The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

President Crack-Pipe’s Very Bad Week

Posted on | February 10, 2022 | Comments Off on President Crack-Pipe’s Very Bad Week

First of all, Jen Psaki wants you to know that “inaccurate reporting” is to blame for all those stories about Joe Biden wanting to spend $30 million to give crack pipes to drug addicts:

The original request for funding proposals from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration had listed “safe smoking kits/supplies” among the items that could be purchased with taxpayer money. They were among a dozen categories that included overdose prevention drugs, medication lockboxes, test kits for infectious diseases, and syringe disposal containers. The grant solicitation did not specifically mention pipes, although they can be a part of safe smoking kits.
Daniel Raymond, director of policy for the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, said only a few programs in the U.S. have handed out safe smoking kits.
“None of this was being done with federal funds,” Raymond said. “I feel very confident in saying that. I would have been aware if that were true.”
Nonetheless reports that the Biden administration was using federal dollars to pay for “crack pipes” took off. Some Republican senators piled on, castigating the administration.
Misleading claims about the HHS program dominated social media early Wednesday, many of them from conservative commentators and Republican politicians sharing memes and tweets that received tens of thousands of likes.

Got that? Anything about this program that looks bad for Biden is because of “misleading claims,” despite the fact that “safe smoking kits” are indeed part of what the federal government is proposing to provide dopeheads at taxpayer expense. So, as far as official White House policy is concerned, Hunter Biden is the only drug addict that the president is helping get high. And Hunter’s drug habit is being funded by Chinese “investors,” not taxpayers, so don’t worry about it.

Alas, this fiasco, bad as it was, wasn’t the worst news for Biden this week:

U.S. consumer prices jumped by the most in nearly four decades as the new year started, sapping the savings of American families, diminishing the purchasing power of worker paychecks, and putting pressure on the Federal Reserve to hike interest rates beginning in March.
The consumer price index climbed 0.6 percent from a month before, the Department of Labor said Thursday. Compared with January of last year, consumer prices are up 7.5 percent. . . .
Polls show the public’s rating of Biden’s handling of the economy is at a record low. Biden’s overall approval rating has plummeted. Forty-five percent of Americans say inflation has put a strain on household finances.

Wait, there’s more:

Rising inflation is eating away at strong wage gains that American workers have seen in recent months: Real average hourly earnings rose just 0.1% in January from the previous month, as the 0.6% inflation increase eroded the 0.7% total wage gain, according to the Labor Department. On an annual basis, real earnings actually declined 1.7% in January.
Price increases were widespread: Although energy prices rose just 0.9% in January from the previous month, they’re still up 27% from last year. Gasoline, on average, costs 40% than it did last year. Food prices have also climbed 7% higher over the year, while used car and truck prices – a major component of the inflation increase – are up 40.5%. Shelter costs jumped 0.3% for the month and 4% year-over-year.
The inflation spike has been bad news for President Biden, who has seen his approval rating tumble as consumer prices rise. The White House has blamed the price spike on supply-chain bottlenecks and other pandemic-induced disruptions in the economy, while Republicans have pinned it on the president’s massive spending agenda and his energy policies targeting the oil and gas industries.

Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline on Day One of his presidency — so he’s anti-pipeline, but pro-crackpipe. However, you can’t use wind mills and solar panels to deliver food to grocery stores, so the 40% spike in fuel prices is driving prices up across the board. And speaking of “across the board,” let’s talk about Biden’s plummeting poll numbers:

The good news for Joe Biden in today’s CNN poll: his job approval got above 40%. The bad news is that there are nearly no undecideds when it comes to his performance as president. Biden hits a high of 58% disapproval in the latest CNN survey and gets a -17 gap in approval that manages to outstrip his already-pathetic RCP aggregate gap.
CNN’s data provides the real takeaway, which is that Biden’s confidence-crisis cascade has accelerated rather than slowed:

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. The finding, from a CNN Poll conducted by SSRS in January and February, highlights the entrenched politics driving the nation at the start of the midterm year, with little agreement across party lines on priorities for the government or how to handle the coronavirus pandemic.
The President’s ratings have fallen across the board, the survey found. Just 41% approved of the way he’s handling his job while 58% disapproved, a significant drop from his approval numbers in CNN polling last year. Just 36% of independents and 9% of Republicans approved. Although his approval rating still stood at 83% among Democrats, that was down from 94% late last summer. Biden also continues to have more strong detractors than he does fervent supporters: 41% of Americans disapproved strongly of his performance as President versus 15% who strongly approved. Some of the shift in Biden’s numbers comes from a change in Americans’ partisan tilt: Republicans and Democrats were about at parity in the new poll, with fewer identifying as Democrats than in other recent CNN polling.

