The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Streiff’ Doxxed and Dooced

Posted on | September 22, 2020 | 2 Comments

Back in the misty dawn of blogging, to be dooced meant losing your day job because of something you wrote on your blog. Now it has happened to Red State managing editor “Streiff” who, we unfortunately learn, has been working for more than a decade as a public-affairs official for the National Institutes of Health. He has reportedly retired after being doxxed by Lachlan Markay of the Daily Beast. On the one hand, this is bad news — almost certainly, Streiff was making six figures at this job — but on the other hand, it’s good that he had enough time in to retire, because his prior Army service counted toward his retirement.

How did Streiff get busted? A hint from the Washington Post:

According to his biography on RedState’s website, the user “streiff” has been a member of the publication’s community since its founding in 2004. In 2018, the website laid off a number of writers, including its editors Caleb Howe and Jay Caruso. At the time, the company insisted the move was financial, although the former writers and their allies pointed out that several of those laid off were the most vocal Trump critics writing for

Probably it was one of the disgruntled former Red Staters who decided to strike back by tipping Markay to Streiff’s identity. However, it must be noted, there was sufficient visible evidence to corroborate the ID, demonstrating once again how difficult it is to conceal any online alias.

As bad as this is for Streiff and Red State, it will probably have few substantial ramifications beyond that — a one-day story of little interest to anyone outside the world of political media.

Be careful out there, kids. The Internet can be a dangerous playground.


‘Criminal Justice Reform’

Posted on | September 22, 2020 | 1 Comment


There wasn’t much left of the car after the high-speed chase ended in South Carolina, and not much left of the driver, either. Behind the wheel of a stolen Toyota Prius, Kamontie Gross, 19, led police on more than a 20-mile chase April 18, 2019, from Charlotte, North Carolina, after he and two accomplices committed an armed robbery. Police from Charlotte backed off the chase, letting a police helicopter track the stolen vehicle down I-77 to the border, where South Carolina state troopers took up the pursuit. At one point, troopers used a PIT maneuver to spin the car around, but it kept going until its fiery conclusion near Rock Hill.


You will probably not be surprised by this information:

According to Mecklenburg County Jail records, Gross had been arrested nine times since 2016. Four of those arrests included charges related stolen vehicles.
Jail records also show [Gross’s 17-year-old accomplice Aniya] Taylor had been arrested seven times since 2017. Her arrests also included several charges for Possession of a Stolen Vehicle, as well as Fleeing or Eluding Arrest with a Motor Vehicle.


Between them, these two teenagers had 16 arrests, and while I couldn’t find the name of the third suspect, who survived the crash, we can imagine that this person had his or her own string of arrests. Why weren’t these criminals already behind bars? What is going on in our criminal justice system, when repeat offenders are being turned loose to wreak havoc on our streets, endangering public safety? The media amplify complaints from activists who say “mass incarceration” is the problem, but it seems to me the problem is rather the opposite. Authorities appear reluctant to lock up young criminals; grand theft auto used to be considered a serious crime, but now it’s just a videogame title, I guess.

A TV reporter interviewed Kamontie Gross’s mother:

Channel 9’s Tina Terry spoke with the mother of the man behind the wheel, who said she waited for hours at the hospital before learning that her oldest child had died in the crash.
“It’s so hard to lose a child. It’s so hard, it’s so hard,” Chaquia Gross said.
The crash killed her son Ka’Montie Gross, who was behind the wheel, an unnamed passenger, and seriously injured a second passenger.
Chaquia said she has no idea where her son was going or why any of this happened, but she said her friend messaged her about the crash shortly after it happened.
“I was like ‘Is he OK?’ They said ‘He’s gone’ and I’m like ‘What,'” Chaquia said. “She said ‘I can’t, I can’t let you see him, if you did you wouldn’t recognize him.”
Chaquia said her son had a big heart that cared for others, but he never extended that same care to himself.
“He’d tell you don’t walk across the street cause a car coming, he’d walk,” Chaquia said. “If you were down, he would pick you right back up. We might clash, but I love him to death. I’m gonna miss him.”

