The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Werewolves of Chappaqua

Posted on | June 2, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

(offered with apologies to Warren Zevon)

I saw a werewolf with some polling data in her hand
Walking through the woods of Chappaqua in the rain
She was looking for the way to the Electoral College cafe
Gonna get a big dish of suk mai payn

Werewolves of Chappaqua!
Aaoooooo! (Repeat)

If you hear her howling around your kitchen door
Better not let her in
Little Seth Rich got mutilated late that night
Werewolves of Chappaqua again?

Werewolves of Chappaqua
Aaoooooo! (Repeat)

She’s the heavy-handed bint who never ran in Flint
Lately she’s been overheard at Goldman
Better stay away from her
She’ll rip your lungs out, sir!
Unless you curry favor

Werewolves of Chappaqua
Aaoooooo! (Repeat)

Well, I saw Vince Foster walking with the Queen
Doing the werewolves of Chappaqua

I saw Ambassador Stevens walking with the Queen
Doing the werewolves of Chappaqua

I saw a werewolf drinking a Bloody Mary at Trader Vic’s
Her hair was covfefe

Werewolves of Chappaqua
Aaoooooo! (Repeat)

Draw blood

In The Mailbox: 06.02.17

Posted on | June 2, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.02.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links here last month!

EBL: Leo DiCaprio Weeps For The Future Of The Planet
Twitchy: Ted Cruz Perfectly Schools Harvard Chair On America’s Founding
Louder With Crowder: Kathy Griffin Playing The Victim – Claims Trump Family Is Bullying Her
According To Hoyt: Convenience, Or, The Curse Of Dishwashers
Monster Hunter Nation: Correia’s Current Event Roundup
Vox Popoli: Alt-Retard Economics

Adam Piggott: Podcast #50 – The “Just Kill Yourself” Episode, also, Getcha Hawt Chicks & Links Here!
American Power: Let’s Thank Kathy Griffin
American Thinker: Trump Steps On The Paris Agreement, Stands For Sovreignty
Animal Magnetism: Climate Hysteria
BattleSwarm: Linkswarm For June 2
Bring The HEAT: Why Withdrawal From The Paris Accords Is A Big Thing, And Has Nothing To Do With Climate Change
Da Tech Guy: Fausta – Hillary, All This And Macedonians Too
Don Surber: Anti-Semitic Rocker Attacks Trump & His Family
Dustbury: Wap, There It Isn’t
The Geller Report: In Sweden, 16 Rape Victims Called Racists & Islamophobes For Complaining
Hogewash: Blognet
Joe For America: VA Governor McAuliffe Hides 5200 Illegal Voters From Public
Power Line: Post “Fact Checkers” Swing And Miss At Trump’s Paris Accord Speech, also, Radical College Closed By Threat Of Violence
Shark Tank: Bondi Tackles DC
Shot In The Dark: The “System” That Betsy DeVos Doesn’t “Know”, also, He’s Back…
STUMP: Houston And Dallas Pension Bills Signed – Now What?
The Jawa Report: Islamic State Of Losers Executes Mosul Commanders For Losing, also, Hamza Siddiq Hides At Mommy’s House, Kirkcudbright Neighbors Want Him Gone
The Political Hat: A Politically Correct Message To Earth
This Ain’t Hell: USAA Demonstrates Cowardice In Political Combat, also, Daryl Lee Wright Sentenced
Weasel Zippers: French President Macron Invites Americans To Flee To France After Trump Pulls Out Of Paris Agreement, also, Trump Supporters Disrupt Dem Congressman’s Illegal Immigrant Workshop In California
Megan McArdle: Congress Wonks Vs. White House Wonks – We Need Both
Mark Steyn: The Ruin Of England, also, The Full Covfefe

Today’s Digital Deals
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The Chicken Little Democrats

Posted on | June 2, 2017 | Comments Off on The Chicken Little Democrats

“It’s a shameful moment for the United States. . . . He’s made us an environmental pariah in the world.”
John Kerry, on MSNBC

The liberal media’s all-Russia-all-the-time news coverage was interrupted yesterday when President Trump announced that he was repudiating the Paris Climate Accord, which the Obama administration had signed onto at the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. And the reaction of failed 2004 Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry was typical of the sky-is-falling gloom-and-doom Chicken Little crowd. Failed 2000 Democrat presidential candidate Al Gore called Trump’s decision “reckless and indefensible.”

