The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 03.30.22

Posted on | March 31, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.30.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Mr. Whitfield has a warning for the NYT.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1672
357 Magnum: COVID Lockdowns & Good Intentions
EBL: Why Does Biden Want To Be LBJ?
Twitchy: Here’s How The Networks Covered The Hunter Biden Story That They Can’t Ignore Any More
Louder With Crowder: Ron DeSantis Continues His Dominance Of Disney
Vox Popoli: A Direct Challenge, ALT*HERO As Spoiler Alert, and Die Hard, Die Silent
Granite Grok: Thought Splinters, Part 1
Stoic Observations: Talkin’ Religion & Politics

Adam Piggott: Too Thirsty For The Chicks
American Greatness: GOP Senators Provide Receipt Of $100,000 Payment By Red Chinese Oligarchs To Hunter Biden, also, Cutting Through The Noise In Ukraine
American Power: Disney Admits It Wants To Queer Your Kids, also, Rural Voters The Key To Battleground Races In November’s Midterm Elections
American Thinker: America’s Truck Driver Shortage, also, Thomas Sowell – Monument To Intelligent Insight
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: Court Rules Pan American Health Organization Must Face Human Trafficking Lawsuit by Cuban Doctors, also, Not Enough Notaries To Serve The Thousands Of Cubans Leaving The Country
BattleSwarm: Why Russian Technology Is Screwed, also, Austin-Bergstrom Airport Running Out Of Jet Fuel?
Behind The Black: Another Update On the Lie That Was COVID, Active Volcanoes On Pluto? and Red China’s Long March 11 Launches Three Satellites
Cafe Hayek: What’s Worth More, $1000 Of Microchips Or $1000 Of Potato Chips? also, On Economic Sanctions
CDR Salamander: Losing The Solomons
Da Tech Guy: Twelve Chris Rock/Will Smith Thoughts & My Standing Orders Story
Don Surber: Ukraine’s Human Shields, also, Biden Slaps Families With A $100/Week Tax
First Street Journal: Another Problem For Joe Biden’s Plan To Eliminate Emissions From Electricity Production In 13 Years
Gates Of Vienna: The West’s Goals In Ukraine, Europe Says Nyet To Rubles – Would Rather Freeze Next Winter, and Z Is for Zeitgeist
The Geller Report: FEC Fines Clintons & DNC For Russian Dossier Hoax, also, Pelosi Insists Democrats Will Pick up Seats In Midterms
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Sunlight On The Sea, and The Narrative Has Changed
Hollywood In Toto: TDS – Gaffigan & Stern Blame Smith’s Oscar Slap On Trump, also, How Morbius Misses The MCU Mark (By A Country Mile)
The Lid: Why So Many Foolish Gaffes Were Crammed Into Last Month
Legal Insurrection: Occasional Cortex Threatens Justice Thomas With Impeachment, Judge Prevents Syracuse NY Mayor From Removing Columbus Statue, and Sen. Collins (RINO-Me.) Says She’ll Vote To Confirm Judge Jackson
Nebraska Energy Observer: Lupus Tenebrosus Chapter 20
Outkick: Bruce Arians Stepping Down As Bucs Head Coach, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Mad At Will Smith for Perpetuating Stereotypes, and Throw The Damn Towel – Cardinals Score 29 Runs Against Nationals
Power Line: More Evidence Of 2020 Voter Fraud, Hunter Biden – First The NYT, Now The WaPo, and On The Yale Law School Debacle
Shark Tank: Poll – 52% Of Florida Democrats Back Anti-Grooming Bill 
Shot In The Dark: Might Might Make Right, Foreign Relations, also, What A Difference A Week Makes
The Political Hat: Equity – Theory Vs. Reality
This Ain’t Hell: Stolen Valor Fruit, also, Biden’s “Deterrence Strategy” Failed
Transterrestrial Musings: Brownian Motion
Victory Girls: Disney Has Frightening “Not At All Secret” Gay Agenda
Volokh Conspiracy: 21 States File Suit Against CDC Public Transportation Mask Mandate
Watts Up With That: Crisis – Soaring Costs Of Energy In UK & Europe, also, Wind Turbines Out West, Part 1
Weasel Zippers: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Thinks Biden Has “Done A Very Good Job”, Fla. Kindergarten Teacher Upset He Can’t Talk To Kids About His Boyfriend, and Bruce Willis Retiring From Acting Due To Aphasia
The Federalist: Partisan Federal Bureaucrats Selectively Enforce The Law, Twitter Locked My Account For Telling The Truth About “Rachel” Levine, and Finnish Court Rebukes State Prosecution of Christians
Mark Steyn: Walking It Back, also, Batley’s Blasphemer

