The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Twitter Getting Its Hunter Biden On

Posted on | October 15, 2020 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

The magic laptop with the salacious emails sure got my BabylonBee muse going. Then there was a bunch of time where I could not retweet or post. @Jack’s crack stack’s back in black.

BREAKING: Steve Scully ‘Indefinitely Suspended’ by C-SPAN Over ‘Hacking’ Lie

Posted on | October 15, 2020 | 1 Comment


Not “breaking” in the sense that we are startled to discover that the former Biden staffer lied. Democrats lie habitually. It’s who they are.

No, what’s “breaking” is that C-SPAN actually still cares about the truth, and Steve Scully is probably out of a job now.


Big Tech Desperate to Suppress Bombshell News in Hunter Biden Ukraine Scandal

Posted on | October 15, 2020 | Comments Off on Big Tech Desperate to Suppress Bombshell News in Hunter Biden Ukraine Scandal


Wednesday morning, the New York Post broke a huge exclusive: Emails between Hunter Biden and Vadym Pozharskyi, a top executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma, in which Pozharskyi thanks Hunter for arranging a 2015 meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden. How the Post obtained these emails is an interesting story, but liberals rushed to claim that either (a) the story was Russian disinformation or (b) the emails were obtained illegally, or maybe (c) both. The telltale clue was that the Biden campaign did not exactly deny it; they issued some kind of weasel-word press statement, but more importantly, they exploited back-channel influence to try to suppress the story:

Facebook and Twitter limited the distribution of a story in the New York Post about a purported email between Hunter Biden and an adviser to a Ukrainian energy company.
The 2015 email indicates that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to Burisma, thanked Biden for “giving an opportunity” to meet former Vice President Joe Biden.
The former vice president has previously said he has “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” . . .
“While I will intentionally not link to the New York Post, I want be clear that this story is eligible to be fact checked by Facebook’s third-party fact checking partners,” Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone tweeted Wednesday. “In the meantime, we are reducing its distribution on our platform.”
Twitter issued a statement about the incident after Fox News reached out about the story, claiming it took action against the article due to the company’s “Hacked Materials Policy.” Twitter is blocking the post from being shared on its platform.
“In line with our Hacked Materials Policy, as well as our approach to blocking URLs, we are taking action to block any links to or images of the material in question on Twitter,” a spokesperson said. . . .
New York Post op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari criticized the move in a Wednesday tweet, saying, “This is a Big Tech information coup. This is digital civil war. I, an editor at The New York Post, one of the nation’s largest papers by circulation, can’t post one of our own stories that details corruption by a major-party presidential candidate, Biden.”

Some accounts were actually suspended on Twitter, including the account of White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany, for sharing the story.

John Hoge points out how Twitter has gone all-in on censorship, including suppression of congressional Republicans, to stop this story.

Why does this story matter? Matt Margolis explains:

The emails were found amongst “a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer” that had been dropped off, possibly by Hunter Biden, at a repair shop in Delaware. The Post reports that “other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter […] smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.” The computer and its hard drive were seized by the FBI in December.
Joe Biden has repeatedly claimed to have been unaware of his son’s business dealings.
“I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine. No one has indicated I have,” Biden claimed last year. But his insistence that he was in the dark about Hunter’s Ukraine business dealings was contradicted by Hunter himself. According to an article in The New Yorker from July 2019 titled, “Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?” the former vice president did discuss overseas business dealings with his son.
A photo obtained by Tucker Carlson Tonight back in October 2019 also showed Joe Biden and his son Hunter golfing with Burisma Holdings board member Devon Archer. The photo was taken in August 2014, a few months after Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma.
During the Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Washington, D.C., in January 2018, Joe Biden infamously bragged about his role in the firing of then-prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who had been investigating Burisma.
“I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee,” Biden explained. “And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t. So they said they had — they were walking out to a press conference. I said, ‘Nah, I’m not going to — or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars.’ They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said —’ I said, ‘Call him.’ I said, ‘I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars.’ I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’”

This is not, as Democrats claim, a trivial “distraction.” For three years, Democrats pursued a witch-hunt against President Trump over claims of “Russian collusion” that proved to be a hoax perpetrated by the Clinton campaign with the assistance of high officials in the Obama administration including former FBI Director James Comey. Meanwhile, you see, Democrats were concealing their own real “collusion” scandal.

