The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ilhan Omar Implicated in Election Fraud

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | 3 Comments


Has any “bombshell” story ever been less surprising?

A ballot-harvesting racket in Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Minneapolis district — where paid workers illegally gather absentee ballots from elderly Somali immigrants — appears to have been busted by undercover news organization Project Veritas.
One alleged ballot harvester, Liban Mohamed, the brother of Minneapolis city council member Jamal Osman, is shown in a bombshell Snapchat video rifling through piles of ballots strewn across his dashboard.
“Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman,” says Mohamed, aka KingLiban1, in the video. “I have 300 ballots in my car right now . . .
“Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. . . . Look, all these are for Jamal Osman,” he says, displaying the white envelopes.
“Money is the king in this world . . . and a campaign is driven by money.”
The video, posted on July 1, was obtained by Project Veritas and included in a 17-minute video expose released Sunday night.
Under Minnesota law no individual can be the “designated agent” for more than three absentee voters. . . .
“Our investigation into this ballot harvesting ring demonstrates clearly how these unscrupulous operators exploit the elderly and immigrant communities” said James O’Keefe, founder and CEO of Project Veritas.
The alleged involvement of Ilhan Omar, a controversial member of the Squad, and frequent Trump target, is claimed on camera by two people in Veritas’ investigation, including whistleblower Omar Jamal, a Minneapolis community leader and chair of the city’s Somali Watchdog Group.
He claims Mohamed is “one of” Ilhan Omar’s “many people.”
“It’s an open secret. She will do anything that she can do to get elected and she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that,” he told Veritas in an on-camera interview last Tuesday.
“It’s not only her. It’s all this DFL [Democratic-Farmers-Labor] machine [that’s] in . . . the state of Minnesota . . .
“The regulations, if you ignore that and you let corruption and fraud become a daily business and then tough luck, the country will not exist as they [Americans] know it.” . . .

But don’t worry, we can trust Democrats counting the votes, right?


Chicago Democrat Arrested Again

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | 1 Comment


Recently, I’ve stopped calling them criminals. They’re just Democrats:

Three Chicago men were arrested for Armed Robbery and other offenses following an incident in Joliet [Feb. 15].
According to the Joliet Police Department, officers arrested 43-year-old Tirnell Williams, 27-year-old Blaine Goodall and 44-year-old Tobert Walls for Armed Robbery.
Goodall and Walls were additionally charged in the incident with Aggravated Unlawful Restraint, Unlawful Use of a Weapon by a Felon, Unlawful Use of a Weapon by a Street Gang Member and Possession of a Stolen Vehicle; Goodall was also charged with Aggravated Fleeing and Eluding.
Officers responded to a business in the 2900 blk. of W. Jefferson St. at around 12:44 p.m. in reference to a hold-up alarm.
Responding officers were informed by staff that the store had just been robbed.
Two masked subjects armed with handguns allegedly entered the store and tied up everyone inside. The suspects then took numerous iPhones, iPads and an undetermined amount of cash from the register.
The suspects left the store and fled in an awaiting vehicle; no one inside the store was injured in the incident.
Officers located the vehicle near Bronk Rd. and Theodore St. and initiated a traffic stop. The vehicle refused to pull over and officers began a pursuit.
Officials say the vehicle eventually got onto I-55 and fled at a high rate of speed. Officers lost sight of the vehicle and gave out a description to area law enforcement agencies.
A Will County Sheriff’s Deputy located the vehicle in the 15000 blk. of Janas Dr. in Lockport a short time later.
Officials say Walls was outside the vehicle and allegedly took off running when the deputy confronted him. Walls was taken into custody following the foot pursuit.
The vehicle allegedly took off again and was later located stuck in a snow bank in the 14000 blk. of W. Hickory Ave. in Lemont.
Williams was taken into custody without incident inside of the vehicle . . .
Two firearms were recovered, along with the proceeds of the robbery. Officials say the vehicle used was reported stolen out of Indiana.