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‘OK, Groomer’: Democrats Go All-In on Promoting LGBTQ to Young Children

Posted on | March 30, 2022 | Comments Off on ‘OK, Groomer’: Democrats Go All-In on Promoting LGBTQ to Young Children

As a midterm campaign platform, I’m not sure Democrats have a winning issue with the “Drag Queen Story Hour” agenda, which is essentially how they’ve reacted since Florida passed its Parental Rights in Education bill. Deliberately misrepresenting the bill with the “Don’t Say Gay” slogan, Democrats at the same time insist that public school teachers have a right — nay, a duty — to indoctrinate children with pro-LGBTQ ideology.

If anyone ever doubted that most public-school employees are left-wing activists, that doubt has now been eliminated:

A Texas teacher claimed that 20 of her 32 fourth grade students came out to her as LGBTQ, according to internal messages from the district reviewed by the Daily Caller.
Austin Independent School District’s Blackshear Elementary School hosted a Pride parade for elementary schoolers, which the school’s principal dubbed a “Wellness Walk,” according to internal messages originally obtained by the Twitter account, LibsofTikTok. One teacher launched into a tirade against having a “Wellness Walk” during Pride week.
“[It] takes away from the experience of celebrating Pride,” the teacher said in internal messages.
“I feel that it is inappropriate to call our parade this morning a ‘Wellness Walk’ at all. While I understand that Wellness Walk is something that was previously in motion to promote health and fitness and is something we want to continue, it really takes away from the experience of celebrating Pride to couple the two,” the teacher said.
“The first Pride was a riot. It was not enough to just ‘welcome,’ ‘love,’ and ‘celebrate’ Queer folx,” she continued. “Your allyship should always lead you to activism – speaking up and fighting for what is right, even when it feels uncomfortable. We can’t choose in and out of our protest spaces.”
The teacher went on to say that of the 32 students that she teaches, “20 of them are LGBTQIA+ and have come out to me.”
“I feel that we need to do better – for them,” the teacher said. “To affirm our students, I think it would only be appropriate and right to publicly announce [that] what we had this morning was a PRIDE Parade.”

These people are insane. They should be in mental institutions, not in public schools. In fact, in a sane country, they would be prohibited from having any contact with children anywhere. Ace of Spades calls attention to a kindergarten teacher in Florida who complains that the new law will interfere with his ability to talk about his gay sex life with 5-year-olds.

People who think this is normal? They’re abnormal.

Everybody can probably agree that, even in the most homophobic regime imaginable (e.g., Iran) some percentage of people will still be gay and, while we wouldn’t advocate throwing gay people off roofs (like they do in Iran), neither do we believe that homosexuality should be publicly celebrated as a special source of “pride,” as Democrats do. That is to say, while a majority of people are not intolerant gay-hating fanatics, neither are most people ready to endorse the rainbow-flag identity-acronym agenda that Democrats are promoting. And yet Democrats, apparently having learned nothing from Terry McAuliffe’s defeat in Virginia last year, and seemingly indifferent to polls showing them headed for a historic midterm defeat in November, have decided to double-down on the most controversial position possible — promoting LGBTQ identity to the captive audience of public school children.

This is why “OK, groomer” trended on Twitter the other day.

By the way, am I the only one who sees the connection between this and Judge Ketanji Jackson thinking child pornography is no big deal? There is a certain common theme here, namely the idea that only “right-wing extremists” are concerned about protecting children from sexualization, so that turning loose pedophiles with light sentences (a mere three months, in one of the cases Jackson was questioned about) is not really something to worry about, the same way a gay teacher indoctrinating your 5-year-old is not something to worry about.

