The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Florida Man Charged With Vote Fraud

Posted on | October 3, 2020 | 1 Comment


But the media told me this never happens:

A 62-year-old Bradenton man who says he wanted to “test the system” has been arrested on a voter fraud charge after he tried to obtain a mail-in ballot for his late wife, according to the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.
The election supervisor’s office contacted the sheriff’s office Sept. 17, after receiving a mail-ballot request in the name of a woman who has been dead for about two years.
Supervisor of Elections Mike Bennett said his staff reviews the voter rolls for each mail-in ballot request and it was discovered the woman was deceased. They then determined that Larry Wiggins forged his late wife’s name on the ballot request.
Wiggins told deputies that he was “testing the system to see if worked.”
Bennett said indeed it does.
“Our message is that the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections will prosecute any attempt at voter fraud. If you are caught, we are committed to prosecute,” Bennett said.
Bennett said such attempts are rare in Manatee County.
Bennett said it could not be determined who Wiggins was supporting in the Nov. 3 election because the ballots were never sent after realizing one of the request was fraudulent.
According to the sheriff’s office, detectives were able to develop probable cause based on the evidence and Wiggins admitting to what he had done.
On Sept. 22, the case was sent to the state attorney’s office, which on Monday agreed to prosecute. Wiggins was arrested at his home without incident and booked into the Manatee County jail on Thursday.

Just another Democrat, seeking to enfranchise the dead.


In The Mailbox: 10.02.20 (Midnight Special Edition)

Posted on | October 3, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Meanwhile In The Socialist Paradise Of Venezuela
EBL: Kayleigh McEnany Puts The Lying Media In Their Place
Twitchy: Black Proud Boys React To Joe Biden Calling Them White Supremacists
Louder With Crowder: Occasional Cortex Accuses Ted Cruz Of “White Supremacy” And He Hits Back Hard
Vox Popoli: The Thought Police Hit Pro Cycling, also, The President Defends The SEALs
According To Hoyt: SCOPE
Monster Hunter Nation: My Publisher’s Weekly Interview

American Conservative: 2020 Is Tumbling Toward 1917
American Greatness: Big Tech’s Backing Of The “Transition Integrity Project” Lacks Integrity
American Power:n Saul Friedlander, The Years Of Extermination
American Thinker: Who Are The Proud Boys? also, Blue State Secession? Make My Day
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five GMO Friday
Babalu Blog: Cuban Americans Headlining “Fighters Against Socialism” Bus Tour In Florida
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For October 2
Cafe Hayek: If You Support Lockdowns
Da Tech Guy: Five Thoughts Under The Fedora, also, Define Your Terms
Don Surber: SJWs Won’t Be Spared, also, Trump Takes New Drug Cocktail For COVID-19
First Street Journal: The Problem Isn’t Mass Incarceration – The Problem Is Not Enough Criminals Are Jailed
The Geller Report: Former Obama Staffer & Hillary Spokeswoman – “I Hope He Dies”, also, Trump’s Duluth Rally Filled With Democrats & New Voters
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The Hogewash Poll
Hollywood In Toto: Woody Allen’s A Rainy Day In New York Stars Vanish At Rotten Tomatoes
JustOneMinute: POTUS & FLOTUS Test Positive For COVID
The Lid: Scumbag Tom Arnold Doxes Hope Hicks After She Tests Positive For COVID
Legal Insurrection: Anti-Trumpers Celebrate News Of POTUS COVID Infection, also, Schumer & Feinstein Demand Delay Of Barrett Hearings, Murder Turtle Replies “Full Steam Ahead”
The PanAm Post: Argentine VP On Trial, Kirchnerism On Alert
Power Line: A Case Study In Punitive Liberalism, also, Inside Minnesota’s COVID Morgue
Shark Tank: Election Complaint Filed Against Daniela Levine Cava
Shot In The Dark: This Is Your Twin Cities Media
The Political Hat: Banning Tasty Food In California, also, This Ain’t No “Soy Boy” Temper Tantrum
This Ain’t Hell: The Army Finally Realizes Sleep Is A Good Thing, also, Valor Friday
Victory Girls: Civil Rights Leader Pushes Back At Kamala Harris
Volokh Conspiracy: Michigan Supreme Court Strikes Down Governor’s COVID Orders
Weasel Zippers: Flashback – Joe Biden Referred To Jewish Bankers As “Shylocks”, also, Biden Campaign Suddenly Desperately Trying To Deploy People In Battleground States
The Federalist: 661,000 New Jobs In September, Unemployment Drops To 7.9%, also, Forced Denunciations & “Sensitivity Training” Mimic Communist Brainwashing Tactics
Mark Steyn: A Second Act Switcheroo, also, The COVID’s Big Catch

