The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Chiefs Come Back to Win Super Bowl; Halftime Show Unexpectedly Goes NC-17

Posted on | February 3, 2020 | Comments Off on Chiefs Come Back to Win Super Bowl; Halftime Show Unexpectedly Goes NC-17


Does America want to see a middle-aged Puerto Rican woman shake her rump and climb a stripper pole? Like it or not, that’s what millions of Americans watched in the Super Bowl halftime show. Jennifer Lopez, age 50, starred in the show, and Todd Starnes was not amused:

“Mommy, what’s a stripper pole?”
I suspect many parents across the fruited plain were faced with that awkward question after letting their youngsters watch the Super Bowl Halftime Show.
Jennifer Lopez and Shakira starred in what can only be described as an NC-17 softcore porn production that featured a stripper pole, lots of crotch shots and simulated sex.
“We were disgusted with the raunchy show, provocative gestures, pole dancing, lack of modesty,” one outraged mom wrote on Twitter.
They were doing things that would have made the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah blush.

OK, maybe Starnes is a bit too puritanical, but there was a general agreement on Twitter that this was not suitable for children.

J-Lo is still kind of sexy for a middle-aged Puerto Rican, but I never cared much for her, even back in the day when she was half of “Bennifer” and got a $2-million engagement ring from Ben Affleck. I suppose we should be grateful, however, that the halftime show didn’t go “woke” and lecture us about “rape culture.” Meanwhile, there was a football game:

Patrick Mahomes threw two touchdown passes in the fourth quarter to lead the Kansas City Chiefs to a comeback victory over the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LIV, 31-20.
Mahomes and the Chiefs were down 20-10 heading into the fourth quarter. The quarterback threw a 1-yard touchdown pass to Travis Kelce with 6:13 left to cut the score. Then, with 2:44 left, Mahomes found Damien Williams on a 5-yard touchdown pass to put the Chiefs ahead.
Williams would then put the dagger into the hearts of the 49ers with a 38-yard rushing touchdown to put the game out of reach.
It’s the first Super Bowl victory for the Chiefs in 50 years. Kansas City hadn’t won since Super Bowl IV.

This was the outcome I had expected: The way the Chiefs defeated the Tennessee Titans in the AFC title game showed them to be formidable, and then there is the matter of values. Kansas City represents the American heartland — Missouri has two Republican senators and a Republican governor — whereas San Francisco is home to Nancy Pelosi, and is a crime-riddled dystopia where drug addicts defecate in the streets.


FMJRA 2.0: As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls

Posted on | February 2, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Ayako Kawasumi
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Eric Ciaramella’s Name Is Not a Secret, and #TeamTrump Only Hires Winners
Rotten Chestnuts
357 Magnum
Ruthfully Yours
A View From The Beach

Probably Not a Trump Voter
Bacon Time
A View From The Beach

False Dilemmas and Real Binaries: Patterns of Error in Logic and Rhetoric
The Political Hat

‘Living the Dream’ With @_32baby.k9_

How Desperate Do You Have to Be?

White Guilt at 28°F: $50,176 a Year
357 Magnum

FMJRA 2.0: I’ve Got The Brains, You’ve Got The Looks
A View From The Beach

The Basketball World Mourns ‘Mamba’
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.27.20
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Hunter Biden Settles Child-Support Arrangement With Arkansas Stripper
A View From The Beach

‘Credulous Boomer Rube Demo’

In The Mailbox: 01.28.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Republicans ‘Punch Back Twice as Hard’ With Ad Targeting CNN Elitists
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.29.20
Proof Positive

Can We Ever Forget the Tattoo-Covered, Mentally Ill Ex-Stripper Whose Real Name Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg?
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Report: Impeachment Could End Friday
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 01.30.20
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Collins Announces ‘Yes,’ Alexander ‘No’ on Calling Impeachment Witnesses: TIE?

Bernie Sanders: George Wallace Fan?

Violence Against Women Update

Crazy People Are Dangerous

In The Mailbox: 01.31.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Top linkers for the week ending January 31:

  1.  EBL (23)
  2.  A View From The Beach (10)
  3.  (tied) 357 Magnum & Proof Positive (6)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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‘Blade Runner’ in San Francisco

Posted on | February 2, 2020 | 2 Comments

San Francisco shop owner Gilles Desaulniers:

“Our society is falling apart. . . . If people do not play by some rules, society does not function. But it feels like there is no order, there is no shame. . . . Living here feels like A Clockwork Orange and Blade Runner have both come true.”

