The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

After They Kill All the Cops, What Then?

Posted on | June 15, 2020 | 4 Comments

“Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
The Dark Knight, 2008

One of the weirdest things about dealing with sociopaths is what it teaches you about human nature. If you are a decent person, you admire traits like honesty and kindness, and strive to uphold such values in your own life. Your interaction with the sociopath is shocking — emotionally disorienting — because the sociopath’s value system is the exact opposite. The sociopath takes perverse pride in his ability to deceive others, and gets a perverse thrill from sadistic cruelty. In the sociopath’s upside-down worldview, law-abiding decent people are chumps underserving of respect, who exist only to be swindled or otherwise exploited, and there is no one the sociopath hates more than those who, by the exercise of lawful authority, have the power to hold him accountable for his wrongdoing.

One of the most frightening aspects of “The Return of the Riot Ideology,” as I’ve called it, is the widespread demonization of police. Beyond the deliberate incitement of anti-white racial animosity — a very dangerous game, with a huge potential for an ugly backlash — you see a lot of young white radicals whose attitude is like the Joker, a purely destructive nihilism. How do young people develop such an antisocial worldview? What inspires this disrespect for authority, the desire to march around shouting angry slogans, defacing buildings with graffiti, smashing windows, destroying monuments? What sort of culture are these people immersed in as children, that they grow up thinking it’s cool to celebrate chaos and ugliness? What kind of future do they imagine in a godless world without courtesy, without law, without social order? Because that is where their anti-police rhetoric must inevitably lead.

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.”
Romans 13:1-2 (KJV)

If Paul could say this to the early Christians, living under the yoke of Roman tyranny, how much more does it apply to us, living as we are under a democratic form of government? Rulers “beareth not the sword in vain,” as Paul said, and any self-professed Christian who has not properly understood this doctrine needs to shut their mouth until they have learned it. As I have pointed out before, my son enlisted in the Army in 2013, when Barack Obama was Commander-in-Chief, and he re-enlisten in October 2016, when every pundit and pollster was certain that Hillary Clinton would be the next president. My son swore an oath to uphold “the powers that be,” and his opinion as to the policy and politics of these powers was not solicited. Police are in the same sort of position, and those who encourage disrespect for law enforcement are encouraging lawlessness, whether they admit this or not. That the “mostly peaceful” protests lead to rioting, looting and arson is not surprising to anyone wise enough to understand this. Bad causes attract bad people, and there are few causes worse than the anti-police mentality that demonizes all cops by the tactics of atrocity propaganda. The Wendy’s in Atlanta was apparently set on fire by a white woman, and what did she intend to achieve by this “mostly peaceful” act of arson?


Destroying a business is an act from which no one benefits. At least the mob looting Walmart gain something of value by their crimes, but what does someone gain by burning down Wendy’s? Nothing.

Arson and vandalism are purely destructive. Smashing a window, defacing a public building with graffiti, tearing down a statue — these are expressions of a destructive spirit, and anyone who defends this by saying “it’s only property” is displaying their own ignorance. It took many hours of labor to construct what the vandal defaces or destroys. What is the value of our lives, except the product of our labor? The progress of civilization — our ability to live above the level of abject poverty — becomes impossible if we are unable to protect the accumulated value of our labor. Property rights are human rights, in this sense, because no one will have any rights worth mentioning if we descend into savagery.

Consider the case of the “liberated” Seattle neighborhood that has become the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). During some kind of indoctrination session in CHAZ this weekend, one of the commissars invoked the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

The French Revolution was wrong from the beginning, as any reader of Burke should know, and it ended in the dictatorship of Napoleon. What do we suppose will result from the revolution that the commissars of CHAZ seek to incite? Did I mention they have an armed warlord?

What are they protesting against in CHAZ? What is their grievance? Can it be that Seattle, one of the most ultra-progressive cities on the continent, is guilty of racism and police brutality? If anyone has made such a claim, I missed it. There was no logical reason why the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis should inspire an armed revolutionary junta to take over a Seattle neighborhood 1,600 miles away.

When behavior cannot be explained by logic and apparent facts, we must assume that there is some hidden motive involved. There must be a reason for the takeover in CHAZ and, it is self-evidentl that their intentions are not peaceful. What they want is dead cops, and they will continue their deliberate provocations until they get what they want.

