The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Articles Mentioning Benford’s Law Are Reportedly Banned on Facebook

Posted on | November 9, 2020 | 3 Comments

Benford’s Law is a principle of statistics relating to the frequency with which various digits occur in random samples. It has been used in accounting as a means of detecting fraudulent bookkeeping, because people will enter fake numbers in a non-random pattern. Benford’s Law has also been used to detect vote fraud, where false tallies in precincts will follow the same principle. An article at the site GNews alleges that Benford’s Law proves cheating occurred in urban areas that went heavily for Biden. Is this true? I don’t know.

There are several reasons to suspect shenanigans in this election, but you’re supposedly a fringe kook for noticing anomalies, and social media sites are reportedly censoring mention of Benford’s Law.

The president is not going to quit without a fight:

President Trump is planning to hold campaign-style rallies at which he will reveal obituaries of Americans who supposedly voted in the 2020 presidential election despite being deceased, a campaign official confirms to The Post.
The group of rallies, first reported Sunday by Axios, will be focused on highlighting the Trump campaign’s legal effort to win back a lost election by highlighting specific examples of voter fraud.
The obituaries specifically are meant to act as evidence that President-elect Biden won the election by what the Trump team has repeatedly referred to as “illegal” votes.
While specific locations and dates have not yet been announced, the Trump team is focusing their efforts on the must-win swing states: Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania, although other states could be included, a campaign official told the Post. . . .
On Sunday, Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said he intends to file up to 10 lawsuits alleging election fraud.
Speaking to Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” the former NYC mayor argued that, “At this point, it would be wrong for him to concede.”
“There is strong evidence that this was an election that in at least three or four states, and possible 10, it was stolen. In other words, it was based on false votes. Now, you can’t let an election go into history without challenging that,” he continued.

Byron York notes that the media people who now tell us it is wrong to challenge election results are the same ones who spent four years telling us that Russian “meddling” rendered the 2016 election invalid.



68 Shots: ‘That’s All the Bullets We Had, or We Would Have Shot Him More’

Posted on | November 9, 2020 | Comments Off on 68 Shots: ‘That’s All the Bullets We Had, or We Would Have Shot Him More’

Angilo Freeland, a/k/a “Dread,” was a native of the Caribbean island of Antigua, and how he ended up in Florida is not entirely clear. Freeland was something of a mysterious figure, an enforcer for an international drug trafficking ring, and investigators believe he had killed at least 15 people in his role as a “paid assassin.” His criminal career ended after Freeland made the mistake of killing a Polk County deputy in 2006.

If you know anything at all about Florida, you should know this: Do not commit crime in Polk County, where Grady Judd has been the sheriff for the past 15 years. Judd is a career law-enforcement officer who went to work for the sheriff’s department as a teenager. By the time he was 27, he had attained the rank of captain, and was supervising 44 employees, all of whom were older than him. Judd is a sort of Florida celebrity, known for his “tell-it-like-it-is” press conferences. The Polk County Sheriff’s Department has solved 100% of its homicide cases since 2012, and anyone who thinks they’re going to get away with a crime there had better think again. The citizens of Polk County are just as tough as their sheriff who, by the way, has been unopposed in his past two reelections.

Last month, a criminal named Christopher Hendrix, who had served seven years in prison on an attempted murder charge (plea-bargained down to aggravated battery), decided to go on a rampage in Polk County. He tried to carjack a woman at a convenience store while she was pumping gas, but the lady turned the tables, dousing Hendrix with gasoline, and he decided to try his luck elsewhere. Next, he tried to carjack a van, but the van owner had a concealed-carry permit, and Hendrix found himself staring down the barrel of a pistol. This caused Hendrix to flee the convenience store, and he was later arrested on I-4.