Do I need to explain why this matters in terms of the current presidential campaign? Trump was elected president as an “outsider” candidate, in opposition to Washington insiders. The Hunter Biden scandal is the tip of a large iceberg of corrupt influence-peddling that has been allowed to fester in our government, and if you want to fix what’s wrong in Washington, Joe Biden is definitely not the man to fix it.

Joe Biden is the problem, not the solution. Keep calm and vote Trump.


In The Mailbox: 10.14.20

Posted on | October 15, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Bleach Cocktail: Is The Left About To Jump The Shark Over Michael Reinoehl?
Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1139
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
EBL: Hunter Biden – Sex Tapes, Cocaine, & Corruption, Oh My!
Twitchy: As Twitter Promotes WaPo’s “Debunking” Of Hunter Biden Story, Rep. Lee Zeldin Reminds Us Of Biden Bragging About It
Louder With Crowder: UFC’s Jorge Masvidal Sends Warning To Latino Voters
Vox Popoli: Even SJWs Are Revolted, also, Remove Facebook’s Section 230 Protection

Adam Piggott: Daddy Issues
American Conservative: Top 50 American Think Tanks Get Over $1 Billion From Government & Defense Contractors
American Greatness: Bombshell – Hunter Biden E-Mails Reveal Secret Meeting Between Burisma Exec & Then-VP Joe Biden, also, “This Is Digital Civil War” NY Post Editor Fumes After Facebook & Twitter Censor Biden Bombshell
American Power: Joel Kotkin, The Coming Of Neo-Feudalism
American Thinker: What Happened To The Riots?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: UN Elects Cuba, Red China, & Russia To Human Rights Council
BattleSwarm: Round Rock ISD & North Austin MUD #1 Election Roundup
Cafe Hayek: A Polarizing Myth
CDR Salamander: An Orion Comes To Vietnam?
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Hodgepodge, also, California, Portland, & Seattle Voting Themselves Into The Third World
Don Surber: Further Evidence The Ten-Point Lead Is Fake, also, NY Post Blows Up Biden’s Excuse
First Street Journal: Racial Criminal Bias In Philadelphia
The Geller Report: Airline Passenger Wearing “Black Voices For Trump” Hat Ejected From Airplane, also, While Cuomo Targets & Rounds Up Jews, Muslim Mass Gatherings Continue
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, They’re All In
JustOneMinute: Hunter Emails, Media Meltdown
The Lid: New Cuomo Lie – There Was Never An Order Instructing Nursing Homes To Take COVID Patients
Legal Insurrection: Leftist Dark Money Opposing Barrett Nomination, also, Facebook & Twitter “Reducing” The Distribution Of NY Post Story On Hunter Biden Emails
Power Line: Ted Cruz Has Questions, also, Beneath The Top Line Poll Numbers
Protein Wisdom: Sentencing Victim Statement
Shark Tank: Mucarsel-Powell Supports Medicare For All, But Says “Now Is Not The Time” To Discuss It
Shot In The Dark: The Inmates
The Political Hat: No, It’s Not Systemic
This Ain’t Hell: Army Leaders Announce Reduction In Deployments, Training Demands, also, Phony Vietnam Vet Donald Euguene Lee Back On The Radar
Victory Girls: Media Rushes To Bury Hunter Biden Story
Volokh Conspiracy: Amy Coney Barrett Testifies On The Obamacare Severability Case
Weasel Zippers: Facebook Exec Admits Company Intentionally Burying Hunter Biden Story, also, Michigan Supremes Order End To Lockdown, Deny Governor’s Request For Delay
The Federalist: Facebook Now Officially Censoring NY Post’s Hunter Biden Bombshell, And Senator Hawley Wants An Explanation
Mark Steyn: Masked Muppet Lockdown Tyrants, also, Bread & Circuses, Kinks & Dinks

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Philadelphia: Murder City, U.S.A.

