The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 12.20.17

Posted on | December 20, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.20.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #109
EBL: Meryl Streep – She Knew
Twitchy: AT&T Just Cracked Egg All Over Chuck Schumer & Dems’ Faces
Louder With Crowder: Rosie O’Donnell Offers Bribes To Senators In Desperate Effort To Stop Tax Reform
Reason: Trump And The NFL Agree – Taxpayers Should Keep Subsidizing Stadiums (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Podcast #68 – The Women In Sports Episode
American Power: Trump’s Tax Cut Triumph
American Thinker: The Punk Rock President, also, What Might Civil War Be Like?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Charles Cooke Swats Flies With Howitzers
Bring The HEAT: “Bazooka” Given To SF Cop During Gun Buyback Event
CDR Salamander: The Navy’s Strategic Readiness Review
Da Tech Guy: Tax Cut Roundup, also, Hezbollah Drugs, Or, How Much Black Lives Actually Mattered To Obama
Don Surber: End The Participation Trophies
Dustbury: Not To Mention Boxing Day
The Geller Report: President Trump Threatens To Cut Off Aid To Countries Who Betray US At UN
Hogewash: Untrustworthy Verification, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: Scandalous Anonymous Video Exposes Huma And Hillary
Legal Insurrection: Male Sacrifice Al Franken’s Resignation Set For January 2, also, Protest Planned At FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s House On New Year’s Eve
Michelle Malkin: Time For A Trump Makeover Of Liberal NPR, PBS
Power Line: Tweet Of The Year, also, Germans Fear Tax Cut Will Spur US Investment And Growth
Shark Tank: Florida GOP Governor Race Continues To Shape Up
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – They Can’t Even Write Their Own Lies
STUMP: Puerto Rico – You Found How Much Just Lying Around?
The Jawa Report: Christmas Comes Early For David Wright
The Political Hat: Das Vierte Reich, also, Twelve Posts Of Christmas (Day Eight)
This Ain’t Hell: William Dunbar Pleads Guilty To Threatening VP, also, Marine Colonel O’Hora Canned
Weasel Zippers: Study Claims Right-Wing People Better Looking Than Leftists, also, Protests Rage In Sweden After Police Tell Women To Stay Inside To Avoid Gang Rapes
Megan McArdle: Tricks That Made A Terrible Tax Bill Look Palatable

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Transphobic Violence Update

Posted on | December 20, 2017 | Comments Off on Transphobic Violence Update

Police say “Jessica” Winkler murdered “Rhiannon” Layendecker.

Earlier this week, I noted what seemed to be a case of “violence against women” that feminists would ignore: A lesbian in Florida who police say confessed to killing her wife. Turns out I was mistaken: “The two women are both transgender and neighbors say they kept to themselves.”

The reader who tipped me to this reports that court records show that the victim, formerly known as Richard William Layendecker, petitioned to change his name to “Rhiannon Winter Layendecker” in 2009, while the accused murderer, formerly known as Jason Christopher Wernet, changed his name to “Jessica Jaye Winkler” in 2010.

Neither one of them was actually a woman, in other words, and I apologize to the lesbian community for the inaccuracy of the previous report. As for the  transgender community, well, tough luck. But somewhere, I’m sure, a Gender Studies major is trying to find some way to blame this on cisnormative heteropatriarchy.


DNA Tests Identify 817 Serial Rapists in One County: Can You Guess Which One?

Posted on | December 20, 2017 | 2 Comments

Wayne County, Michigan — that’s metro Detroit:

Ten thousand rape kits tested. One hundred twenty-seven convictions won, 1,947 cases investigated, 817 serial rapists identified.
It’s been a long eight years for Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.
In 2009, 11,341 untested sexual assault kits — the results of an hours-long process that collects evidence from the body of a rape victim — were found during a routine tour of a Detroit police storage warehouse, some dating back to 1984. . . .
A rapist rapes on average seven to 11 times before they’re caught. … Of our set of 817 … over 50 of them have 10 to 15 hits apiece.

That’s more than 500 rapes committed by a few dozen men — in one county — and if you read the whole thing, you’ll find that these Detroit criminals identified by DNA tests have been connected to crime scenes in 39 other states. Something tells me — call it a hunch, if you will — that the predators getting locked up as a result of these investigations probably aren’t the kind of “privileged” Trump-voting Republicans that feminists have in mind when they talk about “rape culture.”

