The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anti-Christian Terrorist Threatens Churches; Police Manhunt for Fugitive

Posted on | April 10, 2017 | Comments Off on Anti-Christian Terrorist Threatens Churches; Police Manhunt for Fugitive


Crazy and dangerously violent:

Federal authorities have expanded the search for a Wisconsin fugitive who allegedly robbed a gun store and is “armed and dangerous.” The man may be plotting an act of mass violence, particularly against churches or other religious groups.
“As the search for Joseph A. Jakubowski (M/W, DOB: 07/21/84, 5’10”, 200 lbs, green eyes and brown hair) continues this Sunday night, investigators are continuing to work through the evening to attempt to locate this armed and dangerous suspect. Despite extensive efforts, Jakubowski remains at large,” Rock County Sheriff Robert D. Spoden announced in a press release.
Authorities are paying special attention to churches, as Jakubowski reportedly mailed a 161-page anti-religious manifesto to President Donald Trump on Tuesday.
ABC News reported that one hundred and fifty local, state, and federal law enforcement officers have been deployed to search for Jakubowski. “As a reminder, the FBI continues to offer a $10,000 reward for any information leading to the apprehension of this dangerous individual,” the Sheriff’s office added. “Direct sightings should be immediately reported to ‘911’ and general tips or historical information should be directed to 1-800-CALLFBI (225-5324).”

My hunch? This guy may be an MSNBC viewer. I blame Rachel Maddow.

UPDATE: has an extensive profile of Jakubowski, who has a lengthy criminal record, dating back to age 18, when he was “convicted of battery in 2003 as well as felony marijuana dealing.” So he’s a violent criminal dopehead, or in other words, he’s a Democrat.

Also, there’s more about Jakubowski’s “manifesto”:

“In communications prior to his disappearance, Jakubowski also allegedly made reference to his dying by the hand of Trump and expressed a desire to save everyone by taking out one politician at a time,” ABC News reports. . . .
On April 6, two days after the gun store burglary, police received information that Jakubowski “has been highly agitated recently regarding a variety of political issues,” the Rock County Sheriff’s Department said. . . .
The Sheriff’s Department says that Jakubowski wrote a 161-page manifesto and mailed it to President Trump on April 4, 2017. It “includes grievances against government and personal angst towards anyone or anything other than natural law or rule,” said the Sheriff’s Department in the statements. . . .
According to The Janesville Gazette, the Sheriff said: “When you look at the (manifesto), it is a laundry list of injustices he believes government and society and the upper class have put . . . onto the rest of the citizens. He believes that the government, and law enforcement in particular, are acting as terrorists and are enslaving the people and creating this environment that he finds unacceptable.”

Like I said, my hunch is he’s an MSNBC viewer. They’re all kooks.


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted on | April 10, 2017 | 1 Comment


You may not realize that April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, because feminists are deliberately ignoring cases like this one in Texas:

A Taylor ISD varsity softball coach has been charged with improper relationship between an educator and a student.
Kendall Lucas, 25, is being investigated by the Taylor Police Department for her relationship with a female student who was 17 years old at the time of the relationship.
Taylor High School officials say they learned of the relationship while talking with other students [March 29] and reported it to police. The investigation revealed Lucas and the student had a sexual relationship between March and May 2016. According to an arrest affidavit, two students who are members of the school’s softball team said they found out about the relationship from the victim. . . .
The victim told police she had approximately 10 “sexual encounters” with the defendant in 2016. The charge, a second degree felony, has Lucas facing possible prison time between 2 and 20 years. . . .

According to Austin CBS affiliate KEYE-TV, police say Lucas confessed to her sexual involvement with the teenage girl on her softball team.