Steal a car to use in an armed robbery. The wheelman in this caper, Tirnell Williams, has an extensive criminal record, but because Illinois is run by Democrats, he was turned loose to commit more crime:

A nine-time felon arranged to have “a real animal” rob and sexually assault a woman in a River North hotel last month as part of a scheme that he hoped would yield a large payout from Hilton Hotels Corporation, prosecutors said.
The alleged offender, who is on bail while awaiting trial for a suburban armed robbery, appeared in court using a wheelchair that prosecutors said is a prop that the perfectly-healthy man uses in an ongoing series of personal injury lawsuit scams.
Tirnell Williams, 43, rented a hotel room for his girlfriend and her friend to enjoy last month because the friend was planning to move out of town the next day. Unbeknownst to the friend, Williams was scheming to have her raped and robbed at the Home2Suites by Hilton, 110 West Huron, to set up a lawsuit against the hotel giant, prosecutors said. . . .
The victim entered the hotel, followed by a man who trailed her onto an elevator and then pulled her into a stairwell when she reached her guestroom floor. The attacker held a knife to the 32-year-old woman’s throat, sliced her purse off of her arm, removed her leggings, and shredded her underwear, prosecutors said Sunday.
Then, the attacker tied the woman to a handrail in the stairwell and forced her to perform a sex act. When the woman vomited, he sodomized the woman and fled down the staircase with her purse. . . .
Detectives later developed a witness who told them the hotel attack was a set-up by Williams because he knew the victim had a lot of cash in her purse. According to the state, Williams told the attacker to “stick his d*ck in the victim’s mouth five or six times” and said he hand-picked the attacker because he is “a real animal and he enjoys it.” . . .
Investigators secured court permission to surveil conversations with Williams in which he allegedly admitted to arranging the attack, although he claimed to not know she had been sexually assaulted. During the recorded conversations, Williams admitted he gets money by bringing cases to personal injury attorneys and said he planned to stage a second attack on a woman at a Hilton in Oaklawn on September 26, according to prosecutors.
The second attack would help establish a pattern of security issues at Hilton properties for the lawsuit, Williams allegedly said during the surveilled conversations.

The article goes on to mention one of the highlights of Williams’s lifelong criminal career: In 2015, he tried to murder an acquaintance. Williams and an accomplice tied the man up with an extension cord, then Williams put a pistol to the man’s head and pulled the trigger, but the gun wouldn’t fire, so he stabbed the man repeatedly, and then fled the scene of the crime covered in blood. At the time of that attempted murder, Williams was “on parole in a 2011 case in which he was found guilty of receiving or possession a stolen vehicle. In the past, he has served prison time for burglary, robbery, theft, drug possession and earlier stolen vehicle cases, according to Illinois Department of Corrections and court records.”

You see that Tirnell Williams has never even tried to work for a living. Instead, he has been perpetrating crime his entire adult life.

A Chicago Democrat, in other words.


George Floyd Mug Shot

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | Comments Off on George Floyd Mug Shot


That’s a photo from the Houston Police Department, where George Floyd was arrested in September 1998 on theft charges. Matt Berman was able to get multiple mug shots of Floyd from the Houston PD, which arrested Floyd on nine separate occasions between 1997 and 2009.

Why haven’t Americans seen these mug shots before? Berman explores this question, offering the most likely explanation: “Democrats are using this George Floyd incident to raise a lot of money, so they can’t risk having the general public begin thinking poorly of him.”

Saint George of the Blessed Fentanyl.


@RealDonaldTrump: Still #Winning

Posted on | September 28, 2020 | Comments Off on @RealDonaldTrump: Still #Winning


When your enemies keep breaking the law to attack you, we can conclude that your enemies are bad people:

The New York Times published details Sunday of what it claimed were President Donald Trump’s tax returns to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), going back more than two decades, showing “chronic losses and years of tax avoidance,” it said. . . .
The Times story, if based on authentic documents, appears to debunk several conspiracy theories held by Democrats for years. The tax returns do not [show] “any previously unreported connections to Russia,” the Times reports. Moreover, the Times story appears to confirm Trump’s claim — long treated as an excuse by Democrats — that he is under audit by the IRS. And the Times could not find “any itemized payments to Mr. Cohen,” ostensibly the subject of the New York investigation. . . .
It is illegal for the IRS to leak the personal tax returns of any individual. The Times is guarding its sources closely.

Yesterday, Trump had a few comments:

It’s fake news. It’s totally fake news. Made up. Fake.

The New York Times has been so wrong for so long.


Rule 5 Sunday: Elizabeth Taylor

Posted on | September 27, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Remember when actresses looked hot even when they had all their clothes on? I remember.

Elizabeth Taylor, sometime in the 1950s.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1119, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Socialist Takeover Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: La Rondine, Stephanie Dawkins Davis, Ratched Review, La Fanciulla del West, Dinah Washington, Barbara Lagoa, Manon Lescaut, Madama Butterfly, Storm Large, Tosca, Texas Reloaded, Turandot, Shu Bop, La Boheme, and Amy Coney Barrett.

