The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Party of Hate (Continued)

Posted on | August 11, 2018 | 3 Comments

Just yesterday, I discussed how the slap-on-the-wrist sentence for violent “antifa” attacks on Trump supporters in California signified the Democrat Party’s endorsement of hate. Now there’s further evidence:

Progressive protesters lined up along a fence on Tuesday to protest Rep. Jeff Denham (R., Calif.) as he exited a vehicle, prompting one female protester to denigrate his Hispanic wife by saying, “Shame on your Mexican wife.”
The Modesto Progressive Democrats and other groups aligned with Josh Harder, a Democratic congressional candidate running against Denham in California’s 10th Congressional District, were in attendance at the protest. Denham’s campaign manager Josh Whitfield posted a video of the interaction on Twitter. . . .
The female protester, who was holding up a sign in Spanish, not only called Denham “garbage,” but also said “Shame on your Mexican wife” multiple times. It is unclear what several of the other protesters were chanting.
National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Jack Pandol also tweeted out the video of the incident, which led Harder to “like” the tweet. It was later “unliked” by Harder, but Pandol saved a screenshot. . . .
Denham slammed the Democratic candidate on Twitter Wednesday, saying it was “reprehensible” for Harder to endorse what was said about Sonia Denham, his wife of 25 years. . . .
The NRCC slammed the “toxic and corrosive” culture among Harder’s supporters.
“Josh Harder needs to address the toxic and corrosive culture among his supporters to end these dangerous confrontations right away,” Pandol said.
Sonia Denham is not the first minority supporting his candidacy to be targeted. The GOP candidate sent out a statement earlier this week denouncing a hate crime against Surjit Malhi, the chair of Sikhi’s for Denham Campaign Coalition, after he was assaulted on July 31 while helping place signs for Denham’s campaign.
“Mr. Malhi is a respected leader in our community & a proud American. This is the 3rd incident in less than 2 weeks members of my team were targeted. Hate Crimes have no place in our society. The people responsible for this reprehensible act of hatred must be brought to justice,” Denham tweeted.

As Tom Knighton explains:

You see, they believe that all minorities owe their allegiance to the progressive cause because progressives say they’re working for minorities. Minorities aren’t permitted to have the agency to decide for themselves whom they will and will not support. They’re supposed to do as they’re told by their leftist betters.

Democrats are the party of hate, and it keeps getting worse.

(Hat-tip: Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 08.10.18

Posted on | August 10, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.10.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Because Privacy Is Such A 20th Century Concept
EBL: GAB – The Eye Of Redmond Is Upon Them
Twitchy: Gavin McInnes, Proud Boys Accounts Suspended By Twitter
Louder With Crowder: The Spectator Tries Shaming men For Self-Improvement – It’s Cr@p!
According To Hoyt: Hate Speech
Monster Hunter Nation: Back From Gencon
Vox Popoli: Ben Shapiro DEBATE-RAPES Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Free My Butt Edition
American Power: Progressives Outraged At Ingraham Exposing Left’s Program To Remake America, also, Samuel P. Huntington, Who Are We?
American Thinker: White Republican Voters In Michigan Chose A Black Guy
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Field-Dressing Whales Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For August 10
Da Tech Guy: Eric Boehlert Is Right, The Trump Presidency Isn’t Normal
Don Surber: How Trump Beats Erdogan And Other Dictators
Dustbury: This Bologna Has A First Name
The Geller Report: Singer & Actress Shot Dead By Husband – Another Pakistani Honor Killing, also, Muslim “Refugee” Douses Gay Roommate With Boiling Water, Gets 17 Months In Jail
Hogewash: Casting Decisions, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: One More “What Does It Mean” Moment In A Year Full Of Them
Legal Insurrection: Ocasio-Cortez Claims Ben Shapiro’s Debate Challenge Is Like Being Catcalled On The Street, also, Massachusetts Man Arrested For Offering $500 Bounty To Killers Of ICE Agents
The PanAm Post: How The Mexican Opposition Can Effectively Oppose AMLO
Power Line: Leftism’s Dire Consequences, Chicago Edition, also, Eye Of The Hurricane
Shark Tank: Clay County Is Turning Blue
Shot In The Dark: Orwell Was A Pollyanna
STUMP: Having Fun With Mortality
The Jawa Report: Imam’s Report Led To Disabled Grandson Too Late
This Ain’t Hell: Army No Longer Giving Immigrants The Boot, also, Crazed Loony Stalks Dakota Meyer
Victory Girls: Vox Claims MS-13 Are Just The Kids Next Door
Volokh Conspiracy: Short Circuit – A Roundup Of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Weasel Zippers: Woman’s Studies Prof Claims Trump Supporters Will Ignite Civil War To Keep Him In Office After Second Term, also, Scores Of Registered Voters Over 116 Years Old Found In Hotly Contested OH-12
Megan McArdle: Show Me The Victims Of Insider Trading. I’ll Wait.
Mark Steyn: Tuning Out The Oscars, also, Valedictorians With Machetes