Camryn Zelinger, Nina Scott, Randi Zurenko, Kimberly Naquin, Kristy Hoge, Laura Garrigus, Johnna Feazell — like there’s a pattern here or something. We can expect feminists to notice these crimes sometime after they notice the murder of Jennifer Delgado, which is to say, never.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Fired for ‘Work Place Violence,’ Florida Man Does Exactly What You’d Expect

Posted on | April 10, 2017 | Comments Off on Fired for ‘Work Place Violence,’ Florida Man Does Exactly What You’d Expect


Abeku Wilson was a 6-foot-2, 175-pound personal trainer at an upscale gym in the affluent Miami suburb of Coral Gables. Notice the use of the past-tense verb “was” in that sentence? That’s because after Wilson lost his job Saturday, he decided to make headlines:

Abeku Wilson opened fire on two managers at the Equinox fitness club Saturday afternoon shortly after the high-end gym fired him for “work place violence” and escorted him off the premises at the Merrick Park mall, police said Sunday.
The 33-year-old returned to the gym with a hand gun and fatally shot two supervisors: Janine Ackerman, 35, the general manager; and Marios Hortis, 42, the gym’s fitness manager.
Miami-Dade police said “both victims were targeted” and that “this was not an act of random violence.
Wilson “turned the gun on himself” after shooting the two. Wilson died on the scene; Ackerman and Hortis were rushed to the hospital in critical condition and later died. Ackerman’s death came shortly after the shooting Saturday; Equinox first revealed the death of Hortis in an email to members Sunday morning. A police spokesman confirmed Hortis’s death Sunday afternoon.
The police news release does not offer details about Wilson’s dismissal or when the alleged violence behind it occurred. Wilson was at work Saturday morning, and finished up with a client about an hour before the shooting, according to interviews. Eveliny Bastos-Klein, the client who finished up an hour session with Wilson at noon., said she made an appointment to see him again on Wednesday. “I didn’t notice anything amiss,” she said Saturday.
Police said the shooting happened at 12:55 p.m.
Wilson “was terminated from his employment on Saturday, April 8, 2017, due to work place violence and was escorted off the premises,” the release said. “He then returned to the fitness center armed with a hand gun and shot the general manager, Janine Ackerman, multiple times. He also shot Marios Hortis, employee, multiple times, and then turned the gun on himself.”

The woman Abeku Wilson killed, Janine Ackerman, was a New Jersey native who graduated from Florida International University and had worked at Miami’s famous Fontainebleau Hotel. She was remembered by a former roommate as “the greatest person ever . . . amazing.”

Just more “violence against women” that feminists will ignore.

For some reason . . .


Muslims Murder Christians in Egypt

Posted on | April 9, 2017 | 1 Comment

Islam means dead Christians:

Egypt’s president called for a three-month state of emergency Sunday after at least 43 people were killed and more than 100 more were injured in two Palm Sunday suicide attacks at Coptic Christian churches, each carried out by the ISIS terror group.
Sunday’s first blast happened at St. George Church in the Nile Delta town of Tanta, where at least 27 people were killed and 78 others wounded, officials said.
Television footage showed the inside of the church, where a large number of people gathered around what appeared to be lifeless, bloody bodies covered with papers.
A second explosion – which Egypt’s Interior Ministry says was caused by a suicide bomber who tried to storm St. Mark’s Cathedral in the coastal city of Alexandria — left at least 16 dead, and 41 injured. The attack came just after Pope Tawadros II — leader of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria — finished services, but aides told local media that he was unharmed.
At least three police officers were killed in the St. Mark’s attack, the ministry told The Associated Press.

Dead Christians is what Islam is means. People peacefully praying on Palm Sunday were slaughtered by followers of a religion of hatred.


Obama Administration Let Illegal Alien Stay; Now the Girl He Raped Is Dead

Posted on | April 9, 2017 | 3 Comments

Armando Rodrigo Garcia-Ramirez (left) and Jennifer Delgado (right).

Next time a feminist mentions “rape culture” or “violence against women,” ask her when she’s going to write about Jennifer Delgado:

An illegal alien who allegedly twice raped his 15-year-old stepdaughter now stands accused of murdering the girl after Obama’s Department of Justice refused to prosecute him on human smuggling charges. ICE officers were never able to deport the man despite a lengthy criminal history that includes charges of assault, burglary, and human smuggling.
Many opportunities to prevent the needless rape and murder of a young Texas girl slipped by the wayside before 36-year-old Armando Rodrigo Garcia-Ramirez twice impregnated his victim, Jennifer Delgado. In 2008, police arrested the Mexican national for assault. A local prosecutor chose to drop the charges, the Washington Times reported. In 2009, Garcia-Ramires found himself in custody — this time, charged with assault. Prosecutors also dismissed this charge.
In 2011, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers took arrested the man and attempted to deport him. A judge granted the man bond and released him. No further information about this case is currently available.
ICE officers took another shot at deporting Garcia-Ramirez in 2016 after he was arrested and charged with smuggling five illegal aliens into the country. ICE officers arrested him and asked the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas to press charges. Claiming the lack of a good witness, the U.S. Attorney declined to prosecute.
By this time, the 36-year-old man had already fathered a child with the teenage girl who he would later kill, the Daily Mail reported. One month later, he impregnated the girl again.
Despite his criminal history, Garcia-Ramirez applied for legal status. The Obama Administration granted him a work permit.
In early March, Garcia-Ramirez asked the teenage girl’s mother to meet him at a bank so that he could give her some money they had been arguing over. The mother, identified in court records as “O,” left Delgado and her baby at home while she went to meet him at the bank.
Instead of meeting “O” at the bank, Garcia-Ramirez went to the house and shot the 9-month pregnant girl twice, killing her and her unborn child. He left the 1-year-old child unharmed and fled the scene, the Daily Mail reported.

(via Memeorandum.)

Does anyone wonder why 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump?

The Democrat Party refuses to enforce our borders because they have cynically calculated that they can import Democrat voters from Mexico. Meanwhile, many in the GOP support an open-borders policy advocated by lobbyists for business interests that have cynically calculated that they can import cheap labor from Mexico. Anyone who objects to this bipartisan anti-American consensus is accused of “racism” by the liberal media that speaks for the elite political/economic establishment.

Quite simply, the American elite — the influential insiders who control big business, politics, media and the education system in this country — have developed a hateful contempt for the American people. The elite’s anti-American prejudice (to call it what it actually is) expresses itself in accusations that Americans who seek to preserve constitutional government are guilty of racism, sexism and homophobia.

Because of their contempt for Americans, the elite who claim to care about women’s rights, and who present themselves as defenders of the Hispanic community, are willing to ignore a case in which an illegal alien is accused of raping and murdering a 15-year-old Hispanic girl.

You will be accused of “hate” if you call attention to this crime, and yet who is hating whom? There is a girl dead in Texas, as a direct result of the policies of the Obama administration, and isn’t murder about “hate”? Doesn’t everyone who voted for Obama bear some degree of responsibility for the crimes of Armando Rodrigo Garcia-Ramirez?

Go ask Jessica Valenti: What about Jennifer Delgado?

Go ask Amanda Marcotte: What about Jennifer Delgado?

Alexandra Brodsky, Dana Bolger, Lori Adelman, Zerlina Maxwell — all the feminists who have spent years claiming that “rape culture” is rampant in America — go ask them: What about Jennifer Delgado?

You will get no answer other than the sound of crickets chirping.


University Teacher @LarsMaischak Advocates Death for President Trump

Posted on | April 9, 2017 | 1 Comment


Lars Maischak teaches history at Fresno State University and hates all 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump:

Tweets from a Fresno State lecturer Lars Maischak not only demonstrate stark disagreement with capitalism, Christianity, and the GOP, but also a declaration that President Trump “must hang” to save democracy. . . .
Other tweets on Maischak’s profile demonstrate the ideology behind statements about Trump hanging and explain why universities across the country are now viewed with disdain by average, salt-of-the-earth Americans.



(Via Memeorandum.)

Lars Maischak’s hatred is not merely opposition to Donald Trump, but expresses his contempt for all Republican voters. That is to say, Maischak advocates a one-party government with the totalitarian power to suppress dissent, and he is employed by the Democrat-controlled government of California to teach this attitude to his students at Fresno State. As might be expected, when critics call attention to Maischak’s totalitarian worldview, he dismisses his critics as illegitimate.




Anyone who votes Republican is a “fascist,” according to Lars Maischak, and anyone who criticizes him is a “troll.” To call for the hanging of the President of the United States is a “demand for justice,” because death to Republicans is synonymous with “justice,” according to Lars Maischak.

