The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

2017: Everybody’s a Rapist Now

Posted on | December 5, 2017 | 1 Comment

Pop singer Melanie Martinez is a lesbian rapist, allegedly. Former star of That ’70s Show, actor Danny Masterson is a heterosexual rapist, allegedly. Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) today announced his retirement from Congress after he was accused of sexual harassment. Peter Martins, leader of the New York City Ballet, is being investigated for sexual harassment. Meanwhile in Alabama, polls indicate Roy Moore is in a dead-heat for next week’s Senate election. If everybody’s a rapist, after all, why should Alabama voters care about those accusations?

It’s a weird world we’ve entered. Feminists were angry that Trump beat Hillary, and their rage got turned into a crusade against sexual harassment. But most of the big names exposed as predators were liberals, and the general result seems to be more winning for Republicans. Are you guys tired of all this winning yet? Me neither.


In The Mailbox: 12.04.17

Posted on | December 4, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.04.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #94
EBL: Sticking That Baton Where It Doesn’t Belong
Twitchy: Eric Holder Gets Laughed Off The Twitter Stage During Lecture On “Integrity And Honesty”
Louder With Crowder: Sanctuary City Success! Illegal Alien Rapist Was Deported 20 Times
Reason Hit & Run: Wyoming Cops Steal $91,800 From Musician, Claiming He Gave It To Them (h/t NeoWayland)

Adam Piggott: How To Make Relationships Work
American Power: Michelle Malkin Slams Kate Steinle Verdict, also, Terry Brooks, The Sword Of Shannara
American Thinker: Another Hillary Mole, also, Making The Clintons Pay
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Trump Vs. Talking Heads – “Once In A Lifetime”
BLACKFIVE: Rhys Bowen, The Ghost of Christmas Past
Bring The HEAT: Honorably Discharged Vets Can Now Shop Online At AAFES
CDR Salamander: Global Naval Power As 2020 Approaches, With Eric Wertheim
Da Tech Guy: Winner Takes All From My Porch, also, But What Did Google Tell You To Think?
Don Surber: Trump May Have Ended Norks’ Nuke Program
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, The Next Step In Media Hatred
The Geller Report: Victims, Family Members Of Berlin Christmas Market Jihad Attack Blast Merkel, also, SCOTUS Allows Full Travel Ban
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Sorry Michelle! Trump Brings Chocolate Milk Back To Schools
JustOneMinute: Hey Dude, Where’s My Stolen Election Collusion?
Legal Insurrection: Politico – Hey, Wouldn’t Chelsea Clinton Make A Great Senator? also, The Sense That Roy Moore Is Headed For Victory
Power Line: FBI Stonewalls Corruption Probe, also, Deep Meaning Of The Mueller Probe (1) and (2)
Shark Tank: Nelson Continues “Climate Change” Fundraising Efforts Against Rick Scott
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – Slopping The Gun-Grabber Trough With Intellectual Silage (Part 1 of 7)
STUMP: Pour One Out For The Cook County Soda Tax
The Jawa Report: Phhhhtt, Phhhhtt, also, Meanwhile In Yemen
The Political Hat: Venezuela’s Socialist “Success Story”
This Ain’t Hell: Tony Flaherty Sues Mates To Alter History, also, Ventura v. Kyle Settled?
Weasel Zippers: Obama Says Muslims Must Be “Cherished And Nurtured”, also, Corrine Brown Gets Five Years In Charity Fraud Case
Megan McArdle: Babies Or Board Rooms? Tax Bill Tests Republican Loyalties
Mark Steyn: Comedy And Tragedy, also, A Land Of Mini-Coups

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Yes, $100 a Month Is ‘Real Money’

Posted on | December 4, 2017 | 1 Comment


Partisanship can make you blind to reality. Because I am a conservative and generally support Republicans, it would be easy for me to ignore any faults with the tax reform bill the GOP-controlled Senate passed over the weekend. Yet I am skeptical enough to believe that, as a matter of economic policy, the bill is neither (a) the brilliant Reaganesque triumph its supporters claim, nor (b) the unmitigated disaster its Democrat opponents claim. Probably both sides are mistaken to some degree. My hunch is that the tax bill is overall a good thing, just not as good as the GOP would have us believe. This is only a hunch, however, because I don’t bother getting down into the messy mathematical details of a mere legislative proposal; what the Senate passed will not be the actual law, as the House has yet to pass its own bill, and the two versions of tax reform must be reconciled before anything can be enacted as law.