No one’s life or property is safe within CHAZ. The mayor has likened it to a “block party,” and most conservative commentators have treated CHAZ as a joke, but there are people inside that “autonomous zone” are who are not joking about their revolutionary goals. How many serious “antifascist” revolutionaries are there in CHAZ? Perhaps fewer than a dozen, but the revolutionary core is attracting into its orbit many reckless and impulsive young people, the makings of a violent mob, and sooner or later, this mob will commit an atrocity that requires a police response. And then the situation will turn into urban guerrilla warfare.

That’s how I expect events to unfold, anyway. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe what’s going on in Seattle is just a clown show, a ridiculous carnival being staged with the permission of the city’s liberal mayor, who has calculated that she will suffer no political damage from letting these animal run wild over a few city blocks for a couple of months. But CHAZ is an expression of the demonic spirit of lawlessness unleashed upon our nation by those sociopaths who “just want to watch the world burn.”


Rule 5 Sunday: Park Hye-su

Posted on | June 15, 2020 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I don’t watch a lot of TV (like, almost none) but thanks to YouTube I found the Korean series Age of Youth, which is a drama about five college coeds living together in an apartment. Park Hye-su stars as Yoo Eun-jae, youngest of the girls and from the countryside to boot; her performance won her the Rising Star Award at the first Asia Artist Awards in 2016. Here she is on the seashore in a fetching swimsuit.

On the beach but not washed up by a long shot.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: Hot Pick Of The Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #1014, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns.

Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Abolish The Police Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL: Shelby Lynne, La Clemenza di Tito, Nestride Yumga, Iolanta & Bluebeard’s Castle, Hansel & Gretel, The Like, Vivian Leigh & Hattie McDaniel, Blazing Saddles, The Ghosts Of Versailles, Annie Oakley, Met At Home Gala (Encore), Rodelinda, and Knives Out.

A View From The Beach: Neve CampbellFish Pic FridayBut I Thought the Science was Settled!Truckin’ Into ThursdayI’m Sure They Can Fix ThatSome Wednesday Wetness“Could” and “Will” are Two Different ThingsTanlines TuesdayMotorcycle MondayPalm Sunday and Bay Menhaden Fishery Dodges Shutdown.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe this week is Adrienne Barbeau, Bacon Time serves up Gabriela Sabatini, and Red Pilled Jew has Pretty Faces.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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So, Who Would You Say Is the WORST Person to Put in Charge of a Food Bank?

Posted on | June 14, 2020 | Comments Off on So, Who Would You Say Is the WORST Person to Put in Charge of a Food Bank?


Say hello to “Johnnie” (née Jennifer) Shaver, a progressive activist in Portland. You ask, what kind of “activism” does Johnnie do?

If you guessed “running a food bank,” you’re a winner:

Questions about financial misconduct have arisen over a viral Antifa crowdfunding campaign that raised over $100,000 on the promise of supporting Portlanders in need during the coronavirus pandemic.
A week before Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued a state-wide stay-at-home order on March 23, a group of left-wing activists in Portland started a GoFundMe campaign. The “PDX COVID-19 Mutual Aid Network Fundraiser” was an immediate success. Accompanied by a logo of a raised fist in between roses (Portland is known as the “City of Roses”), the campaign instantly surpassed its initial goal of $5,000. The page, which said it will be “withdrawing funds and delivering them to community members on a rolling basis,” was shared and retweeted far beyond the Pacific Northwest. It promised to center those who are “targeted and marginalized under capitalism.” Local food co-ops joined in by asking patrons if they wanted to donate to the fund during check-out. Artists and other activists organized their own sub-campaigns where proceeds were donated to the GoFundMe. With the outpouring of international support, the organizers raised the donation goal several times. The goal eventually was raised to $100,000—a near 2,000 percent increase. Within a few weeks, this goal was met. . . .

You can read the rest by Andy Ngo, who reports that there are questions about where the money raised by this “Mutual Aid Network” went. I don’t want to speculate publicly, but let’s just say I’ve got a hunch.

