The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Death by Social Justice: Transgender Scammer ‘Chloe Sagal’ Commits Suicide

Posted on | June 22, 2018 | 1 Comment

BEFORE: John Paul Neumann (left); AFTER: ‘Chloe Sagal’ (right).

If you can’t afford mental health treatment and can’t pay your rent, but you can afford tattoos and transgender surgery, you’re not a victim of anything except your own bad judgment. Also, being a liar and a swindler probably won’t make you very popular. Such are the lessons to be learned from John Paul Neumann, a/k/a “Chloe Sagal,” who fraudulently claimed to be the victim of a traffic accident in order to raise tens of thousands of dollars for sex-change surgery, and committed suicide Tuesday by lighting himself/“herself” on fire in a public park:

A person set themself on fire Tuesday afternoon in a downtown Portland park across from the Multnomah County Courthouse after reading a manifesto about homelessness and mental health.
Witnesses gave conflicting statements about the gender of the person.
“It was just like those monks,” said Scot Baughman, who was sitting in a park bench shortly after the incident.
Baughman, a process server, was in the park at Southwest 4th Avenue and Main Street when the self-immolation occurred. He was the first person to attempt to put out the fire.
Donna Maxey, who was also in Lownsdale Square at the time, said she saw it unfold. She noticed a person enter the park, on crutches and barely able to walk, wearing a red scarf around their neck.
They “sat down and her papers were blowing away,” Maxey said. They “sat there for a while looking at [their] papers.”
The person “was reading a statement about homelessness and mental health issues,” Maxey said.
At that point, both Maxey and Baughman said, the person started to scream.
Then, said Maxey, they “got out a gallon bottle and poured what looked like dirty water over [their] head.
“I thought maybe [they were] really hot,” Maxey said. “All of a sudden I saw blue lighter.”
Baughman was walking through the park, he said, when the victim “stood up, completely engulfed in flame.
He said his first impulse was to take a picture, but instead he ran to the person, took his shirt off and used it to try to stop the flames.
But, said Baughman, the flames “would just not go out.”
Maxey said another woman called 911.
As Baughman tried to put the fire out, a sheriff arrived to help. But the person’s head was still on fire.
“Finally, they came over with a fire extinguisher,” Baughman said, and were able to put the flames out.

Neumman/“Sagal” was a 30-ish videogame developer, originally from Illinois, whose mental illness was manifested in serious antisocial behavior. At some point, it seems, Neumman/“Sagal” ran a failed startup that left employees unpaid and wrecked Neumman’s/“Sagal’s” credit rating. In 2013, Neumman/“Sagal” launched an IndieGoGo crowdfunding scam. Claiming that a near-fatal auto accident had left toxic metal embedded in his/“her” body, resulting in chronic pain, Neumman/“Sagal” said he/“she” needed $30,000 for a “life saving surgery.” But there was no accident and no toxic metal; Neumman/“Sagal” used the money for sex-change surgery.

A videogame industry journalist named Allistair Pinsof discovered the deception, but Neumman/“Sagal” threatened to commit suicide if he reported the story. Pinsof consulted with his editors, who were hesitant to go with the story, and Pinsof ultimately decided to go public with the truth on his own social-media account. Pinsof was fired and blacklisted by the videogame journalism industry, accused of wrongfully “outing” a transgender person, for reporting the truth about someone perpetrating online fraud. This was one of the scandals that preceded the #GamerGate controversy, involving so-called “social justice warriors” (SJWs) colluding with journalists to distort coverage of the videogame industry.

Good luck finding a straightforward account of who Neumman/“Sagal” actually was, and what he/“she” actually did, in any mainstream news venue. This was the point of #GamerGate after all — videogame journalism had become so corrupted by its devotion to “social justice” issues that it was impossible to get the truth from them.

Most of what I know about Neumman/“Sagal” is culled from online forums like Kiwi Farms, and it’s genuinely sad that “professional” reporters would rather ignore the facts than to report them, if the facts contradict the preferred “social justice” narrative.

What do we know about transgenderism that might be relevant to this story? Well, if all you know is what you get from the mainstream media, you probably aren’t aware that gender dysphoria has a high rate of co-morbidity with serious mental illnesses, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and various personality disorders.

To put it as bluntly as possible, these people are crazy and, as I keep reminding readers, Crazy People Are Dangerous.

Neumman/“Sagal” had threatened or attempted suicide multiple times before. He/“she” had been committed to psychiatric hospitals for observation, but kept getting turned loose, and his/“her” antisocial behavior alienated anyone who tried to help him/“her.” A commenter on Kiwi Farms who had followed the situation summarized the problem:

Chloe had serious psychiatric problems and constantly pushed away both friends and family who tried to help her. While the things she did were both personally and morally abhorrent, she falls into a category of someone who was legitimately unwell and needed far more care and support than I think many realized, made more tragic by the fact that Chloe was never going to seek that herself. . . .
By this time last year, Sagal had burned almost every bridge I’m aware of. Even people who legitimately cared about her got pushed aside and/or abandoned by her for slights both real and imagined. For a long time, she’s been utterly and completely alone, solely through her own actions, and ultimately, there was no way out of that. . . .
She was a legitimately skilled game designer and if she had managed to vanquish her personal demons better, she’d likely have had a very bright career in that regard. The rub, of course, is that Chloe never had any intention to try. . . .
Victimhood can devastate the capabilities of even the most competent and intelligent person, but victimhood paired with psychological illness can completely destroy lives. In Chloe’s case it became a horrifying self-fulfilling prophecy, destroying her relationships, undermining her career, and leaving her vulnerable to being manipulated by s–theads.

