The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Oh, Wow — Psychologist I’ve Frequently Cited Files Discrimination Suit

Posted on | April 1, 2017 | Comments Off on Oh, Wow — Psychologist I’ve Frequently Cited Files Discrimination Suit

Jennifer Freyd is the psychologist responsible for identifying a syndrome known as DARVO — Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender — based on her work dealing with perpetrators of sexual abuse. Her insight came to my attention while I was coping with the fallout of the Kaitlyn Hunt case, where supporters of the convicted sex offender, who had claimed to be the victim of homophobia after she molested a 14-year-old girl, engaged in heinous abuse against those who supported Florida law enforcement’s prosecution of the case. Given my familiarity with Professor Freyd’s work, this story caught my attention:

University of Oregon Psychology Professor Jennifer Freyd [March 18] filed a sex bias lawsuit against the U of O for pay discrimination.
Freyd is a full professor who’s been at the University for 25 years. She has a national reputation for her work in the psychology of trauma and on behalf of sexual assault survivors. Freyd’s lawsuit alleges that over the years she’s received considerably lower pay than her male colleagues. Attorney Jennifer Middleton represents professor Freyd in the lawsuit.
Middleton: “According to her own department studies, she’s paid $50-thousand a year less than her comparable male colleagues. So, this seems like a clear instance of sex discrimination in pay and we’re seeking pay equity for her.”
The lawsuit seeks back-pay and damages of a yet undetermined amount. Middleton says the Psychology Department has found that on average female professors are paid $25-30 thousand less than their male peers. She says Freyd tried for years to get the department to rectify the situation.

Why is a liberal-controlled university in a Democrat-controlled state like Oregon engaged in discrimination against women? Another story:

The UO said Freyd, of Eugene, collects $155,237 a year in salary and another $70,544 in benefits.
“While we’ve not yet received the formal filing, the university is aware of Professor Freyd’s allegation,” Tobin Klinger, a school spokesman said in an email. “Although Professor Freyd’s pay places her in the top 13% of all tenure track faculty at the UO, we are committed to paying our faculty commensurate with their achievements. We will look closely at the case in the coming days.”

Professor Freyd makes more money than 87% of her peers, and her salary is more than three times the median household income in Oregon. If indeed she is paid less than male professors in her department, then the university is paying those guys way too much money. Whatever the result of her lawsuit may be, at least it might help taxpayers in Oregon learn more about the way their tax dollars are being spent. Why should state university professors — government employees — be making so much more than the taxpayers who are footing the bill? Is there a shortage of people with advanced psychology degrees in Oregon, so that the university must offer lucrative salaries to attract qualified instructors?

Probably not. In 2014, American universities awarded 8,657 Ph.D.s in the social sciences, which include psychology, and more than 30% of those newly minted Ph.D.s had no commitment of post-doctoral employment. The academic job market is looking pretty grim these days:

Across disciplines, academic jobs are in short supply. “In the social sciences, about 40 percent of doctorate recipients end up in nonacademic positions,” says Robert Sowell, PhD, vice president for programs and operations at the Council of Graduate Schools. . . .
Traditional tenure-track jobs in academia are increasingly rare, and several experts point to funding as a big factor in that trend. “The real issue right now is the economy,” Sowell says. “Institutions are cutting back.” . . .
Part-time positions, in particular, save colleges money because they often don’t include health benefits. In 1975, 57 percent of faculty at all U.S. degree-granting institutions held tenured or tenure-track positions, according to U.S. Department of Education statistics. By 2009, just 30 percent of faculty could say the same. Meanwhile, the proportion of part-time faculty swelled from 30 percent in 1975 to 51 percent in 2009.

Tenured professors are extremely fortunate to have their full-time jobs, considering that every year many thousands of students get Ph.D.s and enter the already overcrowded pool of would-be professors. Women get the vast majority (77%) of bachelor’s degrees in psychology, and women also get more than two-thirds of new Ph.D.s in psychology. So here we have Professor Freyd, a woman in a female-dominated field, a tenured professor earning more than 87% of her peers at the University of Oregon, who claims to be a victim of sexist discrimination.

There is a word for such a claim, and I don’t have a Ph.D. in psychology, but I know crazy when I see it. Everybody remembers psychology professor Deborah Frisch, right?