That’s just one quote from a mind-blowing Daily Mail article by Ian Birrell about what has happened to San Francisco, a Democrat-controlled city in a Democrat-controlled state. Say what you will about San Francisco’s problems, you can’t blame their mess on right-wing Republicans, yet the people living in that urban nightmare still cling to the same left-wing beliefs that got them into their current predicament.

Liberalism is about using taxpayer money to subsidize irresponsible behavior, and then blaming the predicably bad consequences on scapegoats: The “rich,” the “racists,” the Republicans.

The problem is that, in cities like San Francisco — or Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, etc. — there simply aren’t enough of those evil white Republicans around to shoulder the blame. Because the disastrous consequences of liberal policy cannot be plausibly explained by liberal theories of what causes social problems, the explanations they offer become increasingly implausible, and the demonization of their chosen scapegoats becomes ever more extreme. If you were to ask to the average Democrat voter in San Francisco what has gone wrong in their city, however, they would excoriate the “greedy” rich people of the high-tech industry, and probably also blame Donald Trump, although the city’s problems pre-date Trump’s election, and nearly all the big-money guys in Silicon Valley give their money to Democrats. Liberals like to think of themselves as “open-minded,” but in fact their worldview is simplistic and rigid in this way. It is impossible ever to get a liberal to admit that liberalism cannot solve the problems which are caused by liberalism.

If you could go back to 1964 — the last time San Francisco had a Republican mayor — you might find problems in the city to complain about, but it wouldn’t be a dystopian nightmare of rampant drugs and crime, because people who vote Republican simply won’t tolerate that. Democrats, on the other hand, have this idea that drug addicts, psychotics and criminals are “victims of society,” and therefore they will support policies that make society more “inclusive” and “equal” for the dangerous scum who have taken over the streets of San Francisco.


DNC Sold Out to Bloomberg ‘Because He’s Got a Billion F***ing Dollars!’

Posted on | February 2, 2020 | Comments Off on DNC Sold Out to Bloomberg ‘Because He’s Got a Billion F***ing Dollars!’


Michael Moore at a Bernie Sanders rally Friday in Iowa:

They are removing the rule to be on the debate stage, where it says you have to have so many people donating to you — otherwise instead of 27 people on the stage we’d have 270 people on the stage. You had to show you had a certain number of Americans that would give you a buck, that’s all the rule said, to show you have support. And that’s how they determine who would be on the debate stage.
Today they removed that rule because Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire, the Republican Mayor of New York City . . . They removed it so that he could be in the next debate. He doesn’t have to show he has any support among the American people, he can just buy his way onto the debate stage, and I’m going to tell you what’s so disgusting about this.
I watched the debate in Iowa here two weeks ago — the all-white debate — and the fact that . . . the DNC will not allow Cory Booker on that stage, will not allow Julian Castro on that stage, but they are going to allow Mike Bloomberg on the stage? Because he’s got a billion f***ing dollars!
I’m sorry. Those days are over. Those days are over.


The question of why the DNC suddenly decided to change its debate rules has a couple of answers: First, and most obviously, Bloomberg has given big money to the DNC and has promised to spend as much a billion dollars of his own money to beat Trump, no matter who gets the Democratic nomination. Allahpundit explains the second answer:

There’s a chance that Bernie wins easily in Iowa and New Hampshire, with Biden underperforming dismally. If that happens the media will be ruthless in attacking Biden as a chronic underachiever in presidential contests, the guy who just can’t get it done. The stink of campaign death will be on him even though he’ll limp on to Nevada and South Carolina. But establishment Dems will be panicking and looking for a longshot centrist option who might somehow be able to hold off Sanders. That’s Bloomberg, a guy who’s already bought his way into the top tier nationally and who seems willing to pay any price to promote himself. He may well be the only Democrat who can outspend the Sanders money machine, and he can do it by an order of magnitude. If Biden flames out early Bloomy may be the only game in town for centrist Democrats on Super Tuesday. Go figure that the DNC wants to start introducing him to the primary electorate as soon as possible at the debates.

In other words, Bloomberg is the fallback candidate for the “Anybody But Bernie” Democrats, who cheated Sanders out of the 2016 nomination, and are determined to cheat him again in 2020. As we discussed Saturday night on The Other Podcast, there is a parallel between the left-wing populism of Sanders and the right-wing populism of Trump. Both candidates ran against the party establishment — Bernie against the Clinton machine, Trump against the Bush/RINO/neoconservative crowd — and it’s possible that some “Bernie bros” hated Clinton so much they actually voted for Trump in November 2016.