UPDATE: Thanks to Joe Guelph in the comments for pointing out that Jennifer/“Johnnie” Shaver is engaged (or married) to Jaclyn “Jackie” Spencer. This is the happy couple, with Jackie on the left:


Jackie works for the local public school system, because in Portland, they’re “inclusive” like that. So inclusive, in fact, that no Christian family would send their children to Portland public schools.


‘Suicide by Cop’: Why Did They Burn Down Wendy’s Over This Bulls**t?

Posted on | June 14, 2020 | 2 Comments


The Rayshard Brooks Memorial Bonfire:

An Atlanta Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks, 27, was fatally shot by police Friday night was set on fire.
The restaurant caught fire Saturday after protesters broke windows at the restaurant and threw fireworks inside.Cortez Stafford, a spokesman for Atlanta fire, said the blaze grew because it wasn’t safe to get to the area near the restaurant when the fire began. He estimated there were 1,000 protesters near the Wendy’s. . . .
In addition to the Wendy’s fire, protesters walked on to the highway [Interstate 75/85, known locally as the Downtown Connector] earlier in the evening, stopping traffic. Troopers warned them that they were violating the law. The demonstrators locked arms.“You have three minutes to disperse,” a trooper said. Organizers encouraged people to leave, but not many did. Some demonstrators were arrested on the interstate before one lane on the highway reopened shortly after 10 p.m.Protesters continued on to the Atlanta Police Department’s Zone 3 precinct on Cherokee Avenue where they chanted.

“Cherokee Avenue”? Isn’t that cultural appropriation? Has Elizabeth Warren denounced this yet? But never mind  that now . . .

When I wrote about the death of Rayshard Brooks yesterday, I was angry that this had happened in my hometown. Why was it, I asked, that the Atlanta Police Department could not have at least one black officer on the scene of this arrest in an overwhelmingly black neighborhood? And by “overwhelmingly black,” I mean like Mogadishu, it’s so black. You can ask anybody from the Atlanta area about that neighborhood. As I said, I don’t believe in hiring quotas, but it seems like to me that Atlanta, a city with a 51% black population, should have enough black officers on patrol that if two officers answer a 911 call to the vicinity of University Avenue and Pryor Road, at least one of those cops would be black. Especially in the wake of two weeks of racial “unrest” (which is what Professional Journalists call riots, looting and arson), you would think police might be sufficiently concerned about perceptions that this could have been avoided. Yet everything about this situation was stupid.

How drunk was Rayshard Brooks? So drunk he passed out behind the wheel of his car in the Wendy’s drive-through line. Stupid.

It was a little after 10:30 p.m. when police got the 911 call. The first officer responding was Devin Bronsan. About 20 minutes later, at 10:55, Officer Garrett Rolfe arrives. Rolfe is a seven-year veteran of the APD, and is a decorated member of the High Intensity Traffic Team (HITT) Unit, which “works to reduce the number of traffic related injuries and deaths in the City of Atlanta, especially involving impaired drivers.” Rolfe received an award from Mothers Against Drunk Driving for making more than 50 DUI arrests in one year. So this was not Rolfe’s first time at the rodeo; he is a specialist at drunk-driving prevention.

APD made public bodycam video from both officers. You can see from the videos that both officers were entirely courteous and professional in their interaction with Brooks, who tries to tell them an apparent lie, that someone dropped him off at the Wendy’s, where he had left his car. Brooks claims he doesn’t even remember being asleep behind the wheel. Rolfe explains “everything’s on camera,” but Brooks doesn’t acknowledge that he has been caught in a lie. Stupid.


While I’m not a lawyer, I believe the legal term for the condition Brooks was in would be “three sheets to the wind.” He was drunk as the proverbial skunk, high as the proverbial kite. Excrement-faced.

Brooks: “I’m not causing any problems.”
Officer Rolfe: “Well, we’ve got to make sure that you’re safe to operate a vehicle. Now, do you know where you are?”
Brooks: “Yeah, absolutely. I’m in Forest Park, Old Dixie Highway.”

The Wendy’s in Forest Park — the address is 131 Main Drive, but it’s right next to Old Dixie Highway, east of the airport — is 8 miles south of the University Avenue location in Atlanta, which is in Fulton County.