Posted on | October 14, 2020 | 3 Comments

If you want to stay alive, stay out of Philadelphia. Earlier this month, the total of murders in the city surpassed last year’s total:

The police commissioner says gun violence in Philadephia is an epidemic that the department is battling.
“We are not giving up, we are not waving the white flag, and we are not taking our foot off the gas,” said Commissioner Danielle Outlaw.
The city controller said [Oct. 6] that Philadelphia is on par to reach 450 murders this year.
“At the start of a new week, we once again find ourselves lamenting another weekend marred by gun violence. Yesterday, we experienced a Monday where six people were senselessly killed,” said Commissioner Danielle Outlaw . . .

(Note the phrase “gun violence,” as if firearms were the cause of this “epidemic.” The human factor — the criminals who actually commit these murders — disappears in this mechanical view.)

According to figures released by Philadephia officials, shooting incidents are up 57% over 2019 rates. The number of shooting victims is up 47% compared to last year.
Homicide numbers have now eclipsed last year’s total for the entire year, now standing at 365 murders. . . .
“The notion that the police department alone can cure the pandemic of gun violence is not only erroneous but it absolves other stakeholders their duty to participate in this public health crisis,” said Outlaw.
Mayor Jim Kenney says economic factors are also leading to the violence spike and that police officers are doing their best.
“They are patrolling our streets trying to get between combatants that are dead set on killing each other. If you couple in the pandemic and economic crisis and the rising gun violence it’s all just a toxic stew,” said Mayor Kenney.

It’s the “pandemic,” the “economic crisis” and guns themselves causing this, says Mayor Kenney. Speaking of mayors, the last Republican mayor of Philadelphia left office in 1952. Philadelphia has been a Democrat fiefdom for nearly 70 years, but we’re not supposed to mention this when someone notice the murdered corpses piling up in city streets.

Dana Pico reminds us of the real cause of Philly’s crime wave:

Larry Krasner, who was elected District Attorney in Philadelphia in 2017, and was the beneficiary of a huge campaign contribution from leftist billionaire George Soros, is a leftist who hates the police and doesn’t pursue supposedly petty offenses, and ran on a platform saying he would:

  • Stop prosecuting insufficient and insignificant cases
  • Review past convictions, free the wrongfully convicted
  • Stop cash bail imprisonment
  • Treat addiction as an illness, not a crime
  • Protect immigrants while protecting everybody
  • Reject a return to the failed drug wars of the past
  • Stand up to police misconduct

The wholly predictable results? In 2018, Mr Krasner’s first year in office, city homicides jumped from 315 to 353, a 12.06% increase.

Question: What percentage of homicide suspects have prior felony convictions on their record? This is a point I’ve previously made:

People don’t usually begin their criminal careers with murder. No, they start small — a robbery here, a burglary there — and cycle in and out of the criminal justice system for a few years until, one day, they commit a heinous atrocity. Then everybody looks at their arrest records and says, “Why wasn’t this monster already behind bars?”

Many murders in Philadelphia and other cities don’t involve innocent victims; it’s gangs of drug dealers fighting over “turf.” A gangster killed by rival gangsters is no cause for mourning, but no honest citizen would wish to live in a community where the streets are ruled by gangsters. That’s why nearly all the people who live there are Democrats.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton got 83% of the vote in Philadelphia.


In The Mailbox: 10.13.20 (Evening Edition)

Posted on | October 14, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 10.13.20 (Evening Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Soon, Musk-sama?

Bleach Cocktail: Twisted Freak Nabbed In Razor Blade Pizza Dough Plot
357 Magnum: To Err Is Human, To Really Screw Things Up Requires A Computer
EBL: #WalkAway – Destiny Leaves The Democrats
Twitchy: Sen. John Kennedy Refers To Race Hustler Ibram Kendi As “Some Butthead Professor” At Glorious ACB’s Confirmation Hearing
Louder With Crowder: Sen. Cornyn Asks To See Glorious ACB’s Notes – She Holds Up Blank Notepad
Vox Popoli: Black On Pink, also, They Want GamerGate