By the way, have you heard of Kegan Kline? In 2017, Indiana police raided Kline in a child pornography investigation. That was less than two weeks after the bodies of two girls — Libby German, 14, and Abby Williams, 13 — were found in a park where they had gone hiking. True-crime podcasters Áine Cain and Kevin Greenlee obtained the transcript of a police interview with Kline that reveals he had a “catfish” account which contacted one of the girls prior to their disappearance. In other words, the guy with the massive stash of kiddie porn is also a suspect in the murder of two girls. But there’s nothing to worry about, say the Democrats supporting Judge Jackson, who gave slap-on-the-wrist sentences to child pornography defendants.

Probably the parents of those two girls have a different opinion, and maybe voters will make Democrats understand in November.


In The Mailbox: 03.29.22

Posted on | March 30, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.29.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: It’s Not Just Property Crime
EBL: On This Day In 1867
Twitchy: “I Was Just Wherever I Could Adding Queerness”, also, Forbes – Don’t Talk About Will Smith’s Slap Without Discussing White Supremacy
Louder With Crowder: Ron DeSantis Exposes “Hollywood Degenerates” Attacking Parents Over Anti-Grooming Bill
Vox Popoli: The Four Eras Of Villainy, Polishing The Library, and The Russians Are Panicking
Stoic Observations: Against Fetishizing Hierarchies

American Conservative: The Bush-Biden Doctrine
American Greatness: GOP Must Promise Inquisitions, Not Meaningless Task Forces, also, The IRS Sent $64 Million In Stimulus Checks To Dead People
American Power: Occasional Cortex Realizes The Democrats Are In Trouble
American Thinker: CDC & FDA Guilty Of Clinical Malpractice & Scientific Fraud
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Too Little Too Late News
Babalu Blog: German Diplomats Blocked From Visiting Sick Citizen Sentenced To 25 Years For Filming 7/11 Protests, also, Cubans Waiting To Buy (Rationed) Diapers Turn On Police When One Of Them Is Violently Arrested
BattleSwarm: Dear Joe – Do You Think You Could Avoid Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud? also, Russo-Ukrainian War Roundup
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted Americans, NASA Wants More Money In 2023, and Red China Successfully Launches Long March 6A
Cafe Hayek: Serfdom Looms
CDR Salamander: We Chose Decline
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – A Real Food Crisis, Bye Bye Philly! and Donald Trump Is No Ham Sandwich
Don Surber: Jon Stewart Boldly Takes On Mueller – Four Years Too Late, Never Trumpers Roll Out Their New Egg McMuffin, and Russia Has NATO Over A Barrel
First Street Journal: Ford’s Plug-In Electric F150 Lightning Could Cost More Than Your House, also, Killadelphia
Gates Of Vienna: The German People Must Suffer For Ukraine’s Sake, Certain Truths Must Not Be Spoken (At Least Not In Sweden), and “Listen, Viktor!”
The Geller Report: DeSantis Hits Back At Hollywood – “I Wear That [Criticism] Like A Badge Of Honor”, also, Biden’s Approval Ratings Plunge To Lowest Of His Presidency [So far]
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, Coming To A Lagrange Point Near You, and Quote Of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Kim & Kanye Explained, also, Comedy, The (Not So) Hidden Victim Of Slapgate
The Lid: Too Much Lake Water Is Climate Change/Not Enough Lake Water Is Climate Change
Legal Insurrection: MIT Reinstates SAT/ACT Requirement For Future Admissions, Lamestream Media Ignores New Details In Hunter Biden Scandal, and Rep. Gaetz Enters Hunter Biden’s Laptop & Repair Receipt Into Congressional Record
Michelle Malkin: Never Forgotten – The Lies About Terry Schiavo
Nebraska Energy Observer: Can’t Define “Woman”
Outkick: Bomani Jones’ HBO Show Tanks Again, Loses To Infomercial, NFL Adds Women To Rooney Rule, and Robert Kraft Not Pleased With Pats’ Playoff Skid
Power Line: Biden’s Gaffes – A Postscript, Biden Still Falling, and Dean Gerken’s Gabble
Shark Tank: Author Of Anti-Grooming Bill Returns All Donations From Disney
Shot In The Dark: Don’t Grab The Handle, also, CNN – “The Oscars Were Mostly Peaceful”
This Ain’t Hell: Biden’s Proposed Budget Would Make Army Smallest Since WW2, Tuesday With The Libs Of TikTok, and Biden Says He’s Not Walking Anything Back 
Transterrestrial Musings: Mark Judge, also, Clogged Arteries
Victory Girls: Ukraine Drops Alleged List of Russian Spies, also, Mayor Groot Gets Special Secret Security Detail
Volokh Conspiracy: Choosing A Russia Of Pushkin Over A Russia Of Putin
Watts Up With That: The Madness Of Our Worship Of Wind, also, The People Promising us “Net Zero” Have No Clue About The Energy Storage Problem
Weasel Zippers: French President Macron One Of Several Leaders To Express Concern Over Slow Joe’s Gaffes, also, Russia Says It Will Withdraw From Kiev Region
The Federalist: Senators Release Receipts Showing Direct Payments To Hunter Biden By Foreign Oligarchs, ABC Doesn’t Want You To Know The Kids DeSantis Is Protecting From Groomers Are Five, and Will The GOPe Enable Another Disastrous Iran Nuke Deal?
Mark Steyn: Hunter & The Hunted, also, Food for Thought