Forest Park is in Clayton County. In other words, Brooks was so drunk, he didn’t even know what county he was in.

Rolfe asks Brooks how much he’s had to drink, and he claims to have had only one margarita, which is an obvious lie, unless there’s a bar where margaritas are served in a half-gallon bucket. The cop has Brooks do a field sobriety test, then there is an extended conversation in which Brooks tries to talk his way out of it, and by “talk,” I mean, lie. Brooks keeps trying to claim that he wasn’t actually driving, etc., and finally Rolfe asks him to take a preliminary breath test. It is now 11:22 p.m., about 40 minutes after the first cop arrived on the scene, which means Brooks has had a chance to sober up a little bit. Generally speaking, each regular-size drink of alcohol (a 12-ounce beer, a 6-ounce glass of wine, 1.5 ounces of whiskey) will raise your blood-alcohol content (BAC) by 0.02%, so that you would need about four beers to reach the legal limit of .08% BAC. Your body can metabolize alcohol at a rate of about one drink an hour, however, so that if you spent three hours in a bar and had six drinks during that time, your BAC might still be below .08%.


One margarita, my ass.

If I’m reading that correctly, Brooks was over .10% BAC — closer to .11% — and given that it had been about an hour since he passed out in his car, I’m guessing he was closer to .14% when he pulled into the Wendy’s parking lot. Drunk as the proverbial skunk, I say, and remember that Officer Rolfe had gotten an award for his work to reduce the number of accidents “involving impaired drivers.” No way could he let Brooks go, and so after another minute of conversation — giving Brooks an opportunity to continue lying about how many drinks he had — Officer Rolfe says, “All right, I think you’ve had too much to drink to be driving. Put your hands behind your back for me.”

Officer Rolfe begins to put the handcuffs on Brooks, at which point, Brooks begins fighting. The struggle between him and the two officers continues a little more than 30 seconds, during which Brooks takes away Officer Rolfe’s taser, and is in turn tasered by Officer Bronsan. Brooks breaks free, and takes off running, pursued by Officer Bronsan with the taser. When Brooks turns to point the taser at Office Bronsan, he is shot by Officer Rolfe. This situation became violent so suddenly that less than 45 seconds elapsed between Officer Rolfe saying “I think you’ve had too much to drink” and him firing the fatal shots.

It happened without warning. Brooks was not the least bit belligerent or confrontational in his interactions with the cops, during the roughly 50 minutes that elapsed between the first officer arriving on the scene and the moment they tried to handcuff him. Brooks seemed to think that he could talk his way out of an arrest, but there was no hint that he was planning to attack the officers if they tried to arrest him.

What was Rayshard Brooks thinking? How did he expect this to end? Wasn’t this very close to a “suicide by cop” situation?

An attorney for the dead man’s relatives had a lot to say about “civil rights,” but nobody has a right to drive drunk — so drunk you don’t even know where you’re at — nor does anyone have the right to turn a DUI arrest into an assault on police. Obviously, the decision to shoot a fleeing suspect was wrong, except that Brooks had armed himself with Officer Rolfe’s stolen taser and then aimed it at Officer Brosnan.

Stupid. It was all so stupid, from start to finish. And that’s why they burned down Wendy’s — because Stupid Lives Matter.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers!


FMJRA 2.0: I Closed My Eyes, And I Slipped Away

Posted on | June 14, 2020 | Comments Off on FMJRA 2.0: I Closed My Eyes, And I Slipped Away

— compiled by Wombat-socho

The Church of ‘Social Justice’
The Pirate’s Cove
Bacon Time
The Political Hat
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach

Rule 5 Sunday: Blast From The Past – Bettie Page
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

A 21st-Century Mrs. Jellyby
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: Heat In The Street
A View From The Beach

Mamelukes, Marines, & A Wizard

Seven Killed in ‘Cold-Blooded’ Murder

‘Protester’ Who Made Terroristic Threats on Live TV Is a Brooklyn Lawyer
357 Magnum
Issues & Insights

Police: Colorado Lawyer Shot Disabled Veteran Who Drove Through Protest
Bacon Time
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 06.08.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Bonfire of the Wokeness: Feminist Editor ‘Steps Down’ Amid Racism Accusations
Dark Brightness
Battleswarm Blog

In The Mailbox: 06.09.20
Proof Positive

St. George of the Blessed Fentanyl: The Blasphemous Beatification of a Criminal
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 06.10.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Dark Brightness
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 06.11.20
Proof Positive

Police Chief Says ‘Elected Official’ Allowed Destruction of Portsmouth Monument
Dark Brightness
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 06.12.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending June 12:

  1.  EBL (17)
  2.  (tied) A View From The Beach, Proof Positive, & 357 Magnum (6)
  3.  Dark Brightness (5)

Thanks to everyone for the linkagery!

