The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.04.17

Posted on | May 4, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.04.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Quick Draw Colbert
Twitchy: @mkhammer’s Epic Personal Tweetstorm About Obamacare Is A Must-Read
Louder With Crowder: Cruz Spanks Comey For Letting Huma Slide

Adam Piggott: An Argument With A Lefty
American Power: Code Pink Protesters At Sessions Hearing Could Face Year In Jail
American Thinker: Obama, The Anti-President
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Imperial Spending Spree News
Da Tech Guy: What Will It Take To Get Abortion Providers Out Of The Budget?
Don Surber: When It Comes To Trump, Don’t Freak Out
Dustbury: Mathroom Break
Fred On Everything: The Marine Corps, 1966 – Not Too Many Snowflakes
The Geller Report: Paris Migrants Blame Europe For Refugee Crisis – Not Enough Free Stuff
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Shocker! Person Who Vandalized Church With “Heil Trump”, “Fag Church” Graffiti Is Gay Church Member
Joe For America: NC House Passes Bill To Protect Motorists Who Hit Protesters While Driving
Power Line: Our Low Energy Media At Work
Shark Tank: House Passes Spending Bill, Democrats Are All Smiles
Shot In The Dark: Now That All Of Minneapolis’ Problems Are Solved
STUMP: Here We Go – Puerto Rico Tries For Legal Federal Bankruptcy
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Antifa Are Nazis, also, Message In A Bottle
The Political Hat: Choosing Gender, Forcing Gender, And Fluidity Of Gender
This Ain’t Hell: Thursday Morning Feelgood Stories
War Is Boring: Trump’s Syria Strike Fell Short
Weasel Zippers: Susan Rice Refuses To Testify Before Senate On Russian Meddling, also, Hispanics Give Trump Higher Poll Ratings Than Other Ethnic Groups
Megan McArdle: In France’s Centrist/Populist Debate, Deja Vu For Americans
Mark Steyn: Comey, Colbert, And Cultural Genocide, also, Duking It Out

Today’s Digital Deals

#FireColbert? How Much Do You Want ME to Explain Why This Is Hypocrisy?

Posted on | May 3, 2017 | 1 Comment

As everybody on the planet now knows, LGBT activists have launched a #FireColbert crusade after CBS Late Night host Stephen Colbert — a liberal in good standing, I hasten to point out — make a gay joke about Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. This is “homophobia,” and is intolerable, the anti-Colbert forces insist, and it occurs to me that Colbert and his enemies have therefore raised the question: What do we mean by “homophobia”? And furthermore, why is “homophobia” so wrong?

So, I’m itching to write about 2,000 words about this, because there is a profound hypocrisy behind the anti-“homophobia” crusade, and this Colbert joke has finally pulled the pin on this grenade.

What’s it worth to you, readers? Would you kick in $5 for the pleasure of watching me smash this smug bit of liberal orthodoxy to smithereens? Is it worth $10? Maybe $20? Just hit the tip jar for whatever you think it will be worth, and by noon tomorrow, I’ll deliver the sledgehammer blow.

Please, hit the freaking tip jar!


UPDATE: OK, that was a quick $160 — thanks to all who contributed — and as of 11:30 pm. ET, I’m 1,400 words into my sledgehammer blow against the hypocrisy involved in the #FireColbert crusade. So by noon Thursday, I expect to have it finished and then — WHAM!

UPDATE II: The promised WHAM! has been delivered.


In The Mailbox: 05.03.17

Posted on | May 3, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.03.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Brigitte Bardot Says Le Pen Is Like Joan Of Arc
Michelle Malkin: A Thinking Mom’s Message For Jimmy Kimmel
Twitchy: And Now We Know How Hillary’s Classified E-Mails Wound Up On Weiner’s Laptop
Louder With Crowder: Construction Worker Delivers Verbal Beatdown To Antifa Thugs

