The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Not-So-Secrets of Success

Posted on | April 14, 2018 | Comments Off on The Not-So-Secrets of Success

About five years ago — somewhere between the second Anthony Weiner scandal and the time the Kaitlyn Hunt saga made national headlines — I began to realize that our civilization was unraveling because parents were failing to give kids common-sense advice. Many young people (and not a small number of adults) were making bad decisions that predictably led to catastrophic results, because grown-ups had failed to warn them.

If you hope to succeed in life, you must first survive. You should avoid things that could lead to sudden death. Also, try to stay out of prison, and don’t do anything disgraceful. You don’t want the kind of “fame” obtained by Sydney Leathers or Miriam Weeks a/k/a “Belle Knox.”

“Don’t be a weirdo,” I began warning my kids, after my research led me into the bizarre nightmare of insanity that is Feminist Tumblr.


What’s genuinely troubling about weirdos like Zachary Antolak (a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy”) is the thought that, once upon a time, the Antolak family welcomed the birth of a baby boy, hoping — as parents naturally do — that he would grow up to be a responsible and respectable adult, someone who would bring honor to their family.

What about Ella Dawson, the feminist who made her name a synonym for “herpes slut”? Do you think that, on the day she was born, her parents said, “By the time she’s 25, our baby girl will gain worldwide fame for being infected with a sexually transmitted disease”? No, of course not, and what about the parents of Elliot Rodger? Do you think they hoped their son would grow up to become a mass murderer?


“Hey, kids, don’t be a homicidal maniac,” is the kind of parental advice that should be unnecessary, but we’re living in a world gone mad, and so I find myself saying things like that to my kids.

Every day, the headlines bring us tidings of some new atrocity, or SJW kooks seizing control of a previously respectable institution: “College hosts no-whites-allowed pool party” or “Professor Is Denied Tenure, Opens Fire in University Faculty Meeting, 3 Dead.” Why is this happening? Because parents are neglecting to warn kids against things that should obviously be avoided. Whereas kids are getting lots of so-called “positive” advice — floss regularly, eat your vegetables, stay hydrated, etc. — they aren’t getting the kind of negative advice they need in the 21st century. Like, don’t shoot people at the faculty meeting. You might suppose that someone with a Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard wouldn’t need to be told that, but apparently she never was.

With this in mind, here is a short (and by no means exhaustive) list of things that parents should warn their children to avoid:

  • Communism
  • Heroin
  • Pornography
  • Canada
  • Canadian pornography
  • Herpes
  • Feminists
  • Feminists with herpes
  • Facial piercing
  • Tattoos
  • Anyone with an anime character as their Internet avatar
  • “Sexting”
  • Internet dating apps
  • Syphilis
  • Conspiracy theories
  • “Charismatic” cult leaders
  • Gender Studies majors
  • Chlamydia
  • Rape
  • Al Gore
  • “Social justice”
  • Gonorrhea
  • Murder
  • Anyone who has ever worked at Disney or Nickelodeon

As I say, this list is not exhaustive, but you’d be surprised at how many young people have ruined their lives by failing to avoid these dangers. And remember, kids: You have the right to free speech, but you also have the right to remain silent. Mind your posture, don’t mumble, be courteous, and don’t hang around losers who drag you down.



U.S. Strikes Syria

Posted on | April 13, 2018 | Comments Off on U.S. Strikes Syria

Mess with the bull, you get the horns:

President Donald Trump announced Friday night that he ordered the U.S. military to conduct precision missile strikes in conjunction with French and British allies against the Syrian government.
The order marked a dramatic reversal for Trump, who, as recently as last week, had been saying that he wanted the U.S. to withdraw its forces from Syria.
During Friday’s speech, Trump noted that the strike was underway and did not give further details of the targets or the military assets used.
Trump used the address to also directly call out Russia and Iran, which back the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
“To Iran and to Russia, I ask: What kind of a nation wants to be associated with the mass murder of innocent men, women and children?” Trump said. “Hopefully someday we will get along with Russia, and maybe even Iran. But maybe not.”
Reuters and the Associated Press reported that several explosions have already occurred in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Reuters, citing sources, added that a scientific research facility was hit.
“This is not about intervening in a civil war. It is not about regime change. It is about a limited and targeted strike that does not further escalate tensions in the region and that does everything possible to prevent civilian casualties,” British Prime Minister Theresa May said in a statement.
“And while this action is specifically about deterring the Syrian Regime, it will also send a clear signal to anyone else who believes they can use chemical weapons with impunity,” May added.

