The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Killed

Posted on | November 27, 2020 | Comments Off on Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Killed

God said to Abraham, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” He forgot to add, “F–k around and find out”:

Iranian state media reported on Friday morning that top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated near the capital city of Tehran by unidentified “terrorists” after a fierce battle with his security team.
Fakhrizadeh was described as the “father of the Iranian bomb” in a famous 2018 presentation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Iran’s Tasnim news agency quoted a statement from the Defense Ministry that said “armed terrorist elements” attacked Fakhrizadeh’s car on Friday, severely wounding him during a firefight with his bodyguards.
According to Tasnim, the injured nuclear scientist was taken to a hospital, where “efforts by the medial teams to resuscitate the Iranian scientist failed and he was martyred.”
Tasnim reported explosives were used in the attack and “a number of people have been killed in the incident,” possibly including relatives of Fakhrizadeh who were traveling with him.
Iran’s Fars news agency says the attack included “an explosion and machine gun fire.”
“Eyewitness accounts confirmed that Fakhrizadeh’s car came under attack first by a blast and then by two terrorist teams who sprayed bullets at his car as they moving in opposite directions. Eyewitnesses also said three to four individuals, most likely all terrorists, have been killed in the attack,” Fars reported, stating that at least two other dead bodies were spotted at the hospital.
Iran’s PressTV quoted Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claiming there was evidence of Israeli involvement in the attack.
“Terrorists murdered an eminent Iranian scientist today. This cowardice – with serious indications of an Israeli role – shows the desperate warmongering of the perpetrators,” Zarif said on Twitter.

Yeah, f–k around with the Mossad and you’ll find out, all right.


The Anti-‘Anti-Racist’ Professor

Posted on | November 27, 2020 | Comments Off on The Anti-‘Anti-Racist’ Professor

Donald Douglas has been a professor of history and political science at California’s Long Beach City College for 20 years, and for the past decade or so he has been besieged by leftist trolls because he is a conservative who blogs at American Power. Under the terms of identity politics, Professor Douglas counts toward his campus’s “diversity” calculus as a POC (“person of color”), and he also contributes to the kind of diversity that colleges really need — intellectual diversity. If he is not the only Republican on the LBCC faculty, he is certainly the most outspoken, and this has made him the object of hassles with LBCC’s administration.

Like all good Americans, Professor Douglas hates Communists, which certainly makes him a rarity in academia nowadays. Professor Douglas has agreed to participate in a campus discussion about Ibram X. Kendi’s book How to Be an Anti-Racist, and suggests that his point of view will be how to be an anti-“anti-racist.” I think an interesting point to bring up in this discussion would be the ironic fact that Kendi is an alumnus of Stonewall Jackson High School in Manassas, Virginia.

That is to say, having made a career railing against “white supremacy,” Kendi nonetheless owes his education to institutions historically associated with a social order he wishes to destroy. Furthermore, Kendi got his undergraduate degree at Florida A&M University, a historically black institution whose existence originated in Jim Crow segregation.

Adapting to the conditions of an integrated society, where racial equality has been mandated by federal law since 1964, has been one of the greatest challenges in American history. Every citizen has a duty to maintain the peace and prosperity of our country, and nothing would be so fatal to this peace and prosperity as the kind of ethnic hostility that tore apart the former Yugoslavia, and produced genocide in Rwanda.

Last month, before the election, I wrote an American Spectator column entitled, “Are Americans Tired of Being Called ‘Racist’ Yet?” My belief is that spurious accusations of racism — “RAAAAACISM” with five A’s — tend to increase racial hostility, rather than to reduce it.

On the one hand, such accusations encourage a sense of paranoia among racial minorities, while on the other hand, these accusations are taking by white people as insults: “How dare you accuse me of unfairness?” When Americans hear the word “equality,” they always think of it in terms of basic fairness — treating others impartially, according to the Golden Rule. To accuse someone of racism is, in this sense, to accuse them of breaking the basic moral norms of our society. The frequency with which accusations of racism are flung around nowadays — more than half a century after the triumph of the Civil Rights Movement, at a time when minorities enjoy greater opportunities in America than at any previous time in our history — is counter-productive, to say the least.