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Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas

Posted on | August 10, 2018 | 1 Comment


Yesterday, I explained that Democrats have nominated an anti-white hate-monger to challenge Republican Pete Sessions in Texas’s 32nd Congressional District. Today, I’m highlighting another extremist Democrat in Texas, Gina Ortiz Jones, who finished first in a five-way primary, with 42% of the vote and then defeated Rick Trevino in the May runoff, to challenge Republican Rep. Will Hurd in the 23rd District.

This is one of the most competitive districts in the country, and has changed hands five times between Republicans and Democrats in the past 25 years. Hurd, a former CIA officer and the only black Republican member of Congress from Texas, won the seat in 2014 with only a 2,500-vote margin over the Democrat incumbent, and was re-elected in 2016 with a margin of only 3,000 votes. In a mid-term where Democrats are energized by anti-Trump mania, Hurd faces a tough fight, and Democrats have poured more than $1 million into the Jones campaign.

Fortunately for Republicans, however, Jones is way out of step with the values of this largely rural district, which stretches all the way from the suburbs of San Antonio in the east to El Paso in the west. The district is 55% Hispanic, and Jones has made a point of using her mother’s maiden name, with the slogan “One of Us, Fighting For Us” in her campaign.


Except she’s not Hispanic. Her mother immigrated from the Philippines and her father (who never married her mother) was a white drug addict.  While she’s using “Ortiz” to play the identity-politics game with Texas voters, however, she’s using a lesbian-feminist message to solicit support nationally from Trump-haters, promising to become the “first Filipina-American and first out-lesbian to represent Texas in Congress, and she’ll be the first woman to represent her district. She has been endorsed by all the usual suspects of left-wing extremism, including pro-abortion groups like Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List, pro-homosexual groups like Equality PAC, Human Rights Campaign and the LGBT Victory Fund, and the anti-Israel JStreetPAC, as well as the Feminist Majority, People for the American Way and the AFL-CIO. Her agenda includes socialized medicine, taxpayer funding for abortion, gun control, amnesty for illegal aliens, and every other issue you might expect from someone who attended elite Boston University.


Even without all her other baggage, her support for abortion might be enough to defeat Jones. When I say this district is 55% Hispanic, some Republicans might roll their eyes and write it off as a lost cause, but Texas isn’t Brooklyn or L.A.. Most of these “Texicans” are solid, hard-working folks who drive pickup trucks and love Jesus and BBQ. They won’t automatically embrace a half-Asian lesbian feminist with a radical agenda just because her middle name is “Ortiz.”


You can do your part to defend this Texas district, and help keep Democrats from taking over Congress, raising taxes and ramming their extremist agenda down our throats. If you live in Texas, or have friends or relatives that live there, please reach out to them on Facebook and warn them about these radical Democrats like Gina Ortiz Jones.

Democrats: The Party of Hate

Posted on | August 10, 2018 | 2 Comments

Eric Clanton attacked Trump supporters in Berkeley.

Once upon a time — perhaps as recently as 2012 — it was possible to assume that Democrats merely disagreed with the rest of America. Through ignorance of economics or misjudgment of foreign-policy issues, perhaps their destructive agenda was an innocent error. This benign interpretation of politics allowed patriotic Americans to believe that their friends and neighbors who voted for Democrats were well-meaning, decent, sincere people who had simply made a mistake.

