The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.18.20 (Morning Edition)

Posted on | August 18, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Antifa vs. Sturgis Bikers
EBL: Democratic Fredo – Joe Biden 2020
Twitchy: Chris Christie Absolutely Torches John Kasich On ABC Panel
Louder With Crowder: Portland Antifa Kicks Off Democrat Convention By Pulling Man From Truck & Beating Him
Vox Popoli: Definitely Default, also, Ding Dong, New York Is Dead
Granite Grok: Sununu Has Violated His Oath Of Office & Suspended His Constitutional Obligations (via Red Pilled Jew)

Adam Piggott: Two Tribes
American Conservative: Black Americans Deserve Better Than #BLM And The 1619 Project
American Greatness: It’s Time For Trump Rallies To Resume, also, National Media Ignores Massive Pro-Trump Boat Parade Phenomenon
American Thinker: COVID & Climate Policy Following The Same Playbook
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Most Loathsome Evil Toad Of The Day – Oliver Stone Wants Nobel Prize for Cuban Slave Doctors
BattleSwarm: Austin City Council Steps Up Its War On Austin’s Citizens, also, BidenWatch for August 17
Cafe Hayek: Destroying Predatory Institutions Differs Significantly From Destroying Physical Assets & Resources
CDR Salamander: Summer Of Our Discontent Midrats Melee
Da Tech Guy: Splitting The Difference Between Conservatism & Jacksonianism, also, Welcome To Detroit, Chicago
Don Surber: Obama – “Don’t Underestimate Joe’s Ability To F*** Things Up”, also, Telling The Biggest Untold Story Of 2020
First Street Journal: Diocese Of Lexington Continues to Whitewash The Truth, also, It Shouldn’t Be A Surprise That The Police Support Republicans
Fred On Everything: Big Orly’s Diary & The Crumpler Report
The Geller Report: Michigan Rejects Over 10,000 Ballots – Including Some From Dead Voters, also, #BLM Protesters Threaten To Burn Down City Of Hugo, MN
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, The Check Isn’t In The Mail
Hollywood In Toto: We Need Dirty Harry Now More Than Ever, But Hollywood Won’t Allow It, also, Adam Carolla On The Media – “They’re Gonna Get People Killed”
JustOneMinute: Send More Marxists!
The Lid: After Death of President’s Brother, Disgusting Leftist Reaction Trends On Twitter
Legal Insurrection: Desperate Democrats Go All-In On Post Office Hoax, also, The Administrative Torment Of UCF Professor Charles Negy
The PanAm Post: Maduro Frontman’s Letter In Cape Verde Reveals Ironies Of Crony Regime
Power Line: Our Revolting Media In Two Headlines, also, High Noonan
Shark Tank: CBS News In Palm Beach Posts Primary Results Before Election Day
Shot In The Dark: This Is Today’s DFL
The Political Hat: Struggle Sessions Come To Sandia National Lab
This Ain’t Hell: Another Tangled Web For The PC Crowd, also, They’re Stealing The Mailboxes!
Victory Girls: NYT Says Rage Moms Will Vote Democrat
Volokh Conspiracy: Residential Picketing & The First Amendment
Weasel Zippers: Democrat State House Candidate Suggests Suburb Should Be Burned Down, also, Lincoln Project Caught Plagiarizing Tweets From The Democratic Socialists Of America
The Federalist: Seven Big Stories Corporate Media Is Ignoring Because The Truth Might Help Trump, also, GAO Claim That DHS Secretary Is Illegal Riddled With Factual, Legal Errors
Mark Steyn: Monsieur Verdoux, also, Squash & Sumo

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Video: Man Unconscious, Kicked in Head by Antifa ‘Security’ Thug in Portland

Posted on | August 17, 2020 | 2 Comments


Saturday night, police declared a riot in downtown Portland, but the mob returned on Sunday, blocking traffic with no police in sight. On Twitter, Andy Ngo shared video of the “Black Lives Matter”/Antifa mob unleashing mayhem on passersby. The video shows a man in a white truck on a corner next to a 7-11 store, surrounded by shouting protesters who for some unknown reason assault a blonde woman in the street. Under attack, the man drives away, but crashes into a building a block away. He is then set upon by the mob, including an Antifa thug wearing a “security” vest. No police are in sight as they haul the man from the truck, order him to the ground and then — for no apparent reason — the Antifa “security” thug kicks him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

First, the initial confrontation beside the 7-11:

Now, what happens at the scene where he crashed his truck:

This is what Antifa means by the chant, “Whose streets? Our streets!”