Biden is so unpopular, Democrats are ashamed to admit they voted for him. They don’t even want to call themselves Democrats anymore.

Except the crackheads. They love Biden. Next time you see a poll and wonder how anyone could possibly approve of the job Biden’s doing as president, that’s your answer — the crackheads are now Biden’s “base.”


The Destructive Cult of Racial ‘Liberation’

Posted on | February 10, 2022 | Comments Off on The Destructive Cult of Racial ‘Liberation’

For many years, one of my journalistic specialties was covering the political fringe. This is important work — and frankly, a lot more fun than covering “mainstream” politics — because most of the real action in politics happens on the fringe. All movements that have significant impact on society begin on the fringe, where seemingly impossible goals are embraced by people that are widely viewed as kooks. The classic example of this is Hitler and the Nazis, who started out as an obscure group of eccentrics and damned near conquered the world.

Long before the Black Lives Matter movement made headlines, the ideas behind the movement were embraced by fringe kooks who asserted that they were living in a fascist white supremacist police state they sometime called the “United Snakes of AmeriKKKa.” This explicit anti-patriotism — the denunciation of the United States, per se, as inherently oppressive — is a hallmark of the radical Left, a leftover from the days when the CPUSA was the main conduit for Stalinist anti-American propaganda. This rhetoric was subsequently embraced by the New Left of the 1960s, the core leadership of which was composed of so-called “Red Diaper Babies,” the children of CPUSA members who had been indoctrinated with an anti-American belief system from birth. The CPUSA always viewed black Americans as a potential revolutionary force, and so a lot of their anti-American propaganda was aimed at the black community, and it was effective enough to give rise to radical tendencies that persist to this day.

Being old enough to remember the Symbionese Liberation Army (“Death to the fascist insect that preys upon the life ot the people!”), I realize how easy it is to dismiss such cults with sarcastic ridicule. No intelligent or reasonably well-educated person could fall for that “liberation” hustle, and yet there are enough stupid or badly educated people in America that the hustlers are still able to find an audience. One such hustler is Augustus Claudius Romain, Jr., a Brooklyn native who styles himself “Gazi Kodzo,” supreme commander of the Black Hammer Organization.

Stephen Green at Instapundit linked to a recent account of the May 2021 incident in which Romain/Kodzo and a couple dozen of his followers engaged in a failed attempt to “take back the land” in a remote area of San Miguel County, Colorado. That abortive project followed months of online fundraising by Black Hammer activists, and was reported contemporaneously by Santi Ruiz at the Free Beacon.

A fairly detailed history of Romain/Kodzo and Black Hammer was put together last September by a black Marxist group, and here’s a thumbnail summary: Romain was born in Brooklyn and grew up around Atlanta. In his early 20s, he went to Los Angeles and apparently worked as some kind of personal assistant for the head of a small modeling agency, helping to stage “mansion parties,” among other things. Sometime after 2015, Romain was recruited by the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and moved to the party’s headquarters in St. Petersburg, Florida, where his duties were mainly about running social-media accounts. In 2018, Romain — now calling himself Kodzo — left the APSP and moved back to Atlanta, where he established the Black Hammer Organization in February 2019. Romain/Kodzo claimed he quit the APSP because it was secretly controlled by white people; the APSP says he was expelled for unspecified misconduct. You can believe whatever you want, but the point is that he learned his ideology and tactics at one black “liberation” organization and then employed this knowledge to create his own organization with himself as “Commander-in-Chief.”