UPDATE: One of Detroit’s serial rapists:


A man who faced nearly three dozen rape and home invasion charges across metro Detroit was sentenced [May 25] to 55-80 years.
Ikeie Smith, 33, was charged for crimes dating back to 2011 in at least five metro Detroit cities, including Allen Park, Dearborn, Garden City and Redford Township.
His trial ended early on May 1 when Smith decided to plead guilty to all the charges, leading to his sentencing Thursday. The prosecution and defense both had opportunities to suggest sentences to Judge Dalton Roberson, then the judge spent a lengthy amount of time reading through his sentences for each of the nearly three dozen charges.
After Roberson was finished and the sentences issued, Smith was taken away — but not before looking at the judge and saying, “f— you.”

Stay classy, serial rapist!

UPDATE II: Another recent Detroit-area case:


Floyd Galloway Jr. told a judge last month he attacked and tried to have sex with a woman in September 2016 while she was jogging at Hines Park in Livonia.
Galloway, 30, was sentenced Friday to 16 to 35 years for the attack and attempted rape. . . .
Galloway is considered a person of interest in the case of Danielle Stislicki, who has been missing for more than a year. He was a security guard at a Southfield building where Stislicki and her mother, Ann Stislicki, worked. That’s the last place the 28-year-old Farmington Hills woman was seen in December.

So, he attacked a woman in a park, and is suspected in the disappearance of a woman from a building where he worked as a security guard. Police believe Stislicki is dead, but her body has not been found.





The ‘Rage’ of @JillFilipovic: Feminism as an Anti-Male Hate Movement

Posted on | December 20, 2017 | 2 Comments


Jill Filipovic is a 34-year-old feminist who has never married and never had children, nor is it likely — given her advanced age and fanatical advocacy of abortion — that she ever will become a wife and mother. “The personal is political,” as feminists say, and Filipovic’s lifestyle is therefore relevant to her recent celebration of feminist rage:

Rage is a healthy reaction when a know-nothing woman-groping chump triumphs over an intelligent, hardworking, and much better-qualified woman. Rage is the only sane reaction when you start to put all the pieces together: That we wound up with Trump because we are a country in which the hatred of women is baked in; that this hatred, and the related objectification, is behind every ass-grab, every catcall, every attempt to regulate our uteruses and vaginas and ovaries, every rape joke, every online comment that we’re a bitch, every promotion denied because our actual work may be better but Steve shows so much promise.
American women have been the nice girls who waited our turn. . . . We assumed if we just worked hard enough and proved ourselves — if we were polite while we did it, if we smiled and remained helpful and magnanimous — we might find not only individual success, but success for this whole women’s-rights thing. Maybe we would get to the point where our daughters wouldn’t face the same problems. . . .

(Permit me to interrupt to note how Filipovic abuses first-person plural pronouns. She includes herself in a “we” of smiling, polite “nice girls” — a dubious assertion, to anyone familiar with her radical ideology — and she invokes “our daughters” when in fact she is childless.)

Maybe, if we went through the proper channels and made sound and logical arguments, we could stop debating whether birth control was health care and whether new parents should have the paid time to bond with a tiny baby; maybe we’d reach a moment when, finally, our bodies would finally be ours: our uteruses would be free of government intervention and our breasts and buttocks free of unsolicited grabs.
A lot of women, even those who didn’t previously and perhaps still don’t label themselves “feminists,” seem done with nice. And the explosions that come when nice girls let out years (or decades) of pent-up indignation are messy and chaotic. . . . A significant number of women are no longer worried about being nice or alienating men. . . .
Finally, a critical mass of women doesn’t seem to care what men think, and isn’t afraid of threatening their stranglehold on power. . . .


You can read the rest of that, but I think you see the point: Jill Filipovic hates men, and is encouraged by the anti-male “rage” she celebrates as “a healthy reaction” because she interprets this as evidence that her own man-hating ideology has now become mainstream. Whether this is true or not, Filipovic seems indifferent to the potential consequences of widespread emulation of her own rage. Filipovic has never “worried about being nice or alienating men,” nor does she “care what men think,” because she is a professional feminist who has devoted her life to the hatred of men. No husband, no babies, no concern for anything but her own career — yes, a woman can live that way, especially if her parents can afford to send her to elite schools like Filipovic’s alma mater, New York University ($68,128 a year for tuition, room and board). However, the vast majority of women can’t afford to attend NYU and, unlike Jill Filipovic, most women would like to have husbands and babies, desires which obligate them to “care what men think.”

