The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Warning: You Can Never Unsee This

Posted on | June 30, 2020 | 2 Comments

Usually, I celebrate “Pride” Month by ignoring it. One of our greatest liberties as Americans is the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, i.e., “you have the right to remain silent.”

In an age of militant “social justice” activism, you can engage in a sort of protest simply by keeping your mouth shut, resisting the temptation to comment on the Left’s endless propaganda and provocations. If you have a scintilla of common sense or a modicum of moral decency, life can become a struggle against the urge to say rude things every time the cultural elite finds some new way to offend your sensibility.

You could get fired from your job, if you just said the first thing that crossed your mind when you witness the kind of degenerate madness foisted upon our society by the so-called cultural “elite.”

Consider, for example, how fashion brand Calvin Klein has decided this year to commemorate “Pride” Month by debuting their newest model, who symbolizes the oppression suffered by members of the LGBTQ community, as well as “people of color” (POC) and also, the obese.

Because I am a professional journalist, it does not behoove my career interests to share my opinion about Calvin Klein’s new model.

However, in the interests of public safety, I have an obligation to warn readers: You can never unsee this. Are you ready?  Read more

War in Antifastan: Has Violence in CHOP Zone Become Too Much for Seattle?

Posted on | June 30, 2020 | 1 Comment


Latest dispatches from combat correspondents on the front lines:

A 16-year-old boy has died and a 14-year-old boy has been hospitalized in critical condition Monday following the latest shooting at the Seattle area known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, or CHOP, police revealed.
Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said it marked the second death of an African-American victim in the area. The first death associated with the CHOP came June 20 when 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson was shot and killed.
Monday marked the fourth shooting linked to the CHOP zone.
“It’s very unfortunate that we have another murder in this area identified as the CHOP,” Best said Monday. She elaborated that they were African-American victims “at a place where they claim to be working for Black Lives Matter but they’re gone. They’re dead now. And, we’ve had multiple other incidents — assaults, rapes, robbery, shootings — so this is something that’s going to need to change.”
Officials initially said the victims of the latest shooting were “men” before clarifying their ages.
Best said multiple 911 callers reported that two males had been shot in a vehicle on 12th Avenue between Pike and Pine early Monday morning, but by the time officers arrived at the scene both were gone. . . .
Best said investigators “found a white Jeep Cherokee riddled with bullet holes on 12th Avenue between Pike and Pine,” KOMO reported.

Victims of the urban terrorist regime demand a military response:

[T]he father of another teenager shot and killed there last week says the CHOP zone must go.
Tensions rose when the victim’s father spoke out because he is saying things the people here do not want to hear.
But now two teenagers, both black, have been killed here. And at least three others have been wounded.
“I ain’t been sleeping,. You see my eyes. I’ve been crying. I’m trying not to cry on TV.”
Horace Lorenzo Anderson stood in the embrace of Andre Taylor, a leader in the local anti-police violence movement.
Anderson was there to shine a light on the murder of his 19-year-old son and namesake, who was shot and killed inside the CHOP zone last weekend.
He says the zone should go.
“This doesn’t look like a protest to me no more,” said Anderson. “That just looks like they just took over and said we can take over whenever we want to.” . . .
Anderson thinks the National Guard should be asked to return.
“They should deployed them here to say ‘Man, it’s time to go,'”
said Anderson. ” ‘It’s time to move on. And break this up.’ ”
The protesters say their goal is justice.
“But justice is not happening here,” said Taylor. “Violence is happening here.”

Why is it that our troops can be sent to Afghanistan to fight terrorists, but we cannot fight these terrorists in Seattle? But it appears that the feckless Mayor Jenny has finally had enough of Antifistan:

Crews with the City of Seattle began removing barricades around the “Capitol Hill Organized Protest” (CHOP) zone Tuesday morning. The barricades were removed at 10th and Pine.
Seattle Parks and Recreation signs were posted around Cal Anderson Park that said the park would temporarily close Tuesday at noon. It is unclear when the signs were posted.
Seattle officials previously said barriers around CHOP would be dismantled Sunday, but the protest zone remained intact through Monday.

