run Results Of Latest Mask Study
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Turning It Up To XI
Hollywood In Toto:  Ahoy! Why Cutthroat Island Isn’t The 90s Shipwreck We Were Told
JustOneMinute: Running, How Does It Work?
The Lid: Has Sleepy Joe Decided To Take The Rest of The Campaign Off?
Legal Insurrection: NYC “Jews For Trump” Caravan Attacked With Rocks, Pepper Spray, also, Leading Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis Issue Letter Effusively Praising Trump
Michelle Malkin:
Power Line: The Grinch Who Stole Thanksgiving, also, “This Is 60 Minutes”
Shark Tank: Florida GOP Ties Kamala Harris To Antisemitic Anti-Israel Group CAIR
Shot In The Dark: He’s Like The Sid Hartman Of Political Science
The Political Hat: Words To Remember When Voting, also, Nevada Early Vote 2020 (First Week)
This Ain’t Hell: Two More Charged In Destruction Of Col. Heg Statue In Wisconsin, also, Virginia State Senator & Others Charged With Monument Vandalism
Victory Girls: Kamala Harris Tanks Her 60 Minutes Interview
Volokh Conspiracy: Originalism & Birthright Citizenship
Weasel Zippers: Biden Forgets Trump’s Name, Calls Him “George” Twice, also, Kamala Harris Caught Trying To Campaign At Ohio Polling Station
The Federalist: Lesley Stahl Is Wrong And Trump Is Right, also, All Signs Point To One Thing – We’re Reliving The 2016 Election
Mark Steyn: The Hilarious House Of Frightenstein, also, Election Day Minus Eight

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Whatever Your Problem Is, Electing Democrats Will Never Be the Solution

Posted on | October 27, 2020 | Comments Off on Whatever Your Problem Is, Electing Democrats Will Never Be the Solution

This is the only political principle you need to guide your election choices. Never vote for a Democrat, nor support any policy endorsed by Democrats. Insofar as it is possible, avoid residing in any community where Democrats are a majority, but if it happens that you find yourself living in a “blue state” (e.g., California) try to find a place to live in that state that is “red” (e.g., Kern County). Apply the same principle to your choices in terms of education and employment. Where should you go to college? Someplace where students care more about football than “social justice.” Where should you work? A private sector company that actually produces goods and services for profit, and not one of these gigantic “woke” conglomerates that embraces “progressive” values.

Democrats always ruin everything. Communities that were once peaceful and prosperous can rapidly be converted into dangerous hellholes, if the people start electing Democrats. Once upon a time — up until the 1960s — Detroit was one of America’s great cities. Then Democrats got in charge of the place and turned it into a desolation, where many acres of residential property were bulldozed into vacant lots. Every law-abiding resident who could afford to get out of Detroit fled the Democrat-controlled city, and a similar process can now be observed in many other places that Democrats have turned into hellholes.

The Joe Biden campaign is about doing to America what Democrats have done to Detroit (and Baltimore, and Chicago, and every other crime-plagued hellhole city in America). If you want the entire country to become violent and dangerous, populated by criminals, drug addicts and sex offenders, then by all means, you should elect Joe Biden president.



Posted on | October 27, 2020 | 2 Comments

A free advertisement for the Trump campaign broke out in Philadelphia last night. The Mostly Peaceful™ Protest included arson, looting and police seriously injured when they were run down in the streets by a rampaging motorist. What inspired this spontaneous expression of free speech was an incident in which cops responded to a 911 call about a man with a knife. Walter Wallace Jr., 27, reportedly had mental health problems. Police pulled their guns and ordered Wallace to drop the knife. Instead, he charged at them, and was shot about 10 times. Immediately, it was claimed (a) Wallace was not close enough to the cops to present a deadly threat, and (b) the cops fired more shots than were necessary to stop Wallace. To which I would reply (a) how close is “close enough”? and (b) how many times do the cops have to yell “drop the knife”?

Undecided voters in Pennsylvania can now ponder those questions while the Philly P.D. battles the rioting mob of Joe Biden voters.


Justice Amy Coney Barrett

Posted on | October 26, 2020 | 2 Comments

Tonight the Senate voted, 52-48, to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The rhetoric from Democrats was so over-the-top that viewers of CNN or MSNBC might be forgiven if they believed that, upon her confirmation, Justice Barrett immediately obtained the power to cancel everybody’s health insurance and much else besides. The question needs to be asked, “Why?” Not just why Democrats have succumbed to hysteria, but why the process of confirming Supreme Court justices has become so entangled in political drama. We could start this explanation at several points in the past (e.g., when the Supreme Court in the 1930s struck down many of FDR’s New Deal measures as unconstitutional), but the obvious and logical beginning of this history is Ronald Reagan’s nomination of Robert Bork in 1987. Senate Democrats, led by Ted Kennedy, then engaged in what has ever since been known as “borking.”

Why did Bork get “borked”? Democrats had lost two consecutive presidential elections by landslide margins (Reagan’s victory in 1984 was one of the largest landslides in U.S. history), but they had never lost control of the House of Representatives and, while the GOP had won a Senate majority in 1980, they lost that majority in the 1986 midterm, when Democrats scored a net gain of eight seats to win a 55-45 majority. Meanwhile, Reagan was still fighting the fallout of the “Iran-Contra” scandal, and Senate Democrats in 1987 were not only eager to exercise their newly gained majority power, but were looking ahead to the 1988 presidential election campaign. Three Democratic senators — Sen. Paul Simon of Illinois, Sen. Al Gore of Tennessee and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware — were soon to declare their White House candidacies, and it was in this highly charged political climate that “borking” began.

Ted Kennedy notoriously denounced Bork’s nomination:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the Government, and the doors of the Federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is—and is often the only—protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”

Every word of that was a lie, of course. Ted Kennedy was one of the most wicked and dishonest men ever to darken the doors of the Senate. But what the Democrats did to Bork in 1987 was just a warm-up for their dreadful smearing of Clarence Thomas in 1990. Joe Biden presided over that heinous affair as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and if you ever needed a reason to vote against Joe Biden, that was enough.

Guess who did the swearing-in of Justice Comey?

Someone should ask Joe Biden how he likes this “dish best served cold.”


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