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Ukraine: Irpin Mayor Says Town Is ‘Liberated,’ Others Say … Eh, Maybe

Posted on | March 29, 2022 | Comments Off on Ukraine: Irpin Mayor Says Town Is ‘Liberated,’ Others Say … Eh, Maybe

Before explaining the map above, showing the locations of Ivankiv, Borodyanka and Bucha, let’s first get this news out of the way:

Oleksandr Markushyn, the mayor of the city of Irpin, just 8km from the Ukrainian capital ofKiev, confirmed on Monday, March 28, that “Irpin has been freed from the evil of Moscow!”. His announcement came after Ukrainian military forces recaptured the city that had been besieged by the Russians.

This is not the first time Mayor Markushyn has claimed this, however. He said the same thing a week ago, but his pronouncement was followed by a week of fierce fighting in Irpin. According to the New York Times, other sources say there may still be Russian troops holed up in Irpin, and the Ukrainian forces will have to do a house-by-house search to clear the town. At any rate, Irpin is the closest the Russians have come to Kyiv, and if they’ve been driven out of there, the remainder of the Russian advance force would be hunkered down in Hostomel and Bucha. And this gets us to what that map is about: In order to supply their troops in the vicinity of Bucha, the Russians must be able to send convoys of trucks from Belarus via Ivanik and, while their are alternative routes available, the crossroads town of Borodyanka is crucial to this Russian supply line. Ever since last week, when some observers began to speak of the Russians around Bucha being trapped in a “pocket,” I’ve been searching for news of fighting near Borodyanka, with little success.

The other avenue of attacking the rear of the Russians around Bucha would be up the western bank of the Dnieper River, via Demydiv, but I haven’t found any reports about fighting there, either. So the tactical situation in Ukraine remains unclear, and this report by Barbara Morrill at Daily Kos expresses more certainty about what’s happening — including maps — than I can endorse. Meanwhile, in cleaning up after his gaffes last week, Joe Biden may have made a new disclosure:

President Joe Biden appeared to reveal that the U.S. is training Ukrainian forces in Poland — stating for the first time since the war began that American troops are actively teaching Ukrainians to fight and kill Russians.
The United States has been providing billions of dollars in weapons and other assistance to Ukraine, with much of that aid going through Poland. The president spent part of last week in the country, meeting with U.S. troops stationed in the southeast and delivering a speech about the West’s unity in the face of Russian aggression.
But to date, the Biden administration has painstakingly made the case that that is as far as they’ll go. On March 22, Jake Sullivan denied that Americans were “currently” training Ukrainians. “We do, of course, have U.S. troops defending NATO territory,” he continued.
That’s not what Biden said Monday. After delivering remarks about the White House’s new budget request, Biden answered a reporter’s question about comments he made when meeting the 82nd Airborne in Poland, in which he implied American forces would be going to Ukraine. Biden denied that’s what he meant, adding: “We’re talking about helping train the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland.”
Pressed again, Biden said, “I was referring to being with, and talking with, the Ukrainian troops that are in Poland.”

