The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 07.13.18

Posted on | July 14, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.13.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Reminder – Linkagery for the FMJRA is due tomorrow at noon; links for Rule 5 Sunday are due tomorrow at midnight. Consider this our version of an open thread, but be discreet and behave yourselves.

EBL: National French Fry Day
Twitchy: The Onion Hilariously Zings Media Insanity Over SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Louder With Crowder: The NATO Scam – Why Trump Is Right, also, Watch #AbolishICE Protesters Celebrate Love, Call Black Officer “N****r”
According To Hoyt: Chaos
Monster Hunter Nation: Infinity RPG Session 1 Recap
Vox Popoli: The President We Need

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – It’s A Joke Edition
American Thinker: Progressive Child Abuse In The Schools
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Lying Journalist Friday 2.0
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 13
CDR Salamander: Hey – About The German “Navy”…
Da Tech Guy: Would That Gun Owners Got The Same Leniency From State Laws That Stormy Daniels Does
Don Surber: Kavanaugh v. Strzok
Dustbury: Unreal People
First Street Journal: What Wonderful News For Friday The 13th
The Geller Report: Chicago-Area Town Board Member Being Pressured To Resign For Noting Muslim Immigrants Aren’t Assimilating, also, Mass Murder Plot Thwarted, Man Caught Before Blowing Up Condo To “Kill All The F*****g” Jews”
Hogewash: A New Look At M16, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: That Was Special
Legal Insurrection: Bluff Called – Speaker Ryan To Hold Vote On ICE Abolition Bill, Infuriating Democrat Authors, also, Trump Says Britain “Losing Its Culture” Because Of Mass Immigration
The PanAm Post: Nicaraguan Opposition Announces New Measures To Pressure Ortega
Power Line: About That “Giant Trump Baby Balloon” [Updated], also, Struck By Strzok
Shot In The Dark: Let’s Take A Break From The Virtue-Signaling Security Theater About Guns
The Jawa Report: Fatwa This! Totally Not A Psycho Edition
The Political Hat: Press Nothing For English
This Ain’t Hell: Cohen Tells Strzok “If I Could Give You A Purple Heart, I Would”, also, The New Army Combat Fitness Test
Victory Girls: Her Majesty Meets President & Mrs. Trump For Tea At Windsor Castle
Volokh Conspiracy: Short Circuit – A Roundup Of Recent Federal Court Decisions
Weasel Zippers: Foreign Leaders Now Calling Out U.S. Media Lies, also, Minor League Montgomery Biscuits Make Millenials Angry With Millenial Night Promotion
Megan McArdle: Of Boiled Water And Media Bubbles

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Loony Troons: Fantasy, Mental Illness and the Transgender Victimhood Narrative

Posted on | July 14, 2018 | 1 Comment


Avery Edison “has legally been a woman since 2009” and, in addition to calling himself a woman, Avery also pretends to be a “comedian.”

Here’s the real question: Why should we be required to play along with Avery’s make-believe games, either as a “comedian” or as a “woman”? Nobody can force you to go to one of Avery’s performances and laugh at his/“her” jokes, so why is it that “legally” we can be compelled to pretend that we don’t know that this “woman” is a man with a penis?

About 99% of what is called “transgender activism” is just whining from people with a fictitious sense of victimhood — a paranoid persecution complex — trying to shame the rest of us into feeling guilty for not applauding their self-created emotional theatrics. Having made ludicrous spectacles of themselves by attempting to act out their perverse fantasies in public, transgender activists then claim to be oppressed victims of “transphobia” if we decline to participate in their fantasy.

They’re not victims, they’re bullies, and their activism is not politics, it’s gaslighting — dishonest manipulation, a common deceptive tactic of abusive sociopaths who seek to create confusion in order to conceal their own wrongdoing and malicious intent. This is intertwined with a lot of DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) tricks by which the sociopath attempts to obtain sympathy by playing the victim. This involves a truly satanic level of dishonesty, a false accusation (“You’re oppressing me!”) employed as an attack on innocent people who, in all honesty, would be happy to ignore these attention-seeking lunatics, if only they’d stop their constant public lectures about “gender.”

