The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.29.21

Posted on | June 30, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.29.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

See how deep the rabbit hole goes?

357 Magnum: Another Banner Weekend In Chicago
EBL: Tucker Carlson – NSA Spying On Me & Undermining My Show
Twitchy: “I Won’t Be Pathologized For Being White”
Louder With Crowder: Congressman Tells Jim Acosta How Much He Sucks Before Riding Off
Vox Popoli: “Unmarked Graves”, also, Flight Cancellations Increase
Stoic Observations: Something Hegelian This Way Comes

Adam Piggott: The Anthem Of Gen X
American Conservative: The Cruelty Was Never The Point
American Greatness: Did Police Attack & Provoke Peaceful Protesters On January 6?
American Thinker: Delta Variant – The COVID Sequel
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Two Americas News
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s 29-Year-Long Whinefest At The UN, also, Cuba’s Communist Regime Thanks DNC Member For His March In Support Of The Regime
BattleSwarm: Open Borders & Critical Race Theory Deeply Unpopular, also, Why Is Texas Creating A Critical Race Theory Office?
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American, also, Venus’ Atmosphere Too Dry For Life
Cafe Hayek: Minimum Wage Advocacy & “Intelligent Design”
CDR Salamander: Midrats Pre-July 4 Melee!
Da Tech Guy: This Man Left Facebook For Six Months – Here Is His Compelling Story, also, Chicago Has A Street Gang Problem, Not A Gun Problem
Don Surber: Readers Explain White Rage, also, Milley Bombs Desert To Change Subject
First Street Journal: This Is What Happens When The Woke Try To Think, also, Le Tour De France
The Geller Report: Red China Appoints Military Biowar Expert To Head Wuhan Lab, also, After Waiving SAT Requirement, Princeton Brags Incoming Class Is 68% “Of Color”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, An Official Denial
Hollywood In Toto: Why Bugsy Belongs In The 90s Gangster Movie Pantheon, also, Six Angels In The San Fernando Valley Exposes Hollywood’s Seedier Side
The Lid: Twitter & Facebook Allow Cynthia McKinney’s Antisemitism But Ban Trump’s Conservatism
Legal Insurrection: BET Founder Still Demanding $14 Million In Reparations, also, Illinois Teacher Sues School District Over “Equity” Push
Nebraska Energy Observer: Good Lord Deliver Us
Outkick: Reggie Miller Brings Logic Into Pippen Racism Allegations, also, CNN Is Lost Without An Identity
Power Line: Stan Evans’ Six Rules For Political Combat, also, War On the Suburbs, Infrastructure Style
Shark Tank: Murphy Doubles Down On Venezuela, Promotes Freedom
Shot In The Dark: Speaking Past, also, Belyy Ruskiy
STUMP: Mortality With Meep
The Political Hat: Critical Race Theory Handbook
This Ain’t Hell: AC-130 Gunship Crew Decorated For Saving 88 Lives In Combat, also, Professor Praises Stalin As “Great Leader” Of The 20th Century
Transterrestrial Musings: Wokeness
Victory Girls: California Does Us All A Favor By Banning Travel
Volokh Conspiracy: Eminent Domain Prevails Over Sovereign Immunity In A SCOTUS Case Both Sides Deserved To Lose
Weasel Zippers: NYC Mayoral Candidate Raises Concerns After 100,000 Votes “Suddenly Appear”, also, Crime “Out Of Control” In Oakland As Democrat-Run City Strips Police Of Another $18 Million In Funding
The Federalist: Is The Entire Democratic Party Compromised By Red China? also, Jill Biden’s Vogue Cover Proves  The Magazine Prioritizes Politics Over Fashion 
Mark Steyn: Section 13 Rises From The Dead, also, Misty

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‘White Supremacy’ Jiu-Jitsu

Posted on | June 29, 2021 | Comments Off on ‘White Supremacy’ Jiu-Jitsu

If you read my post about Officer Curtis Brown, you’ll see I’ve updated to include my reply to someone who accused me of being — of all things! — a “self-hating white.” Readers familiar with my reputation as a dangerous neo-Confederate extremist will perhaps laugh at this, but you see how the absurd accusation offers an opportunity to clarify some important issues.