At one point, Black Hammer had hundreds of members, recruited via the organization’s social media presence. Romain/Kodzo was always doing livestream videos and in April 2020 stirred up a rather significant online firestorm by trashing Anne Frank.

That someone could do this and still raise tens of thousands of dollars for their “take back the land” project in Colorado should disturb anyone who remembers that Hitler was once just an obscure kook on the fringe.

In fact, as the three-part report at Red Voice makes clear, Black Hammer was a cult, which exploited the unpaid labor of members who were practically held hostage and subjected to psychological abuse. The failure of the “take back the land” project, subsequent defections, and negative publicity have shrunk Romain/Kodzo’s group down to a tiny core of followers who, one may suppose, are simply too stupid to get wise to the hustle. There is probably little reason to fear that Romain/Kodzo and his band of dimwits could be dangerous in the future, but the brief heyday of Black Hammer — when they had their 15 minutes of fame, such as it was — illustrates a larger problem, i.e., that the ideology of racial “liberation” has a persistent appeal to alienated elements of the black community.

The practical common-sense arguments against such a belief system are powerless to dissuade those who are radicalized by a combination of personal misfortune, radical recruitment and the general craziness of American life in the 21st century. Once someone surrenders to pessimism about the prospects of improving their life within the existing social structure, they are vulnerable to even the most extreme “answers” offered by any would-be leader. “Burn it all down” is a sentiment I’ve sometimes heard from conservatives disgusted by the bipartisan fraudulence of D.C. politics, and we can see the January 6 Capitol riot as evidence of how widespread that sentiment has become. But here’s the thing: If middle-class white people are willing to ruin their lives for a futile “protest” gesture (and about 700 rioters have been charged in connection with January 6), how many more alienated black people might be tempted to do something dangerously crazy in the name of “liberation”?

For the followers of Black Hammer, their “take back the land” dream ended with what can only be called a sort of radical Fyre Festival, a bummer of a bad camping trip, with a few minor injuries. But there is no guarantee that the next radical gesture will end so harmlessly.

Remember: Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 02.09.22

Posted on | February 10, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.09.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

A break in the politics.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1623
EBL: Chris Christie Needs To STFU About Ron DeSantis
Twitchy: CNN’s Alisyn Camerota “Out Of Ideas” For What To Do About Joe Rogan
Louder With Crowder: Freedom Trucker Annihilates Smug CBC Reporter
Vox Popoli: Calling Out The Evil Empire, Hultgreen-Curie Strikes Again, and Biologists REALLY Don’t Get Math
Gab News: Introducing Gab Marketplace