The mob considers downtown Portland their “turf,” and control their territory by the use of violence and intimidation. The video shared by Ngo was recorded by Drew Hernandez, who saw the whole thing from start to finish. What evidently happened was that a trans person was being harassed, and the white truck guy was trying to defend him/“her.” Members of the mob then followed him to his truck. It’s confusing, but what do you expect when anarchists rule the streets? The reason we have police and courts of law is to prevent this kind of vigilante “street justice” scene where insults escalate into violence. “Due process of law,” as guaranteed by our Constitution, is being violated by these self-declared “social justice” activists, and the fundamental liberty of American citizens is null and void wherever BLM/Antifa control the streets.

By the way, Internet sleuths claim to have identified the Antifa “security” thug who kicked this man in the head. I’d name the thug here — the identification looks legit — but I’ll wait until Portland police make an arrest, because due process of law. A felony assault charge, with the evidence on video, will put an end to this thug’s career.


‘Magnetic Kundalini’ Arrested by Feds in Case of Missing Alabama Mom

Posted on | August 17, 2020 | 2 Comments


Say hello to Shannon Ryan, 38, a/k/a, “Magic Kundalini”:

An Alabama resident who claims to be a witch, a god and the last person to see missing mother Leila Cavett alive now sits in Broward County Main Jail.
Shannon Ryan, 38, of Muscle Shoals, Alabama, faces two counts of lying to a federal officer.
Though other news reports say U.S. Marshals arrested Shannon Ryan, the U.S. Marshals said Sunday afternoon they didn’t make the arrest. The FBI held a press conference Thursday to distribute photos of Cavett and a timeline of her disappearance, but a spokesman said Sunday, “We are not commenting at this time.”
The FBI said Thursday the last record they have of Jasper, Alabama resident Cavett alive is the security camera video from July 25 at a Hollywood RaceTrac station. Her 2-year-old son, Kamdyn, was found the next day walking around a Miramar apartment complex, launching the investigation into his mother’s disappearance.
Ryan’s an incessant poster on Facebook over the pages “Shannon Ryan” and “Magnetic Kundalini,” the latter of which is devoted to “Witchcraft, Knowledge of Self, Kemetic Kundalini & Chakra meditation, Kemetic Science, Health, wellness, fitness, mentorship.”
Among his many posts on Aug. 9 is a 51-minute video on Aug. 9 in which he stated what he claims he knows about what happened to Cavett. From one of Ryan’s side rants in the video, some in the North Alabama region in which Jasper and Muscle Shoals sit about 90 minutes apart blame Ryan for Cavett’s disappearance.
“I did some burglary,” Ryan said. “I sold drugs when I as younger. I went to prison, too. That’s the dirt I grew up out of that made me the god I am today.
“Individuals love to try to hold you to a past frequency. You mean I can’t change? I can’t be transformed? I can’t renewed? Yeah, but the minute something goes wrong, you say, ‘This is who the (rhymes with “truck”) he is.’”
Ryan claims he met Cavett when she showed up at his house on a rainy night, filthy, pushing a similarly filthy baby carriage with goods, food and Kamdyn. After she told him a story Ryan said he didn’t believe about being abandoned, he said he took her and her son into his home. Despite helping Cavett get a car, Ryan said, she stole from him twice.
“I hexed her,” Ryan said. “Until you return my (stuff), everything you took, everywhere you go, people will try to take your son.”
Ryan said he came down to Hollywood because one of his students was sick. When she got hospitalized with pneumonia, he said he called Cavett to take the student’s place on an unspecified project that would take him into the Keys and the Everglades. He said he called Cavett “because she’s a survivor. I’m going out in the woods, the Everglades.”
Cavett didn’t show up for four days, Ryan said, in a truck she wanted to sell him. He said they met at the RaceTrac at 5800 Hollywood Blvd., and adjacent Walmart. They went to the beach between meals at Pollo Tropical and The Cheesecake Factory.
Cavett, Ryan said, wound up leaving from the RaceTrac with a carload of guys. Ryan says he spent much of the next day or two at the RaceTrac, using the WiFi. When he came back to her truck in the Walmart parking lot, police were there and questioned him.
“I didn’t know she was missing because I don’t watch TV,” Ryan said.