Adam Piggott: Amy Barrett Is A Diversity Hire
American Conservative: How Azerbaijan Is Lobbying Washington To Sanitize Its War
American Greatness: Trump Is The Integrity Candidate, also, Judicial Election Interference Threatens Constitutional Crisis
American Power: David Horowitz – Blitz
American Thinker: The Week Washington Went Third World, also, Why People Take QAnon’s Pedophilia Accusations Seriously
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Regeneron News
Babalu Blog: After Decades Of Socialism, Venezuela’s Oil Production Has Plunged 90%
BattleSwarm: Five Worst Production Tanks Ever, also, Red China Invading Taiwan Followup – From Nukes To Knives
Cafe Hayek: Category Error
CDR Salamander: The Civilian Side Of The Terrible 20s
Da Tech Guy: Diplomacy Done Right For Taiwan & India, also, An Unexpected Vatican “Yoo Hoo, Bible” (and Catechism) Update
Don Surber: Cutting Off The Swamp’s Red Chinese Money, also, That Which Did Not Kill Trump Made Him Stronger
First Street Journal: Gee, This Is A Surprise! also, Amy Coney Barrett & Affirmative Action
The Geller Report: Twitter Fined For Multiple Campaign Violence Accusations, also, Biden Democrats Post Online Guide To “Disrupting” The Country If Election Is Close
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Joe Biden & A Baptist Church
Hollywood In Toto: Netflix CEO Clueless About Own Company’s’ Censorship, also, The Simpsons Attacks Trump With Fake News Avalanche
JustOneMinute: Chasing Amy
The Lid: Joe Collins Destroys Maxine Waters In Ad Shot Outside Her Mansion
Legal Insurrection: Sen. Hirono Asks Amy Coney Barrett If She’s Ever Raped Anybody, also, CA General Election Ballots Have Been Duplicated, Misprinted, Trashed, & Sent To The Dead
Michelle Malkin: A Media-Political Assassination In Denver
Power Line: Holy Toledo, also, A Dose of Optimism
Shark Tank: Wassermann-Schultz Criticizes Glorious ACB as “Right-Wing Justice”
Shot In The Dark: If Government Won’t Keep Order
STUMP: A Fisking Of Yet Another Public Pension “Explainer” And A Closer Look At Texas’ ERS
The Political Hat: Is Elon Musk On The Verge Of Making Cyborg Catgirls Real?
This Ain’t Hell: You Say You Want A Revolution, also, Happy Birthday, U.S. Navy!
Victory Girls: Queen Amy Klobuchar And Mazie The Fool
Volokh Conspiracy: Why Amy coney Barrett Isn’t Likely To Have Any Meaningful Effect On Obamacare’s Future
Weasel Zippers: Mazie Hirono Asks Judge Barrett If She’s Ever Raped Anyone Before, also, Joe Biden Had A Number Of Senior Moments Today
The Federalist: The Great Barrington Declaration is A Spark Of Sense In A Mad World, also, WI Democrat Caught Lobbing Vile Attacks With Secret Twitter Account
Mark Steyn: Georgy Girl, also, When Woke Puts You To Sleep

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In The Mailbox: 10.13.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | October 13, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Red Pilled Jew: Big Conspiracy – Democrats & COVID Deaths
Bleach Cocktail: Sunday Comes & Sunday Goes
357 Magnum: New York Wants Your Money To Keep The Transit Unions Happy
EBL: Support John James For The Senate In Michigan
Twitchy: Pelosi Accuses Wolf Blitzer & His CNN Colleagues For Being Republican Apologists
Louder With Crowder: Biden/Harris Held A Rally In Arizona But Nobody Came
Vox Popoli: The Demoralization Season, also, A Mostly Peaceful Murder
Stoic Observations: About That Gunfight