The former University of ­Oregon professor released from jail [in March 2015] after pleading guilty to making a false report against a Eugene police officer is again behind bars on similar charges.
Deborah Ellen Frisch, 53, is facing a charge of initiating a false report and a probation ­violation in the previous case. . . .
Frisch, who has a doctorate in psychology, was arrested in February for three counts of stalking after police accused her of repeatedly harassing a city police officer, another city of Eugene employee, and the director of a local nonprofit agency. . . .
For several years between 1988 and 2001, Frisch taught at the UO psychology department. She then taught at the University of Arizona but resigned in 2006 after writing inflammatory online comments to a conservative blogger.

Just a few recent news items:

  • September 2015: Simmons College psychology professor Alyssa Azotea was arrested on child pornography charges. Police said Azotea engaged in online conversations with a man in which “images of children” were shared.
  • April 2016: Ohio State University psychology professor Keith Markman was charged with burglary and assault after police said he forced his way into an ex-girlfriend’s home and attacked her.
  • July 2016: Former Webster University psychology professor Norma Patricia Esparza is sentenced to six years in prison for her role in the 1995 murder of a man she accused of raping her when she was in college.
  • September 2016: Former University of Nebraska psychology professor Joseph Benz was sentenced to five years probation on federal child pornography charges. Investigators say Professor Benz had more than 20,000 images and videos of child pornography.
  • December 2016: Former University of California Riverside psychology professor Michael Lamar Vanderwood was sentenced to nine years to life in state prison for torturing his wife.

Look, I’m not trying to say all psychology professors are dangerous criminals, but after you see enough dots, you start noticing a pattern.


College Girls: Prostitutes and Democrats

Posted on | March 31, 2017 | Comments Off on College Girls: Prostitutes and Democrats

Acacia Friedman (left) and Samara Charlotin (right) were busted for prostitution.

Hey, buddy, how’d you like to get it on with a couple of college girls? Well, the going rate is $5,000, according to police in Coral Gables, Florida, where University of Miami student Acacia Friedman, 23, and Florida International University student Samara Charlotin, 19, were arrested Wednesday in a sting operation. The deal with an undercover cop was reportedly negotiated by Friedman’s fellow Miami student Maury Noun, 21. Charlotin was also charged for possession of oxycontin and marijuana. According to, it appears that the enterprising student/pimp Noun is a Trump supporter, while Friedman’s online profile shows she supported Bernie Sanders for president in last year’s Democrat primaries. And then there’s this:


That was Friedman’s Twitter profile picture, showing her posing with former President Bill Clinton at a campaign event last year.

(Hat-tip: Evil Blogger Lady.)


Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | March 31, 2017 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty


“It seemed like a pretty good gag at the time.”
“YOU STUPID FOOL! I should force you to live here until you just die of exposure. For years I’ve tolerated your feeble attempts at making me happy. Now you’ve wasted so much money that I’m going to be forced to move into one of those high-rise Trump slums in New York City.”
“You said ‘die’?”

Thanks, Darleen

In The Mailbox: 03.31.17

Posted on | March 31, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.31.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Fridays Are For Firing – Fire Koskinen Now
Twitchy: Set Phasers For BURN – Dana Loesch TORCHES George Takei For Pence-Mocking Tweet
Louder With Crowder: VICTORY! Senate Allows States To Defund Planned Parenthood
According To Hoyt: When Reality Kicks Back
Monster Hunter Nation: FOR GREAT SCIENCE!
Vox Popoli: Crumbling Infrastructure, Crumbling Society

Adam Piggott: Podcast #42 – The Hairdressing Episode, also, Friday Hawt Links – The One For The Nerds
American Power: Pseudo-Conservative Max Boot Makes Outrageous Claim That GOP’s Been Taken Over By Racist Fringe
American Thinker: The Fall Of Donald Trump – And Why It Ain’t Happening
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Death And Taxes Friday
Bring The HEAT: World Of Warships – The Magnificent Seven
Da Tech Guy: Jerry Wilson – C’mon Bob Seger, We Want To Buy Your Old Time Rock n’Roll Records
Don Surber: The Art Of The Health Deal
Dustbury: Back To The Basics
The Geller Report: Navajo Nation Casts Friendly Eyes On Trump, Hoping For Big Time Coal Jobs
Hogewash: Hubble’s Greatest Hits, Part II, also, A Statement In Re An Extortionate Threat
Joe For America: Austrian Government Cracks Down On Radical Islam With New Integration Legislation
JustOneMinute: Freedom Of The Press, Intermittently
Power Line: Evelyn Farkas Goes Sergeant Schultz, also, Trump Administration Is Quietly Doing Good Things
Shark Tank: Bids Pouring In For Mexican Border Wall
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – Rev. Nancy Nord Bence, False Witness
STUMP: Friday Trumpery – No Exemptions For State-Run “Private” Pensions
The Jawa Report: Video – Two Islamic State Holdouts Have Very Bad Day, also, Sandcrawler PSA – No Compulsion In Islam, Except For The Beating & Strangling
The Lonely Conservative:
The Political Hat: NM Avoids Legalizing Death Dealing Doctors – For Now, also, Science Working On Making Bioroids And Cyborg Catgirls More Pattable
This Ain’t Hell: George Ciccariello – Snowflake King, also, Air Force Considering A New fighter Jet Platform
War Is Boring: The F-35 Is A $1.4 Trillion National Disaster
Weasel Zippers: Dem Rep Keith Ellison Calls For Uprising To “Take Back Our Government” From President Trump, also, CAIR Chief Compares Muslims In The U.S. To Jews During Holocaust
Mark Steyn: Mad And Magyar, also, Happy Brexit Day!