Are Ukrainian troops being trained in Poland, and are U.S. troops training them? Seems like an important question.


In The Mailbox: 03.28.22

Posted on | March 28, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 03.28.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Looks like I’m going back to Reno Friday for the death march to April 18.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

All in all…

Director Blue: Ten Years Ago I Predicted The Current Crime Wave
EBL: Belfast, Free Guy, and St. Nick Slaps Heretic Upside The Head At The Council Of Nicaea*
Twitchy: Has-Been Ex-Shock Jock Attempts To Stay Relevant By Commenting On Chris Rock & Will Smith, also, Cleanup On Aisle Joe (Again)
Louder With Crowder: Parent Bill of Rights Heads For Wisc. Governor’s Desk, also, NBA Star Kyrie Irving Blasts Media Slandering Him Over The Jab – “I’m Standing For Freedom” 
Vox Popoli: The Renaissance Man, Lessons For The Next War, and The Financial Fifth Column
Stoic Observations: Mic Drop To Jaw Drop

Adam Piggott: Voluntarily Celibate 
American Conservative: The Church Also Left Americans, also, I’m Not A Biologist
American Greatness: Americans Deserve Better, also, The Sheer Madness Of Today’s Left
American Power: Natural Gas Industry Gets Boost As Biden Shifts
American Thinker: The Hostile Takeover of The GOP Will Continue
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Another Senior Cuban Military Officer Dies, NYT Blows Clash Between Gov. DeSantis & Archbishop Wenski “Out Of Proportion”, and “Ice Cream No Longer Tastes Like Milk, But Like Soy”
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For March 25, also, Former CIA Officer Mike Baker On Bad Intelligence & Putin
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, SpaceX To Freeze Dragon Fleet At Four, and Ice Sheets On Mars Below 30 Degrees Latitude? 
Cafe Hayek: Misunderstanding Comparative Advantage, Cleansed By Capitalism, and There’s No Saving The Case For Industrial Policy
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday, also, The Intersection Of Integrated Delusion And Institutional Dishonesty
Da Tech Guy: Denying Our Inner Self, Viking Adventures On Netflix, and Bubbles, Battles, & Reality
Don Surber: A Team Of Governors Can Save Us, Sure, Bring Back The 1950s, and Soak The Billionaires
First Street Journal: A Very Minor Omission By The Philadelphia Inquirer, also, NBC News Caught Doctoring Photos Of “Lia” Thomas
Gates Of Vienna: Four Cultural Enrichment Tales From Germany, Mass Surveillance & The Klepto-State, and Michael Mannheimer RIP
The Geller Report: Hunter Biden Had DOD Encryption Keys On His Laptop, Biden Admin Sued For Keeping Kerry Documents Secret Until After 2024 Election, and President Trump Blasts Climate Change, CRT, & Child Porn SCOTUS Nominee
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, As Memes Evolve, and Scorched Earth
Hollywood In Toto: The Saint Teased A Great Franchise, Oscar Flameout The Last Duel Beholden To #MeToo Movement, and Woke Oscars “Saved” By Award-Winning Meltdown
The Lid: Responding To The Charge That The Constitution Is Trash, also, Ice-T Tells Dad Joke About Gas Prices, Many Whine “That’s Not Funny!”
Legal Insurrection: Idaho Teachers Brag About Teaching Banned CRT, The Russian Military – Hype Vs. Reality, and “You Have About 10% Of The Student Body Controlling The Other 90%, Mostly Through Internet Shaming”
Michelle Malkin:
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, “Believe It and You Have It”
Outkick: Tennessee Puts College Baseball On Notice After Weekend Sweep Of #1 Ole Miss, Duke Rips Arkansas 78-69 As Coach K Reached NCAA Record 13th Final Four, and NFL Requiring All 32 Teams To Hire “Diverse Person” To Serve As Offensive Assistant
Power Line: Chaos In The White House, “Do You Find It Wisible?”, and How Low Can Biden Fall?
Shark Tank: Lauren Book Responds To Challenge From Failed Congressional Candidate
Shot In The Dark: Expertise, Just Trying To Keep Track of The Plagues, and We’re In Jeopardy!
The Political Hat: South Dakota Vs. Critical Race Theory
This Ain’t Hell: New Depths In Stolen Valor, Another Accounted For, and Soldier Saves Vet From River
Transterrestrial Musings: The Latest FAA Delay, Ukraine & The Global Space Industry, and Gray Dragon On Falcon Heavy
Victory Girls: University Of Washington – Aborted Fetuses In Paper Bags, also, Woke Disney – Should Families Trust The Mouse?
Volokh Conspiracy: South Texas College Of Law SCOTUS Clinic Beats Yale Law SCOTUS Clinic
Watts Up With That: “It’s A Disaster”, also, Biden Promised Euros More LNG – Forgot To Check With Industry First, and Newsom’s Energy Regulations Have Oil Tankers Emitting More Than Twice Entire California Vehicle Fleet
Weasel Zippers: Biden Won’t Give Up Green Energy Zealotry, Blinken Claims Slow Joe Didn’t Mean What He Said About Regime Change In Russia, and 250,000 Excess Votes Reportedly Cast For Biden In Swing States
The Federalist: Why Converting Hotels Into Homeless Housing Doesn’t Usually Work, It Shouldn’t Be Hard To Condemn Judge Jackson’s Leniency For Child Predators, and “Openly Queer” Is Not A Thing & Other Thoughts On the Depraved Oscars
Mark Steyn: Grimmer By The Pound, Move ‘Em Up Fuad, and Hooray For Hollywood