Avery Edison: “Hey, lesbians, let’s talk about my penis.”
Lesbians: “Get lost, you freak.”
Avery Edison: “Hate speech! Transphobia! Harassment!”

Imagine someone acting that way in real life. You’re standing in the checkout line at the grocery store, and some weirdo you never saw before walks up behind you and tries to start a conversation about his penis. This would be a considered a crime — “lewd and lascivious misconduct” or whatever — in every jurisdiction in America, but on the Internet, transgender lunatics expect people to tolerate this in the name of “activism.” They’re the online equivalent of exhibitionists who hang around public parks, waiting to expose themselves to passersby.

What has caused this deviant behavior to proliferate is the pursuit of perverse fantasies. The Internet can make this seem not only possible, but preferable to normal everyday reality. Those who are drawn into this delusion are typically victims of their own bad habits:

Autogynephilia is a self-induced, chronic, progressive disorder . . .
Sexual fetishes occur almost exclusively in men, and men who have one sexual fetish usually have several . . .
This kind of “transgenderism” is actually a fetish, a perverse obsession which is an acquired psychological disorder.

It is important to understand that gender dysphoria has high rates of co-morbidity with other mental illnesses, so that anyone who engages in such behavior usually has other psychiatric issues, as well. And to repeat myself for the umpteenth time: Crazy People Are Dangerous. Have you forgotten Jackson Mosher, a/k/a “Gwynevere River Song” so soon?


The possibility that Mosher/”Gwynevere” could be dangerous was apparent to radical feminist Cathy Brennan, who had been threatened by Mosher/”Gwynevere” in a February 2017 Facebook exchange. Like many other transgender activists, Mosher/”Gwynevere” hated “TERFs” (trans-exclusive radical feminists), but it turned out that Mosher/”Gwynevere” hated someone else even more — his/“her” father, Robert Mosher.
On a Saturday afternoon — Aug. 12, 2017, five days after his/“her” last blog post — Mosher/”Gwynevere” showed up at the home of his/“her” father on Waterford Crossing in Waxahachie, Texas. Mosher/”Gwynevere” was armed with a knife, and an altercation ensued in which “Gwynevere” stabbed his/“her” father multiple times. This was a fatal error. Never bring a knife to a gunfight, as they say in Texas.
“Gwynevere River Song” was shot dead by his/“her” father, who was hospitalized for his injuries.

One obvious reason why most people don’t want to associate with transgender people is because so many of them have other antisocial attitudes that make it unpleasant to interact with them. Think about it. Does it seem to you that Avery “Let Me Tell You About My Penis” Edison is someone you’d want to invite to your house for dinner? Do you want somebody like that to know where you live? Probably not.


The non-funny “comedian” and non-female “woman” would have us believe that there are “multiple” lesbians who are “attracted” to him/“her” and that this proves “transwomen are women” when, in fact, it just proves that some self-described lesbians are as crazy as Avery is. Invite a bunch of lunatics to a party, and crazy things will happen, which is why abnormality is the norm in the urban LGBTQ social scene. It might be helpful if Avery Edison would provide a sociology grad student with the names of his/“her” ex-partners, so that a survey could be conducted, asking questions like, “On a scale of 1-10, How drunk were you that night?” or “What psychiatric conditions have you been diagnosed with, and were you off your meds at the time of this encounter?”

How drunk or desperate does someone (male or female, gay or straight) have to be before they decide to leave a bar with Avery Edison? And since we’re asking rhetorical questions, how much of a failure does a male have to be before he decides it would be easier to pretend to be female?

In order for this kind of make-believe to be more enjoyable than reality, after all, doesn’t your reality have to be hopelessly tragic? Or is it the case that the fantasy — what you imagine a woman’s life to be — has taken hold in your mind as a fixated obsession to the point that you despise your male reality and count it as worthless? Say what you will about the transgender phenomenon, one cannot expect rational explanations from those in the throes of such bizarre madness.


