The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Totalitarian Mobs Continue to Silence Dissent on University Campuses

Posted on | April 13, 2017 | Comments Off on Totalitarian Mobs Continue to Silence Dissent on University Campuses


The dangerous totalitarian thugs — it would be wrong to call them “students” — who attend Claremont McKenna College prevented anyone from entering the venue where author Heather Mac Donald gave a presentation last week about her book The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe. One wonders why parents would pay $50,945 a year in tuition for their children to go to a school controlled by despicable scum who chant obscene slogans:

“We are here to shut down the f–king fascist,” announced an organizer to a crowd of around 100 students. The protesters subsequently marched to the Ath around 4:30 while chanting. An organizer shouted “How do you spell racist?” into a megaphone; the marchers responded “C-M-C.”
When they arrived, the protesters were greeted by around two dozen Campus Safety officers and Claremont police officers, stationed at various locations around the building. . . .
The protesters continued their chants, including “hey hey, ho ho, Heather Mac has got to go,” “shut it down,” and—most frequent and sustained—“black lives matter.” Some of the officers appeared visibly uncomfortable during chant of “from Oakland to Greece, f–k the police.”

The Claremont McKenna Forum reports:

Students filled spaces around Ath, blocking the front and back entrances. Nobody was allowed to enter the building, including students and professors who had signed up for the talk.

These were not “protesters,” but rather a criminal mob engaged in a violation of the First Amendment right to free speech. A student group had invited Heather Mac Donald to campus to give a speech, and the totalitarian thugs threatened violence to prevent that speech. When a mob is chanting “f–k the police,” and declaring their intention to “shut down the f–king fascist,” isn’t the threat of violence obvious?

Anyone who has read William F. Buckley Jr.’s God and Man at Yale knows that the target of his argument in the 1951 classic was the “superstition of academic freedom” that then prevailed among liberal intellectuals. Buckley demonstrated that “academic freedom” was nothing more than an excuse for the promotion of socialism and atheism on campus. It should have been obvious to any student of history that, if the socialists and atheists succeeded in gaining control of universities, they would deny “academic freedom” to those who opposed them. This is what we face in 21st-century America — a totalitarian regime of soi-disant “progressives” who arrogate to themselves the authority to exclude their opponents from university campuses. No criticism of The Cult of Social Justice is permitted at Claremont McKenna College, and a similar regime of left-wing intolerance is enforced on nearly all U.S. campuses. David Horowitz was recently prevented from speaking at the University of California’s Berkeley campus, which was once home to the “Free Speech Movement,” but which is now controlled by the advocates of anti-freedom.


Claremont McKenna’s campus police did nothing to restrain the fanatical anti-freedom mob that blockaded the venue where Heather Mac Donald was scheduled to speak, because the entire administration and faculty were complicit in the suppression of her speech. Claremont McKenna does not employ anyone who possesses courage or integrity. There are no responsible adults at this $50,945-a-year “college,” which is nothing but a playpen for brats who have no more interest in education than they do in patriotism, capitalism or Christianity. What are parents paying for when they send their children to Claremont McKenna? An expensive four-year vacation in Southern California supervised by atheist degenerates who teach the young dimwits how to be bullies and cowards:

The protesters released an anonymous statement on Facebook the afternoon of the talk accusing Mac Donald of holding anti-black, Islamophobic, and xenophobic views.
“As a community, we CANNOT and WILL NOT allow fascism to have a platform,” they wrote. “To protect the current police and prison system means that you are maintaining the racist system which constantly murders and dehumanizes people of color.”

This hate-filled screed was published anonymously, you see. What sort of values are these anarchists learning? Last fall, Claremont McKenna’s president and the dean of the faculty issued a statement:

Freedom of speech and diversity of opinion are foundational to the mission of the College. . . .
Our new Campus Resource Center is equally resolute in its commitment to inclusivity, openness, and pluralism. . . .
To benefit fully from the free exchange of challenging ideas, we must ensure that all people with different viewpoints, experiences, and analyses are included in our conversations. We protect the freedom of association as an individual and collective right. We reject exclusion and ad hominem attacks as barriers to learning. All of us —- students, faculty and staff -— must commit to high standards of civility, respect, and appreciation for differences.