What do liberals mean when they accuse their opponents of “white supremacy”? If it’s not merely a political smear, then surely this accusation must have some actual meaning. What it is, really, is an insulting accusation of ignorance. The liberal considers himself to be inherently superior to others, and thus endowed with greater knowledge and moral virtue about everything, including race relations. The fact that you disagree with the liberal is, to him, proof of your inferiority.

The subject of your disagreement is irrelevant, and it doesn’t matter why you’re disagreeing with the liberal, or what facts or logic you might be able to muster in defense of your position. what you have done, by your disagreement, is to deny the liberal’s superiority. His entire identity — his sense of his own worthiness — is invested in the belief that his political opinion proves him to be a better person than you.

Liberal superiority is tautological in this way, a circular argument in which the conclusion is a restatement of the first premise.

The best single-volume analysis of the psychology of liberalism is Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy. Once you have read that book, you understand that liberalism is not a coherent political philosophy, but merely an attitude, a pharisaical sense of self-righteousness. This is the reason why liberals are always engaged in hypocrisy, judging by double standards, and contradicting the logic of their own arguments. For example, we are expected to believe that liberalism is all about lifting up the downtrodden masses in the name of Equality (with a capital “E,” signifying its pseudo-religious status among liberals). Yet when you examine the lives of eminent liberals, and look at who it is that actually supports liberalism, their alleged egalitarianism is exposed as a fraud. The reason billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are not pouring money into the coffers of liberal organizations is not because of some humanitarian philanthropic impulse, but because liberalism benefits the rich, who can afford to avoid the negative consequences of the policies they support. Whatever havoc liberals policies may inflict on the working class, Zuckerberg isn’t going to lose his yachts or his mansions as a consequence. At the end of the day, no matter what, he’ll still be a billionaire and, even if America becomes a desolate dystopian wasteland of neo-feudal warlords fighting an endless tribal conflict over the ruins and scaps, Zuckerberg can just hop in his jet and move to Dubai or Seoul, or whatever outpost of civilization still remains on the planet.

Liberalism is an expression of elite decadence, an ersatz political substitute for moral virtue. Think of Harvey Weinstein, who was once one of the most powerful men in Hollywood (and a big donor to Democrats) before he was finally exposed as a disgusting sexual pervert.

Or what about Hunter Biden? A lazy, spoiled brat, addicted to drugs and sexual degeneracy, spawning bastard children with strippers — yeah, but he’s a liberal, which proves that he’s better than you.

And this presumption of their own superiority is what liberals are exhibiting when they point the finger and scream: “RAAAAACIST!”

Who are they, to judge others in such matters? Where is the evidence of their moral authority to act as arbiters of public virtue?

Joe Biden’s son wouldn’t even admit he’d impregnated a stripper until she got a court to order a DNA test proving his paternity, so please spare me your moralistic lectures, you godless liberal hypocrites.

As to the accusation of “white supremacy,” however, I understand this to be intended as an insult, implying that the person accused is an ignorant adherent of some disproven and obsolete theory. Others may defend themselves against such accusations however they wish, but I merely ask my accusers to offer evidence that I endorse any such theory.

What I do not deny — indeed, it is the summation of my political creed — is the belief that liberals are always wrong about everything.

Liberals are wrong about race in the same way that liberals are wrong about economics, foreign policy, education, you name it. Whatever specific policy liberals may advance on race, as on any other issue, I will oppose with every fiber of my being. They’ve been wrong about everything, forever, and I don’t expect them to be right in the future.

Joe Biden’s entire career is a testimony to the absolute bankruptcy of liberalism. When it behooved his own political interests, Biden opposed school busing and advocated mandatory sentences for drug offenders. But once these positions became a political liability, he abandoned them and adopted new positions almost diametrically opposed to what he had formerly avowed. Yet at all times, Biden was a liberal — including when, as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he presided over the disastrous carnival of the Clarence Thomas confirmation history that the nominee rightly called a “high-tech lynching.” Despite Biden’s awful record, liberals now insist that anyone who voted against Biden for president is a “white supremacist” and perhaps even a terrorist threat!

Well, slap the cuffs on me and throw me in prison, I guess, but I damned sure ain’t about to start apologizing to such despicable trash.