No one can believe this, now that Democrats have taken off the mask:

A former Diablo Valley College professor who used a bike lock to assault seven Trump supporters at a free speech rally last August will only receive three years of probation as part of a plea deal.
Eric Clanton, a former philosophy professor at Diablo Valley College, will receive only a three-year probation for his assault on Trump supporters at a Berkeley Free Speech rally in August 2017. Clanton was captured on video smashing a Trump supporter’s head with a bike lock. His victim ultimately fell to the ground, covered in his own blood.
Court documents revealed that Clanton struck at least seven people in the head at the Berkeley free speech rally on April 15, 2017. One of his victims had a head laceration that required five staples to fix. Clanton was initially charged with four counts of felony assault.
During a search of Clanton’s home, investigators found documents that linked him to local Antifa groups. Investigators also found bike locks and clothing that were similar to the items used by the assailant in the assault video that was published online. Additional,y, cell phone tower data placed Clanton close to the location of the assaults on the date they took place.
Clanton entered into a plea agreement on Wednesday for a misdemeanor battery charge. All felony charges against Clanton were dismissed. A charge against Clanton for wearing a mask during the assault was also dropped as a result of the plea deal.

This is who Democrats are. This is what Democrats believe. This is what your friend or relative who votes for Democrats is actually voting for — political violence against anyone who disagrees with them, so that Democrats are free to commit assault in the name of “social justice,” to deny the constitutional rights of citizens who vote Republican.

Make no mistake. This slap-on-the-wrist sentence of Eric Clanton signifies an endorsement of anti-Republican violence by the Democrat Party officials who control California, in the same way that California’s “sanctuary state” law signifies hostility against American citizens.


Democrats are an anti-American party. They hate you. If you express disagreement with Democrats, they will resort to violence to silence you, and expect the courts to set them free to do it again.

Do not forget that Eric Clanton was a professor, employed at taxpayer expense to teach philosophy to college students in California. Democrats control the schools — data on the political campaign contributions of teachers unions and university professors show that discrimination against Republicans is pervasive in the education system. The partisan activists who control this system take extraordinary measures to prevent Christians from being employed as teachers and professors, instead hiring atheist radicals like Eric Clanton to indoctrinate students with the Democrat Party’s crypto-Marxist ideology of “social justice.”

This incident must be viewed in the context of what is happening elsewhere in California, where Democrats have obtained a monopoly on power. The streets of San Francisco are a public sewer, where human feces pile up on the sidewalks next to the hypodermic needles of heroin addicts. In Hollywood, vandals destroyed the star commemorating the show-business career of President Trump. It is California Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters who now define the party’s agenda.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


Ode To Overlingering

Posted on | August 10, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Sometimes no matter what you do,

You find yourself an unfortunate tree,

Whose decades, though more than a few,

Will end both soon and a-brupt-ly.

When sprout you did, all was so good,

Weather fair and danger far,

None to say that flee you should,

As danger was a distant star.

Closer it crept, but you held your ground,

And laughed at the alarmist talk,

That’s ever readily nearby found,

As seasons pass and people walk.

The point you should have calmly fled,

Held so many rationales,

For holding fast, despite the dread,

That pending danger oft entails.

So we come to present time.

A die was cast; remain you will,

Admonishing neighbor further in,

Busy rationalizing still.

In The Mailbox: 08.09.18

Posted on | August 9, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: Just Seven More To Go!
357 Magnum: Because There Isn’t Enough To Worry About
EBL: Russian Comedians Punk Dem Rep Adam Schiff
Twitchy: Jeongsplaining – Vox’s Ezra Klein Explains That “White People” On Twitter Doesn’t Actually Mean White People
Louder With Crowder: Hysterical New RNC Ad Mocks Democrats’ “Moral Victories”