While the administrators at Claremont McKenna espouse “diversity,” “inclusivity,” “pluralism” and “civility,” they don’t really mean it. They are dishonest cowards who lack the courage to do anything to protect the values they hypocritically claim to support. Despite their lack of sincerity and conviction, however, the gutless administrators at Claremont McKenna expect students to take their talk of “pluralism,” etc., seriously.

So, after the students/thugs succeeded in shutting down the venue where Heather Mac Donald was to speak, the dean issued an email:

What we face here is not an attempt to demonstrate, or to ask tough questions of our speaker, all of which are both protected and cherished on this campus, but rather to make it impossible for her to speak, for you to listen, and for all of us to debate. This we could not accept.
I fully understand that people have strong opinions and different — often painful — experiences with the issues Heather MacDonald discusses. I also understand that words can hurt. And in a world of unequal power, it is more often than not those who have a history of exclusion who are being hurt by words. I support everyone’s right to make this world a better one. Questions about policing, police brutality, crime, and race matter a lot to our society. Yet precisely because these issues are so important, we must be able to debate them, to acknowledge that there exist different analyses and life experiences about these matters, and to listen carefully to each other.

This is Neville Chamberlain at Munich, really. Abject surrender to the totalitarians, complete with a pandering endorsement of their warped and selfish worldview — “a world of unequal power,” blah blah blah.

How many oppressed victims of “unequal power” does one find at an elite private college where the annual tuition is $50,945 a year? Oh, but Daddy’s paying big money for his precious darling to have a four-year vacation at Claremont McKenna, so whatever the little snowflakes want, the administration is obliged to give them, including the flattery of telling them they want to “make this world a better one.” Right.

You want to see how well that works out in reality? Go to Pyongyang.

Or better yet, go to Chicago, where the Democrat-controlled city government is so corrupt and incompetent that they cannot even protect city judges from the murderous hoodlums who control the streets.

Did you know, by the way, that Claremont McKenna offers a “compassionate meditation program for ethnic minority students to learn how to heal from racism- and race-related incidents”? Yeah — no whites allowed, and never mind how much Daddy paid for your tuition, cracker. Gotta “make this world a better one” by giving special treatment to minority students, who are so obviously suffering “race-related” stress at this posh private school in sunny Southern California. Pandering to overprivileged punks is official policy at Claremont McKenna.

Here’s a summary of the situation from David Thompson:

You see, if you’re invited to speak on campus and you say things that challenge leftist prejudice, there’s a good chance you’ll need an armed police escort to protect you from the mob of budding intellectuals.

Claremont McKenna College is decadent and depraved. If your kid wants to go to school there, refuse to pay a cent of the tuition.


In The Mailbox: 04.13.17

Posted on | April 13, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Obama Administration Wiretapping – Yes They Did!
Twitchy: Chelsea Clinton Aims For Trump On Memory Issues, Punches Her Mom In The Face
Louder With Crowder: Tommy Robinson Confronts Muslim Men Accused Of Raping Underage Girls

Adam Piggott: Women Ruin Everything
American Power: Bret Stephens Quits WSJ For NYT
American Thinker: Spicer & Bannon Critics Okay With Anti-Semitic Ellison, Sharpton
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Not-Thought-Through Planet Name News
BLACKFIVE: Karen White, The Night The Lights Went Out
Da Tech Guy: Another Sign That Notre Dame Isn’t All That Catholic Any More
Don Surber: Limit The Power, Not The Terms
Dustbury: A Miserable Spring
Fred On Everything: Notes For A White Kid In University – An Introduction To The Blindingly Obvious
The Geller Report: In Minneapolis, “Muslim Defense Force” And “Religious Police” Enforce Sharia Law In Cedar-Riverside, also, Marine Le Pen’s Campaign Headquarters Firebombed
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Nutty Professor Who Said Trump Must Hang “Apologizes”, Deletes Twitter Account
Joe For America: Red China Bans Nork Coal Imports In Favor Of American Coal, also, Russian Ambassador Slaps Down MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell
Power Line: A Rolling Stone Gathers No Truth
Shark Tank: Charlie Crist Swims With The Political Fishes
Shot In The Dark: It’s Time For A St. Paul-Style Ballot-Stuffing Vote!
STUMP: Rhode Island Pensions – Asset Trends, and Liability Trends
The Jawa Report: Chicagoans Jihad Goes Terribly Right, also, Sandcrawler PSA – BOLO
The Political Hat: The Greater The Democracy, The Less The People’s Consent, also, Macro-Insanity Of Micro-Inequities
This Ain’t Hell: Director Brian Hawkins Fired At DC VA Hospital, also, Navy Captain Dorrbecker Faces Charges Of Being Tickle Monster
War Is Boring: U.S. Army Repainting Tanks Green, Hint Hint
Weasel Zippers: China Warns Norks – America’s Not Bluffing, also, White House Threatens Government Shutdown If Sanctuary City Funding Not Cut From Spending Bill
Megan McArdle: Don’t Mess Around With Government Pensions
Mark Steyn: The Buck Stops, also, The Great Stone Face

