The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Another Crisis for the Wombat?

Posted on | January 21, 2020 | Comments Off on Another Crisis for the Wombat?

As our loyal colleague Wombat explained earlier, he’s run into a financial crisis caused by his health problems, and we must raise $500 for him by noon Wednesday to prevent the repossession of his automobile.

We can do this, folks: I just hit his tip jar for $15 myself, and if 33 readers will do the same, that’s a total of $510. Think crowdfunding — even if you can only give $5, please do so, and I’m certain that Wombat will be more responsible about his thank-you emails than I have been (he says, plagued by a guilty conscience). Getting the Wombat back on his feet (and keeping him on his wheels) is a worthy endeavor, a patriotic duty as it were, so if all our readers will chip in what they can, certainly we can stave off the arrival of that tow truck. Because I will make a slight alteration to the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:


UPDATE: Happy to report that, by your generosity, Wombat was able to make that car payment! Thanks to everyone who contributed!

In The Mailbox: 01.21.20

Posted on | January 21, 2020 | 1 Comment

– compiled by Wombat-socho

As much as I loathe doing this, I’m up against the wall again. The credit union is going to repossess my car unless I can come up with $500 by tomorrow at noon. Your contributions to the tip jar below would be greatly appreciated.

357 Magnum: I Feel A Great Disturbance In The Narrative Deplatformed – How Big Tech Companies & Corporate America Subvert The Second Amendment
EBL: It’s Time For Cocaine Mitch To Show Us His Senate Kung Fu
Twitchy: Puerto Rico’s Secretary Of State Confirms There’s Even More Warehouses Full Of Unused Aid
Louder With Crowder: Occasional Cortex Pwns Herself – “Why Are There Almost NO Police At Virginia Gun Rally?”, also, Is This Gun Rights Advocate A White Supremacist?

Adam Piggott: Girls, Your College Degree Is A Net Negative
American Conservative: NYT’s Lukewarm, Wrong, & Ultimately Useless Endorsements
American Greatness: New Book Details How Five Biden Family Members Cashed In On Joe’s Political ConnectionsProfiles In Corruption
American Power: Trump Impeachment – The Last Gasp Of Progressivism
American Thinker: Conservatives Need To Stop Playing Defense
Animal Magnetism: A Tramp Abroad I – Ireland
Babalu Blog: WaPo Puts Ultra-Positive Spin On Cuban Slave Doctor Scam
BattleSwarm: Thousands Not Dead At Richmond Second Amendment Rally
Cafe Hayek: A Deficit Of Clarity
Camp Of The Saints: The Virginia Protest & Lessons Learned
CDR Salamander: Words Mean Things – Fleet Marine Force Edition
Da Tech Guy: The Virginia #2A Tweet Awards, also, Red China’s Economic Troubles
Don Surber: Trump’s Remarkable Davos Remarks
First Street Journal: Democrisy – The Sexism Of The Bernie Bros
The Geller Report: Rep. Schiff Caught Leaking Classified Information To Damage President Trump, also, Muslim Who Raped, Murdered 92-Year-Old Was Here Illegally
Hogewash: Democrats, Gun Control, & Reality, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Hollywood In Toto: Adam McKay, Hollywood’s Progressive Propaganda Machine, also, Apu Is Gone – Is Linda Belcher Of Bob’s Burgers Next?
Legal Insurrection: Hillary Won’t Commit To Endorsing Sanders – “Nobody Likes Him”, also, Denver Post Columnist Fired Because Of His Insistence “There Are Only Two Sexes”
The PanAm Post: The Reputation Of A FARC Leader
Power Line: Inside Edition Looks For Crime, Finds More Than It Wanted, also, Trial Of The Century 
Shark Tank: Florida Democrats Support Child Genital Mutilation
Shot In The Dark: Nothing. Is Everything.
STUMP: Meep Picks Apart Teresa Ghilarducci On Working Longer
The Political Hat: Highlighting The Nonsense Of Gender Pronoun Madness
This Ain’t Hell: MRFF Is At It Again, also, Occasional Cortex Claims The Democrats Are Center Or Right Of Center
Victory Girls: Schumer Has Tantrum On Senate Floor Over Impeachment Rules
Volokh Conspiracy: The Case Against The Slippery Slope Argument Against Impeachment For “Abuse Of Power”
Weasel Zippers: Project Veritas Drops Another Video On Bernie Staffer’s GULAG Agenda, also, Biden Says We Should Be Helping Red China
Mark Steyn: The Last Waltz, also, Revenge On Reality

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A Mass Shooting CNN Won’t Notice