If you want terrorists to take over your community, just elect Democrats.


Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | June 29, 2020 | 3 Comments


Protesters in St. Louis are angry because . . . Well, does it really matter why they’re angry? They’re protesters. Being angry is sort of a prerequisite for being a protester. “Defund the police” is their demand, because the protesters are Democrats and Democrats hate police.

The mayor of St. Louis is a Democrat named Lyda Krewson, who apparently didn’t get the memo. She doesn’t hate police enough:

In a public briefing broadcast live on Facebook on June 26, 2020, Krewson read aloud the names and addresses of multiple constituents, including a minor, who had signed a petition in favour of budgetary changes which involved redirecting all the money spent on the police department to social services, affordable housing and Cure Violence.

The “defund the police” protesters decided that Mayor Krewson needs to resign, so they marched to her house Sunday. Problem? Mayor Krewson lives in a gated community, and the protest marchers were trespassing when they marched past the mansion owned by Mark McCloskey, who happens to be one of the richest lawyers in the state of Missouri.


A couple brandished an AR-15 and a handgun at protesters marching past their mansion in an upscale St. Louis neighborhood.
Husband and wife, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, could be seen aiming the guns at demonstrators who walked by their palatial property in the wealthy Forest Park area at around 6pm on Sunday. . . .
St. Louis police confirmed they were called to Portland Place at around 7.20pm on Sunday night for an incident involving trespassing and assault [with] intimidation after the McCloskeys issued a ‘call for help’.
‘The victims stated they were on their property when they heard a loud commotion coming from the street. When the victims went to investigate the commotion, they observed a large group of subjects forcefully break an iron gate marked with “No Trespassing” and “Private Street” signs,’ police said.
‘Once through the gate, the victims advised the group that they were on a private street and trespassing and told them to leave. The group began yelling obscenities and threats of harm to both victims.
‘When the victims observed multiple subjects who were armed, they then armed themselves and contacted police. The investigation is ongoing.’

The McCloskeys have spent more than 20 years, and untold millions of dollars, restoring the Busch-Faust mansion, which was built in 1912 by an heiress of the Busch brewing fortune. The McCloskeys are Democrats (tort lawyers generally are) who have donated to Joe Biden, but you can imagine their panic at seeing a smelly mob of protesters come barging onto their private street. And yeah, if you’re a rich white guy living in a mansion in a Democrat-run city like St. Louis, better keep your AR-15 handy, because . . . Well, you can finish that sentence.


Rule 5 Sunday: Erin Gray

Posted on | June 29, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Who says A must say B, some old Commie said, and so, since I spent most of the book post talking about various Buck Rodgers books, it seems only right that our appetizer for this Sunday is actress Erin Gray, who played Wilma Deering on the TV show. Here she is in her normal hair color during Season 2; the producers made her dye her hair blonde in the first season. What a waste.

A leader men will follow!

Ninety Miles From Tyranny brings us Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1028, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

EBL’s thundering herd includes CHOP-CHAZ, “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over”, La Traviata, Marilyn Maxwell, Dr. Atomic, Samson & Delilah, Hedy Lamarr, Ri-dick-ulous, Accordion Babes, Cendrillon, An Important Date!, and Women of Yellowstone.

A View From The Beach reeled in Julia MajewskaGone Fishin’ RussiagateFish Pic Friday – Mystery FisherwomanAnother Tanlines ThursdayTo Be Fair, Arsenic Costs a Little MoreSome Wednesday Wetness, Oregon, My Oregon, Tattoo Tuesday and The Closer, One Degree from Kevin Bacon

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe this week is Hedy Lamarr, and at Red Pilled Jew, it’s Women In Surf & Sun.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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The Yellow Peril

Posted on | June 28, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

One of the recurring tropes in science fiction (and pulp fiction as well) is the Yellow Peril, the notion that America is in danger from the Asian hordes – originally Chinese, but later Japanese, and now Chinese again – whose fiendish plots are foiled only by heroic deeds, super-science, or both. Or neither; the literature is full of tales where the United States has been utterly defeated, and only scattered bands of Americans fight on against the Asiatic occupiers.