Populism, rooted in a belief that the elite are decadent and depraved, is a powerful force in a society where political authority appears to be controlled by a corrupt cabal of insiders. As much as I abhor Sanders’ socialism, I am very sympathetic to his supporters in their resentment of the DNC establishment. Really, what are Democrat insiders so afraid of? Is it just because they think Sanders will lose? As if Biden would win? The idea that Creepy Uncle Joe would be a formidable opponent to Trump is a dubious proposition, and I think Democrats are more afraid that nominating Sanders would cost them the support of the fat-cat lobbyists who provide so much of the DNC’s revenues.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


Jenn Rubin: QED A Bigger #LiberalHack

Posted on | February 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Jenn Rubin: QED A Bigger #LiberalHack

by Smitty

Flipped the vote. Wow. @BayAreaHausFrau schooled me.

Having no real knowledge of Stelter, I think that I’m supporting Jenn #ForTheWin here.

Violence Against Women Update: Strangled Victim He Met on a Dating App

Posted on | February 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Violence Against Women Update: Strangled Victim He Met on a Dating App


Dating apps are a great way for women to meet violent sexual predators:

An Acworth man has been sentenced to 50 years in prison for violent sexual acts he filmed against a woman he met on a dating app, the Cobb District Attorney’s office says.
Darryl Joseph Clark, 38, strangled the woman and forced her to perform oral sex inside his hotel room at Hometowne Lodge on Baker Road in Acworth on July 5, 2017, records show.
The victim had to take a year off work because she was so terrorized, experiencing nightmares and flashbacks, the DA’s office said in a news release Thursday.
Nurses testified in the case that the victim suffered bruising on her neck and chest, as well as bleeding in both eyes, in the days following the attack, and this was indicative of strangulation with significant force.
Acworth police said the victim thought she was going to die.
According to the Cobb DA’s office, the woman connected with Clark through a dating app and they first met on July 4, 2017, in public.
“When Clark asked her to come into his apartment, she declined, but agreed to see him the next day,” the DA’s office said.
On July 5, 2017, the woman went to Clark’s hotel room. She tried to leave when he made physical contact, the DA’s office said.
That’s when Clark pushed her down, strangled her and then forced her to perform oral sex, which he filmed in an effort to blackmail her so she wouldn’t tell authorities, per the DA’s office.
Clark was convicted of aggravated sodomy and aggravated assault (strangulation) by a Cobb jury earlier this month.
The DA’s office said jurors heard testimony from Clark’s ex-girlfriend, who said he also strangled her and forced her to perform oral sex numerous times while they were in a relationship.
“She testified that Clark reacted violently when he was turned down for sex, and that she had to take out a protective order against him,” the news release stated.
Clark was sentenced to 50 years in prison and lifetime probation by Cobb Superior Court Judge LaTain Kell on Tuesday. Clark will be a registered sex offender if ever released from custody, the DA’s office said.
He has remained in the Cobb jail for 930 days since his arrest on July 14, 2017, and will get credit for time served.
Assistant District Attorney Drew Healy said Clark viewed women as objects, expected them to give him sex and was willing to use threats and violence to get what he wanted.

More violence against women feminists won’t notice, for some reason . . .

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


Senate Votes 51-49 Against Witnesses; Impeachment Circus Will End Wednesday

Posted on | February 1, 2020 | Comments Off on Senate Votes 51-49 Against Witnesses; Impeachment Circus Will End Wednesday


Our long national nightmare will soon be over:

Senators defeated a last-ditch effort by Democrats to call witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Trump Friday evening, then approved a final schedule that will force a vote Wednesday on Mr. Trump’s fate.
That means the president will deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday while still under the cloud of impeachment, but will almost certainly be acquitted the next day.
In a series of votes, Republicans blocked Sen. Charles E. Schumer’s attempt to get former National Security Adviser John R. Bolton to testify. The GOP also shot down an attempt by Democrats to outsource all witness decisions to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who has been presiding over the trial but not playing an active role in decision.
After defeating those motions, the Senate adopted its final schedule on a 53-47 vote.
Under the new rules, the chamber has adjourned until Monday, when it will return to hear final arguments from the House Democrats prosecuting the case, and from the president’s defense team.
The trial will then take a break Tuesday, giving Mr. Trump space to deliver his speech from the House chamber that night. Then the trial will reconvene Wednesday at 4 p.m., when a final vote on both articles of impeachment will occur.

