The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

All Your Base Are Belong to Us (Belated MLK Day ‘White Supremacy’ Edition)

Posted on | October 24, 2022 | 2 Comments

Say hello to Jessica Schwinn, a candidate for school board in Minnesota’s Centennial School District in Anoka County, a suburb of Minneapolis. A few days before MLK Day this year, she uploaded a video to TikTok in which she “suggested white people who quote Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. are racist and accused them of advocating for white supremacy”:

The text introducing the video reads: “ATTN: white people: Family meeting time. How are we going to call out our ‘cousins’ who misrepresent and/or misconstrue Dr. Martin Luther King’s words and memory on Monday?”
The video, which is just over a minute long, opens with Schwinn saying, “Hey white people, yeah, you. You’re white.” . . .
In the TikTok video, Schwinn says to white people, “We need to have a little chat. So Monday there’s about to be a lot of wild tweets and wild posts quoting Dr. Martin Luther King and the people who are posting these are … mmm … not informed and racist and trying to uphold white supremacy.”
She encouraged others to join her in “calling out” other white people who quote King.
“So it is on us, as white people, to call out our cousins, fellow white people … call ’em out … call ’em out,” Schwinn says in the video.
She concludes the video by saying, “We [white people] cannot put this on people of color and black people. It’s not on them. It’s our turn. We need to take this on. We need to call out … call them out. And we’ll be busy on Monday but it’s what we need to do.”

Do progressives not realize how tired people are of this stuff? Like, do you need a lecture about “white supremacy” from Jessica Schwinn (or anyone else, for that matter)? Where is the evidence that Ms. Schwinn is our moral superior in this regard? And while we’re at it, how much of a “white supremacy” problem is there in Anoka County, Minnesota?

Questions like this could be multiplied almost infinitely, whenever any white person appoints themselves as a sort of civil-rights hall monitor, claiming the authority to judge other white people on their alleged failings vis-à-vis racial equality. There is not, so far as I am aware, any widespread agreement on what credentials are required for this sort of Civil Rights Hall Monitor gig, but “progressives” generally think they’re so damned much better than the rest of us, and never expect to be asked to justify their standing as moral arbiters. Because, of course, if you object to their lectures, they regard your objections as proof that you are “racist and trying to uphold white supremacy.”

It’s Kafkatrapping all the way down, you see.

The bottom line is this: I plead not guilty, your honor.

My knee wasn’t on George Floyd’s neck, nor did I shoot Breonna Taylor, and any self-appointed “progressive” Civil Rights Hall Monitor looking to guilt-trip white people for their alleged complicity in racial oppression had better look somewhere else, because I ain’t oppressed nobody.

Is it possible that I have offended some people? Sure, my habitual sarcasm is more or less intentionally offensive, but hurt feelings are not synonymous with oppression. If the worst problem you’ve got is “emotional trauma” caused by something I said, congratulations — you’re doing better than me. You don’t even want to know about my problems, so just take your little Civil Rights Hall Monitor act somewhere else. To quote Travis Tritt: “Here’s a quarter. Call someone who cares.”

Anyway, to explain the perhaps-too-cryptic headline: “All your base are belong to us,” is a meme that came out of Something Awful forums nearly 20 years ago. It derives from a badly translated Japanese video game, the same game that produced the phrase “somebody set up us the bomb,” which Ed Driscoll used as the tagline to link this story, without bothering to explain it. Because some of y’all kids may not get the joke, these phrases are deployed to suggest that the rhetoric used by one’s online antagonist is incoherent, and/or that they are not in touch with reality.

Zero Wing CATS could not be reached for comment.


Rule 5 Sunday: Viktoriia Aliko

Posted on | October 24, 2022 | 4 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Miss Aliko is a freelance Ukrainian model currently working out of Milan.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1876, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Trump VP Friday, also, the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: MAGA – FBI & DOJ Abuses Continue, The Peripheral, The Sound Of 007, Republican Candidates In Arizona, Alone, Double Threat, North To Alaska, The Bear, The Bangles, and Frieda Pinto

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Mariana PaskinsFish Pic Friday – DWD Outdoor AdventuresMaryland Striped Bass Continue to UnderperformTattoo ThursdayDanchenko Skates, Biden Taps Oil Reserves for Midterm Boost, Tulsi Endorses LakeWednesday WetnessWho Says There’s No Such Thing as Bad Publicity?Tuesday TanlinesThe Monday Morning StimulusPalm Sunday,  Eastern Shore Salmon Farm Cancelled, and Biden “What Planet Is This Guy On?”