I spent all day working on an article about something else, took a break and went to dinner with my brother and, on the way back, he got a text message from a friend: “It’s raining cruise missiles in Syria.” Everything else becomes trivial when war happens. The question of what Russia and Iran will do — is this Armageddon, or not? — looms large, and you know I’ve got a son on the point of the spear, if worse comes to worse.

Friday the 13th — an inauspicious day to start World War III.

UPDATE: A bit from CNN:

Details are usually sketchy when military action is underway and “live” news reports are often wrong. Let’s be patient and wait for facts.

UPDATE II: Trump asks for prayers:

My mother-in-law is a praying woman, and prays for him every night.

UPDATE III: “Mad Dog” Mattis just ended a briefing:

So, this attack was “precise,” targeting Syria’s chemical weapons capacities, and now we’ll wait and see what the reaction is.

UPDATE IV: A bit more from Mattis:

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has a good round-up of the news.


Outtakes From A Leadership Book By Some Guy Whom Troops Would Only Follow Out Of Morbid Curiosity

Posted on | April 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Outtakes From A Leadership Book By Some Guy Whom Troops Would Only Follow Out Of Morbid Curiosity

by Smitty

(That’s a myocardial infarction, of course.)

In The Mailbox: 04.13.18

Posted on | April 13, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Apologies for the recent lack of linkagery. The end of tax season and the spring semester are really kicking my ass.

First Street Journal: I’ve Only Been Saying This For Years
EBL: Emo Lyin’ Comey
Twitchy: Buck Sexton Calls Out Jake Tapper For Lie About Scooter Libby
Louder With Crowder: Drag Queens Banned From Pride Parade To Avoid Offending Transgenders
According To Hoyt: It’s Not Even The End Of The Beginning
Monster Hunter Nation: April Update
Vox Popoli: Destroying The Evidence

Adam Piggott: Life Is A Race, Life Is A Game, Life Is A Fight, also, Friday Hawt Links & Chicks  – The Evil Trannies Edition
American Thinker: Attacking Trump’s Attorney – Calling All Tea Partiers, also, Requiem For A Transsexualized Boy
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Crap Degrees News, also, Rule Five Immigration Ideology Friday
BattleSwarm: Paul Ryan Retires, also, LinkSwarm For April 13
CDR Salamander: LCS – Bringing A Junkie’s Mentality To A Great Service, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The MSM’s 2018 Tet Offensive Against The GOP, also, Seven Big Differences Between the 2010 Red Wave And The Expected 2018 “Big Blue Wave”
Don Surber: Ending Anchor Babies
Dustbury: Catcher-23
The Geller Report: Night Of Terror For Cyprus Christians After Muslim Migrants Attack, also, Devout Muslima Caught With Thumb Drive Holding Identities Of 2628 French Intel Officers
Hogewash: Jupiter’s Dynamo, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Marquette U Actively Enlisting RAs To Suppress Conservative Thought
JustOneMinute: Trump Pardons Scooter Libby
Legal Insurrection: Comey “Classified” Swipe At Lynch Shows He’s Untrustworthy, also, “F**k The Law” – CUNY Law Students Attempt To Shout Down Conservative Law Prof
Power Line: Has McConnell Finally Had Enough Of Democrats’ Obstruction? also, James Comey Confesses
Shark Tank: Paul Ryan-Allied PAC Will Support Brian Mast
Shot In The Dark: Faster Please
STUMP: Vindication – Yuri Dimitriev Acquitted, also, Divestment And Investment Activism Follies
The Jawa Report: Politically Incorrect Video Of The Day, also, Where’s Vinnie?
The Political Hat: Socialized Healthcare – Free To Die
This Ain’t Hell: Fake Ranger Daniel Cheatham In The News, also, Effingham County To Become Second Amendment Sanctuary
Victory Girls: Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness
Weasel Zippers: GOP Congressmen Target Citibank’s GSA Contract Over Anti-2A Policies, also, Tennessee Defunds Planned Parenthood
Megan McArdle: Don’t Be So Glad To See Ryan Go
Mark Steyn: Stick A Fork In Us, also, The Dehumanizing Effect Of Identity Politics

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‘Sperm Costs Too Damn Much’

Posted on | April 13, 2018 | 5 Comments



Denechia “Neesha” Powell-Twagirumukiza is a 2009 graduate of the University of Georgia who lives in Seattle. On Twitter, she describes herself thus: “Displaced Southern queer millennial womanist organizer/writer growing roots in the PNW. They & she pronouns.” Powell has a lesbian wife, Aimée-Josiane Twagirumukiza, an African immigrant who is a founding member of “QTPAX (The Queer and Trans Pan African Exchange), an intergenerational program that works to connect queer and trans people of all ages.” Powell is a writer for the website Everyday Feminism where in January she published this:

4 Ways Queer And Trans Parents
Are Raising Revolutionary Children
During The Trump Era

Sometimes becoming a parent feels out of my reach. My wife and I both have uteruses, and sperm costs too damn much.
Even adopting feels like an unattainable dream. It can cost upwards of $40,000 to adopt, and LGBTQ couples have previously been barred from adopting and fostering because of their gender and/or sexuality.
Raising kids on working-class salaries here in Seattle, one of the world’s most expensive cities, isn’t exactly ideal. And despite its progressive reputation, this white haven often feels hostile to me as a Black queer non-binary person partnered with a Black queer femme immigrant. . . .
Despite my fears, I remain open to parenting because of my friendships with trans, non-binary, and queer activists of color whose parenting is bound up in their quest for liberation. Their existence dares me to dream of parenting one day.
These parents are turning this tumultuous political moment into teachable one by talking to their kids about oppression: What it is, how it manifests and how to interrupt it. Their parenting is rooted in intersectional feminist and anti-racist values. . . .
Selena Velasco, a Chamoru queer non-binary femme artist and community organizer in Seattle, explains Trump and his discriminatory policies to their 8-year-old multiracial son Elijah by bringing the issues close to home.
To help Elijah understand Trump’s recent immigration ban, Velasco asked him to imagine how he’d feel if his grandparents who immigrated from Mexico had to leave the US and couldn’t come back. This allowed him to better empathize with those directly impacted by the ban.
Also, Velasco has brought their son to Black Lives Matter marches and spoken with him about how anti-Black racism shows up at his own school. Their hope is for Elijah to be able to spot and disrupt anti-Blackness on the playground and beyond. . . .
Shaun is a Black queer non-binary parent and researcher in Seattle who keeps it real with their child about this turbulent political era. While their 4-year-old daughter V doesn’t know Trump’s name, she knows what he’s doing isn’t right due to her parents’ longtime activism.
Shaun’s daughter, who’s mixed with Black and white, already knows that police are harmful. . . .

Well, you can read the whole thing if you want to know what’s going on in the lives of typical Democrat voters lately.


Self-Destruction or Self-Defense?

Posted on | April 12, 2018 | 1 Comment

“Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
Matthew 10:16 (KJV)

“Turn the other cheek,” Jesus exhorted his followers, an excellent moral principle in terms of breaking the cycle of resentment and retaliation that has so often produced misery in human history. “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord,” and the faithful should avoid the pursuit of punitive reprisals for every injury or insult they may suffer.

Christian discipleship is a difficult path to follow, but history shows that a misguided commitment to “peace” can have tragic consequences. What was it that allowed Hitler’s conquest of Europe, except the idiotic pacifism of Neville Chamberlain and other advocates of appeasement? Whatever the Saviour commanded, certainly the Christian should not be such a fool as to become an accomplice of genocidal brutality, yet this is what happens if we make “non-violence” a principle that allows aggressors to imagine they will meet no resistance, or if we permit criminals to believe they will suffer no punishment for their crimes.

If we would be as “wise as serpents,” we cannot reject a common-sense understanding of human nature, including the reality that, as “sheep in the midst of wolves,” the safety of ourselves and our families cannot be guaranteed by hoping that the wolves aren’t hungry today. Even if we desire to be as “harmless as doves,” common sense suggests that in some situations, a wise Christian might want to keep a pistol handy.

Guns Save Lives: True Stories of Americans Defending Their Lives With Firearms is a book I highly recommend to anyone who wants to understand the value of the armed citizen in defending human life. The law-abiding gun owner has a deterrent effect even if he never actually uses his weapon because criminals prefer unarmed victims. A criminal who disregards the possibility that his victim might be armed isn’t likely to become a repeat offender, because his first mistake could be his last. For example, if you were a criminal looking to commit a robbery, would you choose as your target the Dixie Pawn Shop in Mableton, Georgia?

The owner of a gun shop who shot back against two armed suspects is speaking out after the incident, saying he had no choice but to fire at the men, killing one.
Bullet holes are still visible on the front on the Dixie Gun and Pawn shop [Dec. 26, 2016] after what detectives describe as a gun battle broke out earlier in the day.
Police said two armed men burst in Jimmy Groover’s store in broad daylight Monday and held the gun store owner at gunpoint.
“Get down on the floor, get down on the floor or I’ll kill you,” Groover recalled the suspects telling him. “Then they shot at me.”
What the men weren’t aware of is that Groover had a gun of his own. Feeling like his life was on the line, he pulled the trigger, shooting and killing one of the suspects. The other is still on the run.
Groover returned to his Cobb County business after the ordeal and showed detectives and family members how he pulled the gun off his hip to defend his life.
“I had no other choice. I had no other choice. I hate that it happened,” he told 11Alive. “I’ve been doing this 30 years. Nothing like this has ever happened. I never wanted this to happen but I want to go home at night, too.”