What Happened to Nathan Allen? Troubling Omens of ‘The Crazy Years’

Posted on | June 29, 2021 | Comments Off on What Happened to Nathan Allen? Troubling Omens of ‘The Crazy Years’

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you . . .
. . . you’ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling’s once-famous poem came to mind this afternoon while I was pondering the bizarre case of Nathan Allen, a 28-year-old from Massachusetts who seemed to have everything going for him. He got married last fall and had recently completed an advanced degree in physical therapy and . . . Well, appearances can be deceiving:

Nathan Allen was named as the gunman who shot and killed a retired Massachusetts state trooper and an Air Force staff sergeant after crashing a stolen box truck into a building in Winthrop, Massachusetts, on June 26, 2021. He left behind white supremacist writings targeting Jews and Blacks, authorities said.
He told neighbors he worked as a physical therapist, according to The Boston Globe.
The incident unfolded in Winthrop in a chaotic scene on the street and ended with police shooting and killing the suspect. Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins released Allen’s name. “Two innocent people lost their lives,” she said, adding that the murders are being investigated as a hate crime. Both victims were Black. She believes Allen, 28, acted alone.
On social media, the gunman painted a picture of a mundane and apolitical life, writing about his rabbits and being featured with his future wife in a flattering Boston Globe article that described how they got married in a nursing home so her grandfather could attend in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. He had no criminal history and had earned a Ph.D., according to Rollins. Prosecutors say those attributes were a front that hid a darker side, fueled by racism.

In nearly all such cases, there are warning signs — “red flags” — that have been overlooked prior to the suspect’s deadly rampage. For example, the infamous “incel” killer Elliot Rodger was clearly a ticking bomb whose behavior had been troubled for some time. In this case, however, there seems to have been no warning signs at all, and the only evidence of his motive comes from what Allen had scrawled in a notebook:

Rollins revealed that the suspect wrote antisemitic and racist statements.
“There is some troubling white supremacist rhetoric that was found in Nathan Allen’s own handwriting, antisemitic and racist sentiments against Black individuals,” Rollins said in a news conference. “This is a sad day. These two people protected our rights and fought for us to be safe. They were executed yesterday and we will find out why.”
In a news release, she wrote:

At this preliminary stage of the investigation, the excellent work of law enforcement has already unearthed troubling white supremacy rhetoric and statements written by the shooter. This individual wrote about the superiority of the white race. About whites being ‘apex predators.’ He drew swastikas.
There is a growing national, and global, problem with extremism and white supremacy. The FBI believes the most serious domestic violent extremist threat comes from ‘racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race.’
This shooter was married and employed. He had a Ph.D. and no criminal history. To all external sources he likely appeared unassuming. And then, yesterday afternoon he stole a box truck, crashed it into another vehicle and a property, walked away from the wreckage interacting with multiple individuals and choosing only to shoot and kill the two Black people he encountered.

We will almost certainly learn more about Allen’s descent into murderous madness. When did he start drawing swastikas in his notebook? Did he have any online communications about his beliefs? Had something happened in his life recently that triggered this deadly rampage? Until we have more actual facts, it is irresponsible to speculate, but the disconnect between Allen’s superficially normal life and his secret racial hatred leads me to suspect that his radicalization (if we can call it that) must have been rather recent, and was probably triggered by some problem in his personal life. Nearly all hate-crime sprees like this are committed by people who could generally be labeled “disgruntled losers,” whose personal failings lead them down the rabbit-hole of racial paranoia. This guy “doesn’t fit the profile,” so to speak; Allen was employed and married and seemed to have a promising future ahead. Why would someone like that go so completely off the rails, and do it so suddenly?

Like I said, we can expect to learn more about why this happened, but at the moment, it’s a disturbing mystery, perhaps an omen of hidden danger in what Heinlein called The Crazy Years, “when rapid changes in technology, together with the disruption those changes caused in mores and economics, caused society to, well, go crazy.” When you’re surrounded by insanity, it can be a struggle to “keep your head,” as Kipling said. Somehow, I’ve managed to avoid the craziness so far.