Claiming that nations which implement the U.N. regulations will benefit from the “jobs and industries created,” former President Obama said that Trump’s decision puts the United States among “a small handful of nations that reject the future.” Yes — surrender your economy to a bunch of U.N. bureaucrats, or else you “reject the future.”

This over-the-top reaction is indicative of how the Democrats and their media allies have become heavily invested in “climate change” as a crisis requiring government action. Having lived long enough to remember many previous examples of this liberal crisis-mongering behavior — e.g., Paul Ehrlich and The Population Bomb — I have good reason to be skeptical of alarmist “climate change” rhetoric. One reason young people are so easily convinced to vote Democrat is that young people haven’t had enough experience to acquire this kind of skepticism. Only after you have spent decades watching liberals gin up fears of a “crisis” (which they then exploit as an excuse to elect Democrats) do you recognize the familiar pattern Thomas Sowell describes in his book The Vision of the Anointed:

  • Stage 1, The “Crisis”: Some situation exists, whose negative aspects the anointed [leftists] propose to eliminate. Such a situation is routinely characterized as a “crisis” … even though evidence is seldom asked or given to show how the situation at hand is either uniquely bad or threatening to get worse. Sometimes the situation described as a “crisis” has in fact already been getting better for years.
  • Stage 2, The “Solution”: Policies to end the “crisis” are advocated by the anointed, who say that these policies will lead to beneficial result A. Critics say that these policies will lead to detrimental result Z. The anointed dismiss these latter claims as absurd and “simplistic,” if not dishonest.
  • Stage 3, The Results: The policies are instituted and lead to detrimental result Z.
  • Stage 4, The Response: Those who attribute detrimental result Z to the policies instituted are dismissed as “simplistic” for ignoring the “complexities” involved, as “many factors” went into determining the outcome. The burden of proof is on the critics to demonstrate to a certainty that these policies alone were the only possible cause of the worsening that occurred. No burden of proof whatever is put on those who had so confidently predicted improvement. Indeed it is often asserted that things would have been even worse, were it not for the wonderful programs that mitigated the inevitable damage from other factors.

The climate-change “crisis” is simply a political tactic. Parents need to warn their children about being deceived by such tactics.

“If you see ten troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you,” Calvin Coolidge once said, and the kind of fear-mongering promoted by Democrats is not only dishonest, but it tends to undermine mental health. How much of the “epidemic” of depression among young people can be blamed on Democrats constantly hyping threats of a global catastrophe?

We have a “mental health crisis” among young people and if you think the solution to this “crisis” is to elect more Democrats, you’re crazy.


Florida: The Crazy State

Posted on | June 2, 2017 | Comments Off on Florida: The Crazy State

Jessica Lazarra is a Florida resident, and also crazy.

The Baker Act is a Florida law passed in 1971 that specifies the conditions under which a person may be involuntarily committed for psychiatric treatment. If you knew that someone had twice been committed under the Baker Act, what career would you advise them to pursue? Well, keep in mind, this is Florida:

A former behavioral therapist is facing a felony molestation charge following a session with two young girls in Polk County.
Jessica Lazzara, 42, was employed with Big Bear Behavioral Health in Maitland and was sent to a Frostproof home as a trauma therapist for the two victims of sexual abuse, ages 11 and 13 years old. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said Tuesday that Lazzara had been their counselor for several months at the point of the incident.
When Lazzara arrived at the home for a weekly session in April, deputies say the 13-year-old would not get out of bed. Lazarra is accused of pointing a small bow and arrow at the victim, then hitting the girl with the arrow.
The two girls and their mother then went to the backyard and were talking with Lazzara. At some point, deputies say the therapist asked the 11-year-old if she wanted to be spanked. Sheriff Judd said Lazzara then rolled the child over and stuck a lighter between the girl’s legs several times.
According to investigators, Lazzara spray-painted the 11-year-old’s legs with black paint then spray-painted the 27-year-old mother’s crotch area.
“Mom was going along with this at the very beginning, because she thought this was some sort of extreme trust exercise,” Sheriff Grady Judd said.
The group then moved to the front yard, where Sheriff Judd said Lazzara lifted her shirt and bra to expose herself before rubbing herself on victim two.
When Lazzara said she was going to kill everyone and herself, the victims locked themselves in the house and called 911.
“They knew their mental health counselor was in mental health crisis and locked themselves in the house,” Sheriff Judd said.
A responding deputy said Lazzara told him to just shoot her. She was then taken for a mental health evaluatioon.
Lazzara has been charged with lewd molestation, lewd and lascivious conduct, child abuse, battery and indecent exposure. She is being held in the Polk County Jail.
During a news conference on Tuesday, Sheriff Judd had serious questions for Lazzara’s former employer, Big Bear Behavioral Health.
According to the sheriff, Lazzara was arrested in 2006 and 2010, for providing alcohol to a minor and DUI. She was Baker Acted for mental health issues in 2005 and 2016.
Lazzara also told deputies she lost her children during a divorce proceeding because of her mental health issues.