Adam Piggott: Podcast #89 – The Creeper Episode
American Thinker: The Sausage-Making Of Wind Power Vs. The Military
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Screwball News
BattleSwarm: A Magic Bus Full Of Fraud
CDR Salamander: Fear & Loathing In The Sea Of Azov, also, Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: First They Came For Alex Jones’ InfoWars And We Did Nothing Because… also, Another Reason To Leave Massachusetts For Pennsylvania
Don Surber: They Want To Take Trump’s Star Back? Thirty More Popped Up Today
Dustbury: The Highway Should Be My Way
The Geller Report: Dentist Mom Jailed For Three Days With 4-Year-Old Daughter For Having Glass Of Wine, also, Iranian Revolution Coming? 100,000 Rush To Streets Chanting “Death To Dictator”
Hogewash: A Bit Of Fact Checking, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: Keeping Hope Alive!
Legal Insurrection: Illegal Immigrant Released By “Sanctuary City” Of Philadelphia Convicted Of Child Rape, also, We Remember – The Jerusalem Sbarro Pizzeria Massacre, 8/9/01
The PanAm Post: Invertebrate Cuba
Power Line: Child Raped Because Philadelphia Released Illegal Alien Sought By ICE, also, Steele, Simpson, & Ohr Linked With Russian Oligarch
Shark Tank: DeSantis Surges Bigly Over Putnam, Graham Leads In Democratic Primary
Shot In The Dark: As The Cold Civil War Heats Up
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – This Isn’t The Siraj Ibn Wahhaj We’re Looking For
The Political Hat: Fragile Youth – Happy Badges, Pronoun Stickers, & Triggering Textbooks
This Ain’t Hell: A Quick Note About The Future Of TAH, also, One Of The Greatest Coast Guard Rescues To Be Celebrated
Victory Girls: Ilhan Omar’s Credentials Include Committing Perjury While Divorcing Her Brother
Volokh Conspiracy: Impeachment Proceedings Against All Four WV Supreme Court Justices
Weasel Zippers: Ocasio-Cortez Claims Medicare For All Will Be Cheaper Because People Won’t Have To Pay For Funerals, also, Antifa Member Gets Three Years Probation Despite Beating Seven People With Bike Lock
Megan McArdle: The Private Musings And Short Fuse Of Elon Musk
Mark Steyn: Talking To The Feds

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Democrat Texas Congressional Candidate Colin Allred Is Anti-White Hate-Monger

Posted on | August 9, 2018 | 1 Comment


Republican political consultant Matt Mackowiak discovers dangerous ideas embraced by Democrats hoping to ride a “blue wave” in November:

One of the prized Democratic recruits of the 2018 cycle is former NFL player and Obama administration official Colin Allred, who was just endorsed by former President Obama. He is running against House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions in a Dallas district.
This past April, Mr. Allred was interviewed on the “Law for the People” podcast with Eric Cedillo, a Dallas immigration attorney. In that conversation, he bragged about serving as a research assistant for the “really well-known” and “really well-respected” author Ian Haney Lopez, who wrote the 2014 book “Dog Whistle Politics.”
I will save you the time of reading the book, which includes chapters entitled, “The GOP’s Rise as the White Man’s Party;” “What’s the Matter with White Voters? Common-sense Racism;” and “The Wrecking Begins: Reagan.”
Among the more vicious and divisive passages in the book, Mr. Haney Lopez and Mr. Allred argue that whites are racist for living in suburbs: “[W]hite professionals have mainly avoided integration by retreating to private academies, gated suburbs and protected professional worlds. Their ability to flee integration reflects both the resources available to better-off whites as well as the greater sway they exercise over government. As a result, well-off whites have experienced integration only on their own terms — in controlled settings, such as elite colleges and universities, and with only token numbers of non-whites. Beyond these managed interactions with integration, well-off whites remain the most racially isolated group in the United States.”
In another passage, the book argues that, “for many whites, the measure of whether they’ve made it increasingly turns on being able to set the terms with which they associate with minorities.”
Mr. Haney Lopez and Mr. Allred apparently believe it’s racist to live in the suburbs and that whites feel successful only if they can avoid interacting with minorities. Pretty extreme.
As a candidate, Mr. Allred wants citizenship for up to 12 million illegal immigrants and supports the full government takeover of health care known as Medicare for All, which the Mercatus Center just said would cost $32 trillion over 10 years. . . .