Adam Piggott: When Media Whores Cry
American Conservative: What Russia Wants In Ukraine
American Greatness: Alberta & Saskatchewan End Vax Passports; Alberta Premier Calls On Trudeau To Ditch Travel Restrictions
American Power: Slow-Motion Suicide In San Francisco, also, Forthcoming Investigation Of Freedom Convoy’s Seized GoFundMe Donations
American Thinker: The Biden Family Is A Criminal Enterprise As Defined By The RICO Act, also, What’s The Deal With Mike Pence?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: A Message For The Pro-Communist NY “Cuban” Restaurant Opening In Miami, also, Cuba Backs Out Of Under-18 Baseball World Cup – Afraid Players Will Flee
BattleSwarm: Midterm Variant Wrecking Blue State Mandates
Behind The Black: Pushback – Oral Surgeon Sues RI For Shutting Down His Practice After He Refused The Jab, Martian Glaciers On Top Of Glaciers On Top Of Glaciers, and 40 Just-Launched Starlink Satellites Lost From Solar Storm 
Cafe Hayek: Beware The Mad Dogs Of Antitrust
CDR Salamander: The Potomac Flotilla’s Potemkin
Da Tech Guy: Joe Rogan, Salman Rushdie, and Chancellor Kent
Don Surber: CNN Won’t Change, Ike Warned Us About Government Science, and Putin Laughs At Us
First Street Journal: If Everyone Is Going To Be Exposed To COVID Anyway…
Gates Of Vienna: Jerry Can Do It, 11-Year-Old Girl Raped By Culture-Enricher In The Castle Garden Of Neustrelitz, and EU People-Trafficking
The Geller Report: NBC On Track For Lowest-Rated Winter Games In History, also, Biden Administration Handing Out Crack Pipes…During Black History Month
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, An Aha! Moment, and A Herbig-Haro Object
Hollywood In Toto: For The Sake Of Vicious Spills More Blood Than Story, also, Hollywood Wanted A Dog Instead Of Vincent Gallo
The Lid: The Logic Democrats Used To Impeach Trump Over Ukraine Requires Them To Impeach Biden
Legal Insurrection: Project Launch – Unmasking National Assn. Of Independent Schools, Theater Event At Arizona State U Excludes White Students, and GWU Reverses Decision To Remove Posters Criticizing Olympics
Michelle Malkin: Who’ll Keep Idaho Free, Safe, & Great?
Nebraska Energy Observer: Tour Of An Anglican Church In The U.S.
Outkick: J.J. Reddick Pulls Back The Curtain On ESPN, Stephen A. Smith, Enes Kanter Freedom Takes Another Shot At Red China In Ad Airing During Olympics, and Former A’s Outfielder Jeremy Giambi Dead At 47
Power Line: Team Biden Reportedly Resisted Military’s Kabul Withdrawal Plan, Are You America’s Top Terrorist Threat? and Felony Murder In A Good Cause – McConnell Holds Luger Nomination
Shark Tank: Rubio Accuses Demings Of “Political Opportunism”
Shot In The Dark: Some Conclusions “Science” Needs To Make, also, Dudley Do-Fus
The Political Hat: Rhode Island Tells Children Orgasms Are Awesome!
This Ain’t Hell: I Call It “The Hunter Biden Project”, Vindman Stuns With Military Acumen, and DOD – Incompetent, Or Hiding Data?
Transterrestrial Musings: Elon’s Thursday Starship Presentation, This Is CNN, and The Fragility Of Complex Technology
Victory Girls: Stacey Abrams Apologizes For Her Maskless Mug
Volokh Conspiracy: Child Pr0n Lawsuit Against Pr0nhub Can Move Forward
Weasel Zippers: Bad Orange Woman Can’t Explain How Biden Will Stop Russia’s NordStream 2 Pipeline If They Invade Ukraine, GOP Urges Biden To Take Cognitive Test, Say Decline Is Apparent, and Biden Advisor Insists Other Countries (Not U.S.) Need To Increase Oil Production
The Federalist: From Joe Rogan To Fight Club, Democrats Think Unmasking Kids Is Only Good When They Do It, and Liz Cheney Snubs Voters To Mingle With Media, Calls Constituents “Crazies”
Mark Steyn: De-Setting The Reset, Morganatically Minded, and The Diminishing Of The Individual

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Is the Irony Obvious Enough?

Posted on | February 9, 2022 | Comments Off on Is the Irony Obvious Enough?

To extend this quote from Henry Rogers, a/k/a Ibram X. Kendi:

“The conjoined twins are two sides of the same destructive body. The idea that capitalism is merely free markets, competition, free trade, supplying and demanding, and private ownership of the means of production operating for a profit is a whimsical and ahistorical as the White-Supremacist idea that calling something racist is the primary form of racism. Popular definitions of capitalism, like popular racist ideas, do not live in historical and material reality. Capitalism is essentially racist; racism is essentially capitalist. They were birthed together from the same unnatural causes, and they shall one day die together from unnatural causes. Or racial capitalism will live into another epoch of theft and rapacious inequity, especially if activists naively fight the conjoined twins independently, as if they not the same.”

Do you see the method here? It’s argument by assertion — Rogers/Kendi believes that he has proven something merely by writing it. Pejorative adjectives — e.g., “destructive,” “ahistorical,” “unnatural,” “rapacious” — are employed to provoke feelings of hatred. Ludwig von Mises once remarked on the rhetorical methods of Marxists:

Marxism criticizes the achievements of all those who think otherwise by representing them as venal servants of the bourgeoisie. Marx and Engels never tried to refute their opponents with argument. They insulted, ridiculed, derided, slandered, and traduced them, and in the use of these methods their followers are not less expert. Their polemic is directed never against the argument of the opponent, but always against his person.