And the “s–theads,” in this case, were SJWs whose only interest in Neumman/“Sagal” was using him/“her” as a weapon to attack their enemies, to make accusations of “transphobia” against anyone who reported honestly about Neumman/“Sagal” and his/“her” scams. Once he/“she” ceased to be useful for that purpose, and once his/“her” craziness caused problems for the SJWs, Neumman/“Sagal” was discarded like a used condom, and videogame journalists pretended they never heard of him/“her.” It doesn’t fit the SJW narrative, you see, when the person you’ve depicted as an innocent victim of “hate” turns out to be an antisocial nutjob who needs to be permanently institutionalized.

Remember Jackson Mosher, a/k/a “Gwynevere River Song,” the mentally ill transgender atheist who was shot to death after attacking his/“her” father with a knife? It’s not as if there were no warning signs that Mosher was dangerous, considering his/“her” reaction to the 2016 election.


You can’t cure insanity with hormone injections or sex-change surgery and, by requiring us to pretend that we don’t know this, political correctness is quite literally killing people.



In The Mailbox: 06.21.18

Posted on | June 21, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.21.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #292
EBL: Portland’s Famous Feminist Bookstore, RIP
Twitchy: Tributes Pour In For Pulitzer Prize Winning Conservative Pundit Charles Krauthammer, Dead At 68
Louder With Crowder: Marco Rubio Calls Out Democrats’ Open Borders Endgame, also, “Liberals Have No Loyalty!” (Laci Green Uncut)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #85 – The Last Week Episode
American Thinker: SPLC Keeps Denying It, But Black-On-White Violence Keeps Happening, also, The Left And Children
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Good Idea News
BattleSwarm: My Hovercraft Is Full Of Moose, also, SCOTUS Says States Can Force Online Retailers To Collect Sales Tax
Da Tech Guy: Cause & Effect – Being Armed Edition, also, Ten One Line Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: What Part Of “President” Do They Not Understand?
Dustbury: When I’m Sixty-Five
First Street Journal: SCOTUS Raises Your Taxes
The Geller Report: Swedish Bravalla Music Festival Permanently Cancelled After Onslaught Of Muslim Migrant Rapists, also, Alabama Muslim Gets 15 Years For Plotting Terror Attack
Hogewash: M100, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Back To The Border And Back In Time
Legal Insurrection: Charles Krauthammer Passes, Will Be Sorely Missed, also, [READER POLL] Was Melania’s Jacket Appropriate?
Power Line: Did The FBI Frame General Flynn? also, Howard Root, Live From Duluth
Shark Tank: Scott Slams Nelson For Decades-Long “Low Energy” Political Career
Shot In The Dark: Every Day…
STUMP: Russian Retirement Age Raised Past Death? Let me Actuary-splain
The Political Hat: Misgendering Students, Misgendering Classmates, Misgendering Compromise
This Ain’t Hell: Minot M240 Found, also, What I Learned At The Shooting Range
Victory Girls: Susan Rice Ordered “Stand Down” On Russian Election Interference
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Kennedy Questions Chevron Deference
Weasel Zippers: Illegal Aliens Fatally Separate American Parents & Children, also, Poll Says Most Americans Blame Illegal aliens’ Parents, Not Government, For Border Problem
Megan McArdle: Who Should We Listen To On Gender Dysphoric Children? Everyone.

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Transgender Vagina Envy and the SJW Campaign Against @JesseSingal

Posted on | June 21, 2018 | 2 Comments


Excuse me for returning immediately to the same topic as the last post, but one of the commenters mentioned that Jezebel had joined in on the Jesse Singal lynch mob and, when I went to follow up on that tip, I discovered this article by John “Harron” Walker:

If you must know one thing about journalist Jesse Singal, it’s that he loves reporting on trans issues — trans kids, in particular. If you must know another thing, it’s that a lot of trans people, myself included, loathe his coverage of trans issues with a once-fiery passion that has since cooled into a dormant rage.
On Monday, The Atlantic revealed that they are the latest mainstream publication to play host to Singal’s bulls–t, publishing “When Children Say They’re Trans,” the cover story for their upcoming July/August issue. . . .
Why does someone like Jesse Singal keep getting paid to write about trans s–t? I reached out to a number of editors and other staffers at The Atlantic on Monday in an attempt to find out. Emily Lenzner, Atlantic Media’s SVP of Communications sent me a glowing press release about the cover story and told me that she’d be “happy to answer questions.” So, I called the phone number in her emailed signature and left a message with her assistant. She never called me back, and by Tuesday morning she seemed less than happy to answer questions. “I’m not sure how productive getting on the phone will be given your social media feed and unprofessional approach and language in your emails to the author,” Lenzner said in an email. . . .
Why does he insist on covering these stories for no discernable reason? Seriously! What’s his f–king deal???
Since he won’t tell me himself — my tweets and emails have gone unanswered — here’s what I think Jesse Singal’s deal is: He’s a reactionary with a deep mistrust of the informed consent model of trans health care that has allowed a lot of trans people, myself included, to get on hormones in a matter of weeks. . . .
Singal’s reporting also suggests a cultural anxiety about the growing number of trans people who self-identify as trans without an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria, which would explain why he’s so interested in reporting on trans people who get it wrong. Without delving into personal, perhaps even perverse, speculation, I’d say that he so frequently writes about trans kids as a smokescreen for his anti-trans sentiment.

Walker here is not-so-subtly promoting a narrative — a propaganda theme — beloved by LGBT activists, namely that any heterosexual person who reports critically on their movement must have “issues,” some sort of personal psychosexual problem that explains their “obsession.”

My all-time favorite response to such attacks was by Wendy Shalit. A guy tried to convince her that her commitment to premarital chastity was a psychological “hang-up,” a consequence of repressive inhibition.

“I don’t have any hang-ups,” she told him. “You’re just a pervert.”