Let’s hope that Professor Douglas is able to get his academic colleagues to listen to the voice of reason, before it’s too late.


‘The Vision of the Anointed’ Returns

Posted on | November 26, 2020 | 1 Comment

One of the most predictable consequences of a Joe Biden presidency — assuming the Democrats get away with this obvious fraud — will be an astonishing increase in violent crime. Recall that in the five or six months prior to the election, riots occurred across America in support of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, dedicated to what Steve Sailer has called “the new Zeroth Amendment,” i.e., “No Black man must submit to being arrested if He’s really not in the mood to be arrested.”

In the wake of the George Floyd riots, Heather Mac Donald warned of “the Minneapolis Effect,” as shootings skyrocketed in the city as a result of police being restrained from pursuing criminals. Elsewhere, Mac Donald has written that the Biden-Harris platform statement on law enforcement “reads like a Black Lives Matter wish list.” While violent crime in the United States has declined significantly since the early 1990s, the downtrend began reversing after the 2014 Ferguson riots, and crime has especially soared among black residents in a number of major cities including New Orleans, Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit and Chicago.

Speaking of Chicago, it is certain that dozens of black people will be shot there during this four-day holiday weekend:

2019 Thanksgiving weekend: 4 killed, 28 wounded
2018 Thanksgiving weekend: 4 killed, 20 wounded
2017 Thanksgiving weekend: 8 killed, 37 wounded
2016 Thanksgiving weekend: 11 killed, 64 wounded
2015 Thanksgiving weekend: 9 killed, 22 wounded
2014 Thanksgiving weekend: 5 killed, 23 wounded
2013 Thanksgiving weekend: 4 killed, 12 wounded

Just as Thanksgiving murders in Chicago are predictable — the data form a pattern — so also we may predict that the consequences of a Biden presidency will include a massive crime wave in America.

Black Lives Matter is a pro-crime movement. You cannot be anti-cop without being pro-crime, and the Democratic Party has embraced BLM as a symbol of moral authority. The Biden-Harris anti-police agenda is not about facts and logic, but rather expresses sentimental notions of “social justice,” a belief in an imaginary world where all problems affecting black Americans can be explained by white racism. When it comes to crime in the black community, this means that the gangbanger dealing dope and shooting up the neighborhood is not really a criminal, but rather a victim of racist oppression — blame whitey! In this twisted worldview, the black criminal becomes a sort of civil-rights hero in a social-justice drama in which police are the villains. If you think I’m engaged in hyperbole, consider an incident that happened last year in the Los Angeles suburb of Hawthorne, California: An assault and theft occurred at a convenience store on El Segundo Boulevard where William Ewell, 24, was one of three men who “began arguing with the female cashier. … Ewell then walked behind the counter where the cashier was standing and forcibly grabbed store items from the display”:

The female cashier attempted to stop Ewell at which time she was assaulted by the subjects. Employees were able to force them out of the store. While outside, an employee was hit by a trashcan in the face thrown by Ewell.

Police were called. Ewell and another man were arrested.

End of story? No, because when police showed up to arrest Ewell, a woman recorded a cellphone video that “went viral” on social media:

A wailing, disruptive woman placed herself in the line of fire on June 7, when she barged into a scene where police were taking a robbery and assault suspect into custody at gunpoint . . .
The incident occurred at the intersection of Prairie Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard, the woman said in the now-viral cell phone footage.
“They have their guns drawn on this young, black man right here,” she railed, panning over to show a man on his knees facing away from police. “Why are your guns pulled on this young man?”
The suspect, later identified as 24-year-old William Ewell, had been stopped by Hawthorne police after an officer was flagged down by citizens at a gas station at approximately 6:45 a.m., the department said in a press release.
A gas station employee pointed to a male walking across the street, and told the officer he had just assaulted another employee inside the store.
While the officer was gathering information about what had occurred, a witness called 911 to report that a robbery had just taken place at the same location, and that “there were possible weapons involved,” according to the press release.
The officer was able to keep sight of the suspect the witnesses were pointing at, and drove across the intersection to detain him.
He was later identified as Ewell.
Cell phone footage showed Ewell as he hollered over his shoulder at the officers and told them he was unarmed.
“He has no weapons on him!” the woman parroted. “We live right now! We are so live!”
She then interrupted the officers at the scene, and began distracting Ewell by asking him for his name, at which point he began flailing his arms and telling her that people down by the gas station had “attacked” him.
Ewell dropped his hands to speak to the woman, making them no longer visible to the officers who were holding him at gunpoint from behind.
“Get out of my way! Get out of my way!” one of the officers yelled at her, motioning to the side.
Although the officer’s weapon was pointed at Ewell, the woman had positioned herself in front of him, and was directly in the line of fire.
“Are you gonna shoot him?” she asked the officer. “Relax, because they will shoot you — they killed my boyfriend in 2015. Yes, he was killed by the police!”
“You gonna shoot me too, right? For filming, right?” she asked the officers, while still standing in the line of fire. “We live! Look at that big -ss gun she got on this man with no weapon!”
Additional officers rushed to the scene as the officers continued to hold Ewell at gunpoint.
“Is all that really necessary, ma’am?” the woman behind the camera asked. “I’m sorry. I just need to know. Is all the guns drawn on him necessary?”
The woman identified herself as “Sky,” and said that her boyfriend, Leroy Browning, was killed by police in 2015.

The woman’s video went viral and was seen by millions who had no idea that Ewell had just attacked a woman at the convenience store, that witnesses to the crime had pointed out Ewell to the first officer on the scene, and that police responding to the scene had been told by 911 dispatch that “there were possible weapons involved.”

Also, how did this woman’s boyfriend get shot by the cops?

A man shot and killed by a deputy outside a Taco Bell in Palmdale early Sunday [Dec. 20, 2015] has been identified as 30-year-old Leroy Browning, authorities said Monday.
Browning, who is suspected of driving under the influence before crashing into the side of the restaurant, was shot by a deputy after he resisted arrest and allegedly grabbed hold of a gun of another deputy, said Lt. David Coleman of the L.A. County Sheriff’s Homicide Bureau.
The incident occurred just before 3 a.m. in the 37900 block of 47th Street East after the Taco Bell had closed but some employees had remained inside. The employees reported that a vehicle had crashed into the business near the drive-thru and the driver appeared to be unconscious, officials said.
A blue-steel pistol and a baggie of marijuana was found in the car during the course of the investigation. It was later determined that Browning was wanted for armed residential robbery and assault with a deadly weapon in which a victim was shot in July, Coleman said. A warrant had been issued for his arrest. . . .
Following field sobriety tests, the suspect became belligerent and charged the deputy who was trying to arrest him and wrapped his arms around him “like he was going to tackle him.” He began “pulling at the deputy’s gun,” other deputies came to his assistance and struggled with the suspect who continued to pull at the gun. At some point, the deputy communicated with others that he had his gun and one of the assisting deputies fired his gun multiple times.

So, he was wanted for armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon when he got drunk and crashed into a Taco Bell, then “became belligerent,” resisted arrest, and grabbed a deputy’s gun.

Bang, bang. R.I.P., Leroy Browning.

You see, when you know the whole story, the “systemic racism” narrative doesn’t withstand scrutiny, but we are expected to jump to pre-ordained conclusions about such incidents, to believe that both Leroy Browning and William Ewell were victims of oppression. Facts that don’t fit this “social justice” narrative are made to disappear; for example, in the photo at the top of this post, notice that the officers aiming their weapons at William Ewell are both female and neither one of them is Caucasian. Also, perhaps you didn’t notice that the officer on the right is wielding a non-lethal weapon that fires beanbag projectiles. The cops did not want to shoot Ewell, but because a witness had told 911 that he might be armed, they weren’t taking any chances — routine precautions.

What do laws mean if police are deprived of their ability to enforce laws? What is the point of investigating an assault or a robbery if, when a suspect is identified, police cannot make an arrest? How are they to make an arrest if suspects are encouraged to resist arrest? And that’s exactly what BLM is all about — inciting violent resistance to law enforcement, on the premise that black suspects are victims of racism.