Most women don’t have the luxury of devoting their lives to man-hating “rage,” just as most men don’t have a “stranglehold on power.” The average guy, working his crappy job to pay the bills, is insulted by feminist accusations that he unjustly benefits from “male privilege” because he possesses a “stranglehold on power.” The average guy is not Harvey Weinstein or Al Franken or John Conyers, nor is the average guy’s situation comparable to any of the other wealthy and influential men whose reputations and careers have been destroyed in the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse. The average guy is not a politician, a TV star or a movie mogul. The average guy resents being blamed for the wrongdoing of these rich men he never admired anyway. Perhaps the guys Jill Filipovic knew from NYU once admired Harvey Weinstein, but the average guy? No, he’s not surprised to learn that Hollywood is run by a bunch of creepy freaks, nor is the average guy shocked by stories exposing members of Congress as perverted psychopaths.

This is not to say that the average guy is innocent of “sexism,” but whatever his sins, they can’t be explained by feminist rhetoric about an alleged male “stranglehold on power,” since the average guy as an individual has little or no part in this collective “stranglehold.” Feminists like Jill Filipovic, who view themselves as guerrillas in an anti-male insurgency, have no interest in (or compassion for) the average guy working his crappy job to pay the bills. Feminists derive sadistic pleasure from imagining the hardships their hateful “rage” might inflict on the average guy. Jill Filipovic hates men, and delights in their misfortunes.

“President Trump ran a campaign of aggrieved masculinity, appealing to men who felt their rightful place in society has been taken from them. . . . Trump supporters didn’t just oppose Mrs. Clinton, they hated her with unchecked phallic rage.”
Jill Filipovic, March 27, 2017

Feminism is an anti-male hate movement, and if Jill Filipovic is correct in celebrating 2017 as the year that feminist “rage” became mainstream, what consequences can we expect as a result? We can expect that more women will turn out like Jill Filipovic — unmarried and childless and permanently embittered toward men who, predictably, will continue to prefer the companionship of smiling, polite nice girls.



In The Mailbox: 12.19.17

Posted on | December 19, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Tax Reform – It’s Happening!
Twitchy: “Stealing From The Poor” – Alyssa Milano Shares Her Deep Insights On The GOP Tax Bill
Louder With Crowder: Nikki Haley Tells UNSC Where To Stick Their Jerusalem Resolution
Free Thought Project: Since Handing Out Food To Homeless Is Illegal, Group Carries AR-15s To Hand Out Food (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: Since When Did Dying Become Passing?
American Power: Three Killed As Amtrak Train Derails Over I-5 In Washington, also, Melissa Del Bosque, Bloodlines
American Thinker: McCabe And Mr. Mueller
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Strategery News
BattleSwarm: Quick Impressions – Texas CD 3
BLACKFIVE: Carey Baldwin, Countdown
Bring The HEAT: So Long, Concrete Bob
Da Tech Guy: Women’s Issues, also, Dictionaries As Propaganda Tools
Don Surber: Real Americans Protest Higher Taxes
Dustbury: Kim Lives
The Geller Report: Muslim Convicted Of Plotting To Behead Pam Geller Gets 28 Years, also, Swedish Police – Rapes Are Worst In 35 Years
Hogewash: Year End Silliness, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Now, This Is Presidential Obstruction
Joe For America: Student Faced Prison After Rape Accusation – Then 40,000 Texts Got Released
JustOneMinute: Policy Overload, also, As If I Trust This Source
Legal Insurrection: AL Secretary of State Launches Voter Fraud Investigation, also, Jill Stein Campaign Being Investigated For Russia Collusion
Power Line: Regarding Darkest Hour, also, Mueller’s Little Surprise, Part IV
Shark Tank: Desperate Nelson Says He Needs Campaign Cash To Stop Tax Bill
Shot In The Dark: Is It a Double Standard, Or Two Half-Standards?
STUMP: Breaking The Twelve Days Of Christmas Cost Scandal Wide Open!
The Jawa Report: A Jawa Christmas Story Featuring Abu Hamza, America, And Baby Jesus
The Political Hat: Twelve Posts Of Christmas, Day 7
This Ain’t Hell: 2LT McCoy Saving The World, also, Ross Douthat – A War Trump Won
Weasel Zippers: German Jews Told To Hide Religious Symbols, also, Hillary Campaign, DNC Accused Of Corrupt Money Scheme In New FEC Complaint
Megan McArdle: The Current Sex Panic Harks Back To The Era Of Coddling Women
Mark Steyn: The Great Brain Drain

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UPDATE: Karolina Giers Has Ended Her Online Fundraiser for Breast Amputation

Posted on | December 19, 2017 | 1 Comment


Karolina Giers is a university student who for five years has run a Tumblr blog called “Can’t Control the Gay.” She had long identified as a lesbian, but in October, she posted a fundraising appeal for £9,000 (about $12,000) on GoFundMe in order to pay for “top surgery” (mastectomy):

I can’t stand looking like this and feeling like I‘m trapped in the wrong body. It’s unbearable. I can expect that my very homophobic parents will cut me off completely if they ever find out so I want to start collecting money now and just make sure that when I will live on my own and make my own money for food and a place to live in I will be finally able to transition and start living because what I’m doing now isn’t living it’s more like surviving and I think that life is about more than just surviving. I feel sick when I start thinking about the fact that I’ve already wasted 20 years of my life. Please help by donating even just 1 pound. It will mean the world to me.