Oh, he “had a big heart,” when he wasn’t stealing cars, perhaps. The reader will probably not be surprised to learn that, according to jail records, Chaquia Gross was arrested on charges of breaking and entering a motor vehicle and larceny about six weeks before her son’s death. According to records, Chaquia Gross was born in June 1984 and her son Kamontie was born in June 1999, before his mother’s 15th birthday.

Go ahead and blame “systemic racism” for this.


The Haughty Pride of the Elite

Posted on | September 21, 2020 | 1 Comment


If you are familiar with the story of Whittaker Chambers, you know that when he left the Communist Party in the 1930s, he told his wife he was “leaving the winning side for the losing side.” So powerful was the Soviet apparatus, it seemed that evil was certain to triumph and yet, by his defection from the Party, Chambers ultimately helped shift the tide of history. His testimony against Alger Hiss proved the extent of Soviet espionage, corroborating the testimony of Elizabeth Bentley and other CPUSA defectors. You should read his book, Witness.

What got me thinking about Chambers was something that Ace wrote, referring to the arguments over replacing RBG:

If you watched Fox News on Friday, you heard several hundred tributes to the “great American” and “trailblazer” Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Would it surprise you to learn that the leftist outlets feel no such corresponding obligation to praise their enemies upon their deaths?
Would you say that if one group can command courtesies and tributes from another group, but that second group cannot reciprocally demand courtesies and tributes, what we have on our hands is a Caste system of Lords and Commoners?
Would you say you are sick and tired of our alleged representatives reifying and confirming this Jim Crow system by continuing to offer praise to the left when the left is quite open about wanting to formally enslave us? . . .
The left has captured almost every taste-making, norms-creating, rules-enforcing institution in America.
This gives them a great advantage in that it’s always their approval people must seek, if they seek approval from any institution at all.
But these institutions no longer represent excellence, or accomplishment, or virtue, or intelligence. They’re just hardcore partisan shill organizations wearing the skin-suits of organizations that formerly had some bipartisan credibility.
Now they’re saying: Do what we say, and maybe we’ll show 8% less hatred and contempt for you. Maybe.
And they still expect this to work!

What he is describing here is how the Left’s hegemony in academia, media, etc., gives them an almost dictatorial power when it comes to setting the terms of debate over important public issues. This is very much like the prestige once enjoyed by Communism, when the party could attract the support of such well-bred persons as Alger Hiss.

Even though the vast majority of Americans always opposed Communism, it was never popular among intellectuals to be an anti-Communist, and this allowed Communism to enjoy a certain prestige that it certainly never deserved. Meanwhile, outspoken anti-Communists like Richard Nixon, Joe McCarthy and Ronald Reagan were demonized by the fashionable media of their age, so that we can well understand why Chambers felt such a sense of doom when he left the Party.

Our only advantage, in situations like this, is that the corrupt elite are so arrogantly sure of themselves. Within their ideological echo chamber, the elites never hear any voice of doubt or dissent, so they believe they are on “the right side of history,” and assured of victory. They underestimate the intelligence, determination and courage of their opponents.

In 1977, Richard Allen, a confidant and advisor, asked Ronald Reagan for his theory of U.S.-Soviet relations. “Here’s my strategy on the Cold War,” Reagan replied. “We win, they lose.”

We ought to emulate that example.


The SCOTUS Circus

Posted on | September 21, 2020 | 1 Comment

The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg was, uh, mourned by liberals who gathered in Washington, D.C., and spontaneously began singing John Lennon’s “Imagine” — an interesting choice:

Imagine there’s no heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No hell below us.
Above us only sky.

An atheist hymn for an atheist’s death in an atheist world, I suppose.

By Sunday morning, the Satanic Left had recovered from their grief sufficiently for Nancy Pelosi to go on ABC and vow to do everything possible to prevent President Trump from replacing RBG.