A View From The Beach: Teri Hatcher – More Indian than Elizabeth WarrenFish Pick Friday – Hannah AldorotyTanlines ThursdayFall is FellEnough WuFlu for You? Part 3 – Schools and Other Pure PoliticsTattoo TuesdayChesapeake Shad Recovery FailingSoy Boy Explains Why Owning Dogs is RacistMystery Fish Sets Maryland RecordPalm Sunday and The Mid September Surprise

Proof Positive: Cathy Lee Crosby

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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My Chicago Earworm Problem

Posted on | September 27, 2020 | 1 Comment


For the past several weeks, for some reason, I’ve become obsessed with old Chicago songs. Not their later easy-listening pop, but their early stuff from 1969-1972, when they were still avant-garde. And I couldn’t figure out why this happened until I realized that “25 or 6 to 4” had been remastered as a U.S. Army recruiting advertisement:

Fifty years after its original release, Chicago’s signature song, “25 or 6 to 4,” has been reimagined as a hip-hop anthem about finding your inner warrior with fiery new vocals by indie rapper realnamejames. An abbreviated version of the remix first appeared in November 2019 as a part of the launch of the U.S. Army’s “What’s Your Warrior?” marketing campaign, which was developed to showcase the breadth and depth of opportunities for today’s youth to achieve their goals in America’s largest military branch. The track sparked conversation and excitement online, and a full-length version of The “25 or 6 to 4 (GoArmy Remix)” is now available for download . . .


Wow, I feel old. I haven’t felt this old since Led Zeppelin’s “Rock and Roll” was the soundtrack of a Cadillac ad. Back in the day, those early Chicago albums were real stoner music. Every hippie was certain that “25 or 6 to 4” was a reference to acid (LSD-25), but in fact the title and lyrics are about keyboardist Robert Lamm’s struggle to finish writing a song in the wee hours of the morning. He looked up at the clock and it was either 3:35 or 3:34 in the morning — 25 or 26 until 4 a.m.

As I say, Chicago was considered quite avant-garde in their early career. Their first three albums were all double albums, and their fourth album was a quadruple live album. They did a lot of long-form instrumental tracks, and one of my favorite Chicago songs, “Beginnings,” was nearly eight minutes long on their first album. It was not until Columbia Records president Clive Davis personally insisted on editing it down to under three minutes that “Beginnings” became a hit single. Similarly, the album version of “25 or 6 to 4” was nearly five minutes (4:50), which Davis chopped down to 2:52. Of course, the guys in the band resented the hell out of this commercial butchery of their art, but it made them rich. Selling singles (45 rpm) to teenagers required getting airplay on Top 40 radio, and back in the day, there was no way you were gonna get a five-minute song on the radio, let alone eight minutes. So these brutal chop jobs were a necessary part of the business. Chicago could indulge their artistic impulses all they wanted on their albums, but in order to sell those albums, they needed radio airplay, which meant hit singles and — chop! chop! chop! — there went half the song.

Nobody understands this stuff nowadays, in the digital age, where everything is Adobe Audition and kids just download music from Spotify, but once upon a time, a recording was an actual performance, recorded analog on tape, which had to be physically cut and spliced to make edits. And there were actual radio stations run by human beings (or soulless monsters, depending on your point view) called “program directors,” so that turning a record into a hit was a transactional sort of enterprise. Even after Congress outlawed “payola,” there was still a lot of shady stuff involved in promoting records to radio. Of course, in the long run, the music was either good or it wasn’t. Most of the mediocre crap that got played on the radio has been forgotten, but the real classics are timeless.

So I’ve been walking around with this song stuck in my head:


What the heck is that final chord? “25 or 6 to 4” is in the key of A-minor, but that final chord is definitely not A-minor. So I actually researched it and discovered that Lamm ended the song this way:

Dm 6/9 …. F9 … B6(add D) … G/A# … B/A

That’s just insane. In case you don’t know, B/A is an inverted B7 chord, with the 7th (A) played as the bass note. It is completely incongruous with an A-minor scale, which is why that final chord leaves the listener with such a weird feeling. Instinctively, you want the song to resolve to the tonic (I) chord, but instead you have this weird progression of complex chords culminating in something that’s just . . . wrong.

You could spend a lot of time pondering the significance of stuff like that, but that would require a supply of psychedelic drugs, consumed in a basement room with blacklight posters, which was how hippies used to listen to music (according to sources, the professional journalist said).

And so now a hiphop remix of “25 or 6 to 4” is being used for Army recruiting ads. Dude, I never expected to be so old . . .