The most rudimentary exercise of logic will suffice to dismantle the arguments embedded in BLM rhetoric, but of course this rhetoric is intended to inflame emotions in such a way as to foster beliefs that are impervious to facts and logic. An appeal to ethnic tribalism, encouraging black people to view white people — all white people, but especially white police officers — as hostile enemies, produces a situation in which anyone within the black community who disputes the social-justice victimhood narrative is viewed as a traitor. Hating cops becomes a requirement of tribal loyalty, in much the same way that hating Jews was required to prove one’s status as a “loyal German” under the Nazi regime.

Who is to blame for this state of affairs? White liberals, that’s who.

We see them on CNN, praising Joe Biden’s “empathy” — he cares, and caring is all that matters in the liberal worldview that Thomas Sowell described as The Vision of the Anointed. So long as someone has the “correct” political beliefs, they are judged by their idealistic goals, rather than the actual results of the policies they advocate.

What matters, to liberals, is being sympathetic toward certain “mascots,” as Sowell calls them. As long as one has the proper sympathies, then everything else becomes irrelevant; you are among the anointed, and anyone who opposes you is among the benighted. One might think that such a nonsensical worldview would be regarded as objects of ridicule, but the fact that most university professors, prestigious journalists and other intellectuals embrace this belief system means that they seldom encounter any articulate criticism from anyone whose opinions make much difference to them. You’re never going to be fired from Harvard, CNN or the New York Times for being wrong about public policy; you can only be fired for not being sufficiently “woke.”

One of the amazing things about liberals is how they are able to persist in their erroneous beliefs — which are often harmful to the very people they claim to want to help — despite overwhelming contradictory evidence. However, if your beliefs are not based on facts and logic, but rather on an emotional commitment to a certain worldview, no amount of rational argument can ever persuade you that you are wrong.

Ed Driscoll linked this morning to a review of The Vision of the Anointed in which the reviewer, Professor Stephen D. Cox, notes Sowell’s observation about liberals “finding substitutes for argument”:

Suppose that you doubt the necessity or usefulness of some great new government program. You may first be presented with a quantity of decontextualized “facts” and abused statistics, all indicating the existence of a “crisis” that only government can resolve. If you are not converted by this show of evidence, an attempt will probably be made to shift the viewpoint: outsiders may doubt that there is a crisis of, say, homelessness, but “spokesmen for the homeless” purportedly have no doubts.
There may also be an attempt simply to declare victory by relabeling current political proposals as inherent rights: it will be announced, in vague yet dogmatic terms, that everyone has a right to decent housing and that government is therefore compelled to provide it. . . .
If even these methods fail to win you over, attention will be redirected from the political issue to your own failure of imagination or morality. It will be insinuated that people like you are simplistic or perversely opposed to change, lacking in compassion and allied with the “forces of greed.” (As Sowell observes, it is always the payers rather than the spenders of taxes who are considered vulnerable to the charge of greed.)
Perhaps the most potent of all the “tactics in lieu of arguments” that Sowell studies is the practice of assessing political programs by their supposed moral intention instead of their visible effect. Thus, a “poverty program” can always be justified by its compassionate motive, even if it turns out to have a disastrous impact on the poor. The opponents of such programs can be blamed for their hard-heartedness.
These are the kinds of argumentative fallacies that occupy a crucial place, as Sowell shows, in the discourse of influential modern-liberals. Reviewing his evidence, one naturally thinks of the old question from Jeremy Bentham’s Book of Fallacies: Is it credible that the “inanity and absurdity” of such arguments “should not be fully manifest to those persons who employ them”? In other words, how can people who argue like this possibly be sincere? Sowell’s answer is precise and compelling: “People are never more sincere than when they assume their own moral superiority” (p. 3).

The assumption of moral superiority is the psychological basis of liberalism. What is remarkable is how securely liberals insulate themselves from the consequences of policies based on arrogant folly. Unless and until criminals start showing up in the vicinity of Martha’s Vineyard, Malibu or other enclaves of the elite, the rest of us will be made to suffer for this folly. Don’t say nobody warned you.