In The Mailbox: 06.28.21

Posted on | June 28, 2021 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.28.21

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

Instructions unclear, currently invading Canada

357 Magnum: Crazy People Are Dangerous, And So Are Terrorists John Wayne – The Duke
Red Pilled Jew: Jabbed Vs. Unjabbed
EBL: Human Evolution More Complicated Than We Thought
Twitchy: Soundcloud Has Permanently Suspended Andy Ngo’s Podcast In The Interest Of “Community Security”
Louder With Crowder: Anti-Ron DeSantis Meltdowns Have Begun On TikTok
Vox Popoli: Yes, You’re The Baddies, also, Football is Gay

Adam Piggott: Biden Is The Most Lunatic Leader On The Planet
American Conservative: America’s Defense Industry Is A Corrupt, Incompetent Mess
American Greatness: The Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization, also, Critical Race Theory Is Just Anti-White Racism
American Thinker: Election Integrity Is The Firewall That Keeps America Free
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Rep, Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) Rips Biden For Racist Remarks, Use Of “Latinx”
BattleSwarm: J.P. Sears Teaches Critical Race Theory, also, Hunter Biden’s Investment In Flu Manchu
Behind The Black: Today’s Blacklisted American – Rudy Giuliani, also, Scientists Question Existence Of Liquid Water Lake Under Mars’ South Pole
Cafe Hayek: Steven Horwitz (1964-2021)
CDR Salamander: Are Midshipmen Dying For Sport?
Da Tech Guy: Just What Canada Needed, also, July Indulgence Calendars Now Available For Download
Don Surber: Trump Repays Obama, also, Crime Takes Its Toll On Democrats
First Street Journal: Credit Where Credit Is Due, also, What Happens To Liberals When Their Policies Start To Affect Their Lives?
The Geller Report: Rampaging Stabby Muslim Kills Three, Wounds Many In Wurzburg, Germany, also, Schumer Whines Media Helps Trump Win People Over
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, Welcome To The Club
Hollywood In Toto: Woke Reformation Reveals Cancel Culture’s Insidious Roots, also, “Canceled” Mumford & Sons Bass Player Quits Band
The Lid: Thin-Skinned Chris Cuomo Humiliates Himself In Beef With Tiny Twitter Account
Legal Insurrection: No Charges Expected Against Trump In Manhattan DA Probe, also, NC Senate Moves To Put Brakes On CRT After Ibram Kendi Speaks At School Conference
Nebraska Energy Observer: Newman Lectures, & Now Conversations, also, Beware A Standing Army
Outkick: The IOC Won’t Allow Kneeling Or Other Protests At Olympic Games, also, Scottie Pippen Continues Scorched Earth Tour, Calls Phil Jackson Racist
Power Line: Econ 101 Vindicated Again, also, Panic At The New York Times
Shark Tank: Byron Donalds On CRT – “That’s Not What We Do In America”
Shot In The Dark: Too Much To Hope For
The Political Hat: Doubleplusungood Language According To Brandeis U., also, Broke – Crimes Against Humanity, Woke – Crimes Against Gaia
This Ain’t Hell: In The “YGBSM!” Department, also, Another Three Identified
Transterrestrial Musings: Soylent Green Coming Up, also, All The Lovely People
Victory Girls: Grifter Goin’ To Grift – DiAngelo Promotes More Racism
Volokh Conspiracy: Brandishing Gun At Home Intruders Who Haven’t ID’d Themselves As Cops Not Illegal
Weasel Zippers: Occasional Cortex Dismisses Spike In Crime As “Hysteria”, also, Florida Condo Owners Accused Of Bribing Officials
The Federalist: Meet The Flyover Women Pop Culture Ignores, also, Bad Orange Woman Doubles Down On Lie That GOP Wanted To Defund The Police
Mark Steyn: Bells Are Ringing – The End Of The Freed Unit, also, The Last Loop

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Thank You, Officer Curtis Brown!

Posted on | June 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Thank You, Officer Curtis Brown!