Posted on | January 21, 2020 | 2 Comments

There was a mass shooting Sunday night in Kansas City in which one woman was killed and 15 other people were injured. Three of the injured victims were listed in critical condition Monday. Mass shootings have become part of propaganda campaign by Democrats and the media, who seek to blame President Trump for these crimes — a “climate of hate” supposedly inspired by the White House. However, not every mass shooting lends itself to this political narrative, and so CNN viewers will not be getting 24/7 coverage of the Kansas City shooting:

Jahron Swift was identified by authorities as the gunman in a mass shooting that left at least 16 people wounded, 1 fatally, at a Kansas City nightclub a couple hours after the Kansas City Chiefs won a spot in the Super Bowl.
The shooter also died at the scene. The shooting occurred outside at 9ine Ultra Lounge bar about 11:30 p.m. on January 19, 2020 in the 4800 block of Noland Road. . . . The bar was hosting a Chiefs’ party.
Kansas reported that the shooter “started firing into a line of people waiting to get inside” the club. The motive remains unclear. Jahron Swift was 29 years old and a resident of Kansas City. . . .
In a news conference, Kansas City Police Chief Richard Smith said the first call came in at 11:27 p.m.
“This club had come up previously. We knew it was an issue at other points in time in the past. Officers had done a check of the parking lot and were less than a minute out when we got our first call,” he said. . . .
“No one fired a weapon other than the security guard and suspect. Police officers fired no shots at the scene,” Smith said. He said the shooting ignited after a “disturbance in the club…in the line waiting to get in. This incident unraveled shortly after that disturbance.” Police don’t know what caused the disturbance. The chief said he was aware of social media reports that people were cutting in line but said they haven’t confirmed that.
The guard was inside the club and “heard commotion. He went outside and that’s when he confronted the suspect,” the police chief said. . . .
Swift had a previous criminal history. According to Missouri state court records, he was accused of unlawful use of a weapon and possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) in 2017.
There are also some civil cases and a paternity action against him. A court ordered him to pay child support.

Further details about the killer:

We’re learning more about the suspect in Sunday night’s shooting at 9ine Ultra Lounge in east Kansas City. It turns out he never should’ve had a gun in the first place.
Jahron Swift just got off probation after a felony conviction. . . .
The 29-year-old was sentenced for unlawful use of a weapon and felony drug possession in 2015. According to court records, Swift and two other men were pulled over in a traffic stop. Officers uncovered thousands of dollars worth of pills, marijuana and cocaine, several guns, and almost $8,000 in cash.
That conviction means Swift couldn’t legally own a gun.

If more than a dozen people had been shot by an “alt-right” Trump supporter, CNN would be airing hourly updates, with politicians and pundits being asked to weigh in on the “climate of hate” that allegedly caused the mass shooting. However, when an angry dope dealer opens fire because people are cutting in front of him in the line to get into the club after the Chiefs won a trip to the Super Bowl? That’s just local news.

There were 149 homicides in Kansas City last year. None of them made the national news, because none of the killers was a known Trump voter.


In The Mailbox: 01.20.20

Posted on | January 20, 2020 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 01.20.20

– compiled by Wombat-socho

357 Magnum: Not-So-Smart Homes
EBL: Asshat Of The Day – Blue-Check David Leavitt
Twitchy: Alyssa Milano Correctly Identifies Peacefully Protesting Gun Owners As “Trump’s America”
Louder With Crowder: VA Gun Rally Attendee Nails It – “Gun Rights Are Civil Rights”