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Pray for Atlanta

Posted on | June 13, 2020 | 4 Comments

Most people who say they’re “from Atlanta” are actually not. They’re from Cleveland or Pittsburgh or somewhere, and live in Marietta or Forsyth. The vast sprawl of metropolitan Atlanta has attracted millions of people, but I was actually born in Atlanta in 1959, at what was then called Georgia Baptist Hospital on Boulevard, not far from what is now the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. As an actual native of the city, and still having many friends and family in the area, quite naturally I take interest in news from Atlanta, and this story makes me very angry:

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Fulton County District’s Attorney office are investigating a man’s death in a police shooting at a Wendy’s.
The GBI said 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks of Atlanta was shot and died at a hospital after surgery. An officer was treated for an injury and discharged from the hospital.
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms is holding a news conference at 5 p.m. to discuss the shooting. . . .
Atlanta Police Department first responded to the fast food location off University Avenue around 10:33 p.m. Friday night. The GBI says officers received a complaint about a man sleeping in a car in the drive-thru and cars having to drive around him.
Officers performed a field sobriety test on the man. The GBI says he failed the test and officers started to place him into custody. He resisted and a struggle happened over a Taser, according to witness reports.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Fulton County District’s Attorney office are investigating a man’s death in a police shooting at a Wendy’s.

There is video online of the incident:

This makes me angry for a lot of different reasons, most of which I explained in a post on my Facebook account:

To all my friends in the Atlanta area: Stay safe.
Last night, a drunk guy fell asleep at the wheel of his car in the parking lot of a Wendy’s restaurant. Police were called. The guy failed a sobriety test. When the cops went to put the cuffs on him, the man resisted and it turned into a fight. The guy broke free and was running away when one of the cops opened fire — SHOOTING HIM IN THE BACK. He died, and now we can expect more riots, because the drunk guy was black, and the cops were white.
This just makes me sick. I am against drunk driving, I am against resisting arrest, and I am also against shooting people in the back.
How in the world, after two weeks of riots, could these cops in Atlanta — OF ALL PLACES — do something like this?
The struggle between the officers and Rayshard Brooks was captured on a witness’s cellphone video, but the video I saw did not show what Brooks was doing when the shots were fired, so I don’t know if there was some extenuating circumstance. But a matter of policy, training and plain old common sense is involved. There should never be a situation where a suspect being arrested is able to overpower the arresting officers. These cops should have called for backup. I suppose hindsight is 20/20, of course. Two cops should be able to handle one drunk, right? But it would have been safer to have more officers on the scene.
And why shoot a fleeing suspect WHEN YOU’VE GOT HIS CAR?
That’s the stupidest thing about this whole mess. You are busting a guy for drunk driving. You have his license and his car. If he takes off running on foot, it’s not like he’s going to get away with it, right? Just get on the radio and call in assistance to search for the fugitive. I’m looking at this video and noticing that the cops seemed young. How much experience did they have? How much training?
Also: Two WHITE cops? In ATLANTA?
I do not believe in hiring quotas, but one would think that, in 2020, Atlanta PD would have enough black officers that there would have been at least one black cop on the scene of this arrest of a black suspect in a majority-black neighborhood.
Anyway, Atlanta is my hometown, and it hurts very deeply to see something like this happen there. I expect the result will be a lot of angry rhetoric, inevitably leading to protests that turn into riots.
Stay safe. Prayers for Atlanta.

This never should have happened, especially not in Atlanta.