Of course, nothing in the Constitution assigns the House of Representatives any role whatsoever in judicial nominations, but since when has Nancy Pelosi cared about the Constitution?

Doug Bandow predicts a no-holds barred fight over the nomination of RBG’s successor, and says Republicans have every advantage in the fight.

Stephen Kruiser says Democrats are about to discover that payback is a bitch: “Whatever grief the Democrats get in the next month or two was brought about by their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. Their behavior towards Kavanaugh was abominable and unforgivable.”

Joe Biden . . . Well, what did you expect him to say?

David Catron looks at the likely nominee:

Amy Coney Barrett isn’t the only jurist on President Trump’s list of potential successors to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, but she is certainly the most feared by the left. This became clear in 2017, when Trump nominated her for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. During her Senate confirmation hearing, Democrats on the Judiciary Committee subjected her to a de facto inquisition, complete with outrageous inquiries concerning her Catholicism. Barrett’s response was eminently judicial: “It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose personal convictions, whether they derive from faith or anywhere else, on the law.”
Regrettably, Judge Barrett’s remarkable forbearance during that 2017 interrogation probably hasn’t rendered her immune from the kind of character assassination to which any jurist nominated by President Trump to replace Ginsburg will be subjected. . . .

Read the rest at The American Spectator.

I’ve already been in touch with Gloria Allred to tell her that, one drunken night long ago, Amy Coney Barrett raped me. Where’s my book deal?


Jake Gardner’s Life Mattered

Posted on | September 21, 2020 | Comments Off on Jake Gardner’s Life Mattered

This is very sad news:

The surreal and sordid ordeal involving a white Omaha bar owner and a young Black Omaha man ended Sunday with a staggering development.
Jake Gardner — awaiting arrest after a grand jury in Omaha indicted him last week — shot himself outside a medical clinic in suburban Portland, Oregon, two law enforcement officials told The World-Herald. Police in Hillsboro, Oregon, found the 38-year-old former Marine dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound about 12:20 p.m.
Gardner’s attorneys, Stu Dornan and Tom Monaghan, said Gardner shot himself on the day he had said he would surrender in connection with manslaughter and three other felony charges stemming from the May 30 confrontation that led to the death of 22-year-old James Scurlock.

I discussed Gardner’s case here.


Late Night Double Scoop Rule Five Sunday: Babes In Choppers

Posted on | September 21, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

When I saw the news articles about 19-year-old helicopter pilot Ashli Blain last week, I had no idea that she wasn’t the only gal flying helicopters against the California wildfires. No, there’s *two* of them, and much to my surprise they’re not Reservists or Guardsmen but civilians who learned from their daddies. The other one is Ann Hansen, also from Montana, and these ladies aren’t flying little whirlybirds, either: Hansen flies a CH-54 Sikorsky Skycrane, and Blain flies the CH-47 ShithookChinook. Pretty amazing ladies doing very necessary work.

Ann Hansen in the copilot’s seat

Ashli and her dad

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1105, Morning Mistress, Girls With Guns, Hot Pick of the Late Night (week 2), The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1112, Morning Mistress, & Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Communism In America Friday, the Saturday Gingermageddon (last week), Rule Five Bullshitting Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon (this week).

EBL: Manon, Romeo et Juliette, Marianne Faithfull, Away, Susan Graham, Sarah Vaughn, Cendrillon, Les Pecheurs des Perles, Les TroyensCobra Kai Season Two, Vanessa Rubio, Anna Netrebko, Nina Simone, Le Comte Ory, Ella Fitzgerald, La Fille du Regiment, Tommy Bartlett Show RIP, La Cenerentola, Kaitlan Collins, I Puritani, Julie London, Ruth Bader Ginsburg RIP, L’Elisir D’Amore, Fountainheads, Kimberly Klacik, Amy Coney Barrett, and Norma.