“I don’t know if it’s her conduct that upsets me the most, or the fact that Big Bear put somebody with a history, in a home, counseling by herself. My question is, has Jessica lost it with any other children she’s been counseling? And how many people did Big Bear hire with these same issues?” Sheriff Judd questioned.

Just a routine news item from our national insane asylum, Florida.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


‘Male Feminist’ Aleksandr Kolpakov Now Charged With First-Degree Murder

Posted on | June 1, 2017 | 1 Comment

Accused murderer Aleksandr Kolpakov (left) and victim Heather Anable (right).

When police in Colorado arrested Aleksandr Kolpakov, he was originally charged with second-degree murder in the May 13 shooting death of his live-in girlfriend Heather Anable. The charge has now been raised to first-degree murder, according to the Denver Post, which quotes a police affidavit unsealed by a judge Tuesday:

A neighbor who called 911 after the shooting told deputies that before the shooting, he was in his own unit next door where he found Kolpakov, naked and acting erratically.
“He stated Alek was ‘face-timing’ a female, not his girlfriend, on a phone and telling her he was poisoned and the mushrooms were poisoned,’” deputies wrote of Kolpakov’s neighbor’s account.
The neighbor gave some of his own clothes to Kolpakov and called Anable to come and get him, the report said. Anable came and took Kolpakov back to their shared apartment.
“(The neighbor) stated he then walked toward another friend’s apartment to the east and within 60 seconds heard gunshots,” the affidavit said.
The neighbor called 911.
Several other people called 911 to report the gunfire, including one person who heard a man and a woman’s voices as well.
“One reporting party stated he heard a female screaming, ‘I can’t believe,’ and then heard three gunshots,” the affidavit said. “He then heard a male saying, ‘You’re a monster,’ followed by two more shots while he was on the phone with 911.”
When deputies arrived, they had their own bizarre encounter with Kolpakov, who appeared to be under the influence of drugs.
“While on scene, deputies were approached by a male who was talking nonsensically,” the report said, later specifying that the man was Kolpakov. “He told deputies about rats, poison, a conspiracy and something to the effect of, ‘I had to put my sweet Heather down.’”

The police affidavit tends to corroborate an account of the incident which I quoted in my May 19 post about this bizarre crime:

Aleksandr, who according to my sources may have been a veteran who suffered from PTSD, was doing shrooms [psilocybin mushrooms, a powerful hallucinogenic drug] with Heather on Saturday night, when he became obsessed with the notion that Heather was trying to kill him and that she had poisoned him. Feminist Laura Athena, another member of Aleksander’s polyamorous harem, was apparently skyping with Heather and Aleksandr during their mushroom trip, when Aleksander started freaking out and making bizarre accusations against Heather. Both girls attempted to calm Aleksandr down, but he was inconsolable with fear and rage.

Some had speculated that Kolpakov, who claimed to have served as a sergeant in the U.S. Army, may have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but it turned out he lied about his record. In a statement, the Army said Kolpakov had been a private (E-2) in the Virginia National Guard from 2006 to 2008, and never deployed overseas. In Colorado, Kolpakov taught self-defense classes and operated a YouTube channel called “The Skeptic Feminist,” where he and Anable promoted atheism, feminism and polyamory.