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Let Women Rule Over You Edition
American Conservative: Saving Christopher Columbus From The Cultural Arsonists
American Greatness: KC Attorney/Activist Threatens Police & Their Families, also, Is Big Tech Breaking Campaign Finance Laws?
American Thinker: Are COVID Case Surges More Fake News? also, Nine Warning Signs Of Democrat Radicalization
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Anti-Communist Caravan For Freedom & Democracy Draws Tens Of Thousands Of Cars In Miami
BattleSwarm: Red China Invades Taiwan – Two Scenarios, also, BidenWatch For October 12
Cafe Hayek: The Absurdity Of Ad Hominem
CDR Salamander: Generational Failure
Da Tech Guy: Streaming Downward, also, Jussie Smollett’s Protector Kim Foxx Backs Out Of Debate With GOP Challenger
Don Surber: An Erie Feeling About This Election, also, Why Do Democrats Attract All The Loonies?
First Street Journal: The Philadelphia Inquirer Is On Its Last Legs, also, Kaepernick & His Ghostwriter Want To Abolish Police & Prisons
The Geller Report: 30,000 Cars Show Up For Latino Anti-Communist/Pro-Trump Parade In Miami, But Sleepy Joe’s 16 Points Ahead? also, Antifa/Biden Supporters/BLM Celebrate Murder Of Trump Supporter At Denver Rally
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of the Day, also, Spaghettification
Hollywood In Toto: D’Souza’s Trump Card Rushes To Top Spot On iTunes & Amazon, also, Rescuing SF From The Horde Of “Woke Zombies”
The Lid: If You Oppose Antisemitism & Support Israel, You Must Vote Trump! also, Adam Schiff Wants To End Small State Voting Rights – For A Start
Legal Insurrection: Sen. Hawley Unloads On Those Who Attack Barrett’s Catholicism – “That’s Bigotry”, also, Biden Forgets Romney’s Name, Refers To Him As “That Mormon Senator”
Power Line: Remembering Whitey Ford, also, Columbus Day
Shark Tank: Marines For Crist?
Shot In The Dark: Body Count, also, Tipping Point
STUMP: Reading The News With Meep
The Political Hat: A Sea-Lion In The Wilds Of Twiiter
This Ain’t Hell: Man Sentenced To 16 Months For Stolen Valor, also, Another Fraudster Targeting Vets
Victory Girls: Teen Vogue Thinks Amy Coney Barrett Is Irresponsible, also, Denver Murder Is A Legal Hot Mess
Volokh Conspiracy: Which Is It, 1619 Or 1776? also, 9th Circus Rules Against Trump’s Diversion Of Military Construction Funds To The Wall
Weasel Zippers: WHO Backflips, Comes Down Against Lockdowns, also, Biden Says Voters “Don’t Deserve To Know” His Position On Court-Packing
The Federalist: Consumer Watchdogs Say Harris Looked The Other Way While Utilities Set Stage For Wildfires, also, Sleepy Joe Forgets What Office He’s Running For, Declares Senate Candidacy
Mark Steyn: Last Laughs & Sweet Spots, also, Tal Bachman – Three Weeks In ’86

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‘Well, We Just Have to Win Then’

Posted on | October 13, 2020 | 2 Comments

Politics is not about debate. Politics isn’t about compromise. It is not about “image.” Ultimately, politics is about power.

This is something Republicans have a habit of forgetting. Because the Republican Party represents the respectable middle class, its leaders tend to be concerned with bourgeois respectability, an encumbrance which does not inhibit Democrats. Having assembled a coalition of the aggrieved and impoverished — including criminals, drug addicts, perverts and decadent intellectuals — Democrats unapologetically advocate the selfish interests of their constituent groups, whereas Republicans seem almost embarrassed by their own middle-class supporters.

Republicans have long complained about how Democrats are able to get away with things that no Republican would even dare attempt. The way Democrats turn Supreme Court confirmation hearings into bizarre “show trial” circuses — first with Brett Kavanaugh, now with Amy Coney Barrett, continuing a tradition that dates back to the original “Borking” — is an example of this disparity. Never have Republicans done to a Democratic nominee what Democrats routinely do to GOP nominees. Democrats can get away with this because most of the media (being decadent intellectuals) are part of their coalition, and can be trusted to apply the desired partisan “spin” to these political dramas.

Democrats are not embarrassed about seeking power, and make no apologies about wielding power. They constantly accuse Republicans of authoritarian ambitions, Democrats openly act in dictatorial manner whenever they obtain power. Just look at the way Democratic governors like Andrew Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom have imposed draconian policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This morning, I made the mistake of turning up the sound on my office TV, and endured Sen. Diane Feinstein’s questioning of Judge Barrett. A more shameless exercise in emotional pandering could scarcely be imagined, and I turned down the sound before Feinstein finished, rather than to let this spectacle further disturb my mind.