Federal Charges for BLM Scammer

Posted on | September 27, 2020 | Comments Off on Federal Charges for BLM Scammer


Talk about foreshadowing. In January 2019, “local activist” Tyree Conyers-Page, “also known as Sir Maejor Page,” was arrested for disrupting a city council meeting in Toledo, Ohio. Three months later, he was arrested for trespassing at a gun violence conference in Toledo, where he was carrying an unlicensed concealed pistol. Given that Page was “local” in Toledo, does it make sense that he would be president of an organization called Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta (BLMGA)? Last time I checked, Atlanta was nearly 700 miles from Toledo, but nevertheless, Page in 2016 had incorporated BLMGA as a 501(c)3 non-profit. After the George Floyd case gained worldwide attention, Page collected nearly half-a-million dollars in contributions:

The FBI on Friday arrested Sir Maejor Page, an activist previously known as Tyree Conyers-Page, for allegedly spending for personal use some $200,000 in donations to what was held out as a Black Lives Matter charity.
The arrest came during a raid of an Old West End house that Mr. Page’s organization, Hi-Frequency Ohio, owns.
Mr. Page is federally charged with one count of wire fraud and two counts of money laundering.
Following his arraignment at 4:30 p.m. on Friday in U.S. Magistrate Judge James R. Knepp’s court, Mr. Page was released on a $10,000 unsecured bond, under the condition that he refrain from the use of Facebook and any fund-raising activity virtually or in person, and that he not open any lines of credit or banking accounts without permission from his probation officer.
If found guilty, Mr. Page could serve up to 50 years in prison and be ordered to pay a $1 million fine; at his arraignment, the state estimated that he is more likely to face 63 to 78 months in prison.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the case stems from a complaint lodged by a cooperating witness with the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center in April, 2019 alleging that Mr. Page was fraudulently utilizing a Black Lives Matter nonprofit organization by way of misrepresentations and by posing as a Black Lives Matter leader. . . .
In March, 2016, Mr. Page registered BLMGA as a nonprofit corporation with the Georgia Secretary of State Corporations Division and, according to the FBI, assumed the role of corporate president and chief executive officer. He additionally registered the corporation as a tax-exempt charity with the Internal Revenue Service.
But the IRS in May, 2019 revoked BLMGA’s charity tax exemption because of failure to submit IRS Form 990 for three consecutive years, and three months later the state of Georgia administratively dissolved the corporation for failure to file required paperwork.
According to the FBI, however, BLMGA remained listed on Facebook as a nonprofit organization as recently as Sept. 18, and was also so listed on the GoFundMe fund-raising site.
A bank account linked from those social-media pages named “Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta, Inc.” had been opened in 2018 with Mr. Page as its only signatory.

You can read the federal criminal complaint here.


While you’re laughing at the idea of guilt-stricken white liberals pouring money into the pockets of a ridiculous albino from Ohio, thinking they were contributing to Black Lives Matter in Atlanta, ask yourself: How much of the overall BLM project is similarly corrupt?

Interestingly, in June, Page had “parted ways” with a young Toledo activist named Abelino Ruiz, with both of them making accusations against each other. Ruiz called Page “a master manipulator.” Now three months later, the “master manipulator” could be facing more than five years in federal prison. You know who’s happy about this?

Racists, that’s who. This whole pathetic story couldn’t have been more perfectly scripted if David Duke himself had written it.


FMJRA 2.0: Mexican Radio

Posted on | September 26, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Late Night Double Scoop Rule Five Sunday: Babes In Choppers
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Keep Calm and Vote Trump
Dark Brightness

Andrew Cuomo’s Lynching Law
Bacon Time
The Political Hat

3 Killed by Louisville Gunman Wearing ‘Justice for Breonna Taylor’ T-Shirt
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Jake Gardner’s Life Mattered

The SCOTUS Circus
Bacon Time

The Haughty Pride of the Elite
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Criminal Justice Reform
357 Magnum

Streiff’ Doxxed and Dooced
First Street Journal
A View From The Beach

Who Votes for Democrats?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.22.20 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Meet Canada’s Version of Deborah Frisch
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.22.20 (Evening Edition)
Proof Positive

‘The New Zeroeth Amendment’ and the Predictable Death of Dijon Kizzee

Louisville Democrat Mob: ‘Burn It Down’ After #BreonnaTaylor Grand Jury Ruling
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 09.23.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Mostly Peaceful™ Protesters Shoot Two Police Officers in Louisville Riot
A View From The Beach

Hazards of the Trade
357 Magnum

Sleepy Joe’s Sundown Campaign

In The Mailbox: 09.24.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Election Fraud Already Underway?
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
357 Magnum
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 09.25.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending September 25:

  1.  EBL (25)
  2.  357 Magnum (11)
  3.  A View From The Beach (8)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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