By declaring himself an anti-racist, and arrogating to himself the moral authority to lecture others, Rogers/Kendi sets up a trap by which anyone who disagrees with him or criticizes him is automatically condemned as a defender of racism. This a tautology, and the fact that he categorizes racism and capitalism as identical and inseparable — two features of the same system of “rapacious inequity” — is placed beyond scrutiny, since only a racist would doubt anything this eminent anti-racist says.

We must therefore abandon any hope of avoiding the “white supremacist” label, if we are disposed to question this astounding doctrine promulgated by Rogers/Kendi. Devotees of “anti-racism” are certain that Rogers/Kendi has delivered a sort of inerrant scripture, a Holy Book of Truth. All who doubt Rogers/Kendi are, according to the “anti-racist” cult, adherents and defenders of white supremacy.

Well, who is paying Henry Rogers/Ibram X. Kendi $20,000 an hour? Are black people throwing money at him? No, of course not — this money is being paid by white liberals who seek to purchase racial salvation.

This is what some people would call a sweet hustle. Others might call it a racket. But the point is, the person calling himself Ibram X, Kendi has gotten filthy rich peddling “anti-racism” this way, and I suppose I’m not the only one who suspects that he’s invested his new-gotten wealth in mutual funds and other instruments of capitalist profit-seeking — no matter how “essentially racist” profit-seeking may be. Furthermore, I suspect that Kendi has purchased expensive homes and luxury cars, and that he expects first-class accommodations when he travels, for business or pleasure. He is laughing all the way to the (racist capitalist) bank, and the joke is on the white fools who paid him to denounce them as racists.


In The Mailbox: 02.08.22

Posted on | February 9, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.08.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: A Restraining Order Is Only A Piece Of Paper
EBL: St. Josephine Bakhita
Twitchy: Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board Just Mad Because They Can’t Date Christina Pushaw
Louder With Crowder: Black Pro Wrestler Drops Bombs On How Media, Not Joe Rogan, Are The Racist Ones
Vox Popoli: That Which Doesn’t Kill Russia, The Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing, and The Gamma Postures
Stoic Observations: Joe Rogan & Kayfabe