Tyler O’Neil has a story headlined, “Antifa Rioters’ Response to the Latest Police Shooting Shows Just How Racist They Are,” which amuses me endlessly. Police in Portland, Oregon, were called to a motel where a man was causing a disturbance. He charged at them with a screwdriver, and was shot dead by Officer Curtis Brown. The usual riot squad of radical Antifa trash showed up to protest — because “Black Lives Matter,” right? — only to learn that the dead man, Michael Ray Townsend, was white and that the cop who shot him was black. Oh, but wait! It gets even better! Townsend was a crazy meth addict with tattoos on his face:

Townsend had a documented history of mental illness. In 2018, Townsend was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison for an unarmed bank robbery in Portland. Townsend claimed to have been having a psychotic episode at the time.
“Defendant’s mental illness and heavy use of methamphetamine apparently contributed to his decision to rob the bank,” Hannah Horsely, the Assistant United States Attorney who prosecuted the case, wrote in her sentencing memorandum at the time.
In December 2020, Townsend’s parole was revoked after he failed to participate in the mental health treatment program stipulated in the terms of his release.

If ever there was a cracker who needed to be shot by a cop, this was the guy — but wait! I know you think it couldn’t get better, but it does!

Officer Brown was already a hero. Remember the “Occupy” movement of 2011? Well, when police were finally dispatched to clean up the fetid mess of “Occupy Portland” in November 2011, the protesters got violent:

Brown was “engaged with a group of violent protesters,” [police Sgt. Pete] Simpson said, when someone tossed an improvised explosive device from the back of the crowd. It struck Brown in the leg and detonated a short distance away, police said.
Brown immediately fell to the ground and had to be pulled out of the melee by other officers. He underwent surgery to re-attach a large portion of his quadriceps.

They gave him an award in 2012. This guy hates smelly hippie scum, and he doesn’t seem to care much for crazy meth heads, either.

As I explained in February, “It’s always heartwarming news when cops shoot a white criminal. . . . Good-bye and good riddance, criminal scum.”

Shootings like this completely disrupt the liberal media narrative, and weeding out the dope-addled scum helps improve the breed, so I hope our readers in the law-enforcement community will spread the word: If you get a chance to shoot a white criminal, fire away.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! A commenter there expressed concern about my indifference to Michael Ray Townsend’s demise:

Somehow, having a white man advocate that if a police officer ever gets a chance to shoot a white criminal, go right ahead is not comforting, especially when it does not advise the same response to non-white criminals.
One of the strangest aspects of this summer’s anti-white racism push is that most of the pushing is being done by white people. Perhaps they hope the alligator will eat them last, but otherwise it is as hard to understand as when someone who appears Jewish verbally attacks Jews (the stereotypical self-hating Jew.) Apparently, there is now a self-hating white equivalent, quickly also becoming a stereotype.

Moi? A “self-hating white”? Somebody alert the SPLC to this! But meanwhile, I replied in the comments to explain my attitude:

This is the difference, you see. Cops shoot white criminals all the time, and yet you don’t see white mobs looting Foot Locker in response. If “white supremacy” actually means anything, shouldn’t it mean that white people are more law-abiding? Well, then, why would any white person give a shit because cops killed a worthless piece of trash like this meth head in Portland?

Please, somebody call this to the attention of SPLC Thought Police, as I’m sure they’ll find some sinister significance to this, but you see my point: If, as we are told, white people are automatically endowed with “privilege,” then what was Michael Ray Townsend’s excuse? He alone must bear the responsibility for his failures — meth addiction, mental illness, tattoos on face, etc. — because no self-respecting white person would consider him as representative of our race. But let some black guy get shot by the cops and, no matter what a dangerous scumbag the deceased suspect may have been, the black community will celebrate him as a heroic martyr. I don’t think that attitude reflects very well on the black community, but they haven’t solicited my advice.


Methamphetamine and White Supremacy

Posted on | June 28, 2021 | Comments Off on Methamphetamine and White Supremacy

What are your feelings about methamphetamine? How about fentanyl? Crack cocaine? What does the phrase “drop the knife” mean to you?

The reason I asked these questions has to do with (a) the guy who shot a cop in Daytona Beach and (b) a certain Instagram “influencer.”

You see, after George Floyd’s death last year produced riots in major cities, every bimbo with an Instagram account seemed to decide that she and her followers needed to have a “conversation” about white supremacy. And I don’t want to single out the one particular influencer whose post I happened to be looking at last night that triggered my reaction, because it doesn’t really matter — they all did it.