*”I’m here to hand out presents and slap down heresy, and I’m all out of presents!”

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Why Is ‘Russian Disinformation’ More Trustworthy Than the Liberal Media?

Posted on | March 28, 2022 | Comments Off on Why Is ‘Russian Disinformation’ More Trustworthy Than the Liberal Media?

Last week, Russian officials claimed that Hunter Biden had bankrolled biological research laboratories in Ukraine:

The Russian government on Thursday accused Hunter Biden’s investment fund of helping bankroll the Pentagon’s alleged biolabs in Ukraine.
Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Troops, said the investment firm Biden is connected to, Rosemont Seneca, has been implicated in financing the biological program in Ukraine, Russian state-owned news agency Sputnik reported.
“Incoming materials have allowed us to trace the scheme of interaction between U.S. government bodies and Ukraine’s biolabs,” Kirillov said. He added that Rosemont Seneca attracted attention due to an alleged “close relationship” between the fund and key suppliers for “Pentagon biolaboratories around the world.” According to the Ministry of Defense’s information, the fund has at least $2.4 billion in investment capital, Sputnik reported.

This was immediately dismissed by the Daily Beast, among others, as conspiracy theory crazy talk aimed at the QAnon crowd, even before Tucker Carlson picked up the story.

“Tucker Carlton Echoes the Kremlin,” they headlined it, as if the story were self-evidently false. But guess what? Can you guess, huh?

Russia’s assertion that President Biden’s son Hunter was “financing … biological laboratories in Ukraine” was based in truth, according to e-mails reviewed by The Post.
A trove of e-mails on Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — the existence of which was exclusively reported by The Post in October 2020 — found that he played a role in helping a California defense contractor analyze killer diseases and bioweapons in Ukraine. . . .
Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners [the investment firm founded in 2009 by Hunter Biden, Christopher Heinz, and Devon Archer] invested $500,000 in the San Francisco pathogen research company Metabiota and raised millions more through firms that included Goldman Sachs, according to the e-mails found on the computer, which was abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019 as Joe Biden ran for president.
Hunter introduced Metabiota to officials at Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where he was a board member, for a “science project” involving biolabs in Ukraine, the e-mails show.
A memo from a Metabiota official to the then-vice president’s son in 2014 said the company could “assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia.”
Metabiota vice president Mary Guttieri also wrote to Hunter about geopolitical issues involving the company’s research in the former Soviet republic in April 2014, two months after Russia invaded and annexed the Crimea region.
“As promised, I’ve prepared the attached memo, which provides an overview of Metabiota, our engagement in Ukraine, and how we can potentially leverage our team, networks, and concepts to assert Ukraine’s cultural and economic independence from Russia and continued integration into Western society,” her memo read.
Days later, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Biden about a “as you called ‘Science Ukraine’ project.”
“As I understand the Metabiota was a subcontract to principal contactor of the DoD B&V [engineering firm Black & Veatch],” his e-mail read. “What kind of partnership Metabiota is looking for in Ukraine?”
The US awarded $23.9 million to Metabiota later in 2014, with $307,091 allocated for a “Ukrainian research projects,” government spending records showed.
The younger Biden bragged to investors that his company organized funding for Metabiota and helped it “get new customers” including “government agencies,” according to e-mails.