Adam Piggott: The Sheep Getting Feisty With The Shepherds
American Conservative: Saying What No One Wants To Hear, also, Stuck Under The Food Pyramid
American Greatness: IG Begins Investigation Into Whether Capitol Police Have Been Illegally Spying On GOP Lawmakers
American Power: Majority Of Americans Say It’s Time To Live With The Virus
American Thinker: The Inconvenient Truth About Electric Vehicles, also, FDA Duplicity On COVID Vaccines
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Alaska Freedom Convoy News
Babalu Blog: Get Woke Go Broke, Olympic Edition, also, Archbishop Of Havana Defies Dictatorship, Meets With Parents Of Imprisoned Cuban Youth
BattleSwarm: Congressional Republicans Say Zero Funding For Jab Mandates, also, Remember When Eric Adams Was The Sane One?
Behind The Black: LockMart Wins NASA Contract To Build Mars Rocket, Dmitri Rogozin’s In The Money, and Pushback – Conservative Latina Student Defeats Effort To Blacklist Her
Cafe Hayek: On Skepticism Of COVID Vaccines
CDR Salamander: The Battle For Friends & Influence In Our Own Backyard
Da Tech Guy: The Single Biggest Giveaway On The Trucker Convoy, also, Student Power & The End Of Reason
Don Surber: The Voting Rights Act Seems Unconstitutional, also, Why Not Talk To The Truck Drivers?
First Street Journal: And The Fearful Shall Control The Rest Of Us
Gates Of Vienna: Bavarian Culture-Enrichers Ae Skeptical Of The Vax, Culture-Enriching Soccer Madness In Turin, and The Ascendancy Of Green Ignorance In German Politics
The Geller Report: Virginia Supremes Side With Gov. Youngkin On EO Against Mask Mandates, also, College Undergrad Enrollment Falls More Than One Million Since 2019
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, Political Science Vs. The Real Thing, and Bode’s Galaxy
Hollywood In Toto: HiT Drawing Board – Reeducating Rogan, also, Masculine Reacher Earns Swift Second Season
The Lid: Biden To Distribute Crack Pipes To Minority Communities In The Name Of Racial Equity
Legal Insurrection: U. Washington Student Gov’t Demands 24% Indian Enrollment, Prof Apologizes After Being Recorded Calling Gov. Youngkin A “Trumpist Retard”, and Andrew Cuomo Claims He’s Been “Vindicated”
Nebraska Energy Observer: Unity, Eh? also, The Federation Of Free States
Outkick: Ivy League Rules “Lia” Thomas Eligible To Swim Against Biological Females At Conference Championship, LeBron James Nominated For Worst Actor,  and American Sports Media Being Used To Spread Red China’s Ridiculous Lies
Power Line: Whose Future?, Felony Murder In A Good Cause – Questions For Merrick Garland, and Canadian Truckers Receive The Tea Party Treatment
Shark Tank: Florida Stands Up For State Water Rights
Shot In The Dark: Our Bully-Girl Social Superiors, also, Interest
The Political Hat: Woke Rape, also, The Mayor Of NYC – “I Kicked Those Crackers’ Ass”
This Ain’t Hell: Tuesday FGS, And This Just In…, and Air Force Ordered To Pay Over $230 Million In Texas Church Shooting
Transterrestrial Musings: Being Dragged Into The 21st Century, The Horrific Beijing Olympics, and This Explains Much
Victory Girls: Biden Admin Asks For Recount On COVID Deaths
Volokh Conspiracy: Today In Supreme Court History
Weasel Zippers: Judge Orders Police To Return Fuel They Took From Canadian Truckers, Dem Rep Hakeem Jeffries Claims “Biden Has Crushed The Virus”, and Pennsylvania Joins 12 Other States In Calling For Constitutional Convention
The Federalist: Democrats Are Struggling To Defend High Energy Prices, Mask Bullies Have Tormented Kids For Two Years But Parents Are Done, and Where Not Wearing A Mask Gets Punished Faster Than Rape
Mark Steyn: All Of Me, The Permanent Abnormal, and Elite Contempt & Bouncy Castles

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Man Killed in Philadelphia Carjacking

Posted on | February 8, 2022 | Comments Off on Man Killed in Philadelphia Carjacking

Dana Pico has kept the spotlight on “Killadelphia,” and notes that the erstwhile “City of Brotherly Love” has now become “Carjackadelphia,” with an astonishing increase in such crimes:

Already this year, police say there have been 140 carjackings in the city — double the year-to-date total from 2021, and seven times the pace reported at the beginning of 2020.
The total number of carjackings last year — 840 — was by far the highest annual total since at least 2017, police statistics show.

A seven-fold increase in carjackings, a phenomenon for which neither public officials nor the journalists at the Philadelphia Inquirer can offer any explanation. Meanwhile, the criminals are emboldened in the Democrat-controlled city, and no one’s life is safe:

A Philadelphia grandfather and military veteran was gunned down Sunday night during a carjacking outside his mother’s house in Rhawnhurst.
According to the Philadelphia Police Department, 60-year-old George Briscella was visiting his mother at her house on the 2100 block of Afton Street around 8 p.m.
Video surveillance footage shows Briscella walking towards a 2020 Toyota Rav4 parked in the driveway when three unknown suspects approach him a minute later.
Soon after, police say three shots were fired from an AR-15 style rifle and one hit Briscella on the right side of the abdomen. He was taken to Jefferson-Torresdale Hospital where he died.
The Rav4 was last spotted heading towards Large Street and has a temporary license plate tag of last 514-67PD.
Philadelphia Police Homicide Detective Jason Smith called the deadly carjacking “a crime of opportunity.”
Investigators believe the three suspects could be linked to other carjackings.
“Total disregard for human life, a great human life,” Tony Briscella said of his father’s killing.
“This didn’t need to happen in a city that we all grew up in and loved, and it continues to deteriorate.”