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links  – The Love Song Edition
American Conservative: The Covington Kids’ Revenge, One Year Later
American Greatness: Progressive Petards, also, Scandal Erupts In Puerto Rico After Unused Hurricane Maria Aid Found
American Power: Maine Leftists Can’t Cancel Michelle Malkin
American Thinker: What Do Democrats Fear About Donald Trump? Greatness
Animal Magnetism: While We’re Traveling…
Babalu Blog: Florida Democrats Trying To Erase Their Long History Of Defending Socialist Regimes
BattleSwarm: Bluecheck David Leavitt Vs. #TargetTori, also, Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update
Cafe Hayek: Government Schooling & Supermarkets
Camp Of The Saints: Virginia – Is A New “Shot Heard Round The World” Coming?
CDR Salamander: Mid-January Melee On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: America’s Greatest Enemy Is Not A Physical One, also, Report From Louisiana – Reading List
Don Surber: Facts The Wall Street Journal Overlooked
First Street Journal: The Two-Facedness Of Max Boot
The Geller Report: Palestinian Muslima Running For Manhattan DA, also, 150 Occupied Territories In France Held By Muslims – Secret MoD Report
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post of The Day, also, On Being Dangerous
Hollywood In Toto: How Stabbing Westward’s Improbable Reunion Happened
JustOneMinute: When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It
Legal Insurrection: Fauxcahontas – “How Could The American People Want Someone Who Lies To Them?”, also, Virginia Pro-2A Protest Was Peaceful Despite Hysterical Predictions By Democrats & Media 
Megan McArdle: Pushing Back Against Red China Is About Staying True To Ourselves
The PanAm Post: Venezuela’s Guaido Meets With Pompeo In Colombia, Heads To Davos 
Power Line: Pro-Gun Rally In Richmond Is Peaceful, Liberals Hardest Hit, also, The Prophetic Voice
Shark Tank: Rick Scott Guilts Europeans For Visiting Cuba
Shot In The Dark: The Steady Drip Drip Drip
STUMP: French Pension Protests – Macron Backs Down On Retirement Age & Protests Continue
The Political Hat: Rape Gang Privilege
This Ain’t Hell: Navy To Name Aircraft Carrier After Pearl Harbor Hero Dorie Miller, also, Someone Is Really Angry At You Guys
Victory Girls: Womens’ March 2020 – The Retreat Of The Pussy Hats
Volokh Conspiracy: Desperately Smearing Amy Coney Barrett
Weasel Zippers: Montage – Media Hypes False News About Gun Rights Rally, also, Black 2A Supporter Has A Few Words For The Media
Mark Steyn: Falling Down, also, I’m Just Wild About Harry

Amazon Warehouse Deals

Rule 5 Monday: Stacey Dash

Posted on | January 20, 2020 | 2 Comments

– compiled by Wombat-socho

This week’s appetizer is Stacey Dash, actress and occasional conservative pundit, because it’s her birthday and I lacked inspiration. It’s also Buzz Aldrin’s birthday, but I think you’ll agree he’s well past his beefcake days, even if he can still punch out the occasional obnoxious idiot.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #867, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. At Animal Magnetism, it’s Rule Five Fleecing The Rubes Friday and the Saturday Asian Invasion.

EBL rustled up some prime cuts this week: Go Big Or Go Home, There Can Be Only OneChicken Feet, Itzy: Icy, Jessie Buckley, Booth Babes, Prohibition Babes, and Julie London.

A View From The Beach hauls in Capetown Cutie – Leah SandersEPA Bay Program Admits 35 Years of FailureFish Pic Friday – Carpe DiemTanlines ThursdayGone Fishin’ RussiagateWater Bottle WednesdayHaving Solved All Their Bigger Problems . . .Having Solved All Their Bigger Problems . . . (no, not an accidental copy), Pennsylvania Seeks to Protect Farmers from Bay Diet CostsI’m Afraid I’ll Just Have to Take Her Word For ItSo Long, Marianne! and Palm Sunday.

Proof Positive’s Vintage Babe is Kim Novak, Bacon Time has New Year’s Resolutions, and Red Pilled Jew has Women Across The Table.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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Be Careful in Richmond, Please

Posted on | January 20, 2020 | 1 Comment

Thousands of Second Amendment activists are assembling today at the Virginia capitol in Richmond to protest against proposed legislation that would infringe their right to “keep and bear arms.” Last week, activists noticed signs that the Left might be sending agents provocateurs to this event in an attempt to create some incident that might embarrass the gun-rights movement. So if you are going to this Richmond rally, stay safe, and do not allow yourself to be baited into saying or doing anything offensive or illegal. Keep your eyes open for trouble, and urge your fellow attendees to stay away from any conflict that might emerge. Because great minds think alike, Dana Loesch is offering the same advice:

Some in media and many anti-gun/gun control advocates are desperately trying to gaslight everyone into thinking that Virginia’s Second Amendment lobby day will be Charlottesville 2.0. Since 2002 the Virginia Citizens’ Defense League has peacefully gathered law-abiding Virginians in Richmond to speak to lawmakers on behalf of preserving Second Amendment rights. This year is no different — except the numbers are expected to be astronomically larger due to state Democrats’ gun control kegger.
Do not be baited. Do not be provoked.
You are at an extraordinary moment in history and the rest of us in states, counties, and cities across the country (all of us dealing with rights grabs like you, some at stages earlier than others) are watching you, praying for you, and depending on you. How you choose to use your time and impact your community will send shockwaves throughout the rest of the country. Do not be distracted from your good work by bad actors sent to incite, antagonize, and sabotage your efforts. Stay relentlessly focused.