The most famous of these is, of course, Philip Nowlan’s Armageddon 2419, which introduces us to Anthony “Buck” Rogers, veteran of the Great War and hero of the Second American Revolution. Rogers wakes from a 500-year-long sleep induced by a radioactive gas pocket to find that the United States he knew is long dead, but scattered gangs of Americans carry on the war against the decadent Han, having developed new technologies to aid them in the fight. Rogers brings to the table forgotten tactics  that prove lethally useful, and provides a leader the mutually suspicious gangs can follow. Nowlan’s original novel and its sequel (The Airlords Of Han) are both available for free on amazon and through Project Gutenberg, but the Ace paperback edition combines them into one novel. Speaking of the Ace edition, when the Buck Rogers TV series became popular, Ace hired Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle to come up with a series of outlines for four sequel novels: Mordred (written by John Eric Holmes) , Warrior’s Blood, Warrior’s World (both by Roger McEnroe), & Rogers’ Rangers (by John Silbersack). Since these sequels are all based on Nowlan’s novel (with some slight tweaks from Niven & Pournelle) they don’t have much to do with the TV show, but that’s okay – the TV show didn’t have much to do with the book. Fun, quick reads for cheap; if they were doing them these days, they’d probably be a lot longer.

I really wanted to like Buck Rogers: A Life In The Future, by Martin Caidin. I really did. Unfortunately, Caidin plays fast and loose with the original plot, and instead of Anthony Rogers leading the gangs of America to victory against the Han, instead he gets dragged along on a number of pointless adventures and meaningless contests, and zzzzz…oh, sorry. The worst part of all this is that Caidin is a decent writer who’s written a bunch of exciting books, and this just feels like he phoned it in to TSR. Not recommended.

Meanwhile, back in the 1940s, Robert Heinlein wrote Sixth Column, based on an idea given to him by John W. Campbell, and the odds are even longer in this one than in the Buck Rogers novels. Not only are the conquering PanAsians well on their way toward setting up a global totalitarian state, the only opposition left is a handful of scientists and soldiers led by a former ad executive drafted into uniform. Fortunately, they have a super-science gizmo to end all gizmos, and that Old Time Religion. Sort of. It’s only Heinlein’s second novel, but you wouldn’t know it. Recommended.

The Bear & The Dragon was Tom Clancy’s last novel, and if I remember correctly the last 20% was actually finished by Mark Greaney, which might account for all the swearing and sex that some of the reviewers complained about…anyhow, this is set in the Ryanverse, with Jack Ryan as President, and an assassination attempt in Moscow is just the start of the bad news here, because Red China intends to succeed where the Japanese failed and seize the Northern Resource Area (Siberia) for themselves. This is a good, if dated, mix of spy novel and technothriller, culminating in a clash between Red Chinese mechanized forces and Russian/American armor while the U.S. Air Force and PVO Strany have a turkey shoot against the People’s Liberation Army Air Force. Not the best of Tom  Clancy’s books, even in the Ryanverse, but good enough brain candy.

Have a favorite Yellow Peril novel I’ve overlooked? Mention it in the comments!