During his press conference, Sheriff Judd praised the citizens who resisted Hendrix: “But you know what is really cool about Polk County? We fight back. We fight back against criminals. We carry concealed firearms and heck, the lady that didn’t have a concealed firearm used a gas hose, which worked just remarkably well.” Sheriff Judd said: “This violent, convicted felon was bound and determined to forcibly steal a car this morning, but our citizens said, not today.” And he went further:

“I guarantee you, when you start trying to carjack somebody’s car at the gas station, you’re subject toget shot. And shot a lot.”
An unidentified reporter responded, “You don’t think that’s a dangerous message you’re putting out?” Judd replied, “The message is, you don’t have to have a firearm. You don’t have to have a knife to be a dangerous individual. And if you come to this county, and if you use extreme violence, to try to carjack somebody from their car, if you get shot that’s on you. You can protect yourself and your property.”


You see what I mean about Polk County? This is a place where folks take public safety seriously, and criminals should avoid going there.

But maybe someone forgot to warn Christopher Hendrix. They didn’t tell him what happened to Angilo “Dread” Freeland in 2006. Freeland shot two deputies, killing one and wounded another, and also killed the deputy’s K-9. Sheriff Judd sent his SWAT team after Freeland. They fired 110 shots, and hit him with 68 bullets. A reporter asked the sheriff why the suspect was shot so many times, to which Sheriff Judd replied: “That’s all the bullets we had, or we would have shot him more.”



Rule 5 Sunday: Carla Gugino

Posted on | November 9, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

The events of this past week have been reminding me of the end of the Watchmen movie, with Rorschach defiantly snarling “No compromise! Not even in the face of Armageddon!” We aren’t here for politics, though, so let me instead present Carla Gugino, who played the original Silk Spectre in the Watchmen, but to me is more appealing as Lucille, Marv’s parole officer in Sin City, from which this still is taken.

Marv’s parole officer and Hartigan’s lawyer.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1162, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Election Recap Friday, and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Satyagraha, Rhodelinda, Sean Connery RIP, Orfeo Ed Eurydice, Idomeneo, Semiramide, La Forza Del Destino, Lauren Boebert, Romeo Et Juliette, Die Meistersinger von Nuernberg, and MAGA.

A View From The Beach: Faking it With Meg RyanFish Pic Friday – Kay BeaudinTattoo ThursdaySome Wednesday WetnessTruckin’ Into TuesdayMaryland Extends Sook SeasonYour Monday MotivatorCCA Recommendations for 2021 Striped Bass SeasonPalm SundayRIP: Sean Connery and Oh, And Happy Halloween!

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe is Ann-Margret, Bacon Time has Paradise by the Dashboard Light, and Red Pilled Jew has Women in Costumes and Medical Women.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Whatever Happened to … ?

Posted on | November 8, 2020 | Comments Off on Whatever Happened to … ?

. . . Jonah Goldberg, for example.

Most days now, I don’t even realize he exists, unless Ace goes off on him, and then I’m like, “Oh, he’s still around?”

One of the things we have gained from the Trump era is the knowledge that some people were never really on our side. They were conservatism’s fair-weather friends, and when the going got tough, they jumped over to the other side. Because “principles”! Well, damn you, sir, and damn your “principles,” whatever they may be. We don’t really care.

Some of the #NeverTrump crowd were people who never mattered anyway. Who had ever heard of the “expert” Tom Nichols before 2016? He was an obscurity before Trump came along, and being anti-Trump gave him a certain amount of relevance for a while. If we are now going to be compelled to endure four years of Biden-Harris, we can at least comfort ourselves with the knowledge that Tom Nichols will henceforth cease to be relevant, not that he was ever actually relevant. He was pseudo-relevant for a while, but now? Sayonara, Tom.

Our gain from this is immeasurable, and their loss is complete.

If the Republican Establishment is under the illusion that they can go back to business as usual, they are due for a disillusionment.

The 71 million Americans who voted to re-elect President Trump are not all hard-core America First populists. Most of them are just regular Republicans, the same people who pulled the lever for Mitt Romney in 2012, and will vote for whoever the GOP nominates in 2024.