A View From The Beach: Clara Huet, Fish Pic Friday – May the Schwartz Be With YouRIP: Diana RiggTattoo ThursdayStairwayOregon, My Oregon – Antifa Chick Bawls Upon Being BustedTuesday TanlinesHappy Labor Day!Palm Sunday, Kim CattrallRussiagate: Graham Promises Day of Reckoning!Fish Pic Friday – Red Drum ReduxThursday TanlinesYour Wednesday WetnessAnother Day Ending in “Y”
Motoring into Monday and Palm Sunday.

Proof Positive: Maureen O’Hara and Diana Rigg.

Red Pilled Jew: Women Dressed For Date NIght and Women Across The Table.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!


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3 Killed by Louisville Gunman Wearing ‘Justice for Breonna Taylor’ T-Shirt

Posted on | September 20, 2020 | 1 Comment


Cassandra Fairbanks reports at Gateway Pundit:

A black male walked into a Louisville bar owned by a retired police officer and shot three random people at point blank range on Friday night — while wearing a Justice for Breonna Taylor shirt.
The suspect was smiling from ear to ear as he was arrested for the shooting at Bungalow Joe’s Bar and Grill.

National media are ignoring the evidence of racial motive in this apparent terrorist attack. Bar owner Joe Bishop is quoted by WDRB-TV:

According to Bishop, it was a normal Friday night at Bungalow Joe’s when a man walked up to the restaurant and shot three customers, all men, who were sitting in the patio area at point-blank range.
“Nobody had ever seen this guy before,” Bishop said, referring to the shooter. “It was a totally random act.”
The men did not exchange words “at any point in time” before the shooting, according to Bishop.
“Social media is full of people saying this happened and that happened and wanted to get political with it; there was nothing political about what happened,” he added.

We shall see what further evidence of motive police are able to develop, but there are photos of the shooter in handcuffs wearing that T-shirt, which would seem to be sufficient evidence. Don’t expect CNN to send any camera crews to Louisville to cover this story.

UPDATE: The Louisville Courier-Journal reports that Friday’s four homicides — the three at Bungalow Joe’s and a fourth unrelated shooting — bring the city’s murder total to a record high:

The four deaths overnight brought this year’s criminal homicide count to 121, according to a Courier Journal review of LMPD data. The Courier Journal reached out to the Louisville Metro Police Department to confirm that total, but an LMPD spokesperson didn’t respond
Louisville’s previous record for murders was reported in 2016, when LMPD investigated 117 homicides.
“This is a tragic milestone,” Mayor Greg Fischer said in a statement. “We have lost far too many people to this senseless violence, and I grieve with those directly impacted — the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters of those killed — and those indirectly impacted — the community as a whole, which also has suffered great loss.”

But the only death that matters to the national media is Breonna Taylor.


FMJRA 2.0: Winged Hussars

Posted on | September 19, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Winged Hussars

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Liberals Outraged by Million-Dollar Bail for Lancaster #BlackLivesMatter Rioters
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First Street Journal
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Trump Is Right: No, It’s Not Crazy to Suspect Biden Is Being Medicated
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The Death of ‘Quono’

Cop Shoots Knife-Wielding Maniac, Lancaster Riots After BLM Lies
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Sorority Sister Turned BLM Radical? Kappa Delta Arrested in Lancaster Riot
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In The Mailbox 09.15.20 (Afternoon Edition)
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In The Mailbox: 09.15.20 (Evening Edition)
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Mandatory ‘Struggle Sessions’ in Arizona
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In The Mailbox: 09.16.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
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Trump Getting 50% of the Catholic Vote
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No Lower Form of Human Scum Exists: @TheRickWilson Engaged in Blackmail?

When Do Black Lives Matter, and Why?
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In The Mailbox: 09.17.20
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‘Sundown Joe’ Babbles Incoherently About Fracking in CNN Pennsylvania Town Hall

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 09.18.20
A View From The Beach
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Top linkers for the week ending September 18:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2.  (tied) 357 Magnum & Proof Positive (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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