The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Italian Official: ‘A Country Which Does Not Create Children Is Destined to Die’

Posted on | July 30, 2018 | Comments Off on Italian Official: ‘A Country Which Does Not Create Children Is Destined to Die’


Jack Montgomery reports at Breitbart:

Italy’s new Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini is following Hungary’s Viktor Orbán in putting demographics at the heart of his programme, warning that a country which imports migrants instead of supporting families is “destined to die”.
The League (Lega) leader, who heads one half of Italy’s new populist coalition government, set out his priorities in an interview with The Sunday Times at the historic Palazzo del Viminale in Rome.
“A country which does not create children is destined to die,” Salvini stated bluntly.
“We have created a ministry of the family to work on fertility, nurseries, on a fiscal system which takes large families into account. At the end of this mandate, the government will be measured on the number of newborns more than on its public debt,” he declared.
The 45-year-old warned that nothing less than Italy’s “tradition, our story, our identity” was at stake — particularly as the political left was using declining birthrates and the supposed threat of an ageing population an “excuse” to “import immigrants”.
The Italian leader appears to be following in the footsteps of conservatives in Central Europe, particularly Poland and Hungary, who have made a conscious decision to pursue pro-family policies and reject mass migration, even if it means slower short-term gains to GDP and provoking the globalist establishment in the European Union.
After winning a third term with a parliamentary super-majority earlier this year, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán made it abundantly clear that his government would concern itself primarily with “how many children are born to Hungarian women; how many children we raise together; whether there will be a Hungarian future; whether the Hungarian nation will survive biologically and numerically; what we must do to stop the decline we clearly see in this area; and what we must do to change the fact that we have more funerals than christenings.”
New policies intended to help responsible married couples into homeownership, support childrearing, and raise incomes may already be bearing fruit, with the U.S.-based Institute for Family Studies suggesting the country is successfully “winding back the clock on much of the fertility and family-structure transition that demographers have long considered inevitable”.

There is no such thing as an “inevitable” trend. People make historical trends, and not the other way around. Ronald Reagan famously said: “We are not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline. I do not believe in a fate that will all on us no matter what we do. I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing.”

The media routinely describe Matteo Salvini as “far right,” just as they’ve branded Donald Trump “far right,” like Reagan before him. Whenever people reject the advice of doomsayers who tell us we must accept our “inevitable” decline, liberals call them “far right.”



Illegal Alien Sentenced for Raping Girl

Posted on | July 30, 2018 | 1 Comment


In June 2016, sheriff’s deputies in Jones County, Mississippi, responded to a report that a juvenile had been raped. This led to the arrest of Alberto Conteras and Kimberly Nicole Zuniga-Hancock, a relative of the victim:

Through investigative interrogation and victim reports, it was determined Hancock and Contreras were texting earlier on June 24, 2016, while Hancock and the victim were together.
Hancock was telling Contreras she had a “friend” who would perform sexual acts for money. Hancock brought the victim to the residence of Contreras.
The three then consumed alcohol and Hancock left the residence to supposedly pick up a friend. At this time, Contreras forced himself on the victim.
Following the rape, the victim left the scene and went to a nearby relative’s home.

Contreras was sentenced to prison last week:

A judge sentenced a man to 10 years in prison for the rape of a juvenile in Jones County in 2016. On July 27, 41-year-old Alberto Contreras pleaded guilty to rape-assault with intent to ravish.
During his court appearance, the judge stated the Contreras, who is an illegal alien, will spend three years in prison at the Mississippi Department of Corrections before being deported back to Mexico. Additionally, if he returns to U.S soil he will complete the remainder of his sentence in prison before being deported again.
Contreras would have been facing life in prison if he had decided to go to trial.

Meanwhile, in Kansas:


A man in the country illegally is now facing charges for allegedly raping a 15-year-old girl in Johnson County.
According to court documents, 28-year-old Daniel Marquez-Trevizo took three teenagers to his apartment and bought them alcohol.Witnesses told detectives the victim drank a total of 10 beers and was highly intoxicated before the alleged rape took place.
Evidence from a rape kit matched Marquez-Trevizo’s DNA.
Marquez-Trevizo, a Mexican national, had been in the country illegally before and was deported in 2008, according to a statement from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Feminists haven’t mentioned these crimes, for some reason.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Day Late & A Dollar Short

— compiled by Wombat-socho

For the benefit of new chums and people confused about the FMJRA, a blast from the past.