This is the kind of person that Fresno State University considers fit to teach history to recent high school graduates. Did you know, by the way, that the state of California has “nearly $400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt”? Did you know that California “is projected to run a $1.6-billion deficit” in the next fiscal year? It would seem that the government of California needs to reduce its expenses, and perhaps the taxpayers of California could get by with one less teacher at Fresno State.

But I’m probably a “fascist troll” for thinking this way.



‘Hate’ as a Synonym for ‘Republican’

Posted on | April 8, 2017 | 4 Comments

Pam Vogel works for the George Soros-funded group Media Matters.

The crude propaganda of the Democrat Party’s media machine isn’t likely to become any more nuanced and subtle anytime soon:

Exposing The Anonymous Right-Wing
Billionaires Behind Campus Hate

A handful of largely anonymous right-wing billionaires are using shady funding mechanisms to spark hate on college campuses—but, armed with the facts, campus activists can fight back to expose them.
College campuses have long served as unique places for the free exchange of ideas, but increasingly they’ve also become playgrounds for ideologically driven billionaires and the dark-money groups they fund. These groups range across the ideological spectrum from mainstream conservatism to so-called “alt-right” and far-right extremism to unadulterated hate, but they have one thing in common: They’re all funded by the same handful of purposefully anonymous donors.
These groups often use DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund—anonymous funding mechanisms that pool billions from wealthy individuals and then donate the money to right-wing causes while avoiding creating any public connection back to the donors. This echo chamber may hide behind the noble ideas of free speech or individual rights, but the reality is that it’s creating a friendly environment for hateful ideas to spread—and it’s putting students in danger. . . . .

You can read the rest of that at the Ms. Magazine website, but you get the point. Anything that is not liberal is labeled “hate,” and anything which is not about promoting the Democrat Party is “right-wing” or “far right.” Any appearance on a college campus by anyone associated with conservative or Republican (i.e., “far right”) political ideas is funded by “right-wing billionaires,” and this “hate” is “putting students in danger.”

The Left deliberately encourages this simple-minded intolerance, demonizing their political opponents, even while they accuse Republicans of “extremism,” “hate” and being “ideologically driven.” But yeah, let’s talk about shady billionaires with political agendas . . .


Woman Explodes in Rant Against Kissing Couple, Achieves Unwanted Fame

Posted on | April 8, 2017 | 2 Comments

OK, so here’s the set-up: A couple is waiting to order at a fast-food place in Santa Monica, California, and the guy’s got his arm around his girlfriend, affectionately nuzzling her. “Out of nowhere,” the guy explained, a woman who was finishing up her transaction at the cash register “looks at us and exclaims emphatically how inappropriate PDA was and how uncomfortable it was making her.” So the guy then kisses his girlfriend on the cheek, at which point the woman begins freaking out and the guy starts recording her on video with his phone:



The temptation to play armchair psychiatrist here is difficult to resist. Why was this lady so offended? I mean, some levels of affectionate behavior in public places may be inappropriate, but what the guy describes didn’t seem unusual for young couples and, hey, it’s Santa Monica, a beach town in Southern California. Like, chill out.

So why the freakout? Was it perhaps because the guy’s girlfriend is very attractive? Was the girl clearly enjoying her boyfriend’s affection? Did the woman freak out because of the perceived unfairness of it all? Like, “How dare this good-looking girl enjoy having her boyfriend wrap his arms around her in public, displaying how much he loves her, when nobody ever treated me that way?” Maybe that’s what it’s about.

Whatever it is, it’s not about the couple, it’s about what’s going on inside this woman’s mind, as she rants that the girl is a “prostitute,” a “whore,” etc. She goes on and on in this angry unhinged rant despite the fact that she knows she’s being recorded on video. And the payoff?

Well, they had to lock down the thread on Reddit after the woman was identified as Anna Marie Storelli, a 28-year-old Bay Area native who graduated from the University of California-Davis in 2010 and here’s where the story, as told at Turtleboy Sports, gets really weird: While she was in college, Storelli reportedly participated in a project led by Micha Cardenas that involved spending hundreds of hours immersed in the virtual-reality game Second Life. Storelli has since reportedly developed “serious mental health problems” which, among other things, led to multiple restraining orders being issued against her in 2014 and 2015. Also, it appears that Storelli has gained a lot of weight and possibly gotten breast implants since graduating UC-Davis. She has reportedly used multiple online accounts to post pornographic videos and images of herself, and was trying to get the attention of Justin Bieber.