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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FMJRA 2.0: Sudno

Posted on | October 23, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Sudno

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Another week of .500 baseball for the Senators, losing two out of three games to the A’s and winning two of three from the Expos. One of the losses to the A’s was truly infuriating, an eighteen-inning ordeal in which he A’s closer Darold Knowles pitched nine innings in relief with no apparent loss of effectiveness and was finally relieved by emergency pitcher Tom Tischinski, who pitched just like Knowles for two innings, which was just enough to scrape out a win.
This week’s music is from a Byelorussian band called Molchat Doma (Silent Homes) which sounds a lot like Joy Division, only in Russian. I became aware of them thanks to a video of a Mexican kid dancing his butt off to their song “Sudno”, which was actually an overdub of the same kid dancing to Joy Division’s “Transmission”. Pretty cool stuff.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Fly the Curly W flag!

Rule 5 Sunday: Caitlin McSwain
Animal Magnetism
The DaleyGator
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

Denial Is Not a Strategy
The DaleyGator
First Street Journal
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

The J6 Committee Tantrum
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

How to Get Yourself Shot
First Street Journal
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Out of The Blue & Into The Black
A Bad American
A View From The Beach

There Is No Joy in ’Bamaland
A Bad American

More Signs of a Midterm ‘Red Wave’?
The DaleyGator
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 10.17.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

What Radicalized Ace of Spades? (And Notes on the History of ‘Browderism’)
The DaleyGator
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 10.20.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.20.22 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.21.22 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 10.21.22 (Evening Edition)
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending October 21:

  1.  EBL (13)
  2.  (tied) 357 Magnum and  A View From The Beach (9)
  3.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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Joe Biden Lies About the Economy

Posted on | October 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

Of course, the headline could have been simplified — “Joe Biden Lies” — because every word out of his mouth is false, no matter the topic, but his lies Friday at Delaware State University were about the economy specifically. The official topic, “Remarks by President Biden on Student Loan Forgiveness,” as the White House web site phrases it, was just a pretext for Biden to engage in electioneering ahead of the midterms. But while we’re on the subject of “Student Loan Forgiveness,” let me remind you that in August, I explained (“Biden’s Illegal Boondoggle Giveaway”) that the President of the United States does not have the authority to order the cancellation of student loan debt, and that the Biden administration is falsely claiming such authority under the 2003 HEROES Act, a measure intended to provide assistance to military personnel deployed overseas during the War on Terror.

Biden himself admitted he doesn’t have this authority, and was against student loan “forgiveness” during the 2020 campaign (when it was part of Bernie Sanders’ socialist agenda), so why did he pivot suddenly in 2022 to claim this authority, which he does not actually have?

One word: Politics. Democrats who couldn’t muster enough votes in Congress to pass student loan “forgiveness” legislation were looking ahead to the midterm election campaign and, desirous of energizing “the youth vote,” seized upon the notion of having Biden cancel student debt by executive order, with the HEROES Act as pretext. Last month, six states sued the administration, arguing that the president acted unconstitutionally, and Friday an appeals court granted an injunction to halt the “forgiveness” program while the case is appealed to the Supreme Court (where, God willing, it will be permanently voided).

Anyway, that’s the background on Biden’s trip to Delaware State University which is, not coincidentally, in the category of HBCU (Historically Black College or University), allowing Biden to kill two political birds with one stone, (a) energizing the youth vote and (b) energizing the black vote, because why pander to just one Democratic Party constituency at a time, eh? Of course, the bill for this pandering — the $400 billion that Biden’s “forgiveness” is expected to cost — will be sent to the taxpayers, who are expected to be happy about going to work every day and paying taxes to fund a benefit for other people’s lazy kids who took out a bunch of student loans they don’t want to repay.

Here’s an obvious question: If your Mama and Daddy don’t want to help you repay your student loans, why should anyone else want to do it? Like, if one of my kids got into a desperate financial situation, I’m sure my wife and I would find some way to help them, and I expect most other parents would do the same, because we love our kids, right? So who are these college kids whose parents don’t love them? And why are the rest of us — going to work and paying our taxes — expected to pick up the tab for the irresponsible financial decisions of these unloved kids?