Rule 5 Sunday: Alexa Davalos
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

‘No Christians Allowed!’ University Fires Catholic Chaplain for … Catholicism?
The Political Hat

The New Totalitarians

Disney Drops ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Director Over ‘Indefensible’ Tweets
A View From The Beach

The Carter Page FISA Documents: The Steele Dossier, the Leaks, the Witch Hunt
A View From The Beach

SJWs Are Killing Comedy
Pushing Rubber Downhill

‘Equality’ and the Loss of Decency

‘I’m Literally a Communist’

Get Woke, Go Broke: NY Daily News Cuts Staff by 50%, Fires Editor-in-Chief

Four Illegal Aliens Kidnapped and Raped Ohio Sisters, 13 and 14, Police Say

Crazy People Are Dangerous
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 07.23.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Offending the Easily Offended
A View From The Beach

Radical Feminist Exposes #TransCult

John Hawkins and Self-Inflicted Wounds

FMJRA 2.0: Shamanic Tales

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 07.24.18
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

You Need Some ‘Fat Positive Activism’?
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 07.25.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Bad Luck or Bad Judgment?

Crazy People Are Dangerous

In The Mailbox: 07.26.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Facebook Loses Record $119 Billion
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Death by ‘Gender’

In The Mailbox: 07.27.18
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending July 27:

  1. EBL (24)
  2. A View From The Beach (9)
  3. Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

Featured Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Amazon Coupons

‘The Monstrous Regiment of Women’

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | Comments Off on ‘The Monstrous Regiment of Women’

The title of a famous work by the Presbyterian John Knox came to mind when Eternity Matters called attention to a female pastor who appears to be endorsing fornication, rejecting as “binary thinking” any notion that such a thing as sin exists. Spurred to research, I discovered that the Rev. Stacey Midge is pastor of Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati. This is part of the liberal PCUSA denomination, which is not so much a church as it is a homosexual socialist advocacy group.


The Presbyterian Church was once one of the largest denominations in America, but in the 20th century, followed the “mainline Protestant” trend, abandoning scripture in favor of liberalism: “In 1973, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) separated from the Presbyterian Church in the United States in ‘opposition to the long-developing theological liberalism which denied the deity of Jesus Christ and the inerrancy and authority of Scripture.’” Having continued down its path of apostasy, the PCUSA ordains female clergy and endorses — nay, it celebrates and advocates — abortion and homosexuality. Predictably, their membership losses have been catastrophic:

In 2016, the PCUSA declined by 89,893 active members. Since 2005 the denomination has reported losing nearly two out of five active members, declining from 2,313,662 active members in 2005 to 1,415,053 in 2017.

In just 12 years, PCUSA lost 898,609 members, a decrease of 38.8%!

“Get woke, go broke,” as Professor Reynolds says. Once upon a time, American Presbyterians were led by such men as John Witherspoon, president of Princeton University and the only minister to sign the Declaration of Independence. Alas, the so-called “Presbyterian” denomination which ordained Rev. Midge has traded its birthright for a mess of pottage, so to speak, and the salt has lost its savour.

John Knox’s famous denunciation of “Bloody Mary” (who “had over 280 religious dissenters burned at the stake” during her brief reign) has long been controversial, but his arguments were at least based on Scripture, whereas what the PCUSA teaches now appears to be based mainly on the Democratic Party platform. “Repugnant to nature . . . the subversion of good order, of all equity and justice.” Sound familiar?


Pimp Who Trafficked 16-Year-Old Girl Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | Comments Off on Pimp Who Trafficked 16-Year-Old Girl Sentenced to 30 Years in Federal Prison

Raymorris Asencio (left) and his accused accomplice Briana Sparkman (right).

Raymorris Asencio, 32, of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, was sentenced Friday to 30 years in prison after being convicted on federal charges of human trafficking and transporting a minor across state lines to engage in prostitution. Asencio and an accomplice, 18-year-old Briana Sparkman, were arrested in 2017 after authorities got a tip from an alert citizen:

During [a May 2017 hearing for Sparkman], Christopher Berthay, an agent with the FBI Task Force testified about details in the case.
He stated authorities became aware of the case when a lady at a nail salon in Oxford called police about three people, a white female, a black female and an older black male, in early February.
“She believed the older male was a pimp in some way,” said Berthay. “She said he used aggressive language to the girls and talked about making money in Oxford.”
Berthay said the lady was curious, and looked up missing children on her phone from Mississippi.
“She ended up discovering that the white female, was a missing child from Waveland, Mississippi,” said Berthay.
Within 48 hours of that phone call, the trio was located at a hotel in Baton Rouge, where they were questioned and released by local authorities.
The white female, was later identified at a 16-year-old runaway that had been in and out of foster care that was first picked up by Asencio walking along the highway according to Berthay.
“He said he knew a way for them to make money and he would give her a place to stay,” said Berthay.
Berthay said the victim was taken to hotels in Oxford and Grenada, and backpage ads were setup advertising sex for money.
“Hundreds of pages were advertising sex for money,” said Berthay.
Those pages were linked to Sparkman, according to testimony.
Berthay testified that Asencio would provide the transportation to the hotels across the state, and he would leave Sparkman and the victim at the hotels.
“Sparkman would arrange the price and dates…, she taught the victim how to act and how to take the money,” said Berthay. “She (Sparkman) would wait in the bathroom while the sexual acts occurred.” . . .