Oh, look, it’s “James Waters,” the schizophrenic Marxist whose double mastectomy and synthetic testosterone were provided by Canadian taxpayers. Turning a 22-year-old mentally ill woman into a ludicrous simulacrum of a male is considered “health care” in Canada, and therefore every Canadian has a “right” to such treatment.

She/“he” claims to be a victim of both transphobia and capitalism, as she/“he” declared at the Toronto Trans March last month. Diagnosed with multiple severe psychiatric disorders, this 22-year-old Canadian (“pisces sun + libra moon”) considers herself/“himself” qualified to lecture the world about mental health:

The “chemical imbalance” model of depression and other conditions is an oversimplification at best and completley unfounded at worst. It benefits drug companies and harms people. Stop using it uncritically.

You can’t even spell “completely,” you fool! And who are you to tell us what “benefits drug companies and harms people,” when you’ve been injecting synthetic testosterone for years? You forced taxpayers to foot the bill to have yourself surgically dismembered, and now you expect the rest of us to listen to your advice on mental health?

‘James’ in 2015 (left) and in 2018, after ‘top surgery’ (right).


Here’s some mental health advice: If you think you may be transgender, how about you log off the Internet for a few months and reconsider?

Spending too much time on the Internet can make you crazy, and after four years of studying radical feminism, it’s all I can do to cling to sanity long enough to explain how crazy these people are. Today is the fourth anniversary of my first post in the Sex Trouble series (“The Long Shadow of the ‘Lavender Menace,’” July 14, 2014) and I’m probably no more crazy now than I was then. On the other hand, you’d have to be crazy to undertake such a project, and I’m uniquely qualified for the job. Remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:




On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re Russian Military Intelligence

Posted on | July 14, 2018 | Comments Off on On the Internet, Nobody Knows You’re Russian Military Intelligence


Excuse my sarcastic reference to that classic 1993 Peter Steiner cartoon, but how else do you expect me to react to Friday’s big news?

Twelve Russian military intelligence officers hacked into the Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic Party and released tens of thousands of private communications in a sweeping conspiracy by the Kremlin to meddle in the 2016 U.S. election, according to an indictment announced days before President Donald Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The indictment represents special counsel Robert Mueller’s first charges against Russian government officials for interfering in American politics, an effort U.S. intelligence agencies say was aimed at helping the Trump campaign and harming his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. The case follows a separate indictment that accused Russians of using social media to sow discord among American voters.
The 29-page indictment lays out how, months before Americans went to the polls, Russians schemed to break into key Democratic email accounts, including those belonging to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Stolen emails, many politically damaging for Clinton, appeared on WikiLeaks in the campaign’s final stretch. . . .
The indictment identifies the defendants as officers with Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff, also known as GRU. If that link is established, it would shatter the Kremlin denials of the Russian state’s involvement in the U.S. elections, given that the GRU is part of the state machine.
The Russian defendants are not in custody, and it is not clear they will ever appear in American court, though the Justice Department has recently seen value in indicting foreign hackers in absentia as public deterrence.
The indictment accuses the Russian hackers, starting in March 2016, of covertly monitoring the computers of dozens of Democratic officials and volunteers, implanting malicious computer code known as malware to explore the networks and steal data, and sending phishing emails to gain access to accounts. . . .

You can read the rest of that, but the key point is that this indictment is meaningless — Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, Boris Alekseyevich Antonov and their comrades in the GRU’s Unit 26165 are never going to be brought to trial. Also, keep in mind “you can indict a ham sandwich,” as the lawyers say, and while Mueller was able to convince the D.C. grand jury that these allegations are true, they are still only allegations. Not to role-play defense attorney for a bunch of Russian spooks, you understand, but reading over the indictment, I didn’t see any actual evidence, nor does the indictment explain how the feds know that these 12 particular GRU agents were responsible for “Guccifer 2.0,” etc.