This fundraiser caught my attention (“Karolina Giers Wants You to Give Her $12,000 to Get Her Breasts Amputated,” Oct. 10) because it seemed like a classic case of “rapid onset gender dysphoria,” in which adolescents suddenly become obsessed with transgenderism after weeks of browsing the subject online. Her assertion that she has “already wasted 20 years of my life” because she is “trapped in the wrong body,” along with the reference to her “very homophobic parents,” suggested she has problems that are unlikely to be solved by surgery and hormones. Her online fundraising effort was not a success — she ended it after raising only about $200 — so her fantasy of “transition” won’t be happening, at least not soon, and perhaps she’ll reconsider her options.

Meanwhile, however, she is freaking out:


Having belatedly discovered my October article about her fundraiser, Ms. Giers got all sorts of bad advice from her Tumblr followers, including some who suggested I could be sued for defamation simply because I had reported — factually and accurately — about her public activity.

A lot of people don’t seem to understand that blogging is publishing. Quoting what you write on your blog is not “harassment,” and it’s certainly not defamation. Especially if you are engaged in online arguments about controversial topics (e.g., transgenderism), you should expect criticism from people who disagree with you. Making a public appeal for $12,000 to pay for your mastectomy? Well, that’s newsworthy, considering how transgenderism has made headlines lately:

Lessons in transgender issues for all primary pupils
London Times, Dec. 19

Transgender woman suing Allegheny County Jail
opens up about struggles, acceptance

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Dec. 17

Why CBC cancelled a BBC documentary
that activists claimed was ‘transphobic’

National Post, Dec. 13

Here’s an item from the London Daily Mail you might have missed:

Adolescent boys who think they are girls are having their sperm frozen by the NHS before they undergo gender reassignment treatment so they can father children after they change sex. . . .
The health service is also storing the eggs of teenage girls who are taking male hormones so they can give birth after they become men.
These ‘services’ are being offered to boys as young as 12 and girls aged 16 and over. . . .
None of this comes cheap. Egg-freezing costs £4,000 for one cycle and around £300 a year for storage. The price of preserving sperm is around £400, plus £300 a year to keep it frozen. . . .
We keep being told that the NHS is in permanent financial crisis. Why should taxpayers have to foot the bill for crackpot transgender fertility treatments when some patients face an interminable wait for operations to alleviate painful, commonplace conditions, such as cataracts and hip replacements?

Transgenderism has become a matter of public policy. Trying to meet the demands of transgender activists is difficult, because no sooner has one concession been made than they come back with new demands. So when a blogger who has spent five years advertising herself as a lesbian suddenly announces she’s transgender, and publishes a request for donations to pay for her “top surgery,” this is newsworthy.

Crazy people never anticipate the consequences of their craziness. And this desperate appeal from Ms. Giers — “help me get rid of it please” — indicates her own bad judgment in failing to consider the consequences that might result from her public fundraising campaign. Some of her idiotic readers sent me emails accusing me of being a bad person, deficient in human sympathy. However, I do not consider it kindness to encourage fools in their folly, which is what The Transgender Cult does.

Democracy, it has been said, means that everyone has a right to go to Hell in the time and manner of their own choosing. Far be it from me to infringe anyone’s basic liberty in this regard. However, you cannot require me to approve of your foolish behavior, nor can you prohibit me from criticizing those who encourage such folly. It’s not illegal to quote those who claim “transition” is a panacea for their feelings of being “trapped in the wrong body.” As I said in October:

What Karolina Giers has been doing — cocooning within an online clique of weirdos — has in all likelihood exacerbated whatever problems she had when she first started her Tumblr blog five years ago. . . . Forgive me for being so blunt about this problem, but there’s obviously a reason for the “epidemic” of anxiety and depression among young women: THE INTERNET IS MAKING THEM CRAZY!
And guess what? A mastectomy won’t cure craziness.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.