Well? Is the Daily Beast just going to pretend this isn’t newsworthy? Are the rest of the corporate media going to continue pretending that this is just crazy QAnon stuff and “Russian disinformation”?

Keep in mind that our government funded research in Communist Chinese labs that may have produced the COVID-19 virus. We are told, however, that the research our government was funding in Ukraine was entirely benign, and if we express skepticism about this project (which, oh, by the way, just happened to help make money for Joe Biden’s worthless crack-addicted son) well, our skepticism is proof that we’re a bunch of kooky right-wing conspiracy theorists. Wouldn’t it be nice if our government and our media would tell us the truth once in while, so they could have more credibility than the Kremlin?

(Hat-tip: Ace of Spades.)

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


Rule 5 Sunday: Mariah Carey

Posted on | March 28, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Mariah Carey

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Whatever one might thing of Mariah Carey’s singing talents, or lack thereof, there’s no question that she’s a cutie.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

NINETY MILES FROM TYRANNY: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1666*, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

ANIMAL MAGNETISM: Rule Five Evil V. Stupid Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Julie Andrews, Alina Kabaeva, Lust, Black Crab, My Brilliant Friend, Little Birds, and Connie Francis

A VIEW FROM THE BEACH: Kandace HarbinFish Pic Friday – Amanda CANew Maryland Musky RecordBlack Magic WomanWednesday WetnessTuesday TanlinesJustice Thomas Give Liberals a ThrillThe Monday Morning Stimulus, and Palm Sunday.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

*The Millennial Number of the Beast Episode!
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FMJRA 2.0: Burn Witch Burn

Posted on | March 27, 2022 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Burn Witch Burn

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Well, I was mistaken about the Senators’ schedule. After taking two out of three from the Yankees, we have three games against the Orioles and three more against the division-leading Injuns before it’s all over. So we have a shot at .500 after all, it seems. As for tax season, there’s 22 days left, and I still don’t know if I’ll be hitting the road for Reno to do the last two weeks of the season up there or whether I’ll be left to sit and home and keep working on various drop-off returns in between stints of online assist work.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Sunny skies and cheerful music waft over RFK again this week.

Rule 5 Sunday: Alla Kostromichova

Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

UKRAINE: Most Shocking News So Far
Al Fin Next Level
The Laughing Wolf
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Is Ace of Spades ‘Cruel’?
357 Magnum

‘Well, Those Ukraine Girls Really Knock Me Out, They Leave the West Behind’

FMJRA 2.0: “Don’t Know What I’m Gonna Do”
A View From The Beach

The Jan. 6 Witch Hunt Committee
The Pirate’s Cove

Can You Say ‘Hate Hoax,’ Boys and Girls?
357 Magnum

The Problem With ‘Equality’

From Bad to Worse for Russia in Ukraine
357 Magnum

Key Victory for Ukraine?
357 Magnum

What Counts as ‘Russian Disinformation’?

In The Mailbox: 03.22.22
A View From The Mailbox
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.23.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Mailbox
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

The Death of ‘Black Rabbit’
357 Magnum

Russians Surrounded in ‘Bucha Pocket’?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 03.24.22 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 03.24.22 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Tax Dollars: ‘Six Porsches, Six BMWs, Two Mercedes-Benzes, a Ferrari, and a Tesla’
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Ukraine: Fighting in Nemishaeve?
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 03.25.22
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending March 25:

  1.  EBL (21)
  2.  357 Magnum (14)
  3.  Proof Positive (8)
  4.  A View From The Beach (7)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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