Feminists have not taken notice of this crime, for some reason.

Perhaps it’s the same reason feminists did not mention the sex trafficking convictions of Abdul Bangura Jr. and Christian Hood, or the sex trafficking arrest of Michael Quinones, or Timothy Bernard White, or the warrant for fugitive sex trafficker Ramon Raudel Campos Murillo.

Maybe it’s “intersectionality.”


Two Men Sentenced to Federal Prison for Sex Trafficking of ‘Fun Size’ Girl, 15

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | 1 Comment

Abdul Bangura Jr. (left) and Christian Hood (right) were sentenced to prison.

Recent news from the Department of Justice:

A Virginia man was sentenced [July 20] to 186 months in prison and 10 years of supervised release for multiple crimes related to the prostitution and exploitation of a 15-year-old minor. Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, U.S. Attorney G. Zachary Terwilliger of the Eastern District of Virginia, and Assistant Director in Charge Nancy McNamara of the FBI’s Washington Field Office made the announcement after the sentence was handed down by U.S. District Judge Anthony J. Trenga of the Eastern District of Virginia.
Abdul Karim Bangura Jr. aka “AJ”, 22, of Triangle, Virginia pleaded guilty in August 2017 to all counts of an indictment charging him with sex trafficking of a minor, conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of a minor, interstate transportation of a minor for the purposes of prostitution, and production of child pornography.
According to admissions made in connection with his plea, Bangura and his co-defendant Christian Hood conspired to recruit a 15-year-old girl to work as a prostitute and to advertise her prostitution services on Backpage[dot]com. Bangura also transported the minor to hotels in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. for prostitution dates, and he took a portion of the money she made from commercial sex customers. Bangura also used a phone to record a video of himself having sex with the minor. In August 2017, Hood was convicted at trial of sex trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of this same minor.

The Washington Post covered Hood’s trial last year:

The teen took the witness stand Wednesday in federal court in Alexandria. Shaking at times, she described being prostituted around the Washington area by two brothers she met at a Virginia motel.
Identified only as Danielle H. to protect her identity, the now-16-year-old testified that one of the brothers, Christian Hood, posted ads for her on the website Backpage earlier this year. His half brother Abdul Bangura was her boyfriend and her pimp, she said. . . .
The first time [she met Hood], Danielle testified, was in February when she was living in an Econolodge Inn in Dumfries, Va., with her aunt. . . .
According to court documents, Hood promised her “money and progress” and asked her to send him photos he could post on Backpage.
In her Backpage ads, the 4-foot-8-inch Danielle was advertised as “fun size” and “unforgettable.”
“This is a case about how an adult man exploited a vulnerable 15-year-old girl,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kyle P. Reynolds said in his opening statement. Danielle, he said, was “naive” and “immature.”
Bangura admitted that he would act as “security” for Danielle, driving her to motels, checking in on her during paid dates, providing her with condoms and taking a portion of the money she earned. At night, they slept together.
“I’m really starting to catch some feelings,” she said in one text conversation. “I may not seem like the girl for you, but I am.” . . .
She is pregnant with his child, according to court documents.
Prosecutors said that Hood was involved in prostituting four other people on Backpage. He allegedly sent a text message in March asking someone named “Peach” for help finding more women: “ask the homies out there if they know any freaks that’s trynna work on bp I’ll show you how to make the ads n all that.” . . .
Danielle said she had previously been prostituted on Backpage when she was 14, by another pimp named T.J. According to the testimony of FBI agent Alix Skelton, Danielle’s mother also was involved.

Feminists haven’t mentioned this story, for some reason.