A Short Probation in Chicago

Posted on | November 26, 2020 | Comments Off on A Short Probation in Chicago

Say hello to Kamari Pleasant of Cook County, Illinois. On Nov. 2, Kamari was sentenced to two years probation after pleading guilty to a gun charge. Less than three weeks later, he was back in custody:

A convicted felon who just started serving probation on a weapons charge was hunting for rivals in a South Side park when he fired 19 shots at Chicago police officers over the weekend, Cook County prosecutors said Tuesday.
None of the officers were injured and, 22-year-old Kamari Pleasant — one of three alleged gunmen — was apprehended minutes later Saturday hiding under a car and in a pile of leaves.
A 17-year-old boy was also arrested that day after he was found lying near a basement stairwell next to a .40-caliber Smith and Wesson, prosecutors said.
Despite gunshots “that sounded like fully-automatic gunfire,” the three officers did not fire back at the shooters, prosecutors told Judge John F. Lyke Jr.
“What’s most amazing, and shows tremendous training and professionalism in my humble opinion, no officer fired a single shot,” Lyke said before ordering Pleasant held without bail on attempted murder charges.
The teenager also has been charged as a juvenile.
Twenty-five shell cases recovered in Fernwood Park were linked to guns found by Pleasant and the teenager, Assistant State’s Attorney James Murphy said.
Six 9mm casings found in the park are believed to be from the third, uncharged shooter who got away, Murphy said.
Before the shooting, someone called police to report that three people with guns were exiting a car to enter the park “to do a shooting,” Murphy said.
When the three tactical officers responded in the 10400 block of South Union after 10 p.m., they saw Pleasant and the two others exiting the park toward the car, Murphy said. Pleasant and his cohorts allegedly ran back into the park after noticing the officers and their flashing lights. As the officers pursued them, Pleasant and the other gunmen fired at the officers, Murphy said.
One officer took cover, while another officer left the squad car and took cover behind a parked vehicle, Murphy said. The third officer, anticipating the shooters would run toward Wallace Street, got in the driver’s seat and picked up the two other officers, Murphy said. The officers, with the help of a citizen, drove around the fenced-in park and located the car they initially tried to stop, arresting the driver, who allegedly told police he dropped off the defendants to hunt rivals in the park.
Other officers searching the neighborhood found Pleasant in a driveway east of the park, Murphy said. A .40-caliber Glock, converted to a fully-automatic weapon with an extended clip, was recovered nearby, Murphy said. Pleasant later tested positive for gun residue, Murphy said.
The 19 shell casings found at the park matched the gun, and two of the officers identified Pleasant as the shooter, Murphy said.

Happy Thanksgiving, Kamari. Enjoy your “three hots and a cot.”


In The Mailbox: 11.25.20

Posted on | November 26, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Still not sure whether I’ll do linkagery tomorrow or just double up on Friday. In either case, best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving to all of you Loyal Readers. I am grateful for all of you.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

An encore of Julie London.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1182
357 Magnum: What Were You Doing When You Were 15?
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
EBL: Speaker Of The House Occasional Cortex?
Twitchy: Ari Fleischer – Maybe Some Reporter Will Ask Joe Biden About His Suggestion Of Using The Logan Act Against General Flynn
Louder With Crowder: Jason Whitlock Exposes The Left’s “Mental Slavery” Over African Americans
Vox Popoli: Even The Talking Heads Knew, also, If It Is Another /pol/ LARP