Bingo. Perverts are always trying to convince us that anyone who criticizes vice and defends traditional morality is either (a) an envious spoilsport or (b) a hypocrite hiding their own depravity behind a smokescreen of puritanism, if not indeed (c) both. Implied in their insulting insinuations is that there can be no legitimate reason to prefer chastity to promiscuity, or otherwise to uphold Judeo-Christian values.

Heterosexual hedonists do this, too, of course. The womanizer Charlie Sheen owed much of his fame to his “bad boy” reputation, and rejected all criticism as envy of his promiscuous lifestyle. Sheen wrecked his marriage, destroyed his career and contracted HIV, convinced all the time he was “winning” and the rest of us were just envious losers.

Sheen’s arrogant folly involved a sort of rationalization that is commonplace among LGBT activists, who seem to imagine that everybody should be gay, and would be, were it not for “homophobia.”

Is “anti-trans sentiment” irrational? Is it “reactionary” for Jesse Singal to report about those who reject the transgender cult mentality? Is it wrong to be concerned about the increasing numbers of adolescents pulled into the vortex of “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”?

The important question here: Who should be the arbiter of right and wrong? The transgender “woman” formerly known as John Walker?

This lunatic has nominated himself/“herself” as qualified to pass judgment on Jesse Singal’s sincerity and, by proxy, to condemn as “reactionary” anyone who criticizes transgender ideology for any reason.

“Who is this person?”

BEFORE: John H. Walker, circa 2015.

AFTER: Harron Walker, April 2018.

Whenever I encounter a dishonest, insulting or just plain crazy argument, my first instinct is to research the author in hope of gaining some insight about the bad person behind these bad ideas. In this case, I discovered that John H. Walker attended prestigious Sarah Lawrence College (annual cost of attendance $68,866 including room and board) where he majored in “Liberal Arts, Nonfiction Writing, Gender/Queer Studies, French Literature, Medieval/Renaissance Studies” and graduated in 2011. Why anyone would spend $275,464 for such a degree is a profound mystery, but as to why John Walker became transgender (beginning hormone treatment in March 2017), he/“she” has offered some interesting clues. Consider these excerpts of a colloquy between Walker and his/“her” friend, Yale-educated novelist Larissa Pham:

WALKER: Anyway, I spent a good chunk of Saturday wandering around New York by myself after finishing my shift at the store I work at in the city. I walked around Central Park, read Nameless Woman on a bench by some ducks, and popped into a fancy older Midtown bar once I got cold. I didn’t plan to do any of this when I left work. I just…recognized these impulses as they popped into my head and then acted on them. This probably sounds pretty basic for most people, but flexing my frontal lobe is still kind of new to me. Transitioning, if I remove all the gendered specifics of it, has meant recognizing what I want my life to look like and how I want to live it, and my guiding principles since deciding to transition a little over a year ago have been What do you want? Does this bother you? and What are you gonna do about it? . . .
Wandering around by yourself gets lonely, though, and the cisheteropatriarchy’s persistent hum of you don’t have a booooooyfriend you worthless biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch had gotten pretty loud by the time I hopped on the subway to meet up with friends in Bushwick. I guess I was feeling kind of raw because I kept seeing all these late-teens/early-20something straight couples and feeling personally attacked lol. It brought up a lot of feelings I didn’t realize I had, much less held onto, about being extremely jealous of the girls I went to college with. Think white hipster girl in the mid-to-late aughts with two-foot bangs and 17-foot hair. She’s casual. She’s free. . . . She’s always got a boyfriend who she’s always snuggled up with . . . I guess I’m confronting that envy for the first time and the sadness I feel of being deprived of the experience. It feels like mourning. Making peace with those feelings and the alternate timeline I’ll never enter.
PHAM: That makes a lot of sense! It’s really jarring to come up against ideals of personhood, or more specifically womanhood, that you realize you’ve never had access to. It hurts! Honestly, I really empathize with feeling alienated by — and excluded by — that depiction of carefree cis white womanhood. Especially in pop culture, what’s most represented is a kind of pristine, beautiful, easy, cis white girlhood — I always think of Jeffrey Eugenides’s The Virgin Suicides lol — that is denied to so many of us, for so many reasons. But when the dominant narratives of what femininity looks like are so limiting, it’s painful to realize that that’s not you, and maybe it never was you. It can feel really isolating, and almost like Is there something wrong with me if I can’t live a life like that? Or it feels unfair, like: Why couldn’t my life be that easy? But at the same time…I would never want to change anything about who I am! And even when I felt really hurt or unlovable or excluded by these depictions of womanhood, I would never want to change myself!
WALKER: I don’t even wanna be That Girl! And I definitely don’t wanna date Her Boyfriend!
PHAM: But it would be nice to have the opportunity to turn it down. It’s hard to be confronted with the fact that you never had a choice.
WALKER: It’s like, you’re realizing that you didn’t experience this thing, realizing that you didn’t experience it because you were foreclosed from experiencing it from the start, and then making peace with that denial all at once. Figuring out what womanhood looks like when it doesn’t look like Womanhood… It’s just…woof.

Do you see that envy is the root of Walker’s problem? Whatever his underlying problems before enrolling in college may have been, John Walker looked at his classmates (72% of Sarah Lawrence students are female) and was “extremely jealous” of their (seemingly) easy lives.

Envy is the worst emotion in the world, rivaled only by self-pity. These two emotions are natural companions in the immature mind. Believing his personal misery to be a result of injustice, the spoiled child sulks and, seeing someone who seems happier, thinks: “How unfair!”