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FMJRA 2.0: Run With Me, Wherever I Go

Posted on | June 27, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Run With Me, Wherever I Go

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Bacon Time

Didn’t We Try to Warn You?
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum
First Street Journal

Surprising Plot Twist in Atlanta: ‘Girlfriend’ Is Suspect in Wendy’s Arson

A Death in Antifastan

FMJRA 2.0: I’m The Runaway Son Of The Nuclear A-Bomb
A View From The Beach

Rule 5 Sunday: Michelle Malkin
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny

The Definition of ‘Execrable’
Bacon Time

In The Mailbox: 06.22.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Black People Celebrate ‘Juneteenth’ Weekend by Shooting Each Other

The Hotepping of America
Dark Brightness

Rayshard Brooks’ Girlfriend Arrested

In The Mailbox: 06.23.20
Proof Positive

Old And Busted: Auto-da-fé
New Hotness: Tina da Fey


Fake Noose, Fake News
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.24.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

The New York Times Smears French Author Who Predicted Our Current Crisis

Why Does New York Hate Freedom?

‘We Can See Through That’
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 06.25.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.26.20
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending June 26:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2. (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (6)
  3.  357 Magnum (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Parenting Against ‘The Village’

Posted on | June 27, 2020 | 3 Comments

Many readers will recall that in 1996 Hillary Clinton published a book — I won’t say she wrote it — called It Takes a Village, the title of which was supposedly inspired by an African proverb. Whether or not this actually is a proverb among Africans, or whether it was merely attributed to them to make it seem trendy and “multicultural,” I’ve always been averse to the claim that “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Whatever the origin of its title, Clinton’s book was essentially an argument against parental responsibility, a demand that government take charge of raising children whose parents were incompetent, and thus an embrace of collectivism. Back in the mid-1990s, my wife and I were already the parents of three children — our youngest three came along latter — and it was a heckuva struggle. While we certainly had family and friends who were helpful, our situation was made more difficult by several factors, including the fact that my mother died when I was 16, so we had half the ordinary supply of grandmotherly care, and we lived 700 miles from my wife’s family. Beyond that, we had discovered that the public schools are a complete disaster, with an anti-Christian curriculum and other problems too numerous to detail here. So . . .

You’re on your own.

Raising excellent kids in a world of mediocrity requires that parents make up their minds to think independently, to exercise their own inherent authority, to assert their proprietary interest. Reject the collectivist mentality that insists your children aren’t actually yours.

What is necessary, really, is a proper sense of self-respect.

Are you an intelligent, high-quality person? Is your spouse likewise a person who is above the norm? Do you both have good values? If you consider yourself a worthwhile person, and not some no-account degenerate trash, then doesn’t it follow from this that you are qualified to make decisions about what is best for your children? If this is so, why should you outsource this decison-making to others? If you consider yourself qualified to judge what is in your child’s best interest, why would you allow a Board of Education bureaucrat to determine what your child should be taught and how? Are you less qualified than the bureaucrat?

Don’t try to sell me your argument in defense of “good” public schools. Most Americans believe that their own local public schools are an island of “quality” in an ocean of decay. They will admit public schools are generally bad, but insist their child’s school is an exception. I’m sure parents in Parkland, Florida, were making this argument right up until the moment when the mass murder began.

If you believe you are a good parent, and if you believe your children deserve the best possible education, you will not shove them into the dangerous, dumbed-down conformity factories of public education.

Every intelligent Christian in America understands that we are living in an evil and decadent age, in which the elites are morally bankrupt and our social institutions have been subverted. Your children must be taught to resist the herd mentality, or else they will be pulled down by the undertow of decadence that surrounds them. Peer pressure is dangerous, as can be seen from a review of Abigail Shrier’s new book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters:

Shrier’s book discusses a social theory that some trans activists really don’t want to see the light of day. Teen girls, the theory says, can decide they are transgender males as a result of interacting with other young girls who have transitioned through a phenomenon known as “peer contagion.”
Peer contagion is defined as “the transmission or transfer of deviant behavior from one adolescent to another.” It has been scientifically linked to depression, eating disorders, and drug use.
“Today,” the book’s description reads, “whole groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across the country are coming out as ‘transgender.’ These are girls who had never experienced any discomfort in their biological sex until they heard a coming-out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discovered the internet community of trans ‘influencers.’” . . .
Almost 90 percent of parents surveyed in [researcher Lisa] Littman’s study said their child was the second, third, or fourth person in their friendship group to question their gender.
Additionally, 21 percent of parents reported that their child came out as transgender around the same time that a friend came out as transgender.
Further, one-third of parents said more than half of their child’s friendship group was transgender-identified. Littman said this represented a rate of transgender-identification that is more than 70 times the expected prevalence for young adults.
“Parents have described clusters of gender dysphoria in pre-existing friend groups with multiple or even all members of a friend group becoming gender dysphoric and transgender-identified in a pattern that seems statistically unlikely based on previous research,” she wrote.