This sort of common-sense attitude toward public policy is non-existent on the Left. They’ve gone into a full-on panic over this bill, denouncing it in hysterical terms. On Friday, Alyssa Milano tweeted a link to C-SPAN coverage of the Senate debate on the tax bill, and one of her followers went ballistic over a statement by South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott:

watching…..Senator Tim Scott “$100 a month is real money” to struggling families ? Is he F**KING kidding ? HOW MUCH does $100 buy in this day ? Costs me $50 to fill my f**king gas tank FFS

This was then amplified by TV director Melissa Jo Peltier:


Peltier, incidentally, is a New England native who graduated from prestigious Pomona College ($67,225 a year for tuition, room and board) whereas Tim Scott graduated from a Baptist school, Charleston Southern University ($34,740 a year). Peltier challenging Scott’s qualifications to speak about the economic reality of poverty? Not smart:


(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)

The reality is this: Low-income families already pay zero federal income taxes, and the $100 a month they’ll get through the GOP Senate plan comes from an increase in existing tax credits, which are in effect an income subsidy from the government. So the Republicans are literally proposing that taxpayers give $1,200 a year to poor families, and Democrats are denouncing this free-money-for-the-poor plan. Why?

Because the GOP also wants to lower taxes on corporations — necessary because U.S. businesses currently pay higher corporate tax rates than their foreign competitors — and Democrats are agaInst anything that is good for businesses. Corporations are bad, according to Democrats who oppose any policy that would stimulate private-sector economic growth. Liberals always assume they are best qualified to decide what’s good for poor people, without regard to actual facts.

Ronald Reagan, who knew hard times growing up in small-town Illinois, once said: “I believe the best possible social program is a job.” Reagan also observed that liberal economic ideas are rooted in a misguided attitude that incites envy of the rich: “We have so many people who can’t see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the thin one.”

Liberals are devoted to a concept of “equality” that leads them to believe that the best way to help the poor is by punishing the rich. The great irony is that so many liberals are quite rich themselves, while many conservatives — Tim Scott among them — are more directly familiar with poverty, and reject the attitude of self-pitying helplessness that is the basis of the Democrat Party’s economics of envy.

Of course, liberals consider themselves to have a monopoly on “caring”:


How ironic that Melissa Jo Peltier invokes God as her authority. If any Republican ever did this, he would be denounced as a theocrat, a threat to separation of church and state, imposing his morality on others.

By the way, I’m not exactly getting rich as a blogger, and I hope you’ll remember the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:


Thank you. Merry Christmas, and may God bless you all.



Rule 5 Sunday: All You Need Is Kill

Posted on | December 3, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

This was, of course, the title of the manga and light novel that became the most excellent combat SF movie Edge of Tomorrow, starring Tom Cruise as the cowardly protagonist Major William Cage and this week’s appetizer, Emily Blunt, as the heroine Sgt. Rita Vrataski. The movie is that rare thing, a film that’s actually better than the source book, so don’t bother with either the manga or the short novel, just kick back and enjoy Cruise’s version of the Coyote & Roadrunner cartoons. There’s supposed to be a sequel in the works, and I’m looking forward to it.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for any unpleasant consequences arising from your failure to exercise discretion in the clicking.

Recruiting poster from the movie.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #90, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

EBL’s herd this week includes “Baby, It’s Cold Outside”, Priscilla Presley, Pocahontas, FLOTUS and her White House decorations, Monkey Business, Mary Chapin Carpenter & Lucinda Williams, “We Three Kings” with BC Jean, and Meghan Markel.

A View From The Beach offers Via the Wayback Machine – Kristy HumeWell, Duh!Amber Tamblyn OK with Racist HubbyDancing Into ThursdayBonfire of the Vain: #HimToo Campaign Claims Five Scalps in One DayGood Show, Harry!Perils of Pop StardomTrump Admin Flounders on Flounder Regs,  When Branson Goes Boating, and Well, I’m Convinced.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Elizabeth Berkley, his Vintage Babe is Laura Devon, Sex in Advertising is covered by Agent Provocateur, plus there’s the NFL/Niners Schadenfreude Report! At Dustbury, it’s Serinda Swan and Ann Curry.

Deadline for next week’s Rule 5 Sunday is noon on December 10. Thanks to everyone for the lovely links!