Adam Piggott: It’s Either Sport Or Revolution
American Power: Mark Moyar, Strategic Failure
American Thinker: Bill Nye The Eugenics Guy
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – Profile In Faith
Don Surber: Never Apologize Again, Conservatives
Dustbury: Baby, You Can Fix My Car
The Geller Report: C Of E Spokesman Says Children Should Be Forced to Learn About Islam
Hogewash: Prevarication Du Jour
Jammie Wearing Fools: It’s Open War Between Trump And CBS
Joe For America: Texas Concealed Carrying Student Stops Slaughter At UT Austin
Power Line: The Trump Ad That CNN Won’t Run
Shark Tank: Trump’s Government Shutdown Tweet Upsets Top Republicans
Shot In The Dark: The Machine Lives On Forever
STUMP: Catch-Up Week – Let’s Turn Around Connecticut!
The Jawa Report: Nancy On Yamen, also, Sandcrawler PSA – Canadian National Center For Truth And Reconciliation Is The Borg
The Political Hat: British Judge Channels Herod, Orders Slaughter Of An Innocent
This Ain’t Hell: You Couldn’t Make This Shit Up If You Tried, also, Leo Thorsness Passes
War Is Boring: Watchdog Tells Congress To slow Down New “Frigate” Program
Weasel Zippers: Conservatives Fume Over Complete Surrender To Democrats On Budget Deal, also, Obama Proposed To White Woman Before Meeting Michelle, But Dumped Her As Political Liability
Mark Steyn: The Meaning of The Blues, also, The Politicization of Everything

Sarah Hoyt, Darkship Revenge
Today’s Digital Deals

Woman Gets 25 Years in Prison for Her Role in Florida Teen Sex-Slavery Case

Posted on | May 3, 2017 | Comments Off on Woman Gets 25 Years in Prison for Her Role in Florida Teen Sex-Slavery Case

Marie Johnson (left) and Rob Johnson (right).

Marie Johnson was sentenced last week to 25 years in prison for helping her husband keep a teenage orphan as their sex slave for five years.

The victim, apparently a relative, was 13 when her mother died and she was sent to live with Rob and Marie Johnson in Port St. Lucie, Florida:

She was told she had to have sex with the Johnsons to be accepted into their family, according to court records. The victim is now 22 and lives out of state.
Rob Johnson cited Old Testament references to men having multiple wives and he called her his second wife, according to testimony.
She was threatened with foster care, not allowed to use the phone and had to rehearse explanations to give if doctors asked about her sex life. She was home-schooled and not allowed out of the house, according to court records.
She escaped the house when she turned 18.

According to police documents, Marie Johnson pushed the girl against a wall and held her by her throat until the girl agreed to the couple’s sexual demands. The girl said she had to have sex with the couple twice a week. She was told to call Rob “master,” and was beaten when she didn’t follow the couple’s directions or complete her chores. In February, Rob Johnson, 46, was convicted by a jury on 87 counts of sexual battery on a child age 12 or older by a person with familial or custodial authority. Prosecutor Brandon White called it “one of the worst cases of sexual abuse ever to come into this courthouse.” Judge James McCann sentenced Rob Johnson to 87 consecutive life terms in prison.

According to testimony, Marie Johnson took the girl shopping at Wal-Mart to purchase matching negligees for them, and asked the girl what music she would like playing as she lost her virginity. Marie Johnson pleaded guilty to 88 counts — one charge more than her husband, to include a sexual encounter she had with the girl when her husband was not present — and provided corroborating testimony against her husband. Testifying by telephone at Marie Johnson’s sentencing, the victim, now 22, said: “Marie should have protected me like one of her own children. She did not do that at all. In fact, she did quite the opposite.”

The prosecutor recommended that Marie Johnson be sentenced to 12 years in prison and 20 years’ probation, saying, “It was pretty clear that Rob Johnson was the mastermind and brainwashed both the wife and the victim.” However, Judge McCann exceeded the prosecutor’s request, sentencing her to 25 years in prison and 25 years of sex-offender probation. Judge McCann noted that Marie Johnson had threatened to put the girl in foster care if she didn’t submit to the couple’s sexual demands. Marie Johnson’s participation in the abuse of the girl “was nothing short of complete,” the judge said. “That’s completely unforgivable. Even the brainwashing doesn’t excuse you.”