Keep in mind, we still don’t know what happened to Leila Cavett, but if she was involved with “Magnetic Kundalini,” that’s bad juju.

Here he is sharing his “oracle” in July:


That, my friends, is some high-density craziness.

And you know Crazy People Are Dangerous.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


Rule 5 Sunday: Marina Watanabe

Posted on | August 17, 2020 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

No, not that one. This one is a former idol singer who’s made a career for herself as a TV commentator and author; she has a dozen albums and several books out, and is definitely better looking than the One Woman Nazi Factory.

Watanabe is notable for having eschewed traditional idol modes of dress in favor of choosing her own clothes and styles.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, Morning Mistress, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1077, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Enthusiasm Gap Friday, and the 300th Saturday Gingermageddon!

EBL: Manon Lescaut, Arkansas Review, Carmen, Wanda Jackson, Bebel Gilberto, Rigoletto, Turandot, Vaya Con Dios, Tristan und Isolde, Bill & Ted Face The Music, La Boheme, Losing Your Pants At Sturgis, Stuffed, Luisa Miller, and Dakota Johnson.

A View From The Beach: Her Name Is Not Earl – Nadine ValezquezFish Pic Friday – Jenny SchmittTanlines ThursdayMore Wednesday WetnessWell, It Is 2020 After AllAnother Day Ending in “Y”EPA Tries to Run the Clock on FamilyIt Was An Itsy Bitsy, Teeny Weeny . . . and MMA Superhero Takes On SJW Twitter Mob.

Proof Positive: Yvonne DeCarlo

Red Pilled Jew: Women With Drinks

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Chicago: ‘Find Some Place to Loot’

Posted on | August 16, 2020 | 1 Comment


Say hello to Aaron Neal, criminal mastermind:

A 20-year-old man announced: “I’m going to find some place to loot” while filming himself on Facebook Live breaking into a Gold Coast neighborhood ATM with a hammer during the second widespread Mag Mile looting of the summer, prosecutors said Saturday afternoon.
The suspect, Aaron Neal, was in court Saturday, facing felony charges of burglary and criminal damage to property to the ATM, which prosecutors said was left a “total loss,” needing more than $2,000 in repairs. It was Neal’s first arrest. . . .
About 2 a.m. Monday, Neal showed up with a group and walked into a vestibule containing an ATM at 1 E. Delaware Place in the Gold Coast neighborhood, prosecutors said during the bond hearing.
After the group left, Neal came back and began filming on Facebook Live on his phone.
“He began hitting the ATM with a hammer in an attempt to break it open,” prosecutors said.
Some from the group returned, and he continued filming himself, at one point saying: “He was going to find someplace to loot,” prosecutors said.
“This incident is corroborated by the fact that, per the state’s proffer, you put your actions over the internet for public display,” the judge said. In addition, police found surveillance from the lobby.

This week, more than 40 suspects in Chicago’s looting spree made their initial court appearances and, as Paul Mirengoff points out at Powerline, none of the suspects even mentioned their alleged motive:

Ostensibly, the looting was a response to a police shooting in the Englewood neighborhood. Yet, according to the [Chicago] Tribune, none of arrested looters was from Englewood.
In fact, no one who made a statement in court upon being arraigned even mentioned the incident. Not only was the police shooting a pretext for the looting, it was so far from the looters’ consciousness that they forgot to mention it.
The prevailing motive of this “odd mix” wasn’t “police brutality,” it was the desire to snatch free stuff and, at least some cases, to smash things. In other words, envy and resentment, not “social justice.”