Was it wrong for Jimmy Groover to “want to go home at night, too”? If the meek are to inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5), they must survive long enough to receive their promised inheritance. How many crimes had these two robbers already committed before they tried to rob Jimmy Groover’s store? And how many more people would they have victimized if they hadn’t been stopped? Beyond that specific incident, how much more vulnerable to crime would we be if left-wing fanatics like David Hogg were able to disarm law-abiding Americans?


Criminals are cowards who prefer victims who are unarmed. They prey upon the weak and helpless, and what is America’s refusal to enforce its immigration law except an advertisement of helplessness which functions to summon predators from every corner of the globe?


Say hello to Yonel Hernandez Velasco, described by Sacramento’s KCRA-TV as “a transient with no ties to the community” who had a prior record for DUI and trespassing. Hernandez Velasco was hanging around a park in Auburn, California, when he attempted to kidnap a girl:

A father decked a man who allegedly grabbed his 3-year-old daughter in an Auburn-area park Saturday evening.
Yonel Hernandez-Velasco, 26, of Auburn reportedly had been acting strange about 7 p.m. in Regional Park in North Auburn. A group of boys playing basketball said Hernandez-Velasco twice asked them whether he could buy their basketball. He showed them a pair of handcuffs and told them he could handcuff one of them and drag them into the pond, according to a Placer County Sheriff’s Office Facebook post.
After the boys told him to go away, Hernandez-Velasco wandered up to a young girl, who was in the park with her family. He took the youngster’s hand and began skipping through the grass, the news release said.
The girl’s mother and the mother’s boyfriend were with their dog nearby and yelled at Hernandez-Velasco to stop. The boyfriend confronted Hernandez-Velasco and told him to let go of the girl, which he did, the news release said.
As Hernandez-Velasco began to act aggressively toward the boyfriend, the girl’s father ran up from a nearby apartment. When the father asked Hernandez-Velasco what he was doing, Hernandez-Velasco reportedly pulled the handcuffs from his pocket and wrapped them around his hand like brass knuckles.
Hernandez-Velasco charged the father, who punched him in the face, the news release said. When he came back at the father, the father punched him in the face again, and Hernandez-Velasco fell to the ground, where he remained until sheriff’s deputies and medical personnel arrived.
Hernandez-Velasco was taken to a hospital for medical clearance. A blood sample was drawn to determine whether he was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the news release said.
He was then booked into Placer County jail in Auburn on suspicion of kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon and attempted kidnapping.

Turn the other cheek? What kind of sick self-hatred has America embraced in the name of “non-violence,” that our children are offered as defenseless prey to monsters like Yonel Hernandez-Velasco? A nation that is not willing to defend its borders against such invaders is a nation with a suicidal commitment to its own self-destruction. California has declared itself a “sanctuary state,” but for whom is it a sanctuary? Not for Americans or their children. California has become a crime-ridden statewide ghetto where no one’s life or property is safe, where illegal aliens are appointed to office by the Democrats who run the state.

Half of the 10 cities in the world with the highest murder rates are in Mexico. All of the top 10 are in Latin America, including two cities in Venezuela and three in Brazil. The highest murder rates for U.S. cities are in St. Louis (#13 worldwide) and Baltimore (21st worldwide). Does anyone think America will be safer — that crime rates will decrease — if we continue allowing millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country?

Liberals have convinced many people — the 65.8 million who voted for Hillary Clinton — that America is a bad country that doesn’t deserve to be defended against this invasion of foreign criminals. Democrats hate America and want to destroy it, the way they’ve destroyed California.

How long will America pursue the politics of self-destruction?



Another ‘Hate Crime’ Hoax

Posted on | April 12, 2018 | 3 Comments

Are fake “hate crimes” now more common than actual hate? Sometimes it seems so, e.g., a recent incident in the Virginia suburbs of D.C.:

A 13-year-old Woodbridge area girl is accused of falsely reporting a hate crime to Prince William police.
The teen had told police that she was walking home Friday afternoon when a man attacked her, pulled off her headscarf and called her “a terrorist” as he put a small knife to her wrist, police spokesperson Officer Nathan Probus said.
Police asked for the public’s help Monday to identify the suspect in the case.
“A school resource officer and detectives were able to determine that the victim falsely reported the alleged encounter with the unknown black male and that no altercation had occurred,” Probus said Tuesday.
The girl was charged Tuesday morning with knowingly giving a false report to law enforcement. The case will be handled through Juvenile Intake, Probus said.