(Hat-tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.) There was never really any chance that Trump would be removed from office, which would take 67 senators voting to convict. Nancy Pelosi knew that when she gave Adam Schiff the green light to commence this partisan witch-hunt in September. From the beginning, Schiff’s investigation was compromised by the fact alleged “whistleblower,” Eric Ciaramella, had no direct knowledge of the July 25 phone call at the center of the Ukraine (non-)scandal. Ciaramella is a Deep State protégé of John Brennan, and a known Biden supporter, while Ciaramella’s former NSC colleague Sean Misko, “joined Schiff’s committee staff in August, the same month the whistleblower submitted his complaint.” Whatever your opinion of Trump’s Ukraine policy, the Schiff investigation looked like a subversive plot against the president organized by a cabal of Democrat operatives.

Republican senators recognized this; the real question was whether such deliberate sabotage of the administration was acceptable. And thanks to “Cocaine Mitch,” the answer is, hell no. Exit quote:

“You know what I believe about all of this? It was a bunch of partisan bullshit in the House. It continued in the Senate. It’s gonna end Wednesday, the president’s gonna get acquitted, this is all gonna blow up in their face.”

You tell ’em, Lindsey.


In The Mailbox: 01.31.20

Posted on | February 1, 2020 | 2 Comments

– compiled by Wombat-socho

Thanks to everyone who bought stuff through my Amazon links this month, to say nothing of those who contributed to the Stop The Repo fund.

357 Magnum: Political Correctness Let Evil Run
EBL: You’re Next – Twitter Cancels ZeroHedge
Twitchy: Democrats & Liberal Media Not Handling Trump’s Impending Acquittal Well
Louder With Crowder: Trump’s Super Bowl Ad – Stronger, Safer, More Prosperous
According To Hoyt: When You’re Strange
Vox Popoli: The Secret King Of ComicsGate, also, The Reason For The Clampdown

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Internet Edition
American Conservative: The Best Way To Deal With Ukraine? Get Out
American Greatness: Six Drug Ring Members Released BY NYC, Including Three Illegals
American Thinker: It’s About Corruption – Replacing A Failed & Corrupt Political Establishment
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Micro-Nukes Friday
Babalu Blog: The Coronavirus Just Started In Red China, But The Castro Virus Has Been Afflicting Venezuela For 20 Years
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For January 31
Cafe Hayek: Note On The Fly
Camp Of The Saints: Why The Sudden Ramp-Up In Gun Control Measures?
CDR Salamander: Europeans Need To Grow Up, also, Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: Five Impeachment Realities, also, Licensing Laws Do Far More Harm Than Good
Don Surber: Liberals Pay The Price For Hating Trump
First Street Journal: Brexit Is Done!
The Geller Report: Tlaib Donor Praised Terror Backer Who Called For New Holocaust, also, 36 Killed By Jihadis In Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, The BBC’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Hollywood In Toto: Created Equal Lets Thomas Skewer The Left, Biden, & More, also, Rhythm Section – You Can’t Suspend Disbelief Forever
Joe For America: First Hunter Biden, Then Paul Pelosi Jr., Now Chelsea Clinton’s $uper High Board Seat Income Comes To Light
JustOneMinute: Bring On The Verdict!
Legal Insurrection: Senate Vote On Additional Witnesses – Rejected 51-49, also, Tulsi Gabbard’s Lawyer Says Hillary Has Twice Rejected Attempts To Deliver Lawsuit Papers 
Megan McArdle: Four Things Democrats Need To Understand About Beating Trump
The PanAm Post: Brazil’s Justice System Success, also, Spanish Government’s Inconsistent Explanation Of Venezuelan VP Visit
Power Line: It’s All Over But The Whining, also, Thoughts From The Ammo Line
Shark Tank: Sabatini Dismisses Soros-Funded CBD As “Radical Left”
Shot In The Dark: This Is What A Yale Degree Gets You
STUMP: Presidential Mortality Update 2020 – These Candidates Are Old
The Political Hat: Firing Line Friday – The Prevailing Bias
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Friday, also, DE Senator Refuses To Apologize For Saying Gun Control Could Lead To New Holocaust
Victory Girls: Drunk & Desperate Explains Pelosi’s Logic
Volokh Conspiracy: Fifth Circuit Declines To Rehear Obamacare Severability Case En Banc
Weasel Zippers: Watch Nigel Farage Lead England Out Of The EU, also, Shots Fired At Mar-A-Lago As SUV Plows Through Two Security Checkpoints
Mark Steyn: Remembrance & Appropriation, also, The Eleventh Hour

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