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Dear @EmmaWatson: You Are the ‘Goodwill Ambassador’ for a Rape Culture

Posted on | April 12, 2017 | 1 Comment


Hello, Ms. Watson. Remember when you went to the United Nations and gave that speech about how everybody should be a feminist? April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Ms. Watson,. and the organization for which you are a spokeswoman . . . Well, let’s talk about “awareness”:

A Wednesday report by the Associated Press sheds further light on the extensive child rape problem that exists within the United Nations peacekeeping forces.
The expose focuses on U.N. peacekeepers operating in Haiti, where nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse have occurred since 2004, with more than 300 cases involving children. A large number of the victims included boys and girls as young as 12 years old, many of whom were raped by peacekeepers on a regular basis.
“I did not even have breasts,” one girl, known as V01, or Victim No.1, told the AP. She said she was consistently raped by as many as 50 U.N. peacekeepers from ages 12 to 15.

Some very ugly stuff here:

The UN report eventually concludes the number of sexual assaults is too numerous to describe in detail and involved 134 Sri Lankan peacekeepers. . . .
The AP found 2,000 complaints of sexual abuse over the past 12 years, with over 300 of those involving children. In very few cases are the soldiers involved ever punished. . . .
A woman who was raped by a peacekeeper tells the AP, “As far as the U.N. goes, they came here to protect us, but all they’ve brought is destruction.”

So the organization for which you are “goodwill ambassador,” Ms. Watson, has been responsible for thousands of rapes, including more than 300 children raped by United Nations “peacekeepers.” The U.N. is clearly not an organization in a position to talk about “women’s rights,” Ms. Watson, and the question is, what are you going to do about it?

Let me guess: Nothing.


You are a big phony, Emma Watson. You’re just a rich girl who postures as “feminist” because you want to be admired and praised. You are never going to spend a cent of your own money to do anything to help real people with real problems. Children raped by U.N. peacekeepers? No, we can’t expect Emma Watson to notice such trivial events. You’re far too important to be bothered about such things, you lying hypocrite.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 04.12.17

Posted on | April 12, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.12.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: Gorsuch Confirmed 54-45, Chuck Schumer Hardest Hit
EBL: Save Steve Bannon
Michelle Malkin: Who’s Unsafe On Campus?
Twitchy: Is THIS Why Snowflakes Feel “Unsafe” About Mike Pence’s Campus Visit?
Louder With Crowder: Piers Morgan Says Liberal Media DOESN’T CARE About Muslims Attacking Christians