David French seems to believe item 44 of the indictment is important:

The Conspirators, posing as Guccifer 2.0, also communicated with U.S. persons about the release of stolen documents. On or about August 15, 2016, the Conspirators, posing as Guccifer 2.0, wrote to a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, “thank u for writing back . . . do u find anyt[h]ing interesting in the docs i posted?” On or about August 17, 2016, the Conspirators added, “please tell me if i can help u anyhow . . . it would be a great pleasure to me.” On or about September 9, 2016, the Conspirators, again posing as Guccifer 2.0, referred to a stolen DCCC document posted online and asked the person, “what do u think of the info on the turnout model for the democrats entire presidential campaign.” The person responded, “[p]retty standard.”

And this proves . . . what, exactly?

The “person who was in regular contact with” Trump campaign officials apparently believed he was communicating with “a lone Romanian hacker,” i.e., “Guccifer 2.0,” an online persona that the indictment says was created by the GRU agents “to undermine the allegations of Russian responsibility for” the widely reported June hacking of DNC computers.

As the indictment says, the hacked Democrat documents were published online where anyone could see them — Republicans, Democrats, anybody — rather than being surreptitiously delivered to Trump officials. And this “person who was in regular contact with” Trump campaign officials exchanged emails with the fictitious “Guccifer 2.0” who publicly claimed responsibility for the hacking. French says, “The indictment practically screams, ‘More information is coming!’ — including additional information about Russian communication with American citizens.” Well, yes, this is a fair inference, but the question remains, “So what?”

Can Mueller prove that (a) Trump officials knew they were communicating with GRU operatives, or that (b) this hacking was done at the behest of Trump officials? How could this be proven?

It was not a secret that Russians hacked the Democrats — this was reported by the Washington Post‘s Ellen Nakashima on June 14, 2016, and the next day, she reported that “Guccifer 2.0” had claimed credit, a claim that analysts called “part of a ‘Russian disinformation’ campaign.” Here we are then, more than two years later, and the grand jury indictment says that this was exactly the case. But what we don’t have is any indication that anybody on Team Trump was knowingly involved.

As a journalist, I get all kinds of email tips from all kinds of people. Suppose that in 2016 I got an email from someone claiming that as a teenager he was raped by John Podesta. If I replied to this email and asked questions, and the person answered, what does our email conversation prove? Nothing. So if it later turns out that this person emailing me was actually a Russian intelligence agent spreading disinformation, the mere fact that I exchanged emails with them doesn’t make me part of a Russian conspiracy. What I’m trying to say is, a dot here (Russian hackers) and a dot there (an email exchange with someone in touch with the Trump campaign) can’t automatically be construed as implying that Trump officials were illegally in cahoots with the GRU. For all I know, Mueller might have more evidence that does show such a connection, but it’s incorrect to assume that such evidence exists. Quite possibly, the Trump people were just clumsy amateurs who bumbled their way into this mess without a clue. But speaking of clueless bumblers, how stupid was Podesta to fall for this trick?

For example, on or about March 19, 2016, LUKASHEV and his co-conspirators created and sent a spearphishing email to the chairman of the Clinton Campaign. LUKASHEV used the account “john356gh” at an online service that abbreviated lengthy website addresses (referred to as a “URL-shortening service”). LUKASHEV used the account to mask a link contained in the spearphishing email, which directed the recipient to a GRU-created website. LUKASHEV altered the appearance of the sender email address in order to make it look like the email was a security notification from Google (a technique known as “spoofing”), instructing the user to change his password by clicking the embedded link. Those instructions were followed. On or about March 21, 2016, LUKASHEV, YERMAKOV, and their co-conspirators stole the contents of the chairman’s email account, which consisted of over 50,000 emails.

Your grandmother might be stupid enough to get phished, but grandma probably doesn’t have a law degree from Georgetown, as Podesta does, and you’d think he would be smart enough to spot the old “security notification” trick, but never overestimate a Democrat’s intelligence, eh?