Who commits crime? Criminals, that’s who. This is self-evident, but the way Americans have been taught to talk about crime, we are never allowed to mention the existence of the category “criminal.” That is to say, we are supposed to believe (or at least pretend we believe) that the tendency toward criminal behavior is equally distributed throughout society, so that the only reason prison inmates are not a representative random cross-section of the American population is social injustice.

Well, let’s look at who got arrested for looting in Chicago:

More than a hundred people were arrested as blocks of stores were trashed, 13 officers were injured and downtown was shut for hours as police struggled to control unruly crowds late Sunday into Monday morning. A security guard and another person were shot downtown.
At least one person was charged with attempted murder, five with aggravated battery against police or resisting arrest, 28 for burglary and looting, six for gun possession and the rest for theft or criminal damage to property. . . .
Carloads of people descended on downtown and the North Side, smashing shop windows and carrying out TVs, Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags, iPhones, jewelry and other merchandise, sometimes piling them into waiting U-Hauls.
One of the first arrests downtown happened minutes before 1 a.m. when a man from the East Garfield Park neighborhood used a brick to smash a front window of the Burberry store on North Michigan Avenue.
As cops closed in, prosecutors said he hurled a brick and hit one of the officers in the head. . . .
Two brothers and another man, all with felony backgrounds, allegedly helped clean out an Apple store near Halsted Street and North Avenue in Lincoln Park. When police pulled over their blue Chevy Tahoe, they found $17,000 worth of iPhones inside. . . .
On Huron Street, video shows a man inside the Lester Lambert store methodically handing display cases of jewelry — as well as a gun found in a lockbox — to people waiting outside. As police arrived, he ran from the store and slammed into the commander of the Near North police district, knocking her to the ground.
He told arresting officers that he learned of the looting on Facebook.
Six men were caught with guns at looting scenes, including a convicted felon and registered gun offender who prosecutors said fled in a getaway car outside the Louis Vuitton store, leaving behind his loaded handgun with an extended magazine. He was ordered held on $300,000 bail.

These crimes were not committed by a random cross-section of the population. While some of the suspects, including the young criminal mastermind Aaron Neal, had no prior arrest record, that doesn’t mean they were upstanding citizens prior to the outbreak of what the media call “unrest.” In a city as violent as Chicago — where 437 people have been shot to death so far this year, and more than 2,000 others wounded by gunfire — the police don’t have a lot of time to bother investigating property crimes, low-level drug trafficking, etc. So that means there are a lot of criminals roaming the streets who’ve never been caught. In fact, nearly half of homicides in Chicago went unsolved last year, which means that there are literally hundreds of murderers out on the streets.

It’s not really a mystery why Chicago is Crime City, U.S.A, nor is it a mystery how Lori Lightfoot got elected mayor.


Mayor Lightfoot is a Democrat. Who votes for Democrats? Criminals do.

Whenever Democrats get elected, criminals celebrate this as a victory. The looting in Chicago was basically a Joe Biden rally. Here is police video showing the crime spree in downtown Chicago:


They don’t look like Trump voters, do they?


FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Electrician, Or Someone Like Him

Posted on | August 16, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: Waiting For The Electrician, Or Someone Like Him

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Anna Kendrick
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach

A Musical Interlude
Bacon Time

The Other Podcast Rides Again!

FMJRA 2.0: Who’s Gonna Drown In Your Blue Sea?
A View From The Beach

The Centurion, Some Collections, & A Fistful Of Manga

Probably Not Trump Voters: 20 Shot When Gunfight Breaks Out at D.C. Party
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Probably Not Trump Voters: Looters Smash Stores in Downtown Chicago
357 Magnum
Living In Anglo-America

In The Mailbox: 08.10.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Chicago: Crime City, U.S.A.
Dark Brightness
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach

Kamala the Cop Is Biden’s VP Pick

In The Mailbox: 08.11.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

She Ain’t Us’: How the #ADOS Attack Undermines ‘Phony’ Kamala
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.12.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

New York: ‘I Don’t Want to Leave, But I Don’t Feel Like I Have a Choice Now’
357 Magnum
The Pirate’s Cove
Gregor Mendel Blog