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How Joy Reid’s Homophobic History Illustrates Vox Day’s Third Law of SJWs

Posted on | December 3, 2017 | 3 Comments


Let me start by saying, I am proud to hate Charlie Crist. If hating Charlie Crist is wrong, I don’t want to be right. However, I don’t claim to be a “progressive” and I’m not employed by MSNBC:

Recently resurfaced internet archives show political commentator Joy Reid wrote a dozen blog posts in 2007, 2008, and 2009 that contained homophobic conspiracies and anti-gay jokes.
The MSNBC weekend host ran a blog called The Reid Report — which is the same name as her now-defunct cable news show — a decade ago while she wrote for the Miami Herald. As first resurfaced by Twitter user Jamie_Maz, Reid wrote numerous bigoted blog posts smearing, mocking, and attacking former Florida governor Charlie Crist. These rants included calling Crist “Miss Charlie” and sarcastically using the tags “gay politicians” and “not gay politicians” — despite the fact that the twice-married, heterosexual man has never come-out as gay.
Reid went on to spread the crackpot conspiracy theory that Crist was actually a closeted gay man who refused to come out for fear that his sexual orientation would hurt his political career. Additionally, the AM Joy host claims Crist’s marriages to women are part of this elaborate cover up.

Actually, it’s not a “crackpot conspiracy theory” to believe Crist is a closet case, and that his marriages were merely camouflage. This kind of gossip has long been widespread in Florida political circles. But this wasn’t why Tea Party conservatives hated Crist in 2009, when the then-Republican governor of Florida dishonestly secured the endorsement of both the state party chairman and the National Republican Senatorial Committee 15 months ahead of the 2010 GOP Senate primary. With Tea Party backing, Marco Rubio surged ahead to beat Crist, who eventually became a Democrat. (And the exposure of corruption of the state GOP apparatus sent some people to prison.) When Joy Reid started gay-baiting Crist in 2007, however, Crist was seen as a “rising star” in the GOP, and smearing him as a closet homosexual was obviously an attempt by Reid — then as now a partisan Democrat — to sabotage the career of a Republican.

The issue is not whether Joy Reid is a “homophobe” any more than the issue is whether Crist is gay. Indeed, I have argued that much of what is condemned as “homophobia” is neither wrong nor harmful. The real issue is that Reid is dishonest — a Democrat Party hack, masquerading as a journalist — and that she is an unscrupulous hypocrite, willing to do whatever she can to hurt Republicans, even if it means acting in direct contradiction to her own party’s alleged “principles.” (In fact, Democrats have no principle other than the pursuit of power.) Furthermore, Reid’s behavior illustrates Vox Day’s Three Laws of SJWs:

  1. SJWs always lie.
  2. SJWs always double down.
  3. SJWs always project.

These laws were promulgated by Vox Day during the #GamerGate controversy, when self-described “social justice warriors” (SJWs) were attacking the alleged misogyny of the videogame industry. The third law, in particular — “SJWs always project” — was repeatedly proven correct, when SJWs were caught in sexist behavior, harassment and other wrongdoing of which they had accused #GamerGate activists.

What you realize is that progressives consider their politics a substitute for virtue. They consider themselves morally superior to others, simply because of their left-wing political beliefs. This belief in their own moral superiority means that leftists do not consider themselves constrained by ordinary standards of decent behavior. The rules don’t apply to them. Leftists claim the authority to pass judgment on others, no matter how bad their own behavior may be. And, quite often, leftists are guilty of the very same wrongdoing of which they accuse their enemies.

Of course, now Joy Reid has issued an “apology,” but she’s not actually sorry for anything except getting caught. Joy Reid is a Democrat and an SJW, which means she has no moral standards whatsoever.

UPDATE: Linked at Ace of Spades HQ and Vox Day — thanks! — and welcome, Instapundit readers!



FMJRA 2.0: To Run Where The Brave Dare Not Go

Posted on | December 2, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

RIP Jim Nabors

Rule 5 Sunday: The Treasury Secretary’s Wife
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Check Me Here, @RooshV: Is Your Sexuality ‘Ugly … Dangerous … Brutal’?
Welcome To My Playpen
Rotten Chestnuts

Is @NickCarter a Rapist?
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: White Punks On Dope
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.27.17
Proof Positive

Chomsky on Foucault (and Also, Exactly What Was Judith Butler Trying to Say?)
Rotten Chestnuts

Sex Panic and Its Consequences

In The Mailbox: 11.28.17
Proof Positive

NBC Fires ‘Today’ Host Matt Lauer
Rotten Chestnuts
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.29.17
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.30.17
Proof Positive

‘Just Being Around Men Is Exhausting’
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 12.01.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (12)
  2. Proof Positive (6)
  3. A View From The Beach (5)

Thanks to everyone for all their linkagery!