In announcing the indictments, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein said:

The conspirators corresponded with several Americans during the course of the conspiracy through the internet. There is no allegation in the indictment that the Americans knew they were communicating with Russian intelligence officers. . . .
There is no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result. . . .
In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. It should go without saying that people who are not charged with a crime also are presumed innocent. . . .
When we confront foreign interference in American elections, it is important for us to avoid thinking politically as Republicans or Democrats and instead to think patriotically as Americans. Our response must not depend on which side was victimized.
The Internet allows foreign adversaries to attack America in new and unexpected ways. Free and fair elections are always hard-fought and contentious. There will always be adversaries who seek to exacerbate our divisions and try to confuse, divide, and conquer us. So long as we are united in our commitment to the values enshrined in the Constitution, they will not succeed.

Our “foreign adversaries” may be dogs, for all we know.


In The Mailbox: 07.12.18

Posted on | July 12, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Be Respectful – These “Conservatives” Are In The Process of Transitioning!
Twitchy: This Is How You Got Trump – Do Any Reporters Remember How They Covered Mitt Romney?
Louder With Crowder: Pedophiles Want To Be Part Of The LGBTQ Community

Adam Piggott: SJWs Started This Fight; It’s Up To Us To Finish It
American Power: Ben Shapiro’s Legal Team Shuts Down Clock Boy’s Appeal, also, Fox Poll Has Democrats Up By Eight On Generic Congressional Ballot
American Thinker: Donald Trump, American Matador
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Transparent Goofball News
BattleSwarm: .50 BMG v. Body Armor
CDR Salamander: Enough Thinking. Time For Action, Or Mass Firings
Da Tech Guy: Mob Violence & Harassment Are Not Peaceful Protest, also, The Silliness Of A “Living Constitution”
Don Surber: Strzok Out
Dustbury: No, No, Nano
First Street Journal: The Cost of One Wrong Word – $96.2 Million?
The Geller Report: YUUUUUGE – President Trump Storms UK, also, Federal Bill Introduced To Combat Antifa
Hogewash: Impeachment And The Democrats, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: The Strzok Show
Legal Insurrection: Democratic Socialist Star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Worried About November Counterrevolution, also, NY Gov Cuomo Threatens To Sue If SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade
The PanAm Post: Will Lopez Obrador Take Mexico Down The Path To Socialism?
Power Line: The Democrats Disgrace Themselves, also, Bull 1, China Shop 0
Shark Tank:  Scott Leads Nelson Among Hispanic Voters
Shot In The Dark: Your Future Attorney General?
The Political Hat: Degrees In Social Justice, Social Justice And Peace Studies, Social Justice Organizing Minor, and M.A. In Social Justice
This Ain’t Hell: Dean Crouch Tackles Armed Thief, Gets Fired By Employer Academy Sports, also, Marine Sgt. Tyler Harman Saving The World
Victory Girls: Strzok Gives Congress Arrogant Lecture About Bias
Volokh Conspiracy: New Calls For SCOTUS To Reconsider Qualified Immunity
Weasel Zippers: Feelgood Story – Families Separated In U.S. Reunited After Deportation To Guatemala, also, Watch Federal Agents Take Down Portland Radicals With Pepper Balls When They Get Violent
Megan McArdle: Drop The Euphemisms Around Affirmative Action
Mark Steyn: Battle Hymns Of The Non-Republics

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New MuellerGate Developments Prove ‘Deep State’ Conspiracy Against Trump

Posted on | July 12, 2018 | 1 Comment


OK, as of today, the “Russia collusion” story is MuellerGate.

For months, I’ve been saying the Mueller “investigation” is not an investigation, it’s a cover-up, the objective of which is to conceal the Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign, while also manufacturing an appearance of wrongdoing by Trump.

Muller has not yet produced any evidence of the “collusion” that he was expected to find, and why? Because this was a phony conspiracy theory created by Clinton operatives, using Fusion GPS in an attempt to fabricate an illusion of “collusion” that did not actually exist.

Case in point is the Russian lawyer at the center of the Trump Tower meeting story. Natalia Veselnitskaya was thick as thieves with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, and it seems safe to conclude she was an agent-provocateur, hired to lure Trump campaign officials into a meeting which could then be used as “proof” that Trump was a Putin stooge.