Envy is the poisonous fruit of an ungrateful heart. John H. Walker is (or at least once was) a remarkably handsome young man and, considering that he could afford to spend $275,464 for a liberal arts degree, he must come from an affluent background. How many young men might have envied his good fortune? Oh, to be a rich and handsome boy at a posh private college where nearly 3/4 of the students are girls! Son, I’d dive in headfirst and never surface again! Call 911 and tell the rescue crew to bring a crow bar to pry me out, I’d be in so deep! But I digress . . .

There is a reason some things are called “fantasies,” because if you pursued your wildest dreams in real life, very bad things might happen. Yes, it was easy to envy Charlie Sheen’s seemingly glamorous life — remember when he shacked up with two porn starlets? — just as it’s easy to imagine myself doing Sarah Lawrence College girls three at a time, but the voice of sanity (or conscience, if you have one) tells you there must be some downside to the fantasy life you might wish you were living.

Having a vivid imagination can be a curse, and who knows what mischief I’d get into if I ever hit the Powerball? If I am not grateful for my poverty, perhaps the rest of the world should be. Crazy people are dangerous, and with $150 million? Don’t get me started. I’m a happily married grandfather, a respectable family man. I don’t need that kind of trouble.

What went wrong in the life of young John H. Walker to cause him to imagine his life would be better as a simulacrum of a woman? Sigmund Freud notoriously asserted that neurotic women suffered from unresolved penis envy, but what shall we say of transgender vagina envy? If this is not indisputably crazy, how can anything be called crazy?

Or is it “reactionary” to call such delusions crazy? Is it “reactionary” to say that impressionable teenagers who start binge-watching YouTube “transition” videos should not be encouraged to pursue such fantasies? Is it “reactionary” to suggest Amanda McKenna did not improve her life by amputating her breasts and becoming “Miles” McKenna?

Common sense has become hate speech, and the social justice warriors (SJWs) are demonizing Jesse Singal for daring to suggest that maybe we ought not unconditionally surrender our sanity to the transgender cult. Because “social justice” is a mirage, as Friedrich Hayek observed, it should not surprise us that this ideology has become a pretext for lunatics to assert their “right” to tell us what we’re allowed to think.

It is one thing for Walker to invoke “the informed consent model” in defense of his/“her” pursuit of a transgender delusion. Hey, it’s a free country and the entire staff of Jezebel can take a flying leap from the Brooklyn Bridge, for all I care. It is another thing entirely, however, for transgender activists to make approval mandatory, so that no one is permitted to say, “Maybe this isn’t such a smart idea.”

The transgender thing, I mean. It’s probably wrong to suggest mass suicide by the Jezebel staff would be the smartest move they’ve ever made, although it certainly would make for an interesting NY Post headline. But why indulge in such twisted fantasies? Much better to imagine myself a Powerball winner, or Ambassador to Vanuatu . . .

Anything is possible, in my wildest dreams, including a diplomatic career in the South Pacific or orgies with Sarah Lawrence College coeds, but what would be the consequences? To dismiss the potential harm of bad decisions with a lot of jargon about “informed consent,” or to try to shame critics into silence by accusing them of “reactionary” sentiment, is to say that you have a right not only to do as you please, but to do so without encountering anyone else’s opposition or disapproval.

Your fantasies may be entirely different from my fantasies, but no one would believe me if I said I had a right to that Powerball jackpot, or an ambassadorship, or three cute college coeds. Yet the transgender cult says we are “reactionary” if we refuse to indulge their fantasies. We are required to pretend we don’t know “Miles” McKenna is actually a girl named Amanda jacked up on synthetic hormones.

Well, maybe you can bully some fools into dancing to your tune, but I’m an American citizen, and you can’t tell me what to think. Harron Walker can jump off the Brooklyn Bridge, or douse himself/“herself” in gasoline and light himself/“herself” ablaze in the middle of Fifth Avenue, but he/“she” can’t boss me around like I’m some kind of peasant.

Do you progressive fools want to know why Donald Trump is President? Go look in the mirror — it’s you, with your “social justice” nonsense and your arrogant belief that your elite college degrees entitle you to tell the rest of us what to do, what to say and even what we’ve allowed to think.

You’ve all gone mad — wacky, bonkers, berserk, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs — and now you’re trying to force us to live inside your fantasy world with transgender kids in kindergarten, “free” health care, open borders, and whatever other crackpot idea Bernie Sanders or George Soros or some deranged freak on YouTube might think up next week.

What part of “hell, no” do I have to explain to you people?

Maybe we couldn’t afford $68,866 a year to get a “Gender/Queer Studies” diploma from Sarah Lawrence College (where the actual title of one class is “Perverts in Groups: The Social Life of Homosexuals”), but this doesn’t make us your intellectual inferiors in need of your tutelage. The excrement has impacted the rotary ventilation device, and we’re not going to keep playing along with your games. It’s over, you hear me?

Go back to your Gender Studies professors and tell them their theory has failed to dislodge the “cisheteropatriarchy” from its position, which is so deeply entrenched and heavily fortified as to be certain death for any assaulting force you perverts can ever hope to bring against it.

And we shall never surrender.


Transgender Totalitarianism

Posted on | June 21, 2018 | 3 Comments


Jesse Singal is a journalist whose “progressive” credentials were never questioned until he wrote a cover story in The Atlantic about the growing phenomenon of “gender transition” for children. The article begins by focusing on a girl who “desisted” — Claire, who at age 12 began binge-watching YouTube transition videos, became convinced that she was transgender, but has since changed her mind:

“I think I really had it set in stone what a guy was supposed to be like and what a girl was supposed to be like. I thought that if you didn’t follow the stereotypes of a girl, you were a guy, and if you didn’t follow the stereotypes of a guy, you were a girl.”

Claire is an example of what has been called “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” and Singal’s examination of this problem made him a target for online activists. Bestselling feminist author Roxane Gay called Singal’s article a “travesty” and asserted that the article should have been “vetted” by transgender advocates. What this was, of course, was an endorsement of censorship, and Meghan Murphy — a radical feminist critic of transgenderism — was having none of it.