In The Mailbox: 5.02.17

Posted on | May 2, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: Texas Shooting/Stabbing Followups
EBL: About That Spending Bill “Compromise”
Twitchy: James Woods And Others Pile On Colbert For Trump/Putin Gay Sex Joke
Louder With Crowder: Ann Coulter Schools ABC On Free Speech, First Amendment

Adam Piggott: A Privilege Of Birth
American Power: Democrats Know Why Clinton Lost
American Thinker: The Democrats And Dystopian Debt
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Tax Cuts For The Rich News
Da Tech Guy: The Expectations Game Versus The Excuse Game
Don Surber: Wall Street Bribes To Democratic Women 43% Smaller Than Men’s
Dustbury: The One With The Ever-Widening Hole In It
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrant Jailed For Hour-Long Hammer Attack On Wife He Used For Visa – Because Dinner Was Late
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: FBI Translator Reportedly Married Daesh Terrorist She Was Supposed To Investigate
Joe For America: Climate Change Alarmists Forced To Postpone Rally Due To Snowstorm
JustOneMinute: The Power Of Positive Pessimism
Power Line: Linda Cohn Says Political Slant Has Hurt ESPN
Shark Tank: Putnam’s Hat In Ring For Florida Governor
Shot In The Dark: There Will Come A Day When Berg’s Seventh Law Is Required Reading In All Classrooms
STUMP: Mortality Monday – Pension Plan Mortality
The Jawa Report: Cat-O-Phobia Strikes Oregon!, also, Attention Twitter Luser @ayla_a530643
The Political Hat: Gender Lysenkoism
This Ain’t Hell: Brooke AMC Closes Unsterile Operating Rooms, also, VA Fires Toby Matthew
War Is Boring: The Korean War’s Brutality Turned The Stomach’s of America’s Most Hardened Soldiers
Weasel Zippers: Paris May Day Rioters Set Police On Fire, also, His Name Is Daniel Llorente – Cuban Interrupts Havana’s May Day Parade By Waving American Flag
Megan McArdle: Why People Care About The Estate Tax
Mark Steyn: The Wrong People Do The Right Thing

Today’s Digital Deals

Surprised? Feminists Who Hate Babies Declare Breast-Feeding Is Not ‘Natural’

Posted on | May 1, 2017 | 2 Comments

“I don’t particularly like babies. They are loud and smelly and, above all other things, demanding . . . time-sucking monsters with their constant neediness. . . . Nothing will make me want a baby. . . . This is why, if my birth control fails, I am totally having an abortion.”
Amanda Marcotte, March 2014

Feminists condemn motherhood as oppression, imposed on women through male violence enforcing heteropatriarchy. All feminists hate babies, and support abortion to kill as many babies as possible, because the road to feminism’s idea of “equality” is paved with dead babies.

Once you understand that feminism is a death cult — like Heaven’s Gate or Jonestown — you cease to be surprised by the insane arguments made by the deranged adherents of this lunatic movement. Insofar as insanity is not a cause of feminism, it’s always a predictable result:

It’s “ethically inappropriate” for government and medical organizations to describe breastfeeding as “natural” because the term enforces rigid notions about gender roles, claims a new study in Pediatrics.
“Coupling nature with motherhood… can inadvertently support biologically deterministic arguments about the roles of men and women in the family (for example, that women should be the primary caretaker,” the study says.
The study notes that in recent years, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the World Health Organization, and several state departments of health have all promoted breastfeeding over bottle-feeding, using the term “natural.”
“Referencing the ‘natural’ in breastfeeding promotion… may inadvertently endorse a set of values about family life and gender roles, which would be ethically inappropriate,” the study says.
Unless such public-service announcements “make transparent the ‘values and beliefs that underlie them,’” they should quit describing breastfeeding as “natural.”
But the study’s authors, Jessica Martucci and Anne Barnhill, clearly have in mind an alternative set of “values and beliefs,” about which which they are not transparent.
It’s unclear whether they’re worried about how traditional female gender roles may limit women’s progress in the workforce, or whether this is part of the discussion about whether conventional views about motherhood exclude transgender people. Or perhaps this is just another example of how the progressive obsession with gender and sexuality has permeated all fields of academic study.

Anne Barnhill (left) and Jessica Martucci (right).

By the way, neither Martucci nor Barnhill have medical degrees. Barnhill is a Princeton alumna with a Ph.D. in philosophy from NYU, while Martucci is an Oberlin alumna who got her Ph.D. in “History and Sociology of Science” from Penn in 2011. Like all feminists, Barnhill and Martucci hate Jesus, America, capitalism and heterosexuality — not necessarily in that order — but more than anything else, they hate babies. They are death-cult fanatics who want you to kill your babies. Once your baby is dead, “biologically deterministic arguments” about breast-feeding and “gender roles” don’t matter, because dead babies don’t have to be fed. This is the conclusion toward which feminist theory logically leads.

(Hat-tips: Tom Knighton at PJ Media and Stephen Green at Instapundit.)