What will make a difference, however, is that the #NeverTrump crowd has discredited themselves. They have permanently forfeited their influence with the Republican grassroots. Three years from now, when the GOP primary field is taking shape, no Republican voter is going to be seeking advice from the likes of Rick Wilson or Jennifer Rubin.

By the way — I mention this because it’s important — there were some conservatives who weren’t all-in for Trump in 2016 who nevertheless later realized that the #NeverTrump movement was over, and they came around quickly, doing yeoman’s work in the Russian “collusion” struggle, the Brett Kavanaugh nomination fight, and so on down the line. There shall be no penalty to those people. We absolve them of them of their previous errors, whereas those who stayed on the #NeverTrump bus all the way to 2020 have forever discredited themselves.

As my co-blogger Smitty pointed out yesterday, Trump will not just go away quietly next January, if Biden is inaugurated. Who do you think is going to be the featured speaker at CPAC next year? Maybe you should ask Matt Schlapp that question. I think I can guess the answer.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is all about “archiving these Trump sycophants” as proof of their “complicity,” as if Democrats have plans to punish dissenters, but we’re not paranoid, are we?



FMJRA 2.0: Midnite Snack

Posted on | November 8, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Midnite Snack

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Apologies for the lack of linkagery yesterday (and the extreme lateness of this post) but after three weeks processing mail-in ballots for the Nye County Election Board, I was a tired, cranky mess and took the day off. Regular linkagery will resume next week despite an expedition to Las Vegas for medical tests and the usual Veterans’ Day pillaging of restaurants. Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley esse delendam.

Rule 5 Sunday: Honor Blackman
Animal Magnetism
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Proof Positive

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Dark Brightness
Z Patriot
DC Daily Journal
Swamp Hermit
Power Line

‘Bond. James Bond.’
The Pirate’s Cove

Damn It, Iowa — No Hope Allowed!

FMJRA 2.0: Albedo 0.39
A View From The Beach

Election Eve Prediction Time
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.02.20 (Election Eve Doomed Beyond All Hope Of Redemption Edition)
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

A View From The Beach

Make Birthdays Great Again

Cop Shoots White Guy Named ‘Kevin’

In The Mailbox: 11.04.20 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 11.04.20 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Sheriff Bob Wins Re-Election

Post-Election Hangover Syndrome
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 11.05.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Georgia on My Mind

Rapper Killed by ‘Systemic Racism’ and Semiautomatic Pistol Fire, But Mainly …

Woman Dies of Patriarchal Oppression and Police Gunfire, But Mainly …

Poised on the Brink of the Abyss

Top linkers for the week ending November 6:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  A View From The Beach (10)
  3.  Proof Positive (5)

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Ol’ Pierre Delecto Is Consistent

Posted on | November 7, 2020 | 2 Comments

by Smitty

Poised on the Brink of the Abyss

Posted on | November 7, 2020 | 3 Comments

If you have not yet subscribed to The American Spectator, I’ll urge you to do so now, so that you’ll get our upcoming print edition in which I spend more than 3,000 words contemplating the prospects of another civil war in America. Permit me to say what should not need to be said, namely that I am against civil war. This seems so obvious that I didn’t bother saying so explicitly in my first draft, which was an omission I’ve corrected in my first revision. (Oh, these editors and their quibbles!)

Authorial intention is a subject on which I could perhaps deliver a lecture. My friend Jeff Goldstein made “intentionalism” the subject of a running series of blog posts back in the day when controversy arose over Rush Limbaugh’s comment that his hope for the Obama administration was that it would fail. Why that should be controversial, I don’t know; what’s the point of politics, if you endorse the opponent’s agenda? But liberals are not rational or else they wouldn’t be liberals, and so there was a storm of indignation — including from some Republicans — when Rush said bluntly of Obama, “I hope he fails.” But I digress . . .