Public schools now actively promote the transgender cult.

“It Takes a Village to Mutilate a Child.”


In The Mailbox: 06.26.20

Posted on | June 26, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

It’s Friday, and you know what that means – reminders that links are due by noon tomorrow for the FMJRA and by midnight for Rule 5 Sunday. Also this weekend, the Pre-Independence Day Yellow Peril Book Post!

357 Magnum: Another Cop Kneeling On Someone’s Neck
Red Pilled Jew: Random Thoughts
Bacon Time: Put Me Down As Calling This Suspicious
EBL: The Radical Left Is Grooming Your Kids
Twitchy: Sean Spicier Tweets About Flynn, The Obama Administration, & NASCAR, And The Lefties Freak Out
Louder With Crowder: Pathetic – Pelosi & Schumer Can’t Even Remember George Floyd’s Name
Vox Popoli: They KNOW They’re Hypocrites, also, The Other Great Replacement
According To Hoyt: The Danger Of War Elephants

American Conservative: How To Retrofit Your Neighborhood To Save Urban Civilization
American Greatness: The Democrats Indulge Their Death Wish, also, Indian Leader Calls For Destruction Of Mount Rushmore
American Thinker: The Left Craps Out, also, BLM/Antifa Violence Is Prelude To November
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Data & Facts Friday
Babalu Blog: How The Cuban Exile Pilots Of Makasi Fought Communism In The Congo
Baldilocks: Present Help
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For June 26
Cafe Hayek: The Emotigentsia
Da Tech Guy: The $86 Million Carpe Donktum Twitter Advertiser Question
Don Surber: BLM Proves The Broken Windows Theory, also, #NeverTrumper Casts Shade On A Trump Win
The Geller Report: DeBlasio & Cuomo Get Schlonged In Court, also, Migrant Who Stabbed Three To Death Was In UK’s “Deradicalization” Program
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Well, I’m Glad That’s Done
Hollywood In Toto: My Spy Pins Dave Bautista To The Mat
The Lid: Jerry Nadler Says Antifa Is Imaginary
Legal Insurrection: Radical Left Makes Inroads At Scalia Law School Under #BLM Banner, also, Harlem Blacks Push Back Against Defunding The Police
The PanAm Post: Iran Trains Venezuelan Military To Control Communications, also, Avior’s Excuse To Avoid Sanctions
Power Line: Voter Fraud – The Democrats’ Ace In The Hole, also, Frederick Douglass Speaks
Shark Tank: Democrat Ag Commissioner Asks DeSantis For Mask Order
Shot In The Dark: A Little Bit Country
STUMP: State Bankruptcy & Bailout Reactions
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – How To Protest
This Ain’t Hell: Why I Believe Mikey Weinstein Is A Bottom-Feeding Opportunist, also, Valor Friday
Victory Girls: Suicide Of The Republican Party, Or Salvation?
Volokh Conspiracy: NY Officials’ Endorsement Of Anti-Racism Protests Leads To Successful Religious Freedom Challenge To Gatherings Ban
Weasel Zippers: 20% Of Ballots Rejected As Fraud Is Charged In NJ Mail-In Election, also, Antifa Attacks Portland Police Precinct, Sets It On Fire
Megan McArdle: Trump Will Richly Deserve His Fate, But He Won’t Pay The Ultimate Cost
Mark Steyn: Columbians At War

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