What we are witnessing, not only in these Senate hearings, but on a daily basis in the presidential campaign, is a remorseless crusade by Democrats in pursuit of power. Anyone claiming to be a conservative must oppose this, and I cannot imagine how David French, Rick Wilson, et al., justify their project of sabotaging the Republican opposition, merely because of their personal distaste for President Trump.

There’s an old country saying, “Any stick to beat a mad dog,” which is to say, in an emergency (e.g., attacked by a rabid animal) one does not hesitate to use whatever weapon comes to hand in self-defense. Such is our case now, and as we see the Democrats foaming at the mouth and snarling with bared fangs, we ought to be grateful to Trump for volunteering as the stick with which we beat these dangerous beasts.

What a lot of people don’t understand about me is that I was born and raised a Democrat, in a place and time where no one ever had to apologize for being a Democrat. In the 1990s — during the first term of Bill Clinton — I found myself disgusted by Clinton’s cruel betrayal of the loyalty of Democrats like me. Pandering to the “soccer mom” vote, Clinton signed into law the 1994 crime bill that included a ban on so-called “assault weapons” (certain semi-automatic rifles which were really not assault weapons at all). Never could I have imagined that a Democratic president, whom I had vocally supported in his 1992 campaign, would so casually infringe our Second Amendment rights. And buddy, that was it for me. My eyes were suddenly opened to the reality that the party to which I had given my loyalty did not reciprocate that loyalty. You don’t get a second chance to stab me in the back.

Getting ripped off, sold out and fucked over by Bill Clinton had a rather profound effect on my worldview. Mainly, it taught me to be deeply cynical about politics. People who claim to be our political “leaders” are all too often only in it for themselves — wealth, status, the aggrandizement of their own egos — and this is true also of most of the pundits and party operatives who cluster around politics. Does anyone believe that Reed Galen, John Weaver or any of the other scoundrels at The Lincoln Project are motivated by lofty ideals? Did any of that rotten #NeverTrump crew ever actually have any respect for Republican voters?

Well, I started writing this with a particular point in mind and see that I’ve digressed too far on that detour. My point is that our current crisis ought to teach conservatives a thing or two about why the Republican Party has been losing for so long. Democrats understand politics as an expression of power in a way that Republicans do not. Think back to the doomstruck debacle of 2008 John McCain campaign. Or think about the way the GOP establishment forced Mitt Romney down the throats of Republican primary voters. Good-bye to all that, and good riddance.

In 1998, the Lewinsky scandal threatened to destroy Bill Clinton’s presidency. The day the scandal broke, Clinton got a call in the White House from his former campaign adviser Dick Morris:

The consultant testified that he assured the President that “there’s a great capacity for forgiveness in this country, and you should consider tapping into it.”
“But what about the legal thing?” Morris says Clinton replied. “You know, Starr and perjury and all?” Clinton had already denied the affair in his Jones deposition, but, Morris says, the President admitted to him that “with this girl I just slipped up.”
Morris says he took a poll on the voters’ willingness to forgive confessed adultery. He phoned back a few hours later to tell Clinton that voters would forgive adultery “but not perjury or obstruction of justice.” In other words, it was already too late. Morris testified that Clinton said, “Well, we just have to win then.”

See my point? That backstabbing swindler knew what politics is really about. There are no participation trophies for second place in politics. You either win, or you go home. What we are facing, with three weeks to go until Election Day, is either victory or defeat. And you can be sure that if Democrats win, they will not be merciful toward their enemies. There will be no olive branches offered to their vanquished foes.

We shall be trampled down, trodden under, punished and humiliated in a vindictive partisan witch hunt against all the “deplorables” who prevented Hillary from becoming president. If Trump is defeated, there will be very little remaining hope that we can prevent Democrats from turning America into a one-party state, where opposition will be practically impossible, and dissent will be silenced. We can expect no assistance from the useful idiots who climbed aboard the Evan McMullin bandwagon four years ago. We are at coffin corner, my friends.

“Well, we just have to win then.”



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