The First Amendment specifically protects the right of citizens “peaceably to assemble” and express their grievances. Anyone attempting to disturb the peace at such an event should be carefully avoided.


Is Noah Berlatsky a Pedophile?

Posted on | January 19, 2020 | Comments Off on Is Noah Berlatsky a Pedophile?



“Fascists love to use accusations of pedophilia as a way to invalidate and destroy enemies.”
Noah Berlatsky, Sept. 6, 2019

Look, I’m not making any accusations here, and far be it from me, an award-winning journalist, to engage in irresponsible speculation. There is no actual evidence that Noah Berlatsky is a pedophile, as far as I know, and it would be reckless to attempt to infer anything about his sexual preference based merely on a few messages on Twitter, taken out of context. Rather, if anyone seriously suspected Berlatsky of pedophilia — which, as I say, there’s no specific reason they should suspect this — it might be more productive to consider his overall oeuvre of work, including his oft-noted status as a so-called “male feminist.”

If you get my drift. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.

My point is not to question whether it would be safe to let your children have a sleepover with “Uncle Noah,” but rather to demonstrate that it is wrong for journalists to engage in character assassination merely because they happen to disagree with someone’s politics. Yet this is exactly what Noah Berlatsky has done to Trump supporters:


Trump voters motivated by racism may be
violating the Constitution. Can they be stopped?

As insulting as that headline is, the article’s first paragraph is worse:

If the Trump era has taught us anything, it’s that large numbers of white people in the United States are motivated at least in part by racism in the voting booth. Donald Trump ran an openly racist campaign for president, calling Mexicans rapists and criminals, regularly retweeting white supremacists and at least initially balking at repudiating former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. Trump made it clear in his campaign that “Make America Great Again” meant that America was greater when white people’s power was more sweeping and more secure. White voters approved of that message by a whopping 58 percent to 37 percent.

That’s 102 words, in case you weren’t counting, and notice:

“. . . white people . . . racism . . . openly racist . . . white supremacists . . . white people’s power . . . White voters . . .”

Berlatsky begins with a premise that he does not ever bother to state, namely that the election of President Trump was wrong, and that anyone who voted for Trump is a bad person. Berlatsky believes that all 62.9 million Americans who voted for Trump did so out of ignorance or malice, or perhaps a combination of ignorance and malice. Either way, all good people voted for Hillary Clinton, according to Berlatsky, and so the only questions worth asking about Trump voters are:

  1. What kind of evil are they?
  2. How can we stop them from electing Trump again in November?

The rest of Berlatsky’s article is one of those through-the-looking-glass, down-the-rabbit-hole journeys into “progressive” madness that is difficult to describe. Ir would be easier to transcribe the gibberish of a dope fiend in the midst of a psilocybin freakout.

Berlatsky not only contends that it is racist to vote Republican, but seems to believe that Democrats have a right to win every election, so therefore it is unconstitutional to vote Republican. The entire article is a vile act of deliberate defamation, and NBC News should be apologizing for having published it. As for Berlatsky himself, his byline is a disgrace to any organization that publishes his hateful slander and, while I repeat that I have no actual evidence that he’s a pedophile, I certainly wouldn’t trust him near my children. Would you trust him with your children?

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)


FMJRA 2.0: Disintegration

Posted on | January 19, 2020 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule Five Sunday: Texans Cheerleaders
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
Animal Magnetism
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

A Dark Day for Democracy
A View From The Beach

FMJRA 2.0: It’s No Game
A View From The Beach

Warren Fades; Democrats Worried UPDATE: Cory Booker Drops Out
357 Magnum

Soros-Funded Crime Spree Continues
357 Magnum
Whores & Ale

In The Mailbox: 01.13.20
357 Magnum
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

‘Threatened Species’
Dark Brightness

In The Mailbox: 01.14.20
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Canadian Tranny ‘Jessica’ Yaniv Attacks Reporter
Living In Anglo-America

The Duchess of Sussex Is a Nasty Whore, and Prince Harry Is a Hopeless Fool
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 01.15.20
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Florida: The Pervert State

Elizabeth Warren’s Media Helpers Try to Revive Her Campaign at Bernie’s Expense

In The Mailbox: 01.17.20
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Our Moral Superiors
Dark Brightness
Pushing Rubber Downhill

In The Mailbox: 01.18.20
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

Top linkers for the week ending January 17:

  1.  EBL (18)
  2.  A View From The Beach (8)
  3.  Proof Positive (6)

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