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‘Knockout Game’ Attack on Rick Moranis Raises Awareness of Racial Violence

Posted on | October 3, 2020 | 1 Comment


New York City police released the surveillance photo above showing the suspect in an attack on actor Rick Moranis:

Actor Rick Moranis was attacked while walking in New York City on Thursday, Fox News can confirm.
The “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” star, 67, was sucker-punched by an unknown assailant while walking on a sidewalk near New York’s Central Park, a rep for the star confirmed to Fox News on Friday.
“Rick Moranis was assaulted on the Upper West Side yesterday. He is fine but grateful for everyone’s thoughts and well wishes,” the rep said in a statement.
Surveillance video shows a man wearing a black “I (heart) NY” sweatshirt and a backpack hitting Moranis and knocking him to the ground at approximately 7:24 a.m. Thursday.
The attack happened just a few blocks from the Central Park West apartment building where Moranis’ “Ghostbusters” character lived in the movie.
Moranis took himself to the hospital and later went to a police station to report the incident, a law enforcement official told the Associated Press.
Police released surveillance video of the assault in seeking the public’s help to find the attacker but did not name Moranis as the victim because of privacy concerns. Police describe the incident as a “random unprovoked assault.”

It was not “random,” however, but part of a well-known pattern:

What’s the Knockout Game? Just what it sounds like. You find a target walking down the street, usually someone elderly and white, and you try to knock him or her out with a single punch. Maybe your friends are recording it, so they can post it to social media and the cops will have an easier time catching you. It’s considered funny, at least among scumbags who enjoy watching old people in pain. It’s committing hate crimes to entertain stupid cowards.
And it’s not racist because the victims are usually white.
Our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press inform us that the Knockout Game doesn’t really exist. It’s a “phony panic” and a “myth.” No matter how many times it happens, no matter how many innocent people are beaten in the street, there’s absolutely no connection. It’s completely random. If you suspect otherwise, that just proves how much of a racist you are. . . .
Maybe now that it’s happened to someone famous, people will start taking it seriously.

This kind of anti-white violence is sufficiently common (though ignored or dismissed by the media) that when Democrats accuse white people of complicity in “systemic racism,” it arouses a reaction of disbelief. Criminal violence and racial hostility have turned America’s major cities into “no-go zones” for white people. We’ll get to statistics in a minute, but first, New York Post columnist Kyle Smith with some recent examples:

Aug. 23: A 66-year-old man was walking west on West 129th Street when a man came up and smashed him on the back of the head several times with a bottle.
July 27: A 68-year-old woman standing on the L train platform at Sixth Avenue and 14th Street was kicked and struck by a man who then pushed her onto the tracks. “Being that he called her a ‘cracker,’ we are thinking it’s just because she’s white,” said the victim’s daughter.
July 17: An 89-year-old woman walking near 16th Avenue and 77th Street in Bensonhurst was slapped by two men who came up behind her. One of them set her shirt on fire with a match or lighter.
June 12: A 92-year-old woman hit her head on a fire hydrant after a man passing by casually shoved her to the ground near Gramercy Park. “When they helped me up, I said ‘What happened’ because I didn’t even know what happened. It was completely out of the blue,” the woman said. Rashid Brimmage, 31, of the Bronx, was later charged in the attack, the 103rd time he’d been arrested in New York City.
June 10: A 78-year-old woman walking in Bushwick was struck in the head by a man walking by. Video of the incident showed the man reacting as though he was the victim of an offense.