Crazy is as crazy does, and there is every reason to believe that this woman is suffering from chronic schizophrenia, which typically manifests itself among people in their late teens or early 20s. Many of these people are highly intelligent, even genius-level, but start coming unraveled in early adulthood. Think about Ted Kaczynski, a math prodigy who graduated from Harvard at age 20 and by age 25 was teaching at UC-Berkeley. Within two years of being hired, however, Kaczynski suddenly resigned and by 1971 was living in a hut in the Montana wilderness.

The reason Kaczynski (a/k/a the “Unabomber”) comes to mind is because, like Anna Storelli, he participated in a research project while in college, one which involved a “brutal” psychological assault on the subjects’ sense of identity. Some have theorized that this experiment may have led to Kaczynski’s subsequent descent into dangerous madness, and there is another case which has long intrigued me: Valerie Solanas.


Solanas became infamous after she tried to assassinate Andy Warhol in 1968 and wrote The S.C.U.M. Manifesto which arguably made her the founder of radical feminism. (Some of the early radical feminists cited Solanas, and rallied to support her legal defense in the Warhol case. See Susan Brownmiller’s In Our Time: Memoir of a Revolution, pp. 27-28. Also see Sarah Evans’s Personal Politics, p. 209, where she notes that when Roxanne Dunbar formed a radical feminist group in Boston in 1968, “there first order of business” was reading The S.C.U.M. Manifesto.)

Breanna Fahs, a feminist professor at Arizona State University, recently published a biography of Valerie Solanas which makes clear (a) she was the product of a seriously disturbed family background, but also (b) she was a promising young student of psychology. Solanas got her bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland in 1958 and enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Minnesota, but dropped out after a year and began roaming around aimlessly. She turned up in Berkeley in 1960, then headed back east where she gravitated to the bohemian scene in New York’s Greenwich Village. Professor Fahs blames sexist bias for Solanas leaving grad school, but there were many women who got advanced degrees in psychology in the 1950s and ’60s, so some factor beyond mere sexism must explain why Solanas dropped out. I actually emailed Professor Fahs to suggest the possibility that Solanas was the unwitting victim of psychedelic drug research which, as is now well-known, was going on at many universities at the time. For example, Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert were doing experimental research with psilocybin in 1960-62 at Harvard, and Humphry Osmond used LSD in experimental treatments in the 1950s. Was it possible, I asked Professor Fahs, that somehow Valerie Solanas was involved in this kind of “research” while at the University of Minnesota? She replied that she had found no indication of that, but on the other hand, the possibility hadn’t ever crossed her mind and some of this kind of “research” was done quite secretly, funded by the Pentagon or the CIA. But I digress . . .

My point is that while this crazy woman ranting about a couple kissing in public is being regarded as a sort of joke, what apparently happened to Anna Marie Storelli is a very serious problem that affects many young people. The great psychological challenge of adolescence and young adulthood is the formation of personal identity, to develop a sense of one’s self that is stable and functional, and enables social success. Anything which disrupts this identity-formation process can have catastrophic results, leading to insanity and criminal behavior.

Read this story about Micha Cardenas using Second Life immersion in connection with his/“her” gender transition and ask yourself, “What could the effect of such a project have been on Anna Storelli?”

We are too quick to dismiss cases like this — just another kook — when closer examination may reveal important clues about how this kind of craziness develops, from which we can learn how to prevent (or at least try to discourage) such craziness from turning otherwise promising young people into dangerous maniacs who probably voted for Hillary Clinton.


Oh, come on, you didn’t expect me to resist a chance for a cheap laugh like that, did you? Probably a therapist could explain my irrepressible tendency to sarcasm, but I’ve spent years avoiding psychiatrists because craziness is sort of an occupational skill for me. Otherwise, how could I possibly endure three years of researching radical feminism without becoming a gibbering lunatic? Holding onto my sanity under such circumstances requires me to keep an emotional distance from the subject matter, and my crazy sense of humor is all that has saved me so far.

But who knows? I might suddenly snap any day now . . .


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