As obvious as these questions are, nobody in the national media ever asks Joe Biden or other Democrats to answer them. Student loan “forgiveness” simply doesn’t make sense, from a logical or moral perspective, but because it is a policy favored by one party, the fundamental deficiency of the policy is ignored by Democratic Operatives With Bylines.

So there is Biden at Delaware State, pandering to his party’s constituents, telling them to go to the government “Free Money” website where they can apply for his student loan forgiveness program (which he knows damned well the Supreme Court is going to strike down). And after he gets done promoting his unconstitutional giveaway, Biden then switches to an attack on Republicans and starts talking about deficits:

I will never apologize for helping working- and middle-class Americans as they recover from the pandemic, especially not to the same Republicans officials who voted for a $2 trillion tax cut that mainly benefited the wealthy Americans and the biggest corporations that wasn’t paid for and racked up our deficit.
I don’t want to hear it from MAGA Republicans — officials who had hundreds of thousands of dollars of debts, even millions of dollars in pandemic relief loans forgiven who now are attacking — attack me for helping working-class and middle-class Americans. . . .

(What, exactly, is he talking about here? Democrats voted for “pandemic relief” the same as Republicans did, and exactly how is it that opposition to an unconstitutional taxpayer-funded boondoggle is an attack on “working- and middle-class Americans”? But the real Big Lie here is the claim that the “$2 trillion tax cut” only benefited wealthy corporations, because I’m sure as heck not a wealthy big corporation, and I got a nice refund check, thank you very much, President Trump. I could write a few thousand words about the mythology behind Democratic rhetoric against “tax cuts for the rich,” but this is just parenthetical snark, so I’ll save that essay for some other occasion.)

But despite what Republican officials say, we can afford student relief. That’s because the first two years of my administration — that’s because of the historic deficit reduction, the very deficit reduction the Republicans voted against.
This morning, my administration announced that this year the deficit fell — the federal deficit fell by one trillion four hundred billion dollars just this year. The largest one-year drop in all of American history: one trillion four hundred billion.
And it follows last year’s historic drop on the deficit of $350 billion.
And we’re going to reduce the deficit by another $250 billion over the next decade. And the reason for that is because of what — Medicare is going to be able to negotiate drug prices and lower the costs.
We pay the highest drug prices of any nation in the world for the same drug. You can buy the same exact drug in a drugstore here in Dover or Wilmington, and if you go over to Paris, France, or anywhere in Europe, it can be as much as 40 percent to 60 percent less. Same exact drug.
So, folks, I don’t want to hear any weeping and gnashing of teeth from pharma — the big companies.
Folks, in just 20 months since I’ve been in office, we cut the deficit in half.

What word shall I use to describe this? Bullshit will do.

Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute has a few more words than that in a column at the New York Post explaining the shell game that Biden is playing with “deficit reduction.” When the pandemic hit in early 2020, Congress voted for hundreds of billions of dollars in “pandemic relief” which, of course, was not spent all at once, but instead involved funding for programs that continued into 2021. These programs expired in 2022 — the emergency had ended, and the funding ended with it — and Biden is falsely claiming credit for this as something he did to reduce the deficit. In fact, Biden and Democrats in Congress increased deficit spending for years to come, so that the truth is the exact opposite of what Biden said.

So now I’ve written 1,200 words explaining what most of you already knew — Biden is lying, as always — and most days I just let it slide by me, but this particular steaming pile of bollocks, delivered at Delaware State University, was aired live Friday on Fox News. At the time, I was busy with my day job and couldn’t take time to write anything about it, but I made a note to get back to it on Saturday morning, so that tonight I can discuss it with my friends John Hoge and Dianna Deeley on The Other Podcast, which airs live at 7 p.m. ET. Tune in, OK?



Posted on | October 22, 2022 | 2 Comments

Before we get to the latest news from Pennsylvania, I’d like to begin by congratulating Dana Pico for his success in spotlighting the dangerous lunacy of District Attorney Larry Krasner, who has turned loose so many criminals that “Killadelphia” has well and truly earned its infamy. There are more dangerous cities in America — St. Louis, for example — but none of them are as big as Philadelphia, America’s fourth-largest city, so that when the homicide rate goes up there (and it’s increased 78% since Krasner took office), it’s kind of difficult to ignore the death toll. Of course, the national media have tried to ignore the violence in “Killadelphia,” but Dana kept hammering away and now the floodgates have opened, so that Krasner felt compelled to hold a press conference Friday on the steps of the state capitol where he says Pennsylvania’s GOP-controlled legislature is getting ready to impeach him:

The Pennsylvania House committee looking to impeach Democratic Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner canceled a hearing with the city’s top prosecutor after he requested a public forum.
Krasner still showed up at the state Capitol on Friday morning, condemning the select committee’s investigation and telling reporters that he expects the Republican-controlled chamber will start the impeachment process as early as next week. . . .
Krasner said the committee has no legal grounds for impeachment. Instead, he accused the committee of targeting him for his ideas and policies during a “super-heated election cycle” and attempting to blame large and diverse cities as being “lawless.”
“What we see here is the same old playbook, which is about coded and racist messaging,” Krasner said. “It’s about blaming the biggest city in Pennsylvania with the most diverse population for having the same national struggle that we have with gun violence everywhere.”

Well, the city may be “diverse,” but there is a decidedly monochromatic aspect to the daily bloodshed in “Killadelphia,” where more than 80% of the murders are black criminals shooting black victims. There were an all-time record 562 murders in Philadelphia last year, which means that roughly 450 black people were killed, but according to Krasner, the Republicans who want to end the city’s bloodbath are “racist.”

Whereas the Democrat D.A. who keeps letting criminals out of jail, well, he’s anti-racist, you see. Such is the contorted logic of Larry Krasner’s “social justice” agenda. The results have been disastrous.

Republicans are blasting Pennsylvania’s Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman because a man — exonerated of a murder conviction and released from prison through Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner’s Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU), which Fetterman supports — was allegedly involved in another murder in September.
On Thursday, Fox 29 Philadelphia reported that Jahmir Harris, 32, who was released from prison last year, is wanted for his alleged role in the murder of 50-year-old Charles Gossett in September.
“Prosecutors say Harris was identified by security footage as the driver of a vehicle that two gunman exited before shooting 50-year-old Charles Gossett in the back of the head around 2 a.m.,” Fox 29’s Steve Keeley and Kelly Rule reported. . . .
Harris was convicted of the December 2012 murder of Louis Porter, who was shot in the head in front of his own five-year-old son. He was sentenced to life without parole in 2015 but was exonerated and released through Krasner’s CIU last year, which Fetterman lauded earlier this week . . .

Do you think maybe this “exoneration” was a mistake? Like, maybe Harris actually did commit the murder for which a jury convicted him?

Nor is the case of Jahmir Harris an isolated incident. Over and over again, the criminals charged with murder in Philadelphia turn out to have been let loose in accordance with Krasner’s “social justice” agenda.

Say hello to Yaaseen Bivins, 21, who was convicted in August “of plowing his car into a pregnant woman and killing her unborn baby while drag racing,” but set free on bail while awaiting sentencing. Then in September, according to police, Bivins “shot five teens outside Roxborough High School.” One of the teenagers died: “Homicide Capt. Jason Smith said the teen who was killed — Nicolas Elizalde, 14, of Havertown, Delaware County — appeared to be ‘a totally innocent victim,’ fatally struck in the chest during the hail of gunfire.”

Krasner’s reaction? “Obviously, with hindsight, it is a truly awful situation.” Oh, as if you needed hindsight to realize that turning loose violent criminals is a dangerous idea.

But if you call attention to such horrible incidents, and think that the anti-police/pro-criminal District Attorney should be held accountable for the results of his policy, that means you must be a “racist” Republican!


In The Mailbox: 10.21.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 22, 2022 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Usual weekend deadlines for the usual weekend posts.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

357 Magnum: Progressive Gets Mugged by Reality
EBL: Republican Candidates in Arizona Heading Into The Election, Lola, RIP, and Homunculus Horror
Twitchy: “Imagine Being This Broken”, also, Need Further Confirmation That This Administration Is Driven By Twitter?
Louder With Crowder: James Corden lashes out, claims it’s beneath him to care about how he treated workers, also, Watch and enjoy how this pizza bro and kosher Jew demonstrate how the real world gets along off of Twitter
Vox Popoli: Newsmax is Promethean, also, More Adventures in Bafflegarble
According To Hoyt: Kindle A Light For The Lost, also, Keeping the Faith
Monster Hunter Nation: An Illustrated Guide to AI Prompt Mastery, also, WriterDojo S3 E15: Working With an Editor with Toni Weisskopf
Stoic Observations: The Rabbit, Chapter 1