UPDATE: The city’s lesbian police chief resigned:

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields has resigned following the death of a black man at the hands of an Atlanta police officer last night.
Rayshard Brooks, 27, was shot and killed after a confrontation with police outside an Atlanta Wendy’s. Video released by the GBI appears to show Brooks take a Taser from an officer, run from police and then fire it at them before he was shot.
Bottoms said Saturday that she believes it was an unnecessary use of deadly force and she has called on the officer’s immediate termination. The officer’s name has not been released.
“While there may be a debate about whether this was an appropriate use of deadly force, I firmly believe there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do,” Bottoms said. “I have called for the immediate termination of the officer.”
Bottoms said Shields will be reassigned within the department.

Erika Shields has been the police chief since 2016.

It is good that the mayor admits “there may be a debate” over whether it was “appropriate” for the officer to shoot. Obviously, a suspect who decides he wants to fight the cops is always in danger of being shot, because the cop always has a gun, and if the fight becomes a struggle for control of that weapon — well, it’s a life-or-death situation. Still, I hate to see this happen in my hometown, and hope the mayor can keep things calm.



Joe Biden Voter Arrested in Philadelphia

Posted on | June 13, 2020 | Comments Off on Joe Biden Voter Arrested in Philadelphia


Who loots stores? Who hates cops? Joe Biden voters do:

A Philadelphia woman fleeing the scene of looting in the wake of protests over George Floyd’s police-involved death allegedly ran over a police officer — reportedly leaving him “crushed from the waist up” with extensive injuries.
Angela Hall, 41, was driving away from a beauty supply store near 7th and Chestnut streets during rioting and looting on May 30 when she struck Officer Tony Nieves, who was on bike patrol and tried to stop her, District Attorney Larry Krasner said Tuesday.
“This individual’s criminal actions are egregious and resulted in serious, possibly permanent injuries to a police officer who was responding to a situation that was already dangerous,” Krasner said in statement. “My thoughts are with this officer and his loved ones at this time: I hope your recovery will be speedy and complete.”
Nieves’ relatives from Puerto Rico were traveling Tuesday to be by his side. The officer suffered multiple injuries in the alleged attack, including a broken arm, 12 broken ribs, a shattered sternum and five fractured vertebrae in his neck and back, WPVI reports.
“He’s in very bad shape right now at Jefferson Hospital,” Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 president John McNesby told the station. “He’s basically crushed from the waist up.” . . .
Hall, who has been charged with attempted murder and aggravated assault in the incident, also allegedly burglarized a nearby beauty supply store. Video footage shows several people carrying merchandise out of the store as Hall waited in one of three vehicles outside, Krasner said.
Hall is also accused of falsely reporting the rental car she allegedly drove into Nieves as stolen. Video shows her ditching the vehicle after the first two alleged incidents, Krasner said.

See, the way you can tell if a criminal is a Joe Biden voter is their extreme stupidity. For example, if you rent a car so that you and your friends can go loot a store, then you run over a cop, and don’t realize that surveillance video is eventually going to result in your arrest? Yeah, you’re probably stupid enough to vote for Joe Biden.

The riots were basically a Biden campaign rally.



Democratic Voters in Florida

Posted on | June 13, 2020 | 3 Comments

Basically, it was a Joe Biden rally in Tampa:

The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office is hoping you can help them identify hundreds of looters who broke into a Walmart store and [stole] more than $100,000 worth in merchandise.
According to HCSO, it was just after 9 p.m. on Saturday, May 30 when a crowd gathered in front of the Walmart Supercenter on East Fletcher Avenue.
The store was closed due to the police brutality protests occurring outside the University Mall, but people wielding blunt objects like hammers broke the glass entrance doors and stormed into the store.
Footage released by the sheriff’s office shows wave after wave of looters streaming through the front door — past the social-distancing reminders — and ransacking the store’s electronics section, hauling away computers, TVs, and more.
After reviewing the video, detectives believe somewhere around 200 people participated. An estimated $116,000 in merchandise and damages was reported.


The way to solve this case is by a process of elimination:. Assign deputies to go through the vote registration lists, subtract all the Republicans from the list and, somewhere among the names of the registered Democrats, you’ll find your 200 looters. Not that I would ever engage in any kind of profiling, you understand, but one look at that video, and I immediately recognized those people as Joe Biden voters. Go get ’em.



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