OK, that’s five incidents in a span of about 10 weeks in a city of 8 million people — perhaps not statistically significant. But the national media, which endlessly promotes Black Lives Matter propaganda in relation to a similarly insignificant number of police shootings, ignores black-on-white violence. The media’s distorted and one-sided depiction of racial violence is extremely dangerous. Ever heard of “Radio Genocide”?

Radio Télévision Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) was a Rwandan radio station which broadcast from July 8, 1993 to July 31, 1994. It played a significant role in inciting the April–July 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. . . .
Widely listened to by the general population, it projected hate propaganda against Tutsis, moderate Hutus, Belgians, and the United Nations mission UNAMIR. It is widely regarded by many Rwandan citizens (a view also shared and expressed by the UN war crimes tribunal) as having played a crucial role in creating the atmosphere of charged racial hostility that allowed the genocide to occur. A working paper published at Harvard University found that RTLM broadcasts were an important part of the process of mobilising the population, which complemented the mandatory Umuganda meetings. RTLM has been described as “radio genocide”, “death by radio” and “the soundtrack to genocide.”

What the media and Democratic politicians are doing, in promoting BLM’s “systemic racism” narrative, amounts to anti-white hate propaganda. White people are being demonized the way RTLM demonized the Tutsis in Rwanda. This is being done for political purposes, to rally black support for Democrats in their effort to defeat President Trump. The riots we have seen in city after city show how effective this hate propaganda has been in persuading many thousands of black people that violence is necessary to achieve “racial justice.”

The media are, indeed, “the enemy of the people” in this regard. Misleading the public about race and crime is dangerous:

The national media often fails to mention that black Americans are vastly overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes—by 50 percent—according to recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. . . .
Additionally, black Americans commit hate crimes at a rate that is three times higher than whites per 100,000 according to FBI crime data from 2016 and 2017. . . .
Black nationalists are also vastly more likely to commit an attack than white nationalists are. . . .
Kori Ali Muhammad mortally wounded three white males during a targeted shooting spree in Fresno, California, on April 18, 2017. According to his social media posts, Muhammad expressed a strong dislike toward “white people” as well as government officials. He made reference to “a race war against whites,” the evils of “white devils” and being a “black soldier.”
David N. Anderson, 47, and Francine Graham, 50 killed six people in Jersey City, targeting a kosher Jewish market. Authorities also suspected that the two assailants may have been involved in a separate killing in neighboring Bayonne, N.J., according to New Jersey’s attorney general, Gurbir S. Grewal.
Micah Xavier Johnson, who killed five police officers in Dallas, was increasingly drawn to black nationalist ideology and attended several meetings of the People’s New Black Panther Party.
Gavin Eugene Long, who killed three officers in Baton Rouge, said he belonged to the Washitaw Nation, an obscure black nationalist group that claims ownership to the huge swath of the United States obtained in the Louisiana Purchase on the belief that they are descended from a U.S. indigenous group.
According to the department of homeland security, from 2015 through 2019, black Americans are over-represented by 19.4% in domestic extremist attacks, while white Americans are under-represented by 32% in domestic extremist attacks. . . .
Black Americans make up only 13% of the American population, yet made up over 32% of the domestic extremist attacks from 2015 to 2019. White Americans make up 62% of the population, yet during the same time period accounted for 29% of the domestic extremist attacks.

When you take account of the different size of the two groups, this puts these hate-crime numbers into perspective. If “hate” (however defined) were equally distributed among the two groups, you would expect whites to commit about 4.8 hate crimes for every hate crime committed by blacks. But what do the actual statistics show?