You should subscribe to The American Spectator, as I say, not only because you get wonderful goodies for just $69.99 a year — less than $6 a month! — but also so you can have the exquisite pleasure of owning a copy of our next issue with more than 3,000 words of me ruminating in print about the chances of another civil war in America.

What inspired this, mainly, was Tim Pool on YouTube. While I am not generally a fan of political video, much preferring the written word as a means of communication, Tim is an exception. His audience is larger than most daytime shows on CNN, and it’s easy to see why. The guy is extremely smart and has a knack for finding the important inflection points amid the daily headline noise. For months now, Tim has been talking to his audience about the potential of civil war, even while acknowledging that most people will think he’s crazy for bringing up the topic. Back during the late 1990s, I recall how some people saw America drifting toward a conflict like the one that devastated the former Yugoslavia. The 1992 Los Angeles riots, the Branch Davidian showdown at Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing — it was a scary time.

Back then, at various events, warnings about civil war were being issued by guys who knew what they were talking about — grizzled veterans of the various post-colonial struggles in Third World places like Algeria, Vietnam and what used to be called Rhodesia. The Cold War era had been an age of guerrilla warfare in lots of “hot spots” around the globe, and there was a certain authority behind the pronouncements of danger when they came from such sources as a scarred Afrikaner veteran who had fought Castro’s troops in Angola. We have had a bit too much peace lately, which is why talk of civil war now sounds like lunacy, but we can’t afford to take these things lightly. One of the strange things about such historical disasters is how, in retrospect, the allegedly intolerable state of affairs that preceded the outbreak of war was mild in comparison to what happened once the shooting started. Go back to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 and ask yourself what was so wrong in Europe as to necessitate four years of carnage and everything that followed in the aftermath of World War I.

Ever heard of the Pottawatomie massacre? Five people were murdered in that 1856 incident, part of the struggle over “Bleeding Kansas” that shocked Americans at the time. Over a period of about three months after that massacre, about 30 more people were killed in Kansas, and this outbreak of guerrilla warfare on the frontier was viewed at the time as a grievous tragedy. Yet in the war that followed, the death of a few dozen men was a minor detail of outpost skirmishes. Most Americans today know absolutely nothing about, for example, the Battle of South Mountain in September 1862, in which 750 men were killed and a little more than 3,000 wounded. Now think of some of the police shootings that have sparked Black Lives Matter protests, and compare those cases to the wholesale death that might result if civil war were to break out.

It’s simply unthinkable, yet there is a danger in not thinking about it. The ordinary peaceful means of government — debates and elections, legislation and lawsuits, regulation and taxation — might induce emotional stress when hyped up by cable-TV news anchors, or the incessant chatter on Twitter, but this is a minor annoyance in comparison to the alternative of armed conflict. Contemplating this subject led me to recall what happened in that Bloody Cornfield. In something less than three hours, about 8,000 men were killed or wounded there, and the fighting was so intense it seems miraculous anyone could have survived it. Yet my great-grandfather somehow made it out alive, and so here I am, urging you to subscribe to The American Spectator.



Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Posted on | November 7, 2020 | 9 Comments

by Smitty

First and foremost: #StopTheSteal. We do not deserve to have the Left piss down our back and tell us it’s raining.

In the alternative case, we’re in better shape than 2008. The leadership vacuum that crippled the Tea Parties is filled by Trump.

A fully weaponized, free range Trump is going to destroy the Left. Watch him:

  1. barnstorm the country for two years
  2. rally Tea Parties and local Republican Parties to staff the elections with plenty of observers
  3. run for the House in his Florida district
  4. become Speaker of the House
  5. with a veto-override majority
  6. and then proceed to un-jack our election laws


UPDATE: Welcome, Powerline readers! Contrary to what Mr. Hayward said, however, this post was written by co-blogger Smitty.

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