Police Make Sex Trafficking Arrest

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | Comments Off on Police Make Sex Trafficking Arrest


Recent news from Milford, Connecticut:

Two Rhode Island residents facing charges related to human trafficking and prostitution were released on bail Friday in Milford District Court.
Michael Quinones, 29, of 155 Cranston St., Providence, was charged with deriving support from prostitution, conspiracy to commit a crime and trafficking a person for sexual servitude, according to the criminal docket. He was released on $500 cash bail, plus a $150 counsel fee.
His accomplice, Emilie Camacho-Gomez, 29, of 152 Bordan St., Woonsocket, was charged with sexual conduct for a fee and conspiracy to commit a crime. She was released without bail on terms of personal recognizance.
Assistant District Attorney Robert Shea asked for Quinones’ bail to be raised to $5,000 cash plus the $150 counsel fee, but Judge Robert Calagione declined.
According to the statement of facts in support of the application for criminal complaint, at 10:05 p.m. Monday, Milford police officers Elias Giokas and Kevin O’Loughlin were traveling down Winter Street when they spotted a blue 1999 GMC Savana van with Rhode Island license plates parked neared Winter Street and Granite Street.
After briefly observing the driver, Quinones, at a stop sign, the officers say they observed a woman, Camacho-Gomez, exiting a residence on Granite Street and entering the vehicle. Camacho-Gomez was spotted earlier in the evening, at about 6:24 p.m., exiting the vehicle and entering a residence on Jefferson Street, near the home of a known heroin user.
Quinones was pulled over after the officers noticed a rear brake light malfunction when the vehicle drove away. While talking with Quinones about his whereabouts that evening, O’Loughlin noticed a text conversation open on Quinones’ cellphone that allegedly discussed sexual services for money.
During this time, Giokas was standing on the passenger side of the vehicle when he saw Camacho-Gomez, who was sitting in the front seat, make a move to the back of the van and grab a bag. This prompted Giokas to open the passenger door and order both suspects out of the vehicle. The suspects were separated from each other.
It was then through Officer Joseph Francesconi, who Giokas radioed in for and who speaks Spanish, that officers learned that Camacho-Gomez was performing sexual services, after she initially stated that she was just riding with her cousin, Quinones. Quinones had made a similar claim.
“I am prostituting and need money for my children,” Camacho-Gomez allegedly said.
In searching the van, O’Loughlin found $1,188 in the middle console beside the driver’s seat. Giokas observed a purse that was filled with condoms, lube, baby wipes, anti-septic spray and $473 in cash on the passenger’s seat.
When asked about what job he had, Quinones allegedly responded, “I don’t have a job.”
When asked where he got the money, he claimed it was from his bank account.
Detective Michael Mastroianni later arrived to assist and asked to check the cellphones that Quinones had that were ringing throughout the stop. Giokas and Francesoni observed messages both in English and Spanish. In one conversation were pictures of Camacho-Gomez.
“Do you want the service,” “15 minutes” and “Colombian” were written in messages underneath the pictures.
Officers then determined that Camacho-Gomez conspired with Quinones to perform sexual services for a fee and that Quinones was “deriving financial support from a known prostitute,” according to the statement.
It was also determined that Quinones would use his van to take Camacho-Gomez to clients as a way of engaging in “commercial sexual activity,” the statement said.

Feminists haven’t noticed this story, for some reason.


Suspect Charged With Trafficking Girl, 17

Posted on | July 29, 2018 | 1 Comment


Recent news from Florida:

A man suspected of selling sex with an underage runaway was arrested on human trafficking charges after the girl’s rescue in May, authorities said Thursday.
State Attorney Aramis Ayala, joined by Ron Stucker, the director of the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation, announced the arrest of Timothy Bernard White, 22, on charges including human trafficking of a child under 18.
“In this case, we were able recover and rescue a 17-year-old juvenile who was being trafficked here in Orlando,” Stucker said,
Officials say White met the girl over social media while the child was living in a group home in Tampa. Authorities say she ran away and met White at a Central Florida motel.
The Osceola County Sheriff’s Office became aware of the girl’s location and told agents with the MBI, a multi-jurisdictional law-enforcement agency that often deals with vice and organized crime. Authorities rescued the girl at the Orlando Metropolitan Resort, just off International Drive on May 31.
Authorities say White posted the girl’s pictures on various websites advertising sex and took the proceeds. Officials were able to identify Christopher David Jackson, 34, and Steven Ramos, 40, as two men they say responded to the postings.
“Both of them … went to the hotel and each independently had sex with this minor,” Stucker said.
Stucker said both men claimed to not know the child was underage. Under state law, alleged perpetrators do not need to know the victim’s age to be charged with human trafficking of a child.
“If you engage in prostitution, you will be prosecuted,” Ayala said. “If you are engaging in prostitution of underage children, you will be tried as a human trafficker and hopefully sentenced to the rest of your life in prison.”
Human trafficking continues to plague Central Florida. Orlando ranks third in the nation for reports of human trafficking, a positition that can be attributed to its place as a tourism hot-spot. The MBI has received more than 100 tips concerning human trafficking this year, Stucker said.
White faces charges including human trafficking, transporting for the purpose of prostitution and deriving support from the proceeds of prostitution. Jackson and Ramos face charges of human trafficking and unlawful sexual activity with a minor.

Feminists have ignored this story, for some reason.


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