So never mind who it was that wrote that particular post about her need to reflect deeply on how she had benefitted from white supremacy, and what she needed to change to avoid inflicting harm in the future. It’s irrelevant, because if you read one of them, you’ve read them all. And now, with school boards across the country erupting in debates over Critical Race Theory, this insipid nonsense has become a national issue.


There is zero evidence — none whatsoever — that the cops who arrested George Floyd were motivated by racial bias. And despite the murder conviction of Derek Chauvin, it remains a fact that George Floyd had three times the lethal level of fentanyl in his system. Floyd refused to get in the back of the police car, claiming he couldn’t breathe and was claustrophobic, and was clearly on his way to dying of an overdose before the cops put him on the pavement to await arrival of an ambulance.

So if some fashionista feels the need to engage in self-flagellation over her (perhaps imaginary) benefits of “white supremacy,” I can’t stop her from making a fool of herself on Instagram, but such ostentatious racial guilt trips have nothing to do with the death of George Floyd.

This absurd non sequitur — a black guy died, so every white person must publicly proclaim their complicity in his death — never made sense to me, perhaps because I was taught that facts and logic matter, but I guess facts and logic are now racist. If an Instagram influencer who lives in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, can blame herself because a black man died in Minneapolis, what else is she to blame for? I mean, if “white supremacy” is such a powerful force as to make people responsible for things that happen 1,200 miles away, then why limit this cosmic power of magical Caucasian complicity to George Floyd’s death?

So a guy dies of a fentanyl overdose, and this obligates a white woman in Texas who has never even been to Minneapolis to castigate herself for having benefitted from “white supremacy,” and I’m thinking: What about a methamphetamine overdose in Louisiana? But this Instagram influencer didn’t even notice the death of Trayford Pellerin, who died from methamphetamine and 11 bullets. But mainly it was the bullets.

You probably never heard of Trayford Pellerin, because by the time he got shot by cops in LaFayette, Louisiana, CNN and the rest of the liberal media had already established the narrative, and his case didn’t have the kind of video the networks needed to depict him as a martyr.

The only reason I became aware of the Pellerin case is because the guy who shot the cop in Daytona Beach was associated with the NFAC, a black radical militia that showed up in LaFayette last year to protest Pellerin’s death. Imagine a couple hundred black guys in combat gear carrying AR-15s showing up to march in your community, and then ask yourself: What the hell happened to inspire this craziness?

Well, Trayford Pellerin was a criminal. He had been arrested for domestic violence and dealing drugs, among other things, and in 2014 was sentenced to five years in prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm. On the evening of August 21 last year, Pellerin was in a convenience store behaving “erratically,” and walked out of the store brandishing a knife. Police got three separate 911 calls about Pellerin, and bodycam video shows the first police officer on the scene following Pellerin on foot as he crossed a major highway, knife in hand. On the video, you hear the officer radioing the suspect’s location, saying that he had fired a taser but that it had no effect on the suspect. Then, as Pellerin approaches another convenience store, more police show up, lights flashing and sirens wailing. The police repeatedly tell Pellerin to drop the knife — 13 times — but he doesn’t and instead moves to enter the other convenience store, at which point multiple officers open fire.

A toxicology report found that Pellerin had “methamphetamine in his system, registering 2,800 nanograms per milliliter. [District Attorney Don] Landry said users with a level of 200-300 nanograms per milliliter are known to exhibit ‘violent and irrational behavior,’ also including ‘restlessness, confusion and hallucinations.’ The amount of meth in Pellerin’s system, said Landry, has been reported in addicts who take up to 1,000 milligrams of meth daily.” The dude was wired.

So here you have a convicted felon, out of his mind on meth, waving around a knife on a public street and yet — and yet! — some people wanted to protest against the cops shooting him? Has the world gone mad? When did America turn into a coast-to-coast psychiatric ward?

Look, I don’t know where you come from, but where I come from, meth heads didn’t have a constitutional right to wave knives around.

Maybe instead of Instagram influencers publicly humiliating themselves by confessing their complicity in white supremacy, or teaching public school kids Critical Race Theory, we should be having a conversation about what happens when convicted felons get hold of drugs and weapons. And maybe teach kids that when a cop points a gun at you and says “drop the knife,” that’s not merely a suggestion. Just sayin’ . . .