Because Fusion GPS was working for the Clinton campaign, and because Fusion GPS also produced the phony Steele dossier that was apparently the main “evidence” used to get a FISA warrant to launch federal surveillance of Trump campaign officials, the obvious 2+2 conclusion is that Veselnitskaya was part of a set-up, a trap, a “sting.” Her assignment, we may suppose, was to get Trump campaign officials to say something that could be captured via surveillance to serve as “proof” that the Republican candidate was doing something illegal with Russians.

OK, why did Trump fire FBI Director James Comey?

This was treated by the media as a scandal, a basis for accusing Trump of obstruction of justice, because it was presumed that Comey was investigating “Russian collusion.” It now seems more likely that Trump had discovered how deeply implicated Comey was in the surveillance of his campaign which, as we now see, was undertaken with the active influence of Fusion GPS, which was working for Hillary’s campaign.

It was the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, along with key officials in the FBI and elsewhere in the federal bureaucracy, who were engaged in wrongdoing in 2016, rather than the Trump campaign. Whatever the role of Russian “hackers” or other Kremlin-directed attempts to influence the 2016 election may have been, there is no actual reason to believe that this was why Hillary lost — for crying out loud, she never set foot in Wisconsin during the whole campaign — and there is abundant evidence that Trump’s campaign was targeted for surveillance on the basis of bogus “intelligence” (i.e., the Steele dossier).

What the Mueller “investigation” was intended to do was (a) create a cloud of public suspicion about “Russian collusion” in order to make Trump’s presidency seem illegitimate; and (b) suppress the truth about the Obama administration’s surveillance of the Trump campaign.

There are new developments in this story. First, there were multiple copies of the Steele dossier sent to the FBI, including one copy sent by left-wing journalist David Corn, and another sent by Sen. John McCain (or his staff). Ace of Spades examines this in detail, and the takeaway is that this Clinton-funded operation was very eager to manufacture a semblance of legitimacy for the Steele dossier as “intelligence.”

Second, and also via Ace of Spades, we learn from Byron York that Mueller has admitted that his indictment of Trump campaign aide Paul Manafort has (a) no connection to “Russian collusion,” and (b) no connection to Trump or to Trump’s 2016 campaign. In other words, the biggest fish caught in Mueller’s net isn’t being charged for anything related to Trump or Russia; he was just a target of opportunity and, we may suppose, the charges against Manafort were all about getting him to become a witness making accusations against Trump.

Third — yes, again via Ace of Spades — we learn that FBI agent Lisa Page is refusing to testify to Congress about how she and her FBI boyfriend Peter Strzok conspired to take down Trump. This is where some of that “alt-right” talk about the “Deep State” controlling the federal government ceases to be a tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory and becomes a real thing. If two FBI agents, having an adulterous affair, could be part of an officially-approved effort to prevent the election of a Republican candidate, or to sabotage his presidency if he were elected, then it is fair to describe these unelected bureaucrats as acting as operatives of a “Deep State,” seeking to maintain a governmental status quo, thus preventing any fundamental effort to change policy and reform the government.

You do not have to agree with Trump’s policy ideas to say that the 65 million voters who elected Trump deserve to have their votes reflected in empowering the new president to make changes in Washington. For the bureaucracy (i.e., hired hands like Page and Strzok) to interfere in the political process so as to prevent such changes is to reverse the proper relationship between “We the People” and our so-called public servants.

Finally, Christine Laila reports at Gateway Pundit, top Clinton aide Huma Abedin lied to the FBI during the investigation of Hillary’s illegal private email server, but was not charged for this federal crime, unlike former Trump aide Gen. Michael Flynn. Here we see how the “Deep State” is enforcing a partisan double-standard: What is illegal for Republicans to do — a career-ending federal felony — is entirely permissible when Democrats do it. This isn’t justice as the blindfolded lady holding a scale of impartial judgment. This is systematic political corruption.