Note that there is no description of the suspects, and apparently police have not provided the public with still images from the surveillance video to assist in the identification of these murderous carjackers, but it is probably safe to assume that the suspects are not Republican voters.

Dana Pico remarks that the Philadelphia Inquirer seek to blame this deadly surge of violent crime on firearms, rather than the turn-’em-loose policy of Philadelphia’s Democratic DA Larry Krasner, who has refused to prosecute and incarcerate criminals (because “social justice”).

Let us therefore ask, “Where are these guns coming from?”

Three men have been charged for illegally trafficking guns in Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced the charges against 24-year-old Bryan Johnson, 21-year-old Dajuan Coffee and 23-year-old Quadir Burley on Friday.
Authorities say Johnson, who at the time had no criminal record, purchased 19 different firearms across Bucks, Montgomery, Philadelphia, and Lehigh counties.
According to investigators, he transferred the weapons to Coffee and Burley, who then trafficked them to others.
Both Coffey and Burley were not legally able to purchase guns.
“The majority of these straw purchases were made at gun dealers with electronic records of sale, making it easier for law enforcement to track straw purchasers and trace crime guns thanks to our Track + Trace Initiative,” Shapiro said in a statement.

Probably not Republican voters, I guess. And the reason that the state attorney general’s office has taken charge of apprehending and prosecuting gun traffickers in Philadelphia is because the city’s DA won’t do a damned thing to put them behind bars (because “social justice”). And here’s a story from last July in suburban Montgomery County:

Three Philadelphia men are under arrest for allegedly trafficking dozens of guns around the Delaware Valley.
Investigators say Tyron Gresham, 24, illegally purchased and resold 37 firearms dating back to December 2019.
Of the 37 firearms purchased by Gresham, 17 were purchased in Bucks County, 16 in Philadelphia and four in Montgomery County.
Nasim Smalls, 24, and Aaron Walker, 29, allegedly helped in the sales of the guns.
“The three recovered guns of the 37 purchased by Gresham shows just how far and wide the impact of gun trafficking and straw purchases can be. These guns travel quickly from the original purchaser to a criminal, who very soon uses it in illegal activity,” said Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele.
Police have only recovered three of those weapons: two in Philadelphia and one in Michigan from a car stolen out of New York.

Did I mention that Joe Biden got 81.4% of the vote in Philadelphia? Because it should be obvious that the reason Larry Krasner won’t send criminals to prison is because these criminals are Democratic voters.

That’s what “social justice” actually means: Vote Democrat, and you can literally get away with murder. Nevertheless, with the midterm elections approaching and the electorate concerned about the frightening increase in violent crime committed by Democratic voters, the federal Department of Justice has been cracking down on illegal firearms trafficking:

Man Indicted for Allegedly
Straw Purchasing 27 Handguns
From Stores in the Chicago Suburbs

Feb. 3, 2022

South Carolina Couple Charged with Illegally Trafficking Firearms into New Jersey
Nov. 5, 2021

Two Men Indicted for Firearms Trafficking
Oct. 28, 2021

9 Defendants Indicted In Interstate
Gun Trafficking Scheme

Aug. 4, 2021

Three People Charged in Interstate
Gun Trafficking Conspiracy

May 19, 2021

Three Charged in Florida to Connecticut
Gun Trafficking Scheme

March 28, 2021

Virginia Man Arrested for Gun Trafficking
in South Jersey

March 25, 2021

Having skimmed through those Justice Department press releases, I’m willing to hazard a guess that the number of Republican voters arrested in these federal gun-trafficking cases was exactly zero.

Isn’t America’s crime problem actually a political problem?


In The Mailbox: 02.07.22

Posted on | February 8, 2022 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.07.22

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Things ought to be back to normal on the blogging front since I’ll be in Reno from now until the 18th. This is subject to change, of course, depending on how my district manager feels about her staffing levels.
Silicon Valley delenda est. (Now more than ever.)