Whoa! Heather Mac Donald comments:

It is now a standard trope, implanted in freshmen summer reading lists through the works of Ta-Nehesi Coates and others, that whites pose a severe, if not mortal, threat to blacks. . . . Just this month, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released its 2018 survey of criminal victimization. According to the study, there were 593,598 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between blacks and whites last year, including white-on-black and black-on-white attacks. Blacks committed 537,204 of those interracial felonies, or 90 percent, and whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10 percent. That ratio is becoming more skewed, despite the Democratic claim of Trump-inspired white violence. In 2012-13, blacks committed 85 percent of all interracial victimizations between blacks and whites; whites committed 15 percent. From 2015 to 2018, the total number of white victims and the incidence of white victimization have grown as well.
Blacks are also overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes — by 50 percent — according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. This is particularly true for anti-gay and anti-Semitic hate crimes.
You would never know such facts from the media or from Democratic talking points.

Do you see that what the national media have been telling America about racial violence is the exact opposite of truth? This mirror-image distortion is not accidental; it has a political motive.

It is important to keep in mind that (a) most violent crimes are not interracial, (b) black people are the most likely to be victims of violent crime, and (c) even a half-million black-on-white crimes a year is a comparatively small number in a nation with more than 40 million black people and nearly 200 million white people. That is to say, most Americans (white or black) are neither perpetrators nor victims of violent crime, and actual “hate crimes” are rare. Just as I, as a white person, would not wish to be smeared as complicit in the crimes of Dylann Roof, neither should innocent black people be blamed as complicit in relatively rare instances of anti-white hate crimes. The problem we have is that our politicians and media establishment are afraid to tell people the truth about race and crime in America. Why? Democrats know that the truth about crime would undermine their ability to use fear-based appeals to generate support among black Americans, and Republicans are afraid of being called “racist” if they tell the truth.

Now that the “knockout game” has targeted a celebrity, perhaps Americans will demand that our so-called “leaders” start telling truth. Otherwise, we run the risk of becoming a gigantic Rwanda.


That’s Tim Pool talking about a CNN segment in which Anderson Cooper expressed shock over talk of a potential civil war in America. Tim’s channel has 1.1 million subscribers, whereas Anderson Cooper averages about 1.4 million viewers nightly. In other words, a guy with a YouTube channel has an audience almost as big as CNN’s prime-time “star.”

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


In The Mailbox: 10.02.20 (Afternoon Edition)

Posted on | October 2, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Huge thanks to everyone that bought stuff through my Amazon links last month. There will be a late night linkagery post tonight following this, for those of you scoring at home.

Bacon Time: Big Fun With An Elephant Gun
357 Magnum: Minneapolis City Council  – “We Didn’t Really Mean It”
Red Pilled Jew: Wednesday Whittle
EBL: POTUS & FLOTUS Test Positive For Corona-chan
Twitchy: Jennifer Rubin’s Ugly Attack On Melania Trump Backfires In Spectacular Fashion
Louder With Crowder: These Hateful Liberal Reactions To Trump’s COVID News Prove What Side Is “Dividing Us”
Vox Popoli: Prometheans In The Church, also, The Charade Of “Success”