American Conservative: An American Rwanda, Courtesy Of The Left, also, Has Michigan Forgotten 2020?
American Greatness: Criminal Cartels Have More Control of Our Border Than Biden Does, Arizona Governor Defies Biden Demand to Remove Shipping Containers from Southern Border, and Federal Court Orders Depositions of Top Biden Officials–Including Fauci, Psaki, and Murthy–in State AGs’ Case
American Thinker: Unvaccinated Single Women Say ‘No’ To Vaccinated Single Men
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Trump VP Friday
Babalu Blog: Cubans boldly protest in front of police station in Holguín, Los Angeles set to elect a mayor who was part of a Cuban communist propaganda and intel operation, Thanks mostly to Canada, Cuba expects a ‘robust’ tourist season, and Correspondent for Catholic EWTN Network, arrested, fined, & threatened by Cuban dictatorship
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for October 21
Behind The Black: Frozen lava flows around Martian hills, Chandrayaan-3 now scheduled for summer 2023, Ukraine officials in direct negotiations with Musk about Starlink, and Teachers fired and blacklisted for opposing the queer agenda in childcare and elementary schools
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: This Election Pivot is a Tad Early
Don Surber: 2022 brings seismic changes, also, War tourism
First Street Journal:  Journolism: media bias at its finest, also, Journolism: ignoring the “Five Ws + H” in reporting due to political correctness
Gates Of Vienna: Migrant Storm on the Balkan Route, Illiteracy ’R’ Us, The Silent War Against the Germans, and Eric Zemmour: The Government No Longer Has Any Legitimacy
The Geller Report: Texas Sues Google for Allegedly Collecting Biometric Data of MILLIONS of People Without Their Consent
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, A Ground-Based View of a GRB, There May Be A Long Line Forming For This, and How to Peacefully Handle Protestors
Hollywood In Toto: Clooney, Roberts Punch Pleasing Ticket to Paradise, also, Dangerous Game Director: Jon Voight Is the Consummate Professional
The Lid: How Did Iran Become A Radical Islamist State? Thank Jimmy Carter
Legal Insurrection: Appeals Court Puts Temporary Hold On Biden’s $400+ Billion Student Loan Forgiveness Giveaway, Success of Republican Allan Fung is Forcing Democrats to Spend Money in Rhode Island, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statements Destroying Higher Education, and College and University Enrollment Drops Third Year in a Row
Nebraska Energy Observer: England Expects
Outkick: San José State Postpones Football Game After Freshman RB Tragically Dies In Scooter Accident, Jon Gruden’s Lawsuit Against The NFL Over His Leaked Emails Appears To Have The League Scrambling And Stressed, People Are Not Happy Al Michaels Stated A Fact About Taylor Swift, ESPN Fantasy Says Kyler Murray, Who Was On The Field For Thursday Night Football, Is On Bye This Week, and Drake Jackson Calls Christian McCaffrey ‘Little White Boy’ In Reaction To 49ers Trade
Power Line: Red Tide In a Blue State, Thoughts from the ammo line, and Beyond Soft on Crime
Protein Wisdom Reborn: The Age Of Boutique Authoritarianism
Shark Tank: Broward County Elections Supervisor Shuts Down Reporter For Asking About Illegal Voter’s Arrest
Shot In The Dark: Sixteen Years, also, Security
The Political Hat: Pure Distilled Scum
This Ain’t Hell: Tom Brady Likens Football Season to Military Deployment; Then Walks it Back, Valor Friday, Final Defendant Gets Two Years in Fake Military Clothing Scheme, and Political divide driven by “stupid, ignorant, feelings based” rural voter
Transterrestrial Musings: Critical Race Theory, also, “We Are No Longer Conservatives”
Victory Girls: AOC Represents Twitter, Not Her District
Volokh Conspiracy: Ninth Circuit Partly Affirms and Partly Reverses Judgment for Planned Parenthood Over Secret Recordings
Watts Up With That: Is Private Renewable Energy Investment Faltering in Australia?, also, Battery Airplanes? Nope!
Weasel Zippers: Nearly 80% Of Voters Oppose Castration & Mutilation Of Minors, Biden Claims “Mega MAGA Trickle-Down” Will Tank The Economy If GOP Wins Midterms, Fetterman: Murderers In Prison For Life Are “Like Your Grandfather”, and Poll: Only 31% Agree Biden Is Giving Attention To Most Important Issues Facing Americans
The Federalist: The DOJ Is Hiding Information About Biden’s Attempts To Interfere In U.S. Elections, Race-Obsessed ‘Diversity’ Ploys Distract The Salvation Army From Actually Helping People, Abortion Harms Fathers Too, and Virginia Teacher Reveals The Left’s Next Public School Quest
Mark Steyn: Next Week’s Prime Minister, also, Live Around the Planet: Friday October 21st