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Australian School Abolishes ‘Heteronormative’ Dress Code

Posted on | March 31, 2017 | 1 Comment

International Grammar School principal Shauna Colnan.

Heterosexuality is not yet illegal in Australia, but the feminist regime in elite education certainly does not approve of it:

The International Grammar School in Sydney, Australia has announced it will begin implementing gender-neutral uniform codes.
“It’s almost like for those students who do identify as far more gender fluid, the uniform has been a refreshing way for them to identify that,” IGS principal Shauna Colnan told Gay Star News. “It was really a no brainer for us, we can’t continue to have this heteronormative standard in our uniform.”
The decision came after male-born students began wearing girls’ uniforms to class, and vice versa. Students identifying as gender-fluid began coming to their teachers asking about dress codes, which prompted them to request the administration consider a new policy. Now, with the updated uniform codes, IGS students can wear their choice of pants, skirt and tie to class.

Principal Colnan is being celebrated as an “LGBTQ educator icon.” IGS is an expensive private school where “students acquire a global perspective through diversity and intercultural understanding,” where boys learn to be girls and girls are taught to be lesbians, where “gender fluid” students are considered normal and, if somehow any of their students turn out to be heterosexual, everyone regrets this as an unfortunate accident.

Wait — am I perhaps exaggerating the situation? If so, can someone offer evidence to the contrary? Are there any heterosexual students at IGS? Or has Principal Colnan ever said a word in favor of heterosexuality? Please, I’m eagerly awaiting proof that I am wrong about the curriculum and policies at IGS, and good luck to anyone trying to find that proof.


Lesbian Fitness Guru Faces Felony Charges After Driving Incident

Posted on | March 30, 2017 | Comments Off on Lesbian Fitness Guru Faces Felony Charges After Driving Incident


Ten years ago, Jackie Warner was an L.A. celebrity, the star of Workout, a reality show on the Bravo cable TV network. For three seasons, the show featured Warner and her clients at her Sky Sport and Spa in Beverly Hills. A self-made millionaire, Warner is the author of the books This Is Why You’re Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever) and 10 Pounds in 10 Days: The Secret Celebrity Program for Losing Weight Fast.

Being a reality TV star, however, didn’t quite suit Warner’s temperament. The producers made Warner’s lesbian relationships a focus of the show, and she had three different girlfriends — Mimi Saraiva, Rebecca Cardon and Brianna Stockton — during the course of three seasons. And then there was the incident when Warner was caught on camera making negative comments about a client’s breast implants. As it turned out, the client was a “well-known fitness model and breast cancer survivor.” Warner says she “didn’t like doing the type of TV that I was doing which made me uncomfortable and uneasy,” so she left the Workout series and eventually sold her gym. She went into a downward spiral:

“To be honest, I felt a bit lost and started partying a lot. It felt like I was taking a few steps backward in life and I started making bad decisions.” . . .
Jackie realized she needed to accept responsibility for her actions and devise a plan to pull herself out of her misery. “I quit drinking for a year and I quit dating for a year,” she continues, adding that she prayed for guidance every morning and night and cut “almost everyone” out of her life including friends, business partners, managers, lawyers.