Gosh, somebody should write a book about this . . .




Steven Crowder Confronts Transgender ‘Antifa’ Radical in Austin, Texas: VIDEO

Posted on | July 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Steven Crowder Confronts Transgender ‘Antifa’ Radical in Austin, Texas: VIDEO

Celine Camille Zinante has apparently undergone sex-change treatment to become “Cameron” Zinante and may be associated with a Communist “antifa” group called the Revolutionary Student Front. Zinante was working at a Juiceland franchise in Austin and, also, threatening violence against popular conservative personality Steven Crowder. This inspired Crowder to take a trip to Austin for a surprise visit with Zinante:


Notice that the video blurs identifying information about this person who, among other things, claims responsibility for defacing a statue of Robert E. Lee on the University of Texas campus. It would be a very bad thing if anyone were to threaten violence against “Cameron” Zinante.

It appears that she/“he” has deleted all her/“his” online accounts and, since Crowder provided police with evidence of her/“his” criminal threats, perhaps she/“he” is now trying to keep a low profile. That would be the first smart thing she/“he” has done in a while.

Hey, kids: Don’t be a transgender Commie.

Also, never threaten Steven Crowder.


Queer Feminist Update

Posted on | July 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Queer Feminist Update


Some readers may remember Ellie (a/k/a “Gabi,” whose real name is Gabrielle), the Tampa art student whose anti-heterosexual Tumblr rant was featured here in February (“Your Homophobia Is a ‘Direct Threat’ of ‘Potential Violence,’ Says Queer Feminist”). At the time, Ellie identified as “queer” and “nonbinary” and used “they/them” pronouns. When posting selfies on her Tumblr blog, she called herself “a sexy pink genderless fat orb.” Ellie is “severely mentally ill,” and claims to have “been professionally diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar type II, and PTSD.” She is into comics, “body positivity, mental health awareness . . . astrology” and, of course, “intersectional feminism.”



This is 21st-century feminism — an anti-heterosexual radical ideology in which hating men is the sine qua non of “liberation” and “female agency.”

And guess what else is counted as “female agency”? Transgenderism!


“I’m a trans guy. . . . I’m looking to get top surgery. I’m looking to get on testosterone. I’m looking to change my wardrobe, change how I am perceived in the world.”


Yes, “top surgery” (i.e., radical mastectomy) and synthetic hormone injections are what the 22-year-old queer feminist has decided are necessary for her “liberation” and, uh, “body positivity.” She (or “he”) has started a tag on her/“his” Tumblr blog to discuss her transition into “him,” and is considering calling herself/“himself” “Gabriel.”

Is it necessary for me to explain to parents that if your teenage daughter starts calling herself a feminist, you should consider this symptomatic of mental illness? Especially if she has a Tumblr account? And she dyes her hair pink, gets her nose pierced and wears a dog collar?

Perhaps not every young feminist has pink hair and three different psychiatric diagnoses, but on Tumblr? Yeah, that’s what feminism is. You should keep your daughter far away from it, or one day your daughter will declare she’s “nonbinary,” and then maybe she’ll be transgender, and on and on until she’s nothing but a sad joke of toxic craziness.

* * * * *

Permit me now to get serious, which I don’t enjoy doing, since caustic sarcasm is my preferred mode of expression when dealing with tragedy.

In case Gabrielle or someone who actually knows her and cares about her is reading this, she needs help. Her problem is spiritual.

Notice where she said she was into astrology? That’s a huge red flag. Astrology is an evil influence. Combine that with her gender/sexuality issues and her suicidal ideation, and you can make a case that Gabrielle is a victim of diabolical obsession. An Exorcist Explains the Demonic, by Father Gabriele Amorth, offers this explanation:

Diabolical obsessions are disturbances or extremely strong hallucinations that the demon imposes, often invincibly, on the mind of the victim. In these cases, the person is no longer a master of his own thoughts. . . . The objects of these hallucinations can be manifested as visions, as voices . . . as monstrous figures, horrifying animals, or devils. In other cases it can be an impulse to commit suicide or to do evil to others and, particularly in the young, it can lead to confusion about one’s gender.