Adam Piggott: A Prime Example Of Beta Husbandry In Action, also, Podcast #43 – The Kitchen Table Episode
American Power: What’s It Take To Be “Fully American”?, also, Daniel Justin Herman, Hell On The Range
American Thinker: Swamp Diving – The EPA’s Secret Human Experiment Regime, also, If Trump Loses Bannon, Trump Loses The Presidency
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News, also, R.I.P. Don Rickles
BLACKFIVE: Owen Laukkanen, The Forgotten Girls
Bring The HEAT: No Budget, No Training, also, World Of Warships – The In-game Economy
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – Reality Sets In, also, Ten Quick Thoughts Under My Fedora
Don Surber: Three Years Later, #bringbackourgirls Has Not Brought The Girls Back, also, When Reporters Slip On ICE
Dustbury: Strange Search-Engine Queries, also, Old Enough To Drink
Fred On Everything: The Authoritarian Impulse – Getting What We Don’t Really Want
The Geller Report: Soros-Funded Group Chaired By Fauxcahontas’ Daughter Fighting Voter Integrity Lawsuits, also, Daily Mail Pays Melania Trump $2.9 Million To Settle Lawsuit
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, And In Another Defamation Case…
Jammie Wearing Fools: GOP Holds KS-4 With Late Trump Support, also, Lawsuit Accuses Seattle Mayor Of Repeatedly Raping Boys In The 1980s
Joe For America: Norks Threaten War With U.S., also, Valerie Jarrett Defends Susan Rice, Catches Heavy Flak
JustOneMinute: Unbelievably Small, also, Defending The Notorious RBG
Power Line: Democrats Lose Argument, Try To Ban Books, also, “The Trump Era” Begins, NPR Attacks
Shark Tank: Rubio-Endorsed Suarez Starts Mayoral Campaign, also, Anti-Gun Anitere Flores Taking Flak For Anti-Gun Stance
Shot In The Dark: Civil War, also, Downfall!
STUMP: Friday Trumpery – Rich Woman Complains Other Women Aren’t Rich, also, Mortality Monday (With A Little Bit Of Trumpery) – Supreme Court Probabilities 2
The Jawa Report: Meanwhile In Mostly Peaceful Sweden, also, Where’s Howie? Thai Internet Cafe Edition
The Political Hat: Intersectional Racism Comes To The Gayborhood, also, California And The Censoring Of Doubleplusungood Political Internet Speech
This Ain’t Hell: Josh Rogin Claims Obama’s Syria Strike Plan Was Much Bigger Than Trump’s, also, LGBT Groups Don’t Like Army Secretary Nominee
War Is Boring: Shock Troop 1917, A Brutal War Film – From 1934, also, The Curious Quiet Success Of Italian Anti-Terrorism
Weasel Zippers: PRC Might Bomb Norks If They Cross Beijing’s “Bottom Line”, also, Democrats Outraged Over KS-4 Loss
Megan McArdle: Perfectly Nice Policies With Less-Nice Side Effects, also, What Fresh Hell is This?
Mark Steyn: How Dare You Distract Us From Our Distraction!, also, Trump Hits A Reset Button For The World

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Rolling Stone Settles With UVA Dean in Rape Hoax Defamation Lawsuit

Posted on | April 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Rolling Stone Settles With UVA Dean in Rape Hoax Defamation Lawsuit

Last year, a jury awarded $3 million to University of Virginia Dean Nicole Eramo, who was defamed by Rolling Stone‘s November 2014 article “A Rape on Campus.” Rolling Stone had filed a motion to have that judgment vacated, but agreed to drop its appeal in a confidential settlement.

Let me repeat what I said last November:

It cannot be stated often enough: Jackie Coakley lied about rape. She deliberately defamed the innocent members of a UVA fraternity. Jackie Coakley’s gang-rape hoax — a LIE, a FALSEHOOD, a complete FABRICATION — was cited in testimony before a 2014 U.S. Senate committee by her fellow UVA student Emily Renda.

Haven Monahan” could not be reached for comment.


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted on | April 11, 2017 | Comments Off on Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Jovani Delosantos (left) and Victoria Power (right).

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and we are continuing to call attention to cases that feminists never seem to mention:

Prosecutors said members of Worcester’s Kilby Street gang are preying on young women addicted to heroin and forcing them into prostituting themselves while giving the proceeds back to the gang.
Jovani Delosantos, 23, was charged with six counts of human trafficking [in July 2016] in Worcester Central District Court. Victoria Power, 20, was also charged with six counts of human trafficking.
Assistant District Attorney Timothy Westerman detailed a months-long Worcester Police Department investigation into the Kilby Street gang for human trafficking. . . .
Westerman said the women were housed around Worcester County and were told to post ads on the internet. Once the sexual services were provided, all proceeds would go to the defendant and co-defendant. In return, the women were provided with drugs.