In The Mailbox: 12.18.17

Posted on | December 19, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Jennifer Rubin – A Case Of Terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome
Twitchy: Look Who’s Reportedly Caught Up In The Russia Investigation Now
Louder With Crowder: Ted Cruz Just Force Choked Mark Hamill On Net Neutrality
ZeroHedge: Judicial Watch Director Says “Forget Mueller…Do We Need To Shut Down The FBI?” (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: COTW – The Joy of Meat, also, Bachelor Cooking – Roast Chicken
American Power: A.J. Baime, The Accidental President, also, Feminism, Heterophobia, And #MeToo
American Thinker: Comey Should Be Indicted, also, Midnight At The Democracy Dies In Darkness Cafe
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Obama Let Hezbollah Sell Cocaine In The U.S.
BLACKFIVE: Laura Griffin, Touch Of Red and Cover Of Night
Bring The HEAT: The Ardennes
CDR Salamander: Squeezing Australia, also, Year End Midrats Extravaganza!
Da Tech Guy: It’s The UN Versus The US Over Jerusalem. Guess Who Wins, also, Playacting
Don Surber: Another Trump Basher Fired, also, PolitiFact Is The Lie Of The Year
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, You’ve Presumably Had Your Meat
The Geller Report: 60 Minutes Claims 74% Of Terrorist Incidents Since 2007 Committed By Right Wing, Not Muslims, also, Hungarians Overwhelmingly Reject Soros Plan For Mass Migration To Europe
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also also, Meanwhile, Back At The Memory Hole…
Jammie Wearing Fools: CNBC Survey Says Economic Optimism Soaring, Boosting Trump’s Approval Rating
Joe For America: Judge Smacks Down California’s Attempt To Force Baker To Do Gay Wedding Cake, also, Reducing Antiquities Act Land Grabs
JustOneMinute: I Love A Mystery (But This Isn’t One), also, Chris Matthews Sexual Harassment?
Legal Insurrection: Four Democrat Senators Ask Franken To Reconsider Resignation, also, Trump Disappoints Liberals, Says He’s Not Firing Mueller
Michelle Malkin: Pyongyang On The Prairie, Part II
Power Line: At The WaPo, If It Misleads It Leads, also, Children Are Starving Under Socialism
Shark Tank: NYT Says Media Failed America Regarding Trump’s Defeat Of ISIS
Shot In The Dark: Car Neutrality, also, Cell Neutrality
STUMP: Sunday Ephemera – Some Taxes, Some Math, And CHRISTMAS!
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Jewish Snowmen Are Takfir, also, Where’s Dr. Rusty?
The Political Hat: Purging Western Civilization From European History, also, Twelve Posts Of Christmas – Day Four, Day Five, Day Six
This Ain’t Hell: SFPD Takes A “Bazooka” Off The Street, also, Sergeant LaDavid Johnson Fought To The End
Weasel Zippers: Minneapolis To Reduce Police Psych Testing After Screening Out Too Many Minorities, also, Obama Admin Blocked Prosecution Of Hezbollah For Terrorism, Human Slavery, Drug Trafficking To Protect Iran Deal
Megan McArdle: Consider The Consequences Of #BelieveAllWomen
Mark Steyn: I’ll Be Home For Christmas, also, Mueller Discredits Himself

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#LoveWins Update: Florida Lesbian Charged With Murdering Her Wife

Posted on | December 18, 2017 | 2 Comments

Police say Jessica Jaye Winkler murdered Rhiannon Layendecker.

Another victory for “marriage equality”:

An Englewood woman shot her wife to death during an argument early Saturday in their home and planned to bury the victim’s body in nearby Charlotte County, according to Sarasota County investigators.
Jessica Jaye Winkler, 48, is being charged with murder and tampering with evidence in the death of 51-year-old Rhiannon Layendecker, the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office announced Sunday afternoon.
The investigation began when Winkler called 911 at about 3:58 p.m. Saturday to report that she murdered her wife in their home located at 1429 Overbrook Road in Englewood, the sheriff’s office said.
Arriving deputies found the victim’s body wrapped in a blanket in the bed of her own pickup truck, the sheriff’s office said.
Detectives determined that Winkler murdered Layendecker during an argument in their home in the early morning hours of Saturday.
Winkler then attempted to dispose of Layendecker’s body and other evidence, the sheriff’s office said. . . .
Winkler was arrested on Saturday and remained in custody Sunday without bond at the Sarasota County Jail.

Somewhere, a Woman’s Studies professor is trying to think of a way to blame this act of violence against women on the patriarchy.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


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