If you examine Gabrielle’s art, you’ll find it is disturbing in nature. Sometimes it’s “cute,” but in a weird and childish way. Furthermore, Gabrielle’s “friends” — both in real life and online — are evil influences, encouraging her self-destructive attitudes. This is a pattern of behavior, which I have seen before. A person who feels in some way damaged and unlovable, is attracted to a subculture full of freaks and weirdos, where she can be seen as relatively more attractive by comparison.

Gabrielle’s history of eating disorders and self-harm, her feelings of loneliness — a misfit, an outcast — make her particularly vulnerable to demonic influence. You can laugh at this possibility, if you wish, but I’m telling you in all seriousness, demonic influences are real.

As I say, I’ve seen this pattern before. Not to get too specific, but I once knew a young lesbian who, as it turned out, wasn’t actually a lesbian. She’d gotten a bad reputation in high school because of her promiscuity. When she got to college, she somehow fell in with a crew of lesbians. She had a girlfriend who followed her around like a looming shadow. You couldn’t even talk to her if her girlfriend was around, but she didn’t seem to notice (or else didn’t mind) how this dark presence affected her life. Because I don’t want to get too specific (for fear of compromising her identity), I won’t relate the circumstances by which she eventually made her escape, but trust me when I say that the pattern of Gabrielle’s life strikes me as very familiar. Over the years, I’ve seen all kinds of people go down similar paths of self-destruction, because they started hanging around losers who dragged them down. Beware — evil is real.


In The Mailbox: 07.11.18

Posted on | July 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #313
EBL: A 1960 Film That Strangely Captures The Mood Of The Democrats This Week
Twitchy: John Kerry Slams Trump For Criticizing Germany’s Russia Gas Deal, Then It Gets Awkward (For Biden Too!)
Louder With Crowder: “Crowder Confronts” A Tire-Slashing Transgender!

Adam Piggott: Time For May To Exit, also, The Greasy Pole #6 – The PC v. Apple Episode
American Power: Democrats Go Completely Bonkers Over Kavanaugh Nomination, also, Tomi Lahren Goes Off The Rails On Roe v. Wade & The Right To Life
American Thinker: Wrecking NATO
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Texas Statewide Race Update For July 11
Da Tech Guy: Making A Break For It, also, The GOP Should Use The Harry Reid Precedent On Democrats’ Kavanaugh Demands
Don Surber: Republicans Win On The Issues
Dustbury: Mayhem, I Tell You
Fausta: Why I Read 12 Rules For Life
First Street Journal: Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics
The Geller Report: Congress Renews Push To Designate Muslim Brotherhood As Terror Group, also, Seattle Public Schools Partnering With Hamas/CAIR
Hogewash: Gilmore v. Jones, Et Al News, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Legal Insurrection: Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome Exploits Civics Ignorance, also, How The Obama Administration Subverted Plan To Take Down Taliban Drug Running – Just Like They Did For Hezbollah
The PanAm Post: Lula Da Silva Imprisoned – “As Of Today, Da Silva Cannot Be A Presidential Candidate”
Power Line: Schadenfreude, Kavanaugh Edition, also, Yale Law School Students Beclown Themselves
Shot In The Dark: Overheated
STUMP: SCOTUS Mortality Projection Update!
The Jawa Report: Ministry Of Entertaining The Masses PSA – Palestinian Space Agency Edition
The Political Hat: California’s Get Out Of Jail Free Card
This Ain’t Hell: Fake Marine Sniper Hates TAH, also, Phony SEAL Goes To Jail
Victory Girls: A Sonnet To Trump Derangement Syndrome
Volokh Conspiracy: Mississippi Supreme Court Rejects Chevron Deference To State Administrative Agencies
Weasel Zippers: Trump Calls Out Germany For Undercutting NATO By Paying Billions To Russia, also, Border Patrol Agents Rescue Little Girl Abandoned In The Rio Grande By Smugglers

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