The belief that transgender activists should exercise a veto over media coverage of transgenderism — that journalists owe their “blind allegiance” to the transgender cause — is an obviously bad idea, as Ms. Murphy says. However, the same could be said in regard to feminism and progressivism more generally. How did we get here, after all?

Isn’t it true that so-called “mainstream” journalism has been captured by “social justice warriors” (SJWs) like Jesse Singal, who helped smear #GamerGate? Didn’t Donald Trump get elected president in large measure because he was willing to call out the “fake news” media?

The whole architecture of 21st-century progressivism, rooted in an “intersectional” calculus of privilege and oppression, tends toward the silencing of certain viewpoints, and the monopolization of discourse by those who claim unquestioned authority on the basis of their identity.

What disturbs Ms. Murphy and other feminist critics of transgenderism — beyond the stark insanity of “transitioning” 12-year-olds — is that the intersectional agenda is now being used to attack the definition of womanhood, delegitimizing feminism’s identitarian basis. After all, if Corey Dale Ehmke can declare himself to be a woman named “Coraline Ada” Ehmke, and thus allow an employer to fill a quota of females for the purposes of “diversity,” this will leave actual women with a smaller slice of the affirmative-action pie. In Mexico, which has imposed quotas for female office-holders, it was recently discovered that 17 male candidates had falsely claimed to be transgender “women.”

Many of my conservative readers have enjoyed the schadenfreude of the clash between radical feminists and transgender activists, as man-hating ideologues like Meghan Murphy are hoisted by the petard of their own identity-politics formulae. Yet the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend, and any intelligent person can perceive that (a) Ms. Murphy and her allies are correct in saying that biological reality cannot be vanquished by abstract concepts of “gender” and (b) this conflict has forced feminists to make important admissions about fundamental differences between male and female. And thank God for that.

Ever since I began my deep dive into this abyss of insanity four years ago, radical feminism’s “war against human nature” has been my focus. As I have documented — e.g., in the presentation I gave last fall in Leominster, Massachusetts — the logic and rhetoric of feminism is not only anti-male, but also anti-marriage and anti-motherhood and, in the final analysis, feminist ideology is anti-heterosexuality, per se.

For years, this radical logic was masked by a public-relations agenda that sought to sell the Feminist™ brand as an innocuous commodity. A few months after I began the Sex Trouble project, Emma Watson made her debut as  spokeswoman for the U.N.’s “He for She” campaign designed to convince men that they, too, could (and should) be feminists.


Anyone with two eyes and a brain could see that the object of this was to give a celebrity boost to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, but this transparent charade was embraced by any number of progressive “male feminist” types, to the consternation of actual feminists like Meghan Murphy. She raged against “male feminists” like Noah Berlatsky and Charles Clymer (who announced earlier this year that he is a “woman” named Charlotte). No amount of self-abnegation can rescue a man from Ms. Murphy’s implacable anti-male hatred, and there is thus no incentive for men to support feminism, except insofar as such support is necessary to employment in academia, media or “progressive” politics.

The danger of making feminism mandatory, so that anyone who dissented could be purged from public life and branded a “misogynist,” should have been obvious. Imposing ideological conformity not only shielded the feminist belief system from fact-based challenges, but produced on the part of many “progressive” males an envy of feminist power. If all that is necessary to boss people around — to silence anyone who disagrees with you — is to wield the totalitarian authority of feminism, isn’t it predictable that some men will crave that power?

“The totalitarian can never be appeased. . . . Feminists have an appetite for power that is ultimately insatiable.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Feb. 21, 2017

The feminist movement was always incoherent, its public rhetoric of “gender equality” contradicted by an anti-male ideology that, in fact, amounts to an unlimited belief in female supremacy. Meghan Murphy categorically condemns males as sexually useless and socially harmful. Like other feminists, she is against “the patriarchal institution of marriage,” and considers motherhood “unappealing to say the least”: Women have no “real desire” to become mothers, she says, but are instead the victims of “powerful forces at play that convince women they must reproduce in order to fulfill their destiny as women.”

Canadian feminist Meghan Murphy.

No husbands, no babies — this is what feminist ideology requires and, while Ms. Murphy calls herself “heterosexual,” one has difficulty imagining how this could happen in practice. She never speaks of men except to condemn them as misogynists, afflicted with toxic masculinity, wrongfully benefiting from male privilege and complicit in rape culture. If men are as universally awful as Ms. Murphy seems to believe, how could she possibly find any of them sexually attractive? Beyond that, however, why would any man find Ms. Murphy attractive, unless he had some sort of weird masochistic appetite for humiliation?

Her feminism would seem to render Meghan Murphy’s heterosexuality mysterious, or perhaps a moot hypothetical, and this is equally true of any feminist who claims to be heterosexual. The goal of feminism is to destroy men — “Smash Patriarchy!” — not to love them.


Confronted with this hateful and destructive ideology, the kind of “progressive” men who consider themselves feminist allies are forced into a degrading condition of servile self-hatred or, alternately, must become dishonest hypocrites like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein, who prey on women in private while praising “equality” in public. Because feminist theory borrows from Marxism a zero-sum-game mentality, pitting women against the male enemy in an all-or-nothing “class struggle,” feminism makes honest male-female cooperation impossible. Insofar as the Left embraces feminism, the effect of this embrace would logically tend toward purging men from positions of power and influence in the progressive ranks — unless men can become “women” like Charles/“Charlotte” Clymer, Justin/“Riley” Dennis, et al.