Two years ago, Warner was planning a comeback with a new book, but evidently that didn’t work out so well, and now there’s this news:

The former Bravo fitness star crashed her car into a pole in West Hollywood, CA Feb. 24, after allegedly “sleep driving.” She nearly ran over an LA County Sheriff’s Deputy when she allegedly threw her car in reverse and tried to leave the scene. . . .
The former star of Work Out went to lunch earlier in the day, drank one martini and took an Uber home, sources close to Jackie told TMZ. She then claims to have taken the sleep aid Ambien and says that the next thing she knew, she woke up in the hospital with no memory of the accident. According to TMZ, she wasn’t wearing pants — just underwear — when she was arrested around 5:45 pm. The former owner of Sky Sport and Spa in Beverly Hills was charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon for nearly mowing down the deputy. Her blood alcohol level was measured at .08, exactly the CA legal limit, so she hasn’t been hit with DUI charges just yet.


You were driving without pants, with a .08 blood-alcohol content in the middle of the afternoon, you nearly killed a deputy and were taken into custody at gunpoint? Could be trouble, but don’t worry, the “Ambien defense” will save you. You’re a former reality-TV star and a lesbian. There’s no way a California court is going to convict you of a felony.


In The Mailbox: 03.30.17

Posted on | March 30, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: Lies, Damned Lies, and Juan Williams
EBL: Kemberlee Kaye At Legal Insurrection Asks Does Chuck Schumer Have An Anger Management Problem?
Twitchy: Dana Loesch Levels Geraldo In Just Two Tweets After He Accuses Freedom Caucus Of Treason
Louder With Crowder: Nikki Haley Lowers The Boom – “UN’s Days Of Israel Bashing Are Over”

Adam Piggott: The Face Of Gay Militancy
American Power: Susan Sleeper-Smith, Why You Can’t Teach United States History Without American Indians
American Thinker: White SJW Dies At Hands Of Black Killer
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Pacific Theater News
Bring The HEAT: An Old Salt Picks His Four Favorite American Admirals
Da Tech Guy: J.D. Rucker – Focus On The Enemy, Mr. President
Don Surber: We Will Still Trump Obamacare
Dustbury: One Weird Trick For Winning A Lawsuit
Fred On Everything: Social Justice Warriors And Bubonic Plague – Is There A Difference?
The Geller Report: Useful Idiot Alicia Keyes Dons Bosomy Burka, Sparking Outrage – “Glamorizing The Veil”
Hogewash: Unsettled Science, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: 10-Time Pro Bowler Attacked For Speaking The Truth About Colin Kaepernick
JustOneMinute: Repeal Of FCC Rule A Disaster! Or Is It?
Power Line: The World’s Greatest Humanitarian Crisis Arrives Just In Time
Shark Tank: Trump Brushes Off “Winter White House” Security, Travel Costs
Shot In The Dark: Open Letter To The Entire Twin Cities News Media
STUMP: Pensions At The Supreme Court – Church Plans
The Jawa Report: Apparent Attack On Capitol Hill (Update – Disturbed Person Is Disturbed), also, Sandcrawler PSA – ISIS Fighters In Raqqa Are Now Martyrs For Islam, But Only In Arabic
The Lonely Conservative:
The Political Hat: Fauxachontas In Spaaaace!!!, also, Milk – It Does A White Supremacy Good?
This Ain’t Hell: State Department Employee Charged
War Is Boring: Russia Has A Ton Of Problems In Syria, But Israeli Air Strikes Aren’t One Of Them
Weasel Zippers: Transgenders Now Oppressed Because Pussy Hats “Equate Womanhood With Having A Vagina”, also, Muslim Prof Insists Jesus Wasn’t Crucified; Christian Student Suspended For Disagreeing
Mark Steyn: The Mass Murderer Who Couldn’t Make The Papers, also, A Particular Place

Today’s Digital Deals
H&R Block Tax Software With Refund Bonus Offer

California Prosecutes Pro-Lifers

Posted on | March 30, 2017 | 1 Comment

John Ziegler at Mediaite:

Conservatives are outraged today that two “pro-life” activists have now been charged in California with 15 felonies in connection with their sting operation on Planned Parenthood. There is good reason to be incensed at the arbitrary/dubious enforcement of the law and the overtly politically-motivated over-charging of two people who seem to be, at least morally, on the “good” side here (recording private conversations vs. apparently trying to sell human body parts).
After all, California is obviously an extremely “pro-choice” state and the attorney general is a very liberal Democrat. Similar charges in Texas (not so liberal) didn’t stick, so it certainly appears as if pure politics has played a significant role in how this case has been handled by the legal system.
But there is another very important element of why California felt comfortable pursuing this case with such extreme vigor. That is their total confidence that the mainstream news media will support, or at least not push back against, them on this story. . . .

Read the whole thing. (Hat-tip: Hot Air.)


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