American Conservative: America’s Window Of Hope
American Greatness: An American Moses
American Power: Ceaseless Lies From Democrats & Leftist Media Created This Moment
American Thinker: Election Fraud You Can See, also, Dominion In Georgia – What Happened?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: On This Date In History – A Little Boy Named Elian Gonzalez Is Rescued At Sea
BattleSwarm: Bill Filed To Regulate SWAT Teams
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: France’s National Antibodies Wake – Is It Too Late?
Da Tech Guy: Let’s Get Real About JFK, also, Questions & Incentives For The GOP & Trump Under The Fedora
Don Surber: Why They Hate Trump, also, The Jeff Sessions Lesson
First Street Journal: An Act Of Desperation & Defiance
The Geller Report: PA Judge Blocks State From Certifying Election Results, also, Huge Court Win Could Overturn Nevada Result
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Conflicts Of Interest
Hollywood In Toto: Why Uncle Frank Rejects Its Own Compelling Story
JustOneMinute: Out Like Flynn?
The Lid: Alyssa Milano Tries To Make Peace With Trump Supporters She Crapped On – They’re Not Having Any
Legal Insurrection: Trump Pardons General Flynn, also, After Four Years Of Democrat Attacks On Trump Supporters, Biden Can’t “Unify” The Nation
Nebraska Energy Observer: A Harlot’s Way – Bethlehem
Power Line: Amazon Vs. Alex Berenson (And Me), also, A Heroine For Our Time?
Shark Tank: Rubio Throws Shade On Biden’s Cabinet Picks
Shot In The Dark: What A Difference Four Years Makes
The Political Hat: Social Justice League
This Ain’t Hell: Tuskegee Airman Passes, also, I Used To Like Mattis
Victory Girls: Thanksgiving Lockdown Is For The Peasants
Volokh Conspiracy: CA AG’s Brief Claims “Hate Speech” Is Constitutionally Unprotected
Weasel Zippers: Denver Mayor’s Epic Hypocrisy On Thanksgiving Travel, also, Biden Looking To Hire All The Losers Trump Fired
The Federalist: Without Evidence, Former President Obama Accuses Hispanic Trump Voters of Bigotry, also, Vermont Governor Instructs Schools To Interrogate Students About Family Thanksgiving Gatherings
Mark Steyn: Tal Bachman – Reform This Thing, also, Thanksgiving In Lockdown

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When Police Yell ‘Drop the Knife,’ Guess What Happens If You Don’t?

Posted on | November 25, 2020 | 1 Comment

Antonio Estrada, 26, has been charged with arson, assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest in connection to a series of incidents that ended with San Francisco cops shooting Estrada.

Shortly before 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 17, San Francisco 911 started getting calls about a fire in an apartment building on Ellis Street. An evidently deranged Estrada used gasoline to start a fire, then began attacking people with a screwdriver and a frying pan. Did I mention he was deranged? A little more than an hour later, 911 started getting calls about “male subjects fighting in the area of Market and 5th Streets,” about four blocks from the Ellis Street arson location. Estrada was captured on cellphone video fighting with three men. Police arrived at the scene, yelled at Estrada to drop the knife and, alas, he did not.


We have previously examined what happens to people who don’t comply when police yell “drop the gun,” and it’s pretty much the same thing with knife-wielding psychotics, the only difference in this case being that Estrada has so far survived being shop by cops, although his injuries were “life threatening.” If he recovers, he’ll face felony charges. The headline at San Francisco CBS affiliate KBCW-TV calls Estrada the “Victim of Officer-Involved Shooting,” but he was a victim of nothing but his own craziness. As you know, Crazy People Are Dangerous.


In The Mailbox: 11.24.20

Posted on | November 24, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 11.24.20

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley delenda est.

357 Magnum: Another Liberal City, Another Milestone
EBL: The Ride – A Review
Twitchy: Senators Cotton & Rubio Didn’t Get The Memo About Gropey Joe’s Cabinet Being Superheroes
Louder With Crowder: John Cleese Wants Woke People To Fry, Makes Important Point
Vox Popoli: OK, Boomer, also, There Is No Concession
Stoic Observations: A Stoic Political Taxonomy