Feminist Marina Watanabe Rejected a Guy and Turned Him Into a Nazi

The Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 08.13.20
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Michigan Democrats Nominate Alleged Gay Pedophile for Congress

In The Mailbox: 08.14.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending August 14:

  1.  EBL (19)
  2.  357 Magnum (9)
  3.  A View From The Beach (7)
  4.  Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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The ‘Post Office Crisis’ Has Become the New ‘Russian Collusion’ for Democrats

Posted on | August 15, 2020 | Comments Off on The ‘Post Office Crisis’ Has Become the New ‘Russian Collusion’ for Democrats


There is no “crisis.” What there is, apparently, is a paranoid delusion that ORANGE MAN BAD is trying to “steal” the election:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democratic leaders are considering cutting short the August recess and bringing the chamber back into session to deal with the unfolding crisis at the U.S. Postal Service, according to Democratic sources.
The House could return to vote with the next two weeks, the Democratic sources suggested. The chamber is currently in recess, with no votes scheduled until the week of Sept. 14.
Pelosi and other top Democrats, including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), discussed the possibility of returning early during an emergency leadership call Saturday afternoon.
Democrats are looking to address organizational issues at the Postal Service in the coming weeks, not to provide additional funding at this time, according to sources familiar with the discussion.
One option would be to vote on a modified version of a bill introduced by House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) earlier this week that would prohibit USPS from implementing a planned organizational overhaul that critics maintain would handicap mail-in voting.
Other top Democrats also floated addressing other issues, including expired federal unemployment benefits and voting rights. But Democratic sources said the immediate focus — at least for now — is preserving the Postal Service ahead of the election.

(Note the Democrat claim to be “preserving” the Post Office, as if Trump is actually doing something to destroy it. Delusional.)

On Friday, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) issued a scathing statement accusing President Donald Trump and Republicans of waging an “all-out assault on the Postal Service and its role in ensuring the integrity of the 2020 election.” Their statement came after Trump said he opposes a federal infusion of funds to save the flailing postal service because he doesn’t support mail-in voting.
“The President made plain that he will manipulate the operations of the Post Office to deny eligible voters the ballot in pursuit of his own re-election,” Pelosi and Schumer said. “The President’s own words confirm: he needs to cheat to win.”

The word for this is crazy.

What is being called a “crisis” is, to the extent that it exists at all, caused by the fact that Democrats refused to negotiate a new spending bill. This has resulted in a shortfall of operational funds, because the Postal Service is a money-losing operation that requires taxpayer subsidies. It’s not as if mail isn’t still being delivered, but in the paranoid minds of Democrats, this budget issue (which they in fact caused) has gotten wrapped around their frantic drive for universal mail-in voting which, of course, would mean vote fraud on a massive scale. So when they claim Trump is trying to “cheat,” what Democrats actually mean is that Trump is not cooperating with their scheme to cheat. Anyway . . .

It’s all fake news, another phony “scandal” — Russia! Russia! Russia! — manufactured by Democrats and their media enablers. Keep in mind that the reason Democrats say mail-in voting is necessary is because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let the reader think about what the scene was like at your local polling place on Election Day 2016. My wife and I voted at an elementary-school gym. The lines weren’t long. It wasn’t crowded. So I could easily see how in-person voting could be conducted with proper “social distancing” measures, even if the pandemic continues to rage unabated for the next 11 weeks. That’s my precinct, in a rural area.

Guess where Democratic voters live? In big cities, run by Democrats, where the lines always stretch around the block on Election Day.

So, yeah, “social distancing” might be problematic for Democratic voters, but guess whose problem that is? Not mine.

Screw you, Nancy. Screw you, Chuck.

You wanted to play games with the spending bill, and this “crisis” is one consequence of your game. Choke on it, losers.


Once More Into the Breach: We Return Again to the Podcast Airwaves

Posted on | August 15, 2020 | Comments Off on Once More Into the Breach: We Return Again to the Podcast Airwaves

At our usual time — 7 p.m. ET — John Hoge and I will be bringing you our weekly rundown of the headlines at The Other Podcast.


If you miss the live show, the Podbeam archive is here.


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