Kolpakov claimed his videos were “all you need to teach atheists about Feminism or feminists about Atheism. Lambasting Religion and Misogyny, for the two are inexorably tied, while Standing Against Woman-Hating Gods and the Sexists Who Invent Them.”

(Hat-tip: Ian Miles Cheong at Heat Street.)


Covfefe Mystery Solved! You’re Welcome

Posted on | June 1, 2017 | Comments Off on Covfefe Mystery Solved! You’re Welcome

by Smitty

In The Mailbox: 06.01.17

Posted on | June 1, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.01.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Will We Always Have Paris?
Michelle Malkin: A Conservative Mom Breaks The Pot Taboo
Twitchy: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Undermines His Own #ParisAgreement Hysteria
Louder With Crowder: Buzzfeed’s Abortion Propaganda, Debunked

Adam Piggott: Let Quadrant Go Down In Flames
American Power: Lebanon Bans Wonder Woman
American Thinker: Hillary – No Class, And No Class Cheer
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Royal Rage News
BattleSwarm: Clinton Corruption Update For June 1 2017
Bring The HEAT: Future USS Gerald Ford Delivered To Navy
Da Tech Guy: J.D. Rucker – Yes, Jerusalem Is Israel’s Capital
Don Surber: Obama-Appointed Judge Lets Katie Couric Off The Hook
Dustbury: You Are Wrong, Copy-Protection Breath
Fred On Everything: Memorial Day And The Rising Gorge – More Than I Can Take
The Geller Report: In Missouri, Muslim Convenience Store Owners Indicted Following Federal Raids
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Bogus “Hate Crime” Alert – Noose Found In African-American History Museum
Joe For America: You’re Still Fired! Seahawks Tell Kaepernick “Not Right Now”
JustOneMinute: Foundation
Power Line: Greatest Hillary/Huma E-Mail Exchange Ever
Shark Tank: Hillary Clinton Blames The World For Her Presidential Loss
Shot In The Dark: Our Erdogan
STUMP: Priorities For Pension Funds – Climate Change Or Solvency?
The Jawa Report: Haters Gonna Hate, also, Ramadanabombathon 2017 Tour Plays Kabul
The Political Hat: Gun Non-Crime Bad, Gun Crime Good
This Ain’t Hell: John Thomas Burch Charged
Weasel Zippers: 5500 Non-Citizens Found On Virginia Voter Rolls, also, LSU Students Accuse “Violent” Tiger Mascot Of being “Symbol Of White Oppression”
Megan McArdle: What You’re Missing When You Work From Home
Mark Steyn: Scheer Surprise, also, The Larger Imagination Of “A Despoiler Of Women”

Today’s Digital Deals
Amazon Warehouse Deals
Kindle Daily Deals

Feminist Insanity at Taxpayer Expense: ‘Intersectional Quantum Physics’

Posted on | May 31, 2017 | 5 Comments

Whitney Stark is applying feminist theory to quantum physics.

“[N]ew materialist feminisms help to recognize how multiple phenomena work together to behave in what can become legible at any given moment as a body. By utilizing the materiality of conceptions about connectivity often thought to be merely theoretical, by taking a critical look at the noncentralized and multiple movements of quantum physics, and by dehierarchizing the necessity of linear bodies through time, it becomes possible to reconfigure structures of value, longevity, and subjectivity in ways explicitly aligned with anti-oppression practices and identity politics.”
Whitney Stark, University of Arizona

“When I said that the mentally ill should be in institutions, public universities weren’t the kind of institutions I had in mind.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Dec. 20, 2012

How much taxpayer money goes into funding the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBT Studies? However much it is, it’s too much. Why should the prestige of a state university be used to promote dangerous lunacy? For that is indeed what is being funded by Arizona taxpayers:

A feminist academic affiliated with the University of Arizona has invented a new theory of “intersectional quantum physics,” and told the world about it in a journal published by Duke University Press.
Whitney Stark argues in support of “combining intersectionality and quantum physics” to better understand “marginalized people” and to create “safer spaces” for them, in the latest issue of The Minnesota Review.
Because traditional quantum physics theory has influenced humanity’s understanding of the world, it has also helped lend credence to the ongoing regime of racism, sexism and classism that hurts minorities, Stark writes in “Assembled Bodies: Reconfiguring Quantum Identities.”
A researcher in culture and gender studies at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, Stark also holds an appointment in women’s and gender studies at the University of Arizona through its Institute for LGBT Studies.
She is a member of the Somatechnics Research Network, hosted by UA, whose scholars “reflect on the mutual inextricability of embodiment and technology.”
Stark identifies Newtonian physics as one of the main culprits behind oppression. “Newtonian physics,” she writes, has “separated beings” based on their “binary and absolute differences.”
“This structural thinking of individualized separatism with binary and absolute differences as the basis for how the universe works is embedded in many structures of classification,” according to Stark.