Apropos of the current lawsuit

357 Magnum: The Looming Food Crisis
EBL: Hey, Joe Rogan – It Was A Big Mistake To Apologize To The Woke Mob, also, What’s The Over/Under On Brian Stelter Staying At CNN?
Twitchy: “Are They Children?”, also, Ted Lieu Goes For Gold In The Gaslighting Olympics
Louder With Crowder: The Commercial Featuring An NBA Star That NBC Won’t Show You, also, Russell Brand Mocks CNN’s Brian Stelter For All His Misinformation
Vox Popoli: I Told You Joe Rogan Was Soft, Still Pushing The Killshot, and Why The GOP Must Die
Gab News: Now On Gab – Kyle Rittenhouse, The Canadian Trucker Convoy, and the American Freedom Convoy

Adam Piggott: What’s Your Conspiracy? also, Slow Truck To Nowhere
American Conservative: Safety Third, also, Onward Christian Soldiers
American Greatness: Time Is Running Out For The COVID Coverups, also, Rumble Offers Joe Rogan $100 Million To Ditch Spotify & Move To Their Platform
American Thinker: Why Ivermectin Was Disappeared, also, Has The U.S. Government Declared War On Its Citizens?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s Apartheid Tourism Industry Hit Hard By 91.7% Decline In Visitors, also, Tons Of Food Spoils In Cuba Thanks To Inefficient Government Farm Control
BattleSwarm: Scenes From The Trucker Revolution, also, The Silence Of The PIIGS
Behind The Black: Pushback – Huge Increase In Homeschooling In Virginia, Russian Soyuz-2 Rocket Launches Milsat, and Astronomers Organize Lobbying Group To Block Satellite Constellations
Cafe Hayek: Putting Kids Last, also, Once Again, Being Worthwhile To Incur Does Not Turn Costs Into Benefits
CDR Salamander: Gaming Out WWIII On Midrats, also, The FORD’s Helmets-Only Football Practice
Da Tech Guy: My 1969 Pilots Go All In – Wombat’s Senators Hardest Hit, I’m Old Enough To Remember…, and Report From Louisiana – Random Thoughts
Don Surber: Sarah Palin Has The Goods On The NYT, Chris Wallace Gets Trumpenfreude, and The Press Rides In To Rescue Stacey Abrams
First Street Journal: The Truth Shall Set You Free…From Your Job, also, Carjackadelphia
Gates Of Vienna: Those Who Tell The Truth About Islam Must Die, The VVD Is A Criminal Organization, and We’re On To You, Commissar Trudeau
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Hollywood In Toto: Joe Rogan Is Suddenly Doing Everything Wrong, Adam Carolla – VP Harris Is “A S***show”
The Lid: Biden Makes Huge Concession To Get Iran Back To Nuke Deal, also, Horrendous Genocide Games Ratings Damage NBC, Advertisers
Legal Insurrection: New Documentary To Focus On Famously Woke (And Now Broke) Hampshire College, GoFundMe Backs Off Seizing $9 Million In Donations To Truckers After Elon Musk Calls GFM Thieves, and GOP Senators Question Qualifications Of “Woke” Fed Nominee, Get Accused Of Racism
Nebraska Energy Observer: Random Observations, also, Sunday Miscellany
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Rule 5 Sunday: SUNshine Girl

Posted on | February 7, 2022 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: SUNshine Girl

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Things have been hopping in Canada lately, what with the Mother Of All Honking going on in Ottawa, so it seemed appropriate to post one of the Ottawa Sun’s SUNshine girls, the relatively decorous Canadian version of the UK Sun’s Page Three girls. Today’s example is Shaelynn, a blue-eyed Pisces who likes Cadillacs.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1617, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Happy Society Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: The Ides Of March, Julie London, Reacher, Allison Gollust, Em Beihold, Year Of The Tiger, Civilization: Romance & Reality, and MAGA Mutiny.

A View From The Beach: Ana de Armas Has Some Serious FansMichael Avenatti Screwed the PoochFriday Political FrolicFish Pic Friday – Ray CwikTattoo ThursdaySalt of the Earth?Wednesday WetnessThe Hard WayThe Monday Morning StimulusRando Celebrity NewsMaryland, My MarylandPalm Sunday and Hef’s Widow Destroys His Precious Legacy 

Thanks to everyone for the luscious links!

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