Larry O’Connor comments:

The incident is yet another hoax that gained intense media attention when first reported but then disappears into the ether when the facts finally come to light. The multiple reports of so-called hate crimes against Latinos and Muslims miraculously appeared after the 2016 presidential election and the media breathlessly reported on each instance in an effort to describe a larger trend of hate in America inspired by Donald Trump.

John Sexton at Hot Air adds:

There were at least 3 false reports of hate crimes on women wearing hijabs in late 2016. One involved a University of Michigan student who claimed a man threatened to set her on fire unless she removed her hijab. After a thorough investigation, detectives found inconsistencies in the woman’s statement and eventually concluded the event never happened. Before that, an 18-year-old who claimed a group of Trump supporters taunted her and told her to take off her hijab admitted she had made up the story. There was a similar report out of Louisiana which also turned out to be false.

Of course, as Sexton notes, anti-Muslim hate crimes do actually happen, but according to the FBI, there were more than twice as many anti-Jewish incidents (684) in 2016, compared to anti-Muslim crimes (307).

Keep in mind that there are 325 million people in America, so that the combined total number of “hate crime” incidents (6,121 in 2016, according to the FBI) reflects a frequency of less than 1-in-50,000 per capita. In other words, “hate crimes” are a statistically rare occurrence, but because of the huge size of our national population, there are about 120 such incidents every week in the United States. This permits the media to promote what I’ve called “Atrocity Narratives,” seizing on some genuinely terrible (but statistically rare) event and portraying it as symbolic of a larger trend, e.g., an “epidemic” of hate blamed on Trump.

Three weeks after the 2016 election, it was claimed a wave of “celebratory violence by Trump supporters” had swept the country.

The repetition of this assertion by the media appears to have inspired a number of hoaxes by people seeking to depict themselves as victims of “hate.” The rarity of actual hate crimes is never presented accurately by the media. Liberals believe that America is a land of oppressive bigotry, and welcome any “evidence” to confirm this belief.


Poor Wee Paul Ryan

Posted on | April 11, 2018 | Comments Off on Poor Wee Paul Ryan

by Smitty

So the Speaker is ejecting. Along with guys like Trey Gowdy. Podhoretz is a doom-peddler, all emphasis mine:

John Boehner, his predecessor, quit rather than suffer through a challenge from the bomb throwers in the Republican House conference. There’s no precedent for this in American history. The Speakership has been one of the most powerful offices in the world. Now it’s apparently more agony than ecstasy for a Republican. It’s true Ryan never wanted the job, but power is usually its own reward. The problem is that the job is far less powerful than it ever was before. The nature of the Tea Party and post-Tea Party GOP caucus is so fundamentally anti-institutional that the prerogatives of leadership are nothing now in the GOP.

So. Jolly. What? There is nothing in the Constitution about these political parties that have put this country in debt well past the power of humans to imagine it. The US debt clock rolls on. The purported tax cut probably helped someone somewhere, I suppose. I broke even.

Ryan’s decision suggests he and others have seen enough internal data to know their capacity to hold their 23-seat majority is slipping away.

Really. The economy up; unemployment down; the U.S. making headway on foreign policy; I guess ejecting at the top of the game makes some twisted sense. It’s certainly easier than heeding the Tea Parties and doing any hard work to, you know, reform anything!

The bitter irony here is that the Tea Party–whose ab nihilo existence began the Republican resurgence in the House and Senate, and whose anti-Establishment ethos was the precursor to Trump–was obsessed with the idea that Barack Obama was breaking the bank, and rightly so. Now, the Tea Party forms the hard schist of the Republican base, and it’s clearly decided not to hold Trump accountable for his stewardship of budgetary matters. That means their concern for the issue is now just a vague talking point every once in a while.

It remains to be seen if the Tea Parties don’t conclude that the New York billionaire elected on the Republican ticket, alongside Ryan’s RINO Rangers that served the recent budget steamer aren’t, essentially, a copy of the Carter-era Democrat party. Especially in light of Ryan’s non-commitment to winning in November.

If the House has become an inhospitable place for a Paul Ryan, who actually cared about national matters more pressing than his next Fox appearance, then woe betide us all.

The sun has set on the Progressive Era. Social Media killed it. The time has come for our national come-to-Beevis moment, when we ask ourselves if the Progressive nannyism of the last century is still required.
All of the worshippers of Baal-Progress, turning the future into power for themselves and debt for their grandchildren, are cordially invited to join Ryan in heading for the exit.

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