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In The Mailbox: 10.21.22 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | October 21, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.21.22 (Afternoon Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Director Blue: Biden’s Energy Depression Is Nigh
357 Magnum: Florida Man & Son
EBL: Can Lee Zeldin win in New York State?, also, Alone
Twitchy: “Think Of Them As Being Permanently Suspended”, also, Alrighty, Uncle Fester!
Louder With Crowder: Legend stands outside building with a lint roller to illustrate how conditioned Americans are to comply, also, Hero rottweiler saves old lady by fighting off a kangaroo for forty-five minutes
Vox Popoli: What The Actual, Literally Retarded, She Lived Up to Her Name, and Deep State UK’s Auto-Coup

American Conservative: Muslim Parents Lead The Way, also, ‘Diversity Is Our Strength,’ They Lied
American Greatness: Gen X to Democrats – Eat My Shorts!, also, State AGs Investigate Big Banks for Involvement in U.N. Carbon Emissions Pledge
American Power: Yorba Linda Public School District Bans Critical Race Theory. Cal State Fullerton Retaliates by Pulling Teacher-Trainees from the District’s Educational Programs
American Thinker: Trump Embarrasses the ‘Elites’, also, Activist Generals Are Transforming the Air Force Academy
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Citizen’s Arrest News
Babalu Blog: Bernie Sanders messes with Texas Latina congressional candidate, gets destroyed, Cuban dictatorship uses gay marriage to cover its crimes against humanity, and Cuba’s Foreign Minister lambasts U.S. after his government pockets $2 million in hurricane aid
BattleSwarm: A Perfect Storm Of Transportation Disaster?
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches 54 Starlink satellites, NASA approves use of American spacesuits for spacewalks after investigation, and Nurses fired and blacklisted for either being white or Christian
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday
Da Tech Guy: I Eagerly Await the Flagging of Moderna’s CEO by Twitter & YouTube for calling COVID the Flu, also, The unholy partnership between Democrats and Corporations is a direct threat to our constitutional republic
Don Surber: Democrats’ Kari Lake mistake, also, NYT: “Red October is here”
First Street Journal: Hold them accountable!
Gates Of Vienna: Vax Skeptics Must Be Beaten Until They Repent, Knife Jihad in Ludwigshafen, Raped, Tortured, and Murdered by a Culture-Enricher, and Decline and Fall
The Geller Report: Nike Co-Founder Phil Knight Declares War on Democrats in Oregon, Kari Lake Thrashes Media, Brings the Receipts When Confronted on ‘Election Denial’, and RINO Former RNC Chief Michael Steele Calls MAGA Republicans ‘Lice,’ ‘Fleas’ and ‘Blood-Sucking Ticks’
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, JWST Looks At The Pillars of Creation, and Some Notes on Inflation
Hollywood In Toto: Critic Confessions: What Too Many Film Critics (Including Me) Forget, Adam Carolla & Dr. Drew Reveal Exactly Why We Mistrust Mainstream Media, and The Retaliators Upends the Death Wish Tradition (For a While)
The Lid: Constituents Mock Occasional Cortex – Chant ‘AOC Has Got To Go’
Legal Insurrection: Doctor Who Issued Letter Clearing Fetterman’s Health is Major Democrat Donor, California Bureaucrats Finally Approve Desalination Plant, British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns After Six Weeks in Office, and Pennsylvania? It Could be Nevada That Flips the Senate and Give Republicans Control
Nebraska Energy Observer: Ok; bear with me
Outkick: Tom Brady Apologizes For Ridiculously Comparing Playing In The NFL To Military Deployment, Another Absurdly Cringe Russell Wilson Subway Video Surfaces, Jason Kelce Reacts To Tom Brady Yelling At His O-Line: ‘I’ll Put You In That Trash Can’, Yankees Set Embarrassing Playoff Record During Game 1 ALCS Loss To Astros, and Shakira Gets Revenge By Putting Her Logo On Ex’s Barcelona Uniform
Power Line: The Dirty 51 revisited, Fact-checking Esme Murphy: With Jon Justice, and Breaking: Trussed
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Questions Energy Department Concerning Innovative Technology Going To Red China
Shot In The Dark: Whiffle, All The DFL’s Fault, and Connected
The Political Hat: Dictates Of Academia – Diversity Statement Required; Critical Race Theory Defended; BLM Protest Suggested
This Ain’t Hell: Fake Navy SEAL Scams Victims Out of $1.5 Million, A Hooters manager stops kids from selling chocolate bars, violence occurs, and Short takes – IRS, SF Toilet, El Paso and illegals, Stamp price hike, Foreigners hiring US Officers, New anti-gun group
Transterrestrial Musings: Space Solar Power, also, Condolences
Victory Girls: Tina Kotek Is The Original Defund The Police Candidate
Volokh Conspiracy: “When I Die and Go to Hell, I Want to See the Entire [Court of Appeal] Panel There to Greet Me!”
Watts Up With That: British PM Wins Pyrrhic Victory on Fracking, also, Biden to drain more oil from SPR… Expects oil industry refill it for $68-72/bbl
Weasel Zippers: Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) Admits Democrats “Knew” Inflation Would Result From Their Big Spending, Kamala Harris Hires Third Chief Speechwriter Since Taking Office, Florida Democrat For Gov Charlie Crist Calls Biden “This Great President”, and Tina Kotek Lies When Pressed On Her Email That Called The 2020 Riots “Peaceful Protests”
The Federalist: Destroying America’s Energy Advantage To ‘Save Democracy’, Evan McMullin Is A Democrat And A Fraud, New Mexico Democrat Gabe Vasquez Deletes Tweets Slamming Oil To Masquerade As Moderate, and Democrats Are Already Telling Americans To Expect Delayed Election Results This Fall
Mark Steyn: Tip of the Evil Iceberg