In The Mailbox: 05.01.17

Posted on | May 1, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.01.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: Remembering Victims of Communism Day
EBL: So How Did The White House Correspondents’ Dinner Go This Year?
Twitchy: Canadians Sing “The Star Spangled Banner” When Mic Dies Before Stanley Cup Game In Edmonton
Louder With Crowder: College Students Hate Trump’s First 100 Days – Except They’re Really Obama’s

Adam Piggott: The Patriarchy Is The Biggest Lie Of All
American Power: Alvin Josephy Jr., Now That The Buffalo’s Gone, also, A New Political Reality For France
American Thinker: Can Islam Ever Be Reformed?, also, Trump Trolling The Media, Winning The Narrative
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BLACKFIVE: Ace Atkins, Little White Lies
Da Tech Guy: John Ruberry – Deep Corruption Hiring Scandal Reveals Stench Of Illinois Government
Don Surber: The Press Does Not Defend Free Speech, also, How The Handmaid’s Tale Can Come To Pass
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Spurn The Hideous
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: MN Rep Mary Franson Introduces Bill to Punish Parents For Female Genital Mutilation, also, SecState Tillerson Cuts 2300 Jobs From Bloated State Department
Hogewash: Meanwhile, Back In Westminster…, also, Hubblecast 100
Joe For America: Top Conservatives Planning New Network To Replace Fox, also, Japanese Destroyer Escorts Join USS Carl Vinson In Show Of Force
JustOneMinute: An Epic Obit
Power Line: Eco-Terrorism In Alabama?, also, A Liberal Bubble? Yes, Bee Smug Indeed
Shark Tank: Ros-Lehtinen Shuffles Out Of Politics
Shot In The Dark: Never Again?, also, If I Were A Betting Man…
STUMP: Catch-Up Week – Puerto Rico On The Brink (Again)
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – The Penalty For Blaspheming Kate Upton Is Death, also, Ayatollah Khamenei Skirts Twitter Suspension
The Political Hat: Victims Of Communism Day 2017
This Ain’t Hell: The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks, also, Springsteen Admits He Was A Stone Cold Draft Dodger
War Is Boring: The U.S. Military Moves Deeper Into Africa
Weasel Zippers: FBI Investigating Bernie Sanders’ Wife Over Shady Land Deal, also, Colorado Anti-Fracking Activist Who Called For Blowing Up Wells, “Eliminating” Energy Workers Now Asking For Protection
Mark Steyn: The Age Of The Nuclear Basket Case, also, The Thirty Years War

SF Technothriller The Hidden Truth Just 99 Cents Through Tomorrow!
Today’s (Other) Digital Deals

Rule 5 Sunday: Formal Affairs

Posted on | April 30, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

We’re not quite into prom season yet (I think) but in contrast to Niven & Pournelle’s caustic description of science fiction conventions with “half-pretty girls half-dressed to show it”, it’s not a bad thing to remember high school proms, Homecoming dances, and -if you attended one of those high schools with a JROTC unit- military balls, where attractive girls didn’t let it all hang out and were, I dare say, even more attractive because they didn’t. We’ve used Gil Elvgren’s pinup art here before, but this week we’ve got something different from the old master.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and if you lack sufficient discretion to be clicking on those links when you oughtn’t, well, it’s Not Our Problem.

A “Dream Date”, indeed!

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff’s 290th megazine and Helly Von Valentine, and also Animal Magnetism with Rule 5 Civilization Collapse Friday and of course the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s herd this week includes Kate Upton, Joan of Arc, Kathryn Hufschmid, Heather Nauert, Tomi Lahren, Ella Fitzgerald, Feminist Mom, National Geographic’s Genius, Coastal Carolina Cheerleaders, Prehistoric California Rule 5 (has cavegirl content), Rule 5 FYRE Festival Fraud, and Anna May Wong.

A View From The Beach chips in with Another Brazilian – Izabel GoulartFish Pic Friday- Mahi-MahiZombie Obamacare SchadenfreudeProgress in Human HistoryWhy Isn’t This “Cultural Appropriation”?“While My Guitar Gently Weeps”RIP Joanie – Erin Moran and “Enter Sandman”.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Jaime Murray, his Vintage Babe is Angel Tompkins, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Curves In Bikinis. At Dustbury, it’s Christine Lagarde and Kirsten Dunst.

Thanks to everybody for their linkagery!

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