That the rise of transgenderism was not a result intended by feminists does not mean that it does not logically follow from their premises. After all, it was not the intent of Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” to trap millions of black people in hopeless dependency on welfare, even though this was the actual legacy of LBJ’s so-called “Great Society.” Failure to anticipate unintended consequences has been a hallmark of liberalism for many decades, and feminists are now confronted by a repetition of this lesson. Having demonized males so that the “cishet white male” becomes what the Jew was in Nazi propaganda — the scapegoat blamed for every ill in society — feminists become enraged when “progressive” men, having internalized this anti-male ideology, claim to be “women” and expect to be praised as courageous for doing so. Is transgenderism insane? Yes. Is it consistent with the logic of “gender equality”? Also, yes.

Amanda McKenna in 2014 (left); ‘Miles’ McKenna after surgery and hormones (right).

The online Pied Pipers of transgenderism like Amanda “Miles” McKenna consider their advocacy of “transition” an expression of the progressive feminist claim that the gender binary is socially constructed by the heterosexual matrix (to summarize Judith Butler’s influential 1990 book Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity). Because there are no natural differences between men and women, according to this theory, and because heterosexuality is a system of oppression imposed by patriarchy, there is no reason why Amanda McKenna shouldn’t inject herself with testosterone, have her breasts amputated and thereby reject her (socially constructed) female identity.

“This is not what we wanted!” the radical feminists scream, yet the logic of their own theory says that “Miles” McKenna is the same as any male, just as “Zinnia Jones” must be equal to any woman. Why should mere biology be allowed to obstruct the practical results of their theory?

If so eminent a feminist as Roxane Gay can defend the transgender cult, what right have Meghan Murphy and others to say that Amanda becoming “Miles” is not consistent with feminism? The feminist movement has no equivalent of the Pope to settle such disputes, so that there are rival feminist sects each denouncing the other as heretics.

Half a century after the schizophrenic Shulamith Firestone organized the first radical feminist collective in New York (and six years since her body was discovered a week after she died alone in her apartment in 2012) the consequences of her insane ideology have become apparent. Every criticism of the movement made by men was dismissed as “sexism.” Once all male influence was rejected, so that only women’s voices could be heard, the momentum of feminism rapidly shifted toward lesbian separatism (e.g., Charlotte Bunch and the Furies collective) and by the 1980s, “revolutionary feminists” in England were denouncing heterosexual women as “collaborators” with the male enemy.

Having watched feminists wield the whip of identity politics for so long, now transgender activists have gotten their hands on the whip. Their commandments are simple and familiar: SHUT UP AND OBEY!

Clinton James Crawford, a/k/a “Char Vortryss” a/k/a “Char the Butcher.”

All radical movements end up resembling one another in this way. From Robespierre to Pol Pot, from the Bolsheviks to the Black Panthers, the revolutionaries prove themselves to be murderous power-mad monsters, who must destroy anyone who opposes or criticizes them. When “Char Vortryss” and his/“her” transgender comrades threaten violence against their feminists critics, do feminists expect their progressive “male allies” to defend them, and if so, why? When teenagers insist on their “right” to hormones and surgery, does anyone expect progressives to say “no”?

Advocates of transgenderism cannot permit an open and honest discussion of this issue, or the public will take alarm at what’s happening. Instead, as on so many other issues in our society, progressives want to control the terms of discussion, to promote a one-sided propaganda campaign, as a means to produce the “correct” public opinion. Millions of dollars are being spent to promote pro-transgender propaganda campaign, which Jesse Singal’s story has disrupted. Meghan Murphy and her allies should not be surprised their feminist comrades like Roxane Gay are advocating censorship to appease transgender activists, when feminists have so often sought to silence their own critics.

Because I share Ms. Murphy’s concerns about the transgender agenda, this makes us de facto allies in the cause of liberty. I do not believe that the transgender cult can withstand public scrutiny, if people are adequately informed of the facts. Men and women are different, these differences are not imaginary, nor are they insignificant, and they cannot be wished away by saying they are “socially constructed.”

That’s not feminism. That’s simply the truth.





In The Mailbox: 06.20.18

Posted on | June 20, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.20.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Senator Chuck “Fagin” Schumer (D-NY) Reveals His Love Of Little Immigrant Children
Twitchy: Troll Level – GRAND MASTER! Trump Wastes No Time Rubbing Democrats’ Faces In His EO
Louder With Crowder: FLOTUS Takes Swift Action Against Peter Fonda, Calls Secret Service

Adam Piggott: I’m A Single Middle-Aged Woman, And I’m Really Happy!
American Thinker: IG Report Confirms Our Republic Is Under Existential Threat, also, Magical Wind Power – Illusions Vs. Reality
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: EU Votes To Censor The Internet, also, Voters Reject Klein ISD’s Tax Hike
CDR Salamander: ASW – Making Your Brain Hurt For 104 Years
Da Tech Guy: SCOTUS Abandoned The Constitution A Long Time Ago, also, The SJC Gives Us A Victory, But…
Don Surber: Peter Fonda Wants Barron Trump Raped, And No Democrats Object
Dustbury: They Got Something On Her
Fausta: Hauser Tango
The Geller Report: IG Report Questions Why FBI Didn’t Investigate Huma’s E-Mails During Hillary Probe, also, 13 Facts The Media Don’t Want You To Know About “Border Family Separation”
Hogewash: Gilmore v. Jones et al News, also, Another Amicus Brief, also also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: On The Border
Legal Insurrection: Colombia Rejects Socialism, Elects Conservative President, also, Tolerant PA State Rep Welcomes VP To Philly With Middle Finger
Michelle Malkin: Weapons Of Mass Manipulation
Power Line: Understanding Hillary’s Crimes, also, Desperately Seeking Supremacists
Shark Tank: Rubio Pushes Family Border Detention Bill In Senate
Shot In The Dark: Durantied
The Political Hat: Legally Motherless In Britain
This Ain’t Hell: Straight Shooters Don’t Shoot So Straight, also, Wednesday Morning Feelgood Stories
Victory Girls: Peter Fonda Posts Vile Twitter Rant, Wants Barron Trump Caged With Pedophiles
Volokh Conspiracy: SCOTUS To Hear Excessive Fines Case That Could Curb Asset Forfeiture Abuse
Weasel Zippers: Obama Rips Trump On Family Separation, Forgot He Kept Kids In Cages And Gave Them To Traffickers, also, Socialist Activist Who Harassed Homeland Security Chief Works At Justice Department
Megan McArdle: Five Shows More People Should Be Watching
Mark Steyn: Bangs, Borders, Blarney, & Brino, also, A Note To My Readers