Read the whole thing. Mackowiak highlights two other Democrat challengers in Texas with even shoddier records, making the point that many of these candidates have not been subjected to critical scrutiny as individuals. They are presented to the public with glowing praise in the so-called “mainstream” media, and Republicans have failed to target them with the kind of opposition research and attack ads that Democrats routinely use against Republicans. Pete Sessions has a long record to defend, whereas his challenger Allred is depicted benignly as a football hero whose views cannot possibly be labeled “controversial.”

Of course, my headline is deliberately tendentious. It may be in some sense unfair to brand Colin Allred an “anti-white hate-monger.” However, ask yourself what Democrats would be saying about a Republican candidate who contributed to a book that made negative generalizations about black people the way Dog Whistle Politics generalizes about whites. As illustrated recently by the case of Sarah Jeong’s anti-white rhetoric, liberals have developed a bad habit of casually disparaging white people, in the belief that they will never be called to account for such rhetoric. Colin Allred’s claim that racism is the only reason white people live in the suburbs (or vote Republican) has the effect of inciting racial paranoia, encouraging non-whites to view white people with fear, contempt and suspicion. If liberals are allowed to make negative generalizations about white people in political propaganda (which is what Dog Whistle Politics actually is), and are never publicly confronted over such divisive rhetoric, then these divisive assertions will obtain the status of “truth” in the public mind.

Unless and until Democrats are made to pay a political price for using this kind of rhetoric, we can expect to see it continue to be used to incite hatred. The way to fight back must begin by calling this discourse what it is — racial hate propaganda — and asking voters to consider where this type of rhetoric has historically led. What happened when the Hutus began making radio broadcasts that demonized the Tutsi minority in Rwanda? Or to choose a more recent example, what have been the consequences of anti-white rhetoric in Zimbabwe and South Africa?

“Social justice” rhetoric involves demonizing entire groups of people as perpetrators of oppression. The accusation that white people are generally racist — look at them there, living in the suburbs and voting Republican! — implies that whites are untrustworthy and secretly engaged in wrongdoing, a collective guilt that deserves punishment.

Democrats have long been permitted to get away with this kind of divisive rhetoric, because the so-called “mainstream” media is controlled by progressive ideologues who will eagerly tell any lie (or conceal any truth) necessary to help their Democrat friends win elections.

Call them out. Force them onto the defensive, even if they respond by calling you “racist.” The alternative — giving Democrats and their media allies a free pass — is more dangerous in the long run.


I’m Pretty Sure That InfoWars And Gab Aren’t Signs Of A Crackdown

Posted on | August 9, 2018 | Comments Off on I’m Pretty Sure That InfoWars And Gab Aren’t Signs Of A Crackdown

by Smitty

First, the recent unpleasantness with the redirect appears to have been caused by some Memorandum code that was likely out of date. Maintenance happens.

Second, while I’ve been as big a fan of Alex Jones as homosexuality, I’ve never thought that suppressing either was particularly helpful. But the deplatforming of Jones is apparently just a brick in the wall:

(Why don’t I just go to Gab? I looked at the comments to Torba’s post and found even some of the account names on Gab are just not anything I care to see, sorry. Not snowflakery: merely selectivity about where my precious time goes.)

Third, alarmism isn’t my style. History is a noisy signal, and you can draw tangents going in any desired direction. So, what? Underreaction keeps the head clear.

Still, we’ve seen:

  • The Left go cuckoo for cocoa puffs since the 2016 election.
  • The willingness of outfits like CNN to bully people for making fun of them.
  • Increasing heavihandedness, from the demise of Stacy’s first Twitter account to underbussing Alex Jones, and now a little prise de fer from a cloud provider, hinting that content must be managed to the host’s taste without a hint of illegality.

I’m looking at Mastodon as we speak, to see if it has the right blend of interoperability with existing platforms, while not seeming quite so Orwellian.

It’s all good in the long run. The tech oligarchs are going to have all of the success of King George III controlling the pampleteers in colonial times. It’s just a vast distraction wading through all of the turbulence to get there.

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