Adam Piggott: Don’t I Know You From Somewhere?
American Conservative: What Pennsylvanians Think About Trump
American Greatness: A Man Vs. A Movement, also, Kayleigh McEnany Upbraids Press For Obsessing About “White Supremacy” While Ignoring Antifa
American Thinker: Democrats – Riots, Racism, Rot, & Rebellion
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Debate Recap News
Babalu Blog: Anti-Communism/Anti-Socialism Caravan Planned In Miami For October 10
BattleSwarm: Rheinmetall Unveils New 130mm Autoloading Cannon
Cafe Hayek: Idealism Vs. Cynicism, also, Expert Failure To Know
CDR Salamander: Scratch A Turk, You Find An Ottoman
Da Tech Guy: Bidenball Notwithstanding, If LeBron Wins The Title In LA, He Passes Jordan, also, The End Result If The Presidential Election Ends In Chaos
Don Surber: TV Is Why We Won’t Have A Lincoln-Douglas Debate, also, Per NYT, Drudge’s Traffic Is Down 42%
First Street Journal: Fewer Homeless Choosing Shelters Due To COVID-19
The Geller Report: Left-Wing Former CEO Of Twitter Wants To See His Political Enemies Shot, also, BET Founder & Billionaire Robert Johnson Is Voting For Trump
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, I’m Not Worried About Joe Biden
Hollywood In Toto: Anti-Bidens Documentary Riding The Dragon Sails Past 1 MIllion Views On YouTube
The Lid: CIA Director Blocking Declassification Of Key Russiagate Docuemnts
Legal Insurrection: Court Says Sandmann Lawsuits Against NYT, ABC, CBS, & Rolling Stone Can Go Forward, also, Fox News John Roberts Falsely Claims Trump Hasn’t Denounced “White Supremacists”, Melts Down When Called Out
The PanAm Post: Peace Force Intervention In Venezuela – Incessant Clamor To Guaido
Power Line: The Shame of Chris Wallace, also, The Associated Press Whitewashes Riots
Shark Tank: Crist Called “One Of Florida’s Least Effective Congressmen”
Shot In The Dark: War On Our Election System
STUMP: COVID Round-Up – Nursing Homes, Mortality Rates, Herd Immunity, & More
The Political Hat: Equity – The Cure Worse Than The Purported Disease
This Ain’t Hell: Another West Coast Liberal Caught Being A Hypocrite, also, Pentagon’s Plans To Reshuffle Forces In Europe Gets Bipartisan Third Degree
Victory Girls: Kayleigh McEnany & The White Supremacy Issue
Volokh Conspiracy: CUNY Law Dean – Setting A Shirt On Fire While Someone’s Wearing It Covered By 1st Amendment
Weasel Zippers: Andrew Cuomo Claims He Didn’t Order COVID Patients Into Nursing Homes – But The Internet Is Forever, also, More Washington DC Ballot Errors
The Federalist: Dear Chris Wallace – We Were In Kenosha And It Wasn’t “White Supremacists” Causing Violence, also, Kayleigh McEnany Just Destroyed Fox’s John Roberts In A Single Tweet
Mark Steyn: Let The Sunshine In, also, Un-Uncling Uncle Ben

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Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19

Posted on | October 2, 2020 | Comments Off on Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19


Late Thursday, the news broke that top aide Hope Hicks had tested positive for COVID-19 after exhibiting symptoms. Because Hicks had traveled on Air Force One during President Trump’s Cleveland trip, this raised concerns and, shortly after midnight, it was confirmed that both the President and First Lady had also tested positive. We don’t know how this happened. Hicks was known to be quite a fanatic about wearing masks, and Trump has been very careful about social distancing and, while other people in the White House have previously caught the virus, there had been strict precautions to protect the president.

Obviously, this will have an impact on the campaign:

White House Physician Sean Conley announced in a letter he expected President Donald Trump to continue carrying out his duties as president, despite testing positive for the coronavirus.
“Rest assured I expect the President to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering, and I will keep you updated on any future developments,” U.S. Navy Commander physician Sean Conley wrote in a letter released to reporters.
The letter from Trump’s physician did not stop media outlets from speculating about the succession of power and whether Trump should even remain on the ballot.
“If he becomes sick, it could raise questions about whether he should remain on the ballot at all,” the New York Times wrote on Friday morning. CNN also spent time speculating about the succession of power as the president had tested positive.
The White House updated the daily schedule early Friday to note the president would host a phone call on COVID-19 support to vulnerable seniors on Friday at 12:15 p.m. and cancel a rally in Florida that he had scheduled for the day.
Vice President Mike Pence did not announce any test results on Friday, but issued a statement confirming he was praying for the president and the first lady’s recovery.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would fall second in line in presidential succession, a fact many on the left celebrated.

Well, “thoughts and prayers,” eh?

UPDATE: Oh, of course:

You stay classy, Democrats!