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‘Effectively Worthless’: Social Justice and the Infinite Stupidity of Tumblr

Posted on | December 2, 2017 | 2 Comments


When I started exploring radical feminism in 2014, one of the first phenomena I discovered was SJW Tumblrinas. is to social media what syphilis is to bacteria — the absolute worst. When I mused here about why Tumblr is so indescribably wretched, a commenter observed that its format is so “user-friendly” that it takes zero skills, and thus attracts a user base characterized by below-average intelligence.

Tumblr also is one of the most notorious bad investments in the history of the Internet. In May 2013, the site’s creator David Karp sold Tumblr to Yahoo for more than $1 billion. Of the many misguided decisions made by Marissa Mayer during her tenure as Yahoo CEO, this was the worst. Yahoo had once been viewed as such a valuable company that Microsoft offered $45 billion for it in 2008, an offer that was rejected. At Mayer’s behest, Yahoo bought Tumblr in 2013, but within three years had written down the site’s value so rapidly that its July 2016 statement was considered an admission that Tumblr was “effectively worthless.” Tumblr proved to be a permanent drain on Yahoo’s financial resources and, in June 2017, Verizon bought Yahoo for $4.5 billion, less than 1/10th of what Microsoft had offered for the company in 2008.


The user base of Tumblr is disproportionately female, by a 2-to-1 ratio, and Tumblr users also tend to be young, badly educated and devoted to progressive ideals of “social justice.” This gave rise to the slang term Tumblrina, defined variously by Urban Dictionary:

An often unattractive, butthurt, and obnoxious female user of the popular site Tumblr.
Someone who complains all day on Tumblr about how oppressed they are by men, when 99% of ranting cases were provoked would be meaningless or of utmost minute significance to the average person.

Tumblr addicted female who is defined by her sensitivities and adherence to popular tumblr feminist opinions and/or trends resulting in undue drama and walls of text.

A dramatic, self-righteous tumblr-er who exaggerates prejudice and injustice . . . and tries to make other people feel shitty about existing. Also known as a social justice warrior or sjw, the tumblrina may list ridiculous “triggers” and claim that anyone unlike them has “privilege” and should apologize for being born.

My research into radical feminism focused largely on academia, quoting major feminist authors and Women’s Studies textbooks. What makes Tumblr valuable to such research is that it shows how Third-Wave gender theory — Feminism Is Queer, to invoke the title of Professor Mimi Marinucci’s textbook — is interpreted by the type of young feminists who consider themselves “social justice warriors” (SJWs). Tumblrinas express feminism as they understand it, which may not be what the typical Women’s Studies professor had in mind, but this is what feminism actually is, as it is disseminated into popular culture as a grassroots phenomenon among young women. For example:

its 2017 men still don’t understand the concept of “tell a girl if all you want from her is sex and don’t pretend you want more” and their dumbass response is “ok but they say no” LIKE SURPRISE!!! Women are allowed to say no to you if they don’t want just sex! SHOCKERRER THEY CHOOSE WHO THEY ALLOW ACCESS TO THEIR BODY WOW. WILD CONCEPT!!
It’s ppl out here who want casual sex find them! Don’t trick someone who told you I want more into thinking it’s more. You piece of shit.

This post — which accumulated nearly 30,000 notes in three months — was written by a 22-year-old African-American woman named Antonia (“Nia”), who goes by “Lucidnee” online. What struck me about this post is how it represents the feminist slogan “The Personal Is Political” dumbed-down to Tumblr-level stupidity. It’s feminism for the 85 IQ crowd.

Notice also that “Lucidnee,” badly educated as she is, considers herself authorized to talk down to men who “still don’t understand” basic concepts about sexual relationships. This is typical of all feminists, who claim to be about “equality,” even while their rhetoric reveals that they believe all men are their moral and intellectual inferiors. Feminism is based on the belief that are no intelligent, reasonable or wise men in the world, that being male is synonymous with being stupid, so that every feminist considers herself an expert, qualified to lecture on whatever subject may interest her, and men are expected to listen in silence, grateful that she has given him the opportunity to become enlightened.