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In The Mailbox: 10.20.22 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 21, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.20.22 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1875
A Bad American: Drag Brunch? (NSFW)
357 Magnum:  State’s Attorney’s Office for Cook County and Chicago in Shambles
EBL: Durham Loses Again: Mission Accomplished, also, Georgia Senate Update: Walker and Warnock Tied
Twitchy: Waukesha Massacre Perp – “I’m Not A Person, I’m A Human Being”, also, HuffPo Declares Rapper Big Mike More Dangerous Than Ye
Louder With Crowder: Kari Lake needs only her 20-year-old volunteer to illustrate how horrible the media is at their jobs, Author finds driving electric vehicle across state ‘very difficult,’ it took him 15 HOURS to go 178 miles, and Independent voters now view DEMOCRATS as more of a ‘threat to democracy’ than the GOP
Vox Popoli: Yes, And?, When Dialectic Exceeds Rhetoric, Hollywood is Never an Option, and How Did THAT Ever Happen
Gab News: Stop Killing Christians

American Conservative: War and Regrets in Ukraine, also, The Racial Masochism Of The Left
American Greatness: Who Denies Election Results?, Why the Left Hates Conservatism, and Stacey Abrams Suggests that the Cure For Economic Woes Is More Abortions
American Power: Vote for Peace, not Perpetual War, on Election Day, also, Voters Overwhelmingly believe American Democracy is Under Threat, But No One Wants to Lift a Finger to Save It
American Thinker: What Happens When Democrats Lose Bigly?,  also, End of the Line for #BLM?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Biden admin announces $2 million in hurricane aid to communist Cuba, While Cubans starve, the country’s fat Prime Minister and its fake “First Lady” enjoy food festival, and It’s getting nasty in TX-34
BattleSwarm: Three Republican House Candidates to Consider Backing, also, The War Against Wokeness In Round Rock ISD
Behind The Black: SpaceX simplifies smallsat rideshare program, effectively slashing prices, October 19, 2022 Quick space links, and Moderna CEO admits to past lies: “COVID is simply the flu, harmless to the healthy.”
Cafe Hayek: Evidence That Time Makes Demand More Elastic, also, More on Some Difficult Questions of Trade Policy
CDR Salamander: What Does Sending a Firm Signal to Red China Look Like?
Chicago Boyz: Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, Et Cetera
Da Tech Guy: Jezebel and the Democrats, also, A Reminder If/When the Rolling Blackouts Come to Massachusetts, and other New England States
Don Surber: 538’s con, also, Coal state taking down BlackRock
First Street Journal: Some people would rather be less safe than cooperate with and support the police, also, The Democrats are running on everything except what matters
Gates Of Vienna: A Call for the Blue Mosque to Become Gay-Friendly, Let ’Em In!, “Since it Doesn’t Prevent Contagion, What Was the Vax For?”, and German Nursing Homes Will Be Packed With Refugees
The Geller Report: Interesting Prediction: Ex-Dem Tulsi Gabbard Will Be Trump’s VP, also, Biden To Release at Least 10 Million More Barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve In In Order To Fool Mid-Term Voters