UPDATE II: Paranoia will destroy ya:


Trump As Everyman

Posted on | October 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Trump As Everyman

by Smitty

Tuesday’s debate left us all dumber than when we started. We watched on PBS, which offered Trump on the left side of a split screen for most of the night. It was a crap cabaret.
But it was more interesting to watch Trump’s body language, especially when not bloviating. He appeared relaxed, but highly alert, until a moment of pouncing.
Today, the resonance with the 2016 debates with Her Majesty became clear. Both Biden and HRC are archetypes of aristocrats. Trump, especially in his diction, is an Everyman figure. What he’s doing in these debates is metaphorically hammering these despicable elites on behalf of every person in the country who puts in an honest day’s work, while Chelsea bemoans her white privilege, and Hunter snorts his white lines off of some rental flesh.
The other point that seemed apparent Tuesday was that Trump was sizing Biden up. Beside doing the job Feckless Wallace could not to get Biden to own something, anything, pertaining to his policy positions, much of DJT’s antics seemed to be about gauging just how far gone Biden actually is. Trump was offering a real-world cognitive test of sorts.
The debates could be useful if they reverted to a Lincoln-Douglas style of candidates offering substantive speeches. Having a Deep State tool like Wallace just run interference for his preferred candidate is nearly as great an insult as Biden’s candidacy itself.

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | October 1, 2020 | 3 Comments


If you watch enough police chase videos on YouTube, you find yourself developing a thorough hatred of these lunatics who endanger the lives of others — and tie up traffic for hours — by their madcap vehicular misadventures. You begin watching a chase through L.A. (where such pursuits seem to be more or less routine) and find yourself hoping that the driver either dies in a disastrous crash or is shot to death by cops.

So I was watching YouTube of this 2018 chase from Arizona, which went for 60 miles, and ended in Tempe. The cops had backed off, letting a police helicopter track the suspect, while unmarked cars positioned themselves to box him in when he eventually exited the freeway. After the cops finally surrounded him, however, the suspect managed to drive out of the trap and took off at high-speed near the Arizona State University campus until — BOOM! — he hit another vehicle head-on:


Miraculously, neither driver was killed in that collision. The woman in the minivan suffered a broken hand and other non-life-threatening injuries, while the suspect walked away uninjured. In fact, he might have escaped, if he hadn’t hung around the crash scene until the cops caught up and witnesses pointed him out: “That’s him right here!”


Say hello to Mitchell Timothy Taebel, “sovereign citizen.” If you don’t know what that means, this is from the Wikipedia entry:

The sovereign citizen movement is a loose grouping of American litigants, commentators, tax protesters, and financial-scheme promoters. Self-described “sovereign citizens” see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretations of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings. In the United States, they do not recognize U.S. currency and maintain that they are “free of any legal constraints.” . . .
In surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015, representatives of U.S. law enforcement ranked the risk of terrorism from the sovereign-citizen movement higher than the risk from any other group, including Islamic extremists, militias, racists, and neo-Nazis.

These kooks are particularly dangerous to law-enforcement officers, considering any attempt to arrest them as illegitimate. While he was leading police on a 40-mile chase, Mitch Taebel called 911 to complain police were “trying to stop me without probable cause”:

“According to federal law you are allowed to resist unreasonable arrest. I just want to say so I’m not stopping. There seems to be a criminal conspiracy amongst the police to stop people without probable cause. And it’s unreasonable. It’s against federal law. Against, uh, 18 USC section 242 and section 241. I’m not stopping the vehicle.”

The word for this is crazy. If you get pulled over by the cops, you’re entitled to your day in court, and if you believe the arrest was “unreasonable,” the judge will hear your argument. Generally speaking, however, it’s impossible to “win” a traffic case, and most people just pay the ticket because most people are not crazy. Only crazy people could possibly believe they’re going to gain anything by telling cops about their imaginary “right” to resist arrest. You will probably not be surprised to learn that Mitch Taebel gave a remarkable press conference at the jail:


“It’s absolutely legal to resist arrest with force, to the extent of taking an officer’s life if necessary.”