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Fat, Gay and Stupid: Update

Posted on | June 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Fat, Gay and Stupid: Update


Flashback to Dec. 14:

Say hello to Albert Maruna, a 22-year-old student at Youngstown State University in Ohio. Albert Maruna is evidently gay, and so stupid he doesn’t know that if you ever encounter a minor on the Internet trying to hook up for sex, it’s actually an undercover cop.


An Ohio man who police say tried to lure an underage boy with Sprite and a popular chicken dish was sentenced Monday after pleading guilty.
Albert Maruna, now 23, will serve seven days in the Mahoning County jail, WFMJ reported. He was arrested in December after the 15-year-old boy he planned to meet turned out to be an undercover cop.
Maruna will also spend 120 days on house arrest after his week in jail, and will be on probation for three years. He must also register as a Tier 1 sex offender, according to the news station.
Maruna had traveled to Austintown after meeting who he thought was the teenager on a dating app. The police officer told the then-22-year-old he was 15, to which Maruna reportedly replied he didn’t believe in age.
Police, according to WKBN, said Maruna began to develop feelings for the teen and reportedly told the undercover officer, “You are my one and only,” and said he wanted to be his husband one day.
Investigators said Maruna sent naked photos of himself to the teen, and ahead of their meet-up agreed to bring lubricant, a chicken Alfredo dish and Sprite. He reportedly requested the teen wear a jock strap during the time they had planned together.

Only seven days in jail? But maybe it’s a mitigating circumstance when the gay pedophile “develops feelings” for the 15-year-old boy who, of course, is an undercover cop. At least he brought lubricant.

“21st-Century Relationships,” as the Professor would say.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


In The Mailbox: 06.19.18

Posted on | June 19, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: National Martini Day
Twitchy: Chuck Schumer Just Exposed The Democrats’ Whole Border Crisis Charade
Louder With Crowder: Chris Pratt Shocks MTV Awards Audience – God Is Real, also, Hidden Camera – SvenComputer Crashes Another LGBTQ Panel

Adam Piggott: Sunday Lifting Thread, also, At This Point, You May As Well Come Out As A Misogynist
American Thinker: The IG Report – They’re Guilty But It’s Okay, also, Sleazy Sex Games And Dirty Politics In The Southern Baptist Convention
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Good Guy With Gun News
BattleSwarm: Labour Live Was Merely Pining For The Fjords, also, Clinton Corruption Update For June 19, 2018
CDR Salamander: The NATSEC Marketplace Of Ideas Ain’t Beanbag
Da Tech Guy: The Unexpectedly Chronicles – Media/Left Suddenly Stop Quoting Pope Francis, also, Figment Jesus
Don Surber: Proof That Hillary, Michelle, And Laura Lied
Dustbury: A Woman With Whom You Do Not Mess
Fausta: On The Mend
First Street Journal: Harvard And Affirmative Action, also, Hold Them Accountable!
The Geller Report: SecDHS Nielsen – “Vast Majority Of Underage Illegals Sent Here By Parents”, also, Spanish Students Evicted From Housing To Make Room For Muslim Migrants
Hogewash: Social Justice Math, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Legal Insurrection: U.S. Withdraws From UN Human Rights Council, a/k/a “Cesspool Of Political Bias”, also, Trump Says “We Must Always Arrest People Coming Into Our Country Illegally”
Power Line: Trey Gowdy, We’re Going To Miss You, also, I Have Seen The Future
Shark Tank: Bondi Endorses Patel For Hillsborough Commission
Shot In The Dark: Down The Memory Hole, also, More, Faster!
STUMP: Mornings With Meep, also, Taxing Tuesday
This Ain’t Hell: Commie Lieutenant Submits Resignation
Victory Girls: Merkel’s Migrants – Two Weeks To Save Her Government
Volokh Conspiracy: KS Secretary Of State Stuck With CLE Sanction
Weasel Zippers: Flashback – Obama Punishing Mexican Border-Crossing Kids By Holding Them Months Without Family, also, McCabe Pleads The Fifth While Comey & Lynch Refuse To Appear
Megan McArdle: In Defense Of IHOb
Mark Steyn: The Sentimentalization Of Public Policy, also, Live Around The Planet, June 19

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Autistic Teenage Neckbeard Charged With Raping and Murdering Australian Woman

Posted on | June 19, 2018 | Comments Off on Autistic Teenage Neckbeard Charged With Raping and Murdering Australian Woman


Police in Australia don’t release mug shots of criminal suspects, and their laws require media to conceal the faces of those arrested, but as you can see, murder suspect Jaymes Todd is a neckbeard — the stereotype of an obese, poorly groomed, basement-dwelling teenage geek.