Rule 5 Sunday: Cottagecore Is The New Black

Posted on | June 27, 2021 | Comments Off on Rule 5 Sunday: Cottagecore Is The New Black

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Elie Reynolds at The Federalist Blog wrote an article on the counterrevolutionary fashion trend that is apparently all the rage among the Generation Z girls, cottagecore. It looks on the one hand like a throwback to the fashions of the 1950s, but on the other hand, it also looks like a revival of something that’s been missing for a long time in womens’ fashions, which is modesty. Now, this may seem a weird thing for me to be making a fuss over after weeks (months? years?) of posting pics of scantily clad young ladies, but in point of fact Rule 5 has never been about how close we can get to posting nekkid* women without being NSFW. It is about the appreciation of pretty girls, and there’s absolutely nothing that says we can’t appreciate them in sundresses and other modest dresses just as well as we do when they’re in swimsuits or lingerie. So this week, we have a model outstanding in her field in a really nice dress.

Also, while we’re on the topic of girls with most of their clothes off, Pete Da Tech Guy posted a thought on the recent Rule 5 posts which I linked at the time but forgot to say anything about until now. See, last month when I was out in the Washington area and sitting down with Stacy & John Hoge before The Other Podcast, we’d been talking about this very thing, because I was uneasy in my mind at the thought that I was encouraging (even indirectly), people to do the Wrong Thing by subscribing to online services, shall we say, of questionable virtue. I have tried to avoid this. I have deliberately excluded the kind of gals who use posts on r/cosplaygirls to advertise themselves doing pr0n on their OnlyFans, and want to stress that I am not recommending that you do that sort of thing. Paying for pics of scantily clad young ladies is one thing; paying for them to do on-demand pr0n is quite another, and that’s not what we’re about here. I apologize if I have given that impression.

Thanks for your patience with all the words.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

A return to modesty?

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1393, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five A Matter Of Perspective Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon

EBL: Billy Budd, Is Climate Change To Blame?, Coney Island, Turandot, Lana del Rey, Tosca, The Flight Attendant, Maria Stuarda, Rusalka, The Exterminating Angel, Taken, Tropic Thunder, MAGA Catiline – Where Will It End?, La Traviata, and Hemingway

A View From The Beach: Gabrielle AdrianFish Pic Friday – Joy KairallaTanlines ThursdayThe Wednesday WetnessThis is Why We Can’t Have Nice ThingsI Ain’t Scared, But . . .Tattoo TuesdayLocal Deer Subject to Brain Rot?Motoring in MondayPalm SundayGet Woke, Go Broke and Our Owners Plot to Keep Us Muzzled.

Brian Noggle: Colleen Camp

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

*As the late Lewis Grizzard used to say, “Naked is when you got no clothes on; nekkid is when you got no clothes on and you’re up to something.”

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FMJRA 2.0: You Dropped A Bomb On Me

Posted on | June 27, 2021 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: You Dropped A Bomb On Me

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

“The question isn’t whether one has good taste, the question is whether one has any taste at all.” – G. Foyle

Say Good-Bye to Victoria’s Secret
The Pirate’s Cove
Daily Pundit
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Juneteenth: No Holiday for Murder
First Street Journal
Sailor Curt
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

Rule 5 Sunday: 2D > 3D?
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Rebekah Jones Update
Bacon Time
357 Magnum

Chicago: 5 Killed by ‘System Racism’ and Semi-Automatic Gunfire, But Mainly…
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Rock & Roll, Hootchie-Koo
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.21.21
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

DeSantis Derangement Syndrome?
Dark Brightness
357 Magnum

Sam Seder Is Garbage, and Nobody Blames His Ex-Wife for Leaving Him

Impeach Judge Carol Kuhnke
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Joe Biden Blames Crime Surge on Mythical ‘Rogue’ Gun Dealers
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.23.21
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

$100,000 Reward for Suspect Who Shot Daytona Beach Cop in the Head

In The Mailbox: 06.24.21 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 06.24.21 (Evening Edition)
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Othal Wallace Manhunt Focuses on Atlanta; Reward Now $200,000
357 Magnum

Penthouse Suite, $2.8 Million

In The Mailbox: 06.25.21
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending June 25:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  357 Magnum (13)
  3.  Proof Positive (8)
  4.  A View From The Beach (7)

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