Crazy? Yes. Dangerous? Extremely. His lawyer pleads insanity:

Anti-government statements that police say were made by a man arrested after a crash ended a Phoenix-area car chase stemmed from mental health issues, not political beliefs, the man’s defense lawyer said Thursday.
Mitchell Timothy Taebel of Long Beach, Indiana, and Los Angeles remained jailed on suspicion of endangerment, aggravated assault, unlawful flight and other crimes after being arrested following the crash Wednesday in Tempe on a street near Arizona State University’s main campus. . . .
Asked about the anti-government statements, defense attorney Brian Russo said, “I think it’s more that he’s been previously diagnosed with some mental health issues and they have not been addressed. I don’t think it’s one political issue or another. That’s not what is driving this.”
Russo said he couldn’t provide details on the mental health diagnosis. “We do know from the family he was being treated, he was seeing someone,” the attorney said.

There are different kinds of crazy, some of which are less dangerous than others. Documents filed by his attorney said Taebel was expelled from Arizona State University for “seriously disruptive and odd behavior.” Did I mention Taebel had an extensive criminal record?

Taebel’s personal website states that the U.S. Department of Justice is “unconstitutional” and links to an Indiana court record from earlier this month showing that Taebel sued the government for prohibiting marijuana use.
The document deemed marijuana prohibition unconstitutional.
In a Jan. 5 Facebook post, Taebel asked his followers if they would be interested in joining his effort to sue the government for a wrongful prohibition of cannabis. . . .
Taebel’s website also linked to a November 2017 letter he addressed to all United States governors which states that the Department of Justice is unconstitutional. . . .
Taebel also addressed a Nov. 7, 2017, letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, where he wrote that “the time has come to revolutionize societal standards of law enforcement.” . . .
Court documents on Taebel’s website describe several lawsuits both filed by and against him.
One of the records was a complaint filed by Taebel against the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office saying that he was pulled over by officers without probable cause.
Another record features a December 2017 letter written by Taebel to Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval with a complaint that officers used “excessive … and entirely unnecessary force” while arresting him on an assault charge in Las Vegas.
Taebel also posted documents appealing an assault conviction levied against him for punching a doorman at a New York City apartment building in 2011.
Taebel said he punched Frank Martoni in self-defense after Martoni blocked him from entering an elevator and saying Taebel did not have permission to be in the building.
Taebel was staying with his girlfriend, Raquel Toro, at the time of the incident, according to documents he posted. Toro wrote an affidavit to the court saying she had received written permission from building management for Taebel to stay in the apartment.
Toro urged prosecutors to throw out the case against Taebel.
Court papers that Taebel filed earlier in December 2017 in the U.S. District Court of Arizona alleged that he was denied an application for an apartment in Arizona on the basis of his previous charges; he asked for $500 million in damages.

To give you the full story — because you want all the craziness, right? — I find myself compelled to quote the SPLC:

Two days before the [2018 Arizona] chase, Taebel cited [18 USC section 242] when he filed a complaint bringing a “claim against violations of the second amendment” in the U.S. District Court of California in Los Angeles. The complaint named [New York Supreme] Court Justice Michael Sonberg as a defendant and asked for $1 billion in damages.
Justice Sonberg convicted Taebel of 2nd and 3rd degree aggravated assault in May, 2013. The latter is a felony and took away Taebel’s ability to possess firearms. The charges stemmed from an incident where Taebel punched the doorman at his girlfriend’s New York apartment building for not allowing him up to her residence. At one point during the case, Taebel chose to represent himself and cross-examine the victim.
Continuing to claim self-defense, despite eye witness testimony to the contrary, Taebel has attempted to have the judgement vacated by filing frivolous lawsuits against the Department of Justice and the United States of America, among others
On April 26, 2016, the judgement against him was affirmed, but Taebel’s experience left him questioning the rule of law and refusing to follow it. It also left him fixated on the idea that police officers could be killed if his rights were violated, which he repeatedly believes has happened, even when his actions are considered criminal by law enforcements standards.
In January 2018, Taebel included Statute 242 in a civil complaint he filed against the City of Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. In it, he claimed that his rights were violated after he was arrested in April 2013 for attempting lewd and unlawful acts against an aspiring porn star in the Los Angeles valley. The woman alleged that after having a conversation with Taebel at a gas station about her possible new career, he followed her to a nearby parking lot and tried to pull her into his vehicle for the purpose of a sexual encounter. The case against him was dropped on December 5, 2016, though he remained upset to enough file the complaint two years later, ask for $1 billion in recompense, writing in it that the “arresting officer should be executed by law.”