(Hat tip: Instapundit.) Many people will react to Stark’s “intersectional” theory by treating it as a joke, but it’s not a comedy. It’s a tragedy.

Whitney Stark is a queer feminist into social justice. After a BA in Media Arts from Antioch College she spent several years doing activist and NGO work, producing and teaching socially conscious video, media literacy and rape culture 101s, and working with homeless teenagers as well as pouring countless cups of coffee and working on a few terrible reality TV shows. Whitney is committed to principles of anti-oppression and increasingly shifting activism in order to work toward less violent ways of being, and to build beautiful, intentional community. She has just received a masters in gender studies through the GEMMA consortium.

That’s Ms. Stark’s biography from a 2013 edition of Graduate Journal of Social Science which she helped edit, co-authoring the lead article, “The Conditions of Praxis: Theory and Practice in Activism and Academia.”

However much time was spent writing that article was a total waste of time, and Whitney Stark’s career is a total waste of human life. Does anyone believe that, when her parents sent her to college, their hope was that she would become “a queer feminist into social justice”? Can you imagine the conversation Ms. Stark’s parents have with their friends?

“What’s your daughter up to nowadays?”
“Well, now that she has her master’s degree in gender studies, she’s an activist promoting principles of anti-oppression and also applying her queer feminist theory to quantum physics.”

The most difficult thing about Whitney Stark’s career is trying not to laugh out loud when you describe it. The “work” she does is not merely useless, but destructive, in that her “activism” consists of encouraging other people to waste their lives the same way she has wasted her life. Ms. Stark has devoted the past 15 years of her life to promoting a cult ideology that is nothing but self-indulgent solipsistic irrationalism. Could anything be crazier than Ms. Stark’s bizarre belief that, with a bachelor’s degree in media arts and a master’s degree in gender studies, she is qualified to amend quantum physics with “intersectional” feminist theory?

Because no responsible parent would wish their child to pursue such a fool’s errand, taxpayers should be angry about every penny of their money spent to subsidize this kind of “education.”

What is being taught by the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBT Studies? Is there anything at all in the curriculum that is socially valuable? One of their “initiatives” is the Queer Migration Network, “an interdisciplinary research initiative that critically examines how migration processes fuel the production, contestation and remaking of sexual and gender norms, cultures, communities, and politics that articulate hierarchies of race, class, and geopolitics.” Yes, this “research,” is being done at taxpayer expense in the name of the citizens of Arizona. What is the social dividend of this investment of the state’s educational resources? Is anyone in Arizona even asking these questions?

“What does queer theory have to do with teaching science in elementary schools and preparing elementary teachers to teach science?” This is a question I am often asked by colleagues, teachers, and graduate students. The question, while genuine, betrays an underlying disconnect between assimilationist perspectives focused on injustices experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people in schools and the queer theory effort to disrupt the categories that privileges heteronormative identities. The question also betrays the tendency to link sexuality with the act of sex and sexual object choice and an uncomfortableness with bringing sexual taboo topics into the elementary classroom. In this talk I will address these concerns by exploring how queer theory can be a useful tool for re-imagining elementary science education and elementary science teacher preparation.

That’s the description of a presentation by University of Arizona Professor Kristin Gunckel hosted by the Institute for LGBT Studies. You see that queer theory isn’t just crazy nonsense discussed in academic journals, but it’s what professors are teaching young people who will be teaching your child in elementary school. And I repeat, this is being taught at taxpayer expense, in state-supported public universities.

When will people wake up? Am I the only sane man left on the planet? Is there not even one other person who cares enough about the future of our country to try to do something to end this madness?

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


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