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, As A Language Evolves, and NEOWISE Scans The Whole Sky
Hollywood In Toto: Friday the 13th Part III – Jason Gets His Iconic Hockey Mask, Netflix Rejects Woke, Stages Stunning Comeback, and Black Adam Recycles Superior Superhero Beats
The Lid: Is China Fast Tracking A Taiwan Takeover, Or Reacting To Biden Gaffes?, also, As COVID Hit, Some Fed Officials “Coincidently” Traded Involved Stocks
Legal Insurrection: Has The Democrat Dam Holding Back The Red Wave Finally Broken?, Biden Claims Dipping Into Oil Reserve Isn’t Politically Motivated, Penn State Rethinking Construction of New ‘Racial Justice Center’ Due to Budget Deficit, and “Experts” Now Warning about ‘Severe Flu Season’ and ‘Very Contagious’ Rhinovirus
Michelle Malkin: Fists of Furry
Nebraska Energy Observer: Closer, also, The Theology of American Foreign Policy
Outkick: Washington Commanders Sent A $14,000 Bounced Check To A 50/50 Raffle Winner, Mississippi State Player Sam Westmoreland Dead At 18, Nick Saban Comments On Video Showing Alabama Player Allegedly Striking Female Tennessee Fan, and ESPN Analyst, Who Said Josh Allen Deserves To Fail Because Of Dogs And American Flag, Says Lamar Jackson Criticism Must Be ‘Careful’
Power Line: A Star Is Born, Stacey Abrams explains, and Dems Hitting the Panic Button
Shark Tank: 2016 Election Denier & J6 Committee Member Stephanie Murphy Warns Of 2020 GOP Election Deniers Running For Office
Shot In The Dark: Self-Destruction, also, Dirty Harry Meets Batman
The Political Hat: Maoist Struggle Sessions Come To Reddit, also, Aktion T4 Comes To Australia…And Beyond
This Ain’t Hell: FEMA scandals post-Maria, Heritage Foundation assigns its weakest rating for U.S. Military strengthInvestigation Finds Black Airman Faked Racist Tweets, and The pussification of the Army drill sergeant
Transterrestrial Musings: Kari Lake, also, Addressing Putin’s Nuclear Threat
Victory Girls: Florida Senate Debate Sees Democrat Strategy, also, A Look At New York’s ‘Adams Tent City’ Migrant Shelter
Volokh Conspiracy: Ohio Supremes Indefinitely Suspend Judge Pinkey Suzanne Carr from Judicial Office and Law Practice
Watts Up With That: Green Energy Fail: New England Facing Rolling Blackouts this Winter, Cost Of Public Charging an EV Is Now More Expensive Than Filling Up with Diesel, and Attenborough Laments Demise of 800 Penguins “Because Climate Change”, But…
Weasel Zippers: Kamala Harris: Biden Admin’s “Real Intentionality” Is To “Re-Shift Industries” On Energy, Cosmetic Company Ulta Video Features Two Biological Men To Explain “Girlhood” To Women, Fetterman Compares January 6th To 9/11, and Activists Erupt At Occasional Cortex, Call Her A Coward
The Federalist: Lawsuit Offers SCOTUS A Chance To Smack Down Biden’s ‘Unconstitutional’ Student Loan Bailout, RNC Sues Pennsylvania For Telling Counties To Break Election Law, Amazon Spoiled Rings Of Power By Trading Tolkien For Lame Hollywood Tropes, Biden Shamelessly Depletes Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve To Buy Midterm Votes For Democrats, and Hyperventilating About Kanye Can’t Hide The Left’s Antisemitism Double Standard
Mark Steyn: Why Can’t These Jim Crow Fascists Be More Civil?, also, A Globalist Coup

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