Adam Piggott: You Can’t Stay Neutral Any More
American Conservative: Time For Conservatives To Dump Trump?
American Greatness: Newly-elected Congresswoman Plans To Be Strapped In The Capitol, also, By Every Legal Means Necessary
American Power: The Problematization Of Substack
American Thinker: This Is War
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Rotting Apple News
Babalu Blog: Miami Cuban Radio Icon Armando Perez Roura Dead At 92
BattleSwarm: How Soros-Backed Leftist DAs Refuse To Enforce The Law, also, Biden Still Bidening
Cafe Hayek: Tyranny Unmasked, also, No More Lockdowns
CDR Salamander: Your Presence Mission Is Not Sending The Message You Think It Is
Da Tech Guy: Cryptocurrents, also, Report From Louisiana – The Social Dilemma
Don Surber: Republican Traitors, also, Get Ready For Another Sellout
First Street Journal: Once Again, Kentuckians Have To Go To Federal Court To Protect Constitutional Rights, also, Another Democrat Governor Wants To Turn You Into Gladys Kravitz
The Geller Report: Tech Millionaire Funds Hacking Team – “Election Was 100% Rigged – Not Even Close”, also, OANN Suspended From YouTube For “Misinformation”
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, A Ring Of Fire
Hollywood In Toto: Carolla Says What Comedians Wouldn’t For Eight Long Obama Years, also, How Ron Howard Brought Hillbilly Elegy To Life Without Lectures
JustOneMinute: To Be Fair, In His Professional Life Trump Probably Had Good Lawyers
The Lid: Dozens Of Cops Quit Seattle PD As City Council “Defunds Police”
Legal Insurrection: “Curfew Breakers” Protest On California Beaches, also, Researcher Finds Big Tech Manipulated 2020 Election
Michelle Malkin: COVIDGATE Part II – Clinical Trials & Crusader Bias
Nebraska Energy Observer: Sacred
Power Line: An Emmy For Andrew Cuomo, also, There’s More Than One Way To Steal An Election
Shark Tank: Loser Donna Shalala Lashes Out At Maria Salazar After Losing
Shot In The Dark: Liberty Is Destiny
The Political Hat: For The Delaware Green Party Species Is Just a Social Construct
This Ain’t Hell: The Son Tay Prison Raid, also, Military Working Dog Recognized At Retirement
Victory Girls: General Mattis Says America First Policy Must End
Volokh Conspiracy: Revisiting The Rule Of Law, Legal & Constitutional Norms
Weasel Zippers: Group Files Emergency Petition In WI After Finding 150,000 Potentially Fraudulent Ballots, also, Former White House Physician Convinced Biden Not Mentally Or Physically Fit For Office
The Federalist: 1 In 6 Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They’d Known About Hunter Biden Scandals, also, Socialism Failed Miserably For The American Pilgrims, Just Like It Does Everywhere
Mark Steyn: Express Checkout, also, Not In The Lemonade Business

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$57 Worth of Hamburgers and Corn Dogs

Posted on | November 24, 2020 | Comments Off on $57 Worth of Hamburgers and Corn Dogs

Four quarter-pound hamburgers, six quarter-pound double burgers, 12 corndogs and a Queso burger — that’s what Roberto Carlos Silva, 23, allegedly ordered from Sonic Drive-Thru in Nebraska using an app in an identity-theft case last week. Silva was arrested and released from jail Thursday. He returned to Sonic on Saturday and shot four people:

Bellevue Police confirmed two people are dead after a shooting at a Sonic Drive-In Saturday night.
During a press conference Sunday evening, Bellevue Police Lt. Andy Jashinske shed light on the events of the shooting and released the names of the four victims.
Police also shared body camera footage of the moment the suspect, Roberto Silva Jr., was taken into custody.
The deceased are Nathan Pastrana, 22, and Ryan Helbert, 28. The other two victims, ages 18 and 25, are still hospitalized for gunshot wounds.
Silva was booked into the Sarpy County Jail early Sunday morning for two counts of first-degree murder and first-degree arson. A bond has not yet been set.
According to the Bellevue Police Department, two other people were hurt in the shooting. They were taken to the University of Nebraska Medical Center in unknown condition.
A U-Haul truck in the parking lot was set ablaze at some point during the incident, and Silva is accused of starting the fire.

All of the victims were Sonic employees. The two wounded survivors were Kenneth Gerner, 25, and Zoey Reece Atalig Lujan, 18.

Because of $57 worth of hamburgers and corn dogs.



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