If you’ve ever filed a $1 billion lawsuit pro se? You’re crazy.


In The Mailbox: 09.30.20

Posted on | September 30, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #1125
357 Magnum: Lack of Computer Security Can Kill You
EBL: No Oktoberfest In 2020
Twitchy: Drew Holden Fact-Checks The Fact-Checkers After Tuesday’s Debate
Louder With Crowder: Joe Biden Did Horribly With Latino Voters In Post-Debate Poll
Vox Popoli: A Lesson In Failed Leadership, also, Gab Catches Up

American Conservative: Biden Lets Trump Hang Around
American Greatness: Rittenhouse Lawyer L. Lin Wood To Sue Biden For Smearing His Client In Anti-Trump Video
American Thinker: Biden – Let’s Go To The Videotape, also, The Cleveland Brawl – First Presidential Debate Was A Cage Fight
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Babalu Blog: If Only Mike Wallace Questioned The President The Way His Father Questioned Castro
BattleSwarm: Your Obligatory Trump-Biden Debate Post
Cafe Hayek: Quotation Of The Day
CDR Salamander: “Record Breaking” Deployments Are Nothing To Be Proud Of
Da Tech Guy: Report From Louisiana – Cassidy v. Perkins 2020, also, Last Night’s Debate – Trump By Decision & What Was With Biden’s Eyes?
Don Surber: Why They Made Biden Run, also, How We Know Trump Won
First Street Journal: Another Murder In Philadelphia, Ho Hum
The Geller Report: Black Democrat Bernadine Kent Endorses Trump, also, The Democrat Party Is Purging The Jews
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Nothing To See Here – Move Along
Hollywood In Toto: Letterboxd Censors Review Panning Pro-Abort Dramedy Unwanted, also, Hollywood’s Silence On Cancel Culture Censorship Is Darn Near Criminal
The Lid: Minneapolis Police “Looking Into” Reported Ilhan Omar Ballot Harvesting
Legal Insurrection: Kyle Rittenhouse’s Lawyer To Sue Biden For Libel Over False Accusations In New Ad, also, Transcript Shows Trump Did NOT “Refuse To Denounce” White Supremacists
The PanAm Post: Ironic – Maduro Presents Own Human Rights Report At UN, also, Maduro Regime Killed 250 People A Month In 2020
Power Line: Observations, also, The (Not So) Presidential Debate – A Different Take
Shark Tank: Loomer First To Expose Pay-To-Vote Scheme
Shot In The Dark: Repeat Big Lies For 90 Minutes…
The Political Hat: Institutional Revolution, also, CA Governor Orders Ban On Sale Of Gas Automobiles
This Ain’t Hell: Coast Guard Unicorn Redux, also, A Debate On The Corn Laws – Oh Wait, Wrong Century
Victory Girls: James Comey Continues His Know-Nothing Tour
Volokh Conspiracy: The First Rule Of Court Packing Is You Do Not Talk About Court Packing
Weasel Zippers: PA Democrats Caught On Mic Saying Masks Are “Political Theater”, also, Biden Denies That Antifa Exists
The Federalist: Fact Check – Trump Did NOT Refuse To “Denounce” Or “Condemn” White Supremacy at Debate, also, Chris Wallace Gave The Most Embarrassing Moderator Performance In History
Mark Steyn: World Record-Breaking Expectation-Lowering, also, The Morning After

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