Like all online social media, Tumblr has a democratizing effect, amplifying the voices of the stupid and ignorant, contemptuous of hierarchies of knowledge, and hostile to all standards of grammar, logic and civility. There are no qualifications or credentials necessary to participate, and the Tumblr readership is generally so young and poorly educated that they are unable to distinguish truth from error. In a free-for-all forum of such people, aggregating online in their various cliques and subcultures, personal prejudices are the only arbiters of “truth,” which is believed to be personal in nature — as each category of identity has its own truth, and all participants consider themselves qualified to decide what they accept as true — and yet also political, as determined by the privilege/oppression axes of “social justice” ideology.

Why does this continue? Tumblr has no justifying rationale as a business. It has never done anything but lose money. The billion-plus that Yahoo paid for Tumblr four years ago was a total loss. Now that Tumblr has been acquired by Verizon as part of its purchase of Yahoo, surely someone at Verizon headquarters must be looking at Tumblr and asking, “Why should we keep operating this toxic waste dump of bandwidth?”

Until someone at Verizon hits the “delete” button on Tumblr, however, it will continue to be an ore-rich lode of feminist insanity. And you’d be surprised at how influential Tumblr is among feminists. That post by “Lucidnee” I quoted above? It got reblogged by a lesbian feminist who is a senior at Columbia University! This is evidence of how bad feminism has become in 2017, that students at Ivy League universities consider it a good use of their time to promote such vulgar idiocy.

SJW Tumblrina bonus: The Columbia senior switched her antidepressant prescription in February. She’s diagnosed with PTSD, because attending an Ivy League school is like combat duty in ’Nam, I guess.


In The Mailbox: 12.01.17

Posted on | December 1, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 12.01.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: When Murder Is Less Serious Than Sexual Harassment
Twitchy: Guess What #PPact Cheerleader Kamala Harris Slammed As “Immoral”?
Louder With Crowder: “Fauxcahontas” Gets Put On Blast By Actual Cherokee
According To Hoyt: Facts Are Facts
Monster Hunter Nation: MHI RPG Kickstarter – By Popular Demand, We’ve Added A Coloring Book
Vox Popoli: Miscarriage Of Justice Or Prosecutorial Overreach? (See also Sarah Rumpf’s article below)
Daily Caller: Hawaii Police Order Medical Pot Users To Surrender Their Guns (h/t NeoWayland)
Sarah Rumpf: Have We Been Lied To About The Kate Steinle Case?

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – Woe Is Me Edition
American Power: DOJ Considers New Charges Against Kate Steinle’s Killer, also, T.H. White, The Once And Future King
American Thinker: CBO Tries To Sink Tax Bill, also, Who’s Mocking The Pence Rule Now?
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Hawaii Screws Over Gun Owners Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For December 1
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Steinle Verdict, also, Where’s The “No Such Thing As Right And Wrong” #Pervnado Defense?
Don Surber: Trump Will Not Be Indicted
Dustbury: More Than Just Scraping By
The Geller Report: President Trump Cancels UK Visit After PM May’s Tantrum, also, HuffPo Shariabots Blame Pam Geller For Trump Retweets, Demand Twitter Shut Her Down
Hogewash: Blogsmoke, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Army Vet Says Franken Groped Her During 2003 USO Tour
Joe For America: Minecraft Creator Catches Massive Flak For Tweeting “It’s Okay To Be White”
JustOneMinute: Out Like Flynn
Legal Insurrection: Mueller Finds Another Process Crime, also, Trevor Noah – “Elizabeth Warren Did Something Problematic”
Power Line: Charge Against Flynn Is More Evidence That Mueller Has Nothing, also, Liberals Attack Senator Cotton For Wanting To Enforce The Law, also also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shot In The Dark: $2.1 Billion Doesn’t Getcha What It Used To
STUMP: Around The Web-O-Sphere – Meep Enjoying Herself Too Much
The Political Hat: Peak Guardian – Socialism Is Far-Right Ideologically
This Ain’t Hell: WWII Vet Gets Some Justice, also, Jeffrey Grenier – Stealing From The Dead
Weasel Zippers: Twitter Users Unleash #BoycottSanFrancisco In Revenge For Steinle Verdict, also, Facebook Creates Guide To “Keeping Muslims Safe Online”
Megan McArdle: Prescription Drug Imports Are Banned For A Reason
Mark Steyn: A Profound Miscarriage Of Justice

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