You might think feminists would call attention to such atrocious exploitation of women, but they don’t, for some reason. Feminists have not used Sexual Assault Awareness Month to call attention to the case of Luis Santos, who paid $5,000 to have a 14-year-old girl smuggled from El Salvador “to be his woman and have sex with her,” according to police. Feminists have not mentioned the case of William Ortiz-Ruiz, kidnapped a 12-year-old girl, took her to a motel in Watsonville, raped her, and then sold her as a prostitute, according to police. Feminists have ignored the case of Javier Tra Dunn, who repeatedly raped a little girl from the time she was 5 until she was 9, according to police. Nor has any feminist mentioned the case of Bryant Daugherty and Michael Randol, whose gang took over a motel in Detroit, using it for their prostitution and drug-dealing operations, according to police.

Why do feminists never mention these cases? It’s so mysterious . . .



Student Commits Suicide After LGBT Activists Use Title IX to Punish Him

Posted on | April 11, 2017 | 1 Comment

Ashe Schow reports how federal policy is being abused:

A male student who was accused of sexual harassment committed suicide just days after the University of Texas at Arlington ignored its own policies in order to punish him. The accused student’s father, a lawyer acting as the administrator of his son’s estate, is now suing the school for violating his son’s Title IX rights.
Thomas Klocke . . . a straight male, was accused by a gay male student of writing anti-gay slurs on his computer during a class. Klocke vehemently denied the accusation, and administrators who investigated the incident acknowledged there was no evidence to support the accuser’s claims, yet Klocke was still punished.
The accusing student, who is being sued by Klocke’s father for defamation, claims that in May 2016, Klocke made a comment during a class about “privilege,” and then proceeded to open his laptop and type “gays should die” into his web browser’s search bar. The accuser (who is not being named because Watchdog was unable to contact him for comment) claims he typed into his own browser search bar, “I’m gay.” . . .

You can read the rest of that, but the details of the accusations are irrelevant because there was no evidence, other than the gay student’s assertion, that any of this actually happened. Title IX is not about “equality,” it’s about punishing male students for being male or, as it has been interpreted, punishing heterosexuals for being heterosexual.

Even if what Klocke’s accuser claimed actually happened, why did it happen? Because of a classroom discussion about “privilege.” So, it is alleged, a student who was irritated by this discussion expressed his irritation through a deliberately offensive expression and then the tattletale decided to claim that this was “harassment” and demanded that the heterosexual student be punished for his offensive expression.

What this shows is that, whenever any dispute arises between gay and straight students on the 21st-century university campus, the straight student is always deemed wrong, and subject to punishment. This is not “equality,” but rather a one-sided policy of pro-LGBT favoritism, the same way that Title IX is otherwise a one-sided anti-male policy.

(Via Memeorandum, with more at Instapundit and Hot Air.)


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted on | April 11, 2017 | 1 Comment

Cordell Jenkins (left) and Anthony Hayes (right).

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and so we continue reporting on cases that feminists don’t want to mention for some reason:

FBI agents arrested two Toledo, Ohio, pastors who are accused of committing sex crimes against children.
WTOL reports that Cordell Jenkins, 46, and Anthony Haynes, 37, were taken into custody at their Toledo homes Friday morning after being accused of knowingly recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining a person under the age of 18 for sex trafficking.
The affidavit charges that Haynes, along with a woman, engaged in sex acts on multiple occasions with a teenage girl—including two separate incidents at two different hotels—and then paid the teen to remain silent. Haynes allegedly then introduced the teenager to other adults—including Jenkins — who also paid the girl to have sex.
Jenkins — who is the founder and pastor of Abundant Life Ministries in Toledo — allegedly had sex with the girl at another hotel and also in his office in an area church. Jenkins also allegedly encouraged the girl to introduce him to one of her friends and then engaged in sex acts with both of them.
The Toledo Blade reports that, according to FBI agents, Jenkins paid the girl between $100 and $300 for each encounter, except for the time with a second girl, when she was paid “approximately $120 to $140” for her participation.

So here we have two pastors exploiting teenage girls as young as 14, and feminists don’t want to mention this case for some reason. This silence is suspicious, when we can imagine the outcry if, for example, Catholic priests or college fraternity boys had committed such crimes. Perhaps readers can contact leading feminists — Jessica Valenti, Amanda Marcotte, Alexandra Brodsky, Dana Bolger, Lori Adelman, Zerlina Maxwell — and ask them why they are so selective in these matters.


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