Far be it from me to suggest all fat geeks are a menace to public safety, but Melbourne police say this neckbeard was dangerous:

An autistic teenager charged with the rape and murder of a young woman appeared disinterested and yawned while he sat in the dock in court on Thursday.
Aspiring comedian Eurydice Dixon’s body was found on a soccer field in Princes Park in Carlton North, inner Melbourne, at about 3am on Wednesday by a passerby.
The 22-year-old was on her way home from a Tuesday night performance at Highlander Bar in Melbourne’s CBD [central business district] when she was allegedly raped and murdered. . . .
Jaymes Todd handed himself in to police on Wednesday night and was charged over the alleged killing and sexual assault on Thursday morning.
The 19-year-old man, who police said did not know Ms Dixon, surrendered himself at Broadmeadows Police Station after officers released CCTV images.
Mr Todd did not say anything for the full hour he spent sitting in Melbourne Magistrates Court dock — although at one point he was seen putting a hand over his mouth in order to conceal a yawn.
His Legal Aid lawyer John Riordan argued that Mr Todd’s mental health condition, as well as his age and appearance, would put the teenager at high risk in prison, The Age reports.
Mr Riordan told the court that Mr Todd’s family had ‘indicated his condition makes him socially regressive.
‘He struggles in certain social environments
and that may have a significant impact on him in custody,’ said the lawyer.
The court further heard that Mr Todd was on prescribed medication for his condition. . . .

We are expected to sympathize with the accused killer’s “mental health condition” — autistic geeks are “socially regressive,” after all. The suspect’s family are predictably clueless:

The father of accused killer Jaymes Todd has described how his shocked family is struggling to comes to terms with his son’s arrest and had “no inkling” Jaymes could allegedly be connected to the Carlton North attack.
Jason Todd told The Age on Friday his family was stunned when told the 19-year-old had been charged with the rape and murder of aspiring comedian Eurydice Dixon.
“We are struggling obviously — it’s a huge thing we didn’t think we would ever have to deal with in our lives,” he said.
“We had no inkling anything like this was possible to happen.”
Facebook posts from several years ago show Jaymes interacting with his parents and grandparents, and celebrating being in the top 100 Australian students in online education program Mathletics. He also posted about playing Farmville and dice game Farkle.

Again, the geek stereotypes — good at math and playing videogames, but “socially regressive,” and his family had “no inkling” he was dangerous.

Perhaps by now, some of my readers are wondering, “Hey, what’s the deal with gratuitous bashing on neckbeards here?” Well, I found this story via a feminist site which reported it this way:

Earlier this week, Eurydice Dixon was raped and murdered while walking home through a park in Melbourne, Australia. Police responded by warning “people” to be vigilant when walking home alone. 19-year-old Jaymes Todd — a stranger to Dixon — has now been charged. Dixon is the thirtieth woman who has been murdered in Australia this year.

You see the feminist angle on this story is “male violence,” as if rapists and murderers are a random and representative sample of all men, so that men bear a collective responsibility for such crimes. Feminism’s anti-male hate rhetoric promotes negative stereotypes of men, generally, encouraging a paranoid fear of “male violence,” implying that there can be no rational basis for distinguishing between ordinary law-abiding men and dangerous killers who exhibit known risk factors for violence.

Feminists want to make this neurologically impaired endomorph a symbol in their Atrocity Narrative about “male violence,” and expect us not to notice that this is simplistic anti-male propaganda.

Notice that the feminist website says Ms. Dixon’s death was “the thirtieth woman who has been murdered in Australia this year,” which would put the country on pace for about 60 such murders annually, or five women murdered per month. There are 24.8 million people in Australia, about half of whom are women. Does an average of five murders a month represent an “epidemic” of violence against women in a population that size? The 2016 homicide rate in Illinois was 8.2 per 100,000, where there were 1,016 murders that year. The population of Illinois is 12.8 million. If we were to extrapolate that rate for a population the size of Australia’s, there would be 2,034 murders annually. Well, as bad as crime may be in Melbourne, it ain’t Chicago, where there have been more than 200 homicides this year, including 29 female victims. In other words, Chicago alone, with a population of 2.7 million, has produced nearly as many female homicide victims this year as the entire country of Australia.

Gosh, why don’t feminist websites talk about “violence against women” in Chicago? Because nearly all those perpetrators are black or Hispanic. You would be accused of promoting racist stereotypes if you were to make the crime rate in Chicago the basis of an argument suggesting that black and Hispanic men pose a particular danger to women, but somehow feminists get a pass when they seize upon a crime like the rape and murder of Eurydice Dixon as “evidence” to condemn all men, collectively.

It is seldom necessary to “get down in the tall grass” and argue about details when countering this kind of propaganda. Too often, men permit feminists to incite their anger. Do not be provoked into defensive reactions or indulge in insults and name-calling. It is far more effective simply to point out that hate propaganda is hate propaganda.

What is implied by feminism’s categorical rhetoric is that all men bear a collective responsibility for everything done wrong by any man anywhere. By calling attention to their dishonest tactics — i.e., implying a prejudicial belief that would be rejected as obviously false, if stated explicitly — you force your antagonist onto the defensive and demonstrate that they are arguing in bad faith. You cannot argue with hate; facts and logic will never persuade the feminist to abandon her anti-male prejudice. What you can do, however, is to discredit her by exposing her use of propaganda tactics by which feminists promote their ideology.

One man is accused of killing Eurydice Dixon. It is absurd — a hateful and dishonest guilt-by-association smear — to suggest that all men are somehow implicated in this obese autistic Australian’s crime. When I describe the suspect as obese and autistic, this seems prejudicial, but it is no less prejudicial than the way feminists routinely use criminal atrocities to scapegoat men, collectively and categorically. It is only because we have become accustomed to this tactic (or are afraid of being accused of “sexism” for criticizing feminists) that it usually goes unremarked.

Am I inciting hate against basement-dwelling neckbeards? Maybe, but if so, you must admit that feminists are inciting anti-male hatred. If we consistently call attention to the rhetorical tactics of propaganda employed by feminists, they will be effectively disarmed.



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